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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1933)
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday fllorning. Angnst 18, 1933 PAGE TWO j-.- or-..-;,'; -,--- V 1 1 nntfl RTTIDC PliriULU U1LUII1 1 UIIU.UUUI Lll S19.D0O HE ID ESTATE SUED FOIt - i- - - ' 11 Trusteeship Void, Dorothy . I iveene biuuyc m- -Complaint Here V 1 J The Call s Board i;, r Dorothy LaVelle Keene yester- tay tired nit bere against Arthur A. Keene at executor an trust of the will of Ida M. Keene., in which the seeks possession now ef Iter share of the estate, approxi mately llt.OOO, ;J:a:p- .. . . a a ; sn4rae lest resume 01 a i- 64 estate, save for 100 ' he- euests each to Cora A- Teter, Mrs. Lairs C. Keene. J. C. Mnnkers and S,. P. Knnkers. The estate was that at Ida M. Keene, wile of Edward B. Keene. deceased, who was a brother of Arthur A. Keene. Plaintiff was adopted by Edward B. and Ida M. Keene. . Tbe will "makes - Arthsr A. Keene trustee of plalntltTs share, sematttlnr her to hare property ho deems, best until she reaches ace of 40 years, and then the re mainder. The proTlsion under this trnsteeshlpu is attached, and al leged to- be rold In that It unlaw fully defers resting of the estate that it maaes no disposition 11 sae lires past 40 years: and that It ' creates an illegal perpetuity. C Plaintiff was 18 years old An Agust SO. 1929, but In the past two years trustee has made no ma terial distribution of the estate. cans lag her to lire under her ac customed station, complaint says. ELS1XORE ,. Today- Slim Sumaierrilleand i Zastf 'Pitts in -Her First Mate." . ; .- CAPITOL Saturday and- Sunday Pour : Marx Brothers in Horse feathers." . GRAND i - .-: . TodayEric ; Linden, ' Doro thy Jordan in "Roadhouse Murder." ' : HOLLYWOOD Today Richard DIx to, "The Great Jasper." t in STATE : Todiy Lee Tracy "The Night Mayor." Saturday Hoot Gibson in The Cowboy Counsellor." K IOWA. BUCKS E EFFORT TO ABDUCT I! CHILD nra MILTON, Mass.. Ang. 17 (AP) William J. McClusky, local wa ter commissioner and Instructor in military science in Boston high schools, tonight reported to police an attempt to kidnap his eight year old daughter, Ann. McClusky said his daughter. told him that as she was return- NIRA. Iowa, Aug. 17 (AP) The new deal was boosted sky high today. A racing pigeon lib erated at 8:40 a. m. (Central Standard time) carried the first "air route special dellyery" news to the outside world of Nrra's greatest day In history when 60.- 009 copies of the new NIRA stamp commemorating the Na tional Industrial Recovery Act, went on sale. Carrying a dispatch for the As sociated Press in an hour and -33 minutes to the loft of Its owner. Leslie Swanson, a writer in Mo line, 111., from there the story was telephoned to the Davenport, Iowa bureau of the Associated Press. The envelope which contained the dispatch and the. stamp will be forwarded to President Roose velt for his personal stamp collection. The issue -was offered for sale in the national capital last Tues- n nv mn rv 1U Dl nillLLl BWIIIGOPK WASHINGTON, Aug. 17. (AP) Postmaster General Far ley, who runs the air mall, today announced, the -descent of an ad ministrative axe upon wasted tele graphic wordage in all federal de partments. . w A No more burning of wires wltsv. messages to Governor L. A. Mill er.- at Wyoming, on the cotton textile code. No more red-hot dope to congressmen from big cities on the agricultural situation. "By authority of P r e s 1 d e n t Roosevelt's executive council, a bulletin is being sent to the head of every executive agency in the government; directing the use. oi the air mall for all but the most urgent government messages,", the postmaster general announ ced.: , - "Big Jim," long an economy advocate, told questioning news papermen he was the man-behind the message. .: A complaint from Wyoming's governor that he had received a 1,3 88-word telegram on the Knox- yille. Tenn., milk situation, reach ed Farley Just about the same time he was calling a .conference for the purpose ot figuring a 25 per cent cut in costs of the air mall service. Upside-Ddwh Flying Mark Broken Again LONG BEACH. Calif., Aug. IT (AP) The upside-down flying record changed hands again today between 10-year-old M41o Bureh am. Long Beach aviation instruc tor, and Lieut. Tito Falcon! Ot the. Italian Royal air force, and Burcham Is : the champion at least for the- time being. B urcham flew bead downward today for z hours, 2 A minuter and 63 seconds, and said he landed only because his gasoline supply was exhausted. - This time is 11 minutes, fit sec onds better than that achieved by Lieut: Falcon! a few days ago. At that time the Italian, regained the record he- had lost the "previous day to Burcham in the Utters first attempt to ' gain the upside- down title. . . Lieut Falconl. is expected to. try for a new record. - No Permits ior Overtime Work, Is Gram Ruling The state welfare commission hereafter will not Issue a permit to any business establishment to employ persons overtime, regard less of whether- they have sub scribed to the National Recovery Act or not, C. H. Gram, secretary of the commission announced Thursday. . - Gram said It previously was the practice of the commission to is sue these permits in cases where employers desired to take Inven tory or do other overtime work. in r horn from the libr&rv about xtzft n. m. "larre black automo-lday. and NIra, Iowa, was accord kil fc&AkAd into th drirewAT of led second honor in the initial the MeCluskv home and a man sale. leaped out and tried to force her ' McClusky' said she restated. &lraCI-Christi2LIl her dor. "Pooch " attacked the la, man so savagely that he ran back into the car and drove away at a high speed. . He said his daughter told him there was another man and two children In the automobile. Trouble Ended; 300 Massacred Ellis Confers on Blue Eagle Data LONDON, Aug. 17. (AP) Dispatches from Bagdad, Iraq, tonight said the recent trouble between Assyrian Christians and Iraq army forces had ended and that King Felsal planned to leave tomorrow by airplane for Swlts- erland to continue his interrupt' W. P. Ellis, in command ot the Ud holiday, Blue Eagle forces in this sector. spent Wednesday In Portland con ferring with Fred Messenger, dis trict manager,. respecting applica tion ot NRA codes here;, and get ting further instructions for his organisation of workers. British authorities here take a serious view ot the situation Newspaper reports said more than 300 Assyrian Christians had been massacred in a northern Iraq vil lage within two miles ot an Iraq army camp. TODAY! 11 " 1 mi i j$ Also jSy News 1 &t Comedy Cartoon tjs?T Review flnn y Water, Packing Companies Going Under NRA Code Six employes have been, added to the staff of the Oregon-Wash ington Water Service company's system here to bring the water plant fully under - NRA and- the code for the business has been ac cepted.' "It is our desire ito cooperate In. every way towards general recov ery, aeciarea J. t. Deianey. .sa lens and northwest manager for the company, yesterday. valley Packing company oper ations will go under the NRA code Monday with adjustment ot wages, and hours, made retroactive to August 1. It Is planned to add 10 employes to the present force of 80 and to increase wages 10 to 12 per cent. HEM OF FIBER FLAX US CLOSE Harvest ot fiber flax In this val ley for the season is. nearly com pleted. Nine hundred tons have been delivered at the penitentiary flax ' plant and only about 100 more tons are expected. The qual ity this year is the best since 1910, stated L. L. Laws -of the state flax industry. Some fields had too many weeds and so were not cut for fiber purposes. The flax harvested shows very long straw of good strength. About 800 acres were contracted for this .year.' Faxmers are receiving 820 per ton for No. one straw, and 818 lor No. two;- Former prices were around 830 ton. , s The state plant is still retting 1130 crop. This wilt soon be fin ished. It is- expected operations will get starred on the 1931 crop before the fall rains end the ret ting season. ! Safes made by William Elnsig. secretary of the board of control, in theLeast, have cleaned up the stock, belong fiber flax. No orders have come in yet. on the large quantity of tow which is being carrleti. BUYS OLD PORTER HOME 8ILYERTON, Aug. If Guy DeLay. who has been living with his mother, Mrs. Mary Townly, at For Sale or Trade for Car OUTBOARD MOTOR AND BOAT 10-horse motor, 18-foot boat perfect condition HADTS TOP & BODY SHOP . 207 S. Commercial St. , 222 Orchard street, has purchased the old Porter homo on 814 South; Water street, an is having. It re paired. The two plan to move in to their new borne In the near fu ture, r . , .v. " : , i f i s f H !i' Gandhi Carries i Vn Vast; Seekv More "Privilege POONA, India, Aug! 1 7- ( AP) The Mahatma Gandhi tonight carried on his threatened. fast unto death while the government ot Bombay, the government of India, and the British: secretary of state tor India' in London, con tinued efforts to get: the empire's most peaceful yet - troublesome prisoner to resume his frugal meals. It was reported, as improbable that the Bombay government will extend privileges . it already has offered to Gandhi. Gandhi started the fast last night by refusing his evening meaL His fast Is a protest against restrictions placed on him ln Ter oda jalL Northern Michigan's "blue gold," the blueberry crop of the Jackpine plains, is almost a total failure this year. ; , IVITIISTTIIKE GROUP Representatives of C0,t)00 strik ing garment workers met today with NRA mediators In an effort to eliminate sweatshops and establish- better wage levels while police dealt with minor disorders arising from the7 general trade walkout.' iv' f ru"0.".i.y-:.i The strike of workers in New Jersey. Connecticut, .eastern Penn sylvania and New York was order- ed.yesterdsy and negouauons bad. reached the-point tonight where officials, predicted -S the . strikers would : return i to their jobs on Monday. ;- i-r.. ... , Grover A- Whalen, -former New York police commissioner, acting as NRA go-between to settle the strike, heard the workers'. - griev ances in a three hour conference with contractors and union offi cials. Whalen told representatives of the workers, mannfactnrers ' and jobbers that President Roosevelt means to-"spell the death knell of the, sweatshops, which has been a cancerous -growth in your " 1 El TOMORROW & SjUNDAY Continuous 2 to 11 P. M. O V V V MAft0 BARGAIN HOUR 2 to S P. M. ANY SEAT fRoncMO 6y wCNICS 3 to 11 P. M. 2(DC ANY SEAT KIDDIES 10c TODAY & SATURDAY THOSE G007Y LOVED1I1DS ARE AT IT AOAItl! V I 7?k ARE AT IT , 7 AGAIN! fej I flj YoTl get tut eyefmV "S J' ' LiVj I ed earfuland isCi monthful of 1 a n g h s . 4S1 I when Zaea opens p '"S I : ZCm PJf ITS Wff'CWsjr JjpsjrejaM A f WASTE 1 V VF ' A UNIVSRSAL MCTUK WITH I J 7V UNA MCRKEL . V- 1 A WARREN HYMER ) X KKK Bf CHURCHIU y . NENRY ARMETTA ' A PLUS VJr - Via I SnnThrfUa I : f I Screew -Snapshots I , 'J:-l MICKEY MOUSE MATINEE SATURDAY, 1 P. M. "WINGS OF ADVENTURE'..Sr industry for. many years.' A heavy pressing . iron, tossed smt ot an upper floor ot a SS story bunding Barely mused striking a group- of workers who had gath ered on the sidewalk. - Approximately 2.500 shops in the' metropolitan area were affected;-1 -.yr - ! w -, Kosciusko county In northern Indiana has. 87 lakes within its borders. . . . ' - . .1 Last Times Todsy LEE TRACY !a;The Nfcht 1;jtf.-iBIayorM v; Saturday Only HOOT GD3SON in -Cowboy Connsellor ' 1 tvaus - ALONG! nfl AHcs 0wdTtea tar Pv LHIOCLYWOOlJ Today and Saturday TiJMCMAfcO WERA ENGELS CDNA MAX OUVES. BJCO KAOio fflcMM Also Cartoon Comedy, News and "The Whispering; Shadow" with Beta Lagos! The Back Jones Ranger Club Meets Saturday, 1:30 P. M. COMIXG SUNDAY, MONDAY A TUESDAY Direct First Ran Portland AlOTENTiC! WHAT DO TMtV OOI I " V 1W 111b IT. For Adults Only Matinee Each Day 2 P. M. Super NOV . . . WITHOUT FORMER 31 PREMIUM Tfou would expect such extra mile age, such steady smooth power only from gasolines that cost more per gallon. But this new Super Shell sells at the regular gasoline price. The entire former Zt premium is oft No wonder East and West mil lions are changing to it. v 5 Super Shell is a concentrated gas oline especially developed to give you extra mileage. By new processes in Shell's western refineries, the waste ful parts in ordinary gasoline, are taken but Into Super Shell go only petroleum's most efficient working ports. This improved Super Shell gasoline makes motors easier to start. It curbs knocks amazingly no one other gas oline selling at its price has as high an Says 11 Plymouth owner: "On a trip Co Lot Angeles, I tested four different Cholines at hlsh speeds. I sot dies per ssllon f rota Super Shell the best I cot from any of the other three brands was 13 VV miles." P. 1 Axhs, San Francisco anti-knock rating. And Super Shell is packed with power. The first time you fill your tank, youll notice a difference. And you'll be urging your friends as millions are-"Change to Super Shell" -4 Contains Eka-bemoL. a par fHttrotausi prodact hlfh lv anti-knock and ssileaf qaalllles At Sht!! Strvlct Inc. rtt!osf ad Shell dtoltra asyeswesajHwwwaw!P!waHawi a hjw vw y yaSTrmte lllllll U.H ID u I 'I . ..II m ' K fly 0 Cord Oiam "' ' m. rui...-. '2&Ai&- PH, ' Pay o .. j ' -. a - S X- 'a' 9 1 . -.. . .. . . -. v..... . v , , ' y, X ifHt-t $ . . : : .v. ..:. 'S-.y:.- .. .-:v:. :... i CAtevi ' , ' x -', v Says o Hudson owner i VV!s tacst by Super thzlL Out fleet cf rjperrkers cea end truda carers lha cr.l!rc Ucrthrre, end frcsa cur rcc crds uz lascf Super Shell zlict us rscre dlesso then cny ether ess"na x:q crcr Cried.", Ha Ha Fletcher, Ctcnnewldt, i::h. ALL WASTE PARTS REMOVED o r 5 ! ... . ' CABYAITS-tfca too aoee aed m wi awred by SHKLL. . wMMd He OIICK.tTABTIHa AtTf U that llmlaste wattfal j Wwklna.-r bft by SHE1L. . osrtsi AtTS J see etwwv Ewt ey SUSXL, t AMTI-RMOCK AtTf fcnerMngUitwfflcsiidoehiafc KsetySHZU.-ri tuectta Atrs tht 4ate ofl. RsMOTSd by SHMX. . SUPER SKHL IS HIGHER IN ANTI-KNOCK THAN 'ANY .OTHER . GASOLINE ' AT A HON. PREMIUM PRICE