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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1933)
,. i j r. v . r - t - - ( ia ', n A The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, July 7, 1935 i - ' -' ; j ? " - ARRESTED National Groups : Right to - Establish . Sans Permit -I By State at Issue : ; ' (Continued from paw X J - " Into j a branch. Unless the state law prevails, national banks trill be . able to , 1 snore . this requlre lnent, .-' ' ; I '. ;-!;.'' -" V.Tbe provision of the newly enacted state branch banking law to which the national , bank ers point Is Section one of Chap ter 150. It reads: "Any bank new or hereafter organised un der the laws of this state may establish -or operate branches an ler the following terms and con ditions and not otherwise. Na tional bankers say this - refers to state sanks and to state, banks only and- that neither the Oregon law nor the national GlasvStea . gall Mil restricts national banks "from becoming branches -as ? they aee fit. and without state inter vention.' Intent of Solons ' , To He Considered V While on the f ace of the Ore gon law It seems -plain that it ap plies- only to Oregon chartered banks., the intention of the legls latere was clearly to. regulate all b r a a e b banking la the state. TV hen- the bill was under discus sion -a the senate at the last session; of the state" legislature, senators and bankers called in to: comment on branch banking, wanted the establishment of branch banks subjected to state control and several senators along with leading independent ' bank ers sw to it that the section was contained in the law which forbids a branch bank coming- into a community to com pete with existing institutions. - It state banking authorities see fit to press . their viewpoint and that olj the attorney-general they Will undoubtedly proceed' under section 13 of the state law re lating to branch banks. This provides that "every bank and every officer or director vlolat? ing the provisions of this act shall forfeit to the people of the . state 1100 for every day any i braneh office hereafter opened shall be maintained without the certificate of authority required by this act." A move by the state to en force this penalty would at once get the branch banking act into the Oregon and perhaps the fed eral courts. Then the 1933 code as well as the Glass - Steagall , banking act would be interpreted I and the citizens of Oregon would know - whether or not they were - to control branch bank extension in this state. Whether state bank ing officials would move to test 'out the new law was not known yesterday. Meanwhile nation- al banks have and are establish- ' ing branches without securing permission under the 1J33-Ore gon code. Statesman Gets Grit of Berries Statesman employes were the -recipients last night of a crate of fine Marshall strawberries, pre- : seated by O. W. Johnson, asso ciate of R. I. McLaughlin of the Ryan Fruit Packing company. The berries are unusually j tine and : large for so late in the season. - Some of them were found to : measure nearly six inches around ' MM ::: - &::.;::: . v v t T - ' afgr, Joiann Xeicht. formerly chairman -of the SakhaUg rronp of tta Catholic .Bavarian Peopls'a, rarty -and the outstanding cleric anions; Catholic politician m Ger. maav. wke was arrested veoentlyia the Nazi drive to make Germany a one-party country. Mgr. Leieht Is, the Catholic leader in Munich. HNBTE WACONDA, July . Logan berry picking began Monday in most yards in this community, with growers receiving 2 cents per pound. Since one cent per pound is paid tor picking and one-quarter cent goes for hauling, berry sea son is rather discouraging to most farmers this year. Cherry growers are also mar keting their products. Both crops will be short here this year. . Hay hauling began Thursday at Arthur Goffin's place. An ex cellent yield of spring grain is reported in this district. CENTRAL HOWELL, July . With the Fourth or July past and the weather apparently set tled, the mowers are clicking away in the fields and hay mak ing proceeds at top speed. Myrene Lichty, Clayton Stoy- er and Russell Lichty were in cluded in -a party of young people-who went to the coast Sun day and remained there over the Fourth. Chicken thieves have been busy in the neighborhood. Walter Ha- versen and John Tweed have had pullets 6tolen. Fifty dozen eggs were also taken some time ago from the Tweeds. ot V .-. VKTOit jomr SALUT BIANI LUJO&I.YVOOU TODAY & SATURDAY Mickey House Matinee Batnrday, 1:80 p.m. , t You'v nevwr icn audi Action urp pictor sinthojfnovias bagem tbtalk JT -V - ' ABUT III El Ala Comedy, News, Mickey Mouse Comedy mad Harry Car ej la The Devfl llorse. Special Tonight Onir s SONG CONTEST TELL ME TONIGHT" Theme Sons of ' ; Be Mine Tonight All Contestants SlngW game (Lisa - i.aA jr- " u wnuit rm or sa Aadiesee Co- be the Jadge, Biora if mrrn inn (Con'ttiroed from par lj ' Elnslg. state purchasing agent each contended that the specifi cations offered by the low. bidders did not conform to those sought when bids-were ealled.They also said that the qnality of the mater ials offered in the various bids should be considered. -t The .governor added that the award the favored had been rec ommended . by the department to which the material would go. Be contended the board ot control should not reverse the wishes of the various departments as to quality of the goods-purchased and the use to which the purch ased articles were to be put j , similar- action was taken at Thursday's meeting in connection with the bids for the pump instal lation, purchase of automobiles for the state police and the safe cabinet. The engineer had rec ommended awarding the pump contract to the Gordon-Flnkbeln-er company on a bid of- I142S. Lower bids were submitted by the Fairbanks-Morse company and ik. THus-ham Puna comDany. I . Holman -objected atrennously to the recommendation io purchasing: department that the contract for furnishing five auto mobiles to the state police depart ment be awarded to the Chevrolet company, whose proposal ave raged lit a car higher than the bid ot the Ford Motor company. The board authorised a reduc tion of from 4 to seven cents per square foot in the rentals or ..v.. in th atate affice building and 25 per cent in the rental paid by the state printing department. Raspberry Picking Gives Employment To Riverview Folk RIVERVIEW. July 6 Several from here who have started pick ing rasnberrles and are camping at the John Long berry patch near Knox Butte. i Members of the Farmers Union attending a Marlon county cpn- vention at Bethel Saturday were Mrs. Minnie Smith, James John ston, Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd and son, Mr. and Mrs. Smith Holt, and Mabel LeiKhton. " Th farmers union held its an nual nicnic at the James Johnston picnic grove, July tth. A large crowd attended. During the morn- inar. Bnorts consisting ot loot races for all aires, tug of war and numerous other contests were en- Joyed. A bountiful basket lunch eon was served. In the afternoon the Kirls defeated the married "women at baseball, Th eboys play ed the-married men and were de feated by a small score. ON EXTENDED VISIT LIBERTY, July f Miss Fern Sargent of Portland is making an extended visit with her aunt, Mrs. Cecil . Sargent and family. CHICHJSMSmS Ask yaw for CkMwtM : Ribboa. Vaka r fi lilt tern ciri.cBEs.fBas vuitn BUIv riLL,fctBra kwr MBaN.SM.atUbla. Bar Hnrl l old sr paoccuts grxBTwiat m ne i . j i i jDoara M1! - i r- By OLIVE flU DOAK a rr ; ELSXNORS ' ' Today William Powell la -Private t.n ; - ' , . I: CAPITOL i , -ri Today "Gold Diggers of ; rrifis.,f 'v v:!v--.; ' i ' ; - .GRAND ? i - ? -; Today-Ralph Morgan, Victor -Jory in "Trials for Trick." ; r " ' i'- - - HOLLYWOOD . Today Tom Mix la ?Terr6r Trail." i.:. : Today &' Saturday Arch-hvnter of women, wredcer of a thowtand hooiaa . . titan fata baiUo her trap for hiss with the only woman ha had over lovaoi EXTRA Musical Screen Act News Travel fTJ Mta Vj I " MARGARET LINDSAY I f . ASTMUa ivaoN jT aTM OOHMIU-V i ai i r eoaooH wisTcorr 1 MICKEY MOUSE MATINEE SAT. 1 P. M. EXTRA FEATURE "MERELY MARY ANN" SUJ1 Playing . I . But Hurry! How Many Times Have Yon Seen It Wo Absolutely Guarantee lit! SHOW OF 1000 WONDERS! VJAUUJ rf J mam Mat inea OKIETCiilnjf .U3m Balcony .25cl Floor 35c TO GO TO ALASKA SUVKR, July e Leonard Col lins, who has been In training at Che barracks in Vancouver for the last, six months is to" be trans ferred to the camp at .Skagway, Alaska July .1. He receives this appointment through a competi tive examination ia which he ranked one of the two highest in the class of CO. ' - r Mrs. L O. Arehart, Mrs. E. O. Harris and Mrs. Jake Tardgason were hostess to the Mayflower clnb at Wells Wednesday. Carpet rags were sown on and outlting done. It was decided to. hold a picnic at Helmick park the fourth Sunday in July. WACONDA. July ff Bobby McGilchrlst. three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William McGilchrlst.' is recuperating from an appendix operation pefomed Monday at Sa lem geneal hospital. HortrRol)ert ' - i . ; . - - , -. : s in Art ?i ' i V An audience of 150 art lovers attended , the lecture on: Trends tt Modern; ArtT J given -by Mme. Marios, HuWt-Robert . at the T. Xvlast ftlght. " ; ; Mm. Hhfcert-Robert traced the lata trend In artistry since the time at Monet,- artist who died fire' years ago, aha stated that he had worked a tremendous influ ence on modern art, leaning mora toward Impresslonlstle . paiating and the attempting te - develop spirit In art. She said that the best painters are going back .to this typo ot work, although there has been a trend toward cruder work fm painting, during the few years Jast past. ? - J" 1 - Musical selections were given by Taelma; Davis, singer Just re cently returned from Philadel phia, accompanied by Ruth Bed ford, pianist. , j: .'. ; 1 Chambexwj itf ftrip O. F. Ted" ; ChstteTai; saletmaa for the Valley jitin company, and his two' sons'' wnif arrive la San Francisco this labraing aboard the S. S, Dorothy. Alexander on whlcV they. - embarked 1 i from . PortlanfT Tuesday. They expect to compleis'' their vacatloaV-trip returning to Salem by automobile. . , a Gar Lubrication and Oil Cha nge ania (Pennsyh or Gil) i(mwtet e ktr Pr 'H f afl.O Am 1 - With Either a Lubrication or Oil Change : ALL WORK DONE BY EXPERIENCED MEN ;, t ! . . - 4 Center at Liberty -mm , . ?: Telephone 9144 ' f V BMBBaBMlHMMaffaiBajseflsMcp - - . tfmm mm &) H u weh m wm m M m mi Mm " . t tf" . mm v it .ft? THE STOPWATCHES ARB SET... the signal Is glvca...thcT're off to set a new women speed record la typewriting! Fingers sly madly, yet surely, over the key boards.. .for accuracy counts as weQ as speed! The whistle shxillsl The judges make the coanC.and Stella Wlllins Is crowned the fastest woman typist In the world with a record of 124 words a minute! , .AT RIGHT STELLA WILLZNS Is shown enjoyinf a CameL She aavsf Td advise anybody who enjoys mHnf la m nwAt oy, for the sake of their nerves.' Mm y l8S&&&" . Sc. A ..IT"-' .-: v V v- IT IS r.lORE FUJI TO I(!!07 ! Since tobacco quality it aU important in a cigarette, ; Camels are made from finer. MORE EXPENSIVE tobaccos than any other j popular brand. - , 1 II tobaccos. ; - . . V 1 ! Mr I v. mT JmT -- aV BSSv Bf aT ' . v . . .. jaa MMM . a WHAT A RELIEF to the spectators to light up their Camels and casa the strain of wanting a dirillingfwiahw Whenever you feel keyed vs. excited, have n CSamet- , Cor the sake of your nerves, foe cha added ploainrq in Ososms rfttfTTfT ..v:- v. - v.-.-:. ".. - m . . t I xt-- - - "Mi-9a aa mi BaaaMaMaaMBMaBaaHaaaaaMajaMaaiiBMMBMj . ' ajajajBava steady srjioie: TUMT0Eli Stella Wlllins says: "I just couldn't type at top speed and do it accurately if I hadn't learned how to keep my nerves healthy. Iam a woman who enjoys smoking. I prefer Camels, . as I never tire of them no. matter how steadily , -1 smoke,-They are delightfully mild. And they don't make my nerves ragged." I'd advise any " body who enjoys 'smoking a lot . to smoke Camels, for the sake of their nerves." . x Camels, made as they are from costlier tobaccos, give a satisfaction that never fades... no matter how steadily you smoke them. Start smoking Camels today and discover for 'yourself the V added; pleasure: of a milder clcaretta that never tires your taste. It it more fun to know. -j litems &i (mm tmft m) c '.U'' ryAlllt IfqVVlHI 'A .4 v 1 t m t W em ll'S'SWWaaWaMajaaJwaa f . ' - -