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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1933)
i V - f : U The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning. Mar 3,-1933 PAGE FIVE 0 0 Society N ews and Club Aff airs :Ouyi M. i)OA$, Soctity Editor Nile Club Hostess To Portland Club Officers One of tba mar test affairs ct (lie year for; the Kile club of Sa lem was the luncheon and after noon of carda at Masonic temple Thursday afternoon In compli ment to officers of Nydia' temple f Portland., j , The lodge rooms'" vere beauti fully arranged vrtth' a-: profusion of tulips and tern. In addition to the card afternoon a program was air en which included af Whistling olo by Miss Fielda Wrgrin of Portland and a violin solo by Joy rner Moses of Salem. A pretty feature or the after noon was the presentation of gifts to Mrs. D. O. Webster, queen of Nydia temple, Mrs. C. H. Cast tieri princess recorder, whose wed ding anniversary was Thursday, and to Miss Fielda Wiggins, by Mrs. George Burnett, president of the Salem club. - Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. D. O. "Webster, Mrs. C. H. Castner, Mrs. A. E. Davidson. Mrs. L. R. Elder. Mrs. A. H. Trego, Mrs. Frank Smith, Mrs. Fred Jen nings, Mrs. Kenneth Hall, Mrs. Al Murphy. Mrs. A. M. Dibble, Mrs. C. A. Shepard, Mrs. W. K. Wood, Mrs. Roland Hopkins, Mrs. A. "H. Lee, Mrs. E. R. Wiggens, Miss Fielda Wiggens, all of Portland, and Mrs.-" Agnes L. Bnnny. queen of Bath Cabbia temple. No. 21 of Billings, Mont. Prises for cards went to Mrs. Paul Ha user for auction and to Mrs. A. K. Davidson of Portland tor contract. t-n Carnation Sale Opens .Today The annual carnation sale, sponsored each. year. by the War Mothers, the funds from which are used to carry on relief work of the year, opens today. All Mothers able are taking part In the sale. Stations and .Mothers - presiding at each in clude: Fade's grocery, Mrs. Lit fcetb Waters, Mrs. Gertrude Rem ington and Mrs. Jessie Crossan; pOBtoffice, Mrs. Addle Curtis and Mrs. W. B. Lindsay: Senator bo tel. Mrs. Carrie Beechler, Mrs. Frances Bates and Mrs. William Cherrington; Mutual Savings and Loan. Mrs. Minnie Humphreys and Mrs. G. R...Mudd;. Hamil ton's Furniture store, Mrs. Mary Ranch, Mrs. . Emille Hendricks and Mrs. Ella Wilson; Child's Realty company, Mrs. Ada V. Fklff, Mrs. Jennie Martin,, Mrs Elizabeth, Deifenbacn NetmeyerV Drug store, Mrs, Amanda . Mollencop, Mrs. Nora Busey and Mrs.' Cora Prime Boock's Furniture. Mrs. Judith Boock. Mrs. Marie Wilcox and Mrs. Valeda Ohmartf Cross mar ket; Mrs. Nettle Schramm, Mrs. SOCIAL CALENDAR Saturday, May IS Chemeketan dance; Dr. C. A. Downs and Miss Dor othy M. Taylor, committee In eharge. Executive board of B. P. W. club, T: SO o'clock with Miss Ruth Moore. Salem Women's club, special music; talk by Mrs. Grace McCormack French, state "conservation" chair man. - - . Willamette Lodge Country dub, regular meeting at clubhouse. Winners of Junior music contest in -Music Week eon cert. T. M. C. A. lobby, 8 o'clock; public welcome. Winners of Junior contest In concert at Y.M.C.A., S 'clock; public Invited, Jefferson Woman's Club Gathers ' For Annual Music Week Program Polk County Nurse Tells Sweet Briar Club Of Her Work; Church Class Meets Jefferson. - The Jefferson i Woodburn The Presbyterian Woman's club met at the country j Ladles' Aid society met in the borne of Mrs. Fred WIed on the church parlor Wednesday after- Marlon road Wednesday after- noon, with Mrs. Clarence Wam noon, with Mrs. J. G. Fontaine pole, Mrs. Thomas Stau and Miss as assistant hostess. The business .Esther Hettinger as hostesses. A meeting was presided over by calling committee consisting of Mrs. Karl Stelwer. Scripture "l?L''JirV ceriDj- reading was given by Miss e. - Eleanor Looney. uaui' Vlv t. r wav was given a vote of thaaks lor de- au Lcicuioviuu wa n warn i - . . . . a special program was given an- the jJJ"' .u- i i.BMati books, and plans were made te wtif Ji.. r Z r, Pl4nt flowers or ehrubs on the I Mai YlLh. Wi? wtT!1 north side of the church. . Voico-Sopran piano solo; Gilbert Looney, violin A JTSm. charge of Mrs. selections; Rex Hartley, song: ? Ben luded nnmbers by Mrs. J. O. Fontaine, reading on M11"ce, Eeen Rot. Bondinot "Hymnology." and Mrs. Clarence Seely Floyd -Mttson. Jean Lee Thurston, paper on "Bible Mu- " Patricia Sims The hostesses sic." The hostesses were assisted wer? "Ited by the Misses La- Contest Winner In Program Tonight Tonight In tbe Y. M. CL A. lobby one of the moat Interesting pro grams of Music week will bo ob served. This will present the eon test winners in the Junior eon-, test held rn Salem a short time ago. Several of these being pre sented were also winners in the contest la Portland. The tentative program Includes: CLASS A Piano C Minor Prelude ....... .Baca Margaret Wonderlick 8hepherd Song . . .Ada Powers David 8mitA, Jr. Violin Gavotte In D Minor ....... Grttry Franko Minuet ......... Irma Seydetl Ruthyn Thomas Hymns I Lore to Tell the Story. Fischer Doris Towns All Hall the Power of Jmm' Name ... Hold en Helen Ostrla CLASS B Piano Sonata In O Morart Marjorie Broer Hallowe'en Burleigh Doris Harrington Voice Boy Sopraao The Tear's at the Spring. Beach William Utely CLASS C Piano - Prelude 8p!ering Margaret Clara The Cuckoo Daquia naxine case r .Back vona Brers and Gertrude Warn-i JorleFontalne and Mis. Myrtle TSLaSl by Mary Louise Fontaine, Mar- 77. t.i Si" nostesses Addle Libby, Misses Mary Louise J Bist Du Bel Mir Rachel Pemberton Has Come Rogers Marguerite Qllbert CLASS D Piano taae Mignonne .Schuett cnarlotte Hill "lset ...Boyle vera jeane Huber CLASS B Hymns Jesus Savior Pilot Me ..Gould Maxiae Cease O Day of Rest and Gladness . . Mason Muriel May Brown Voice Baritone Plantation Love 8oag . ......Deems Taylor can Mason CLASS B Piano- Rondo la D Moiart Lois Burton workl she baa been doing. Mrs. grade teacher, presented her vic-l Humoresqne Brockway and Marjorie Fontaine, Rex Hart ley and Rosweu Wright. The ladies of the St. Mary's Episcopal Guilt met at the home of Mrs. E. Cowles Tuesday after- Wallace Road Mrs. Charles I iS??1?. rJr t f fTu The next meeting win be temine for tto leumro of heW at tft nom6 of Mf Cecll club and their guests at the sub- bspy My X3; urban home of the former, Wed nesday afternoon. Miss Margaret I Salem Heights Thursday Gillls, Polk county nealth nurse, nicht at the H. 8. GUe borne. Miss gave an interesting account oi tne Wanda Phillips, third and fourth by bis daughter, Mrs. Nell Cox of Clara Wright Bohemian Girl" O. D.l Adams gave two vocal num-1 Un elasa and orchestra In recital here with Mrs. A. E. Utley as ac- assisted by Elizabeth Clement, ac companist. Mrs. Leland Wendt prano, for the parents of her stu gavo a reading. dents. Numbers were given by Assisung kooi uie rooias wer sen Former, Dorothy Jones, Bob-1 t i d . i Mrs. Carl Brand and Mrs. John Uy Bohannon, Dorothy Jones, En- 1 O De Kepeated fciier. tspeciai guesis nlC0 wngnt. Blame vogt, Haroia were Mrs. O. D. Adams. Mrs. Carl Biles. Rchnrler on. M!m nlfm. Brand, Mrs. John Etter, Miss Mar- ent, William Trudgen, Betty I CM ttadln; the porfortnanco of garet ' Gillls and Mrs. M. R. As- Bilea, Dorothy Burger, Muriel I "The Bohemian Girl" by the Light Dlnwall of Salem. RAhtnian. viTt innM. MnriaJ I Opera dab of Willamette Unlvsr- ' I VaMk.mi Vltrla. Tnnu On11. I SltV laSt month, til MM WiTi Ktt nr.t ntnnllr TmV uui uua i -. - - - - -- ---- Bertha "Vlexco and Mrs. Mary VJZZ 7k- ...f . 7 Reed. Chester McNamara andlV uiiin, jriaiy sugar, .Sl.'SS?. vJUu-I .f r?mt tft C0UntIT n.?me of Mr. ortnid Hwoka. U Dean Cameron MarakaU liam Fltts; West Salem. Walter 'M"U Phillip, with wrist w.tck Carth'a grocery. Mrs. Flora Ab- h" and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mar- 1 ' 6B.5 Wrn.M rl'Sr a v i z . . - . i DflJBBU Tor nr wnrr. ko wii I w mii.i. sinti dciucib. i am kAaia tm. & tnam.1 - " " lEECDiillElillOliS orayi worn 1U Neighbors ; of Woodcraft, Farmers v Union and Legion to Gather i - ir n -'-:rww r.-..-.. on may j ete roaay . . With CJrowningof Queen Slated For This Evening STATTON. May IS Staytoa's annual May day f estivltlee wCl be keld Saturday. May 1 beginning with a track meet la the morning at II a. m ' tn which varlona DALLAS. May IS Dallas I schools have been asked to nam. will bo host te three ertaalxa-l dsate. out of town seonle a tlena during the latter part of I requested to bring basket lnnches May and the early part of June. 1 If they ear to do so. There will The state conventions of the I be a nlaee provided for a lnnch Neighbors of Woodcraft and the I room and free coffee will bo Farmers Union will bo keld 1 served. - - here next -week and the week 'The afternoon event 1s the ball following, and the annual picnic game between the high school ez tne Americas Legion and I team and Alumni. At n. m. is Auxiliary In Polk county will the alumni banauet, and former taae ?laea on Sunday, June 4. I grade and teachers are expected Tbe Neighbors of .wooderaft I from various parte of the state. convention will open on. Thurs- The baaquet la being prepared for day. May IS, following a blg U persons and will be served by meeting of the local organise-1 too grange home economic club. tloa on Wednesday night. This At 8. p. m. In the gym will be convention will continue otter tne crowning of the May Queen Friday, May It. Meetings will bo other events In keeping. MIse held tn the Woodman Hall with! Jeaaette Dillard Is qaeea and ber the exception of the one Friday prlacessea are Misses Frances night, whlck will be held In the I siegmuna, naxine stout. Ger armory and will bo opes to the 4n Smith. Florence Jory ond public. About 10 v delegates are"" Kdgar. Tne male attendant expected. I Juliaa Diesehe, Edward Streff, The state convention of the I Marlon Lampman, Paul Dosler, Farmers Union will convene onl01! Marking and Vera Da via. Mar SS and will last till the! The pages are Larry John and evening of May S5. Several hun- Gorge Dean; flower girls. Shar- dred delegates and visitors arelon oenien ana jyonna Dawes: exsected to attend. I train bearers, Betty Calbreath and A convention banauet will beH uawes, crown nearer. held at the .Dallas Christian i 5taler Brown. 1 rti.j ar sr 1 cnurcn on tneonlaht of WodnM-l r dav Mar S4. I Following the crowning of the i . l . . . . American Legion posts and 1 ?' r poi wm d wonna tli.if anifnr win nt ft 1.rrl y Betty Gooae, ignore Lowia. group of represenUtlves to the 1 t.7U , uot9 JZrzJrrZ nnn1 Polk count- T.Hn. nie-1 Nelmeyer, Thelma Wright, Violet nie on June 4. Visitors aro ax-1 Davenport. Mary McLain. Maxlne peeted from the posts at Inde- e. juerxrua jaurny joaie pendence. Monmouth, and West IkorP' m.m Pdleton. SAlam. Th affair will hm hW fn Kthelma Titua. LaVerna Darby, the Dallas city park. The Cor- DorU Crabtree and Leona Bur nllli An will ! villi I ""f. (Mlta MOIAB VVte WW mm Wmm.i i rm the program. This will bo followed by the minuet put on by the first and second grades: Mary Frey, Doro thy Titus. Jackie FreldL Faye Larklna. Beulah Maisel, Dolores Sandaer. Piggy Misaler. . Vtrriala Leffler. Vivian . Bell. Betty Alex- Party. Mt. Angel Temperance Meet Held at Marion By Albany Folks MARION. May 12 The temp- Principal, Coach trn5. d M Entertained With i mai . cubicb iiim mum j matt aponsored by members of the W. C. T. TJ. of Albany, was well at- lonaea Tne nnctpea ers MT. XNQEL. May 11 After ... -uu, school hours Thursday afternoon, Knotts and Miss Evelyne Acher- tbe tr9A9 giria entertained ron. Tempera nee posters and es- memDrs of the baseball team. i!7. by children were Coach Winiam H. Bafllie and MUs displayed. Tkereaa Dehler. principal, with a The Union ladles tewing club party u tn Alniag kall of St. was entertained by Mrs. Harley Marr-a Libby. iin. Keith Allen as bos- Those present were: William or guest was surprised wim a H Bainie, Theresa Dealer. Harold ShOWer. I Dn.,wn..ih ta ninmn Tvn la Koppes. LawTenee Saalfeld, Mich ael Wei tee. Jack Biaeaiua. Victor Hasslag. Reland Webb. Clarence Enaer, Raymond Hassing, Albert Kemp, Res Appleby, John Mackle, One of the attractive prel.des 1 'aZ ln. IIrv,V vrri-.r 'vrrvc.l Virginia Kehee, Madias Keber, day evening snder the direction j Vll., irV-m-T - Mi M,nMt w 1 Mary Brockhaus. Rose Kraemer. ander, Ardlth Wendt and Barbara Sb Inkle. Following this will bo a calis- tkeala drill by upper grades, leaders being Betty Korinek and Darrel Lewis: others participating wm be Glen HaywirUu Perrr Skeltoa. Frances Pounds. Des mond Fuson, Zelpha Carter. Viv ian Waller. Willie KrelUer. Al- vln Schmltt. VI ri Sheltos, Betty Goode. Robert Kallem, gidwia Hayworth. Leona Barm ester. Ed na Robertson, Carl Kreltser, Elea nor Shiakle, Virginia Shelton, Frances Rider, Darrel Lewis, La Verna Darby, Bobby Inglis, Dale Hunt and Louene Sandner. Is Ttn Pas Parade Those In the third and fourth grades who will put on Tin Pan Parade are: Virginia Bordune, Phyllis Jordan. Rose Nelmeyer. Katy Champ. Betty Hunt, WHma Founds. Margaret Fair. Leona Heater, Lei a Sandner. Bob Llnd ley. Calria Yoeman, Earl Thorpe, Raymond Frey, Val Dare Sloper, Edward Mielke, Eddie KrelUer. Billy Deaa. Bill Roberts and Jun ior Larkins. The high school glei club Is next: Naomi Tobie, Lara In ne Space. Gladys Blum. Llnore In glis. Lola Lacey. Marcel Murphy, Vera Burmester, Clarice Toble and Hortense Stay ton. The next is a play "Uncle Sam's -Party." by Ted Kelly. Marlon Fol- Ils. Maxlne Crabtree. Leonard Ti tus. Lueile Spicer. Dnrrel Jordan, Delbert Kelly. Georgia Maisel. Alice Davenport. Frank Toble, Leon Jordan. Dorris Crabtree. Carl Kreitser. Shirley Lamb. Mad Ua Adams. Richard McRae, Fred Davenport. Harry Stapka. Leo Humphreys. Roland Darby. Darrel Wright, Betty Korinek, Max Stay ton, Freacee Letfler. Gordan Ken drlck. Frances Nlckol. Wallace Humphreya. Joe Nelmeyer aad Wallace Wright. At the close of the program health awards -7lll bo made and first aid certificates win be given out. Banquet Delightful Success of a committee composed of Mrs. Barnard. Mrs. B. B. Edwards and Miss Mary Byre. Guests were seated at fire ta- I . . t I iu u if vim.. otv w committees woraing on pians hi of tba Loval Borean clau of . 1JVU??. . ""i"4" ..yj,7i.muiu"aa- ro'i th l. incJudine Mrs. Mvrtle TJ1 , " rT'' o. . fc,:7,. I Douquet or im teacners. Tnere na, lncmaing un-TO-oregon. the Littlefleld. 'Mrs. Mabel Lockwood. tiTBW Were ab0Ut 4.9 P amf H 'Z?0' finance: car committee. Mrs. clAM nreaident. nresldedat a - . . . . 5? f0"1"86" otft" Jennie Erlxon Mrs. usle De- hriTt v" lnft. -i,alon aftr which fljnKWUOa aaomernooa was wm o me sponsors or cue pre- Lapp and Mrs. Linnlo tSe; lunch- ! tlnSVal enloved especially honored Tuesday after- sentatlon tbero. AU proceeds wffl eon committee. Mrs. Addle Mills. 80cU1 tlraV enjoyed. noon at the home of Mrs. Ed Fin- go towarda defraying expenses of Mrs Lulu Legge and Mrs. Rose ier "when members of the Laurel the trip f the Century of Pro- Ilaj-edorn Dayton Fourteen members Social Hour club were hostesses gress Exposition In Chicago by the Mrs A. A. Lee Is general and one guest were present Tues- 8 ; u 1 1";uouw caoir, wnere mey chairman. Motbere at headquar- day afternoon when Mrs. Ray rs- - E- Vosburgh was In willrepresent Oregon, tern will be Mrs. Mary E. Wat- Berry of McMInnvllle and Mrs. nars f entertainment featurea Extensivo rehearsals are under Mrs. Sarah Hobson, Mrs. Orr C. Goodricn were joint nosi-1 "IV" "v ' . , wt memories oi Rlmona Matthews. Mrs. Laura ess to the past Noble Grand club St" numTDer,n w P"icipanu to enable tkem to Clutter and Mrs. Mary Walling, of the Dayton Rebekab lodge at "" XiT.ZZr, I 1 in proiwsionai the Goodrich home. The auest . "" -f4" I ASM xne ursx ume wan Mm. Vis Goodrich, mother 1 - u uiiiu xisrocs, i i inai any Willamette production O. D. O. Club ot Mr. B.rrr ..d;-U. --. Diat TttlVll'' oi Mrs. urr u. uoooncn. ueiresn- 4 ,A . Mr Jnh wa n. rr.,,ar. - " - rm Anastasin Bucnheit. Consuella Greruan. Agnes Grejacaues. An na Warn pack. Wllhelmlna Schar . Mtll. -ItV f.TI mmm Mm i FmUk. Queen Thelma is Crowned at Fete For Woodburn Hi WOODBURN. May IS. May day exercises were keld at the Woodburn high school Thursday afternoon at 2:20 o'clock. The old English theme prevailed In cos tumes aad dances. Miss Thelma Leek was crowned queen of May, and Cornelias Gearin. aeaior class president, waa lord ot May. Queen Thelma waa attended by two at- teaeaata from each class, Mary Alice Conye and Daisy Shrock, seniors; Meade Martin and Ann Gearin, juniors; Glenna Bean and Thelma Hammond, sophomores. and Mary Jane Shaw and Vivian Cowan,- freahmen. Little Mlas Bev erly Jane Hughes waa crown bear er, pages were Albert Stone and Ray Arney. and flower girls were Joyce Lee, Bonnie Susan Scott, Marylln McLaughlin and Barbara Beck. A program of dances, tum bling and songe la keeping with old England were given. Now! Have Your Photograph Taken m In Our Modern Photograph Studio II x 14 SIZE or over half tht size of this page for r ft , r, HI .mi,i .. ...... ;V v. , x 4 . -f i 'I "I 38 Stitches Needed To Close Axe Wound Is Entertained ment were served. The next 1 2' .i.'r"r' Xl-?iL' VBpB. mr? irear "ms pun- i hi rsa ih m in inn. im r m i mi i wi sva va m w. & vt.i m meeting will be at the .Rex Dors, Mrl erT vTK aSS"i.S Members of the O. D. O. club hnma mA Tnesdav in S"1! L "l?;yifiL" r ineT attend the only Were entertained with a 1 o'clock June; an rtMrs Cross 'rcu",c,t omcu "V"'01 lB that clt7 . .... . . 1.1.,.! ""' . I ana Jrs. cross. I Tiokftn i tiAtv mni i a.i.-. octal afternoon at the borne or nrrai Th Past Matron. " "7.rr 1 V oa Mrs. Georee Grabenhorst via .-ia it. .t !::;: . r . . . I 'uu "u -ruuiiarmome cnoir. Mrs. Grabenhorst and Mrs. Rue tne fcome of(Vi0it Hennlng Tues- 2 xirager a aomes ;u"1- ' V day. Luncheon was served at one Silverton. Mrs. Mae Higin- f A C.oor,, Y;n ternoon ' - I A.iyvi.v nit thm. ftAmnnn w. 1 kit u. n t. ..,..1 v. rV. iJDIauUe Will Tulips and lilacs werocombinedl n,,iitn. a abort hnsineas vw ntt... .. for effective centerpieces for the ' " "l. n,. . 7.; .D' I uulc women iiwic " i rt wArt sirs. niiizaoein n. nf Wnnifr f ,t tii tiafti.t .m. . V1MUU"' : tAf. Mrs. waa a won a. Airs. oa AMii rrin i a . 1 v vi w. p. t a Bnehrlnzer. i . J , V, H UUJiricl omcer. a mugicai program nas Deen ar- rf Euen'o Eckerlen. j! J Katie Sturgls. Mrs. Merle Ramp. For tne program to be given ranged for the afternoon which rlr'nt mm mm Abst. Mrs l! J. Mrs 3 B?Ier'r,M,7; Pel oa x Sttverton's floor team will be in compliment to Music Sitf E J Asoeraos Mm Stevens. Miss Amy Harding and t&Te fc In th, work. Week and an interesUng talk Grabenhorst. Is Entertained Mrs. Delbert Wilson eatertaln ed for the Knot-A-Care elub at iaV Yoknm. Mrs. Meaney, Mrs. ine nosv., M18g ueryi ottaway is team cap-iwui no given By C A. Spraguo Rue Drager and Mrs. George Wrtn,A,!V( "" .ri"? society of the Evengelical church Dekka Barber. Goldie Down. MIn-1 nd kings" talk. was hostess Tuesday in compll- n!(. Tnnnpli. Wmnla. nttwT fit-1 L All membera or th. rink .r WAAithurn Mrs.. Eugene ment to tne oirtnaay nniTer-i?ll firi,.n w,u naI.mi MirnroHuwed to attend this nMtiBt Courtney waa hostess to the weu- series o. Mrs. Auaune v;aiDrei.a, Tennell, Vada Benson, Lulu See-I wnica wm be preceded by an ex sesday Bridge club at her home. Cora Smith. Mrs. Sarah Helmlck ey Tressle Scott," Marie Jones. ecuOve board meeting and this Mrs. Cecil Espy received ine ciuo i and ars. Ejigeni onjaer. Ida pitney. May Hlglnbotham and 1 io"oweu oy a oner nusineas riio and Mrs. Elburn T. aims caibreatn is cnapiam or. mon- Mabel Storlle. i meeung. 4fi. m-mmm 1,M Thtt hrHttSM WAS I mAllth PTAB Pft. A deliCbtlUl at- I . I" . . i - " o I ) Mrs. John Hunt and Mrs. Lymon ing as tne enter aiversion. ajiiw the mother's tea given by the 4-H I fvnot--Vare ClUD Shorey. day cases were xeaiurea m cooking club niursaay arternoon refreshment nour. were Mrs. Alvln Van Cleave. Mrs. w.iir Road Mrs. Wayne 1 . IW. W. Rutherford. Mrs. Ben D. Henrr of Zena and Mrs. Petfrl j Mt. Angel Invitations have Clemens. Mrs. Edward Dunnigan rmt& waiiae Rota win oe I hun lunMi nv in normals sauur.. Mrs. J. v. Lesrmin. Mrs. . uua " far Mtinek dinner toHMvii.ri.tM f M. A. A. AN., to I Mtnrie. Dnnniran if ClarV M. I her home Thursday afternoon. tv. mrwe.A. mt tliA rArnl2f meeting I iinmni and alumni of Mt. smith. Mrs. Carl Johnson. Mrs. I Sewing occupied the afternoon ot Willamette Lodge country ciuo i Anel Academy and Mt. Angei Henry Dunnigan, Mrs. Josephine noun ana in conclusion an at (a Im bAid at the' dub bouse on I pMIm for theJLnnual Prom to be Zielinskl. Additional guests. Mrs. I tractive luncheon was served. the Wallace road Saturday nigni. i r?Te. n Mary's scnooi auai- veda Miner and Margaret Bar-I rs- wuuam lnomas wui .be m m w I torlam, Tuesday, May is i p. i auesv xeacnera and aiiss inn aue- i me ntn nosiesa ior uo ciun. Hubbard. Mri. H."EVAdams m. j linskl. Mrs. Louis Wampler, lead- I Mm. Carroll Robinson. Mrs. and Mrs.- Catherine Sllttennart i mme Kroon of Salem, an er ana zi ciuomemDers. , - i uoya inomas, Mrav wuiiam were joint hostesses, for the kulld I alumnus of M. A. C, and nls or-1 The Nemo Sewing club will I Thomas. Mrs. Elton . Blrck, sad Wednesday afternoon at the chestra will furnish the music meet Wednesday, May IT, with I Mrs. Delbert Wilson were guests bome of the former. The next ; , . J Mrs. Pearl wood. Tbo meeung i for the aftaraooa. mufiK. rin an all-daT meet-1 nmU . Oneratlon and co-f was postponed mis ween oecauso lng with a potluck Juncheon at j operation fa the topic for lesson J of the death of Mrs. Henry Rass- the home or Mrs. tewoir. study at ine rreMrunts wm v", " e e irtMiniiAmr amintr 10 doi ; - . - r.. fn W.. Mnfw.U.U tit alinrrh WftdnMAaTl - Silvertoa. A gTOUB Of 811- ed on tha Dime club danco whlck afternoon. May 17. Mary lawyer rerton people motored to Port will f a amart rent at ITllhee is te lead the devotional and Ja Thursday to ieetho open club nouso tonight. Dinner par- pearl Sterena the topic. , Minna ln of "The Frulta of HU Folly." tlea and supper parties .will bo ant Maybello Jelderka are host- opening at the Taylor Street among the InteresUng events to e88ea. -v: . - "tfa'' which - Mtai Helen precede and follow the dance. I : - I TzTl VL Z ' W4 ? . . .. i Quinapy airs, ueorge unp i . w . .wv. pm Rbaw .The Waldo-Hills Worn- bell waa hostess to the members of Mellnda Jaao Boggs. a,. .ir.K mm ThnrnrtAT afternoon I nt thm Nat rhbora Sewinar club late I Going' up were Mr. and lira. t tha tnmi of Mrs. Ivan Patmaa. 1 thia week, the day being spent In A W. Kleeb. parent ot Mist " ' - - ..... wr-n a at . . a a 8pclal guests were: Mrs. AJiea learning. Fiami tor uo convenuon i . -."Bv n. Maloney. Mrs. Frank Goedin ana i to ee new mst x were awo oia-io. . voimw mi. aww Mr. Claire McCormlck... JUBia.....,..,, v. yomngc. with tall tapers. Mrs. Barnard wae toast mistress and original and Interesting were the numer ous toasts given by both mothers aad daughters. Following the banauet hour en ATr pliant nrntma vlwam ttv mam. w. of thm .rhni fi...M STATTON. May 12 Gerald incino-inr Tinmhr. whirn Chrtstensen bad the misfortune to most popular by the beginners I " w ?"tt w . Z class. Mrs. Newell Williams waa Wednesday with an axe that It in charge of the program. WM necessary for Dr. Beauehamp About 111 guests were la at-1 ia suicnes 10 uoso m tendance at the Interesting affair, wouna. jerry orougnt noma more oners uvn me county scnooi ti ct. Dl I track meet held at Salem last W nite Onrine flans Frldar than anvone and he is also Prncrram Monr?Tr onm ot frada schools crack r-rogram IVlonaay baaoball alavers. ThelniurrwIU Th. iiina r thm M eliminate him from athletica at of the White Shrine ot Jemsa-I lua ,MUT1UP eainraay. lem. No. t, is called to the spe- al.ll. m A. a a piaanra maeung ior flAon- WILL HONOR MOTHER aay iun ai b o ciocx in Mason Ic temple. DALLAS. Mar 12 Mother wlU At thia time because ot the I receive special honor la the pro- absence of the worthy high I gram for the evening service at prleeteas, Mrs. Marie Flint Me-1 the Dallas Christian church Sun- Call who is in the eaat attend-1 oar. The Gospel Jubilee Quartet lng the supreme Shrine Council, I will sing several numbers. Spe- Mlss Helen Gabriel will preside. I eial recognition will bo given to A program ander the direction tne oldest motner and tne young- ef Miss Constance Kantner Is I est mother In point of years as a being arranged and will include I mother. play "May Day Garden." Mrs. George H. LaVelle, formerly of Salem but now making bar home la Portland, waa a guest in Salem Thursday. The Alpha Phi alumaao asso ciation will meet for a business and social evening at the chap ter bouse on Summer street. Monday evening at 7:20 o'clock. David Smith, Jr., eight year old student ot piano with Mrs. Walter A. Denton will broadcast over KOW this afternoon at f o'clock. He will also appear on the program of Satarday morn-' lng at Meier and Frank auditorium. Monmouth Baptists To Honor Grangers MONMOUTH. May 12 Moa mouth'a Baptist church will be host Sunday to Monmouth Grange at 11 o clock services. A basket dinner will bo served by the church aad grange members at noon in the social rooms ot the church. There will be afternoon talks by Ray W. GUI. state grange master; and state deputy Arthur Brown ot Salem. Special music will bo featured. BIRTHDAY IS HONORED PIONEER. May 12 Mr. and! Mrs. Chet Gilliam and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Robblns and daughter Donabel ot Rickreall and Mr. and Mrs. Derel Bird and aoa were din ner guests at the borne ef Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bird Wednesday even ing In honor ot Mrs. Bird's birth day. Reeco Robbies of Pasadena, ar rived Tuesday to spend the sum mer on his place on the LaCreole. He Is a brother to Clyde Robblns snd Mrs. Roy Bird of here. CHURCH GROUP ELECTS WOODBURN, May 12 The junior class of the Methodist Epis copal churck elected their offl cers: president, Annette Lytle; vice president, Muriel Beckman; secretary, Helen Sebern; assistant secretary, Jean L. Beers; librar ian. Elisabeth Pollard; assistant librarian, Alice Pollard; auditor, Lois Tolker; treasurer, Frances Woodfla and assistant treasurer. (Oaeta Harr. - . aqacgamz mm 7 . s a-ri WALUmiJMnJbi.tmil Ml ilMn M In Ml III FOR MOTHER . . Plants and rlrftf' Cut Flowers ; - 3 V s Open Sunday Morning - W Deliver W " ' mmm. s a. 1 lW LUI4 ILUIU51 TeL S58S fQ a' W- 0 For Mother's Dayl "Give Good Quality Give- Her "Holeproof, "Theme" "ArtcrafV' "Berwy," 74.70" Silk Hose from Miller's - All Gift Hosiery Boxed and Wrapped With Rihbon No, Appointment Necessary! We want all Salem to know that now one can have a splendid photo graph taken for onlj a dollar at Miller's. It may be the furthest thing from your mind, to have a photograph taken but when .you come in and see what fine phono graphs we take, at c : tremely low prices, yo' ' il want several. MAY SPECIAL For 10 DAYS ONLY, 3 lovely 8x10 photographs of you. one of them hand colored in oil for just Cone In and see tor yourself sow la expensive really Cae jbotorTapha can be. . '. Use Tour Charge Account Mffler's cf counts : 1y