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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1933)
- . : ''"1 ' ... J ... ' PAGE EIGHT Thi OREGON STATESMAN. Saltta, Oregon, Sunday Morning, law 1933 Rwahry:M Wmdburn Blanks Salem 13-0 in American Legion Junior Opener Here i r; ?- BendMaieinn ! Today ELKS TO BRING BIG IR CLUBS Senators' Revised Uneup Will Make bow Today; Game is at 2:30 STATE LEAGUE W. L. Federals 2 Bend 1 Salem 1 Encene . 1 Rrhann's 1 0 1 1 1 i Albany 0 2 Pet. 1.000 .500 .500 .500 .500 .000 TELLS HOW 1 la Today's Schedule Bend at Salem. Ollnger field. 2:30 p. m. Schapp'a at Albany. Federals at Eugene. 0 A 1 i : ..... : jhiwM t jf' Salem and Bend, cities which will be closed together as the auto flies when the North Santiam highway is built, have been for the last six years developing a base ball rivalry, featured for the most part by one or two split series annually. The usual schedule has been for each city's team to win at home, but this was varied last year when the Senators won a great mound duel 1 to 0 at Bend, and the Elks won a liveli Chitting contest here, 7 to 3. This afternoon on Olinger field this rivalry will be renewed, with both teams apparently stronger than they were a year ago, as all the clubs in the State league seem. In fact, to be. Sine? it will be Bend's only appearance here this vear in a league game, interest in the renewal of this intercity rival ry is enhanced'. Manager Frank Bashor of the Senators announced Saturday that he had signed Wooilard of Oregon State fame as a second member of the hurling staff. This just about fills all the requirements of the local club at present, though one or two more players may be signed up in the next few weeks. Salem fans will get their first glimpse of the revamped Senator team, which will include probably not more than four of the men who played in the opener against Wolfer's Federals. The outfield combination of Scales. Oravec and either Pemberton or Colgan, would make one of the fastest sprint relay teams in the state, and will be difficult to match in hitting power. The addition of Manning and Cribble to the Infield setup is also expected to mean Improved hitting strength, and this pair with Keber and Gibson, should hold its own with other infields in this league, or almost anywhere in unorganiz ed ball. The fans will have their first chance to see Bill Moye work be hind the bat. as he held down a shortstop role. with the Bearcats. He Is reported to be an unusually smooth-working receiver. Heading the Bend collection of stars Is McNeely, brother of the Sacramento Senators' manager and lust as clever a ball player; and Hepting and Eubanks, mem bers of the 1928 Bend team which won the Willamette Valley league championship. Others from that team which was virtually of Coast league calibre, are Allen and Mur phy, the latter now Bend's first string pitcher, who had much more success in taming the Fed erals last week than did "Squeak" ' Wilson In the first game of the season. Lewis, former W. S. C player, is-one of the hitting stars recently acquired. Arrangements for assuring that the game will start on time have been made, Manager Bashor an nounces. if &' Bobby Jones, who starts his new series of golf Instruction pic tures, "How to Break Ninety,' tit the KIsinore today. 61 G 3RD INNING DUCK WIN Monroe, Oana Drive Circuit Clouts for Five Runs; Bowman Effective COAST LEAGUE W L Portland 35 Hollywood 34 Sacramento 34 Los Angeles 31 Mission 32 Oakland 27 Seattle 21 San Francisco 21 23 25 26 27 29 32 34 39 Pet .603 .576 .576 .534 .525 .458 .382 .350 Bevens Fans 19 and Limits Home Squad to Three Hits; Champs Threaten to Repeat r REE-HIT, 19-strikeout pitching by Bevens, loose-jointed lad from Hubbard, held the Salem American Legion Juniors helpless in the county league opener here Saturday afternoon, and it mattered not at all that Salem's pitchers had a little trouble of one kind and another and that the Woodburn Juniors scored 13 runs; one would have done them just as much good. Thev score was 13 to 0. K1TBALL SERIES IN FINAL WEEK Playoff to Follow; Pade's Defeats Western Paper . As 200 Look on in cms off DIS '"COT" COMMENTS NATIONAL LF.AGUE V. L. St. Louis 2 6 Pittsburgh 24 New York ....... .24 Chicago ........ ...23 Cincinnati ....... .22 Brooklyn ........ .18 Boston 1 9 Philadelphia . . 15 17 17 17 21 21 22 26 30 Pet. .605 .585 .5S5 .523 .512 .450 .422 .333 CHICAGO. June 3. (AP) Lonnie Warneke chalked op his eighth pitching; victory of the Na tional league season today as the Chicago Cubs defeated St. Louis 8 to 6. The Cub victory snapped the Cardinals string of victories at seven. straight.; . St. Louis ... 4 6 11 l Chicago j... 8 12 2 Mooney, Johnson, Haines. Vance and Wilson; Warneke and Hart-nett. You have to hand it to Lou is A. Johnson, national com ma i id er of the American Le gion for being an unassuming, red-tape . cutting fellow who refuses to stand on ceremony. While the notables of Oregon legiondom were rushing around and doing their best to make sure all possible honor was paid to the distinguished visi tor, he seemed to be concerned entirely with getting his job as official opener of the Legion Junior ball season accomplish ed without taking up any of the spectators' time unneces sarily. So, he was suddenly discovered, totally without es cort, out there on the mound with the ball in bis hand, though without a glove. O Furthermore, he appears not to have outlived his baseball days completely, for he threw a neat fast ball across the plate, contrary to all traditions of offi cial "first ball" pitchers. Jack Eakin, we s. rpect, plays with the Legion Hares at Dallas, for he caught the pellet without blinking at the swing of Earl Snell's big bat. O And now for the week's pro gram. Today there' the Salem vs. Bend State league game at Olinger field, 2:30; qualifying round for the Bobby Jones tournament at the Salem Golf club and Bobby himself open ing his new series, "How to Break Ninety," at the Elsinore. O Tuesday night' we have Ted Thye and Everett Kibbons In the wrestling headline.- at the arm ory. Kibbons, a former Oklahoma Aggie footoaller, has been a sen sation in his several recent ap pearances in Portland, one of which included a victory over Thye which the former world light heavyweight king will be out to revenge. O Chet Wiles and Herman Ol sen will put on the one-hour bout preceding the main event, and they in turn will be pre ceded by a 30-ininate tussle between Prof. Newton and Joe (iaidiniei-. There's not much that can go wrong with a card so well fortified with known quantities. O Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock the Salem Legion Jun iors will try for better luck. meeting the Silverton team. They defeated Silverton by . a close score in a practice game, but may have to face the offerings of the younger Schwab brother Wednesdav. O That's, about as far as we can go in forecasting this week, leaving out of consider ation the . kit ball schedule which is elsewhere on this page unless the printers let us down. PORTLAND, Ore., June 3 (AP) Portland defeated Los An geles, 6 to 1, here today to length en its lead in the series to four games to two. Portland's big in ning was the third when Sheely walked. Bowman singled, Monroe hoisted a homer, Mulligan sin gled, and Oana lifted another over the fence for four bases. The of fensive netted five runs. The Angela scored their lone tally In the fifth inning when Shoap and Cronln singled, Kies walked, and Shoap. raced home when Nelson hit into a double play. Bowman, on the mound for Portland, allowed the Angels hut six hits, and kept them from more than a hit in any one inning ex cept the fifth when they got two. The Beavers picked np their last run In the seventh Inning when Monroe walked and Oana doubled. Nelson, who replaced Ward after Oana's homer in the third, allow ed Portland only 3 hits in the 5 2-3 innings he pitched. Los Angeles 1 6 1 Portland 6 8 1 Ward, Nelson and Cronin; Bow man and Sheely. Sacramento 9 14 0 Missions 5 6 2 Vinci and Woodall; Pillette and Fitzpatriek. Oakland 9 15 0 Hollywood 5 12 1 Walsh, Salonisen and Veltman; Sheehan, Crowley and Tobln. San Francisco 4 10 2 Seattle 13 15 0 Zinn, Freitas and Mclsaacs; Ra- donits and Cox. EES SPOT t'S EMJEIIM AMERICAN LEAGUE Woodburn had three big in-. nings, getting four, rune in the third, three in the fourth and four in the ninth. The rest of the time the visitors were held pretty well in check. Gatchell, Salem pitcher from Jefferson who had been 111 all week, nevertheless held the Woodburn sluggers to three hits for four Innings after he hit his stride, but weakened In the ninth. Mighty sluggers for Woodburn were Coleman and Battleson, who got three each; but every man on the team hit safely at least once. Several "bad hops" in the infield aided them, along with some other breaks to make the victory more impressive, but the Woodburn boys were In there swinging and deserved the breaks. The Salem players, impressed perhaps by the military flavor given to the opening exercises, stood at soldierly attention with rifles on their shoulders most of the time while at bat, being mys tified by Bevens fast-breaking curve. He was Just wild enough so that all of them hoped for free passes, but only four got them. Salem's three hits included one clean one by Salstrom, and two beaten out infield ground ers by Nicholson. All of the re gulars but Miller struck out at least once. Salem's work in the field was spotty for the first three innings. but perfect and at times specta cular after that, as was Wood- burn b throughout the game. The next contest for Salem is Wednesday afternoon here, against Silverton which is meet ing Stay ton today. The score: Woodburn AB R Woget, c 6 2 Coleman. 2b 6 1 Oberst, 3b 5 1 Battleson, If ..,...5 2 Gant. lb 4 2 Hershberger, sa ..... 5 1 Bonney, rt 4 2 Dimlck, cf I 1 Bevens, p 5 1 at Dayton when it played Yamhill in. the third game of the series. Amity won the first game, 7 to 3, then Yamhill came back on won the second, 9-7 In the third game the score was 3-2 for Amity. The cup Is awarded by the Anderson Sporting Goods company of Salem, and Amity wins this cup. Pitching for the locals were Duchlen and Raska, with J. Hight behind the bat; Mallery twirled for the Yam hill team with Fryer receiving. Amity 3 8 4 Yamhill 2 5 4 NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Pade's Grocery 2 0 1.000 Western Paper .... 3 1 .750 Hollywood Auction . 2 1 .666 Salem Golf Club ... 1 2 .333 Elks 1 3 .250 Kay Mills 1 3 .250 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Salem Linen 4 Teachers 4 Capital Journal .... 2 Valley Motor 2 Coast Artillery .... 1 KIngsley Ice 0 Pet. 0 1.000 1 .800 2 .500 2 .500 3 .250 6 .000 The final week of Salem Kit ball league play, prior to the playoff between the two leading teams of each circuit will start Monday with Pade's Grocery, now topping the National league, op posing the Elks, and Kay Woolen Mills playing Salem Golf Club. Other games will be: Tuesday Salem Linen vs. Coast Artillery; Western Paper vs. Hollywood Auction. Wednesday Pade's Grocery vs. Salem Golf Club; Valley Motor vs. Capital Jounral. Thursday Hollywood Auc tion vs. Pade's. Western Paper was dragged down from its undefeated status when it lost to Pade's Grocery, 4 to 0, Friday, Steinbock of the grocers yielding only one hit. The same evening the Teachers defeat ed Capital Jounral, 4 to 3. The gamee were witnessed by over 200 fans. Western Paper 0 1 2 Pade's 4 5 1 H. Singer and L. Singer; Stein bock and Pade. Teachers 4 7 2 Capital J 3 5 2 Dryman and Ashby; Ellis and Harris. mi IN WORLD FAIR DERBY CHICAGO, June 1. (AP) Galloping down the stretch before a world's fair crowd of 30,000 spectators, Mr. Khayyam, tha b!g bay colt owned y J. M. Austin cf Old Westbury, Long island, N. Y.. repeated his triumph over Head Play in the $25,000 added Ameri can derby today, winning off by himself. Struggling 2M lengths back, came the Preakness winner. Head Play, thoroughly beaten. F?ir Rochester, a 40 to 1 shot, finished a fast closing third, with Bans boula, one of the two fillies In U.e racev sharing in the rich purse by taking fourth place. In the wafc of the leaders were Charley O . Gold Bisis. Technique and Si. haven. The original starting fic M of 10 was reduced to eight by withdrawal of Silent Shot aixi Sun Envoy. W. L. Pet. New York 27 13 .675 Washington 26 19 .578 Cleveland 25 20 .556 Philadelphia .... 21 i .538 Chicago 21 20 .512 Detroit 18 24 .439 St. Louis 17 28 .378 Boston 14 27 .341 J i 1 ui I j 'ill A j I II IQ I Were NEW YORK, June 3. (AP) The Yankees staged a comeback after spotting the Philadelphia Athletics 11 runs in the third in ning today and won 17 to 11. Babe Ruth clouted his tenth hom er and Tony Lazxerl his ninth. Philadelphia 11 11 2 New York 17 18 1 Walberg, Claset, Peterson, Frei tas and Cochrane; Brennan, Mac Fayden, Brown and Jorgens. Totals 45 13 17 Salem AB R H Delaney, 3b 4 0 0 Salstrom, ss 3 0 1 Nicholson, cf 3 0 2 Etsel, lb 4 0 0 Claggett, If ...2 0 9 Humphreys, If 1 0 0 Miller 0 0 Grabenhorst 1 0 0 Steinke, 2b 3 0 0 Zwiekert 1 0 0 Aker, c 3 0 0 Penny, p 0 0 0 Gatchell, p 2 0 0 BaUed for Miller In Ith. t Batted for Stelaka in 9th. Double play, Steinke to De laney. Stolen bases, Oberst, Bat tleson, Gant. Two-base hits, Bat tleson 2, Coleman. Bases on balls oft Gatchell 3, Bevens 3. Hit batsman, Gatchell by Bevens. Struck out, by Jenny 2, Gatchell 7, by Bevens 19. Errors, Salem 4, Woodburn 0. Umpires, Hauser and Deets. Boston 5 7 2 Washington 8 12 1 Brown, Andrews and Feirell; Whitehill Russell and Sewell. Chicago 11 15 1 Detroit 6 13 2 Jones, Faber and Grube; Bridges, Hogsett. Sorrell and Hayworth. Cleveland 5 13 0 St. Louis 8 16 2 Hudlin, Bean, Crakhead. Fer- rell and Pytlak; Hebert, Gray, Wells and Shea. fjinclnnati . . i . . . 9 16 1 Pittsburgh . .-j .5 9 0 - Rixey, Benton and Lombard!; French, Harris, Hoyt, Chagnon and Padden, Finney. . Cincinnati . .t ....... 5 9 0 'Pittsburgh ..L. V.... -.4 10 2 Kolp, Quinn and Lombard!. Manlon; Swift, Chagnon, French and Grace. New York .J 4 10 1 Philadelphia U 7 14 1 Parmalee, tuque, Starr, Salve son and Manduso; Pearce and V. Davis.' . " . l New York .; ..5 9 0 Philadelphia . . , 0 5 0 - Bell and Mancuso; Hansen, "Lis ka, A. Moore and Todd. " ". - Brooklyn ........... 1 6 1 Boston- ; . '. .V. .' ; .. .3 . 10 0 . Mango and: Lopez; Zaohary and Hogan. '. I -Brooklyn . ....... 4 8 1 Boston . : ;.. . . 2, . 10,; r 1 Thurston'" and Outen. Lopes: Rietz Gets Rook Award for Track OREGON STATE COLLEGE. Corvallls. June 3. Emerv Riet iormer saiem high school student and member of the Oregon State college rook track team this sea. son, has just been recommended for a freshmon track award by Jim Dixon, coach. Rieti contrib uted greatly to the success of the rook track .team this season, the high lights, of which were victor ies over University of Oregon frosh in both the dual relay meet and the dual track and field meet. Rietz, participated in the mile and three-mile relay events. Much is expected of him in varsity compe tition here next yeas. - . WEBFEET WIN OU Legion, Firemen Ahead in Dallas Twilight League DALLAS. June 3 After waiting several weeks for fa vorable weather the Dallas Twi light league opened its 1933 ser ies here Wednesday evening. Three games were played this week with the next, Monday be tween the Legion Hares and the Firemen. Results of the games this week were: Legion Hares 5. Indus trials 4; Firemen 9, Peterson's Colts 4; Colta 7, Industrials C. : Present standings are: W. I. Pet Legion .1 0 1.000 Firemen 1 0 1.000 Colts 1 1 .500 Industrials 0 1 .000 T AFTER 10 UK CORVALLIS. June 3. (AP) The University of Oregon de feated Oregon State college, 8 to 2, here today in the final game of a six - game series. The schools split the series with three games each. The Webfeet took a two-run lead in the second Inning, bnt the Beavers tied the score in the fourth. The teams fought score less until the first half of the tenth Inning, when Garbarino scored for Oregon on a long fly after Rasmussen's bobble of an infield grounder. The Staters got a man on In their half of the extra inning, but be died on third. Oregon 1 I 1 Oregon State 2 5 1 Geramel and Hoag; Rasmnssen and Keema. Amity Captures Yamhill County B League. Title AMITY, June 3. The Amity Union high school baseball team won the Yamhill county cham pionship in the "B" league; today Betts, Mangum.. Brandt and H SALEM ARMORY, TUESDAY, June 6, 8 :30 pm Ted THYE vi. Everett KIBBONS Main event, 2 hoars. Thls ts a rematch, Kibbone having de feated Thye in Portland recently. . -CHET WLLES vsERMAN OLSON ONE-HOUR; MATCH and a 80-Minate Preliminary ' Term Harrington, Referee - .. . REGULAR. PRICES-. . Prices Lower?. EMy Now? !Tnmn9IlIl BTnondl tiUne Sai? 7Tw Wanatt att a I?E?n(ge Tfoui (Sana IPay , Bflece 1931 Ford Tudor 1930 Chev. 4 door sedan .... 1930 Buick Coupe 1929 Chev. 4 door sedan .... 1929 Dodge Deluxe Sedan 1928 Chev. Tudor - 1928 Ford Roadster 1928 Ford Roadster 25000 28500 48500 225-00 365 00 140- 9000 11000 TRUCKS 1929 Chev. Truck 1926 Chev. Truck 14000 A5M S. & M. Garage PHONE 5111 Opposite Marion Hotel See Larry for Used Cars Two Real BARGAINS 1932 Ford V-8 Coach that runs and looks like new. Has only 18,000 miles. A real bay at 1932 Plymouth Sedan that has gone 18,000 miles. Automatic datch. F r e e w heeling and floating power. A nearly new car for TERMS TRADES Open Evenings and Sundays McKay Chev. Com pap y 833 Center - 430 N. Com'l Phone 3189 It's a Scotch Party Bargain Prices and Bargain Terms 31 Studebaker 6, 4-Dodr Sedan '30 Buick Business Coupe 32 Essex Terraplane R-S Coupe '3? Plymouth Business Coupe '29 Studebaker President Sedan 27 Stutz 8, Victoria Coupe '27 Chrysler, First 70 Sedan '28 Oldsmobile Six 4-Ddor Sedan '29 Essex Super 4-Door Sedan 29 Ford Model A Sedan 28 Chevrolet Business Coupe '26 Essex Coach '25 Ford Coupe Chemeketa at High Open Evenings and Sundays Extra Specially Priced for TODAY 1930 Marquette O A K Roadster :.v..JJ 1930 Ford Coupe 1929 Ford Roadster 1928 Ford Roadster 1928 Studeba ker Sedan 1927 Nash Coupe 1926 Jewett Coach 1926 Star Coupe And Many Others to - Choose From WE WILL PAT YOTJ CASH FOR YOUR USED CAR, SEE US BEFORE TOU SELL Terns Trade Used Gar Exchange 542 Chemeketa St. Open' Evenings and Saadays 250 145 145 195 150 75 .45 Quality Used Cars 931 DeJoto New Car Guarantee 6 Seon 535 Coupe 360 1931 Chevrolet 6 Wire Wheel Eqpt 1929 Pontiac NCoachj New Paint, OQK00 A-l condition 4 O 3 1928 Durant Coach 1928 Pontiac Sedan 125 00 OAA.00 4UU TERMS TRADES W. L. Anderson Inc. " DeSoto - Fljmontb Dtotrlontore I Stauarloa, Tel T70S, Sec These Outstanding Used Cars Before You Buy The Values Are Right . . . The Prices Low Ask to See a Test Record 535 $35 Coupe, $75 192 Chrysler '50' .QF Coach 1328 Chevrolet Road- nr nter. fair condition . . ' 192 & Ford Model A Tador Sedan, fair running order, sold without C 1 9 C service vl sCD 1924 Ford Roadster, will ran 192S Chevrolet Road ster, will run 192C Standard Buick Coupe. fair motor and tires, good paint 1930 Chevrolet Coupe, fair tire, fair motor. fair paint . 192S Lincoln V-8 Phaeton, excellent general condition 1929 Chevrolet coach, six-cylinder, good motor, fair brakes, good upholstery , 1930 Ford Coupe 1930 Model A Fordor Sedan 1931 Model A DeLuxe Sedan. This is a test record ear, excellent ia every wsy 1931 S-cylinder Tador, like aew, test record Several Low Priced Pick-ap and Two Excellent 1031 Tracks with Beds $195 $215 $215 $250 $265 $365 $485 USED CAR LOT, Marioa at Libert j- Sta. Opew. Bandars