The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 15, 1933, Page 10, Image 10

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Community Cluk Enjoys Irw
r terestlng Program ; at
v? .Schoolhouse .'.
KEIZER, jn. 14 A large
crowd - attended the community
club meeting at the school house
Friday night. A abort business"
iMiloam held at which Mrs.
Harry Oldenburg reported the
splendid aaccesa of the hot
lunches provided for the chil
dren. :
It waa decided to hold a jitney
luncheon at the school houae
Friday night Jan. 27 to farther
flnanco i the lunches. The pro
gram ' committee for the next
meeting will be Miss Irma Keef
er, Mrs. M. C. Bunnell and Wil
lard Savage; and for refresh
ments, Mr. and Mrs. D. -McGIn-ty
and Lola Keefer.
. The following program was
given, derected by Mrs. Era Kel
so: A demonstration of lip read
ing with two boys from the state
deaf school, by Mrs. Bunnell. In
structor; song, group of Kelzer
girls, with Lorraine Russell at
the , piano; a play, "My Lady's
Lace," by Lucille Kelty, Lucille
Hackett. Carroll Cummings and
Ernest Savage : readings by Lois
Pierce and Arlene Frogley; vio
lin solos, Geraldine Schmoker. of
Salem, accompanied by Tier mo
ther: auartet numbers by uu
bert, Glenn, Ernest and Willard
Savage: piano solo. Dorothy Ru
llfson; reading, Eileen Holden;
good night song by a rroup im
personating negro boys.
,- - o
"r r 1
f Enrique Von Buelow, German World
war ace, also known by a variety
! ot aliases, who is held incommuni
! eado at Newark, N.J, following bia
i arrest on a charge of delivering
i 130,000 in spurious United States
. suTrency to Montreal agents. Secret
I service men arrested Von Buelow on
bis arrival at Newark by plane from
MILL CITY, Jan. 14 Members
of the I. O. O. F. and Rebekah
lodges of Mill City enjoyed a
pleasant time Tuesday night when
officers of the two organisations
were installed for the coming year.
At the close of installation cere
monies a social hour was enjoyed
nd a banquet was served.
Mary Carter, district deputy
president, assisted by Clara Ells
worth as deputy grand marshal.
Installed the following officers for
the Rebekah lodge:
Ida riMtwood, aoble grand; Jennie Da
vis, vie-gTaid; Abbia Geertsen, secre
tary; Mary Carter, treasurer; Christina
Phillip, warden: Neilie Ward, conduc
tress; Susie Haynes, chaplain; Eva
Xaiaea, asasieUn; Clara Ellsworth, right
support noble (rand; Kelt Wsehter, left
enpport noble (rand; Johanna Jorgenson,
Sight sop port Tiea-fraad; Asrusta Witt,
aft aappert Tice-grand; Aagnst Tonng
kerg, inside gnsrd, and Charles Wilson,
ntside gaard. Millie La Vine is- outgoing
Mble grand.
Following the seating of the
Rebekah officers, W. E. LaVine,
v district deputy grand marshal, x
sisted by August Toungberg, act
ing deputy marshal, installed the
I. O. O. F. officers:
frank Phillips, noble grand; T. H.
Bajrea, Tlce-grand; M. J. Knerr, secre
tary; R. A. Mason, treasurer; Charles
Wijson, warden; W. E. LaVine, eondue
' tor; Walter Leisy, right support noble
(rand; Bam Jorgensen, left support noble
grand; Ed Baynes, right support fiee
grsad; George Clow, left aapport iee
frand; W. W. Mason, chaplain; Jamca
Seim. outside goard, and Chester Blatcr,
Inside gaard.
Burial Rites Held
At King's Valley
For Bertha Qualey
Mrs. Bertha Qualey died at the
home of her son, ivet umrsien
en, following a brief illness from
pneumonia. Mrs. Qualey came to
Oregon 45 years ago and has lived
most of that time in Silverton.
She Is survived br her husband.
John Oualev: four sons. Julius,
Ivet and Isaac Christensen of
King's Valley, and Martin Chris
tensen of Monroe; daughter, Mrs.
Emma Blinken of King's Valley.
Three sisters and six grandchil
dren also survive.
' Rev. Schoeter of the Corvallis
Lutheran church officiated at the
funeral, and interment was in the
King's Valley cemetery.
4-L Postpones Meet
Until Next Friday
SILVERTON, Jan. 14 The
Four-L meeting which was to
have been held Friday night at
Silverton has been postponed un
til next Friday night at which
time installation of officers and
an address by W. G. Ruegnitx of
Portland, state president of the
4-L organisation.
ROBERTS. Jan. 14 The
women of the G. T. club were en
tertained with a 1 o'clock lun
cheon at the home of Mrs. 'Bud
Stutsman, assisting were Mrs.
Davenport and Mrs. Harnsburger.
Those present were Mrs. Alice
Coolidge, Mrs. Leonard Zlelke,
Mrs. G. S. Higgens. Mrs. Flora
Holley, Mrs. Gordon Bowman,
Mrs. E. A. Goodrich, Mrs. Ro
bert Judson, Mrs. Forest Ed
wards; Mrs. John Orsborn, Mrs.
Kathern Woodard, Mrs. Albert
Blankenshlp, Mrs. W. C. Petty
John; Mrs. J. P. Bressler, Mrs.
Buster Kleen, Mrs. G. F. Jung
wirth, Mrs. Calvin Bressler, Mrs.
Esther Query, Mrs. Lon Sainson,
Mrs. Rov J. Rice. Mrs. S. C. Da
venport, Mrs. Edward Harns-
ourger. and host, Mrs. Bud
Mrs. S. C. Davenport, assisted
by Mrs. Ed Harnsburger and
Mrs. Albert Blankenshlp, will en
tertain the club in three weeks
at the home of Mrs. Davenport.
Mrs. Albert Blankenshlp en
tertained her club from Salem
with a luncheon at her home
Friday. A special guest waa Mrs.
John Blankenshlp of Sardis, Canada.
Club members present were
MI 88 Leo Relman, Mrs. Emol
Stripling, Mrs. Leslie Springer,
Mrs. Herman Watson and .. the
host, Mrs. Blankenshlp.
JEFFERSON., Jan. J 4. Instal
lation of officers was the. main
feature at the meeting Tuesday
night of Euclid chapter, O. E. 8.
Guests were present from Al
bany, Lebanon, Stayton and
Shedd. Short talks were given by
members and visitors, and flowers
were presented Mrs. Ina Thomas,
retiring matron; Mrs. Hasel Kel
ly, worthy matron, anil Mrs. Mar
tha Curran, Installing officer.
Mrs. Martha Curran, W.M., of
Brasilian chapter, Albany; Mrs.
Ethel Hurt, W.M., Acacia chapter,
Stayton; Mrs. Esther Bond, W.M.,
Willamette chapter, Shedd, and
Hugh Hurt, W.P., Stayton, were
introduced and escorted to the
East. George Marlatt, past pa
tron, presented Mrs. Martha Cur
ran of Albany, installing officer,
assisted by Mrs. Ina Thomas, as
Following are the officera for
the ensuing year:
W.P ; Margaret Wall, associate matron;
ElifutJ'''' VCile Pw: Margnerite
France Kelly conductress; Anna Bartn.
a.,Wv eoBiu": Virginia Sweet,'
AOnn; Nsney Davidson, Both.: Kate
J-mes. Esther; Elmina Thurston, Martha-
law; Verna Leffler, marshal- UUU-Wil
. ward.,; Jamejohn.: m.u.sU
io k CITY, Jan. 18. Word
a "J6?, received here of the
jSSj? fl.? McPherre!
Ill ln Cora,n. '-. t the
joirn, moving from
est balem: News
WEST SALEM. Jan. 14 Thera
hava been only two law violations
recently brought before Police
Judge Elmer D. Cook, on .that of
O. C Cain arrested on the charge
of improper lights on a motor ve
hicle and the other the arrest of
Jack Cullen on the charge of
drunkenness and disorderly con
duct. 1
William T. Grler, accompanied
by Eugene Kreba motored to Al-
Thieves Get Oats
And Other Grains -
From Staats Farm
AIRLIE, Jan. 14 Some
thieves broke the lock on the
granary on the Tracy Staats farm
Thursday night and took some
oats, barley, 50 gallons of gas and
a gas pump belonging to E. W.
Staats who had the place rented.
The officers were called but they
were unable to find any clue. The
car or truck was left standing in
the road and stolen Items carried
to It.
At the annual church meeting
the following officers were elect
ed: trustee, Emery Whltaker;
leader, Mr. Mustoe; assistant
leader, Mrs.. C. S. Whltaker; Sun
day school superintendent, Em
ery Whitaker; assistant. Mrs. C.
S. Whltaker; secretary, Mrs. Em
ery Whitaker.
Gerard ism president of the Gen
ral Electric Company, who refused
to team over to the receiver of InsnU
Utility Investments, Inc, the eoL
lateral vfcW Sin.1 m.i
efo power magnate now a refuge
iT V"Tv Fgea security lor
nit last loan of 1500,000. The de
mand was made daring an ezamin
ftUon of Swopo before the Bank-
auyicy oezereo in new Yerav
Vocation Classes
Offered to Folks
Of Dayton District
Beginning Monday night, Jan.
II, at 7:30 o'clock, a night
school will be opened for the
benefit of the people in the com
munity in connection with the
work of the Dayton Union high
school. F. B. Wlllert, principal,
will be ln charge. If enough pa
trons of the district are interest
ed to justify the effort the classes
will last about 10 weeks.
A class ln poultry will be con
ducted by Walter Emmerick, vo
cational agricultural Instructor
and Miss Minn Hessler will offer
some phase of homo economics
for the women of . the commun
ity. Only two or three elective
classes can be offered and these
must bo determined by those at
Mrs. Elmer Asche
Head of Women's
Club Third Time
The women of the Growers club.
met Thursday afternoon at the
homo of Mrs. J. W. Nipple, ana
elected officers. Mrs. Elmer Asche
re-elected president for third
year: Mrs. Owen Lacy re-elected
vice-president; Mrs. Weston Lacy,
The surprise committee for en
tertainment was Mrs. Saunder-
man and Mrs. J. W. Nipple.
The next surprise committee la
Mrs. Allen Woosley, Mrs. Clyde
Comstock. and Mrs. Martha Bel-
don. The next meeting will be at
tne Pome of. Mrs. Weston Lacy,
January xi. .
: HBBaBMMnnMnnnMBaannnNsnMasBasMsnBia71
. HATE5TVTT J.W Jan 1 4
day .some men of the nelcnbor-
hooo. gainerea at the L. B. George
Place for an old fashioned house
raiaisg Dee. "
under - th Utohm , r u.
Tone and Arthur Dalke, the men
were aDie to gat most of the
Iramevork nn Ifr e.
. ..MmNSs
mer home was destroyed by .Cro
In the fall. 1
here to SI lets where Mr. McPher
ren died several years ago. Mrs.
MePherren baa been living with a
son ln Iowa for the past two years.
Demurrer is Filed
To Indictment in
Polk Against Ream
DALLAS, Jan. 14 'Attorney
for L. H. Ream of Independence,
has filed a demurrer against the
Indictment brought by the Polk
county grand Jury against Ream
charging him with rape. The de
murrer was made on the grounds
that it appeared on the face of
the indictment that more than
one crime waa charged.
Three marriage licenses were
Issued here Thursday and Friday
of this week. These were to Vir
gil F. Rlggs, XI, laborer, and
Habel Betty Holman.. It, house
wife, both of Dallas; Albert
Wiebe, XX, laborer, and . Lucille
Eleanor Curtis, 18, housewife,
both of Dallas; and to Raymond
E. Cunningham, 4t. farmers, and
Lllllam Russell, IT, at home,
both of Dallas.
aea Thursday to loo k' after -business
matters In his lumber indus
try. Ho waa out to make aiv
rangementa to get' some . cedar
with which to-cover the sub sur
face of several bridges, between
Alsea and Waldport. They found
foggy weather to the summit of
the Coast range and beyond beau
tiful sunshine. - " ' . -
Recent evening . dinner guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon
ard Burgoyne were Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Burgoyne of Salem and on
Thursday dvenlng Mr. and Tin.
Ben Meyers of Hollywood. ' ' Mrs.
Ellis Englehard of Gervals was a
house guest the last of the week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8.
Ohio Weather Fine
Rev. L. D. Smith, evangeUrt,
who is now conducting, revival
services at Gilmore, Ohio,- near
Ulrichville, writes his wife and
family here that they are. having
very pleasant weather ln Ohio
and not nearly aa cold as he had
expected. He states that though
they have had some snow and
cold that it is now very nice and
mild. He is to go to California
for a series of services ln Febru
ary, and will not return home un
til spring.
-A called meeting of the offi
cial church board and a number
of others interested ln the affairs
of the West Salem church was
held Thursday night at the home
of Rev. and, Mrs. C. L. Dark to
discuss the financial situation,
and a number of, projects consid
ered. A second meeting is called
for Monday night at the same
Elected President r .
For Brooks .Group
- -1
1-. - w'V
J-BRO0KS4 .--Tho an
nual election: ot officers for; the
Brooke Ladle Aid c society was
held 'Thursday .afternoon.; Mri. ff,l
P. VInyard, president; Airs. Mon
roe WardT vice president. Mrs.' A.
M. Dunlavy secretary;" and Mrs.
John Lasher, treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs.:A. P. Harris liave
had as their - guests, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Phillips of Grangeville,
Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips are
on their return trip from. Wash
ington, D. C, She attended Sa
lem high 18 years ago.
School Enrollment
Eciuals Peak of '31
SCIO, Janl 14-r-With the rezls
tratlon Of Emma Dostal, a sopho
more 'who Recently moved here
from Gregory,- S. 'D the high."
school registration has reached
109, equalling the highest enroll
ment of lasfyear.
The care snd attention you
gve yourjeyea win pay yu
dividends:, in better vision
and jjear enjoyment ot
life. Iklay we advise you ?
4 j.'
II ri i 7
t 'Beantifnl, Indestructible ,
v. f t
vmiac. ppcesm ... . i.
' - Special Prices on
Extractions with p
" Plate and Bridgework S
ansk a' ea - - Ina I
g THE norLTS DENTIST ay two psatea or HM en any g
S 24 Years hi Praetfce atngte plate. S
lifelike rtate
Teetlv Natoral as
Your OrJginala,
Perfect fitting . .
lifelike . ; . . win
allow you. to. eat
whatever you
wish " with com
fort . . v adding
greatly - to. your
physical fitness
Dewbto Sncttesi
. . ruu
PermltUng Yon
to Forget Your
Former Plate
Trouble. f
A splendid plate I
with nfe like
teeth and all- g
pink base ma-
Low races Tastag
Over J. C Penaey's Stort Telephone 6SS4
$3.00 THRIFT COUPON $5.00 ,
rerceUia FlOhhy LU
Teeth.. ..IUN
i i rh jn
The first 4 days "even in these timet by far sor passed previous years and shattered even our
highest expectations, folk. Think of li--Nearly SOO suits and overcoats were sold those first
great days!
Surely there is some reason for this overwhelmln g response! The hundreds who visited this sale
were amazed at these, the lowest prices ever offered In clothing circles. Come this week by an
-Ne7 "fS11 i"8 added to gi ve you even now the vast assortments that can
not be found outside of Portland.
Still these most astounding prices will prevail this week and for the remainder of this event.
GteSKfl Gib IFi?fl6 o o o o -
TEaecn Erne ocac-l 80 ve ao Nevei?.
They came . . . they bought . . . they saved,
AS NEVER BEFORE. You, too, cannot af
ford to miss this, oar greatest sale in 43
Extra good uuality Hale
and rayon. All good pat
terns and s real hose for.
wear. Many regularly sold'
at 25c, now for this 1 A
great event, 'special 1 U C
Men's Fine CCk
New colors. An extra well
made tie. Many vahes la
this group up to 1 now,
for this great Ofl
sale special . sC7C
Knit wrist, medium
weight, fine .quality. Now,
for this sale, r
extra special .DC
Men's Fine Cambric
White, full size, ready for
use. Extra special o
for this event -'- -
Our very best makes -Arrow, Elder and others. line Qaalitr lroad
eloth and madris, eoUar attached and neckbands, new colors, everyone
guaranteed for quality and wear. Regular values f 1.10 to $1.10. Now
your choice
Leather Jackets - lien's Fine
Suede. Cossack style, all leather.
Extra well made dark and light
colors. A very special parehase of
these fine Jackets, regularly sold
up to 17.15. gives yon these now
.for this great campaign at one
.f:.....,... $4.89
Pajamas-- If en's Broadcloth. In
eluding some Faultless No-Belt
New patterns and extra well
mads. Values to $LTI, now ftp
for this sale, special.. i.. VOC
SweaXers lien's Coat Style. In
-finest worsted yams, all shades.
A most exceptionally fine sweater
M - - - m a. anSi SPA v.m
un Tesniariy nu as now
tor this
Sflk Ties Man's, fine. BoUy
vogae and others, hand made.
Begular valnas to tl.ll, now for
this sale, jr
fMlal r-......... OdC
I for Llt
Cords Can't Bust In. One
fronp slightly imperfeet. light
ooler, good weight. Regular val
mss to, now for (i aa
this sale, special.... leO?
lion's Beependsra Qood colors,
good webbing;. Regular raises to
75e, now, extra
sperial -.'...v. iJ. 07C
ltot Van's. Good
weight, dark shades. weU made,
full cut, and a real pant at no
thla low price, special.... SlOC
Shirts and Shorts Men's sets. A
very special group, of Wilson
Bros, and Arrow make. Fine
broadcloth and rayon with eon
trastlns; color trims. Yalaes to
$1.11, now for .this on
treat sale ... OVC
Men's Union Natural" color, fine
Cmh cotton Swiss ribbed, with,
ng- or short slerrea. Regular
$1.1 value now QC
extra special ..,-OdC
Bono lien's finest, Intarwoven
and Wilson Bros, makes. In silk
and wool and silks. AH newest
patterns and very finest quality.
AU eises. aU colors. Regular iOe
and Tie value. u an
.. . . w
2 pairs for the i
price of 1'
icuiariy iwa h now
I JW ITiJ. UiSTi -.JTX 7 '-VT7
See Oct WirJciss
4 r? - - M36 NORTH COMMERCIAL -,v
Prese Pants Men's aU wool. Reg.
ular $K to $t.6 values. All best
makes and exceptionally fine fab
rics. NOW An Qf
to dose out V )
Pajamas Men's extra fine broad
cloth. Faultless No-Belt, Including
some of the finest materials and
especially well made, . Values to
It. SO, now for this i Ar
great campaign 1 7U
Men's Hats Hardeman and other
makes. Fine snail ty, la all pops
lar shades. Values to $1, now to
close out, a or-
Pocial $LJ3o
Men's Hats Good quality felts.
All new . shades and reliable
makes. Regularly sold up to 1 1
now for this campaign. QC
oxtra special ........
- Mena Work Shooe CaaJl annlitT
leather, with composition soles. A
real anoe lor sard wear.
Now, extra
Men'sv Broadcloth Shirts Plain
oolors and fancy. A group of Use
. broadcloth shirts In new shades
and patterns, and a most excep
tional offer on such fine shirt -now
for this,' our' greatest rp
event ................. 00 C
for $ 1.5 , -
tr hard wear. qq
special.... 9lOa7
Plus $2.00 ,
See Oct Wfadcxs