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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1934)
i , 1 : : - ' Uniistiali MusiGal, 1 BSIMI9TI0II I FILT.l T Mifll "Flying Down to Rio" Has Thrilling Novelties; Music Duel Waged v Novelties sheer, salmmerlng. tbrilllng novelties, are the ml rather t h a n the exception In RKO-Radio Plctares musical ex travaganza. "Firing Down to Rio. current t attraction at tne Elslnore. . r - First, the story starts out with handsome Gen Raymond darting about the country in a "flying piano--(It flies, too) -seeking se- eluded spots to compos harmony . fox his band. - ' - Then he Ukes Lis on t tit, by air. to beautiful Rio do Janeiro, where ha la scheduled lo open op1 a new hotel with a big mu- sical show. s -1 He falls in love with the own er's daughter, t- Dolores Del Rio, and a .rivalry for het hand is. be gu between himself 1 and ha ad some Raul Roullen, a native Bra- They engage In a musical duel, American melodies "vlelng with native onts for a supremacy. Such is, the story., which is fur- thef enlivened from time to time) by the comic antics of Ginger Ro gers and Fred Astaire. One of the most powerful hu man dramas ever to be presented oa the Capitol screen is "Day of Reckoning," picture of "prison families" starring Richard Dlx. ' A vivid s revelation of "wives who wait," the story concerns the iron rule of prisons that "no woman will wait for a man more than three years.? And the work tag of that fatal law provides the basis for a thrilling climax. The Cast of : the new picture with Richard Dlx in a starring role includes Madge Evans, Con way Tearle, Una Merkel and Stn art Erwin. "Easy Millions", second feature at the Capitol features Skeets Gallagher j supported by Johnny Arthur, Meraa Kennedy, Dorothy Bargees, Noah Beery and others. It is a comedy. lira SELECTS OFFICERS WOODBURN, Jan. 6. - Ever green assembly No. 12 Order of Rainbow for Girls, held elections Tuesday . night In the Masonic temnle. Miss May Strike was elected .'worthy f advisor; Helen Woodfin. associate worthy advis er; Barbara Espy, charity; Lonlse Molding; hope; t Iris Culaforth, faith; Muriel Beckman, recorder, and Jean L. Beers, treasurer. . Appointive officers chosen by 'theV worthy advisor are May Breed. ' chaplain; Marie Strike, drill . leader; ' Vera Jean Huber, organist; Betty Ackerman, red; llarjorie Faulconer, orange; Ijpne Turner,: yellcw; Rosemary Corey, "green; ;Mary aJne Shaw, blue; Marie Breed, indigo; Annette Lytle, violet; Florla Nelson. Jn "ner .. observer; Vivian Sowan, Marrbelle Adams, Barbara Jen sen, Lois Jane Rlngo, Betty Davis and - Paulln Nelson, dioir. .An lnrltaJoi. has been extend ed to Chad wick assembly of Sa lem 'to be present at the public Installation January 16 at 8 o'clock, with Miss Pauline Nel son, retiring : worthy advisor, as r installing officer. First Girl Baby Receives Gifts SILVERTON. 'Jan. I.Whils Sllverton residents were eagerly awaiting news of the arrival of Little Miss ltJ4 Sllverton at the Sllverton hospital, she quietly ar rived at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reznicsek in tie North Howell district on Jan . nary -1, The Infant has " been , named , Shirley K athryn and weighed, ten pounds and a Quar ter, suvertoa merchants Have splendid array of gifts awaiting the little miss when her parents eaii for them:. '-u--- : JOHNNY QODincon ORCHESTRA QLIOIV MOON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10 r ADSIISSION DIY0FIC1B SIlMfllOL HEY FEATURES Flying Down to Rio" - s if 1 Jn&t a sample of the many beautiful chorines appearing in 'Flying Down to Rio." starring Dolores Del Rio at the Ekinore. Clark Gable and Jean Harlow Man" at the Hollywood. The Call Board . . . GRAND Today Lee Trsey,in "Ad " vice to the Lovelorn" pjus Disney Silly Symphony. Thursday James Dunn in "Jimmy and Saly." ELSrXORE Today Dolores Del Rio in "Flying Down to Rio." Wednesday Ruth Chatter ton in "Female." Friday James Cagney in , !-Lady Killer." HOLLYWOOD Today Jean Harlow In '"Hold Tour Man." Wednesday Charlie Ruggles In "Mama Loves Papa." Friday - John Wayne in "Haunted Gold." Saturday Midnight matinee, Kay Francis in "Storna at Daybreak." CAPlTOIi Today Double bill, "Day of Reckoning" with Richard Dlx and "Easy Millions" with Skeets Gallagher. Tuesday Baby LeRoy in "Tillle and Gus." Thursday ' "White Woman" with Charles Laughton. 8t Ate Today Pat O'Brien in "The World Gone Mad." and Dtnercoloreirtoon. "Old King Cole." Tuesday Bruce Cabot In "Midshipman Jack." Thursday First run, Clar- ence Darrow's "The Mys- . tery of Life." , ; Saturday only Jack, Hoxie in "Gold.- ftfl AHcssfOwdTtoatir r LJo&i,Yi7ooU Today, Monday and Tuesday Co n tin o as Perfertauuice 6onday2toll ANYTiaiE Together Again! 15c WIVES! SWEETHEAKTS! Tate : Jean' , Harlow's love technique la this aewest ro- Uw' r aX ir PA V I - are reunited in "Hold Your Lone Woman of Hobo Jungle is Placed in Jail SILVERTON, Jan. The city of Sllverton is playing host to a woman, pending investigation. The woman, who gave her name as Sophia Paetsch, has been "strolling" for the past ten years, she said. Some weeks ago she had walked over from Lebanon to Sllverton and for some time now has been living at the hobo camp at Sllverton. It was reported that there were approximately 16 men wintering at the hobo camp and that Friday some trouble arose involving the lone woman. She was taken to the local jail by Constable S. A. Pitney where she 73 Also . .1 WALT DISNEY'S NEWEST COLORED croLiLir GirLn?eor-nr v - ' "NIGHT BEFORE XMAS , J 2 COMEDIES and NEWS ( Ccntxaaosi Sho& Daly "Advice to , Lovelorn" With Lee Tracy; Wise-Cracks . Abound, is Report No picture ; in many - months promises more ' laughs 6t : more tender irony than "Adtice to the Lovelorn." showing today at the Grand theatre, with Lee Tracy in the role of a hard-boiled re porter forced to conduct an agony column. r The role Is perfectly sultea to Tracy's peculiar talents ar. arm ed with a supply of wise-cracks as fresh and snappy as himself, the blond star contributes another flawless and Tivid characterisa tion to add to hi long list of sue- CGSBGS. "Advice to the Lovelorn," re calls the sentimental columns that are rapidly disappearing from American newspapers. Sally Blane is the love Interest, and others who will be seen are Isabel Jewel, Paul Harvey, Ju dith Wood. May Boley, Sterling Holloway. C Henry Gordon, Jean Adair, Matt Brlggs, Charles Lev lnson, Adalyn Doyle and Etienne Girardot. Wet Plank Cause Of Sprained Ankle MILL CITY, Jan. 6. Mrs. Sam Jurgenson is confined to her home with a severely sprained ankle, the result of a fall. Mr. Jurgencon had gone out to do the evening chores and as he ha not been in very good health for months and was gone longer than Mrs. Jurgenson thought neces sary, she became alarmed and went in search of him. Stepping. on a wet plan sne supped wun the result of the sprained ankle. It so happened that Mr. Jur- gensoa had met with a tainting spell, wtlc'i he is said to be sub ject" to, an after effect of being injured in the war. Mrs. Jurgen son finally succeeded in getting to a neighbor's house and sum moning aid for her husband, - - Tom Boot'i, head clerk in the Hammond meat market. Is wear ing a broad smile there days. A grandson arrived at the Booth home December 31, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crooks. The new arrival tips the scales "at eight and one - half pounds and has been named Thomas Leroy. Mrs. Crooks la a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Booth, and this is the first grandchild. Home Acquired, Being Improved STATTON, Jan. . Mr. and Mrs. Herman Darly, who were re cently married, are said to have purchased the house used tor an office for the West Stayton Irri gation company and the adjoin ing acreage. They are doing con siderable Improving and will have a cosy home . when the work is finished. Is being housed until investiga tion can be made. 1 p. m. to 11 p rl 1 Newspaper, Yarn at Grand . Lee Tracy and SaDy Blane share honors in the fast-moving picture. "Advice to the Lovelorn' l the Grand. 'X L Neil Hamilton and Mary Brian f Ornish the romantic interest in "The World Gone Mad," current attraction at the State. PUYS REVIEWED IT CLUB MEETING STAYTON, Jan. 6 At the Women's club meeting Thursday afternoon. Miss Martha - Jindra, of the high school faculty, re viewed several of Eugene O'Neill's plays. Among them were Oil, The Cross, . Strange Interlude and Our Wilderness. The dose at tention give Miss Jindra bespoke of the interest and appreciation of her listeners. Lee Brown reviewed "An In troduction to Modern Social Prob lems." This book was written by Philip A. Parsons of U. of O., and since Mr. Brown was assistant to Dr. Parsons for two years, he was quite familiar with his sub ject and gave an excellent review. Mrs. E. R. Olds played two vi olin numbers, accompanied by Miss Naomi Toble. Hostess for the afternoon were Mesdames To bie, Rowe and Waller. The usual business of the club was transacted and one of the monthly card parties was an nounced for December 10, with TODAY AND MONDAY Just glance over this lineup of attractions folks! Yoall agree with us it's great! mmsm it OLD KING COLE" Filmed in Natural Colors ALL LAUGHS TODAY'S A HOST OF POPULAR PLAYERS in -4 . . - AN UNUSUALLY TIMELY PICTURE THAT YOU ARE SURE TO ENJOY Ja i , -i t r -ss-sJ - I fabLafeUatt I ONE OF THE MOST ASTOUNDING PICTURES EVER tha bndcf - wheTw deslh stI! tvery ip A N 4 wl Mrs. Edward J. Bell, Mrs. Sim T. Etcel, Mrs. Lawrence Smith and Mrs. Heme Jones as hostesses. GATES, Jant 6. A great many people interested in the North Santiam highway work. which was recently up for con tract on the-stretch of work be tween Mill City and Gates, have been disappointed because of the delay caused by the refused eon- tract. Several men are depending on thd road work for a living. The school district has not been able as yet to . get any of the CWA work. The red tape because of the Joint district seem' ed to hinder the local school board although plenty of effort has been put forth. Mrs. Jack Doyle has been quite 111 at her home near Gates. Mrs. Paul Ratzberg of King's Prairie, has been caring for her. Mr. Doyle who is stationed at the CCC camp near Foster, will, not return to his work for a few days. ALL i i FIRST RUN PROGRAM BATES m n AT OWED WORK Another Exclusive Showing Treat For Omr Patrons . . . ; ITS A "FIRST RUN" FEATTJRE - 3 PAT O'BRIEN NEIL HABHL1 NEIL HAMILTON EVELYN BRENT MART BRIAN 1 RICHARD TUCKER FILMED! A toast to tiiaVihift t vmrnmu I, - 1 ' h 1 UUH O GABLE r- , ; , " - - 'V ft- !!- " ' J ; Jean Harlow and Clark Gable are teamed agaia ia "Hold Tour Man," which opens today at the Hollywood theatre, following iu the wake of their smashihg suc cess ia '.'Red Dast,M 'which brought a popular demand for the present reunion. - As the cheap little drifter who goes to prison for the man, she loves. Miss Harlow endows her characterisation with a wistful sympathy and humor. Particular ly In the Incident In which she awakens to approaching mother hood is she effective. Gable, ban ters his way through the early part'of the picture with delightful nonchalance which sharply con trasts his Important work in the climatic sequences when he risks arrest on a murder charge to give name to the unborn child. Included in the cast are Stuart Erwin, Dorothy Burgess, Marie! Klrkland, Garry Owen, . Barbara Barondess, Paul Hurst and Elis abeth Patterson. Heart Exchange Announced, Next - Chemeketa Play Chemeketa Players, Inc.. are presenting as their next play a three act comedy, farce "Heart Exchange," which opens January 10 at the Nelson auditorium and will run tor one week. The pror dnction Is under the direction of Clifford Wayne Hurt. Mr. Hurt who gave Indication of his ability In "Manhattan TODAY AND MONDAY TWO BIG FIRST RUN FEATURES Fas? and furious farce full of light and load laughter! - DOOMING - rrrr aiptitt IE PICTURES " mm II Ho I S to 11 I U .M-JI 15c j 20c 1 juxia . -mjaux JviliK" . "SON OF A SAIL- TODAY MONDAY TUESDAY HERE'S ANOTHl GREAT SHOW! TOO BIG FOR THE EARTH - SO v THEY STAGED IT IN THE SKY! Romaace bora of tropic. Bights in "fnorons land of love! . . Your foad est dreams of ma steal romaace come trae as yon are swept to eye - stag Serine sensation! . I i CARIOCA I 1 rooeetee ' - ' i i tfOZ9f if A fvMfjf OUT ; eotfdaetocfywctt Extra , Cosale r f Cartoon Dfw Rock'i; ' well ta lA XtYE Honeymoon." comes to Cremeketa Players from southern California - where he was A student ox miss vi.ri ' AfiriArann of the Los An geles Dramatic school and where he was connected wun ine x-asa- A, Ttara and th4 Loa AnteleS Civic theatre as well as several outstanding , productions in the metropolltai area. : .Dramatised upon an outline of his ideas on evolution, the emin ent scientist, lawyer and lecturer, Clarence Darrow. in "The Mystery of Life,; which opens a special en gagement at the State theatre on Thursday, gives to the world for the first time the screen story of the loves land tragedies of the real "underworld" the world under foot. ' On this: stage is enacted the whole drama of Ufa, with the players In! the natural roles in which destiny cast them. They play their l parts with consumate skill. M . Unusual; photography abounds in this production and some of the most interesting shots of ani mal life ever seen are presented. J Insect life Js also shown in all its j startling organized perfection. Armies of ants are seen in mili tary maneouvers training per haps for the great war with man which is to prove the test of the mastery of , the worjd. Strange birds are seen as they court and mate. 1 "The Mystery of Life)" is unique. Nothing like it has ever been seen upon the screen before. It has been In the making in the labra tories to science for 10 years. Richard Dlx'a most powerful screen role since his great triumph: la MCImairoB ... rviCft--' Mage Evans Conway Tearle Una Merkel Stuart Erwin uto 1 invwl SCON - -DINNER AT 500 Seats 25c BKte - u r. A f P - K 1 A v i 1 4 4 4 4 f it eet . ...... ; with Stuart Erwin - - -J