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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1933)
PAGE SEVEN WANT. 4 4- The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, June 13, 1933 ll!tejYy Rift ! M IS ? Business Directory CarUe in bus duecury run oo monthly basis only. Rate : 11.09 per Una per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Ptmk, th brake and shimmy d oc t oi . 274 South Comm e its! Scvcwt CATERING Burt Crary. the caterer. Ph. 67 SS. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4469. R C. Korthrteea, . CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. U SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor IW N Wan. TeL Re 73. DRESSMAKING Kxp. dressmaking In your home. 82.00 day. Copy pictures. Tel. 7984. FLORISTS CUT Cowers, wedding bouquets fun eral wreath, decorations. C F. Brelt baupt. fWrlst, 677 Court TeL 5994, ALL kinds of floral work. Lwt Flor ist. 16th Market. Tel. 992. GLASS Auto and window glass mirrors. Tel. BIOS. Walter J. Downs. 680 Breys. INSURANCE BECKS 119 N. High HENDRICKS TeL 4917 COFFET -SMITH, gen. Ins. TeL 8622. LAUNDRIES TUB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY , WEIDER LAUNDRY SITUATIONS WANTED SSI 8. High TeL 912 - . n. . - - lr n. nru- -nj- -., CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY keSoTdavwor- BoT" lSTrl First In Quality and Service stasrna Telephone 3165 It 94 Broadway a mf-J.- -,-. - .. - - - -u-, -, - ,WJU i Sewing, Mrs. Adsitu TeL 4376. LAWN MOWERS I Toung girl wishes place In home to ' work for room and board. TeL 8586. Sharpened, repaired and traded. S".'W""T"'" C :". HARRY W. SCOTT, "The Cycle Man". .work- R; J?JeZ" Bx-98'Salem- MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. Spring mattress $8.00. Renovator! and fumlatora Rugs cleaned. Capital Bed dins Co. TeL 4069. 8030 N. CapltoL New mattress made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sizing ; fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rag A Mat tress Factory. & 18th A Wilbur, TeL 844 1. Otto F. Zwlcker. Est. 191L MUSIC STORES -i GEO; C WILL Pianos, radios, sew ing machines, sheet -music and piano studies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 432 Stats Street. Salem. MEDICINE Dt. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and Friday. 10 :S0 to 4 C3 p. m. 148 N. CommerclaL PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint ft Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of pristine, call Th Statesman Printing Department, 216 8. Commercial. Tele phen tlOL ;i REAL ESTATE BEQKB ft HENDRICKS. TeL 4947. W. H. GRABENHORST ft Ca 134 B Liberty 8C TeL 4461. SOCOLOFSKT ft SON 804-6 First NafL Bk. Bldg. TeL T607 STOYES STOVES and- stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt Bad repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets, books, logan books. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 162 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. a Fleming. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 226 Stat St. TeL T77. DlstribuUng., for warding and storage eur apecUlty Get oar rat. c-rt hMi ar distant transfer storage. call 81L La aer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland daUy. ! TYPEWRITERS -r T-DE-WH IT ER3 Adding Mch. SOld, rented, repaired. Underwood Af enta Cooke ft Short. 6I Court. TeL 5684. WELL DRILLING R. A RKD 4. West, S years xperlac Dos toi a TeL 110F5- Oregon Cherries On Portland Mart Bringing 8 Ceiits PORTLAND, June 12 (AP) First local cherries of the season arrived today on the East Sid Farmers Market, They were brought in from th Curtis Bros. larm ftna oia i ' Strawberries were in rather no- lg0 acr. between Albany and Cor- eral offering with quit spread vaiiis with about lit acres now tn natifv c.Im xhnwed a range growing crop. Fair farm buildings. Lo ot quality. Sales "Oireti ated n pavement near fine school, of n.75-2. 50 crate with most of e.v. -,T., so h-d of cattle. the Oregons moYing- $2-2.25 with ... ' . . with a lew sz.39 ana sini ic- . 5 iTn !mi. Cold Dollars were at 2.50 crate. Gold uouar were around $2 at th gtrt bat dronned back to $1.75. Grsewrfes were in Tery lib- erai Olienng, a vrui- ".""" sales around 90c crat or. z oas kets. CLUB WILL BE OTJEST HAZEL GREEN JttD 12. Th Sunshin tJewing club will he guest of Nemo 8ewlng club Wednesday afternoon Juno 14 at Edward Dunnigan park. Statesman Classified Ads Caa 9101 CUMiftod Adrertklar Singl insertion per iict.lte TbrtM 1-sertloa par ltn .... toe Six insertions per lis, .lit On month ptr llnctl-Ot Minimum charge lit Copy for tbU pat ac cepted until f:3t th syn tax befor publication Iot classification. Copy r csired after tola time will be rnn under the heading Too Lata to Clasalty. Th Statesman assam no financial responsibility tor error which may hp pear in advertisements pno Ushd in it columns, and la ease where thla paper la at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In whteh th typofraphJcal mistake ocemr. The Statesman reserve the right to reject objec tlcmal advertising. It far ther reserve th right to classify all advertising un der th proper classification. HELP WANTED FEMALE Girl or ladylo work for board and room and reasonable wages. 1 496 Hoyt street. i n 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i n r iij"xjuucr WANTED Two ladies retail sales experience, see Mr. Rose evenings 6 to 8 p. m. 381 State Street, suite 206. SALESMEN WANTED Neat appearing man for steady work. Permanent and advancements. Write Box 317. Statesman. Preasmak. by day, cheap. 153S Court. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Fresh crabs now at Fldlera stand. Intersection SUverton-Portland road. Electrical contracting. Repairing. Prices that satisfy. D. C. Wahlberg. TeL S504, lunch hour. Kitchen range, Rt. 1, Box 265, 6JF15. Baled hay. B. R. Bewley. Green wood Sfa. Burbank seef "potatoes. Puritan Ci der Works, West Salem. Burbank seed potatoes. Maple Tree Stand, west end of bridge. Water lilies, hyacinths, fish grass. Salem Petlana. TRADE Miscellaneous Bar and Back Bar. Cost $600. Want Ford truck or late Ford Coupe. Box 214, Statesman. Clark Jewel gas range, good as new. cost $75.00; price $3.oo. Has oven gage and lighter, take some trade. Phone 6017118 NewBHgh. WANTED Miscellaneous We pick up dead or worthless horses. cows, sheep, lre of charge. TeL 4869. -nil a naicuiiiK rues irura a. few lodge flocks Barred Rocks. W. E. Park. 410 S. 24th St., Salem. MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut. Adults 20c. child. 15c. Two blocks a of library. S. Winter. Experienced teacher will tutor ln- termediate grade pupils. Call 9682. FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, garage, alp. porch. 1577 Court St. TeL 4857. Close In, sleeping ratea 658 Center. rooms. Summer ROOM AND BOARD Board and room for ladles. In. TeL 5678. 595 Court St. Cloa B. and R. near P. O. $20. TeL 5482. Board and room, 315 Bellevue. Cool, pleasant, downstairs room In home near state house, uoaro option al Home privileges. Box 216, care Statesman. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Fur. t R. apt, 2261 HaseL TaL 7664. rxnnon.nrii-ir'i- -1-,- y - -- Well furnished S room apartment. Garage. Adults. 475 N. CapltoL Three room furnished apartment. private bath, very nice, 1064 Oak bl Nice furn. apt, 590 Union. Apta $10 and np. 658 Center. I B. and bath. 268 N. Cottage- Gentlemen, clean 2 -room. 255 Center. 5 rm. furn. duplex, ground floor and garage. 864 Mill. T. u. AiDen. Desirable 1st. fL apt. 1835 State. 2. 8 room furn. apta. private bath. reduced rate 545 Court- Tel.- S7ii. FOR RENT firm lease FOR SALE four horses, six brood sows, ahoata, I .nil nrr MimnMc n..uv. , r s farm equipment .Thia year rent -ully paJ1 and a thrM) year new leae to re- sponsible party at only $325.- per year, Price Just reduced frora $850 t L- iUl ESS$& I bany. Oregon. FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and trnfonw bouaea, B. A. Forkner. 1818 N. Cottaga. TeL SOSL 5 room mod. furn. bouse. Close ln. Call 7529 or 318L House 6 rooms, modern newly pa pered and painted. Corner Marlon and 12tb streets. FOR RENT HOUSES mm mm y,-iVfyytofym For rent 7 room house. See lira. CadweU, Statesman office. s as m m m -fc-fci..- ---- -i n i itf T Strictly mod. house, call 1100 State. FOR RENT I room furnished. & room unfurnished. Call 1418 N. Fourth. FOR SALE Real Estate - - - ,-,-1 r. ir rnj'Lii Good semi-modern 7 -room plastered residence, basement, fireplace, plumb ing, on two big lots covered with nut. merry ana ornamental trees and rosea, grape arbor, near schools, nice, view, going at depression price. Also two oeauurul building lots 60x110 each with large fruit trees, block south Les lie brick school, at barsaln. easy terms. Owner. 763 Rural Ave. Phone 8854. Don't build until you see the two fine lots all in cherries. Dears and ap ples, full bearing, one block south of tissue junior r.brh schooL Dice new. level lots, 60x130 each. Sell on or both cheap, easy payments, Owner, 765 Mural Avenue, phone 8554. BUY NOW $3100 Home For $3800 7 room modern home, best of con struction. Only 6 blocks from state house, north. Small payment will has die. CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708 Strictly modern 6 room bungalow, close tn. Nearly new. A very choice home at only $3000.00, all furnished. lerms. 6 Acres with modern room bun galow near Salem. Price only $3800.00, Terms given. 50 Acres located north of Salem, all fenced and cultivated. Good Hop land. oargam at tzsuu.uu. Terms. J. F. ULRTCH CO. Phone 8673 325 State Street A real home bargain $1600. 2 lots, abundance of fruit, nuts and vegeta bles, 6 rooms, paving, good location, owner leaving, cash necessary. Also 5-room bungalow for $S50 on terms. 1L P. GRANT 1120 N. 15th St. Phone 8330. VV"irVtrrerir"Liri JXri-inrn fVruUXrunOXJTJrLrLJl SPECIAL Xat 4 room cottage on fine corner lot. South Salem. Priced low for quick deal. Will consider good car or res idence lot ss part. SKB Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors Sit State Street TeL. 6708. 274 acnes fine stock ranch, good barn, two houses, large chicken house. 80 acres bottom land. A chance to get your farm at a bargain. Price $55.00 per acre. 6 room house, full basement, paved street and paid. With one acre of land in Salem. All for $2,000. 8ome terms. 50 acres north of Salem, no. build ings, all fenced, and a choice place. ill grow hops. At a real bargain of $2,300. Good terms. 5 acres near Salem, good Improve ments at $2,800. Easy terms. Remember we write all kinds of In surance. X F. ULRICH CO. 325 State Street (TeL 8672) tx)R sale a room house, also 10 room house. Call 1180 Marion St. SUBURBAN BARGAINS i-A. 14 large bearing rh wainuts. Modem 6-R. nlaiitore.l hmm Double garage. A $6000 home for only $3400. Give terms. 5-n.cres. Modern B-TL h filberts. Poultry house for 700 hens. oooa Darn, j miles out, only $2950. A snap. z-acrea. 5-R. house. New hm try house. Lots of cherries and fruit. Only $2000. Now is the time tn hiiw (h.) but don t forget to see JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR 132 South High Street EXCHANGE Real Estate ...... -.-a-,i-uxn-ruvJV-ru, $700 first mortrare cnveHnv An acres Of land, to tlrhanra fnw H. C SHIELD3 Bldg. TeL Oregon 8902. TRADE Modern 6 -room PnptlnnJ mmjt 2m - UIU a acre tract near omn ntt-m, iw.i. clear of debt, total value $7000. Will trade for stocked and equipped farm and assume $3000 to $4000. ax.Ei HAWKINS ft ROBERTS FOR. iliuais tsi'ATK TRADES. -"---" Vii-.'innnnnnn n ,i . 160 A. bv Madrid 4 A Rir C-1 house In Salem. House, A. fruit, Newberg for Salem property. W. G. i xr,i- m ' J?fl. ?,Ar ,Saltm Property. W, "rant, aiasonic mag. mmmmmummmMmMmttmjmiitmimt iraae SDokana hnm fry a, in- borne or acreage near Salem. Rt. 7, dw a -v, oaiem. n 1 s isa.- mm AaMbB EXCHAKRR Modern home In Grant- Tu ir-i $4500. WU1 pay difference for good uume in aaiem. CHILDS ft MILLER. TtenUn 344 SUte Street Tel. 6708. FOR SALE FARMS $140021 ACRE FARM $1400 WORTH DOURLK 8 miles out on good road, buildings neea some repair. 2 wells, beautiful shade trees, small grove of timber. mixea orcnara, balance In cultivation. Jf or a real BUT In a small farm. O&iV CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtor 344 State Street TeL 6708. 125 acre dairy farm, stocked and equipped; will trade for unimproved ianu suitaoie ior pasture. ltt acres close In with 4 H linnw fruit and berrlea Trade for about 20 124 acre farm for lease. Hurt bnr stock and machinery and crop, 4 year c ; rrvp raiL BEE BECirrEL-TTIOMASON 841 State Street ACREAGE If you are looking for a real bur tn nop lana, 1 nave a snap. H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 8901 Business Opportunities WANTED IMMEDIATELY t men with $4o to use a canitei to Invest tn logging equipment which will return $25 average per day's op eration. Se Tom Wood at Wood- I Wheaton Motor Co., or phone 1588. - -,-,-.irt,iri,-.i iir .u" Five acre ranch with store and e-as station near saiem. box 215, States man. POLLY AND HER (WE'LL VtANT OUR FARM) (A FRESH VvXTSRJ- ( AN Aa -V I IT X VVONDERVVrRB) r n!1 , (TS A CINCH THEM'S k XlD HAVE. AM OCEAN CLAXE frH-rA ihJTJKi MEADOW WE'D BETTER f ID SUGGEST J Ji NO SECH PUACOhU 3J5bEACH FOR BATHING) CJFlllNG GOLFING.J V LOOK FER SECH J VjHE MOOrO MA 41 THIS PLANET.' --r rF JJy LIVESTOCK and POULTRY WANT KD Feeder pigs. Busch. R. T, Box 4, Salem. Otto MONEY TO LOAN 'Bells, of Harmony Heard ever KOIN i dally ring out a loan eerrie that U really really different. YOU UET THE I DLL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST 1 KILT FRi V ACT QUICK AW) COGrnvcroi SBRYXac Benef kial ISan Society I Room l New BTigh Bid Xnd Floor heavy were badly pinched, espe LICENSED BY state clally in American Telephone 518 Stat Street TeL S-T-4-4). which Inmned k net to 131Vi. FkatSONAI LOANS MADE on furniture, care, salaries vi vum, Ruw muni, nciJ&yaDiv monthly. When to fine n rial ad see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Ban BUc Pbae tUl PERSONAL, INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 118 Oregon Building, ind Floor Office hra, 10:00 A. M. to 6 :10 R. Telephone 7783. StaU license No. S-165. Borrow on personal property : repay in monthly installments. WTLLAM- ETTE LOAN CO.. State HC.-S-169. 60s uuaraian Bldg. Teu IS7I. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payments You keep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty SL and Ferry Phone 4733 Salem. Ore Private money to loan on good real estat security. Abrams and Ellis Inc., 411 Masonic. I-'OR SALEWOOD GUARANTEED DRY wood coaj TeL 5000 Salem Fuel Co. Trad ft CotUge. Ash, fir and oak. TaL 6448. Dry wood $4 cord. TeL 6458. Dry wood, all kinds TeL 4418. Dry oak. 4 fU $4.00. TeL 8708. 16" dry slab wood, $2 load: 16" dry old fir $2.50 load and dry planer wood. $2.50 load. Prompt delivery. At Tra cy 8. TeL 39S6. Dry 18 In. old fir, $4.25. TeL 4450. Wood, all kinds, call 4SF14. Smith ft Rubens. FOR SALE USED CARS WANTED Several light cara Will pay cash. USED CAR EXCHANGE Terms Trades 512 Chemeketa --- m,f fmir -iii-.-11-n-ii- i- qjuxnA MCKAY'S USED CARS Here are some real values in used cara They have been reconditioned tnroughout and are worthy of your consideration. 1926 Stude Coupe In excellent condition. S-nlv ttren 11 85 IS2 Ford Coupe for only 145 1929 DeSoto Sedan. Good condi tion. Good tires and paint Here's a real value 265 1S29 Pontiac Sedan. New paint. good rubber. Runs like new 195 1929 Nash Sedan that Is a dandy, its a real buy at 125 1931 Ford V-8 Tudor Sedan. Has only 19,000 milea Can hard ly be told from a new car. Save some money on this one 475 1932 Plymouth Sedan. This Is the long wheelbase sedan with automatic clutch, free wheeling and floating pow er, tor only 495 Several late model Chevrolet a at a big saving Several others from $25 up. Trucks from $100 to $525. TERMS TRADES McKAY CHEVROLET rrf 331 Center 410 N. Coml raon 1189 mfmM0nsmmmmmmM Save , $400 from' origlnai"'"', .- isiciaior ueiiuxe sedan in per fect condition. Equipped In every de talL Only driven 8628 mllea New car guarantee, fs.. . . BORREGO"S zto ISO. Liberty TeL 8688. Good Combing Wool Prices Up BOSTON, June 12 fAP) Good combing territory wools are moving freely with prices showing a strengthening tendency. Strictly combing 48. 80s, quarter blood. imuiuij wuuii are strong Wlin recent sales closing at 60 scoured oasis. stnctiy com Ding 6 6s on quarter blood territory wools. bring 61-62 scoured basis. Re ceipts of domestic wool here dar ing the week ending Jun 10. estimated by th Boston grain and flour exchange, amount to 5,582, 400 lbs, compared with 5,108,300 lbs., the previous week. Ia the District Court ef the United SUtes for the District ef Ore gen. United Htatea of America, Libelant, r. Robert L. Phillips sad Nerasa PaiUips, Defesd sats, C-189. Uaited Btatee Marshal's Notice. By virtue ef ea order issued by the United Steles District Ceert for the District ef Ore Cos, la the salt ef the United States ef America vs. Robert L. Phlllipc and Norma PhUhpa, Defendants. Case No. C-1399S, I am commanded te sad de hereby give sotiee that that cer tain Poatiee Caeca Meter Re. P-141696, will be forfeited te the Uaited States per sunst t the pre yUioas et Seetiea SS, Title H, ef the National Prohibition Act, unites good cease to the contrary be shewn by the ew aer er say one having aa tatsrest therein, at tea e' clock. A. M oa the 6th day ef Jnly, 1988. la the Ceert Room of said Court ia the Old Peet Office Building. Fifth end Morrlsea Streets, Portland Ore ia. Jeha L. Day, united btates Marsha- J. 1S-S0. PALS FIUUKE1S OPBIl'JEEKSTB NEW YORK, Jane It- TAP) Financial markets were strong to day. Stocks held th spotlight, with many gains of 1 to 8 point, fhonrh tbe clow of SBeculatbr enthusiasm was plainly visible in "4 "1 " Shorts who had aold on the the- ory the market waa getting top- National Distillers, Allied Chem- leal. United Fruit, Case and De troit Edison lamped 4 to more than S. The U. S. Steel, American Can, Consolidated' Gas, Da Pont, Santa Fe, Columbia Gas, Corn Products, North . American, Dela ware & Hudson, and Da Pont were up 3 or thereabouts. Beth lehem, Youngatown Sheet, Kenne- cott, Anaconda, Harvester, Ameri can ic Foreign Power, American Waterworks, International Tele phone, United Corp., and a broad assortment of rails were up 1 to 2. Sales totaled 5,811,960 shares. Butter Steady, Poultry is Low, Beef Price Weak PORTLAND, June 13 (AP) General steadiness was reflected in the butter market for the week's opening. There was no change In prices on the open mar ket. For the week's opening there was no further general change in the price on chickens but some buyers were unwilling to pay above the extreme low level for any fowl. There continued a very good call for hen turkeys in the dressed poultry trade with net offers of 16c and commission handlers get ting up to 17c lb for selections. tsotn real ana nogs snow a steady tone in the country meat trade for the week's opening. Prices were unchanged. Beef alone was weak but there was no further price loss. Lambs were steady. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that Marion Gibbs, Administratrix of the Estate of Albert J. Rousseau, deceased, has filed her final ac count in the matter of the said estate in the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, and that Saturday, the 8th day of July, 1933, at ten o'clock in the fore noon of the said day, in the County Court rooms in the Coun ty Court House of Marlon County, Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place by the said Court for the hearing of objections to the said account, and for final set tlement of the said estate. Any and .all objections to the said account and the final settlement of the said estate must be filed I with the Clerk of said Court OB or before the date of said hear ing. Dated June 10th, 1933. Marion Gibbs, Administratrix of he Esttft 0Tt1r.-J-,R?S8eaU' deceased. J.13-20-27-Jly 4. Radio Program TUESDAY. June 13. UL POBT-AKD 940 &C. 6:30 KOIN 'a Klock. S:00 Baddy Hsrrod's orchestra, CBS. 8:30 Concert Miniatures, CBS. 9:15 Harold Knight's orchestra, CBS AftSk A T . . . na HoiiES-a HackVtt; JSLT tui. l AA:ia rranees ee canon a cooing schooL 12:00 Porter Energy trio. -1:45 Belle sad Martha, DLBS. 8 :00 Faminins Fancies, DLBS. 6:00 Psatel Harmonies, DLBS. 6:00 Barn Dsaee Varieties, CBS. 6:30 Kdwia C. Hill. CBS. 6:45 Columbia Symphony orchestra. CBS. 8:30 Leon Belasee's orchestra, CBS. 9:00 Ted Fie-Blte's orchestra, DLBS. 10:00 Golden Sands. DLBS. 11:00 Cafe de Paris orchastrs, DLBS. XO AO 00 BY i T 1 T g 858 X 6:0 Musical Eye Opeaers. 7 :00 Morning meditation, 14 by Dr. reus u. jasttaews. 8:00 Morning concert. . 10:00 Musical stories. 11:30 Science service. 11:00 Farm hoar. 8:55 Farm market reports. 6 :- cms summer school, program by delegations from Tillamook, Lincoln sad Linn eeaatiss. 8:00 D. D Hill, "The Word la Re- vis w" 8:80 A (choel for alerka ef sc-oel board 8:45 -Mrs. Heary O'Deea, soprano ' SAW rOBTAYI 620 Xs. 7:00 Orgaa concert, KBO. Y:S0-rOrgsa ceaeert, SBC. T:3d U. 8. Army basd, KBC. S:0O Reaali Baek, pianist. 9:80 Martha Meede society, KBC. :45 Prasees Ia grass. Who' WHEAT, OATS SET NEW RECORDS LOCAL PRODUCE REACHES MARKET December Wheat Sells At and Oats At 32 CHICAGO, June It (AP) Wheat and oata jEiaa flew up ward today to fresh high records unequaled for more than two years. The burst of strength in both grains came in the late trading, and was' largely associated with Jumps shown in securities. There were new reports also of crop damage, especially in soft wheat areas east of the Mississippi river, and it was announced Secretary Wallace would state on Friday the policy to be adopted by the department of agricnlture in ad ministering recent farm legisla tion. Wheat closed strong at the day's top level, 1-1 cents above Saturday's finish, corn unchanged to hi up, oats advanced. Today's closing quotations: Wheat July. 77;-; Sept., 79Ts-80; Dec, Corn July. 4 6-46; Sept., 48- -49; Dec. 61-. Oats July. 29s-; Sept., 30- Dec, 32. General Markets PRODUCE EXCHAKGB PORTLAND. Ore.. Jtme 12. (AP) Produce exrhaQge, net pricei: Butter Extra 22r, tUndards 2lVc prime tints 21c, flrstt 19 4 c. Kff Freh extras lse, frees meditimi I.e. Portland Grain j PORTLAND, Ore.. June 12. (AP) Wheat Open Hirh Low Cloae July 6'J 62 60 62 September G3 64 V 64 V December 63 66 6i 66 V Catn wheat No, 1, Big Bead blu- atem 69c; dark hard winter 12 per cent 70e, 11 per cent 66c; toft white 01 Sir; hard winter 61c; nurthrrn aprinf, west ern white, weUern red 5c. Oats Xo. 2 white $22.50. Cora No. 2E yellow 122. Mill run Standard $19. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. June 12. (AP) Buttor l'rinu, extras 24c. standards 23 Vic. Butterfat Portland delirrry: A grade 31 -2c pound; farmers' door deli,ery 21 2 2c pound; tweet cream 5c higher. t-gs Pacific Poultry producers selling price: Bohemians 20c, extras lie, mixed colors 17c, mediums 17c dozen. Buying price of wholesalers: I're&h cur rent receipts, 56 pounds and up, 12c dozan. I Cheese 92 score Oregon triplets. 12c; loaf 13e pound. Brokers will pay below quotations. link tontract price 4 per cent. Portland delivery $1.70 cwt ; B grade cream 3 7 Vs c pound. Country meats Selling price to retailers: Country killed hogs best butch era, under 150 pounds 7Ls-8e; -eaters, 70 to 100 pounds 7H-8c; spring lambs llVi-L2c; yearlings 2 ic, heaT, ewes. 2V4-3c:medium rows 5e pound. Canner cows 2Vs-3c. Bulla, 3-5c pound. Mohair ominsl buying price: 1933 clip 12c pound. Cascara bark Buying price: 1933 peel, 4c pound. 11 ops Nominal, 1933, 70-e pound. Lire poultry Portland deliTery: Buy ing prices, heary hens, colored 4H pounds 13c. do mediums lie; lights 10c. Springs, light, IVi pounds np, 10c; color ed, springs. 12-14c. Roosters 8e pound. Ducks, Pekms, broilers, 12 13e pound; old ducks, Pekins, lOe pound, do colored 10c pound. Onions Selling price to retailer: Oregon $1-1.25 cental. New onions California Bermudas $1.60-1.75 per 50 pound crate; California 40c per lug; new red 2a pound. Potatoes Ixval fl. 15-1.33; Des chutes tiems $1.75. do Bakers, $1.90; Yakima Oems $1.60. New potatoes Cslifornja Garnets l-2c pound; white 8V pound. Strawberries Oregon OoIIars fl.75: Clark seedlinrs 82.50. Wool 1933 clip, nominal; Willam ette valley 2123c pound; eastern Oregon 17-20c pound; southern Idaho 16 2Ue pound. Hay Buying price from producer: Alfalfa No. 1. $16: clever No. 2. $14; eastern Oregon timothy $16; oats and vetch $15. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore, June 12. (AP) Cattle Receipta 1000, calve 50; 1- 25c higher for fed steers and heifers. Steer Oood So 6. 1 5 ; common an medium $3.75 6.25. Heifers, good 84.60 6.25; common and medium $3-4.60. Cows, good $450 5.25; common and medism $1.50-4.60. BulU, good $3,15 3.75; cot ter snd medium $2.25-3.25 Veslers, good $6-6.75; common and medium $8-. Calves, good $5.50-6; common sad me- i djum $2.50-5. lior Keeeipt sooo; is-aac lower. Good. 140 te 200 pounds $2.35-5.50; 200 te 830 pousds $5.10 5.50; ever 250 pound I4.50-5J25. Sow, good $3.75- a-o; medium 63.50-4. Pigs, goo- s Sheep aleceipta S000; I5e lower. Lambs, good and choice $6 6.73; com tea and medium 84 6. Wether 83.75- 4.50. Ewe $2-3.75. 10:30 Wemsa's Msgs sis of t-s Air, NBC 11:80 Argentine trie, NBC. 11:45 Meredith Willsoa, KBO. 1:15 eledeUe Tnoaghts. NBC. S :00 Al Paexee sad Hi Gang, KBO. 8.30 Friendly Chat. 4:30 Utile Orphan Aaaie, KBO. d4S Mahdi. the ssarieiaa. 5:00 BaUadettes. KBC. 6:30 Ceaeerl trie, Ul 7:00 Ames 'a' Aady, NBC 7:15 Memory Las. KBC. 9:00 Mannequins, KOMO. B '30 HamsieiiU sjnuuL 10:15 Aasea Weeks' erehassra. HBC. 11:00 Phil Harris' eresestrs, KBC. 11:30 Melody Mixers. KBO. Lnnar Now? 3alem Markets fSvsuto B rerw 4V co-op pool price, 91-36 per hundred. Burpro 91-36. (Milk basea s eesil weafsb vtterfat a versa. ) IMstribator price f 1.70 Batterfat Top 21 -22c, prima 24H, cabea 22. Priest paid te trovers r Bales hsycr Jane 13 (The prices eels. suvpiieS si hee4 greeer. ere iedicatrve el thm asilj BMrSMt bet ere t lew we Tie luinsil I riOIT ABTJ VBSETASLBS Striae besas, lb th. . .13 . .75 . -0 . .03 . .30 - .03 Vi . as -1.4S .2.40 ArUsuekes, doe. Acparagok, local, aos. . Cebsage. lb. Green peppers, Florida. Pei. Oroii, lb OSoas. dux. baacfaes Potetoei, Yakima No. Florida lb. SUssts, white i .2.40 -L50 Sweet potatoes, erata Lettuce, loeal Onions. Labish. cwL . , Rhubarb, local - Celery. Calif. V crate Mexican tomatoes Apples Winesaps, fancy .65 . AS . 01 2.75 .2.25 .95 1.40 txtra fancy Xewtowss. taeey --. .90 txtra lancr i Oranges 3.00 to 4.O0 Beets, local, doi. .35 Turnips, local, crate 55 Carrots, loral, dot. .35 Spinach, local, crate Bananas, lb. on ateck .25 to .60 .0 Hands .0 5 V Mustard rrsins .60 Cucumbers .so to 1.30 .20 to JO S.75 7.50 .03 to .04 ..1.83 to 2.00 1.25 3.25 Pineapple, retail cantaloupes, rrste Lemons , . , Gooseberries Htrawherrie. Limes, fresh local Aracados, Crate HOPS Top, Top, 1932, lb 1931. lb. .58 COGS Bsytng Prices Extras Standards Medium Old rooster Colored bans Mediums ben Light hen. Broilers Lamb, top lio;. top First cuts Steers Cows Heifers Bulls Dressed real. Dressed hors GS-AIJi AVD HAY Wheat, western red .87 White. So. 1 . 67 Barley, top, ton It 00 to 20.00 Oata. ton 20.00 to 25.00 Mj. buyinx oHeas Oats and Tetch. ton 16.00 Alfalfa. alley 1st cut 17.00 Fatern Oregon 18.00 Clover hay . ...17.00 .51 WOOL Medium Course .21 .12 .01V .04 j Mohair Green. Th. Dry. Ih. CASCAKA BAXK Stocks and Bonds (Copyright. 1933. Standard Statistic Co.) June 12 BTOCK AVTRAQ-S 50 20 30 90 tsd'l, RR's Ct'a Total Today 89.0 44 9113.9 36.5 Previous day 86.4 43.2 107.0 83.S Week ago 8-1.1 44 6 99.2 80.0 Year ago - M.5 15.6 59.3 38.6 3 yean ago 170.4 124 9 541.4 175.7 High 1933 89.0 44.9 113.7 86.5 Low 1933. 42.8 23.5 61.3 43.9 High 1938 72.3 89.8 111.0 73.9 Lew 1983 35.1 13.2 61.8 35.0 New 1933 high. B0TD ATE SAO ES 20 20 80 Today 73.1 75.9 84. 4 Pre rious dsy 73.0 75.9 84.1 Week ago 72.8 76.5 84.0 Year age 55.3 53.7 74.1 eo 77.7 77.6 77.7 61.0 3 years ago 93.6 107.0 99.8 100.1 High 1933 73.4 78.6 85.2 78.1 Low 193S 58.3 57.0 74.1 HiKh 1932 71.3 78.0 86.2 Low 1933 53.2 47.4 70.9 63.6 78.1 57.5 SCHOOL BUS BILL WILL BE TALKED HAYESYILLE, June 12 There will be a meeting in th Hayes Till school, June 14, to discuss the school transportation cost. The school election will be Monday night, June 19, at the school house. At this meeting the transportation bill will be voted on, the school budget will be pre sented and on new member of the school board will he elected. Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Andreses, who hare resided In the neighbor hood about 15 years, have moved to 2060 Myrtle avenue, Salem. Their house has been rented to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Day, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, who have remodeled It Into a first class "inn" called th "Oasis" which was opened Jun 10. Australia fears another rabbit I plague this year. .14 .13 .12 rOOXTBY J4 .11 .e o .18 to .15 MEAT 5.00 .- 5.25 j.uo .04 S to .05 " .02 Vi to .03 .03 V, to .04 .02 S to .03 top .06 H .07V4 Salem Wheat is up 2c; Berries, Carrots, Turnips Appear Wheat started the week locally with a two cent boost in prices, to 67 cents on both red and white. Hogs took the other path, with a 10 cent decline per hundred noted. Top hog quotation is $5.25. Local strawberries are coming to market more plentifully, with consequent lower prices, ranging from $1.85 to $2 per crate to the grower. Local carrots and turnips were on the market yesterday, at 35 cents per doaen bunches and lo cal beets were taking place of the California offerings. Green peppers are up, with Florida stock available; Oregon peas are what the housewife car ries home now. Pea price is down a half cent, to 3vi cents to the grower. Celery and Mexican toma toes are a bit cheaper also. Old potatoes are firmer and scarcer, with no locals offered. Yakima No. 2's are bringing $1.45 per hundred. Cantaloupes are cheaper at $3.75 a crate, but the market is dull. Fresh limes are on the market. PORTLAND, June 12 (AP) Wheat futures advanced 1 to 2c bushel here today with the chief, gain in July although there was no sale in that delivery. Sales totaled but 4000 bushel Septem ber. The cash market on tho mer chants' exchange was held down to lc rise for local with Mon tana showing a spread of 1-4 to S-4c bushel. I Bits for Breakfast I - o (Continued from Page 4) passed to the Hudson's Bay com pany, became the great dairy farn. of that concern, managed by Sauve. a Canadian French em ployee, whose name became that of the island. The Wyeth party had gardens and planted fruit trees at Fori William. Wyeth picked out a site for a land claim not far from th present Butteville. He expected to remain in the country and get ti tle to the claim. Jason Lee. in hi. Journal, spoke of meeting him there, after 1834. S Dr. John A. Wyeth. a relative of Captain Wyeth. under the heading. "Nathaniel J. Wyeth anr the Struggle for Oregon." wrotp for Harper's Magazine of Novem ber, 1892. s comprehensive ar ticle, closing with this question: "Will Oregon. Washington and Idaho, with their three-quartr of a million Inhabitants within &: years of the time he left it their busy cities, fertile farms, their transcontinental railroads their ocean steamers, clearing fo: China, Japan and the Orient, and their glorious future, of whicl this is but the dawn, ifeem Na thaniel Jarvis Wyeth a failure?- Many of London's 32.000 fac tories are resuming operations. O- I TO AID CUBA 1 j mi- f .S-V y.:. Dr. Eo ard Le McBais. nrofe ef political acienc and ceastitB tional law at Columbia Unirenrrty New York, wh has been asked Vi President Gerardo Machado to s slat ia rdrattnc Cuba's elector' laws ia order that th 1934 Ptwai dcntial alection "mar b beyon roxpkdon. By CUFF STERRETT s y w ! k : -( 1 Si t