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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1933)
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Sunday Morning. April 16, 1933 r 4 4 t Large Benefit Social Minded Thw Wisteria danda lV elected officer at the Abac Tuesday sight sal with that el Da ta iiM ,iuwr seasea. Dr. Leoa Barrlck will serve aa president for this earning season aai Civic Male Chorus Program Event Of Monday A musical event which la being anticipated by Falem Is that of Monday eight when the Salem Civic Mai chorus will present tha first ot three concerts planned tot the year. These pro grama are to he la the nature of civic offerings similar to those presented hy the Eugene Glee men. Prof. E. W. Hobson la direct or f the group which la already ravorably known far Its excellent musical programs. Assisting for the evening will be the Madrigal club In a group f numbers. The program includes: Praise the kord ..'..Rachmaninoff Madrigal CInb and Civic Male Chorue Ballad o In A Flat Chopin 'Emery Stewart Hobson Constancy - ...Gaines Slumber Son? Warren Civic Male Chores Dark Eye Russia folk Song Madrigal Club and R. D. Barton, Loom Jenniion, Herbert Hobson and L. Maves (a) Ashes ot Rosea Robinson (b) Passing By Pureell Wendel Robinson, Ronald Craven, O. E. Hallowell, D. Burkemeir, Mauvllle Petteys, Herbert Hobson, Lawrence Maves, R. D. Barton and Stanley Mavea (a) He's Gone Away Mountain Song (b) Pretense Clockey Mixed Chorus Requiem Sidney Homer On the Sea Dudley Buck Civic Male Chora Ballade In O. Minor Brahms Lilacs Rachmaninoff Emery Stewart Hobson Morning ..Oley Speaks Saletn Civic Male Chorus Medical Women's Group Plans May Tea Plans are being made by the Women's Auxiliary to the Trl couaty Medical society for a tea to be aa event of sometime in May. Mrs. H. K. Stockwell, Mrs. Phil New aayer and Mrs. C. E. Bates make up the committee in charge. The meeting at which these plans were made wa held at the home ot Mrs. R. M. Walts. Mrs. G rover BeUIager read a paper on tuberculosis, and Mrs. Burton Myers cave aa interacting resume ot 'Hygeia". Mrs. H. K. Stock well save report ot the address made by Dr. Morris fish beta while In Portland recently. Mothers of Oregon State col lege atadents will be guests this year oa the campus May 12 to 14, It Is announced hy students and faculty In chars: of this annual occasion known as Moth ers' weekend. Every year hun dreds et mothers Tisit their col lege sons and daughters at that time and view the work ot tha college and are entertained at many special events arranged in their honor. Dorothy Ann Sidler of Portland is student chairman of arrangements. SOCIAL CALENDAR Monday, April 17 Rebekah lodge, 7:30 o'elcok, I. O. O. F. hall; Mr. Edythe Kelley, of A. R. A. special guest; no-host dlnaer I o'elock at Spa. Willamette Shrine, White Bnrlne of Jerusalem, open meeting and installation of officers. Masonic temple. Sigma Nu Delphians, public library, 2 o'clock. Tuesday, April 18 Security Benefit association guests of Mrs. Mary Murphy at her home, 1365 North Market street, f:S0 o'clock. Circle at hem of Mrs. Lena Slingman. 104ft South Liberty street; Mrs. Edith Scott guest of honor. General recital of students of department of piano and theory of Willamette university, 8: IS o'elock. Wal ler hall; open to public. W. C. T. U. meets at 2 o'clock in hall at Ferry and South Commercial street. Wednesday, April 19 Past Noble Grands club, music room at Cbemawa; Alma Henderson, chairman of hostess committee. Women's Foreign Missionary society ot Leslie Mem orial church, with Mrs. John Kooreman, 17(1 South High street. Technocracy forum, S o'clock in city library auditor ism; publie meeting. Thursday, April 20 Mrs. Kit tie Graver, hostess to Priselila club at her home, 80s South High atreet. Faculty Women's club, 2:30 o'clock, Mrs. F. A. El liott hostess at Beta Chi sorority home on Stat street. MacDowell Program Will Feature Piano Artist Thursday rpHB annual spring program of son? and instrumental X works which will be presented Thursday night in the Grand theatre by the Salem MacDowell club is calling wide attention. It is said to be a program in keeping with the gay brightness of spring and those who have heard the chorus numbers are enthusiastic concerning the excellent work it is accomplishing in the numbers to be presented, numbers largely representative of American composers. David Campbell, the soloist, appearing in two groups of solos is not only well known to a large circle of friends and music lovers in Salem, but fce . Iflro-A fnllrwinr I l0T Tnursaay evening. , r- a " I In wonse rqut. and down the Pacific coast, m the many cities where he has appeared. Among the numbers oa the Salem program are several which have elicited high praise from critics elsewhere. Redfern Mason, distinguished writer on musical matters for the San Fran cisco Examiner, made special mention of the skill evidenced at a recent Campbell recital in San Francisco, In the playing of the serried legato octaves of the Cho pin octave etude. Alexander Fried on the San Francisco Chronicle, speaks of the fine sympathetic feeling shown In the delivery of the songlike passages of another Chopin Etude. These two beauti ful and difficult numbers, making great demands on both technical and interpretative ability, are in cluded In Mr. Campbells first Benefits Will Mark Social Activities Of Week mul ever-prfpalar benefit will 1b la favor this week be- ftWBIU nibU JwiPii w&nB tea at the Hal Pattoa heme Tues day afternoon between the hoars ot 2 and I o'clock. Chemeketa chapter. Daughters of Ih Ameri can Revolution, are aetln a beet. esse for this affair. Both bridge a ad auction will be in play. Mrs. Jean Harbison, as sisted by Mrs. TJ. K Shipley. Mrs. Saynteur Jones, Mrs. M. P. Adams and Mrs. Homer GOulet make up the committ on arrangements. Many guest who are mnable to play during ih afternoon hours will call at the tee hoar. Mrs. II. T. Lore, regent ot the chapter, and Mrs. W. F. Fargo, past regent, will preside at the urns. Mrs. E. M. Hotfnell, Mrs. Carrie Martin aa Mrs. J. S. Sibley wfil be In charge of tea arrangements. Thursday aftaraooa another prettily appointed bridge tea will be gtveo. at the heme, of Mrs. A. C. F. Perry with the Junior Guild of St. . Paul's Episcopal chares, aa hostesses. Mrs. Perry Is being assisted la planning the affair by Mrs. U. O Shipley, Mrs. W.JB. Chandler, Mrs. F. D. Sason, Mrs. V. . Kahn and Mrs. M. B. debris'. Reservations are belax mad with these ma troa . Mrs. 0. 0. Clark was the speaker for th regular fortnight ly meeting of the Fortnightly club ot the Congregational church this week. She 41seuseed the problem of Vocation." 'Choosing Life's Much enthusiasm is being de veloped for th Joint meeting et the Parent-Teacher organisations of the senior high school, . Leslie Junior high, and Lincoln aad Me- Klnley schools for April 24 at which time J. A. Churchill, presi dent ot Monmouth Normal school, will address the group at Leslie. Other program numbers will be announced later. Bridge Tea Smart Event Planned April 29 -MfTRS. PaTRCT KKLLT will If1 open her home for a briV- llaatly planned bridge tea April 29. Although the data fs s tlu In th future there Have been large reservations made and much enthusiasm Is being shown la this affair, which will be a benefit for th music fund ot th Salem Mc Dowell club. Mrs. Harris Liets Is chairman et the committee on arrangements aad Is being assisted by Mrs. Se- pkus Star, Mrs. Richard Krlesel, Mrs. Tyler J. Brown and Mrs. Tom Drynan. Mrs. W. 8. Levens la president of the club. Quests will be greeted at th deor by Mrs. R. D. Woodrow. And members of the elub will assist as hostesses about th rooms. Reservations may b made with aay one of the committee on ar rangements. Miss Bern ice Btoknian, May queen for Willamette aaiverslty May weekend this year, aad her maids. Miss Caroyl Braden aad Miss Louisa Sldwell, win be th gaeet ot honor at her sorority Alpha Phi Alpha, Tuesday even ing for dinner. Music Week Given Proclamation By Mayor 71 fUSIC week Is receiving ezcel- Iwl lest support and elaborate piUU IV UiUlU IV ill I Walter A. Denton, chairman of the. Ma sic Week committee. Th following proclamation has been Issued by Mayor Douglas Mc Kay: The week of May T through the 13th has been set apart aa Na tleaal Music Week. Whereas this week has come to be observed throughout the nation. .The splendid effort to eacenr- ag an Increased Interest and ap preciation of good snusie la wor thy ot the serious and enthusias tic eooperatlea t all cltiseos gen erally. Musle Is a good investment in education and morals. Therefor, as the Mayor f Sa lem, X call on the people of Salem to cooperate in making the week an educaltoaal and artistic suc cess. (Signed) DOUGLAS McKAT, Mayor. CSPECIAL SxlO portraits ready to fnuna, 50c for one, two for 03. Take advantage of this special for Mother's Day and gradua tion portraits. CYN CRONISE A HOME OWNED STVDIO Court Cmmcrrlal St. Charles Caeriei will vice president and Harry J. Mohr as secretary. Mrs. Rebea J. Maask will spend th next tew days visiting in SeatU. Helpful Hints for Healthful living EASITECo. . . . Just pause for a mo ment and recall that miraculous Easter Morning when the words "Christ Has Arisen" resound throughout the world and the divine example he left with his children. O u r.. physicians are fol lowing in his blessed footsteps today, i Where Science and Ethics Reign CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 State St. Phone 3118 I. H. Wffleti "X", i-sasai Now! Eave Your Photo gfraph taken for Mother's Day May 14th Nothing could please her more "IT IS YOU" Special A Hi lovely Jk U I) J denble lyl weight U ft lilt B j iatetogrsphs VttA f yon Come In and m for your self how inexpenstt real ty fin photographs can be Miller s Mr. Campbell has consented to speak briefly, preceding his aeeoad ap pearance on the program, saytag a few words as Introduction -ad in explanation of the numbers comprising his second group. Of these numbers, no doubt th dcjc appealing to the general listener will be the ever popular and spec tacular "Campanalla", ot Llast, with its striking Imitation of tink ling, chiming and pealing bells. Varied In appeal, th eholc of piano numbers tor th program covers a wide rang and will in terest not only mule students, but all who enjoy th performance ot good musle. Mrs, C. P. .Bishop was a Portland visitor Saturday and while there attended a meeting of the Children's Farm Home board. Every Woman Invited. Phone for an No Obligation s5I ..jf.... (( . . . ............Z.Z.- v - .- ,' Vx-f.-w-:c5-x-:wA-:vv:v. CALL 3 17 9 I 1 ...;.-:.v.-.-..-.T.-..-i-..;o.-j sVsjaMBaBssVX-'Xw !X mnritmmtwtm FREE Facials and Shampoos Starts Tomorrow Explanation and Demonstration of,. MADAME FOX'S THE MINERAL COSMETICS VHY art they Different I VFT Vhat Daley Dot Everyone interested in the care of. skin and scalp should make an appointment. What is your trouble? Skin blemish? Pimply skin? Scaly dandruff? Itching scalp?. YOU WILL THANK US A HUNDRED TIMES FOR ARRANGING THIS DEMONSTRATION Skin Food owder Skin qtanjer fieodofafit Scalp Food Mineral Bath Mineral Shampoo All Week, Beginning Tomorrow Free Facials and Shampoos Appointment Phone 81T9 THE Thousands Of Patra Of The Finest SElOQCal KM AO OaeriCiico Ppicoo Airad PEaocd a OoEo AC mo E?i?isoI 72nflovo. AHH TTEiio EiQtlocttJ d CoEci'3 EecHiiacliiQO A Lai GcScQttuOini Hm WBaittco. WMfllUIMUM H M 1.1 M II MM la: Between Tlte Theatres 0G3 DHATU WmES j ' " CANmJe wmmt fMC'- .of course K i