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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1933)
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, August 4, 1933 PAGE FIVE I ' 'I f ( 1 S ociety News and Club Affairs Olive M. Doak, Society Editor Auxiliary Benefit Is Brilliantly Successful One of the large and lovely events of the summer months was the benefit tea sponsored by the American Legion auxiliary in the beautiful gardens of Mrs. Clifford Brown's home, on Mission street Thursday afternoon. Twenty-five tables of bridge were In play on the tennis courts during the afternoon and, alto gether, more than 150 women called- High scores for contract and auction went to Mrs. Roy Hurst and Mrs. Frank Prime, while Mrs. Carlton Smith was awarded the gate, prize. Big bright lawn umbrellas lent splashes of color to the wide green lawn. At the serving table, centered with blue hydrangeas and sweet peas and draped with tulle into which were knotted gay bouquets. Mrs. C. P. Bishop, Mrs. R. J. Hen dricks, Mrs. Llzbeth Waters, Mrs. George Pearce, Mrs. J. T. Delaney and Mrs- Dorothy Eakin of Dallas, presided. A group of younger women in gay organdie frocks served. Mrs. W. S. Levens, Mrs. C.'-A, Sprague, Miss Dcrothy Pearce, Mrs. Susan Varty and Mrs. R.-W Hans Seiti, representatives of Sa lem musical organizations, assist ed about the gardens where groups of non-bridge players ga thered tochat and enjoy the flow ers and trees. One of the big attractions of the afternoon was the large dls play of beautifully made Guilts in the sun room of Mrs. Brown's home. Mrs. Lizbeth- Waters was chairman of the committee in charge and was assisted by Mrs. SOCIAL CALENDAR Friday, August 4 Hal Hibbard Auxiliary business meeting at the ar mory 2 p. m. Joint picnic Berean and Sterling chapters World Wide guild, Hazel Green. Leave First Baptist church, 6:30 p. m., Mrs. J. Vinton Scott, speaker. Card club of Business and Professional Women's clubs, Mlss Juana Holmes, 007 North Commercial street. Daughters of Union Veterans, potluck dinner at home of Mrs. J. W. Nash, E85 Howard street, 6:15 o'clock; bring own table service, sandwiches, covered dish. Neighbors of Woodcraft, Fraternal temple, regular meeting, 8 o'clock; program by past guardian Neigh bors. Brush College grange. Brush College picnic ground, 7 o'clock picnic dinner. Ladies of Englewood Women's club, with Mrs. H. R. McWhorter, 1005 North 20th street; garden tea between hours of 2 and 5 o'clock. Women of Englewood district invited. Women's Bible class of First Methodist church with Men's Bible class. 6:30 o'clock potluck supper at Cherrington home, 1599 Court street. Sunday, August 6 Wallowa-Willamette association, Benton-Lane park, 2 miles north of Monroe. All former Wallowa county residents Invited to attend; bring picnic lunch. Champoeg picnic for Artisans of Oregon and Wash ington; costumes of days of '49 to be featured. J. A. Bernard! and Mrs. Carrie Beechler- Mrs. King Bartlett served as general chairman of the large committee in charge of the after noon. Mrs, Walter Zosel was in charge of tickets and reservations while tables and prizes were man aged by a committee, headed by Mrs. Mem Pearce, composed of Mrs. Albert A. Gragg, Mrs. Willis Vincent, Mrs. Glen Seeley and Mrs. J. T- Delaney. Proceeds from the tea, success ful from both social and financial viewpoints, will go toward paying traveling expenses for the auxil iary trio, national champions, when they attend the national le gion convention in Chicago next month. P. L. E. & F. CluK Entertains. Knights 'The P. L. E. r. club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs: W. R. Gould Wednesday at t o'clock, with the afternoon spent In sew ing and freezing several gallons of ice cream. At 7 o'clock a picnic dinner was served on long tables under the trees to a large' crowd of Knights ot Pythias and their friends. The guests then enjoy ed an evening of cards. - - Present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Tekenberg, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Knighton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kinzer, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lantx, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Greenwood and family, -Ernest, Dorothea and Marjorie, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Weir, Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Fox and Junior, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Decatur and family, Ken neth and Pauline, Mr. and Mrs. Val Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. L H. Vinson, Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Comp ton, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Gohrke, Mrs. Dell Schellberg, Mra. Laura Johnson, Mrs. Mary Aplin and Arthur; Mrs. Mabel Erickson and Shirley Ann, -Mrs. Susie Parmen ter, Mrs. Susie Parmenter, ' Mrs. Anna Borkman, Mrs. Lettie Han sen, Mrs. Klemple, Mrs. F. A. Hoisington and Derwin, Mrs. L. B. Hixson, John Davlse, F. L. McBee, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gould. W. H. Fisher returned to Sa lem Wednesday following a few days spent in Tacoma as the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Glenn Otis. Mrs. Otis and children, Glenn Ray and Ruth, were houseguests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, here for a week. When they went back to their home in Tacoma they were accompanied by Mr. Fisher. I V : : 3 If JM$ IS THE REASON, jUt& 3)t, 1 - - X fA;,; why you. waht on w ; I JVC. l The picture diagram below shows you that 'Salad Dressings'' contain 30ft to 40 water and "fillers". . . No wonder they cost a little lessl And no wonder, Miss Davis, that not even the finest so-called "Salad Dressing can compare in mtiy way . with ft good mayonnaise! So don't be misled by extrava--gant claims 1 Don't be fooled by Salad Dressings'!, which mas querade as true mayonnaises ' If you can possibly afford it, buy Best Foods Mayonnaise. There is no real substitute for Its fine ingre dients i I s its choice salad oils, eggs, selected vinegars, Imported spices sit the same Ingredients you use in your own kitchen. No Imitation can give you the WHY SALAD DRESSING COSTS LESS AIITT1F 7 I tcKtAL MAYONNA1SI L J FILLERS WATER COOKINC 'Iff , 3 FILLERS 3 30 WATER a COOKED NO WATER IS ADDED TO REAL MAYONNAISE. Be Foods Mayonnaise, roa know, Is made from eggs, fine salad oils, imported spices and selected vinegar no water Is added, no fillers," no cooking; While even the finest salad dressing, as you tee, contains ioexpenjlre r&HmP and water (as much as 30 to 40) to give added balk so It can be sold lor slightly less than rml mayoaaaitt v: - fame delicious flavor, velvet t smoothness, and valuable health benefits; , But s ; s if you feel that you can not possibly afford this supremely fine mayonnaise 1 1 1 Then we urge you, by all means, to try our Gold Medal Salad Dressing! A far finer Salad Dressing We have Introduced this fine Salad Dressing for all those women who feel they cannot afford Best Foods Mayonnaise m and yet want the protection and assurance of high est quality that go with the Best Foods name Gold Medal Salad Dressing Is the finest and purest that can be made Women who have tried h say it Is marvelously smooth In texture; Delicious In flavor Here, you can be sure, Is. one salad dressing that Is offered to you honestly, that you can bay safely n the one salad dressing that is backed by the Best Foods name and reputations WELCOME, FRED ALLEN I WHAT A N1CNTI Friday, Angus! 4th, - and every Friday thereafter, Fred Allen back on the air! Aided and abetted by Portland Hons, Tiny Runner,' Ferde Grofe and bis modern rhythm band VEAF and associated N.B.C Stations, 7:30 S.-O0P.S.T4 Edith Starretfs Wedding Date Announced A surprise announcement ot more than ordinary Interest was made Wednesday sight when Miss Edith BUrrett, daughter ot Mrs. J. V. Starrett, announced her betrothal to Arthur N. Green, son ot Mr. and Mrs.. E. P. Green ot Portland, and the approaching date ot her marriage as August 19. The news waa cleverly an nounced by radio at a bridge par ty tor which Miss Starrett was hostess In her home. . -' . Miss Starrett is a graduate ot Salem high school where she was prominent In forensic. In her Junior year, she was selected as the "representative-Oregon Mzh school girl' and s such waa sent to the world's, fair at-Philadelphia; she was a member ot the da bate team from -fialem high which won the famous Salem. Oregon- Salem, Massachusetts debate. She attended the University of Des Moines one year and was later a student at Willamette university where she was a member of Delta Phi sorority and a varsity debat er. Miss Starrett is a graduate ot Oregon Normal school at Mon mouth and has for three- years been a teacher at Richmond school here. Mr. Green, formerly a student at - the University of Oregon, - is next year completing his work at Oregon Normal. - The wedding will take place at the Starrett home on South Win ter street. Bowls of bright summer flowers were used about the guest rooms for the announcement party where five tables of bridge were in play. At the refreshment hour Miss Starrett was assisted by her mother. Prizes for-bridge went to Lou Fruit and Helen Fletcher. Guests bidden for the interest ing announcement were: Mrs. E. P. Green, Mrs. Lillian Barnes, Misses Helen and Lucille Green, and Mrs. Vera Coy. of Portland; Miss Kathleen Garrison of Wood- burn; Mrs. Ralph Eggstaff, Mrs. Ruth Lear, Mrs. Leslie White, Mrs. H. Clay Egelston, Mrs. D. D. Dotson, the Misses Edith May Jenks, Lpla Schults, Lou Fruit, Irene Greenbaum, Frances Grah am, Mabel Dotson, Jean McElhln- ny, Marian Breta, Helen Fletcher, Irene De Lisle, Bernice Zielke and Jo Jantzen. Theatre Party Compliments Grads In compliment to a group of girls who are completing their course at the Oregon School of Beauty Culture, Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon entertained last night with a party at a downtown theatre followed by supper at the Spa. Members of the class present included Happy Sties, Clara Jane Harms, Clara Schurmaker, Mabel McGahan, Fern Colwell, Florence Holt, Joyce Phillips, Luella Rees, Harriet Gilbert. Anna Goodwin and June Copeland. Mrs. Eva Payne, Instructor from the school was also included in the guest list. Miss Copeland was gradu ated from the school during the past week; Misses Harms and Schurmaker will complete their work during the next few days. Summer School Group Entertains Mt. Angel A picnic supper honoring Miss Clara Stroud ot Belllngham Normal, methods teacher, was given by a group of the ML Angel summer school stu dents at the home of Miss Ther esa Dehler, Wednesday evening. The supper was served In the garden where the guests roasted weiners and had an hilarious good time. Music and singing rounded out the evening. Those attending were: Miss Clara Stroud, Elizabeth Keber. Helen Keber, Pauline Saalfeld, Grace Smith, Bessie Gregerson, Oeraldine Fry, Carola May, Flor ence Walker. Gertrude Hodes, Kathleen Gorman, Claudia Hass- ing and Theresa Dehler. Picnic Honors Guest From California Honoring Mrs. P. J. Hillman of Oakland. Cal.. who with her child ren, Paul, Jr., Leonard and Doris Elaine, is tne House guest oi Mr. and Mrs. William H- Flseher, a rrouD of Salem and Dallas folk held a picnic Tuesday in the Dal las park. Present were the honor guests. Mrs. Hillman and children. Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Gross, Carl Gross. Mrs. Charlotte Schulenberg, Mr. and Mrs. William H- Fischer and daughters, Lois Ruth and Norma, all of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs, Carl Kreft of Dallas. More Salem Folk Go to Fair An Interesting trip is that en which Mrs. Asa Fisher and daughter. Jane, embarked Wed nesday. Visiting In Baker. Boise, Salt Lake City and Lincoln. Ne braska, they will make their way In a leisurely fashion oacx to Chicago and the fair where they nlan to snend a week. After eunroxlmateiy a montn s absence they will return to Sa lem before the opening of school. Cummings Gardens ' Scene of Picnic1 Employes et the Senator hotel and their families were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cummings for their annual plcnio Wednesday night la the gardens ot the Cum mings home on North Winter street. Supper waa served buffet fashion from a long table center ed with a bowl ot brilliant sum mer flowers. Guests were seated later at small tables scattered about the spacious lawn. Later they .adjourned to the house where cards were rn play daring the evening. In the plcnie group were: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cummings and son Eddie, Lucille and Carroll Cum mings, MJss Katheriae Kerr, Mr. and Mrs.-W. T. Heseman and son Jimmy, Miss Virginia Davis, Mrs. Nora Heseman. Mr. and Mrs. Linn Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Will Og lesby. Jack and Edith Oglesby, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Noyes, Mr. and Mrs. O. Neelands, Mr. and Mrs. P. Anderson, Knute, Carl and James Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Esau and son Richard, Clark Roberts, George Dinwiddle. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooley, Mrs. Marie Robertson and son Gordon, Mrs. Harry Dahlberg. Mrs. Kath ryn Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mc Allister, Glenda McAllister. Bob by Williams. Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maddl son, Dexter McAllister, Mrs. C. L McAllister. Mrs. Margarette Erp. Lloyd Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. W. WV Chad wick. M a r g a r e t and Eleanor Chadwick, Mrs. June Jones. Miss Sylvia Mattaon, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey MeLaughlln, Miss Daisy Summers, Miss - Mar garet Estrem. Earle Abbott and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs, W. A, Cummings. . v. 1 Guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. MaeKensie, Wednesday night, were their son, E. B. MaeKensie, Mrs. MaeKensie and their daugh ter Dorrls. ot Seattle, stopping in Salem en route to San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Returning next Wednesday, they will remain in Salem a tew days before motoring on to Seattle. G?cag 405 State St,, comer Liberty tJ(5L? Telephone 3118 Friday and Saturday Your four favorite sales now combined in one of the GREATEST SELLING EVENTS in our HISTORY offering an unparalleled op portunity to buy needed supplies at extremely low prices! Below are listed only a few of the many special values offered during this sale? 0(0)0 Sllverton Miss Buelah Cross. daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. O. W. I Cross, whose wedding to Bruce Campbell, son of Hal Campbell, will be an event ot next Tuesday evening at Calvary Lutheran church, waa honored at a pre- nuptial shower Tuesdsy afternoon by the members ot the First Christian church. The junior choir ot the Christian church will honor Miss Cross at a shower Sat urday night at the home et Miss Marjory Smith. - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lindsay are the parents ot , a daughter. bora yesterday at Salem General hospital. MX. Lindsay, formerly manager of a Safeway store. In Ssr lem was recently transferred to I Redmond, Oregon. . - mi tie Kruschen Salts 51. Pond's jgg? CrJ;as IKS 42 lyy Mineral Oil 1 quart . . $1.00 Listerine bottle 59c 69c Rub. Alcohol pint . . 10c Psyllium ?. 19c Pinkham's $ 1.25 aize . . 86c Malted Milk 39c Aspirin Tablets 100....... 39 C Ovaltine 69c Olive oa" 49c Feenamint siz lie Doan's Pills Mineral Oil Unguentine 29 C Zinc Ointment ; 15c Miles Nervine Jf. 67 C Bonkora JiT. Pepsodent Antiseptic .sLe Cold Cream Tooth Paste Perfection. 50c size . . Kotex Gillette Blades 49c 73c Size On ejl OA Gallon J 1JJ SOo Size Anacin Tabs six Spirits Camphor vj t ' Chocolate -X i-aX 50c size . . 69c 59c 13c 26c 29c 29c 29c 34c 29c Lavender Lotion 29c 17c 29c 29c 10c 26c 29c 39c 11c 39c Woodbury Shampoo size 25 c Squibb's Creams .... 29 C Shaving Cream oiive . . ...17c Glover's Mange 49 C Glycerine & Rose Water tile Pepsodent ... Cl Squibb's Shaving Cream slze H. & A. Cream JUT Mary Lake 60c size mJC Tooth Paste Reg. 25c Keg. &Oc , " All Purpose Talcum &oc .ie Powder Puffs Colors, S for" . Cream of Almonds size . . Face Powder 50c size n West India Bay Rum i 0. Palm Olive Soap J3oV .. Danderine 50c Size Rubber Orlis GIOVCS Tcotli teste 29 I 2i2(5c Life Buoy Soap for 15 C Epsom Salts it. 33 C Alarm Clock Hustler ., SI Water Bottle Z UtT..... 49c Moth Crystals pT. 49c J. D. Moth Spray SS... 59c Kodak Albums 49c Eversharp Shears t1jm . . . 25c Shu-Milk f& 19c Letter Packet Stationery. 29c 71 Sheets 31 Envelopes In Travel Packet Adhesive Tape. 2$, 15c Gauze surgta 39c Gauze Bandage inch .. 8c , Oil Tanned, extra large QQ CnamOlS sponge Free ?OC Larvex size 69c Mazda Lamps 15 watt . ... 10c Cleaning Fluid Gaooa .... 79c Electric Lamps Soe1.. $129 for 51C for 51C Milk Magnesia 2 Peau Doux ....2 Hinkle Pills r ... 2 tor 26c OrUs hf Pint 2 for 61 C Cleasing Tissue sheets 2 tor 76c Adhesive Tapp4fj2 fOP 16 C Aspirin Tab's or 24 . . 2 for 3 1 C Qi IiesnoB O OnampOO Castile L C -iZC'-.Jl Milk-Magnesia 1 ceruriea Tooo Paste . . u n a - 1 - - Powder j BoriC Acid o, crystal .L a nr i t Tin of Aspirin Tab s 12 .... L Tooth Brush ... 2 After Shave Lotioino 2 Mouth Wash Fletchers2 for 76c Tooth Paste Colgates . . 2 for 26c Tooth Paste Straaaks . . m Vanilla Extract ssT. 2 Theatrical Cream &oc 2 for 51c Glycerine -?.... 2 for 26 C for for 36c fcllc for 16C for 26c for 51C for 36c . V Did You Know? Ton always get what you ask for at The Capitol . Drug Store. ."WVara very lnek a drug store, and do our part tor M. R. JU. Interesting Facts Vany precriptlons are tilled In our store each day, quickly, accurately, correctly prlcedl-- The - complete transaction . Is handled ALWAYS by a registered pharm acist. ' - ' ' ' ' " One Dram Chambly Perfume Free With a Purchase of 50c h - Additional Society r; on page 6 jev-.enBMsftawwaw" L