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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1933)
4 PAcnuvii The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, April 12, 1933 1 Society News and Cub AH airs y College Enjoys Olive M. Doak, Society Editor Group Pretty SOCIAL CALENDAR - V Tea Meeting v A large iiumber of the college Set enjoyed the pretty tea for which Mrs George Alden opened her home Tuesday afternoon be tween the hours of 2 and 5:30 o'clock. The affair was given by Alpha Phi Alpha Mothers club In jtrtmnltmenr tn MIso RprnteA T7fP.V- , p man. cjueen of the May for this year's university May day pro gram. j Mrs. John Taylor greeted the C guests at the door. At the distinc tively arranged tea table Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney and Mrs. George Pearce presided. Wedgwood china and Chinese copper on a lovely white cloth were accentuated by the use of a floral centerpiece of snapdragons, nasturtiams and daf fodils. Wedgwood blue tapers .were need In the candelabrum. Included among the invited guests were Miss Bernice Rick man, honor guest, her mother, Mrs. J. M. Rickman. Mrs. H. M. Boardbent, Mrs. John Taylor, Mrs. John TJlrich, Mrs. W. E. Kirk, Mrs. E. C. Cross, Mrs. Alice Fish er, Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, Mrs. Elizabeth Pound, Mrs. L. Dror- .-.-.. v. j ir c. p. Breithaupt, Mrs. s. Deii tainting Uonated to tnuu, xurs. j. u. roiey, Mrs. n. i a . H R. Glalsver. Mrs. J. D. O'Dell. r-kiL muacuiu f"-Mrs E. E. Eastrldge, Mm. R. EL Varley. Mrs. Mason Bishop, Mrs. -t 6. W. Selee, Mrs. -Minerva Hol- comb, Mrs. George Pearce, Mrs Edna Ellis, Miss Irene Breithaupt, Mrs. Helen Breithaupt, Mrs. Har 15 V v.r Wednesday, April 1$ Dorcas society of Christ Lutheran church, at church at 1 o'clock. . Women's Home Missionary society of Jason Lee with Mrs. M. A. March at 1340 North Cottage street, 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Pearl Grote, hostess to. Sweet Briar club, 2 o'clock at her home. Women's Foreign Missionary society. First Metho dist church, 2:15 o'clock in church parlors; special speaker, Mrs. M. B. Parounagian of Portland. Knight Memorial Missionary tea meeting with Mrs. Nina Mclntyre, 337 South 18th street; 2:30 o'clock. Thursday, April IS Nile club regular,meetlng, one o'clock In Masonic temple. Women's Relief Corps, social afternoon at Miller's hall, cards in play from 2 to 4 o'clock. Willing Workers class of First Christian church, 2:30 o'clock in church parlors. Friday, April U Daughters of Union Veterans of Civil war, Salem Women's clubhouse; official visit of department pres ident. Annie S. Warren; potluck dinner, 6:20 o'clock. Women's Missionary society ol First Baptl3t church, with Mrs. E. M. Bailey on Portland road. Topic Is "Our Black Friends"; bring loyalty gift boxes; meet at church at 1:30 o'clock. J Mrs. L. H. Tarpley has donated to the Oregon State Art Museum the second painting to become a part of the organizations collec tion. Ella Bugbee, sister of Mrs. (Did Elbert, Mrs. Frances DeHarp- 7arPle" who studied n Munich port. Miss Loretta Varley, Miss Roberta Varley, Miss Helen v-JIanke, Mrs. Leonard Helsler, Miss Mildred Leighton, Miss Ros- etta Smith, Mrs. Wilmer Wells, iliss Murail White, Mrs. Helen Moore, Miss Velleda Ohmart, Miss 60 years ago painted the picture which has since that time passed the test of severe art critics. The painting has no name, but fs a charming bit of study of a Chinese girl. Its donation to the Art Museum is being hailed with Gladys Miller, Mrs. Truman Cum- uch Pleasure by the members of tnlngs, Mrs. Frank Shafer, Miss the organization. Myrna Bonney, Miss Lois Plum- L For one week the painting will Bier, Miss Lucille Cummings, Miss be .on n'lt a the cltT library Irma Baker and the active soror ity members. Nile Club Will Meet Thursday and will then be transferred to the state house to become a part or the Museum exhibit there. This afternoon following school the ninth grade of Parrish Girl Reserves and any interested ninth grade girl of the school, will Salem Daughters of the Nile P the tennis project In twill meet at the Masonic temple keeping with the outdoor sport Thursday for a 1 o'clock lunch- project which the triangle Is (eon and this will be followed by ewlng and an informal atter- . fcioon. Guests are. asked to bring 1 Sandwiches. Mrs. Bert Flack Is chairman of i the hostess committee and Is to : tie assisted by Mrs. M. C. Petteys, ( Mrs. Wayne Henry and Mrs. Eweeney. Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, assisted by Mrs. Carlton Smith and Mrs. D. C. Roberts entertained 29 mem bers of the Junior Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church Tuesday afternoon for 1 o'clock luncheon followed by sewing. Articles for jthe fall "white elephant" sale are peine made by the guild now. working out this semester. Miss Ruth Chapman will be in charge of the demonstrations. Miss Mil dred Miller will give the Instruc tions. Birthday Inspires Surprise Party Board Meeting Hears Monthly Reports The board meeting of the T. W. C. A. executive rroun was held Tuesday morning and at this time reports were given cov ering the past month's work. Mrs. M. B. Wagstaff reported a decided Increase In the num ber of women out of work and at home during the past month over previous months. The num ber amounted to 362 who applied for work and only 76 positions were available of which 68 were filled. Twenty-six of these were temporary and 42 permanent. The problem of caring for these women has been one of the largest demands of the T. W. C. A. for the past few weeks. Discussion was taken ud con cerning the completion of the bud get drive interrupted by the bank Holiday. A budget meeting will be held this next Tuesday begin ning at 10 o'clock In the T. W. C. A. with Mrs. F. A. Elliott, chairman of the finance commit tee. In charge Japanese Statesman Is Heard large delegation cf J. T. P. L. members attended the Oregon Japanese Sectional T. P. C. O. (Toung People's Christian Con ference) In Hood River Saturday and Sunday. The theme of the conference was "Christian Broth erhood. . Those attending from Salem in cluded Bymio Mio, Klyo Mio, Em! Tada. Hoshle Wttanabe, Martha Okuda, Seiko Watanabe, Frances Malda, Jessie Fukuda, Susie Fu kuda, and the Rev. Nojl, Ross Khotts. Tommy Ogura, 8hlg Wat anabe, "Tats" Tada, Taul Watan abe. Jun Watanabe and Frank Fu kuda. U OFFICERS Rev. Clyde Thomas Will Continue as Pastor for Fourth Year property where a tram balldlag In being erected for sale of beer. Om the former sit workmen are' clearing away part of the sawdust elevator tor' placement of the structure and en the lat ter men are erecting the frame building which will shelter the retail Industry. MILL CITY, April 11 At the annual meeting of the Presbyter ian church, officers were elected for the coming year. Over 100 members of the church were pres ent and enjoyed a short program consisting of songs by the entire company, a violin solo by Mrs. Sven Ellasen, organ numbers by Arthur Mason and singing by a The birthday of Mrs. M. P. Dennis was the Inspiration for a pretty dinner party and evening of cards planned as surprise to her by a group of her friends. The dinner was a no host affair. For cards which followed winning scores were held by Mrs. Dennis and E. A. Prultt. Present in addition to the hon nr raf nri Mr Ttannta m Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Case, Mr. and Mrs. Past Presidents k. a. .rruut, air. ana airs, uscar r1 Dencer, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Reld, VIUD CJectS Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Moses, Mrs. Margaret Montgomery, and Mrs. Margaret Scotney. Mrs. Hollis Huntington and Mrs. David W. Eyre were special guests for the attractive bridge The above group had the pleas ure of hearing an address by T. Matsuoka, Japanese diplomat, in Portland Sunday tnninr. whan he spoke before a large audience I trio, Mrs. R. L. Cooper, Mrs. O. C at the Benson high school audi- "nmcnins ana Mrs. uioya unm torium. I van. An Easter sunrise service, will I J- p- Smith acted as moderator be held at the Havesville Jartan- nd Mrs. W. W. Allen as secre- ese church Easter Sundav at s 1 tary. It was voted to ask Rev. o'clock. At this time, installation Clyde Thomas to remain as pas- of the J. T. P. L. officers will be tor. Mr. Thomas has filled the lo- neia, as well as, Invitation of new cal Puipn r "ree years, james league members. Tha rt tm Dawes was reelected an elder and will deliver the address, and ape- Herbert Schroeder was elected as cial music will also be aivan h. I the other elder. Mrs. James Swan Taul Watanabe, and J. Y. P. L. nd Fred Grimes were each re members, elected to the offices of trustees la the afternoon hantUmai and Bert Jewell was reelected a nt. e .i' v. ..., vices will be held at tha Pr.h. treasurer, I terlan church with tha rv. Knul Sunday school officers: Mrs, men's club tor the benefit card officiating. "rITK "Dependent; n.rt- t,A. J?v.;7"J 7 L Wtl Herbert Schroeder. assistant; Y. W. C. A. budget for this year. L- L- w iH entertain M" Jm Swan secriUry-treas- Discusslon was also held con- mebrs of the Delta Phi Moth- " and Blanc- Swan, assistant; corniTif th. nmt.. r- .vi ers club at her homa In Mnrnin. Ellis Smith, organist; Winona meeting to be held soon in Port- 8lde for th next meeting of the Swan Pst: Mrs. Robert Ander lani!. with Mr. H.rrt. t r-h-. group it was announced t th. son, cradle roil; Alma Smith, berlaln. national w' n a Monday meeting held with Mr. home department; and Violet Car- president, and Miss Rhoda Foster, Alban Weil. Mrs. John Ul a national afirretarv of tha unir rich will be assisting hostesa. Mr. division, in attendance. Those who Lee M- Unruh was assisting host- signified their intention of attend- Ior ine Monday afternoon Inr from the Salem executive meeting. board included Mrs. L. O. Clem- ter, organist for the primary de partment Reports. of the past years work were read. At the beginning of last year the church had 97 mem bers. During the year they added Salem bop 'men who would likely have first hand informa tion should any brewery con struction be started in this lo cality, indicated yesterday that rumors of a brewery at West Sa lem were based entirely upon misinformation. . r j iyi --y'- W ;'x r: . -' -'4 4 Bl EXAM BOARD IS TO ent, Mrs. E. B. Daugherty, Mrs. Officers of Salem Artisan lodge 14 new members and lost four I been treated to a varied sort of weather the past several days. Starting Thursday a very cold day M. B. Wagstaff and Mrs. Elixa- rea Portland Tuesday beth Gallaher nini to Put on the lodge work for vregon ABsemDIy of Portland feather Plays Antic Residents of this district have The personnel of the state board of bar examiners was In creased from five to nine mem bers In an order handed down by the state supreme court Tuesday. New members of the board in clude Robert Mautx and James B. Finnlgan, Portland: David B. Ev ans, Eugene, and Colon R. Eber hard. La Grande. Eberhard pre viously served as a member of the state senate for several terms. The old members of the board are Roscoe C Nelson. Roy F. Shields. B. A. Green and Edgar Freed. Portland, and John H. Car son. Salem. The court also changed the rules so as to give the bar exam iners additional authority and dis cretion in conducting examina tions. The revised rules apply particularly to investigations re garding an applicants moral haracter. The court reversed the decree of Judge Evans In a suit brought by A. A. Schramm, state superin tendent of banks and liquidator of the Bank of Kenton, to recover certain collateral posted Tlth the Bank of California, tarsecure pay ment of a loan. The lower court held for the bank. Past Presidents club of the AULSVILLE PLAY WINS AUMSVILLE. April 11 Th- wa. fiinArlcncM thon camA rain Turner community talent contest and snow. Saturday morning how- piay, i oe cat's W Makers." nut ever the snow was again at work WomAn'a pn.f mm. r on bT ta school students, and about three Inches covered of Mrs. BumId Martin ta.i. Presented at Aumsvllle on the ground afternoon. At thU mtinr nffi. Thar",s3r n,Bt in competition Sunday morning the old weath cars were elentrf for th wun tn contest play, "Neigh- er man had a change of heart and o i ti . . . I ji j ii a. J - i V a. year. Mrs. Martin will head the! ' PtB8BB'wi oj m earners ol oraww ia sua qui ion oj mjui eronn u nra.M.n an,. I the community. The iudrea rava the snow on the level -was gone. luncheon for which Mrs. W nnn- Laura MAdam. win mmr I their decision in favor of Anms- In the monutalns and foothills nell Dyer. Mrs. John Carson and president: reelected wr Mr. ""Hie- there Is plenty of It yet. Mrs. Prince Bvrd were hostesses Jennie F. B. Jonea. aacratarv amd r nmy-tnreo cnuaren, memoers to their club Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Clara Adams, treasurer. s,noPn iui iut.t f tk- ' th intermediate department of ai ui iea nonr Mrs. Martin mo mumac aoeiaUoa Falls City Mrs. Jessie Moyer was pleasantly surprised Thurs day afternoon when a group of her neighbors and old time friends gathered at her home for the afternoon. Aker Home Scene of Party; New Yorker is Complimented Bridge Evening is Enjoyed at Ahrens Home In Turner Pattern Turner. The Methodist wom en held their April silver tea Friday afternoon at the home of a former Turner resident, Mrs. George Naderman of Salem, whose mother, Mrs. Mabel Mar tin, a house guest, was joint hostess. A biblical contest was conducted by Mrs. F. C. Gun ning; a solo was given by Mrs. Mary McKinney; duet, Mrs. G. W. Moore and Mrs. Mabel Mar tin; readings, Mrs. J. R. Cox and Mrs. E. C. Bear. Mrs. A. Mar tin, Cleone and Gerald Naderman assisted the hostess in serving. Turner women" present were Mrs. N. S. Hawk, Mrs. L. M. Small, Mrs. T. T. Palmer, Mrs. F. C. Gunning, Mrs. Mary Mc Kinney, Mrs. E. S. Prather, Mrs. J. W. Ransom, Mrs. J. L. Webb, Mrs. H. S. Bond, Mrs. E. C. Bear, Mrs. J. R. Cox, Mrs. R. O. Witzel. Mrs. C. A. Bear, Misses Katherine Hawk, Lillian Peter son. Helen Witzel. Peggy Pal mer and Eunice and Billy sear. Salem meats were Mrs. G. W. Moore. Mrs. A. F. Waller, Mrs, A. Martin and Mrs. Marie Put- man. Perrvdale A group of young folks eathered at the home or nr and Mrs. Dick De Jong Wednes day evening to celebrate the ism hlrthdav of Rlcnara ue jong Four tables of 500 were in piay. Hih score for the girls was held by Aladine Campbell, for the boys Nlcklas Zylstra. Viola Honk and Leonard Gilson held low score. Those bidden were Alaaine Campbell, Loel Kohle, Joe Danen hauer, Carmen Crippen, Lois Graves, Nlcklas zyistra, ieien McMillan, Eleanor Gregg, Joe Ore. Kenneth Ramey, Rick van Otten, May Van Staavern, Leon ard Gilson, Ruth Keyt, Viola Houk, Marie-Houk, Ethel Mole- naar, Edward Moienaar, mcnara and Dick De Jong. wwn iniua I Rrooka Tne Hrooas aieiuwuiat It's the last word in loveliness Aid society met in and grace for the dear little enure Tnursaay. wiwi tots ... everyono will agree "e warn, vice preside. -r . particularly the youthful business session, uuuw . . ... i iwaa urrBfl 10 nn. v. uu, wa peray puiiea wtw. i- -,I1K. Mr. vtrrtt . Aren't they too delightful for f- :c " "Ti v A.hhan7h J words! The dainty printed sheers ?.m?' " LT' such a.. dimity, lawn, .wis,, or- ki LuVr Hntto. Mrl kgandle. etc. would be very pretty gmtaitfc VlnZ? JP' U "T Clark. Mrs. Helen Sargent. Mrs. " i wniiim r.attaw. Mrs. Marr Mar- 1 1 7fi Lablsh Center. Mrs. Harvey th Ep worth League were guests waa assisted In aarrinr h hr I .mden- ia tB auu I"r hmr, oa I of th supervisors, Mrs. C. L. At llinrli., 11.. T fill. A ti tk. ifcirtj-fin dar of rMakr. ltsj, wood and Mrs. Robert Anderson uueuk., ana, uuiim viuwwi. I maaa vo lat iinruM Coobiiuoiw mi opeciai gueSCS inciuaea Mrs. OMl" 01 won. pursuant to law: CO t TTrll II.. I CAPITAL. , "C1" J wirw. rs. Amoant of capital .lock paid St Florence AdAnhnrv Um n.J.II. I nna A F. " wwu.r.B, uviumia I wv.wv.vv. LeBare: rlnh niAmhera ln1t4 I IKCOMK Mrs. Sarah Adams. Mrs. Florence .AKvSf?,.lmt i4- ta. yaar. aaipp, airs. Laura McAdams, Mrs. I Iawrxt, diunu ana rau tniii Rose Vorls, Mrs. Sarah Peterson. I d,riB ,h Tr. sss8.ts4.35. Mrs. Hattle Cameron. Mr. froa .??re raire Southwlck. Mrs. Bertha Loveland, Mrs. Rose Hagedorn, Mrs. Jennie f. B. Jones and Mrs. Martin. Mrs. Sarah Peterson win ha hostess for th next meeting, which will be an all day affair. wood and Mrs. Robert Anderson, Friday night at Hammond hall. IRIS GOES EAST mm I darlaa th yaar. S93.474.20 TMal laeoiaa. S,06V,7a.51. DISBUaSEilENTS Kit lotaaa paid durlaf th yaar laelad int adJuttBtat aznaiiaaa. S2 27 saf .aa. Diridaada paid oa capital stock darta Paul V Marls, secretary of the tha year. S400.000.00. .... i,. a.. .1.. coaaauauoaa and salaiias paid darlat , " ' . " :. " " - , th. year. 1 1.4 so,.;. 34. " plane Monday night for Washing- Mrs. E. M. Ballav will hAhn.f. Aker and Mrs. Harry Lotto were 1 ess to the Woman'a Mi..inn.r. joint hostesses at the Aker horn society of the First Bantlst haturday afternoon for a miscel- church at her horn on Portland mucous saower aononng ior-1 roaa JTiaay afternoon ence S. Burr. I planninc to attand ira ..vt A At the service hour the host-1 meet at the church at i-io esses wer assisted by Mrs. Wll- o'clock. Mrs. William Morley will liam Zinger and th Misses Em- be leader for the dlanaaion ma and Caroline Harris and Vel- which will be centered abont tha 4.v4. ma Rominger. them. "Our Black Frlanda" Thl Pramiuma la count of aollactioa rit- Taaa. llaaaaaa and faaa amid 4 aria va Tmr, iB,ue.a. Aaouat of all otaar eipaaditmrea, 1310, 4V1.WI. Total oxpandituraa. $5,508,504.4. ASSETS Thnajtl ' oi raai osiato ovaoa (atarket ln0 valoo). S5S, 025.99. valua ol atoeka aad aonda owaod (aaar kat alna). S8.90T.151A2. Loaaa on raortgac aad ollatcral, at Caah in banka aad oa fcaad. SaOC- ton. where he will attend a meet ing to make plans for the enroll ment of men In President Roose velt's forest conservation pro gram, as it affects the state of Oregon The meeting was called by the secretary of labor and will be at tended b Representatives from Washington, Oregon, California, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, A . & ...... . . 4 I . . I . .. l .... H., in itit tMi. AHiuuo, auu uuesis were Mrs. w. a. siar- cten taoies Quartet will present Wyoming. ker, Mrs. Alice Jefferson, Mrs. I special music. Joe Garbarino, Mrs. Dominlo La- Rose. Mrs. Tillie Isham. Mrs. 1 Many women of Salem ara nl.n- Henry Miller, Mrs. Arthur Miller, ning to attend the attractive 811- Mra. Ed Miller, Mrs. Frank Weln- vr tea ror which Mrs. W. T. w m.. if ti, I Rrlar will K. 1..,... . . ixiib. uibu Miuiw, mio. xu. --"I""' - ar BOme Amount of unearned pramium oa all . v eiuuiau, xara. uscar .nauier, i - uc, rreai saiem, I ontauaataff naka, S4,4iS,S2S.lS Mrs. Paul Riggi, Mrs. Harry anernoon with members of RoAhm Mrs Horace, RihhY Mra. ln Women S MiSSionarr of thai Fred Pugh, Mrs. Guy Dow', Mrs. F11 Congregational as assisting Mary Harris. Mrs. Alex Boynton, ra. w. u. ciarke and Mrs. W. R. Daugherty, Mrs. ; VJ- c- Tlbbits will pour th Vlvfha VMI xtrm v a vtmrn. Ilrsl hour and Mrs. W. B. TTanaan chuch, Mrs. I. D.", Bennett. Mrs " JStoB Uat wl pour th Harry Bennett, Grac and Fran- """" LUUi- naa TUvMtXA TLWm VlaVla VmV I 9 and Mrs. O. G. McClaughry. ft,Mfhf Sm84 Hvttrd.' mmb" o o o I - ntuuui ayaiem is spending th Easter vacation with Waconda. A family dinner parents, Mr. and Mrs. o. t wm Anlovnd SiinrlaT at tha hnmat Hurd Of 1S1K Martin if. -.r T n j j I Hnrd will - a...... I aaco Aaaoclatioa. ii air. sou oils, nau ci uuuiuja j . oobuiq sua- I Xarno of Freoidaat, William T wnea mey emeriainea nononng i "'ui Mrs. Brundidge's sister, Mrs. Les- Iirtoraat aad rcata daa aad aceraad. 9u.zo.7a. Othar admitted aaaata, SS0.054.S6. Total adautud aaaata, $11,387, tT8.iL UAUlLilTXES Oroa alaima for loaaea unpaid, 9741,- 9.UU. Due) for coatmUaioa aed brokerin. SI.- va.isi.To. All otkor liabillUei. S85S.S65.0S. Total liabilities, oxeept capital. 8, S09.883.95. Capital paid ap, 12,000,000.00. Snrplaa oror all UabiUtlaa. 0M.58. Snrplaa aa rafarda pollcykoldara, 4, HS.091.S6. Toto. lt,IS7.9TS.Sl. B181XE3S IN OBEGOK FOR THE TEAK Net preanlaou roeoired darias tha rear. "This conference is one of series which, when completed will include all states of the union," i statement Issued by Governor Mel er said. "Consultations are being held with representatives of the states in the far west earlier than the states earer Washington be cause a great majority of national parks and national forests are la S23.09S.31. Loaaoa paid darlag the yaar. $9,239.51. Loasoa Incurred daring tko year, $11,- 26. 59. Xanta of Company, Oamdea Tire Inmr- lie Roll of Rochester, N. T., be fore her departure for her home. and Mrs. E. J. Roll of Portland. whose birthday it was. 0 0 0 Turner. Misses Katie and Rosa Ahrens entertained at their country home Saturday night for a group of friends. At auction bridge Mrs. J. S. Whitehead, Jr., received high score, Mrs! J. R. Cox second and Miss Olga Gath third. No. 99 Sraoptio of Annual gtatoaoat of tka Homo Indemnity Company of 19 Ma Idas i-aao , fl rot City, la tko Stato of w .York, oa tko tairty-firtt day of Do- . maao to tno ininraaca Con Head. Xaaao of Beerctary, Ilwood 8. Tkomp- aoa. Statntory resident attorney for serrlea. Psttern 1489 may b ordered . William Schater. Mrs. A. only In sizes S, 4. C and f . Six w Harris, Mrs. U D. Clark. Mrs. 4 require 34. yards SI Inch Ro Rwd Mlaa Edna Lesher. Mrs. Wanfn TllnaiavaiaJ VW alMi . ... aa a arwe - .-..w uiiuuaiw avey - uj -'"f l Harris, miss Mary uiara, sewlne instrnctlona lnr.lnded ir.i. vmtli Paad. L - r 1 XUUC1 W HUUHi , ji--"Pttern. ,t lMlBg Ada Hutto. and Mrs. A. M. iDunlavy. Anbnrn. Mrs. Don Smith en tertained the eighth grade class of last year with a party at the family horn on th Frnitiana road. Friday night. : Thos present were; Man Baumgartner, Helen Juta, June Scouten, David jonnston. jrioya Baumgartner, Dale Smith and the hostess, Mrs. Don smitn. , 8oa4 flftooa eoata (15) la eoiaa or staatpa eoiaa preferred), for lata pattara. Wtito plainly yoar name, addrosa aad fttyle aarnkev.. Bo aaro to state aio waatad. Bead for tne Aano Adams fa aaloa book. It eonuiaa 12 colortal peraa at lovely Paris-liuplred mod ele tor every sewiaf need, aad nova kow to bo eaie at overy koar at tko day. Krary atyla le practio al. aad easy ta atako. There are modaia for tko larrar fijare aad araa of doUsatfal Jnnior aad kid la atyloa. Loroly Unrerie. aad ao eaioary paUeras. too. Prloo of cata loV fiftooa aoata, catalog aad eat aara together , tweaty-firo oonta. Addreeo all mall ardora to Tko Oreroa StatesmaJT Tattors Depart- enenW W, lTtaatcaaVW . Yet. city.'. 'Brush College. -Mrs. Sam Rlv ett arrived her - from . Honolulu this week and will be a guest of her . husband's parents. -Mn n4 MTrs: FranVRTveUi6f 'BffdslrTJSP ?lge, for several months. s M; . Hollywood. Members of the Hollywood Ladies' Social club en- $4. 158.209 J7 Interest, dividend aad reata roeeiTod dariaa tko year. Slt5.BlS.8T. income irons otaar aoarooa roeoivod during Uo year. 1,048.843.90. (Iaelodea Capital 4b Borplaa Paid ia, 1.000.0O0.C0.) Total Ueoaa, $5,540,169.14. DlSauiSKMSN'TS Joyed a pleasant social WLtlmiMmSni.S. at the home Of Mrs. D. B. Willis. I IKTldends paid oa capiUl stock daita TIia,. nmaiit Mu ITantAft I UtO Tear. "v'"v Ooatmlasloaa aad salarlea paid dariag as a special guest; Mrs. V. M. I the ?ar. s1.e94.ts1.19. p LaDue, Mrs. C. L. Allison. Mrs. I Taxos. Uoeaeee aad 'foe paid dariatr E G Holler Mrs C. 8. Thomas - AV'of Wi& pdiur !,. HUB. A. A. natiua, iUlh SUm If I o i 1,1 -. ner, Mrs. L. Starr, Mrs. D. Jsv T,tol ditareo. T.SdT.esT.s. a a ir.. - ir I ASaXTS i . c. Qiitt, an u. a. vi saiu( 1 Taiaa;. Mrs. E. E. Lucas and Mrs. D B. ? aad koada owned, ft. Ko. 94 Synopsis of Annual Statement of tko Stato rarm Life Inmranoe Comoaay af aissioner of tka State of Oregon, aurauaat I Bioomiagton, ia tke State of llUaoie, oa to U: a - ' the thirty-first day of December. 19BA, -CAPITAT. I made to tke Inanrancn Commisaioner of Amount of capital atoek aaid ua. SI - I (a State of Oregon, pursuunt to law: 750.000.00. r. o . j CAPITAIj INOOJCX I Amoant of eapiul stock paid ap. $100,- et premioma received d aria a tko rear. I 000.00 Willis. Woodburn The Presbyterian Ladles' Aid society will hold Its next meeting in the dining room of th church Wednesday after noon at 2:30 o'clock. Annual re ports will be given by the secre tary and the treasurer. A program in keeping with Easter and special music will b given. Rev. Kather ine Powell will be the speaker of th ' afternoon. Th new year books will he ready and are to be given out. Zena. Th Zona Toung Peo ple's Christian Endeavor society was entertained with a pleasant f social evening at th bom of Mr. and Mrs. R. C Shepard with th Misses Julia and Ruth Shep ard as hostesses Friday. SHverton. Mrs. Selmer Ness entertained Sunday night tor the nieaaare of her mother, - Mrs. fSifhtf 'EtMwTRJ a6BWff1nT her TOth birthday anniversary. is COME $306,010.91 Iaterest, dividends aad ran to roeoivod duriaa tke rear. 130.414.94. Iaoomo from other eeareee received dar ing the year. $86,183.24. Total Income, $381,819.09. DISBURSEMENTS Paid for losses, endowments, aaanities aad surrender valaea. S14.911.50. Dividends paid to policyholders during tko year. S32.508.3S. Dividenda paid oa capital stock during tke year, maaawiiw um iwani, aum tko year. S9o.0TT.aa. Taxea. lieeaaaa aad feea paid daring tka year. fia.sit.Ti. Amoant of all otkor axpeadl tares, $90, 1471. Total expoaditarea, $25t,86$.2T. ASSETS Yalao of real estate owaod (market valua). Value of atoeka aad koado owaod (mar ket or aatormsod value). S8TS.1T9.4S. Loaaa oa mortgager aad collateral, ottv. S34.700.00. Premium notes aad policy loaaa, St, 461.25. Cask la Vaaka aad oa kaad. $10.81144. Nrt eaeeUeeted aad deferred premiuma, S79 S10.40. Iaterest aad reata daa aad accrued, $9,- Otkor aaaata (act) $ Total admitud assets. $806,034.11. UABILrrllS V.a naama. SlieLlSASa. Orou elaime for loaaea aapald. So.- JSl.tO. All tUM l!.t.iUtl Total liaatutitioa, except eapuei. 371.079.$$. Loaaa oa atortgageo Ovaraatood, $15,- Cath la Banks aad oa kaad. $171.- 748.67. Premiams la course of eaUeetloa writ- tea ilnee Septoiabor St, ltSS. $U8,-834.8S. Other aaaata, $71,191.2. Iaterest aad ream . daa aad aoeraei. $43,9511. Total damittea asaevs, 9 LIABILTTIXS Groas elaime for loaaoa aapaid aad leoa expense. $J.193.09TJ. Aaaoaat 0$ aaearaed preailasaa oa all eatataadia rlaka, $1,198,699.59. Daa for oommlaaloa aad krokeragB, $97,583.86. Ill ..k. . It.ViUM.. IM Ml Ml tV?: -r"'""-" w-- T-',::rr..4 aiaa aaa aa. dUO.flV.VVei I vmsfteeaa jrwo nra --e" - CapiUl paid ap, 81,710,000.00. I Sarphu ever aU liaWBrioo, $11 a-i-. .11 fi.K;ui. a oa a sva AA I nn a ai Sarptaa as ragarda voUeyheldere. $1.- I Surplus at regard aoUey-koUara, 658,570.44. I S41S.08S.81. - a. . a ai-aaat ase s$ I fFI at A at Al 1 t business 'iii oEsbox yoKTHK txax BTJsmfcss iic oaiooat to rax rxAn Net premiuma received dsriag tko year. fll.0df.49. Loaaea paid daring tka year. 8T.11S.0. Loaaoa iacarred daring Ua year, 9V T57.5S. . . - . Name of Company, Tke Eomo Xadeea- aity Company. . . Kama of Prealdent, .Wilfred Kurtk, . , vlttime wf Secwtarr. Msat ALawa ) Statutory real dent attorney for serriee, IT. B. Besaasea. Portlaad, Oregoa. . - T1 tear. 681T.79. rreauu remlama roeoivod darlaf the aad divide da rotaraod dar- taa tka rear $38.70. - - ". 1 .v. - Ijooaoo pan bbhs 7 Xasna at Wpaay, State Pant Ufa Xasuraace Coapaay. w.. mt PMaidaat. O. 2. Ifoekorio. i w..a cMtaw flea Ti Ttaanla ' tatatarr reeHea attorney ier nenw. A. H. AverTfl. Commitaiener of I as bis ace. RESBYTERIAnS HDLD in Dr. Grover C. Blrtchet, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, is conducting a series of meetings at the church this week. The gen eral theme Is "words from the Cross". Topics for the remainder of the week are as follows: Wednesday: 'Unllmlted Par don" from the words, "Father, Forgive them for they know not what they do" and "Today thou shalt be with me in Paradise". Thursday: "On the Threshold of Hell" from the words: "My God, My God, why hast Thou for saken Me?" Friday: "Life By Death" from the words: "It Is finished", "Fath er into Thy hands I Commend My Spirit". The Gideon quartette will sing Thursday night. All services begin at 7: JO o'clock and the public is Invited. a. TrT iW calls ! but hundreds of bargains! com to Bonnow . F.t M Rumor Says Beer Plant Going: up; But Idea Scouted WEST SALEM. April 11. There is a narrow strip of land between the Willamette river and the city limits of West Salem that Ilea within the limits of neither Salem nor West Salem, and on It two beer Industries are being erected. On on th I. P. right-of-way, that rumor has it will b a concrete brewery and the other on the Wilbur P. Lewis Marlon county Is making pro vision, through further borrowing from the R. F. C. funds, to carry oa road work as a means of pro viding relief to many unemployed. The county relief committee was In session this week to go over needs for future work. The middle of this month marks the end of the first two- months period for which the conn- ty committee obtained relief lands through the state relief commit tee. The state group deala di rectly with the R. F. C. Ko indication has been given as to what sua the county will seek for further relief endeavors. HANDK, SR, OS COUNCIL SILVERTON, April 10 C. A. Hande. Sr., was appointed by May or B. W. Garner to fill the va cancy la the city council left by the resignation of J. F. Conrad who left for an extended stay In Arizona. ALru 0 -a vS?. V4-'i,rt-- t 1 . -. . ;. -.' f , .... . . , ... -i' ' ' '. ' ' ' ' haven't seen crowds unless you've seen the crowds at our 3rd An niversary Sale! They are taking advantage of prices like these: Dresses as low as 95c s as you've never saved before. M e r chandise on sale is new Bprinj merchandise . . . just what you've wanted for Easter. For in stance: The new spring coats, polo coats $7.95; swagger coats at $9.95. prices such as these are not to be passed up: Hats, $1.43 to S5.95; Hose, 45c to 95c; SMrts. 95c to $1.68. You've paid more for the same quality . . 5Ve invite you to share in our ' Birthday Sale! offerings. mm t J a at Johnson's you will find every item in our stock reduced .for this great Anniversary Sale. Come today, Ife the third day of the sale, but selections are still good.' Silk Dresses, Tal lies trp to $18.75. odd lot. While they last your choice $5.00. i Join the Crowds at I JOHNSON'S THE STORE FOR LADIES 454. STATE T V