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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1933)
PAGCFiVE X. The ORG0N"KTATESMANy Salem. Oregon, Tuesday Morning, May 2. 1933 Society News and Glub Affairs Ouvs M. Doak, Society Editor llH CLUBBERS -patchwqrk qmlt pattern Erin PROJECTS Iiss Kafoury Wed In Ceremony At Haines si Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Kafoury an nounce the marriage of their daughter Helen to - F. Virgil Spence Jr.. at the home of the troom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. virrii Soence. at Haines, Oregon. Hey. C. H. Wllaon performed the ceremony. . Tha bride la a graduate of Wil lamette university In 1930 and la now a member of the Haines nign aehool faculty. Mr. and Mrs. Spence will make their home in Haines, where the groom ia Interested with his fath er in business. I , 1 .... . . Miss Gwladys Bo wen To Speak Here "nc'V.A 4tia7trAnarv interest I is the program which has been if- ' planned for Friday night in the . . a a a n. a. aa i Inhhv of U I. M. U. A. 41 iu ! T time Miss Gwladys Bowen of Port- iinii - will talk concerning "uus- "IT"" ". This lecture ia an informal dls- - eussloa of an outstanding episode in American history illustrated i by old elides, most of them Uken W ! t the time of the tight. 88 years i ago. ! Miss Bowen's father, the . i it nolonel William H: C. Bowea. U.8JL. retired, who was stationed . -f ' n tha TicinltT of the battlefield for many years during the-settle-1 ment of the Indian Question, was ' vnirtrwi an authority - on the ' it la from bin notes that Miss 4 Bowen la making her talk. Colo nel Bowen was neaa uw - 'tv, tary department a. m uniTBTBii, ;f Oregon during ths war and :v " will be remembered by many In i. gaiera who attended the summer camps Iteld by Colonel Leader. , tf ..1 filaa Bowen took tha filma of ' Tdtowstone herself while on a - motor trip. The connection oe tweea the two groups of pictures la that the Custer Fight, and most the Indian fights ol iJ7i-ls SOCIAL CALENDAR , 1 r" ' ' - .. Tuesday, May 2 Regular meeting Salem W. C. T. in hall corner 'Ferry and South Commercial, 2 o'clock. American War Mothers' regular business meeting, 2 p. m.. American Lutheran church. South division' Ladles ; Aid. First Presbyterian church, with Mrs. W. A. Delzell, 1853 Court, 2 p. m. - Executive Board of Women'a Council, of First Christian church, with Mr. Guy Drill, 880 North Cottage . street, 2 o'clock. -w'-" ;.; ". -' ' . P. L. E. and F. club at K. P. hall, 1 o'clock no host luncheon; business and Informal social afternoon to fol low. ' ' W. C. T. U., regular meeting, 2 o'clock In organiza tion hall Ferry and South Commercial streets; Mrs. Mary L. Beard to lead devotions. ' " . Wednesday, May 3 - Leslie M. E. Ladles' Aid, 2 p. m church parlors. Women'a Missionary societies of First Congrega tional and Knight Memorial churches at Knight Memor ial church In afternoon to hear Dr. and Mrs. Franklin Warren. ;- Spring- Valley Home Missionary with Mrs. Charlea McCarter. ' Women's Foreign Missionary society of Jason Lee church, at church parsonage, 860 Jefferson street; tea meeting. Thursday, May Women's Missionary society of the First Christian church, regular meeting ehurch parlors. Liberty Women'a club at William Zosel home, pot : luck luncheon at 12 o'clock; last meeting ot season. Brush College Helpers, regular meeting at Triangle Ranch.'" . - ' Friday, May 5 Toung Peoples oratorical contest. Knight .Mem or ial church, 10th and Trade streets, 7:30 p.m. Card club of B. P. W. with Miss Edith Burca and Miss May Cleveland at Misa Cleveland's apartment, 241 North High. Friday night lobby program In T. M. C. A illustrate ed talk by Miss Gwladys Bowen of Portland; S o'clock; open to public Maids Complimented With Party Miss Shirley Thomas entertain ed Friday evening at the home of liAr nirpnti. Mr. and Mrs. Clell took place within a ahort aisiance 1 Thomas with a gay party In com v Hi ol the park. The park is replete ' with Indian history of its own on which Misa Bowen wilt talk brief ly. ' . The Women'a Foreign Mission ary society ot the Jason Lee church will meet Wednesday at 2:30 at the parsonage,' 8 CO Jef ferson street. Mrs. Charlea Re sor will conduct devotions, and Mrs. Wilson will present the lea son; Due to a, change in plans, tea will be served at thia meet ing Instead of in June. All wom en of the community are cor dially invited to attend. Pattern 1 " Aim vtfaoMdff s" ' J '''' ailment to Miss Eleanor Tonslng and Miss Phebe McAdams. Cards were in play throughout the even ing, and at a late hour supper was served informally. Those bidden to honor Miss Eleanor Tonaing and Miss Phebe McAdams includad the Missis Louise Orr, Trula Short, Eliza Beth Morehouse, Mazine Alford, Jean Harrington, Barbara Miller, Betty Hnrley, Vera Walker, Mary Jo Gelser, Jewell Minler, Pauline Barry, Opal Siewert, June Neef, Jean Pound, Norma Jean Gilbert- son, Dolores ;Nets, Edyth Thomas, and Alice Ashenfelter. Messrs. Burl Dutton, Jr. Ratsein, Robert Taylor, Atlee - Pearcy, Charles Kelly, Francis Lindsay, ' Richard Grabenhorst, Garth Harris, Jack Powers, Bruce Spencer, and Don aid Pearcy. Miss Myrpah Blair and her mother, Mrs. Blair, entertained with a charmingly informal din ner at their residence Sunday evening. Tn guest rooms were attractively arranged with tulips Covers at the dinner table were placed for Miss Frances Vir ginia Melton, Dr. and Mrs. F. G Franklin, Dr. Robinson Spencer and Mrs. Blair and Miss Blair. An Informal eveninr of dlacnsatnn followed the dinner hour. Miss Mable Creighton will talk on "Columbines," a subject upon wnicn sne is an outstanding an thorlty, Thursday at 3:05 o'clock over radio station KOAC. Bridge Evening Honors Bride-Elect l One of the many pretty affairs which hare complimented Miss Josephine Albert in . the past I weeks before her marriage May 0 to Bruce Spanldtng, waa the bridge evening and miscellaneous shower for which Misa Florence Power and Mrs. Clarence Emmons were hostesses Monday night at the Power home. W..B. A. Rally -Event of Thursday Salem W. B. A. will be hosts for a rally meeting t be held here Thursday ia the, Women's clubhouse. .. Sessions open at 2 o'clock with an informal reception to disttn- gmlshed visitors. Mr. Avis Per rtna, vice president of Review No. 5 will be in charge. - Mrs. Jennie Miller, general chairman, will pre sent greetings and Mrs. Julia v. Ward, state field director will make response, j";: ; V- 7 A banquet is to be served at :1I o'clock and at 7!45 o'clock the evening session wfl) open. An extensive program and ritual will be presented at the evening ses sion. Mrs. Loraine HI11. presi dent of the Salem review, will give the address of welcome. - The - committee on arrange ments includes Mrs. Jennie Mil ler, general chairman. Bertha Smart, Florence Casement, Alta Scott, Avis Perrlne, Hazel New- gent, Blair Smith, Katherlne Ber nards Murtle Johnson, Ethel Hammand and Mae Hampshire.. Representatives are expected from Reviews at Eugene. Corval lis, Albany, Lebanon, 8ck and MU1 City. Mrs. Julia V. Ward, stats field director, Elizabeth Barker, and Mrs, Beatrice Little wm all be present as distinguished guests. - Cadet Band to Make Bow, Music Week One of the musical treats et Music week will be the presenta tion ot the American Legion cadet band which will make its bow te Salem pablie May 8, under the direction ot William McLaughlin. Tha band . has been orgaalaed abot a year and ia composed of young men of high school and col lege age. The program will be pre sented fa WUlsoa park; it in eludes: March. "Royal Decree,- Eng. lish; march, "Royal Hussars," Kins:; overture, "Western World," Chenette; selection, MBeat Loved Sonthara Melodies, Hayes; march, "Friendship Lossy; in termission; march, "Baraua and Baileys Favorite," King; over ture, "Princess ot India," King; teae poem, "Twilight in the Mountains," Weber; "Skaters Finish parked by Annual Achievement Program, -Judging Event MEHAMA. May 1 Wayne Harding, leader ot the 4-H dubs of Marion county and Mrs. Fulk- erson - were present at the 4-H Sawing: club exhibition and pro gram held at the school Friday night. Judges of the sewing were: Mrs. L. A. Dickson. Mrs. Hugh Harris and Mrs. Everett Phillipi. - -The ribbons were awarded 1 follows: Division I Dorothy Tee ters, first; Iva Moe, second; Ara Purser, third. Division n Au drey Crawford, first; Ardys Lan ders, second; Rnthle Moe. third. Division III. Alice Boyington, blue. For the boys , hand-work the ribbons went to: Orral Landers, blue; Clarence Goo dell, red; and Wilbur Blum, white. The program consisted ot a Ra dio Station B.U.N.K. (Better Use No Knocks) by the upper grades under the direction of Mrs. Lil lian Poyner; a college skit by four of the high school students; a wishing well and winding ot the May Pole by the primary room under the direction of Miss Ban ish Ottinger. and a ahort play.! "School Days," by the high school students under the direc tion of Mrs. Millie Monroe. M U fy nJv1' v N J V V 7 7 7 p I7 l7v I7 Ki lKf7 x 1jK K;iJ yfoiNKV IIE11I; HELD BY4-H GLUB Winners are Warned for Out- standing Exhibits; two v ; Leaders ill WEST STATTON, May 1 The Fonr-H club's achievsment day was held . at the school Thursday, with a large display of very good work. Wayne Hard ing, county' Fonr-H club advi sor was present. Two dab lead ers were unable to attend due te Illness. They are Miss Eunice Lewis and Miss Ellen Butcher. , Ia the Sewing; division the work was Judged as follows: Wil ms Branche, first place; Varna Lewis, second; and Una Lewis, third. First division cooking: Fern Lewis, first; Naomi Cham berlln. second; and Ella Erlck son. third. Second division cook ing: Ester Relmer. first; Carrel Gibson, second snd Irma Darter, third. 1 in tn bachelor saving: Mark NOBTH 8ANTIAM. May 1 The three 4-H dubs of North gao tiant school held their Achieve ment day program at the school house Friday afternoon. Ia the girls handicraft dab. Heue Tucker won first and Jane Rainwater, second. Girls Cook ing dun, a cookies, Dorthy Ban nick, first;. Helen Harvey, second. . Boys' Camp cookery, oa bis cuits, Joe Wolf, first; Warren Harvey, second. Jndges Mrs. Glenn E. McClellan. Mrs. J, 3. McLaughlin. Mrs. B. Browning, Bwiag-ia-tlie-Ceater No. 404 -' By Laara Wheeler Swlng-ln-the-Center is a name that, at first glance, seems to hare little relation to the pat tern. However, it refers to some figures ot the square dances so popular ia America la the early daya jot quilt-making. Tha dia mond -shapes indicate couples meeting for one figure ot the dance.. The block when repeated works up into a most charming Jiuilt. This design is easy, to make because the pattern Indndea LewU; tint; Dougia, Wilkinson. complete simple instructions tor cutting, sewing and . finishing, yardage chart, diagram ot full size quilt to help arrange the blocks for a single and double bed size, diagram ot block which second; and "Robert Comstock. third. Mrs. Psul McClellan was lea der et the boy's dub. Fight at Meetinc ' The Grower's dub met at the serves as a guide far placing the ?'nc; Wednesday jilfht. Duriag patches and suggests contrasting materials, and dearly outlined drawing ot the patch pieces. - Send lOe tor a pattern for this design to The Oregon Statesman Needlecraft Dept.. 82 Eighth Ave.. New Tork City. nun speak AT CLUB HIS A If ITT. Mar 1. The eommer- verelcial clab will meet Wednesday at the Baptist church at noon, me hlzh school orchestra will play Mrs. W. L Hatch and Mrs. George several selections, and W. R. Os- u. Howard. I oerne, locai pruu uu iui After the program a ban game man, will address the meeting, between tha ftwblinir hS. "And Msny Did." the student school mixed nine and the North I0041 P1 aaw direction or suss e score lg-7 in I BanbWge, wui ae presemea i me one-half acres 01 una located just north ot Millersburg corners, tour miles south ot Jefferson, ot Bob Williams, and baa began the erec tion ot a filling station, small store and repair ahop. He came here last year from Thermopolls. Wyo.. and was employed la the construction of the Jefferson bridge this spring. Members of the Jefferson Mi- aonie lodge will meet with other lodges la district No. T, st the If a- sonle temple in Albany Friday night. May B. tor the officials visit ot the most worshipful master. Walter E. Wlnslowr and his offic ial family. Santiaa mixed nine. favor North Santlam. HOT PROBLEMS A rnfu!An of .nrtn ftnwaral WailZ, BITS UBS! mSTCll. "MVer- added a delightful decorative not eargill," Litbgow; SUr Spangled ta tha niHt rnnmi Itrlilva I Banner. . w . 1 was in play until a late hour. Guests in eompliment to Miss I ! D Albert included: Mrs. Asd Eoff. I "-caAic xxcacrves Mrs. John J. Griffith, Mrs. To Present Plav Charles Kaufman. Mra. Onn.M 10 iCSCXlt iay Flesher, Mrs. Russell Mefford.1 Thin ftmnnn t, Tjmiu ntrt Mrs. Garland Simpson, Miss Ruby Reserves will present a nlsr ta Langniin. Miss Rovena Eyre, Miss I eompliment to pareats and Rosalie Buren, Miss Rosalind Van I friends. lUaa Helen Braithaiiat Winkle, Miss Genevieve Thayer, I will introduce the play and will miss &ue rrmgie. uiss Mary cup- talk at the end ot Its presentation per, m;ss uuu9 uupper, uiss ran- on wbat the Girl Reserve move line Johnson, Miss Elolse White, 1 ment is and will also diseuss some Hiss Ruth Fick. Miss Lillian I of the advanea slana for thm nn. Scott, Miss . Jennie Emmons and I mer camp at Santaly. the hostesses, Mrs. Clarence Em-1 The play ia entitled "I'm Ter- mons and Misa Florence Power. I ribly 8orry." Taking part la it are . Virginia Haet. Murtle Scott. En- Mrs. Elizabeth ' Qallaher, Mrs. nice SchleUner, Frances Gildow, F. M. Erickson, Mrs. Floyd Mill- Edith Tanner, Carol Ferguson, er, Mrs. E. B. Daugherty, Mrs. Ruth Kennedy, Catherine East B. Wasstaff and Mrs. L. O. cia- n Rose Richter. ments will motor to Portland to- Musical numbers will be given day to attend the round table b' Catherine East, Edith Tanner, conference being held with na- Prnce Gildow and Virginia tlonal Y W. C. A. secretaries AHuuag ui9 neserves wiu tne RELIEF DISCUSSED auditorium May S. Mrs. Reads Dies Mrs. J. R. Snodgrsss waa called back to Seattle again due to the illness and death, ot her mother, Mrs S. B. Reach. She will remain at thai home ot her father for some time. Those attending the funeral from here were Mr. and Mrs. J. R. 8 nod grass. Miss Clara Karns. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hart- man and Richard, Mr. and Mra. Lawrenee Lenhard, Mrs. Lynn Ceantryman and Mrs. Lucille Mc- Nary ot Black Diamond, Alts., Canada. Locates; Building: Business Location JEFFERSON. May 1. Matt Spellaaaa has purchased one snd todT nil TOlnAnrt TiMrm n.l. laher. Mrs. ClemenU and Mrs. P0"'',1 "are n.nvi.j.r. m .v. i- been Miss Rosetta Smith, advisor: -O "J "... U W UIm A-mwm,m T . AIAIVU 0IUKUB9B( ftUd Millie Helen Breithaupt, program. The Security Benefit associa tion will meet with Mr. Miller this evening at his place of business on Fairgrounds road. Club to Close Spring Season; Yamhill Club Women Convene Birthday is Inspiration for Club for Keizer Young People mm w i r..r r Dayton The annual conven tion of the Yamhill county fed eration of women's clubs was hdd at the Cove Orchard com munity 5 hall Friday, with 112 women attending. The score card contest trophy, the Olive Lewis loving cup, went for the second consecutive ' year to the Dayton Prairie dub, with 21 members. Newberg and Sheridan - tied for second. The next annual meeting will be held at Sheridan. "Taking part in the program were Mrs. Hannah Martin, state representative ; of Salem, who gave the main address, Mrs. Clara B. Smith, third district president; Dr. J. R. Jeffrey, Mrs. O. Mathen of Cove Orchard, Mrs. Marr Breeding ot Amity, Mrs, Alfred Allen y of Dundee, Mrs. Benlah Thayer, Mrs. F. W. Vevar. and Mrs. Fern Chrlsten- sen ot Dayton Prairie. . iTeiser. ' A birthday surprise party honoring Chris Bartrutf was The Berean chapter ot the World Wide guild ot tha 'First Baptist church held its monthly business and social meetinc at the church Saturday. The meeting be gan with the installation ot the new officers for the coming year. After the business session the program -Loyalty to Others." Was led by Miss Olga Jaalk, followed by a lively social hour. The host esses tor tha evening were Mrs. White and Mrs. Eriaoa. Those present were Misa Gail Vcciaa. Monmouth Mrs. J. A. Church- Silvia. Mattson. La-dln Mttna 111 waa hostess Thursdav after-1 Lillian RoetMln. Pirrr Potmnn gILVERTON, May 1 Re ports of post activities at the Marlon eoanty council of the American Legioa which met her Friday night, showed that all ot m. Mm . m in post wers aoing mncn wei-1 r jy j . tare and relief work la their 1 vr yuuuujj ivciiucub communities. A committee com posed ot the post commanders and service officers waa appoint ed to arrange for a more equal distribution of relief funds. Jun ior baseball aad Boy Scout activi ties were also reported upon. Irl MeSherry, 8alem, secretary, presided in the- absenee et the president, Kdth Powell, ot Woodbnrn, George Duncan of Stayton acted as secretary. Stay- ton. Salem. Woodbnrn and 811- verton posts were represented. Following the business session, a social affair held Jointly with the auxiliary members wss en Joyed. Charles Johnson, poet com mander, acted aa toaatmaster. Talks were made by C. K. Towe, MeSherry. Mrs. Jack Eakln. Mrs. J. T. Delaney, Mrs. Verna Dodge and Mrs. Nota Henderson. The next meeting of the coun cil will be hdd st Salem the second Friday in July. tho business it was decided that tne meetings would be discon tinued until October 11. A dis turbance was caused by one of the members who attempted as sault and battery. A meeting was held at the schoolhouse Thursday a 1 g h t, when Roy Hewitt. Salem attorney spoke against tho sales tax.' It waa decided that meetings .wm be hdd once a month during1 tho summer fer discussion of salea tax problems.. rami rati in NMSTEUS Largest 4-H Project Has Home Study MONMOUTH. May 1. The largest 4-H clab project in Polk county this season is a home bean- tlfl cation clab comprising a mem bership of 21 boys and girls at Monmouth. Mrs. F. B. Chambers is leader. The Dallas forestry clab with 24 members is next in size. The Monmouth group, sponsor ed by the local garden dub, will receive prizes on the projects showing greatest Improvement in home beautificatiott. It is planned to take pictures of ths projects be fore starting the work, and after its completion. DAYTON, May 1 Walter Emerlck. Smith-Hashes instruc tor; Floyd Root, athletle coach, Miss Helen Bradford, teacher of commercial department have been reelected to teach in the Dayton Union high school. The principal, Floyd Will art wasrev. elected soma time sgo. A vacaaV cy exlslts ia the Home Econom ics department All of the grade teechere were re-elected recently. . Afu!l house attended tho pre sentation ot tho Dayton Uaioa high school senior class play "Girl Shy" at Demaray's hall Friday night The fit proceeds will be ased to defray the grad uating class expenses. The cast was: Nolan Sweeney., Clair Palmer, Grace Carlson, Vi ola Shatter, Alice Wlrta. LeVonas Newhouse, Doris Kurtz, Marcel! Reavis. Earl Webster, Clalf Relchstein. Junior URen and Ivan Dasan. The grade school Is preparing an operetta to be presented at Demaray's hall Friday, May I. BIO COURT IS FU'I FOB SHE I: By ANNE ADAMS There's a cape to flatter every type of figure. Here's a charm ing one . tor the matron, whose fimra is slightly heavier than the average. It is deep, rippling and follows surplus lines to cle verly hide a full bust. A snug hip yoke and slender skirt seaming create a gracious silhouette. ; A few spare hours, this pattern with, its illustrated lesson tor cutting and making, a tew yards of nrlnted sheer, a bit of dainty lace, and yon will have made en-l 1,A- Ma home Saturday night, viable chle for yourselL J .n0nsored bv Blanche Betzer and Pattern 2525 may Je ordered j Homer ZlelinskL Mrs; J. E. Bar- onlv In sizes 2 C. 38.: 40. 42, 44 trnff was assisted In serving by snd 48. Size 22 requires 3 1-8 Blanche Better and Altha Pan yards 82 inch fsbrio and yard ther. - u. fti lee. mnstrated step-by- Present were Roberta Bartruff, ininr instructions included I Altha Panther. Blanche Better, . I . l.t -Dam- -,i.u Mttani i tienevievs acuari. ufa rtttm I1C la aalaa nr.ftrf.dL lot this ttrB. ,WriU pUialy Tn mm, address and Hylt !. Be ai te tUto ia wanted. : Raa4 fw tia Aana JLUm fa Viea book. It eeataiaa 32 aolortal pagM t Taly Faft-Uplre4 -ta lor avary tawing aaad. aad haws w to ba hi at arary hoax I tka dy. Ivarj atria la praeUa al. aad aacv te auka, Taara ara aiodsls for tka iarrar figara aad pagaa af daUghtfat Janlor aad kid-., dia strlaa. LoTaly Unrcria, and ae eaaaory pattoraa, taa. Prtaa af eata log. (u'Uaa cants, eatalor aad pat ters totfathar, , taraatr-uT eanta. Addrasa all amU ardara to Tka Oraeoa Statwaaa Pattara Dapart mant. t4S VT.f 17tk ttaat, Kaw Beecrott, Helen Carpenter, Homer zioiinskL ChrU Bartruir. orover Ratzer. Bovd Panther. Robert Beecroft, Warren Poole and Wil liam Cotfindaffer. Hubbard -' The members of ths Relief Corps met with the president. Mrs. Susie Ott Friday to make plans for tha service to be held at the city hall and the cemetery. Memorial day. Mrs. Ju lius 8tauf f er. Mrs. L. M. Scholl and Mrs-Neva McKenzia are the program ; committee; ' the decor atinsf committee Is Mrs. John Friend. . Mrs. : Albert Smith and noon te a bridge tea. The guests included Mra.. Wal lace Carson and Mrs. George Weiler of Salem; Mrs. J. B. Al- verson, Mrs. O. C. Christensen, Miss Helen 'Anderson, Miss, Kath arine Arbuthnot, Miss- Elolse Buck, Mrs. D. R. Dewey, Mrs. V. Caldwell. Mrs. E. 7. Barrows, Mrs. Homer Dodds, Mrs. Ia. E. Forbes,. Mrs. Hagmeler, Mrs. H. Morlan, Mrs. Ardia Parker, Mrs. W. Smith. Mrs. Elmer PendeH, Miss Edna Mlngus, Mrs. J. B. Stump Jr. Additional guests for the tea hour were Mrs. John Fuller, Mrs. M. Mlngus snd Miss Clara Trotter. West Stayton. An enjoyable club meeting was held at the home ot Mrs. Frank Kahl Thursday af ternoon when the women ot the growers clnh met. Present were Mrs. Robert Goss, Mrs. John W. Nepple, Mrs. A. L. Sanndermaa, Mrs. Elmer Asche, Mrs. John Te gen, Mrs. Fred Browning and Mrs. Frank KohL hostess. The next meeting will be at tha home of Mrs, Saunderman, May 11. ' ' J;- a) ;; S; ' Wallace Road. -Warren Stod dard was host to a group of high school friends at a Jolly informal party at his home on the Wallaee road Friday night. Those present were Hilda and Frank Crawford, Mary Jane Addams, Maurice May- nard. Marguerite Johnson, Irene Cutler. Billy Utley and the host. Warren Stoddard. - - Liberty This season's last meeting of the Liberty Women's club is scheduled tor Thursday, May 4 at the William Zosel home. This will be the . dub's annual pot-luck luncheon affair, starting at noon. Business meet ing and election of officers will Berndetta Clark, Lucllla Bennet, irma Bennet, Elma Hayt, Ildria Beach, Olga Janlk, Margaret Ayers, Helen Austin, Mildred Me-! A asms, joy Greg. Sake Watom aba, Irene later and Roberta Brainard. e In the state oontest held in Forest Grove April 28 and 21, William Bush, placed first ia the boys low voice; Mayaard MeKin ley placed first in the boys' high voice; and Rachel Pembertoa placed third in tha girls high voice. Tha 11th of May the For est Grove winners will be heard ia a recital at the Ledie Meth odist church, and tha Federation winners will be heard ta a pro gram sponsored by the. Salea Musis Teachers Association ia the T. M. O. A. on May 18. The Thimble dub ot the Neigh bors ot Woodcraft entertained with eight tables ot "800" at Fraternal temple Friday night. At a late hoar refreshments con cluded tha party. Winning scores were held by Mrs. Nina Olmstead, Mrs. Bertha Bay,, Dr. .Walts and Mr. Luts. I Mrs. Ray Clark was a recent hostess to members ot K. 0. K. T. dub at her home. Mrs. L If- Don nail was a special guest for this meeting. At the tea hour. Mrs. Clark was assisted by her daugh ter. Miss Maxine Clark. Mrs. Hat tie Given will be the next hostess. . Mrs. Lloyd Thomas entertained the Knot-a-Care dub at her home recently. Sewing occupied tha af ternoon hours- which were con cluded with a pretty tea nour. Mrs. Albert Fabry, Mra. Walter coaoy ana mis Dorotny Thomas NORTH HOWELL. May 1 Those attending the social meet ing of North Howell graage Thursdav enjoyed a lively session ot the Kangaroo court with Tom Bump as Judge aad Willard Stev ens and John Paulson as attor neys. Raymond Paulson aad M. A. Dunn were tried, respectivdy, tor Illegal parking and robbing the onion bank at Lablsh. Regular Home Economics dab meeting will be held next Thurs day afternoon at the Kortn How ell grange hall, and grange meet ing will be held Friday night. May 8 . Mike Hopfer was taken to St. Vlneenta hospital la Portland a week ago suffering from acute appendicitis, where an emergency operation was" immediately per-l formed. He is still in a serious condition. Four (Candidate Now For Postoffice Job SILVERTON, May 1. Four candidates,' namely Earl Bennet. George Cuslter. E. BY Porter and Ernest Palmer, are ia the field for the local postmasters hip now hdd. by Reber Allen, and expiring January 1, 1134. It Never Pars - To Neglect r YOUR EYES It's tba poorest possible econ omy to put off visiting your oculist particularly whan your eyes can be tested and glasses supplied tor so little. ""il V (HOBR AtBS TODAY I , SSaafly Wvhar ta aaa ' t aaatjaa, wWaa! r " ' ' ' lFAr'" ffiM -rr- I T7nrN you'ro ont look ing for bargains, dont goiss Canada Dry! For so fine is tKe tasta. so sestfol the sparkla of this fine old beverage. It would be a remarkable value at any price. Cut the fact really is that Canada Dry The Champagne of Ginger Ales -now coats no more than most ordinary ginger ales. All the life ... all the charm , . all the tang of Canada Dry . . . are yours to enjoy at no extra cost. The finest of all ginger ales Is now one of the least expensive. Because we have opened a new Vest Coast plant and can now make a subatantial redaction in price. This new saving makes) Canada Dry the outstanding value in gin ger ales today. : Order it bythe bottler or, if yott prefer, by the carton. And enjoy a real ginger alsj . were'ipeciai "jnests." 4 I MraTEliner-Staafferr 7