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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1933)
PAGG SEVEN lilt tract of land here. They have tak en possession. ; The OREGON STATESMAN, flalem, Oregon, Friday Morning, April 21. 1911 ? r-. Mi y. m ' - - f . .... .; u - J i -.1 ' I , fj -A IV r-4' . t . .-' i ' HOLD ArMUAl MEET Tho annual meeting and elec tion of tbe Marlon county public health association will be held s noon luncreon here May 3, Dr. David B. Hill, president, announc ed. At that time the program for tbe coming year and work of tbo health department will be dis cussed 4 Dr. Hill declared that the ef fl uency of tbe county health de oartment would be seriously Im paired at a time Its service la moat needed if appropriations for its support are reduced. He point- out that last year the. depart ment oluntarily took a 20 per ent budget cnt from Its support ing bodies, the county court, Sa lem and other school districts and municipalities. "I believe that 90 per .cent of (he people recognize the value of he health work but they don't turn out when the budget is be ag considered," Dr. HiU said. BUY 20-ACRE TRACT NOItTH SANTIAM, April 20 Mr. and Mrs. Lents of Stayton nave purchased from Prutt and Henderson, realtors, a 20-acre Peters Starting Garage Business, Downtown Site R. P. PeUrs expects to conduct an automobile storage and servic ing business In the garage build ing at Liberty and Ferry streets just -vacated by P. A. Eiker, It was : announced Wednesday. He will i open within a few days. A mechanical department may be added later. "- . Until recently, Mr. Peters op erated a garage at 2390 Fair grounds road. Doolittle Singers Will Give Program BETHEL, April 20. A group from the Doolittle service station will give a program of musical numbers at the meetinr Of the Bethel community club Saturday night. The play sponsored by me Hnh "A Little ClodhoDper.' will also be presented at that time. On. account of tne long program me meeting will . open at 8 o'clock sharp. 0 R3ai?Eset3; and Gi?cei?sr Since 1852 t T p 265 N. Liberty Phone 4) Jiii Modern housewives have learned that it pays to deal, with home town folks. Oar prices bear comparison with any, and our service is just a little bit Better. Grocery Dept. Jig Saw Puzzle FREE with one large Oxydol Soap Powder at 22c Strand CLAMS Tall cans 3 65 c $2.55 doz. SPECIAL Macaroni or Spaghetti Porters in Packages 3 for 19c Meat Dept. Shoulders of Spring LAMB 18c lb. Boned and Rolled If you like Veal Roast 12c ib. from fancy veal only Pure Lard 4 t 25c Spring Frys and Hens We grain feed and dress all our " poultry, insuring you only the best on the market. MARK WILBUR Mgr. Grocery Department I W. L. LEWIS Mgr. Meat Department Elliott Dry Goods Company's Begins Friday, 9 a.m., April 21 Owing to extreme high rental we are forced to vacate our present location and seek a low er priced store-room, CLOSING OUT MANY LINES AND BROKEN ASSORTMENTS AT REAL SAVINGS Guaranteed Fast Color PERCALES Yard TV New Printed Lawns - Fast colors, 1 yard - 13C New Cretonnes 36 inches splendid A patterns, yard C PRINTED MARQUISETTE Sunfast and tubfast, all SEP. 12V2C 6000 Yards of the very best grade Fast Color CM Plain and Fancy Including checks, stripes, plaids and floral designs. More than 200 pieces to select from Your Choice yard E High Grade SILKS 450 yards of Plain and Fancy Silks, includings plaids, stripes, dots and figured designs, also plain Canton fiQ Crepes, yard OJ7C New Printed Voiles and Batistes in beautiful designs. Fast OKg colors, yard WC New Ready:to-Wear De partment on the Bal cony, See special values in all Silk Dresses at $2.95, A AC $3.95 and t).7D Fringed Marquisette Panels, 40 inches, OCn ecru color, each LtOQ 39 inch All Silk FLAT CREPE Shown in all colors. A good medium C7 weight cloth, yard D I C 39 inch Rayon Taffeta For slips. Pastel colors. Good quality, OQ yard OeC New Printed Seed Voiles Plaid and floral effects. 27c ELUOTT DRY GOODS COMPANY 178 N. liberty St. Excell Tattcras 10, IS and 25c -,. Opea every Saturday Bight until O o'clock Bay April 21st to May 1st Are Oregon Products Days! Enjoy Oregon's Own Highest Quality; : Goods! Buy Them at Fred Meyer's, An Oregon Store! Save! Here Are Four Scnxctiond Savinz Selected From Oar Lcrgt Stock cf Featured x " ..V Oregon Products! . Carnation or Mt. Vernon Brand Columbia Rirer Golden O' Mils (S Santiam Cat Stringless earns cans for 23c Boot Rirtr Baitktt n vi X Tobacco Roll Rite Cigarette Tobacco 2 for 15c 15c Prince Albert 2 for 23c 5c Pkg. Stud 5 for 19c 10c Van Dyck Bankers Box 25s $1.89 Camels, Old Golds Chesterfields Luckies Carton of 200 99c Fred Meyer Oregon Made Chocolates 1- tb Box 29c 2- lb Box 55c 3- lb Box 79c Peppermint Stick Candy 6 Sticks for 5c Choc. Coated Pepper mint Patties 19c lb. Choc. Coated Peanuts 20c lb. Apcurfo&i! value 'Dainty Bits' Grapefruit 3 25 C Lily of Valley Peas 11c Chase & Sanborn Coffee 29 C Peet's Granulated Soap pk'j. 19c Libby's Corned Beef 2 "f 25 C Johnson's Floor Wax !CaB53c Camay Toilet Soap 6 7 25 C Hershey's Cocoa lb' 8c Wesson Oil f- 89c Vermont Maid Syrup (26oz.) 37c; Puzzle Free Creamettes (Macaroni or Noodles) 2 pkgs. 15 Lily of Valley Small Whote Beets 2 cans 19s Libby's Fruits for Salads (Is tall cans) 14e -Crown Brand Sardines (in pure olive oil) 6 Bulk Cocoanut (Long, sweet shreds) 17c lb Dromedary Grapefruit Juice 4 pic. tins 25c Hershey's Chocolate Syrup 3 sm. cans 14e Libby's Crushed Pineapple 2 flat tins 15e Libby's New Pack Spinach 2 tall cans 15c Libby's Pineapple Juice (No. 2 tins) 10c Snider's Cocktail Sauce (11 oz. bot.) 17c Happy vale Pink Salmon 2 tall cans 15c Wax-Tex Lunch Paper, Ig. roll 15c Silver-Nut Margarine 3 lb. pkgs. 25e Pelaco Shrimp only 3 cans 25c Sliced Peaches 4 tall cans 25c At Fred Meyer Grocery Dept. Prices Good Friday Thru Monday Sale of Oregon's Own Toiletries and Remedies Oregoa Products Rank with the Beat la tbe Land! Bay these featured items and help Oregon Industry and Employment. (No Mail Orders, No Reservations, No C. O. D.'a) r a Mammoth Size Oranges 25c doz. Medium size Oranges 2 doz. 25c Solid Head Lettuce 5c each Fancy alt green Asparagus 3 lbs. 10c Fresh New Peas 2 lbs. 9c New Potatoes 4 lbs. 19c value FOR BOTH 91 box of fa mow lionia Philippe Powder Given Away FREE with every Lonii Phil ippe Lip Stick at its regular price of SI. A 9 valve for ft. 50c Santiseptic Lotion 37c 50c Santiseptic Shav Cr 37c 1 pt. Alder Antiseptic 19c 1.50 Takara Antiseptic 89c 1 lb. Daisy B Cream 39c 50c Bottles Ze Pyrol 39c 50c Sepol Shampoo 39c 50c Bottles Hexol 39c 1.50 Caseys Compound 1.29 75c La Guie Perfume 75c Vannox Antiseptic Po $1 12 oz. Rick or Ging Ale 11c 35c Daterol Band Lo 29c 28 oz. Weinhard Lime 23c 1.25 Kelpolite 1.19 1.50 Dykon 98c nop. VWAW; New Segal Unimatic Razor and 1 Blade Given Free With Each Purchase Given free with each pnrchaae of 5 Segal Blade at ImaaI tbe regular price of 87c. CC 76c Ed Wallace per 8 vper Cling" Face Powder given FREE with each OOc jar of f a m o n a Tenth" Clean 1 n g Cream. Both for only 60c. Get yours to- FOR DOTH Attractive Pastel Shade Face Cloths only 3 for 10c $2 Men's Lunch Kit with Pint Vacuum Bottle for 99e Slow moving items at bargain price. Guaranteed first quality! Quantities subject to floor stocks. Reasonably limited Guest Tooth Brushes Real Bristles Set in Bamboo Han dlesFor Guests, Week-Ends, etc 2 for 15c CLOSEOUTS 9c Comfy Covers for Nursing Bottles 25c Effervescent Citrate Magnesia Fitch Lilac in Sharpener Bottle 15c Bon Ton Sanitary Napkins 10li oz. Gerbers Vegetable Soup Prophylactic Military Brushes 25c Melbaline Shaving Cream 25c Abscent Cream Deodorant 50c Palmers Tooth Paste 9c 10 oz. Bells Cleaning Fluid 25c Large Rubber Sponges 34 oz- Day Dream Perfume 34 oz. Mello Glo Perfume 25c Red Arrow Golf Balls 25c Large Auto Sponges 25c Como Pocket Combs 25c Williams Tooth Paste 25c Williams Lilac Talc 60c Zip Cleansig Cream 25c Rubber Soap Trays 25c Herpicide Shampoo 25c Mavis Talc for Men 25c Mennens Baby Soap 1 pt. Rubbing Alcohol 1 lb. Flax Seed or Meal Choice Whisk Brooms x 25c Herpicide Tonic 25c Daisy B Creams ' 25c Daisy Lotions 15c Hygea Nursers 25c Castolay Soap 25c Herpilay St A -ort IJ Salts and Toilet Water 50c 1.k Assorted Coty ToUet Waters 120 10c Colgates Big Bath Soap S for 10c 2.50 Houblgant Dusting Powder 1.S0 10c Hollywood Bath Soap S for 10c Long Handled Bath Brashes 20c 10c Williams Elderflower Soap 2c 8 oz. Red Wing Insect Powder 8c Ft. Schieffelin Russian Oil 23e ffOe Federal Tooth Brashes Oc 1.50 Ralo Dusting Powder 08e 10c Mission Ben Soap 3 for lOc 82 Jumbo Coty lip Sticks 60e 19c CLOSEOUTS ;9c 60c Boncilla Magnesia Lemon Pack 50c Sanident Dental Plate Cleaner 50c Dr. Wests T Brush In Cartons 75c Fougere Royal Shaving Lotion 50c Vrai Loose Powder Compacts 50c Rea Rita rolls Facial Tissues , 60c Ambrosia Dry Skin Cream 50c Fougere Royale Talc in Tins 60c Houbigant Vanishing Cream 50c Velma Theatrical Cream lbs. 35c Mennens Brushless Share 60c Dentons Facial Magnesia 65c Barbasol Skin Freshener $1 Coty Compact Face Powder 35c Household Rubber Gloves 100 Noiseless Poker Chips " 40c Dr. West's Tooth Paste 50c Tube Zip Shave Cream 50c Spearmint Tooth Paste 50c Riveris Talc in Glass 35c Menners Skin Bracer 50c Boncilla Face Powder 50c Boncilla Face Creams 35c Assorted Kotex Belts 2 qt. Hot Water Bottles 75c Rubber Bath Sprays 50c Men's Hair Brushes 35c Avon Playing Cards 60c Demeridor Creams 35c Tefra Tooth Paste 50c Vrai Face Powder 60c Evans Depilatory 35c Tix Foot Powder lb. Hospital Cotton 50c Shaving Brushes 50c Pogo Lip Sticks $1 Luna Beautifier 50c Luxor Rouge 50c Ney Deodorant 35c S. M. A. Liquid 60c Derma Viva 50c Pogo Rouge Ife Refunds nor Exchanges on These Close-On t Items. But what savings!. 65c Auto Chamois (from a set) 75c April Showers Face Powder 11 Luxor Deluxe Face Powder $1 Hollywood Make up Mirror 50c Wildroot Cleansing Cream 50c April Showers Brilliantine 50c La Geraradine Shampoo $1 Ambrosia Pore Cleanser 90c Geo O George Shampoo f 1 Demottes Psyllium Seed $1 Ambrosia Face Powder 60c Claytons Mange Remedy 50c Assorted Pocket Knives 11 Stanford Blade Sharpener 1 pt. Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 1 pt. Kitchen Hand Lotion 75c Shaving Brushes (31a) 75c Angelas Paste Rouge 11 Krasney Face Powder 50c Dame Nature Cream 75c Slick Shaving Lotion 1 Luxor Skin Freshener 50c 4711 Bath Tablets 50c Melba Skin Lotion $1 Boxes Stationery $1 Luxor Astringent 75c Assorted Scissors $1 Snow Depilatory 75c Tigerin Salve 35c R & G Soaps We Meet All Advertised Prices For Like Quality A positive assurance in addition te our many specials and regular deep cnt prices that you always save here. Woodburys Palais D'Or Soap Se Bartons Shoe Polish Black 5c 10c Paper Coffee Cups 7s 5c S3 Pinauds Face Powder Me 10c Violet Glycerine Soap 5 Sl-50 Make up Boxes 9e . 1.50 Ralo Face Powder 08c 25c Bleached Sponges 11c lOe Jasmin Bath Soap 5e 15c Jig Saw Puzzles 7c Pt. Noral Acar 80c All Crepe Paper Sc Buy The New, Improved Kotex with patented Equalizer A radical Innovation that affords 20 to 30 great er protection. Special pban tomlzed, non-revealing ends. Try Kotex witnf tne new equalizer. O boxes O for 57c 170 North Liberty St We reserve the right to reasonably limit quantities (Between State and Court Streets) Enjoy These Fred Meyer Oregon Products! Save! Best Coffee 25c It Fresh roasted in Oregon. Honey 29c Qt Jai Pure, Strained Oregoa Honey Mayonnaise 18c pi Had In oar own kitchens. . . At Grocery Dept., I) 0 CCS CVdJJCCCiCa n Direct From Pennsylvania Oil Fields Barreled at the Refinery! 25c deposit required on every 5 gal. can WE CUT PR1CES- IJEVERQUAUTyii lis! 50c Gillette Blades for 25c Make similarly great savings on your pur chases of quality mo tor oils. 35c Mermen's Shaving Cream for 17e Fred Meyer Oils and Meanea Shaving Creams are both qual ity products at a deep cut price. VOITLL find the specifica- X tions for gravity, flash, fire, cold test and viscosity printed plainly on the label of every can of Fred Meyer Mo tor Oil. These are FACTS cer tified by chemists and guar anteed by Fred Meyer, Inc. Read them yourself and check them yourself against other brands. The Fred Meyer OH specifications compare most favorably with the highest quality, nationally known Pennsylvania, Eastern or Western Oils for which you pay practically double. The Fred Meyer nolicv of cut ting prices to-the bone brings you these certified high grade oils at a tremendous savin sr. You KNOW this to be a fact with our other goods. You will find this to be a fact with motor oils. WE CUT PRICES NEVEY QUALITY! 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste for 25c The answer is: Fred Mtysr sells highest quality goods tor less. Save on Motor Oils Just as Tow Save on These Faasoms Items. 5 gods. A high content paraf fin bass Eastern Oil.. Eastern Oil 51 79 1 Western Oil 5 eal. JO a. nign-graae eertinea oil for real economy. (S5e Deposit Required on Every 5-GaUosi Can) These Are AO First Quality Virgin Motor Oils. Guaran teed Not to Be Recondition in Any Respect! Fred Meyer Batteries! A Mighty Value -for Motorists! Fred Meyer Best Batteries 13- ?J49 is- $C75 Plate Plate O plus your old battery ' pins your old battery Save on quality batteries guaranteed a full year by a responsible dependable firm. My-Te-Fine Batteries have full 3-32 inch virgin zinc plates, Port Orford cedar separators, corrosion-resisting terminals, and meet high S. A. E. standards throughout. Oronite Auto Polish, Quart Bottles " - only 35c each The above Items on sale at oar toiletry depte. Friday thru Monday. 31TVT c AT FRED MEYER GROCERY DEPT. 170 North Liberty St (Between State and Court Streets)