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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1933)
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Bandar Morning, June 11, 1933 PAGE NINE " . 1 1 1 . . ii in J v I t r r Business Directory - Car a la Una luacu -7 run monthly bis rmly. Rat : 11.00 per Iln per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Fwak. the brake and alilmniy doctor. 275 South Commw!a! Street CATERING Thirt Crary. tha caterer. Ph. 075S. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 44 SO. R EI Korthnea. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor .&'. N. High. Tet Rea S373. DRESSMAKING Exp. dressmaking In your home. FLORISTS CUT flower, wedding bouquet tun oral wreaths, decorations. C ft. Rrelt baupt, florist. 077 Court TeL 0904. ' ALL kinds of floral work. Lots Flor lat. Mth Market TeL 5JJ. GLASS Auto and window class mirrors. Tel HOP. Welter J. Downs. 86 Brers. INSURANCE BECKE HENDRICKS 119 K. High TeL 4947 COFFEY-SMITH, gen. Ins. TeL 8632. LAUNDRIES tub new salem laundry the: weideh laundry lii 8. High Tel. 9125 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First In Quality and Service Telephone 31. 5 12S4 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT, "The Cycle Man" MATTRESSES aCattreaaes from factory to homo. Spring mattress 18.00. Renovators and f umlgatora. Ruga cleaned. Capital Bed dlns Co. TeL 4069. 3030 N. CapitoL New mattress made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sizing ; ftull rug weaving. Salem fluff Ras Mat tress Factory, a 13th Wilbur. TeL 0441. Otto F. Zwlcker. Est 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sew ing machines, sheet muslo and piano studies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 432 Stats Strsei. B lent. MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam Chines Medicine Co. Buurs Tuesday and Friday, 10 :30 a.m. to 4:30 p. m. 148 N. Commercial. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Faint A Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOB STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing; call The Statesman Printing Department, 210 & Commercial. Tele grtiono 9101. REAL ESTATE BECKE ft HENDRICKS, TeL 404T. W. H. Q RABEN HORST ft CO. 134 8. Liberty 8t TeL 0400. SOCOLOFSK Y SON 104-t First Natl. Bk. Bldg. TeL T807. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop basket, books, logaa hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 102 Chemefceta. TeL 4774. R, B. Fleming. TRANSFER CAPITAL. CITY Transfer Co. 120 SUM St TeL 777S. Distributing, for warding aa4 storage our specialty. Del our rates. FOR local or distant transfer storage call 1101, Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks t Portland daily. TYPEWRITERS n-rufiypri'ffRg AiMlnar 14h- sold. rented, repaired. Underwood Agents. Cook or gnori. in v-sr. -. WELL DRILLING R A. West SO years experience, RV-D g. Bos 1 OS EL TeL HOPS. Two New Teachers At Mte Angel Are Named Past Week MT. ANGEL, Jane 10 The two vacancies in the teaching staff of St. Mary's school made by the departure, of Miss Gladys UcGee and William H. Balllle, have been filled. Miss Florence Walker of ML Ansel and Mardon Oveross of Sllverton are the new teachers selected. The remain- Hue teachers will be the. same as last year: Theresa Debier, prin cipal, Helen Keber. Panllne Saal- feld and Grace Smith. GETS URUGUAY JOB SHW-RTON, June 10. f- HUs Florence Merryman, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. John Merryman has obtained a position as head of the domestic science department of a Methodist school at Monte video, Uruguay, South America. Miss Merryman. who Is a grad aaU of Oregon .'tate college, has been teaching at North Bend the .past year. She will attend sum mer school at Oregon State this year and leave taJBeptemher for Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertista, Slngle Insertion per llaclOe Three lnsertloaa par Iln- 20o Six Insertions, per Uaa..M One month pr line..1.0t Minimum charge ....... SSt Copy tor thU page ae eepted until 6:30 the even ins before publication tor classification. Copy re ceived tfter this time will be roo under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman uinmei no financial responsibility for error which may ap pear In advertisements pno Usued in its columns, and In cases where this, paper Is st fault will reprint that part ot an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occars. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objee tional advertising. It far ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classification. HELP WANTED I10S-S350 MONTH. Government aft er depression jobs. Men women. 18 50. Steady. Qualify now. Sample coaching and list jobs FREE. Apply today. Box 1274 R, care Statesman. HELP WANTED MALE i-S--'-hmm ii ri i i jui a art r fXTXf STFIADY WORK GOOD PAY Choice openings in country and towns for reliable men and v. omen. No capital or experience required. MR. THOMAS, Supt., 42G Third St., Oak laml. California. HELP WANTED FEMALE Women earn 312 dusen sewing, ma terials cut, instructions furnished, ex perience" unnecessary, a.idressed en velope, firings particulars. Superior Dress CiJmpa ny, 203 II a v e m e y e r Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. LADIES Copy names and address es, upare time for mail order firms. Good pay. Experience unnecessary. Stamp brings details. Holt Service, Nichols, N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED Competent woman wants house keeping or day work. Box 213, care Statesman. Sewing. Mrs. Ad-sitt. TeL 4370. Young girl wishes place in home to work for room and board. .TeL 8588. Work. R. Porter. R 1, Bx. 98, Salem. Experienced woman with 7 yr. son wants cooking or bed making. Will go anywhere. 1290 N. 21st FOR SALE Miscellaneous Fresh crabs now at FMiHr umi intersection Sllverton-Portland road. - - -- -1 -1 - ii . in "i.iiji.n.ixruu' Electrical Contract I nr. Tlx nai ring- Pi" ices that satisfv. D. C Whlherr. TeL 8504. lunch hour. Kitchen range, Rt. 1, Box 205. S1F15. 1 wood range, heater, kitchen cab inet, beds, springs and irattFesa for sale or trade at 2095 X. Com'L Baled hay. B. R. Bewley, Green- ood Sta. Burbank Seetl notatoea. Puritan r'1. der Works, West Salem. Burbank seed notatoes. Manl Tr Stand, west end of bridge. FOR SALE Men's rarnn hoao 1m. perfects, 20 pairs $1, postpaid; satis faction guaranteed. Economy Hosiery Co., Ashehoro. N. C. WANTED Miscellaneous We Dick Ml Afnft nr vnrthl... cows, sheep, free of charge. TeL 486! WASTED Hat chin oa-a-si o few lodge flocks Barred Rocks. W. E. t-arit, ti . Z4tn St.. Salem. MISCELLANEOUS Best hair rot. Adults 20c ehlliL. ISc Two Mocks S of library. & Winter. FOR RENT ROOMS -Modern room, garare. sin. Darcb. 77 Court St. TeL 4S57. - - -- -- --v-m-i-i inrvu-i rLimj-tr Close In. sleeping rooms. Summer ratea. 3 center ROOM AND BOARD Board and room for ladles. Ooaje in. TeL &S.8. 535 Court St. B. -and R. near P. O. $20. TeL 5482. -"i 1 1 a i i"TfuiojjTjuuranrin Room, board, private home. S7T 8. Board and room, 345 Bellevue. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Fur. I B. apt. 8201 HaxeL TL Tit. Well furnished S room aMrtmanL Garage. Admta, 475 K. CapitoL - -.- - -- i g.ii-i i n ri.i1.n Thre room furnished apartment private oatn, very ntce. 1014 oak at Nic furn. apt., 590 Union. Apt a. $10 and up. (58 Center. t R. and bath, 2(3 N. Cottage. Gentlemen, clean 2 -room. 255 Center. ajaawwwawmwwMWMwMwi 6 rra. furn. duplex, ground floor and garage, no 4 aiul T. U. Albert - '- - -Y---, ,-i-i-i-irni n rLfuxnji Desirable 1st fL apt 1335 Stat. 2-R. furn. apt 81.(0 wk. 1290 Oak. soutn or w. r. aepot. -ret zzs. 1. S room furn. apt a. private bath. reduced rates, 64 court. Tel. 67i. FOR RENT HOUSES Fiua. and -smfan. baasea R. Mbm 111 N. Cottag. TeL SOIL f room mod. furn. house. Close m. Call 7(29 or siSL 1& hoos and bath, partly furnish ed, 911.00 per mo. incL water, sza n. Church. - FOR RENT (-room modern house. f 18.50 per month. TeL 0810. Thr room turaiabed house, garage. 880 liood St. PkOM ssts. - Hous 0 rooms, modem newly p pered aad peiafd, Corner Marloa and FOR RENT HOT5SES For rent, on 7 room house, 1-S room bungalow. Be lire. Cadwell, ouiwkiuui on ice. tmm n ........ ..... i-yin aqruLi u ui 4 -room modern bungalow, nicely fur nished, at 280 West Miller St View Courts price $20.00. S. M. KART.P1 208 No. High TeL 9 878 Dtrictiymoa. nouse, call 1800 State. 1423 Fir Streft. 110 no- mc w Fourth street. 1 15.00; 1700 N. 17th street, $20.00: 438 Deslie St. $25.00. P. H. BKLL, 225 Oregon Bid. Telephones 8902-3427 FOR RENT 3 room furnished, 5 room unfurnished. Call 1420 N. Fourth. - ---i -I i-in rm ixrui i. Modern 7 room No. Cap. TeL 3545. FOR RENT FARM LEASE FOR SALE 180 acres between Albany and Cor vallis with shout 110 acres now in growing crop. Fair farm buildings. Lo cated on pavement near fine school. Stocked with over 20 head of cattle, four horses, six brood sows, shoats, tractor, binder, and very complete farm equipment .This year's rent fully paid and a three year new lease to re sponsible party at only $125. per year. Price just reduced from $2500 to $2. 250. cash. Courtesy to brokers. Must he taken at once. Tripp ft Murphy. Al bany, Oresron. FOR SALE Real Estate Good semi-modern 7-room plastered residence, basement fireplace, plumb ing, on two big lots covered with nut, cherry and ornamental trees and roses, grape arbor, near schools, nice view, going at depression price. Also two beautiful building lots 00x130 each with large fruit trees, block south Les lie brick school, at bargain, easy terms. --.v. urai Ave. rnone sail. Dnn't hntM untn fine lots all in cherries, pears and ap ples, full bearing, one block south of Leslie junior hiKh school, nice view, level lots, (0x130 each. Sell on or both cheap, easy payments. Owner. 75 Rural Avenue, phone 8854. Tin v vnw $8100 Home For $3800 T room modern home, best of con struction. Only C blocks from ptate house, north. Small payment will han dle. CHTLD3 ft MILLER, Realtors ' 344State Street Phone 6708 'ii. m .... ii . "i'i'w , n,iVJL Strictly modern 5 room bungalow, close In. Nearly new"; A very choice liome at only $3000.00, all furnished. Terms. 5 Acres with modern 8 room bun srwow near Salem. Price only $3S00 00 Terms given. 50 Acres located north of Salem, all fenced and cultivated. Oood Hop land. Bargain at $2300.00. Terms. J. F. ULRICH CO. Phone 8672 325 Stat Street 10 Acres. S R hmiu tr km electricity, close to Saiem, for larger acreage. 35 acres, house, electricity, barn, some equipment, fine river-bottom soil, $5000, terms. 7 acres, 5 R. house, garage, electric ity, close to Salem, $900. R. A. FY1RKKKR 1010 N. Cottage Tel. 3031. A real home bargain tlsoo. 1 inta abundance of fruit, nuts and vravta- blea, 0 rooms, paving, good location, owner leaving, cash necessary. aiso a-rooru oungalow lor $850 on terms. H. P. GRANT 1120 N. 18th St. Phone 8330. 5-ACRE HOMESITE 4 miles from Salem on- rood road. family orchard in bearing, exceptional sou, gooa drainage, a real buy at W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street $750 CASH Will buy a good three room house with plumbing and electricity, garage. ana woodshed, paved St., located at 1849 N. Winter St. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 South Liberty Street For sale at a great bargain, a mod ern 5 room house on No. Capitol St on fine corner lot prlc $2800.00 or will leave furniture and cooking uten slle for $2950.00; will take $400.00 or f svu.uo down and carry the balance. 8 room house, semi modern on fin corner lot south, mortgage $1000.00; will exchange for acreage and -assume. Modern house in Post Falls, Idaho, lota of flowers and shrubs, price $3,- au.uu; clear of debt exchange for small acreage and will assume. S. M. KARLE E. E ROHRRTS 208 No. High Tel. 9678. iCsrxX'ij 1, sjuiruxrsi SPECIAL N'eat 4 room cottaee on fine nvn.r lot. South Salem. Priced law for nulplr deal. Will consider good car or res idence lot as part SKE Mrs. Ellis with CHILD8 ft MILLER. Rltrr. 314 State Street TeL 6708. 274 ipra. fin. .k j barn, two house, large chicken houe. yoor farm at a bargain. Prlc $55.00 I BUD, room house, full basement paved street anil nalH With nna 1 in Salem. All for $2,000. Sums terms. acres norxn or saiem, no build ings, all fenced, and a choice place. Will grow hops. At a real bargain of $2,500. Good terms. 5 acres near Salem, good Improve ments at $2,800. Easy terms. Remember we writ all kinds of in surance. X T. ULRICH CO. $25 Stat Street (TeL 8(72) Reasonable 1 hnuat a Kit tw.... 1 at 1(10 N. ritftan 1 at 91 CK II ' tie, R. 7. Box 227. Salem. Ore. FOR SALE S nna hnn. t a room house. Call 1480 Marion St. EXCUANCP Ra1 Raf.fa, "---- - -11 -11- 1-11-M-1 i-M-in ixa.ii jim 7AA M. . . S 7 00 first mnrtnrm nnMH.. an acres of land to .n-inn,. lot ' " TT r eimTi na Oregon Bldg. TeL 89(2. i.iM wh .hiii. ...... ii-irvxru-irLruuuL TP1T.P m Modern f-room Portland houM and 25 ACTA trant AMI- HrAP-nn sTHOw Kath v via vi4 wui clear of debt total value $7000. Will iraaa ior stocked and equipped farm and lamtma lias n (man SEB HAWKINS ft ROBERTS FOR tUSAlj JSoTAThS TRADES. POLLY AND HER (thank HEAVEN I THIS ) QtS ON3 PROBLEM jS Xw5 cny-folks r i VY s yV jr. 1 i - Interesting: Pacts The Salem Cherrlans did them- selyes proud in Portland Friday. During the short stops In the marching the boys kept the crowd in an nproar with their music and entertainment. O Good things are always copied. We hare received letters from newspapers all orer Oregon and Washington and some from other states, asking about our Green section which we hare been pub lishing for the past several years each Friday morning. The section hag been Terr popular and patron ized by practically all local food advertisers. Unfortunately we did not copyright the idea for now we hear that is to be copied in many places even in Salem. Neverthe less the Green section will contin ue, with its complete coverage of Salem and Salem rural routes, to give service to Salem advertisers with valuable food information for the public. Watch for the orig inal. Beware of substitutes. O The great Detroit fire was 12S years ago today. O Circus in Salem a week from next Saturday. O Tusko, the largest elephant In captivity died Friday in Seattle. He wag 42 years old, weighed 14, 213 pounds, was 10 feet and 2 in ches' tall and 18 feet 11 Inches from rump to trunk. Tusko was left in Salem after the 1931 state fair. He was once owned by Harry Plant, local fight and wrestling promoter. EXCHANGE Real Estate Trade Spokane home for Salem home or acreage near Salem. Rt. 7, Box 23 X, Salem. EXCHANGE Modem home in Grants Pass. Value $4500. Will pay difference for good home In Salem. CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street TeL (70S. FOR SALE FARMS NEVER AGAIN SUCH OFFER ISO-acres. 80-A. cultivation. Good springs, some timber. Dandy 8-R. house. Barn, silo, new poultry house. Dandy stock ranch. Priced to selL Only $4500. Can't beat it JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR 132 South High Street $1400 21 ACRE FARM $1400 WORTH DOUBLE 8 miles out on good road, buildings need some repair, 2 wells, beautiful shade trees, small grove of timber, mixed orchard, balance In cultivation. For a REAL BUY In a small farm, SEE CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 Stat Street TeL 6708. 1 wsfHai-Mn frt rinss. 125 acre dairy farm, stocked and equipped: will trade for unimproved land suitable for pasture. 1V4 acres close In with 4 R. house, fruit and berries. Trade for about 20 acres. x 124 acre farm for lease. Must bnv stock and machinery and crop. 4 vear lease crop rent. SEE BECHTEL-THOMASON 341 State Street -- -- '" - - -i-i-,-i ririr.rir.riri a.nrnnftna FARM BARGAINS 10 fine unimproved tillable acres. 1 mile Halem, for $1500, easy terms. lit unproved acres, very best of soil for $1850, easy terms. 10 acres, 0 room honse, la rare barn, all tillable. $1400. with $500 down and oaiance a yrs. at 6. 72 Improved acres. 12 miles Salem near good town, all tillable for $4500 ana win tax small Tarm. Strictly modern 85000 Salem ham to trade for good farm and will pay auierence. Melvln Johnson or W. U. Pennington 275 State Street ACREAGE If you are tonkin a for a ml hnv In uup nuu, 1 nave a snap. M. U. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Tel. 8902 .wi rirm n.rtni ltlh 18-ACRE SNAP All fn cultivation. (Close In) -R. house, barn, garage, poultry house. Electrlo lighta Fine location. Priced very low at $2900, Don't buy until you nav seen mis. JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR 132 South High Street SNAP TV a r-T finip 100 acres located in Polk county, part cultivated, balance excellent Um ber. Price $20. per cash. It's a BUT. 8 EE W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO.. REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street TeL 44(8 . 11 in 1 1 . . 1 - JU.-LruTj-Ln 0-1-3 ACRE TRACT Timber, naatnra nilUnt welL barn, house partly finished. 4 nuies out, price; $1M.M down and balance $20.00 per month, lnt 0 percent W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO.. REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street 10 ACRE SNAP 11500.00 buys as good a 10 acra as Is located east ot Salem, all cultivated exoept one acre, naming creek year rouna, surucient water ror Irrigation, good drainage, no balldlnca. If vou in looking for an exceptional buy, let as how this 10 acres, reasonable terms ai percent. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO REALTORS 134 South Liberty 6trt PALS fn GIRLS. NO MORS DUSTj A S. IT" ar E) 0 t--1 M C HEAT J f CARS 7 STHAT TCT ,.v VJl&C BUY US A M-erl W 1 1 ii I a I i - N J I I N. r l jc la y'r- I ss 1 lievi. T . r. . 1 1J KII I r - A I 1WJ ii .- a, 1 Wm I .. .. bTaV w II 1 1 E. f WWUir T MIKMIIJ a FOR SALE USED CARS WANTED Several light car a Wni pay cash. USED CAR EXCHANGB Terms Trad) I4S Chemeksta MCKAY'S USED CARS Her ar soma real values In used cars. They have been reconditioned throughout and are worthy of your consideration. 1920 Stude Coup In excellent ' condition, (-ply tires $125 1020 Ford Coop for only , 145 1029 DeSoto Sedan. Good condi tion. Good tires and paint. Here's a real value 2(5 1921 Pont lac Sedan. New paint, good rubber. Runs like new 195 1929 Nash Sedan that is a dandy. It's a real buy at 125 1932 Ford V-8 Tudor Sedan. Has only 19,000 miles. Can hard ly be told from a new car. Save som money on this one 475 1921 Plymouth Sedan. This Is the long wheelbase sedan with automatic clutch, free wheeling and floating pow er, for only 495 Several lar model Chevrolet at a big saving Several others from $25 up. Trucks from $100 to $525. TERMS TRADES McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 333 Center 430 N. Com'L Phon 3189 See These Outstanding Used Car Values Before You Buy ASK TO 8EE A TEST RECORD 1930 Buick Sedan, Model 47. Ex cellent condition in every way ....$ 3 4 5. 1929 Chrysler (5' Sedan. Motor completely overhauled 300. 1920 Oakland Coach. Orlglrfal in every way. Good condition. Was a family-owned car .... 315. 1929 Hupmohile Century ( Coach. This car is perfect and was thoroughly rebuilt 325. 1927 Chrysler '60' Coach. In good running order 115 1926 Star 6 Sedan 95 12 Ford Pickup with steel box 60. 126 Ford Roadster 33 Valley Motor Company Used Car lot. Marion and Liberty. Open Sundays. Trurk for sale will talc lio-,. t- as part payment. Model Cafe, ll S. uiuuierciai. Business Opportunities A MONEY MAKER 5-raom mod. homr, equipped res taurant. 2 pump service station, 8 ca bins, doing good business ; on main highway. Priced at $4730, or will ac cept 5-room mod. home In Salem. See VAN M. GREER 202 Oregon Bldg. Phone 7533 WANTED IMMEDIATELY 3 men with $400 to $1000 capital to invest In Ina-a-ino nittm.n .-hi.h will return $25 average per day's op- 'raiura. ee l onl V oori at Wnn1. Wheaton Motor Co., or phone 9388. - - - - r...- ,-, n . Five acre ranch with stnr imi station near Salem. Box 215. States man. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY FOR SAL?: Jersey heifer. 3 yr Fresh soon. Byron Ruddell. R, 1, in dependence. N. of Kentl halL W A N T E D Feeder pigs. Otto Bunch. R. 7, Box 4, Salem. MONEY TO LOAN 'Bells of Harmony' Heard ever KOIN dally ring out a loan service that Is really really different. too get the full amount of loan in cash only lawful interest strict privacy quick and courteous serv1cb ON LOANS $10 to $200 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 119 New Bllgh Bid?. 2nd Floor LICENSED BY STATE CIS Stat Street TeL 3-7-4-0 UADB en furniture, cars, salaries or other good security Repayable monthly. When In financial ned sea os before dosing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank 81s. Phot: BS5S PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 212 Oregon Building, 2nd Floor Office hrs. 10:00 A M ta ( !J0 P -M Telephone 7783. Stat llesns No. S-145. Borrow on personal property : repay In monthly Installments. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO., Stat Ha 8-149. tvi Guardian Bldg. TeL 8877. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrangs to reduce youi payments You kp th car P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St. and FWrrr Phon 4732' SaJata. Or state security. A b rams and EUIs Inc a r " isiasonic. FOR SALE WOOD "- - - - ,in nrinnj-Li nuiRAMTicitn not TsL 0000 BaaeiB FuaJ (V TmA. aV Cottage. Asn, nr ana oak. tl (048. Dry wood $4 cord. TL 0450. Dry wood, all kinds. TeL" 4418. Dry oak. 4 fL. $4.00. TeL 8708. 10" dry slah wood. $2 load : 14" dry 01a nr z.50 load and dry planer wood. iz.&o loao. Prompt delivery. At Tra cys. TeL 3986. Dry 18 in. old fir. $4.25. TeL 4450 Wood, all kinds, call 48F14. Smith m nuoens. Unanimous! 0 (HORNS; (CROWDS) I rwL,THAT) ll I T rtt v and i and I lw Settles j A -.v gonna) FOR SALE USED CARS 0kaAAakaBaskaw4kas BORBJSGCS SATURDAY SPECIALS ONE DAY ONLY 1920 Durant Coach f ss 1928 Essex Spt Coupe 1927 Olds Coach 05.00 85.00 192 Erskln Coach 155.00 (5.00 (5.00 (5.00 22.50 1925 Dodge Coop A-l 192S Oakland Coup Dodge 8creen Del Model T Ford Coupe Model T Ford Truck 25.00 W hare others nriced verr reason able. Ooen TU1 8 P. M. 240 No. Liberty Phon 3(88. WANTED USED CARS Wanted used car. Must be ehean. TeL 8879 bet. 8 and 10 Sunday morning. WHEAT, OATS SOAR ABOVE 1931-32 Jt at aa .. WEATHER AGAINST BERRY QUALITY Report of Destruction Of Much Wheat is Buying Impetus CHICAGO. June 10 (AP) wift soaring of nrices took wheat and oats today to above ny peacs wnich future deliveries iave heretofore reached since May, 1930. A big renewal of Dublic latire buying followed official re ports that indicated 36,500,000 bushels destruction of winter heat in the past 30 days, with prine wheat now facine its criti cal period and showing a condl- ton below a 10-vear avers rp ow ing brisk further Imnpt r y ers were advices of widespread intense heat today causing wheat firing in Illinois and the Ohio valley, areas that up to this time have been regarded as in the best condition of any in tha United State.. Despite huge selling to take profits wheat closed strong at virtually me aay a top point, above yesterday's finish, oats 1-1 vi up, corn Vfc-i advanced. Today's closing quotations: Wheat Julv 7 6-ai- Sen- tember 78Vi-i; December 80 81. Corn Julv 4 5Ti-46: Sentem- ber 48T.-49: December Oats July 28T-29; September 3U-V; December 32-. General Markets r&ODUCE EXCHAVoa PORTLAND. Ore Jan- 10. (AP Produce 'exrhaar. set prices Batter. extra 22e, itindardi 21 ie. priaM firttt lie, nru 20 He. rc Frsik s- trat 18e, fresh medians 17c. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. June 10. fAPl Wheat 0n High Low Cloie May 594 00 .". 60 July H4 634 S3 63, September 63 65 OS 65 V Csth wheat Ko. 1. Bis Bead btue- tem 68e: dark herd winter 13 per cent 69c. 11 per cent 5c; oft white 60 He; hard winter 60c; northern aprinf, wetter white, western red 5Se. OeU Nn. a whiU $22 50. Cern Me. E ytjlow 018. Millraa Stnsdard 019. Portland Produce PORTT.tXn Or. T. in (IB) Batter Print, extrsi 84e, ttssdsrdi 71 C. Bntterfit Portland deliery. A grade 21-22a i.niiiri . i w.., ' A rw aIt., 41. 22e pound; tweet cream 5e higher. tsi raririe poultry prodarert lellinr nrire Hnhpmi.m if m,., is. mixed ralnr. 17 m.Hi'ni.. IT. ..' Buying price ef wholesalers: Freth cur rent receiyti at pounds and up 12-13e dtin. Cheese 02 ipnr. rir.tA, 13e; loaf lie pounds. Brokers will pay oeiow qanisueoi. Milk Contract price 4 per cent. Portland i.liv.rv C 1 ?o .w. . m cream S7He petit Country mests Selling price te re tailers: County killed hogs, best batch ers, under 150 pounds. ttVi-Te; veeltra TO to 100 pounds. 7 ft -8c; spring lambs 13-12 Me; yearlings 7-ie: heavy ewet 2i-3c; medium cows 4-5c : ewaner cows 3 3 He; bulls 5-5 He pound. Mohair Nominal baying pries: 1933 clip 12c pound. Casrtra bark Baying price: 193S peel 4c pound. Hope Nominal. 1933. 70-75e pound. T .iwm ualt TI..J J .11 . 1 ing prirea: Heavy hens, colored. 4H pounds ISc; do mediums lie; lights 10c: springs, light 1H, pounds up 10c; colosed mv K. i.e. noosxern oc pounsu Lniccs. Pekint, broilers 12-13e poond; eld docks, Pekins 10c, do colored 10c pound. Onions Selling price to retailers: Orogea $1-1.25 cental. New ontoas California Brrmndas gl. 60-1 75 nar 50 iwtiinil .. r.l:.rai. 40e per lug, sew red 2c pound. .rotators secai fl.ll.l2; uee- ehuua Gems Sl.eO; do bakers. St. 75; Takima Gems $1.50. K'ew potatoes California Garnets 2H-2e pomnd; wkiu J -pwrnmi. Strawberries Oregon $125 . J. 7$; Clsrk seedling $2.50; Sicrmente 24a $1.50-1.65 crate. Wool IB 13 clip, nominal. Willam ette valley tl-33e pound : eastern Oregon 17-J0e; aanlhern Idaho 16-30e pound. Hay Baying price from producers: AUslfa No. 1 $15. No. S $14: clwer $13. eastora Oregon timothy $16, oat and retch $15. NEWCXJMERS ARRIVE NORTH SANTIAM. June 10 Mr. and Mrs. Mounce with their two children Roy and Mona ar rived here this week front Kettle Falls, Wash. They are at present living in the Mrs. L. M. James house until they find a permanent location. Frog Raising New Job for Lyons Worker LYONS, June 10. A new In dustry and a new home also, are under way for Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lyons who hare re sided at Corvallis the past two earg have located bore and plan to build a new residence in the near future. Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, fl6 per hundred. Surplus 91.36. (Milk baaed ea semi monthly utterfat average.) Distributor price fl.TO BuUerfat Top 21 -22c, print 24 K. cubes 22 . Prieaa paid to grower by Etlem bsyers June 10 (Th prices heiew. sappiied ey a local greoer. are Indicative ai th daily smarkwt wnl are not guaranteed by The Statesman) raOlT AJTD VTQETABLS3 String beans, lb wh. -Artichokes, dot. . .1 . .75 . .90 . .034 . 48 . 04 . .15 .1.25 Asparagus, local, dot. Csbbsga. lb. Green peppers. Calif, lb. Peas. Calif., lb. Onions, dot. bunches Potatoes. Vakima ha. $ Local Florida Shasta, whites Sweet potatoes, crat - Lettuce, locsl Oniont, t.abish. ewu Rhubarb, local Celery. Califs H crat llexican Tomatoes Apples .1 00 to 1.25 2.40 2.40 1.50 !ss .01 2.25 2.75 W messps. fsaey Extra fancy Xewtowns. fancy titrt fancy Oranges, p.p raacy Beets, Calif. di. Turnips, local, doi. . Spinach, local, crat Bananas, lb. oa stock Hi ads Celery hearts, dot. Mastard greens Cucumbers Pineapple, retail Cantaloupes, crat Lemons .80 to 1.30 . .20 te SO 5.00 7 50 .03 to .04 2.25 1.85 to 2.00 .71 H .5 Gooseberries Strawberries, local Calif. HOPS Top. 19.(5. IH. Top. 1931. lb. EOGS Buying Price Extras Standards Uediams . .14 .18 .12 .04 .11 .09 .08 .15 PO0XTB1 Old reotters . Colored heat -Mediums baas Light heat, Broilers .1$ to fXAT Lamb, top Hiki, top First cuts B tears Cow Heifer Balls 5.00 -5.S5 .5.10 .05 J03 .04 .03 . .06 H - .07 H .04 H to .02 H t J3H t .02 H to Dressed Dressed veL top bogs OIJJI AXD HAT Wheat. weUera red White. Ne. 1 .65 .65 Barley, top, ton 1 00 to 20.00 Oats, toa an ""i.unn Hay. bay tn pries - Osts and vetch, ton 16.00 Alfalfa. Tal'ey 1st cut 17.00 '.ast?rn Oeegon ..18.00 Oorer har .17.00 .25 .23 .10 WOOL Medium ... Course Mobair Green, tb. . Dry, lb. CASCABA BAK .0I .04 H Stocks and Bonds (Copyright. 1933. Standard Statistics CeO Jan 10 STOCK AVXKAOX8 50 Is-t'U Today d.4 Previous dsy 86.3 Week sco 814 Year gu 39.1 3 yearn sgo . 177.S High 1933 AS 4 Ihw 1933 42.8 High 19S2 72.3 Low 1932 $5.1, New 1933 high 20 0 at&'s Ct 43.2107.0 $0 Total 83.S 82.7 78.2 39.0 l-'.7 83 3 43 9 73.0 35.0 43.4 4I. 15.5 16.1 44. S 23.5 ."8 13.2 10.VS 9i S 59.4 251.9 107.0 61.5 111.0 518 BOUT) AVXBASSS .95 1 40 - 90 1.45 1.25 to 2.75 , $.00 to 4 00 .45 .25 to .60 .05 - .- -05V .90 .60 20 20 SO SO 78.0 75.S S4.1 1T.S 75.1 76.0 S4.2 77.7 T2. 76.6 83.7 77.6 55.3 53.7 74.0 61.0 3.8 106 9 99.7 100.1 73.4 76.S tV.3 78.1 5 S HJ 74.1 63. S Tl. 7 0 86.2 78.1 53 2 47.4 T0.9 57J Today PrTi day Week ago . Vear ago years age High 19S3 Lw 19T3 High 132 Law 1933 ADD TO FIRE APPARATUS STAYTON, June la. The vol unteer fire department has voted to purchase a trailer with solid rubber tires for use la mounting the ladders and hose to take to fires, eliminating the hazards of hauling the hose carts with the large iron wheels, as has been the method for some years past. It will be ready for use la 1 days. At present Mr. Lyons is making; a fro j pooL He expects to raise frogs fortnarket. The pool Is la cated on the- Percy Hiatt place between Lyons and the Mehama bridge. NEW BABY ARRIVES SHELBCRN. Juno 10 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bates are the parents of a daughter bora June 3 -at the home of the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bates. This is the first child and has been nam ed Patricia Ann. Mrs. Bates bo fore her marriage was Miss Sleds of Roger Mountains. Oregon Strawberries Sell at $2-2.50; Lettuce low PORTLAND. June 10 (AP) Weather conditions hare been against strawberry quality and average receipts were without much color. Here and there a se lect lot was seen which brought a premium over the market. With a new low mark auoted the market for lettuce continued demoralized with Portland unable to stop competition of Seattle stock. Seattle protects itself against Portland with a high lic ense. Both peas and asparagus were quoted at a further advance in price for tha weekend. Offerings however, were greater than ex pected. Local stock was making its appaarance in a smaii way. First home grown celery was being offered on the East Side Farmers' wholesale market. To Binn Eros., of Milwaukee, belongs the honor of having the first sup plies of the 1933 season from a Pacific northwest point. Some hearts sold $1.25-1.50 dozen. During the weekend session there was a slight increase of strawberry supplies. Prices were a trifle easier as a result ot the cool weather. Sales were made at a spread of $2-2.50 crate general ly for the beat to ordinary stuff. Californian were priced around $1.60. Forest Corps Owes Handle Factory Jobs WOODBUltN. June U The Woodburn Axe handle factory has for the past 10 days been busy filling orders for the gov ernment for 45 dozen cutter handles, 45 dozen sledge handles and more than 1000 hazel hoe handles, to be used in the govern ment's program for reforestation. The factory expects to be busy with orders of this kind most of the summer. This is the only plant of its kind on the Pacific coast and Is owned and managed by S. A. Hoefer. who with his bro ther Frank, have operated the factory here the past IS years. In normal years there are usually four or fire men employed and articles manufactured are ship ped to such places as Mexico, Alaska, Los Augeles, Hawaii, Ida ho. Spokane, Seattle and San Francisco. The factory produces its own power with a SO horsepower steam engine and Is equipped with lathes, sanding machines, saws, sticker and molding ma chines, painting machine and many other modern articles. - VISITS FROM ANNAPOLIS AURORA. June 10. Archi bald Atkinson arrived here Thurs day morning from the United States naval academy at Annapo lis, and is anticipating a delight ful vacation of two months with his mother. Mrs. Clara Atkinson, and Mrs. W. W. Irrln. and other relatives. Together with two other cadets whose homes are in Wash ington and California, he visited the Chicago fair en route, of which he expressed disappoint ment. Archabald was art honor student ot Woodbum high school, later attending Oregon State col lege. His appointment to An napolis was made through the efforts, of Senator McNary. Upon his return to Annapolis he will Immediately embark for a two weeks'-cruise to the Madiera- Is lands, the last he will make, as he will graduate next year. CLEAR" VP GROVE MEHAMA. June 10 Ketr. and Mrs. McCuley and family ot Sa lem have moved Into the Stout home. Reverend McCuley will clear and fix up the picnic grove for the Presbyterian ehnrch of Salem, to whom Miss tout gave the gTove a few years ago. By CLIFF STERRETT RE GONNA Buy US FARM- T" 15th streets. r Koutn America, , ,