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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1933)
i The OREGON STATESMAN. Salcn. Oregon, Sunday Morning. BIay 7, 1933 PAGE THREE A i :7 'I .V. L -1 ? a. oca IN ews Brief: "Kitty - Savers' Busy The city fir department's "hltty eaving ere, consisting ofWHr 11am "Bill Bechtel and Paul Phillips, was called oat again yesterday. This time they res cued t bis bine eat from the top of a tree at South Com merclal and Oak streets. The animal had remained perched in the treetop for a week, nearby residents said. The "kitty-Bay ers." as they are being Jokingly referred to at headquarters, were forced to saw out the top of the tree to effect the rescue. O. E. Hearing Wedaeeday Fifty residents of the Fargo and Wilsonrule -vicinities hare filed with thje state utility commission er hero protest .against the pro posed discontinuance - of Oregon Electric passenger trains No.'g t and IX, now operating between Portland and Eugene. The rail road company had proposed to discontinue the trains Mar 14. A hearing In connection with the protest will be - held in Salem next Wednesday, C M. Thomas, public utility commissioner, an nounced. . a KnA- il M. Ssm-I ienaea .Marriage L . v V.n i licenses were Issued to two cou Bier. $30 mo. Call 4387. plea at the courthouse Saturday. uAA4r. JifmiMi Citv no-1 They went to Eugene E. McCann. lice yesterday arrested Edgard R. 8 East Trade street, a bak Klng, route six. on a charge of ff. n Berneice Burns. 22 1211 artvln his automobile at a reck- -treet, a nurse; Herb- less speed In the vicinity of State "'.j"0"; ,aDOIer' vhii n. and Viola Tooley. route one, Tnr- 1 t m T wrtK winter ner- housekeeper. The former Brownell Jr., 88S Nortk "Winter eoap,6 were marrIed by was arresiea vm M. B. Hay den; the Utter couple speeding, police reports show. wU1 h9 wed today by ReT IWohlans to Meet The Chi- art Delta chapter of the Delphian I Mod dance Mont tj Parkf i0-i5c society win meei -. et Mrs. R. M. waits at s:sw a.n. Tuesday for the regular tady hour. Start Iasaranre Firm Opening office la the United BUtea Na tional bank building, Leslie Wads worth.. Oscar IX Bower, ex- sheriff, and Dave J. Pngh have formed the Leslie Wadswortb, In surance agency. They say they are prepared to write all forma of insurance. For three and one- halt , years, Mr. Wads worth was assistant office manager for the Phil Grossmayer company, of Portland and for. many years prior to that time engaged in the insurance business. ..... . Placed In Jail - Florence Bor land, ronte three, waived a pre liminary hearing in justice court yesterday and waa bound over to the grand jury for investigation. She is charged with issuing checks without sufficient funds. Her. ball was set at $1000 and falling to furnish this. Miss Borland . was lodged In the county Jail. Checks aggregating $200 are said to have been cashed by Miss Borland. To Plant by Air The Aero Ag ricultural Service company of Portland took out incorporation articles here during the week and la preparing to offer its services to Oregon farmers In sewing seed by airplane, in spraying, dusting, distributing fertiliser or doing other farm work. Incorporators are George W. Meade. William P. Allyn and Irving Rand. Stated capital of the corporation Is $25,- 00. JEFFHIBS humkehs Varied Program Given for Annual Fete; Rain Hurts Sports , Revise Cherry Grades group of cannery operators con ferred with representatives of the state department -f agriculture I ' Talk Industrial Exhibit 8a here yesterday relative to Hem chamber of commerce and - I " jB.eraaj reiauve 10 1 m cmbow i commerce ana VWrHrp L)ll UQ) change In the official grades the local chapter of the Oregon V U IU. LK U. U s-x I for brined cherries. No major Building congress have launched IDDWSE grade changes were agreed upon, a move to enter a Salem Indus The conference waa confined trial exhibit at the state fair chiefly to defining more clearly September 4 to 9. An invitation tne grades effected last year for has been extended to the Ore- the tint time. gon Building eongress to hold its 1 S . 4 jiAnvantlAii ti.,a jsuctons sola Bad weath er and the Saturday business I Water Company Pay The rush yesterday discouraged the Oregon-Washington Water Serv Tm Hnav I sale of "Scnutpr" hnttnna ), I ice comnanv has said ita first half Roaat chicken ana roaai turaey l Tic Club and veterans' teams, of taxes, according to Manager J. 0P Whether or not the button sale T Delaney. The halt amounted to would be resumed Monday was I approximately $10,500. 11 Tl At f In a J V . V . . I Over $200 was raised bv thia L... ilf.?"- Taylor F.rltJ, t0T tbe Boy Scout tor of tha estate of the late Maud budget In Salem Mishler. He succeeds Guy O FARMER FETED ON dinner. 60c and 15c. Call 614, Tbe Gray Belle for a delicious Sunday dinner, 10c and 75c. Cole's New Cafe, AAA floMlal dinners today and Moth er's day, 60c and 75c. Personal attention In kitchen and dining room by Mr. and Mrs. A. l. Cole. 2224 N. Commercial street (upstairs). Ben's Cafe, 158 South Com'l Special chicken dinner, SOe. NOTICE OF FILING TRADE MARK The undersigned CHERRY CITY BAKING COMPANY, has heretofore adopted and used and ooes aereuy -uuyi uu .s Vlft tmt. a Salem Yal using the following trade mark. Mother's day. Make her happy population of 4000; today It has ana naTing meo w. witu . uui oi apa canaies. - 28.266. Todav Ray L.. Firmer record in the office of the Secre- . completes his 50th year in the lary oi aiaie, oi me omm - - --vr. 'C'"!"" " hardware business here and his same location the northeast corner of Court and Plead Not Guilty Ed Bartruff Smlth In that BOsltion- pleaded not guilty In justice court Saturday to a charge of Issuing checks without sufficient funds. He was released until Monday on his own recognizance In order to attend a funeral in his family but Dy 10 a. m. Monday he must fur nish $500 bail or be confined in jail. Bartruff has been In justice court twice before on a similar charge. JEFFERSON. May A crowd attended the May day Fete and Achievement day program of the Jefferson schools Thursday. The program was presented in the gymnasium. Miss St. Clair at the piano played th processional for the queen (Miss Zona Seipp) and hsr attendants. Jean McKee and Lol sel Matthew, who took their places en the improvised plat form. Little Mickey Thurston as the queen's tralnbearer, and Earl Marcum, as Herald, acted their parts well. A health play was next given by the grades, entitled "Dr. Fosters health and happi ness center;- louowea oy a. health song by the first grade children. A tumbling solo was given by Lenore Myers; song by third and, fourth grades; Shirley and Sbie la Roland entertained with tap dance; solo by Oliver t Fellows. The program closed with a chil dren s polka by first and second grades. In the absence of Mrs. Fulker- son, Health pins were presented to the following pupils by tbe queen: Tint CrU BUt Wbita. Barbara W4dl, A. J., Lorraine Btaalay Millar. Ethel Uc- Tiauaaa. SaceBS frd. Mick.y Taurttoa. Ruth Terkaaa, Xary J.aa Badmeod, Marjoria JtaUlala, Clifford Kama and Artknr Harria. Tkira aad fourth rrad.a Oraea W.rdl.y, Th.on 8haff.r, Mary Pattoa, Bobby rost.r, Jani.r Smith and Idith Wilioa. 'ifia rrd Neota 8cbaff.r. Donaa Jaaa Fawall, Carl Cbaia, Barbara Col- raa, Marjoria Weddla, BeolaS wordlay, Marjeria Korton, Bkirlay Jonca, Flor anea Ueaaing and OUr.r F.Uowt. 8iita rrade Bobby T.rhna., fraarai Louisa Patton, Jack ParrUb, Glady Oakloy, Billy Knifht, Jaooita Hart, Car el Dill aad Tad Hull BeTeata and cichta rrad.a lielna inn I-inn First to Pay Linn has Oregon In compliancl with the the , dl stinction of being the first J ."'. c-t.- 7ft.ini county in Oregon to pay to, the rl7!tr 5 in praiuiuui wv.." - 8tnt trmtsnror u fir.f h.i. iao nortneasi corn 70-114, Oregon Code. 1S30. and fhauer0 ha fa"" Commercial street particularly Sections TU-iu ana - --- - ? slnce May 7, 1883 when io-IAI rinea rifirfhv ceruiv: I . . " - . """ "J Mr. -ivo, uobb mieuj clert of i inn omintv rarmer leu me fmpioy oi uraw FIRST The name of the cor- I1 ford & Meyers, tinner, and plum day. Lane count tnrfa, r.mitt DerVn 3oln lD Ilrm " Costing Events - Mary 4, , Annmal' all- country 4-U dnb fair, Cluunben : bnlldlng. . May 6 MIm Gladys Bow. en, society editor of Port land OretfonJan, speak and show ptctwee of life et Uss ier and ef Yellowstone Na tional park i YI-CJL. lobby. May S-d Annual May festivities, Willamette uni versity easnpns. . May 7 Mnsle week open la Salens. May 10 Final contest la dramatics aad music, Marion eonnty federated comm na tty clnba, la Salens high school aotlitoriant. May 19 Stadents of Mary Schalts la program at Y M. G A. May 23 Final concert ef seaeoa of Symphony orches tra hero; Willamette Phil harmonic choir assisting; armory. . May 6-27 Oregon State Association of Master Plumbers, annual meeting. May 28 Dr. D. B. Hill, motion picture of special Interest to children aad par ents; T. M. C. A. lobby. Jane 1-4 Evangelical conference. First Evangeli cal church. Jane 2-4 Fourth Aaannl Willamette Valley Flower Show Jane 10 Willamette nnl verslty commencement. Jane 0-22 O. A. R. and affiliating bodies annual en campment. Jaly 24-24 Annual En campment, Spanish War Vetera na. 8eft. 4-0 Oregon state fair. ELLIS LEAVES FOR 1 llTOIplY To Present for Federal aid On Canalization and - Municipal Dock SAFE DRUG HIS OUTliNED BY ZOSEL oration so filing Is the CHER RT CITY BAKING comi-ai. - - ft it, inw iTi nt I M- Wade A company, business organized under the laws of tne first.half taip. '"'" concerns have come and gone, State of Oregon. I but R. M. Wade & company and SECOND The place or DU3i- ao,0OO Fxtate In The estate I "8 successors hare continued un nesa of said Corporation is lo- of the late Mary Gllbertson. vhnttil now the Ray L. Farmer Hard tated at 1193 Broadway street, died May 3 at Butteville at the I ware company is the second old Balem. Marion County, Oregon. 1 age of 71 years, amounta to X 20.-I est business in Salem. The Ladd THIRD The class of mer- 000, according to letters of pro- Bush banking bouse is the old- ihandlse for which said trade bate filed here Saturday. The st- mark Is appropriated Is foods sole legatee in her will is her Mr- Farmer, born at Marietta, and inrredients of foods and the brother, M. Brennen who is to b O., August 31, 1859, came west particular description ' of the executor. Appraisers are Patrick y boat an the Isthmus of Pan goods comprised In such class Is Seavey, Lester Matthieu and John ama wltn hls parents when he Bread Clark. was a baby. The family lived FOURTH The trade mark f first at Yreka Calif., then at rrd HILL- Fellowship Hour The voune Jacksonville Or and In 1878 MAN'S FLUFFY WHEAT TWIST Peoples forum of the First Meth- Mr. Farmer came to Salem where BREAD MADE FROM WHITE odst church will enjoy a fellow- he learned the tinner's trade, ant WHOLE WHEAT FLOURS nI honr In the church parlors which led him into the hardware si ICED the words appearing in fr,m 5 to 6 o'clock tonight. This business. . J - iin hack- win he followed by a business Mr. Farmer was with the llllrtA with the words FLUFFY meeting, and the regular discus- hardware firm of Wade, Pearce Snp?; hline diagonally across SJ nour- Hasel 8utt and & company in 1912. the trade mark and the words "a Ames are In charge of the I HILLMAN'S, TWIST, ' - and MADE FROM WHITE AND M Ho p WHOLE WHEAT FLOURS be- hop8 have planted ,n lng horirontally across the traoe Paul and Champoeg districts' mark, and the words SLICED ap- Mr8. Mary Fulk6ri0n co t pearlng upon hotn siaes oi iu school superintendent reported Smith trade mark In a vertical posiuon. yesterday. She said her frequent At the residence, 1145 South T,t th center there is a eylin I trlDS to that rrrltr ii .k. lm-h atrnet Mav fl. Franklin drical design halt of which Is many new hop fields planted this Pierce Smith, aged 79 years. Sur- la red ana tne our un - spring, vived by widow, Lillian A. smith; mnttlful vellow. oti the border. two dauahtera. Mrs. Charles V. .v... ... Ttrian designs la the Scouts Entertain Rnvlpfafr nt Paritnn n u iu following colors: dark blue, light Scouts or troop eight will ' enter- Canfield of Salem; three brothers. mnA rod. according to the lain a large number of their Vlreil of Hon n lam. Wah.. John of specimens on file in the Secre- friends with a program Friday Canada and William R. of Mis- tary of State's omce. ppuwu m4m. xroop eigm is comprised souia, Aiont. services win be held elaims the exclusive right, to the of boys at Chemawa ' Indian from the Clough-Barrick chapel naa of this trade mark by prior- scnooi. Monday. May 8. at 2 p. m.. Rer. Uy of adoption and employment. Guy Drill of the First Christian The trade mark, as per sped- Tobie Here H. F. Tobie, su- church officiating. Interment In men on file, is applied to the yennienaeai or scnoois at Stay- I. O. O. F. cemetery. roods by fixing a label, bearing ""', aaiem yesterday on ?h trade mrk. to the wrapper us1DfS8 I?r.n, cnol. He con- Harris in wh'ch said loaves of bread i'a wi n Airs, .nary L. Fulker- rs. Dolly Harris, aged 30 Refrain from May-drving,' in the middle of the road. Is the ad Efbart, Royal Wintara, Iraneia Fbelpa, J Tica 0f Walter Zosel, Goodrich 5Tf! Sf'??-tira dealer of Salem. Juaa rl.rril and Bnbhl.. Hart. "If VOU STO driving a SlOW Following tbe presentation, a moving vehicle, keep well to the group or upper grades and high I right and give way reaauy to me Bbuuuj uig K'VBdiva lie mj I signals oi lasier wuimi iamv. Polo dance. Miss St. Clair at tbe Zosel says. piano. "if compelled to stop on the At the noon hour, tables were road, get well over to the right nlaced in the gymnasium, and a and clear of moving traffic. If bounteous dinner was served un- I on the street, draw your vehicle der the supervision of the P.T.A. close to the curb. Work Is Viewed "Stop only where the road Is After dinner Achievement work straight, or where the view is un by the students in the various I obstructed in each direction for grades was viewed by the visitors sufficient distance to assure your and at 1:30 the Parent Teachers own absolute safety and that of association had charge of the fol- other users of the road, lowing program: piano solo by "Avoid stopping for any cause Lenore Myers; reading, "And so on sharp or 'blind' eurves, near was I," by Charles Brown; vocal the crest of a hill, near an inter solo, "Mother McChree" by Dallas section. Junction, safety xone or Harris; reading, "My Visit to traffic signal. If your vehicle Is Grandmother's House." Barbara disabled on any 'blind' curve of Colgan; a Swiss play, "A Surprise obstructed point take precaution Visit," by the third and fourth to warn and protect approaching grades, under the direction of I motorists irom aanger. Miss St. Clair was much enjoyed William P. Kills, rate attorney. goes east Thursday seeking' fed eral support at Washington for the canalization of the Willamette river between Oregon City and Sa lem. He will represent chambers of commerce In the Willamette valley at the meeting of the board of army engineers Wednesday, May 17, when the canalisation project will be thoroughly dis cussed. Ellis also will lay before the Reconstruction Finance corpora tion the S95.900 terminal dock project for the Salem city counclL He said yesterday he was busy preparing his case to lay before the board of engineers. Five to six million dollars will be required to canalize the river for year-round boat traffic by vessels of six foot draft or less. The project was rec ommended by the federal district engineer In Portland after a $S0,' 000 survey had been made. . . Ellis .will prebably carry east with him the formal application for the local dock project. A legaj opinion on the city's authority to Incur the debt Is being prepared by City Attorney Kowltx. Ellis will arrive in Washington on Monday morning. May 15. The meeting will begin with a, poUnck dinner at 4:1? a. mm. All men ef the community as well as members et tha church are Invit ed to attend. ' There wl3 be a musical program with Dr. H. C Epley leading group singing. SB 1 DATE FOB raw E The annual Marion eounty Jer sey cattle show will be held here at the state fairgrounds Wednes day, Jane 7, the county associa tion announced yesterday after a meeting held at the chamber of commerce rooms. All raisers of thoroughbred Jerseys are invited to enter their stock. Free luneh will not be served this year but coffee will be served at noon to all exhibitors and pa trons of the show. At the meeting yesterday, Vic tor Madsen of Sllrertoa. Marion County Jersey Cattle club presi dent, was in charge. "Mrs.. F. O. Kuensting ef Wood burn, secre tary, assisted in making arrange ments. Dates for other Jersey shows at the annual Jubilee held through out the valley are: Clackamas county, Jnne 4; Linn-Benton counties. June i; Polk eounty, June 9: Washington county. June 10. Jobs.Decrease ' Due to Drop in) j Work on Roads Dae to a slackening in county; road relief work, jabs obtained through the U. S.-Y. M. C. A. Employment bureau last week decreased from the previous week s 741 to 558. Of thia num ber S2S were relief jobs. Bad weather .-was. the caase of the decrease. Other types of employment continued dull. Farms supplied 12 Jobs, wood cutting two and common labor 20. Three wom en were placed aa housekeepers. w ews RESIDENTS BET I of er, ribbons were awarded the fol lowing: Minerva Jones, first place and Ruby Koker, second. In Division I, June Harris won first; Eleanor Okraslnski, second and Frances Louise Patton, third. Ribbons were awarded the grade for Achievement work as follows: rlrt trada Wanda Gliucr. firat: Staalay Miller, laeaaa, and Barbara Wadaia, tnird. Seeaad trada Mlakay firat: Rati Terkana, lacond, and Jaaa Ob ituaryy Ten per cent of Oregon's res idents are receiving R. F. C. re lief funds, Clarence W. Reynolds, field representative of the state relief committee, said while here during the past week. Reynolds declared that approx imately $1,950,000 already had been expended from Reconstruc tlon Finance corporation funds in Oregon since the first of the year He said the heaviest demanda for relief were made during March and April, a time of the year when ordinarily there is consider able seasonal employment. Rey nolds said this situation probably was due to the cold weather and the fact that many gardens were frozen out. There will be only a slight reduction in the volume of relief demands during the next few months, he said. Commenting upon the vast re-! lief program undertaken by the government, Reynolds declared that there apparently had been an organised effort In some parts of the country to stir up disorder and unrest. "Unless the federal government maintains a plan for providing food for the hungry, we may ex pect riot and bloodshed," he said. Artillerymen Meet A num ber of Salem veterans of the or Id war 4th coast artillery division went to Portland last night to attend the annual re gional reunion held at the Mult nomah hotel. Among them was L. B. "Ted" Eadlcott. COUNT IN TIMES LIKE THESE" Price's Parole To be Revoked; Is Taken South Jimmy Price, 225 Chenieketa street, arrested here five times on caarges involving liquor, was taaen trom city Jail yesterday and released to an officer from the sheriff's office at Roeeburg. It was understood he would be returned there to face revocation of parole from a two-year peni tentiary sentence for forgery. Mrs. Dora Price, mother of the young man, and William Al bert Price, hi brother, were out on 150 and 110 ball respectively yesterday. Municipal Judge Poul sen holds a complaint charging the woman with selling intoxicat ing liquor May 2 and another charring her with maintaining a nuisance at 225 Chmeketa street. Ten Permits to Build Given Out In the sewing Division II class ft A D Cnm TTIlttfiP which Mrs. Flo Young Is lead- wlix, sUiIlUULlCC On Encampment Convenes Monday Plans for the statewide G. A Decision on Log Rate Anticipated Transcript of testimony in the C. K. Spaulding Logging company rate case was completed at the Ten building permitu issued here last week had a total value of $2443, exceeding the 13 per mits of the week before by $150. Repair jobs accounted for $1393 of the week's total. Largest un dertakings were a $1000 house and $1000 store remodeling. Graduation Day for Talbot Thi Weekend TALBOT. May 6. Graduation exercises will be Held for gradu ates of the Talbot school Wednes day night. May 10. The public Is invited to attend. Pupils to grsdu- R uncart nment will be further- c8 com)ieiea ine ' ate are Margaret Webb. Marjorie ?' MSdaT Srt7 at a meeting ttehon.e yesterday. Typewritten t oIe, IleHe Blinston. Dale Turn- n? X. Xnirff Jam- Jorgenson. Claris SL eTaS1?:. .1 hlb" ,n .ddl-t,on' Th c"e PoVer snd Keith Brawn.' - r I IHIIHKUL M 1 V 1 II n I r I III I'lllll kjl I WSTaa IThII. AA-iwe i o j w - . w i 7 i w uiiri au ii . i uuui tne cnamoer or commerce rooms i. v. vn a- sn. .nt Tkarataa, here. Representativea from all cl- th southern Pacific to reduce the vil war veterans' organizations J f0 Jolnt ratl8 0n log9 now ,x nnt: win participate in tne wmmiuw isting between Winona and Olson. Pratt, session. The transcript Is now In the hands I . - A HMA,tnM will V a li.ljl I . . . . t . f . t . a v.-.u .J. a . tr..jt ... I i uictrwua, " " i or urn niiuues commissioner ana Korea Egbert, aaeoad; Berariy Walla', I here June 20,'21 and 12. One n early decision on the rate Is Mary Redmond, third, Talrd rrade Bobby Fotr, y S(bOOl superintendent, will present ce diplomas. A program and s-ecl' music will be given. Ma thl Patton, laeoad, sad Shirley Pratt, third. thr.nna.nd man and women are I ahiwIkI Pt.V J - W I I V t .f . . I ... I lo Df ucra luciuuo iu u. a. .i W. R. C. Ladles of the O. A. R., Sons of Veterans and their aux iliary. Daughters of O. A. R.. Last ii' BmTi' B1ix Rofead, year the encampment was held third. I f- n i - Bifhth trade KaUm Totr. firat. "l "uu' lu " " Bwwi TSnritoa, aeeoad; Wade Harria, turo. Wardlay. third. Sixth rrade Babby Terhoae, flrat; rraaeae Patton, aeeaad; Ethel Pratt, third. Seventh grade 7oae Harris, tint: Brotherhood to Hear of Prison Rev. P. W. Erlksen. pastor of the American Lutheran church The high school students' ex- KalflOCk tfi aNDr?af 7..V.J li hlbited their work books, biology " r. . t.."c"t' x7"' . "I' "AlA0 "ectI0"-,of Ufl i ranSPOrtanOn meeting Tuesday night on "Prt- son conditions ana Kerorms R. H. Baldock, state highway also work books on science. The track meet and baseball game were cancelled on account of the weather. are or k. imnHntinr I son, county school SUDerintend- vears. in Tn-snn. AH cuuwiueit v- "J I - nil- i ' . ' 7 " " - stamping the trade mark up- c by her father, B. Glenn of Wen- dllng. Ore.; brother, Ernest Glenn -a, ...t.i...i f lb aftld in continuous- uo yj " v "acnuam roaas man any county I a r V, " . , . 7i , V. ,7 " cant since the 1st day of March. In tha northwfBt lh. ,hL w - 4- C. Davis of Mill City and Mrs. im I mmT,. " IZT. Zl Marvin Roth of Salem. Funeral I Com m or pa knltaHn vnnn. t CHERRY CITY BAKING ro8d8 toU1 m announcements later by the . -..-.r tit t vtOT.T.OY. 1 j ... v-ttu4UJ I Cloueh-Barriri: rnmnnnv I'lIH KAll X . JIT . . ' I ruius 2U mi I " Viftk President. RTATE OF OREGON) To Attend Fairs The Salem ) ss. j Cherrians are making arrange- fX)UNTY OF MARION) Barham At a local hospital May 6. Wal- menta to attend th ttrwn ter J. Barham, late resident .of Personally appeared before me fair at Lebanon Jnne 2 and the 1 1735 North 6th street, aged 47 (IB m " ' " T 1 L , 1 RarriaTYl - l an titan Ta.a. Seilfn? of So CHERRY CITY pIMPOSAL FOR SUPPLIES SdTST !at??.i " BAKINO COMPANY, a corpora- Sealed . bids wiU be received m. jJ er.: .,V.'D.' up. to 11 a.m. on May 10 and I sister. Mrs. Finrnoa nnn, .i tlon, of Salem, Marion County, Oreron. who first being duly the same, and that no. other per- "? Lc"- received here Wednesday from m av iwruni. firm or eoroora- ir - vv. .. . . Uenhas'lhe right to such nse. .W "t ffj le JlT BWw fc " mi Attt A-t - - - - wmvw 4 ui oaicui, ne was a, memoer OI nm according to law, coin ae-1 tHjm r.j.r,ttAA .. . , - . . . " . i . ..Uno,6um wr ifucenaiiue jaua xe cnurcn ana tne at- P . .;.,.mftnt rantalned and sTroeery . anndriet. . and dry- tlsana and also a member of the That the temlnJ soods. etc.. for the semiannual rm of Barham Brothers, con- la the J oregoln g tr.HelllrTy reaulrements of the State ijutl- tractors. Funeral announcements SiwvTaw 1 to Mter by w. T. RIgdon A Son. tlon, ha. filed .men trade-mart ; v .m,.tI " McCoy - with the secreury oi su oi i furnIghed Bpon " Li? An,,M May Oregon and has the right to use . w.v.nV: ..1 McCoy. Remains expected to be son or persons, aad that the specimen, filed In ou mmd4 JJ t0 fiVMi.n Ai st.ta'a office are Wm. Eintlg, Secretary Oregon trn and correct. - : - 1 sut t& ct Control, or where .Snbaeribed and sworn to before the ten per eent amounts - to ma the day and year first above $500.00 or more, a surety bond 1 Bennett To Mr. and Mrs, written - ' ' ' . I from some company authorised toj-J." M. Bennett of Brooks, an IVs u i CLIFFORD MOTNIHAN, I do business in " Oregon will be I pound son, born yesterday " at Notary Public for Oregon. My J accepted . in place et the check, f the Bungalow Maternity home, commission ' exvlree ''August 21. The same shall ha held as a 1130, ' 1 - r - - - j guaranty of the faithful perform (SEAL) . ance of the .contract., . , . ;Date of first publication, April The Board reserves the right 10, U3S. to reject any .or all blds or any -Date of last publication. May portion of a bldr ' ." - 14, 1S2S.- ; " ' - William Elniig, Secretary Ore- :M)YKIllAS' :a Tn01sTS6jr, gon State Board of ControVCap - 210 Oregon, Building. Attorneys Itol Bldr., Salem . Oregon:--MZ-for : ClaImant-A16-2S-tOrMW4.lO-lC-18. - : - - County's Bill On Land Grant Refund is $6284 Marion county's bill to the state government for taxes nnder the Oregon A California land grant refund enactment totals 16284 this year according to a statement prepared by Oscar A. Steelham mer, county assessor. This com pares with a bill of 16654 In 1IS2. The statement waa forwarded to the secretary of the Interior yesterday. The land grant tax refund bill was passed when Senator Stan field was ia office. Recently there has been talk of the bin's repeal at Washington. The theory of the hill was to reimburse counties for large tax ' losses Incurred when Oregon A California lands revert ed to federal government owner ship. engineer, will speak to the Salem chamber of commerce Monday noon. His topic will be "High ways: the Great Publicly Owned Transportation System. Baldock who became state highway en- glneer In If 22. bear, a high re- ETMlBta glneer. He has been a leader In II lAIX FKKM AIN fclH 1 developing the oiled macadam 1 1 type of road. I MOTHER'S DAT SPECIAL CKOOUINOU PUSH WAYS Elngiet Cadi I Complete $1.00 o Births -o I "I CHINESE HERBS tor constipation, rheumatism, appendicitis, colitis, and blood, gland, stomach disorders. . CHARLIE . CHAN 1 .L Chinese Medicine Co. ' 121 N. Com'l St. - Hoar. Dfrtly Sunday 9-12 Dr. B. H. White No Charge for Consultation Night and Day Call. Osteopathic FTaysfctaa aad Bargeoa Office: SSS North Capitol 8L Telephone 503d, Sal can, Oregoa Invalid Chairs to Rent Call C910, Used - Furniture r lBartBaesit ' ; linrNortis HJg V May 14th Snd One of Our Mother's Day Card that expresses ex actly how yon feel toward her. Small, InexpcnsiTt Gilts, lndnding Motlier Mottoes ' - Plaques and : Pictures IUdac:d 59 fo:) NEED HAM'S I ATLAS BOOK V:; :3tORB : "SnariU s9C4eftenr WAVERS CO. tSTT 1st Natl tH&t - Branch ef CaaUa rtenew rernaaaeat Wavers, rerUand PILES CURED Wltaoal Operadea) ar Leea el TVae DR. MARSHALL Stt Oreroa BMc Phoaa (Sot DR. HIGGINS 15 Tears Practice A BIG PLATE 0 SPECIALS ONE AT tf1 A A splendid plate with eJIU all-pink materials. ONE AT 10 Prt Perfect fitting. laVeJU youth-restoring and normal appearing. See them I ONE AT tOn My beautiful, lade- eU structible gnulne hecollte plate. ONE AT Resovin the super plate, odorless, tasteless. In destructible. "MY PLATES REALLY STICK" $30 Painless extraction of teeth a specialty rf Per tooth OUC "If It Harts, Don't Pay" LOW PRICES Silver Filling 50c-$1.0O Porcelain Filling ....$1.50 Plate Repair J1.50 ReUne Plate $4.00 Clean Teeth $1.00 Examination Free! DR. C. C. HIGGTNS The People's Dentist Ot cr J. C. PfBWf'i Store Telephone 6X31 GET dB E K E K A L TODAY ami Tbe finest of tlrts at tKtir (owtil prices on the easiest of terms tkat'i whet the GcnersI Tire Accept-, a ace Corporation o(Fer yoe. The G.T.A.C has number of conven ient payfent plans. One Is bound to salt your needs. You may pay weakly, semi-monthly or monthly as yoa wish. Coma in today ridaawsy on GENERALS TUNE IN ON RADIO'S NEWEST THRILL! "LIVES AT STAKE" KGW, 6 P. M, Tuesdays Cbemek eU at Liberty St. jinr.a bhilil Smith Watkins Phone 3412 Do You Know ... That in Japan there are approximately 80 cats to every 100 fam ilies? Do You Know that when you brins your prescription to Schaefera it will be filled accurately and promptly. Only the purest drugs are used. Schaefer's Prescriptions ISA X. Comaverclal - Dial 51tT OS Orlxtaavl-Te)U4m.-fTemS h Candy Bpedal Stora . Of Salens (S)i?Q!g(S)ffii IPhqHip (5 Manufacturers of BOND LEDGER GLASSINE GREASEPROOF ENVELOPES . Support Orsw Products gpadfy ale lladar Paper for Your Office Stationery ;. . : . '4 ) i