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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1933)
PAGUdTVT 3m mms n - : . (I fi r- ( i I V If y Business ..... .J.; --.-.. . - Directory , Car la thie -irecuery run oa monthly baala only, i Rat i $L0O per lis per month. f AUTO BRAKES Mlkw Paaak, th brak and shimmy eWter. 175 8outh ComtTwclai Scree t. CATERING . Port Oary. th eafrwrhjTtg : CH1MKEY SWEEP Telephone 4460. R. E, Krthneea.- v CnmOPRACTORS ' ; pa a L. SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor, j 5 M. Hlih, Tat Rea. 9S79.- i j DRESSMAKING : , 1 ressmaklng 'in- yeur. Iutra.. Exp. J CUT flower, wadding bouquet fun- , era! wreatha, daeorationa: U. r. craw fcaupt. florist, $1$ Court. TeL (104. ALL kinds at floral work. Luta Plor- tatb Market TeL ti. ' GLASS Auto and window gtaaa tntrrora. TaL tioa." Walter J. Powna. aa graya. INSURANCE7 BECKE HENDRICKS lt N. Hiah Tat MI COFFET-8MJTH. gen, lna, Tei t, LAUNDRIES TUB NEW SALEM LAUNDRT nrm woder uaunort tll & High TaL lilt CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRT Tei.pFhona SBwap SITUATIONS WANTED ' Capable woman with a child wishes I LWV'N MOWERS work. Box 194. care Statesman. fJSSKrffcJ. FOR SALE Miscellaneoua ' , Fresh crabs now at Fldler'a aund. MATTRESSES Mattresses from " factory to boma. Spring nutttresa 18.00. Renovators and fumlzatora. Bugs cleaned. Capital Bed dlna Co. TaL 40C9. S030 N. CapItoL New" tnattresa made tr order, -old remade ; carpet cleaning, ' slams ; flulf rug weaving. Salem Fluff .Rag Mat tress Faetory. a 13tb Wilbur. TaL 8141. Otto F. gwicker. Kat MUSIC STORES A- GEO. C WILL Pianos, radio, aew tng machines, sheet musio and piano atudiea, Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 433 State btreet. balea-' MUSIC INSTRUCTION I WUl trade guitar and len ahythtng 1 can use. Storhow, 460 Coort. MEDICINE A-'U Dr Chan Lam Chinese Medlcln Co. Hours Tuaaday and Friday. 100 am. to 4:30 p. m. 148 N. Commercial. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint A Roofing. 474 Ferry. PAINTING Painting; TPr-hangi"S. interior decorating. Eatlmat free. W. H hheppard. Teu titv. PRINTING FOR STATION ERT, card, pamph lets, program book or nny pruttiis. caUTh Suateamaa Prtattog &rtment. US 8. CommerelaL Tai- phHlJ9li PUBUC ACCOUNTANT N.UClenut. t, JaV Aniiitinc. . na. N. Com k e ass or 4247. '! REAL ESTATE BECKS A HEN'DRICKa, TL 4947. W. H. QRABENHORST ttCO. .. 124 a Ubarty St. TaL S4ia SOCOLOFSKT A SON . t04. First Nat'L Bk. BldK. TeL 780T. STOVES STOVBS and stove rejrln Storea for sal, rebuilt , an "PJ kind of woven wlr fence, tancy-and Plata, bop baaktta, hooka, ifwhoola o. and smva Work. 862 Srr.iTT.l 4774. R. a Fleming. TRANSFER CAPITAL,, CITT Transfe; Co. 224 Di-tribuuns. ior- warding ana storage ur specialty. Get oar rata. FOB local r distant transfer storage, call smLarnier Tranafer Co. Trucks to Portland daUy WELL DRII-jNG R. A. West. $0 years experience, Ryp r Poil" Tag tlOFS. Harrises Closings arocerv Business And Plan to'Move VOODBURN, May lry- .na avita Hanu, W been la the grocery .v in voara. are ciueiua -- store and are to mora their etocj and tlxturea to Newberg May SS. where they wUl conduct a grocery la the Nottlng buUding. They plan to hold aa opening there May ST. -a.. kiT !! aaeutnrtuX tha E. j., Allen bulldlflt oa-rroat atreet ahd as yet mere -ro iw ve-- anyone occupying tha alto. i U a. r Nelson has lired near ahd In ,Woddbura tha past IS years. moving hero from Howaro, b. v. Roth the? A. C. and Harris Nelsea families will make their homes la ffewberr. 1 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Cluaifte Adfertistag Single Insertion per llce.lOe Three Insertloas par llae ...... 306 Six Insertions per Una. . s Oe On month par tine.. 11.0 1 Minimum charge ......Sit Copy tor thia pat ae eepted uatll 9:39 tha area In j before publication tor r claeaifieation. Cop y . re jeelred; after UU time wUl b ran under tha beading Too Lata to Classify. ,;. The Stateamaa aaaamaa no financial TespansiWlity tor error which may ap pear in adrertlsenienta pan- J uanea m its columns, aaa la oases where tola piper la it fault will reprint that part ot aa advertisement, la 1 which the typosraphical mistake eccara. i The Statesman reserves the right to reject . objee- tlonal adfertlalag. It far ther reserves the rlcht to i classify all advertising un- ' ik tkM... -I-iria r ui v - gp.wapw i - mob. . - - HELP WANTED MALE REfTT JOB IV TOWN. Caa uaa S man. osa for crew work. S 13.6a a week to atari if qualified, aea Mr. Powell, Roam 0 IS1 SUte St. iioura -a to 6, fiat., sua, ruea. - HELP WANTED FEMALE Wanted Lady to, cara for children and help who. work. 7Jt N. ifitn. SALESMEN WANTED Tea good aollcltora wanted for an re fire money maker. Home Supply Stores, 52 Court. Intersection 8Uverton-Portland road. 1 FX"R &AtJ Draa saw and heifer. Mrs. Dick ' Hampton, Jefferson. Ore. Pabat Blue Ribbon, Goeta Country Club bottle beer. 776 Edge-water street. West Salem. S blocks from end ot bridge on Salem-Dallas highway. Potatoes.for sale. Netted Gem seed and table. fiilverton-Salem highway one half mile north -on ' Hazel Green roaL R. K. Bawley. , For; Sale: Late "model Royal type- i writer, typewslter- desk and chair. cnaa wiper. , i: rri xauonai -fans BuHdfnev : 1 TRADE Miscellaneous Wanted to trad lot for good used car. Tel. Z3P. WANTED Miscellaneous Pay cash eiec, washer. TeL 767L WANTED 14" old fir in Howard, 2385 N. Front St wood Sewing machine. Must be reasonably priced. . Phona 6523. Wanted bora to pasture for light we. Garden Knnfl, Bpt 185. MISCELLANEOUS Beat hair cut. AdulU 20c. child.. 15c. two mocks a. or uorary, & winter. Permanent wave, 50c, Beauty Maid Shop. Over Steusloff MkC TeL 44S4. Bird dogs taken to train. Pointer at I Stud. Reference and a square deaL Hollywood Kennels, Rt. , Box 19$. Tw blocks H. of Valley Packing. WWWWIWMWWW . 'V SteeL Spaa. Guitar, Mandolin. Be ginners, adv. classes. Harmony, notes. Registration ends June 15. Studio TeL VI 84 or T. w. c A. gg7. FOR RENT ROOMS 15?i Court stTeL41 i Modern room, garage, sip. porch, I For rent dean sleeping room, close m. Tel. ; ROOM AND BOARD Imiohixxkiowwo lOKl IW WW Board, room. $20.00, near P. O. 5482. Comfy rms. Board optnL TeL 6749. Cosy downstairs room with board I ndjaeent to bath for lady, $14.00. Note me iaoy wno Drougnc in above ad In failed to leave her address or phon number and the ad taker did not notice it until after she had left Any party Interested may receive fur ther information py cauing ine btates- ! man ornoa. : Patton apartment dowatawa. Call Patton's book stare, Fur. R. apt. 1211 HaaeL - TaL ?$$-, Lovely fur. 8-r. apt. 15$0 Center. Fnrn. duplex apt. 440 Union. " DupUx apt, 9J1 N. Winter. Apt $12.00, $97 N. Com'L Preaeett apartaaects. furnish a. mod--rn. r-Mhtv daeoratad. fin kitchen, at- tractiv place, S. P. bus line, adults. 1064 Oak. Nlc furnished apartment. Over-, ituffed. 690 Union. 2 R. apt, f rlgldatr. 1209 Court. Nlc modern apartraanta 45$ Center. Stratten Apt, 670 N. Winter t and $ rm. fur, apta. modem. St FOR RENT HOUSES . . w 1 rorkaer. Uli N. Cottage. TeL 3I3L i f . WTO 98.00. TaL 7204. - 4 room house, 1(41 o atraet. S R. houaa, 1 arrrtand. "West Ba- Iaaa4c atatlon, list andl alarfcat.'-,- - MWWMW '-New inodw-n f!v iw fcuaa, oIom la. m iHi w iMt. : ; Can 7711 yon want to rant a wen located cosy modern fur. horn tnalnd--ar ft.-tfri-erator and ele. range. FOR RENT POR RENT Shp paatur. ; TL 4$$$. FOR SALE Real Eslatt Don't, bolld until yoa aaa tha tare fine lota all la charrioa. paara and ap j plea, full bearing, on Mock aawtb of Laalla Junior hieh achooL nice view. lerel lota, SBxlIO each. Sell on-or both cheap, eaay payment a Owaar, TU , Karai ATenua, pnona . FOE SALE OB TRADE 120 A. ITS A. In alfalfa. 10S l good bop land, baL paatur and tim ber, t K. mod. house, large dairy barn, ate. r. - .- lit A. atoeked and equipped ranch, well fmprored, soma trad and term a. II A. atoeked and equipped. R moo. nouae. Darn, chicken house, IM nvia 4 A. peacbaa. North, wear achooL VAX M. OREER S14 Oregon Btdg. 20 A. with good Improvement. All In cultivation. Good young family or chard. Good bom caa b bought at a bargain or will trade. room strictly modern bungalow, close hi. Good location Coat 4S00. Bell for $2 Sea. Good Term, Apartment House 7 Apia. 4 fur nished Good basement, hot water heating system, 1 blocks from State House. All apartment occupied prac tically all tha time. Income from $89.94 to 1140.40 per month, besides your owa living apartment Best Bargain one AVoT.mrain" to iraa ior Batem noma 11 you have 1 an exchanaa let m lrnnw J. F. ULRICH CO. S25 State Street 11 -n-in-innri.i-iriui MODERN ROM EL SACRIFICED. ;. vmg room, dining room, nook, hardwood floors, S nice bedrooms no ao casement, lurnaca, trays, double garage. Beautiful -corner lot P,owir,B1 ahrubtoery. Fma location. NorJ Salem. Only 13900. Give terms. Tola Is the beat buy of tha season. Sea. mj. ocailo, Keaiior lit a High SC S room modern hmm lt( r i tv t very reasonable. TeL 4177. GOOd aeml-modrrn T.mnm nl.M.J Ing, on two big lota covered with nut, cherry and ornamental trees and rosea, grapa arbor, near schools, nioa view. iciuwux, wmniMc i i replace, plumb-1 P1" t depression price. Also tw beauUfol buflding lots 40x130 each wu.iiiB.ns iruii trees, Diock south Lea-1 "wick school, at bargain, eaay terms. vwwr, 109 nurai Ave. I'nona fiii. EXCHANGE Real Estate aannaas i , i if'i'wn, nrinn . SmaU Apartment house, aU famish ed, nice place to live; priced at $4504. Income $43.00 per mo. Wants amaU w acres or up. win assume. II. C SHIELDS Oregon Blrtg. Tel. 890$ FOR SALE FARMS 40 acres Seal Rock, 1-3 ml. to hi-1 way, several aprlnga, $800, $50 down. ' " "" -CaUUXrarxs ACREAGE vvww SNAP Kxtra choice nearlv ntn b mostly all cultivated lanrf KI- Jar 'rotn Salem. Rock bottom price $450. For a few days only. Hurry and SEE BEGHTRT. n- TtTftU'lsnv $41 State Room THREE Wftvnpppm. oittb . Wall locatpil nln- I e - . - ... O LIIWI, best Of SOil. electric Hirhta nnf.M weU. Can be had for a few days at I oniy one-half it value, $300. t . H acres miles out on good road.1 close to school and ideal nl tn n,,ii3 I nome. Price only $1500. 21 acres 8 mil pa nnt n A Djnrs. need some rpnalr mn,i -u culUvatton, 2 wells. Immediate noa- session. Krlce only 11400. nart irtn ,.. CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 8tat St, Phona 4T0S DON'T RTTV tt-wttt TOtr HAVE LOOKED THESE OVER o-cruicea. fzi.o. Nic S-B, nuuie, iwia, lonec, eicetrio lights "t."V tol'ec cicetric light and i rlrt li ttyl orchard. Close in and a real barcaln. 132 AORks miss! iv 14 A. alf-lf- All nlm .. nina water. (Vmi v.n TlaSlt WW electricity. Bam 32xt. poulv w.. nsuuota u live par Take small place a part. n J w ..& . J AS. IX SEARS. Realtor 18$ S. High St. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY 1 - vrusiora natoung. sot egrga at iho very Baruraay and Tueadax. TaL 1I3FI. lnTi Hatchery. FOR 8ALBrfMh cow, $16.00. Phon 48F14. Business Opportnnlties " r i-,n - -. -. f aje r rent, garag and serrte car ror aal. S97 N. Omin-sraUL Mr GL S Sdmmmu nTtmrm K Gift Shop for aal. display cahinata, ; gtaa shelving-, drape, wrought tree MONEY TO LOAN a1 aammmwwm 'Bells of Harmony Haard ver SOTN dally ring out at loan eervic that Is really really . diffareat, TOU GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST - STRICT PRIVifT QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICJB JTf OANS flS to $300 Beneficial Loan Society OP SALEM Room li New Biigh Bidg. 2nd Floor W TrVEvaf Arrav-. -en Man sm LICENSED BY STATE $1$ Stat Street TL t-T-4-S. I woi'y',.M ii.wi Pknsovit. lnaarn sfcAuai on rurpitur, car, aalarlee or other rood security. - Reoarabi monuniy. vrneo) m rmanoi-l need e us oeror eioatng a loan. UtuibRAL INVESTMENT -CORPORA T1AN First National Bank Bide Phon ISI1 mm - - -rii iJnurirLrijnjTrur MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Reftnanoed Arrange to reduce youx paymenta , Too keep the car ; P. A. EIKER Cor. Libertv St. m.rul 9mm Phofc 47$$ Sia, Or POLLY AND HEIt IP VOU HAD AMy W v T-x- j a ici irr rp (va r-t.Mii t Interesting - Pacts' .1 -, 2 j aaan i l,, .jr?.-mw man near -Turner van . aeen plowlnx and harrowtnt his field with aa oz yesterday. O. D. (frosty) Olson, local florist, claims that he only tried to fish once. Be states that he caught a fish f Inches long at that time and lost a J19 hat and a ii pair ot glasses. ' We hare been told that Sheriff Burk Is watching" local advertis ing for atatement ot rains ot stocks offered to ascertain the amount of assessment made. He o8" to make a good member ot the AO CIUO, The big Beer parade la New Tork.Clty was a year ago. -. . u - Chicago Worlds" Fair, June i to October SI. MONEY TO LOAN alasaasOaaaajaaali PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMFAIfT SIS Oreaon Building, Snd Floor nfftoa tire. 1 0 -AS A T to C -IS P. If. Talmkm 9719- Stat lUiwi Ma. s-ica. Borrow aw personal pro party ; repay la monthly Installment WILLAM- ETTB LOAN CO Bute lie. S-140. (01 Ooardtan Bldg. TeL 38TT. FOR 8ALE WOOD Old flr dry and green $4.00 and up. Pbone Ilia. Ash and fir. Judd. Fhona 11F14. GUARANTEED DRT wood coal TaL tooe Salem fnal Oa. Trade a Cotti i ga. Ash, fir and oak. TaL M4 a. Dry oak. 4 ft. $4.oa TaL $70$. No. 1 dry old fir, $5.00. TeL $171. "cirywood t V cord. Old fir 11", IS". TeL 7. FOR SALE USED CARS MCKAY'S USED CARS WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS 54 Ford Coud 2 $6.00 '. f"-0"0 71.00 '2T Star Sedan 1.00 125.00 145.00 145.00 19S.00 24S.O0 '2$ Durant Sedan 27 Chrysler Sedan '29 Ford Roadster . '2$ Nash Sedan '30 Ford Coup 'SI Ford Pickup 29S.00 295.00 416.04 '30 Chev. DeLaz Sedan Is Chev. DaLaixe Coach nymouua eaaan '20 Ford Panel Truck 645.00 ST 6.00 20 Chev. Panel Truck 325.00 TRADES TERMS Open Evenings and Sundays McKAT CHEVROLET CO. 333 Center Phone 1189 430 N. ComL USED CARS Bought for Cash Always Sell for Leas Sea KDRRROn 240 N. Liberty Phone 218$ .r :- Are You Looking For a Good Buy? This list of Used Car Must b Sold. Com in. Pick on one Try on out. 1920 Ford Panel Delivery $ 45.00 nil roro Sta. Coup, guaran- tad JTtsa 1931 Ford AA Track long W.B. 476.00 1920 Whippet Coach verhauled 145.44 192$ Chavrolat Ro-dater . 1S.AS "15 rdT i ma For- Rnadt- --1..ul-a him I vnevroiet tjoop 4( 41 !!!! ?oc Busln Coup 146.44 192$ Butck Std, Ooupa. 96.00 Bulck Master Rodatar $6.00 19$r Ponttae DeUvery $$.00 rwnuao WPC asxlatr. 96.00 i!!! ?dg aeren 76.001 i.s ceo a Bp, ooap 196.00 1 TERMS TRADES Salem Used Car Center Oaarafe bw Warla Vr - Uwton and Lftterry Phan T910 ; NSW YORK. Mar IS. (AP) Stocks aad sereral commodities ran tnta heavy, profit-taking to day, aat la ao market were tha aet ca sanities severe and trading was generally lighter. Sales to taled 4.C1S.S11 shares. U. a. Steel, Anteticaa Can. Gen eral Electric Allied Chemical. Consolidated Gas. North Ameri can,, American Tobacco "B,' Union Pacific, United Aircraft, National Biscuit. Industrial Ray- ' on ua uenerat rooas reaciea i fractions to something mora thaa J a point. Coppers also eased, de- j 6pite a T cent domestic quotation lor the metal,, . i Tha "wet" group was strongly 1 I represented by Oweas-nilnols, Na- . tlonal Distillers, Crown Cork aad j Liquid Carbonic ' whteh closed about 4 points higher. Sears Roe buck, American Woolen, New York Air Brake and shares ot a STOCKS EM I'illEII PfiOFITS HOE TAKETl number of less prominent manu facturing concerns strengthened S ' or. so. PALS sm sbb mmmmmmmmmammm -i mmm -- B s ' ' al w 1 ! B- " am ITS My -x - V PRIDE"? POOH'! i I I v" - JL T r ". I i li ( VAS lNTrrTTr? IXZl?lYArT 1 I M"JSWAvfb .Ka;:"r r-i,"V.- PL1 I IrO-JVlr IP ' T, Hi 1 -1 -vi .-,--. f Oh. VEiiVH R W f CP AbOW EAR' i-r?. A" MEGSMEES SUFFER FROM RB Heavy Com Acreage Plant . ed; Sheep Shearing on At Sunnyside SUXXTSIDK. May IS Weather la too cool for fruit buds and ten der plants. Peas and tha usual "garden aaas" are growing, with onions and radishes now oa the table. With snow falling all around - and perpetual snows oa the mountains there teems small chance ot warmer days In tha near future. Quite an acreage ot corn for crop had been planned In this locality but conditions are untar-arable- so far, though some small patches hare been-planted. Tre prune men are keeping out of the orchards, not wishing to know their fate- until It la certain and sure, which will he about the first of next week. -. ' The sew owner of the Eberaard service station at .Sunnyside 1$ Leon Lambert of the Willamette Grocery company of Salem, and will operate the statloa through employees. The property Is being lmprored. Tha sheep shearer has been around finishing up contracts which were delayed by rain and cold. C. H. Taylor got a. good clip of mohair from his araall banda ot goats, soma of tha mo hair xaeasunnr 11 aad IS laches The friends and chums of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lindy Taylor gathered at their homo la Sunny- side oa liar C honoring tha. fifth wedding annlrereary. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cannoy. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dyer, Mrs Merle Sarchet, Beryle Johnson. Ester Heckart, Sue Ditto, John Newenschwander, Orral Gleason, Hermaa Wldener, Ray Heckart, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor and Kenneth Cole. ZEN A, May IS Adrerse elec tric storm and hard rain in the northeast section ot Polk county Wednesday atternoon followed a pleasant day Tuesday. Cold rains bare materially retarded growth of grains and early gardens and a few warm days would greatly benefit the farmers who are hop ing for a good hay crop this year because of the shortage the past winter and this sprlnr. CORVALUS, Ore., May IS CAP) Further delay In truck arresting la - the northwest be cause ot continued cool rainy weather, cleanup of the Oregon I weather, cleanup or the Oregon potato crop, and extended more- ment or onions to oriental mar kets were reported today in a re view of the past week In the vege table trade by tha USDA bureau of agricultural economics cooper ating with the OSC extension ser vice. Home grown truck crops are ur eyiuawu buu lauisueo. .ii.ii- field growth has been possible during the pkst week. Asparagus shipments hare ceased from east- era Oregon except for local and cannery use. A marked upturn ta price resulted from these more limited offerings. -uamatn Fans potatoes are practically cleaned up. the final prices being around 7 a cents a huadredwalght f.o.b., an increase of about 71 per cent over earlier prices. Shipments from Yakima aad Idaho points are greatly re- aueea. Soma Oregon onions were load- ad for tha PhUipplaea from Port lead last week. Originally It was thought tha aeaaoa for each ahlp- meata would close la February. Domes tie markets are sUn taking a few with Portland prices to re tailers about 19 cents ta 1 a hun dred. aATtntSAT. MAT It XOW TerUaad 420 2E. -7:00 Meralag Parada, KBO. 7:S0 Organ eeacwrt, KBC. 7:80 0y Oypcie. KBC. 8:15 Jack aad PUy, StQ. 0:15 OeekiBv eheoL 9:15 Katlonal Farm aad Heme bear, SBC 1:0Wmus'i Magasla f the Air, iraa . It :1 Westera Agriemlrara, TmO. l:O0 Roiel Skaraaa er-tr, XCBO. t'H-jrfia K Nan - 8r30 Law . Tks Safeguard ' Sedatr 3 :45 Boaoaet of MalodUs, KBO. S:80 Friendly Chat. 4: -LitUa Orpaaa Aaaie, l$0. 8:15 lUmad tk World clab, b'Sa S:0 key 8yn, KBO. . Tha IUm omoiMon 0HA11K Raclio Program CORN TA tiOWUS W DEIVIAJD, TRADE .STRONG Near Two-Year Mark , Set; Wheat, Corn Gain is 5 Cents , CHICAGO. May IS (AP) Cora ted wheat, oats and rye to day to fresh high record prices, tha topmost tor corn la almost two years. At tha new pinnacles, wheat aad core were both ap more thaa S cents slnee Tuesday, but late profit taking brought aboat setbacks. The com belt today was reported as practically wa terlogged eaat ot tha Mississippi rlrar, aad tears were expressed the ItSS corn crop would be one of tha smallest la many yesxsv - Cera Closed merroas, 1-S to 1 1-t aboTo yesterday'a finish. Wheat M off to U ap, oats showing 1-S to gala. - Todaya closing' auotetlona: . Wheat May 71: Jaly 71 TS: Sept- TaK-: Dee. TS-T. Cora May 41 H; Jaly 47 47U: Sept. 41-4$ U; Dee. SOU. Oats May SfK-: July Sept. ST; Dee. SS-4. General Markets raosncB kxchavqb PORTLAND. Or, May IS. (AP Proaaee ezcasaaa. aet prices: Batter- Extras 23e, ttaaaardj $2 He, prims firsta XSa, firsts Sle. cgs rresk extras 14a, Btediassa ISa. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Or- May U. (AP) Wheat Open Hi (a Low Close May .es 43 61 Jaly 45 U 46 4 September 4a 47 00 4T Caak wheat tie. 1 Big Bead eia-atea. 72; dark hard wiatar, 13 per ceat IS , 11 per ceat 69 H ; oft white, hard wia ter 64; aortkera spring, weitera white, westera red 62. Oats Ne. S wkiu $24. Con No. S yellow $22.76. Mil Iron standard $21. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore, May H. (AP) Butter Prints, extras S4e, Maadara 21 pouaa. Batt-rtat Portland deliver: "A" grid 28e voaad; farmers' door delivery -le; sweet cream 6e kighar. laeifi Poaltrj Prodaeers sll iag prices: Oferiii 17c, extra lOe, -used eelors 15e, medioai 15 eoaea. Say tag price of wholesaler: sresa carrsat receipt 50 ponada up, 1314c doiea. Uoaatrr awata suia a arte te retail er: Country killed aega, aest aatcaera aadar 150 poena S H-c, vealer SO V 10U pounds, 4-7, spring laaibs t-Ue, ysarhags 7-LOe, heavy ewes -, eaa- aer cows e, balis 6-H peoaa. atoaau Meaiaat aayiaa once: 189 lip 7 He pound. fliu Orcaoa walauts l.-loc. peaaat 10a. h ran la is-14e, sliaoad lo-lSc, til berta 20-.2, pecaas 80e peoad. Caacars hark Baring price: 1938 eL 3 Vi pound. Uop e-ual, 192. S6-T5C. Li poaltrr Buyiag price: Heavy hen, colurad, 4ft pounds 12-13e, do sae- eiaa lie, liC-ts, 10c; spnagi, 1 poead ap, 1213c; colored aprmi 15- lte pound: dock. Pkia broiler. ls-19c: -Id duck. Pekin. 12c; colored 10c Union Belling price to retailer: Ure- goa 90c-$1.10 cental ; lakiauv. gpaaish. 75-SSc crate. Xew eaiena Calif. Bermuda. $2.50 per 60-poaaa crate. $1.35-1.35 erang box. Laluoraia Pr lug. Potatoe Local. 05-75 erang box. DasehaUs Gem $1.35-1.40, d Baker $1.60. Tskisu (Jem $1.30-1.40. Maw potato Txa 4-4 He poaaa. Straw btiri 8aeramato 24 $1.40- L46: Freaa 20 41.45-S. Wool 1.S Urma clip, aeealaalt WWaouitU vaUy IS-lie. Or-ra ia-i. seaUera ldah 10 .0 peaa. Bay Buying price Iresa preaacert Al- falm $14-15, lovr $11. Ura Oregon tinteUy f la, eats aaa vetca Sis. Portland Livestock rOETLAKD. Ore May 11. (AP) Cattle Beeeipta 136, ealve 70; steady. Steers. 430 V SO poaada, g f .o 4, aaodia $4.50-5.50. eoauBem 9.50-40; 90 te 1100 poaada. goad $3Aw-S, medt- asa S4.60-S.6, cenuaoa f 8.50-4.60 1100 ta 1300 poaada, good -e, niaiia aaa aaediaam $4.00-6.00. Baifera, 460 t 140 peaa da, good $4.76-5.60, eeauaaad-aMd- mat s 3o--7: iao i u pouaa, r' cheiee $415-5. eo-taea-sdias IUD- 4-U5. Cows, geod 84-4.M. r aaa- -a I iaaa $3.16-4, law eattea and eatter $1- ljw. nulla, vearuaga eaciwoea, aea (beet). 3-$A0, cotter media SS-A. Yealars, g-ed. $5.4, awdrem 4J 5-6.00, caS eauBe $2.50-6.00. Calves, -SO 500 peaa, good, $4.00-5.00, casus sod las. S3.00-4.00. Hags Beeetpa 40$; steady te streag. Good 140 te 30 peeede $-.-. 61 100 to IM poaada Si. 74-4.50; ever S60 peaads $SOS-4.S9. Sow good, $4.15 5.45, Btediaai $3-S.SO. Piga. good $-. Sheep ad lesiha fiais S50 ; steady. Lasah. spriag, good aad ckelee 8 &A0, media $4-4; U knaha, good aad heie $4-4.75, eemsaea-Bsedias $3-4.35. WeUers $1-3.50. Ewss $1-3.50. S:45 V. f :30 Phaatoaa Oj a:lS-MTPlaBa. hi :00 Spotlight, BBC. 10: SO Jim Tafrs arekastra, SXZ. 11:30 Gas Arah aim's arekastra. JTB0. KOIV Pwrtland S40 Xa, S:90 KOIK Xlock. 10:15 Htea of tke Ale. 1:90 Book of Life. -4:15 Ball of Harmony. TtlS Taraa. 8:00 Reddiaa White, teaer. 0:00 MaEb-oy'a Greater Or re as. 10:0 DaHmar daac bead. 11:00 Cafe de Pari. DLBA, 7 KOAO CorraQis 650 Xs . 7:00 Moraiag MadMatiaaa, lad ST Merry Pittmaa. . t:00 Morning eoaeert. 11:00 Farm hear. S:S0 Par bear. Tkat Am" Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 co-op pool price, 81 .SO pr aaadred. Svrplma 91.10. fanik ttUy atterfat avaragaJ Bntterfat Top xlHi prints 24c, cwbee xae. frtoea said i grvwers by laleai beyea Kay IX . (Tks prises tetew. eaapaad ay a laeal greaec. a laaieaiiv r ike aaiip i Sal are ao raarastsed kf The gtat raOTX ajrn aaarrAAxas a) Striag beaaa. Ik, wk. . Jl " ArUeaakaa. das. Jf aedishea, leaL dea. .IS Aapersgma, lecaL 4 " . 1 la Oakaafe, Ik. Oraea aeaaera. Oalif.: ta. A4 as .04 .IS raaa, Cahr is. Oateaa, dea. baacate retateea, TskisM Ke. S -1-2S a.oe 1.SS r-dV new 8w ee oetataes. it 4JS .Lse -euaee, Cisui. .1.50 u t.eo AS .01 i.ts 3.00 Oaioaa. Leklsa, awu Bkabarb. local Celery. Calif, H craU Mszieaa Toastoe , i-wsaps. fsaey . JO a.40 Krtra taaey Vewtewa. faaey , Extra tsaey Caaliflawer, Calif- arat Oraaces, p.p. -1.4 .1.4 .3.00 te X.Se faaey A.0 t 4-0 .40 .40 -00 ta .05 .05 Calif, des. Tamipa, Ieeal. dee. Spins ck, local. erate, Bsaaaaa. lb. stack Hindi .OS Strewberrira, Fretae. SOs Ortfoa Fiaait, S4-cap Celery -rarti. do a. LTS i ateitard greeas .0 .00 te 1.40 .20 U JO Caeaaiaera Pineapple, retail HOPS Top. 193X. Th. .44 JO Tep. 1991, lb. . aooa Boytaa Prleaa Extras as at 41 A4 ji ee .08 JO fttavidsres . Medinas rooxtai Old rooster . Colored ha ktdh hrat Light ha. Springs a CEAT 1933 spring lambs Lambs, tep 6.00 4.00 Bar, top a . First cut 4.10 3.8S' Steer Cow . .04 .09 .08 .0$ t .04 t .OS Heifer te SH t Jt .05 Vl Bulls Dreased veL top Draaard bog xs O-AIH AXB BAT Wliat. wvatern red - , , White. Ne- 1 .47 .47 Barley. Up, too 14.00 t I0.0 Oats, tea t 15.00 Hf. bevtag arleee Oata aad vetch, toa - Alfalfa. vUy. 1st est. Caatera Oregon , .15.00 Clever hay . 12 00 te 14.00 wooa. llediam Coarae . Mohair . .16 .18 .00 CASCAXA BAXJC Gres. Th. Dry. lb. .01 H .03 Stoclis and Bonds ( Copyright. 1033. Standard Statlatlca Cav) SAX 1- STOCX AvXaAOSS so to 0 lad'la KR' Cl' Total Today . 74.0 37.S 09.8 T1.T Previawaday 75.1 87.0 90.0 TLS Weekag 719 34 4 S5.S SS.4 Tear ace 44.S 1S.S T8.4 44.1 Syeertag 184.4 130.4 285.0 141 J High 1938 7S.S 87.0 05.8 Tl. Law 1033 43.3 2S.S 41.S 4S.S Brhl031 TVS 89.S 111.0 TS.S Lew 1033 88.1 13.3 61.8 86.0 IOTD ATXXAOES 20 20 90 60 tnd'U KR' Ut'S Total Today 4i.4 6.S 79.4 TS.S Pravieaada 47.0 60.5 79.1 71.1 wtwkar 5. ot.s tt.s 7. Tearaw S7.S 57.S 74.S 04.0 years at a-o loe.T rv.e iwe.s Hiak 19SS 08.4 80.4 85.1 73 .S I w 19SS 6S.S ST.o 71 es. Hiak 1981 71.8 78.0 84A TB.l Lew If 31 8S.1 7. 70. ai. Kew 1933 high. "PRATX1I IS VICTO1. RICKEY. May lS--The Pratam hoys were victorious orer the Biekey boys la a ball game played here Wednesday. XOTICB OF APTODtTM-CfT OP EXLECTJTOIt Notice la hereby glren that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the SUte ot Oregon, for the Coun ty ot Marlon, as Executor ot the last wUl aad testament aad -es tate ot 8a rah NewbUl, deceased. aad Chat ha has daly aaliried aa auch executor; all persons haying claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to a, at tha office of itooaia c Olorer. my attorney, SOS Oregon Building. Salem, Marlon County, Oregoa. wlthla six moataa from the data of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this (th day of lay, 1933. N. A. NKWBILL, Executor ot the last will aad tes tament aad estate ot Sarah .NewblU, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executor, Salem. Oregon. M.C-1S-30-37-JS 1 -.v.. .Consumption is Third Above Norrnal; no Change in Eggs PORTLAND. May IS AP) Continued atremgth la tha local poaltry trade suggesU the short age of holdings oa tarns of the Patina northwest to get her with aa tnereaalac eonsumptlra . call as a result of comparattrelr low prices. , Coasamptloa of fowls has beea practieany a third greater dar-- ng tha lata aeaaoa thaa ' aermaL Demand remains - beet for hens and broilers. Demand tor turkeys remains liberal for hens and at fun lata prieea. .. Quite plentiful supplies of hat ter are bow arriving from out- state points and area local churn- ug .was Increased. Trade as a whole was therefero Inclined to show further degree of easiness. Practically ao changea of note aava beea ahowa reeeatly la the market for eggs here or along the coast generally. Local trade waa considered fairly steady. Country meat prices were gen erally unchanged today along the wholesale way although there sonttnaed more or teas pressure agat Teal, which continued In liberal offering. Siren though local offerings were scant, the price oa aspara gus waa aent lower here because there was a greater -abundance from Walla Walla and some from California. M id-Coin mbia grow ers were willing to meet competi tion on that account Prices Pushed up East and West; Manufacturers' Orders Increase BOSTON. May IS. (AP The Commercial Bulletin will say tomorrow: "The price ot wool has been pushed up further this week both In the west and in the east, until the finer wools are fully on im port parity and the medlnm wools are within fire cents a pound. clean basis, ot Import psrlty. Best fine clips in the west are c iting fully CO cents, landed Boston, clean basis. "Foreign markets hare rises slightly during the week, as well. perhaps two to three cents clean basis for the better wools. Ameri can manufacturers bare commenc ed to buy rather freely la the for eign markets, in consequence ot the sharp increase In domestic wools. Possibility ot tariff reduc tion for reciprocal trade advan tages, makes this action seem more desirable. There has been a large influx "of orders te the manufacturers who hare increased mill opera tions decidedly, some ot the Urge worsted mills now being on over time. Prices on goods, also, have been marked up distinctly sad aerplua stocks hare beea cleared from the market. Mohatr Stroager "Mohair hi rather alow but stroager, la sympathy with the rest of the markets. Best adnlt Texas hair rs.hld at 39 cents la the origlaal bags. Tha Bulletia will publish the following quotations: Domestic: Oregon Pine and T. M. staple .(-Sic, flag and P. M. l"r. comb ing IS-SCa, fine aad P. U. cloth ing St-tze; ralley No. 1- IS-SSc Mohair: - . Oregon - IS - 30c. domes tie graded., first combing S 3-3 5c, sec ond combing 38-SOc, third comb ing 34-SSe, fourth combing 20- ize; good car ding z-Z!c; rjrst kid 53-S7C. second kid 41- 7c NOTJCB Notice Is hereby glrea that copies ot the rales and regula tions of the Clrll Servlco Com mission of the City of Salem, Ore gon, may ho obtained at the of fice ot the Recorder ot aald city at tha city haJL FIE WOOLS FOLLi OH IMPORT P11Y CItu Serrice CommUsIoa By Mark Poulsen. City Record er, and Secretary of aald Com zoissioa. XL 1S-14-1.-17-1S-19- 20. CALL FOB BIDS Waated 13 Cord 19 Inch wood delivered at MiddlagroTO School a-nxicK re. a aaaress Bias to u. XL HllCtker, R. P. D. f Box 99. Rights reserred to reject an bids. Bids Opened June II. - - M.1S. By CUFF STERRETTi i 1 1