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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1933)
t f v Final Rites For Jacob Schneider ' Held at Mt. Angel et littenlax of their - m -111 1 "W! "" m pp mmi ' yp. m m m Torue zormer puiorm anaOMj teryooa. May 11 at S o'clock whea Dr. M. A. Marcy ot Salem will peak mt tho Methodist church. Quarterly conference will be held. MANY ATTEND CLUB BRUSH COLLEGE. May It The recent mooting of the Brush College community club wu well attended, with standing room at a preminm. Gnest numbers oa the program which wea In charge of Mrs. George Meier end Mrs. M. Kipper, wero glren by Mark, Pe te and Darld Saucy aad Samuel Berger, Darlene Gardner ot Sa lem. Myrtle Meter, Ralph Swing, Oeraldlne Loose, - Robert : Adams and George Meter ot Brush Col lege. i WEST SALEM, May IS Go ing from here to attend and sing la the big choir at the Northwest District Assembly of the Nazarene church, held re cently In Portland were Mr. and Mrs. John Frieaen, Mrs. I. D. Smith, Jake J. Funk. Gerald Mln ton. Willard and Ernest Friesen, the Mlaees Lois Smith,' Mary Un rua, Lorene and Marine Smith. Enoch Maers and Albert TJaruh. t Because the weather hat not beea pleasant enough for the little children to practice their drills and exercises, the elabor ate May day has been Indefinitely postponed. .- : Roy Wlrth of Hoqalam, Wn, rialted this week at the home of , Mrs. . Bertha K. Englehorn. The two families 'were neighbors la Iowa, years ago. About id West Salem matrons attended the Tery pleasant tea at the J. A. Gosser home Wed nesday afternoon. neral serrlcea for Jacob Schneid d, 17 of McKee. were held at the Mt Aengei Catholic .church, "Wednesday moraine. Rer. , P. BeFehtold officiated,' Interment was la the Mt. Angel cemetery, with the Hall mortuary of Wood burn, la charge. He was torn In Russia; June 11, 18, and came to Woodbura about lire years ago. The family has resided oa the Nelson ranch at McKee about four years. He is surrlred by hie widow, fir i sons. Jack. John, Michael and Clarence of Portland; four daughters, Mrs. Era Merck of Portland. Mrs. Agnes Schmalts ot Salem, Lillie and Barbara at . home SENT TO YOU ON 10 DAYS' FREE TRIAL The Sensational D0LXCOVE But one more meeting ot the West Salem community club will be held before the summer Taxa DOWN II - IA VACUUM New Model aUe CLCANXS tion. At the May meeting, held Monday sight la the hall, a large crowd enjoyed the splendid en MOTOR DR1VTM BRUSH with MIUCM-VACUUar tertainment of home talent, with readings and musical numbers. lertfcori Tho day BIO, HEAVY, AWKWARD Bat, hahr aad dtrrmfs .has CMS aewtapaot. Usuw weight, better cUaa- booa saecessfnlly combined with do op Sttrfeaveaace and qoict, oasy operatkm cleaning nnOH-VACUUVC isnpiaosaatm that paot had to mono. n,... av DR. MARCY TO SPEAK FALLS CITT, May IS Falls City people will hare the pleasure HOXEYMOOICKRS 03T VISIT SUVER, May It Mr. and Mrs. William Zehr of Kansas, who were married last Jane, im hr. OFfTX CXPIRU MAY list Aad tHMo, far the first thaa, a Vf OTOR DRIVEN BRUSH which tastaady ro o on their honeymoon trip, rlslting his brother, Joe Zehr and par ents. Mr. aad Mm. zh f il TO Salem Hardware Co. 120 Herth ConunercUl B4. Tel. 4000 bany. He ts a gradsaU et Beth el eoueaa. Ta tinv Oregon is mora prosperous than rvaasas. West Salem News 1 'BBS. FA ii ii ii a ii -1 . m w cSJvKNaasiC m r t m m mm v a a mbi as mmi mw 1 ' 1111 . i ii . i i ZZZ ' ,. eaMederfabeliiili i iidi. 178 SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET LOW PRICES on GOOD MEAT All BocS Hamburger pound Extra Grade Butter Lb.2) Special Low Price Summer Sausage Lb. H(Q Lean Shoulder . Pork Steak Lb. ft Choice Beef Roasts Lb. Young Frying Rabbits Lb. Prime Lean Leg of Pork' Lb. ri en Lean Center Shoulder Pork Roasts Lb. Best Grade Oleo 3 Lbs. S(0) Low Price Beef to Boil Lb. FANCY HERO and FRYEEIO Free Delivery Open Until 9p.m. Sal. Nite-Dial 8686 ., ..-., - . 1 i t iim irriM II INDEPENDENT DRUGGISTS 115 S. Commercial St. mam YARDLEY SPECIAL 1.10 Lavender Face Powder $1.10 Loose Powder Compact both Of for DON'T BUY-until yon get oar tery-day prices. These prices good Friday and Saturday. 20c Bayer'a Aspirin . ... 25c Chocolate ' . -mrm w i LAX . 25c Feenamint Gum 75c Borden's Malted Milk 60c Yeast Foam Tablets 50c Pepsodent Antiseptic .. 8c 15c 11c 39c 27c 29c NEW. STOMACH TREATMENT gets BEST RESULTS Bisma-Rex a nw antacid treas mast is Waging welcome relief (e seoele wbe bare saffere4 for year from tbe afooiee of ads' stamaca. And it takes only abort 3 minutes to get mis real relief. Foe Biama-Rez acts four wars. It aeatralizes excess acid; reHares the stomach of gas; soothes mem Wanes; and aids digestion of foods most Kketr to ferment Try Bisma Jtex. Geoeroos bottle 50c - Whitest Teeth I e with no scrubbing Why kt dincy, decared teeth rob yoor ssafla of it beauty. Bate Is a teeth past that offers fokkar safer cJeansiaf. JassK VSX of K&gzesa TOOTH PASTE 25c HEADACHE ? DEPRESSED ? auto intoxication may be the cause IE i mm Kd yonnelf of Out headachy depreseed foalmf so often ceased by eoto-intoaicatiotVr Pursiest Miami OB does mere and tabricate. B absorbe IntssHaal poisons! Hoi fatta inf because not absorbed. Taste less, odottoso too. IBwtiteU Mineral Oil PINT 75 c 25c Mennen Baby Talc 75c Mead's 10D C. L. Oil 25c Mennen Baby Oint. ... CHILDREN LOVE THIS CANDY LAXATIVE , Why firs jwt children harsh bitter doaes vhea there k a gentler way to rsBove constipation. RexaQ Order- i Bos are the orixjaal chocomte phe tWphtbalombuatrft)BStM tasty as sandy. And they are noted for their tsnfleness their natnral non-griping corrective action, SexaOdfoeV Bos ere subit-jwrssmf end safe - for women at all times. Boa of 0 lor 50c i ' 69c 59c 79c 15c $1 KrankV Lemon. Cream $1 Melloglo Face Powder $1 Velvetina Face Powder 25c Pacqutn Hand, Cream . 14c 59c 14c 27c 69c 39c 50c Phillip's Milk of Magnesia flOScotts Emulsion 60c Syrup of Pepsin . .29c .39c 25c 17c 60c Pebeco , t Tooth Paste 50c Detoxol ' Tooth Paste . 50c Ipana ' Tooth Paste 25c Phillip's ' Dental Magnesia Ml 31 SOLUTION Ik'Wk-TestetTAefiseptk FULL PINT 49C lb (tens llcnly Ko nosd to suffer btatamf 1 Irradn(OBtsje OotRoxal r Cora tihent Aids earns and sUa caOoases at ease. C0R SOLVENT 25C 69c 49c 49c $1 Vitalis Dressing fl Lucky Tiger 75c Gloyer's Manga Lotion SPECIAL . . 50c bottle off Klenzo Cocoanut Oil Shampoo and 25c Ladles' and Men's Dresslnn Comh 1'" - :;- r- i , The tost at to b u- f. tmt B,inj Qanso Coooaatxt Oil Shampoo lathers tukatf kite rich foam. Thoroughly cleanses the scalp, retioteg dirt, trims aad flakes. AndEleaso pure oOs tone the hafr and scalp. ana pre rest orjnsse by repladng eededoQs, YooH want to take ad- fcjtJi vantato of this special offer. Act w if K- ;ITii Y. IT ilyf W A i jl A mi Jl W MILS M MOM Ml m Our customers and friends still have plenty of time to win a valuable prize in our letter writ ing contest. The time is short but a winning letter can her written in a few minutes. Simply write in your own words, 50 or less How Would Lou Like Your Pick of These Big Prizes? lt Genuine Sunbeam Mix master. 2nd Beautiful Heavy Silver Plated Tea and Coffee Set. 3rd Genuine Sunbeam Waffle witch, 4 th Sunbeam Full Automatic Electric Iron. Uby B Hibo flo Stop dob QDraiBod Pwilly itoras SatiuflgQlay, May ed 2 Discalt GULF IUOT S-oz. tin TUNA ULAEUSS Yx tins, 2 for ASTET1 24V, lb. &. U U vl a. 5c Specials Pork & Beans Yfmr. Choice Van Camp, 16-oz. PINEAPPLE Molo, 6-oz "' Tomato Soup Lrpi can NEW LOW PRICE Freshly Ground Expertly Blended Pound I anawMM I a 1 111. .R I . I pint ooiucj rr ,m- AB&oi?Q UlloipijasIIs Hoi?GO GExg ...... Ei j i u n m j 1 1 1 in miiiimtuiininnnimni mm niimiiiiJUMna 'mmm r A am A ssaaiv . a . AN. H Radio m & fmnrkxtm mrtrtm r "To dean dishes end dothes SUPER SUDS3esfcr25c hllllt IT! ITT M III linilliiniiiM.t i-ri . . . r 1.111111111111111111111111-11 Ovaltine 50c Size as We Recommend n IMS n ' r Ipcf g 10 bars SDc f'fn Cocoa 51 No.y, tin lie Bakers Shredded Cocoanut Vl. pkg. Grapenuts a ,11 uamiii rrp Camay