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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1932)
i PAGD NINE warn jwm mmim ere The OREGON STATESS1AN, galea, Orrary Sroday Monifagretober 16. 1932 Quickly a I r ana mconomieaiw m " " 1 : ' ' - ' ' ' - - ' . .- l- : 1 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion per line. 10 (- Three ; Insertions per tin . '.. .... . . .v. . ; loe SLv insertions per Une..30e One month per Use. Mf. 00 Minimum charge ...... 2 Be . Copy for this pace e eepted until 9:19 the even ing: before publication for classification. Copy re eel red after this time will be ran nnder the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes HELP WANTED se--s--aa-aaa-a --a. am a i"i"i"ifirJh'k''i"u'ruLrui MEN-WOMEN 18-50. 1105.00 to 3i5O.0O month. Steady government life lobs. Many port-depression ; vacancies. Prepare immediately. List positions and particulars FREE. Write today mire. Franklin Institute, Dept. J8J O, Rochester, N. T. tlJSO-fSOOO YEAR. Gorernment life job. Many post-depression vacancies. Men women. 18-50. Steady work. List positions; sample coaching and full particulars FREE. Write immediately today sure. Box 1182 O, care States man. HELP WANTED MALE Old established manufacturer win f inane responsible man in a perman ent business. Must have A-l referen ces and car. StartinsT average $30 weekly. Steady increase up to flOO fop right man. No slack season or lay offs. Write promptly McCONNON COMPANY. Dept. B-3210, Winona, Minnesota. SALESMEN WANTED Salesladies or rr.en with personality, ability, live wire. Good opportunity rtnd pay for right parties. 250 N. High. Sell advertising- coveralls, shopcoats. 12 patterns, quality herringbones, cov erts at $1-95, beats all competition. Experience unnecessary. Comm. ad vanced. Outfit free. WEAREVA. 1120 Maple, Los Arnreles. FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE OM pri '1 'i bun dle. Statesman office. V'" VI '' Excellent Concord Sweet ''Water grapes. Steddard, 1H nL on Wallace Road. . Female collie. Mrs. E. Krebs, Rt 2, Salem. Planb sale in full swing at Tall mansi Used pianos. $35, $50, $5, $87, $12$. Easy payment 395 a 12th, near 8. P. depot FARMERS: Buy your fire Insur ance ef the OREGON MUTUAL FIRE of McMlnnville. No raise in rates, and NON-ASSESSABLE! STANDLEY & FOLEY, Agts., Ladd & Bush Bank Bldg.. . Apples, N. Spies, 2315 Cottase. Ladies' full fashioned silk hose, im perfect, 7 pairs $1.05, postpaid. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Economy Hosiery Co., 'Aahebbro; N. C. j-j FOR SALE Concord grapes, Jln rrrics place. Portland road. TRADE Miscellaneous Win exchange family car, good con., for horses or cows. J. II. Adams, R. 1, Corvallis, Harry Hammond. WANTED Miscellaneous All kinds of rifles, pistols, shotguns, old gold -nd Jewelry. Condition no ob ject Name your prtea. REINER'S EXCHANGE 150 N Commercial WANTED Csed ptanoa, in ex change en radios, phonographs, or fur niture. H L. Stiff iirnji ure Ooyj1 Wanted, used club chair. Tel. 3485. TV rnrnnA TvnrtmA- tn 'ha.ul to Sa lem. 2385 N. Front Tel. 6240. WANTED Dalton or Substrand adding machine and Underwood type writer. Tel. 9399. MISCELLANEOUS Kodak prints S for 25c and up at Skewls ever Penneys store. The Paris dressmaking shoppe, room 416, Oregon Bldg. Fhone 8415. Emma B. Hale. FOR RENT ROOMS Rooms, 595 Court St. Tel. 4505. ROOM AND BOARD B-R Prlv. home. $20. 275 N. 14th. jxi"LTirtrinn.ririririrrf"irinriinii i- -vr-i Board, room. day. week or month. 1547 Court St, phone 7882. Board, rm., steam heat, $20 up. Tel. 5411. ... Large room, twin beds. TeL $317. Room and excellent "board in mod em home near state bouse, $10. Laun dry and garage included. Sox 34, Statesman. ' FOR RENT APARTMENTS Patton apartments downtown. Call Patton's book store. Close m modern steam heated apts. at special low winter rates. Phone I4J0. Apt. Garage. $12.50. $91 N. ComX Lovely court bungalow furnished, fireplace, hdw. firs., garage, elec range, $20. Phone 6164. Prescott apta, $ rms., well-furnished, private bath, furnace heat, garage, $20. 1004 Oak 8t POLLY ANTHER rOnZEMS.'J f - t HARK YEi) bo financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements pub lished In Its columns, and' In cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tions! advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify ail advertising un der the proper classification. FOR RKNT APARTMENTS Parkview Apta. 248 Marlon nnder new management. Furnished apta.. newly renovated, water and heat, fur nished. ---i.pi.-,ii-,n ...... -,-ii-innjxn 4 R. unfurn. apt, frigldalre, elec tric range, garage. 2010 Nebraska St. Furn. apt close In, 233 Division. Well furnished 2 -room apartment 2201 HaseL Tel. 7664. Cute apt. heated, $12. TeL $254. Small furn. apt. 690 Union. .i-i-,-,--.----. 3 R. furn. apt, steam heat, frlgld alre. 1209 Court Clean, cheap apts., rma $4, $S, $Sper tao. Water, lights, fur. 770 S. Com'L 3 room furn. apt, 255 Center. FOR RENTHOUSES Furn. and onfurn. houses. R. A. Forkner, 110 N. Cottage. TeL 3031. 0 room hnns ss sm. c- c. and beds, $10 mo. Inquire 255 Center. j w vwwi twU OB till CO bedrooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen and breakfast nook. Full basement and garage. 1670 B St Phone 7322. Good 6 room house. Tel. 0539. 1450 NnrtH 1 0th St ,.. . - " w., .""J IllUUli .1, call P. H. BELL, 9S78 or 7162. Five room completely furnished du plex, garage. 804 Milt St. House partly furnished. Close In. Cheap. 1320 State St, Apt 1. FOR RENT Modern 6 -room home. Call 803 N. Church. Good five room house for rent 475 S. Winter. FOR RENT FOR RENT R anr, fnitt k miles south of Salem in Liberty dis trict, good 5 room house on place. .1 . a i, . , .. . ' luBBicrou, weu ana. spring, small Darn and chicken house. Cheap rent to a re sponsible party; Phone 9541. FOR SALE -Real Estate Good semi-modern home surrounded by beautiful shaded grounds, fruit nuts, berries, grane arbor and nr. dena Six rooms, fireplace, basement tot i.uxua. garage. Hear junior high and grammar schoola Paved street nice view. $3500, terms, might accept some carpenter work on deaL Owner 765 Rural avenue, phone 8854. We have a 4 room house, garage, paved street sidewalks, several fruit trees, large lot, for only $600.00 on easy payments. 340 acre stock ranch, 6 room house, 2 good barns, 90 acres tillable, running water, good road, will exchange for city property. . A good 60 acre farm, fair improve ments, running stream, some timber, 30 acres under cultivation for only $2, 500.00. McGILCHRIST PENNINGTON 209-10 U. S. Nat'L Bank Bldg. Salem property to trade for coast property. 791 a 13th. 132 acres nine miles from Salem, good buildings, 14 acres alfalfa, creek through place, all cultivated except about five acrea No better farm in the valley and party will accept small acreage in trade or cheaper land near Pedee. Apartment house, 18 apartments, ex tra good furniture, for sale at a bar gain or will accept some trade, either city or farm property here in the val ley or eastern Washington. Houses to rent from $10.00 to $50.00 per month. CrHAR HUDKINS, Phone 9182. Room 3, Miller's Store Bldg. Late built modern suburban home, six room basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, nice furnishings, gar den space, excellent view, located in Salem Heights. $35. per mo. W. H. ORABENHORST CO. 134 & Liberty St LOT SACRIFICE . $175.00 cash will take corner lot on the S. W. corner of the Intersection of N. 2apltal and Parrish streets, 50 by 00 f set, pavement paid, walks In. Here is your chance to buy a lot at i price. W. H. GRABENHORST CO., . REALTORS - 1S4 South Liberty Street FIVE YEARS WITHOUT INTEREST $10.00 down and $10.00 per month takes 10 acres of fine walnut, filbert or berry soil, all cultivate a real buy at $1250.00; let us show you. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street A REAL SNAP Modern five room 'home with base ment, furnace, fireplace,- hardwood floors, nice yard, east front Price 43000. $500. down, 1aL terms. Located at US5 ti. Church St SEE W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. is south Liberty Street PALS - - w www w w . . -.-y--w- mmm "y"-!". . j-ioerty, modern furnished 3 rm. apt. I FOR SALE Real Estate 20S mm Ift uw., M,Hitf.i.j , . . balance pasture and timber. S000 cords oak, mortgage $3000.00 : iiprlng and old house; exchange for anythlng owner can handle. i I room strictly modern house in good location, price $4000.10 or will exchange for f . room Tigln . type house and assume. . - . hou la No. St Jem, price $$00.00. Can arrange terms. H seres dose to town with mod. era I room bouse, mortgage $2100.00 ; exchange for T room new and modern house and will assume sane amount . 8. M. EARLE 20S No. High Fhone t$71 m - -tj,v-irsr-sn-n-r-nrx. xrxruTxnrxnn, TWO BARGAINS; 28 A. rich bottom land, i) A. alfal f. 8 A. strawberries, all stocked and equipped, death In family cause of sacrifice price of $3500. 110 A. must be sold, owner ill, fine soIL some timber, creek and spring, electricity, $8000. Will consider trade for pnrt WINNIE PETTYJOHN 17f South High Stpset 1 1-4 A. on highway miles, cher ries and prunes S0. $150. cash, terma 4 A. Toledo, large house, needs re pair, clear, for property here. !H A. close In. good. T room house, elec., bath, garage, barn, S chicken houses, fruit and nuts, want mod. home N. or E. C. J. JACKSON, 341 State Street through place. Small federal loan, sale price $0000. Might consider tome trade. Box 0, Statesman. EXCHANGE Real Estate - -i- i--tni-if n.-n-ir,rutr Calif, ranch want Improved Oregon ranch. 20 acre vineyard near Fresno, heavy producer, practically new house, barn, electric motor, pressure system, new welL Give complete details as to what you have to trade in first letter. C Sorenson. P. O. Box 159, Parlier, CaL FOR EXCHANGE 80 acres close to Salem on good mar ket road, 20 acres cultivated, bal. pas ture and some timber, all well fenced, small house, fair barn, chicken houses. welL spring water piped to bldga Price I4ZU0. will take Salem home as part $3 acres located on market road. 8 acres in orchard, 25 acres cultivated, bal. pasture and timber. Good welL spring ana creeK, rair set or bldga Priced right at $2600, part terms. N. caiLDS CO Realtors 320 State Street Phone 670$. ACREAGE 2 good 20 acre tracts and a rood 13 acre tract All reasonably priced with terms as desired. See me about these places today. H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 890 J 'UBXTBrKOMES Dandy one acre tract, close to city. paved road, plastered 4-R. house, large Darn ana nen nouse, electric lights, city water, bath and toilet all for only $1950 $500 down. Why nott You will be sorry if you don't 5-ACRES $1900.00 New S R. house, dandy son. rood location, give terma This Place You Should Own 27 ft -acres, good 5-R. house, all la cultivation, good spring, electric lights, on paved road, 7-mlles out Price $!, down. This is a bargain. See J. l. SEARS, Realtor 132 South High Street 2Vi A. 6 room house, for rood house In town. 17 A., stream, close to Salem, $300. R. A. FORKNER 1610 N. Cottage TeL 303L 50 A. 8 mL from town, 30 under cul tivation, 10 in orchard, stocked and equipped at $6000. Will con sider city nroDerty. 1 A., paved road, good soil, 4 rm. plas tered house, plumbing, lights. A real buy at $2250. Some trade. 15 A., 2 In berries. Irrigation available. b rm. house, barn, etc S1400. SI A. all under cult, fenced, fruit, ber ries, s rm. house, new barn and chicken house. Stock and equip ment complete at $5500. Consider city properly. 8 rm. strictly modern house, north Salem. A real buy at $3300, terma TRADES RENTALS INSURANCE J. F. ULRICH COMPANY 325 State Street Phone 8672. 55 acres, one ml. from R. R. station. all cultivated, 5 room house, large new Darn, other rarm bldga. lays well. stocks and equipment, barn full of hay, everything goes, 15500. 6 3-4 A. l!i ml from Salem. 5 room house, good well and pump, mostly all in fruit, ilioo. y, cash. 2 V4 A. mL from Salem on paved road, s room house, bath, basement electric lights and water system, gar age ana chicken house, fZ675. MELVIN JOHNSON 278 State Street Phone 6796. ACREAGE BUYS $75.00 down and balance $15.00 per month to include interest per cent, 3 room house, and outbuild ing, paved road, close to school and store, close in. price 11800.00. $25.00 down and balance $10.00 per month and two years without In terest will take acres of fine prairie soil on paved road, three room bouse, price $1800.00. $200.00 down and balance terms at $ percent will take 6 acres with 4 room house and outbuildings, all in strawberries, good road, electric lights, a real buy at $1800.00. $100.00 down and balance terms win handle 1 acre with 4 room house and outbuildings, located close la . on -Falrvlew avenue, a real "buy - ax sieve. ve. If you axe looking for a small acreage SEE W. H. GRABENHORST 4k CO, - U!iALUiU! - ' 134 gooth Liberty Street MONEY TO LOAN PERSONAL LOANS MA DB on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly. When in financial need see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT First National Bank Bldg. Phone 811$. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT X1ANS 31. ATW lAJAIi CUUfANI fit nMmn RnlMIn 9wtA tnM Telephone 7 7 IX. Stat lteanaa "n O-iaa. 44 Tdle i 1 1 i j i i - I . . : : . ' : ' MONEY TO LOAN 4Bel!s of Harmony Heard ovev KOIM Sally rmf out a loan servtee that Is really, really fliffereat. TOO GET THJB rULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST QUICK AND COURTEOUS SEHYICS wt uuno sis' CO eV Beneficial Loan N Society A in ru ee til New Bltgh Bldg. rnd ftost 818 State St TeL I-T-4-S MONET LOANED ON AUTOfl Contracts Refinanced Arrange ta reduce rout payments Ten keep the ear P. A. EIKER Car iJh,rt c, - Phone 4732 Salem. Ore. LOANS WANTED ..... 1-11-,-nn i , i I.IUUJI. WANTED Ral eatAta lnisi Staa sliaa itu will pay 7 int. good security. SEE W. H. ORABENHORST CO. n. Linerry Btreet LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Phont 4 Iff. RafaS1l11sk!Sl AJB .W.a M..Aa "vB-uvew SI 111 SCt IJUtM. WJ T still paying 7e light hens and Ic med. bens F. O. B. owa plant Evergreen Poultry and Egg Co, 120 a Com'L St., In the alley. FOR SALEWOOD wau aaggie for dry fir, oak, ash nd mania. IteaantMhl-k rtnm Muu. 3739. " .SSjaa m la -a, -a a. a-a. a., --,-y,- n n flJ-Las,ft t M.mjUJJl QUA MTS-r nny ff fl -TaL knot c.i.n. cn. -i rt- 'm J CotUga, ., , a 1 -. -n Dry wood at Tracy's. Phone 8168. DRT BTR IMA rt k zr vmrtr i and fuel p!L Call on us for prleea We give good measure, good quality and good eorvtce ARM EH TRANSFER A STORAGE Teleobene 2111 WW......... -ii-innri.n.niui Old fir. aah am w V ii '--- ama jay VISUIOT shavinga TeL 8932. First class wood, phone $$$7. --aibo .m ifrvwia. ary asn, old nr. goodwood. Right prleea Howard, 1388 N. Front Tel. 6240. LOST AND FOUND a. i. s-'-eeSawasa--l-an nj- I jTT Dalwraa-a V--.t. . . and 345 & Winter, cUimi la rd trvn -r1 COM S-"- -a ct. e Omi0 LOST T 10,41 KlVk-ssrM UaOt-.. - Z w-r. a lewuici VMl BBSS on Wallace Road, or between Lincoln mna j. . ts. nospitax Keep money and r-aiurn ocner contents. TeL TFSS. Taken un Cirt 7fh asi a ... Jersey heifer. Same can be had for paying for the keep and for this ad. n. UHU1BCKS Phone 34F22. R. t. Box 130, Salem FOR SALE USED CARS -innru-u ui. Lgp " j1"" gjjgj ' IJI-"-"-"-"-"u -' HAT.TTf TTC I?n i, a T, i-.Tj-XT-f--n. OPERATED BY VALLEY MOTOR CO i::5 Z01 etanaard coup $258.00 193S Bulr-lr RtmnAnr rsim. uaaa lill Jlc.4 Coupe 12S!o vnrywer ts seaan, si Ho. 16.00 1930 Chevrolet Sedan $48 0 1930 Chevrolet Coach . 328 00 1920 Chevrolet Sedan J75 0 c-nevroiet Roadster 198T Dodge Coupe 1931 Ford Cabriolet 125.00 95.00 400.00 350.00 278.00 226.00 195.00 80.00 46.00 40.00 131 Ford Coupe 1S30 Ford Coupe 129 Ford Sedan list Ford Coupe 192 Ford Sedan '3$ 11a 192$ Ford Tudor. '3$ 11a .. 1924 Ford Coupe, 'S3 lie. 1925 Nash Coach, '3$ 11c 90.00 46.00 1929 Plymouth Sedan, '33 lie. . 148.00 192 Studebaker Tour., 'J u. 96.00 TERMS TRADES SEE 3im At fY-i Vila Phone 710 Marlon Liberty Streets MCKAY'S USED CARS WITH ATJ rt XT TITiT -- TTAT-I-a 25 Overland Touring $ 36.00 '27 Paige Coach 96.00 '23 Durant Coach 'S3 license 18.00 '31 Ford Victoria, $$ license 368.00 v stuae seaan ji license 41. 'S3 Plymouth Sedan '33 license 550.00 '26 Graham Truck '31 license 16.00 CHEVROI.CT z coupe 176.00 16.00 848.00 446.00 488.00 '2 Coach '38 license '30 Coach '33. license '31 Coach '33 license '31 Sedan '33 license 'SO ftnnrt TtnxAm (! t.n wtndwings, fog light, wire wheels and other aocee- sorles 250.00 TERM3 TRADES We pay cash for .late, model light used oar a MoKAT CHEVROLET CO. 3 IS Center Phone 8188 43 N. ComT Now Wrecking 8 '34 to '38 Dodges. 1 '17 Jordan Eight. 1 '34 Ford Coupe. 13-4 T. '28 Dodge delivery. Trailers $8 and up. Starters, renaratora and armatures. Acme Auto and Truck Wreckers 430 a Commercial TeL TTIs. Block sooth ef paper mm. 1921 Ford truck coed condition, $38. wai rraae on gasoline pump, feia vice Station. Jade Necklace Play Selected at Hubbard es-a-s-ansam HUBBARD. Oct. 15. "The Jade Necklace la the play chos en for the senior-Junior play -to be given sometime In November. The cast Include Anna Knight, Mar Jorie Wolfer, Helen Paulson, Dor othy McKsy, Betty Brown, Johm Scholl, Jack Moo maw, and Marion cari. Chatter' SOCIAL GROUP niETffi Variety Activity Marks Past Vpek in Scio; Many Of men on Hunt SCIO, Oct. IS THe regnlar meeting of the "As Tom Like It club was held et the home ef Mrs. George Sutherland at her home south of Sclo. Foirteen members ssswered roll call and Mrs. Arch Rsy was an additional raeet. Thm afternoon was spent lm , piscina; qaui diocss. The next meetlas will be held at the home of Mrs. John Shimsnek. At a recent business meeting of the club the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Marvin Long; vice president, Mrs. Price Neal; secretary and treas urer, Mrs. George Rodgers. Mrs. Rodgers was alse appointed as the reporter. Betty June Withers who has been confined te her bed with a broken knee cap Is reported to be getting along nicely and will be able to be up on crutches In three or rour weeks. Dens more Move Mr. and Mrs. John Densmore, Jr., are moving from the Enoch Shelton property and moving to the former Ballln nronerty Inat vacated by the Charlie Hodge lamiiy. '.group of friends and mem bers of the Z. C. B. J. lodre call ad on Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Chladek re cently and gave them a rousing charivari. Mr. and Mrs. Chladek were married in Albany Saturday and have returned to the bride's home here. Mrs. Chladek was for merly Mrs. Anna Doubeck. They will make their home in Portland. Deer Hosier Home Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brock re turned recently from a deer hunt ing trip in eastern Oregon In the Heppner locality. Others from here who have been hunting are Fred Jones, Edwin Holland, and Fred Bllyeu who each got a nice buck in southern Oregon. Msyor Al Ewing snd Mr. Trolllnger are also in the south on a hantlng trip. The Misses Eleanors Miller and Clola Gallegly who are attending the Normal school at Monmouth spent a few days this week at their homes here. Miss Doris Wed die is expected to return to her home here this week from a vacation trip to Rainier National r Business BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D Barton Batteries -Starter and generator work. 646 Chemeketa sC CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 446. a B. North-Mas. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. I SCOTT, PSC. Chiropractor. Zft N. High. TeL Rea I5TX. FLORISTS cut Dowers, wedding bouquets- runerai wreaths, decorations. C r. Brelthaupt. florist. 657 Conrt street. TeL 6904. ALL kinds of floral work. Lots Flor ist. 16th A Market TeL 9613. FLOOR CONTRACTING Olsea Floor Ca. TeL 911L INSURANCE BECKX A HENDRICKS 161 K. High TeL 6861 i LAUNDRIES THTB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY ' THE WXJDER LAUNDRY 168 & High TeL 8188 CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY. We Wash Everything In Lux" Telephone 3166 1364 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened end repaired. Alee trades. H. W. Soott. 14T 8. ComT Tet 4616. MATTRESSES SCattressis froca faetet-y km hotaa. Spring, nutttrese S.0e. Renerat- ers and IMntgaxora. Capital Beddin ve. Tat, sets, sei Nana capiteL Hew 'mattress made ta order, eld mattreae remade carpet cleaning, eta. tng ; fluff roc- wearing. 8alam Flaf k6 xattreea ractery. S. isth A WMbur. Tel 644L Otto F. zWrt-Jcar, MUSIC STORES am n wtt.t -m.-u. rranha aawlna - -1 - - m.i and piano studios. Repairing phea- state street. iif ' " . I park in Washington and ether scenic beauty places, -.. 'A 8clo miasOereld McDonald, was the winner et the sedan given la a Mbacriptloa contest, ipon sered by Greater Oregon newt paper of Albany. : The Odd Fellows hall is receiv ing a new coat of paint, both on the Inside and outside. ; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Holichek and two children, Harry and Bes sie, returned Wednesday from a trip to South Dakota where they visited, at the home of Mrs. Holt ehek'a 'parents. ' Hallowe'en Parade For Kids Slated DALLAS, Oct. IS The an nual Hallowe'en parade for school children will be held Monday night, October SI. The parade this year will follow closely the same lines as those of previous years with prizes being given for the best costume and room prises for the best attendant. The parade will form at the Dallas Junior high school build ing at the corner of Main and Academy streets and wllL march down Main street and then to the bead stand. In .addition to the grade school children, the Dallas fire department, city and school bands and the Boy Scouts have been Invited to participate. An ef fort will be made to have the school busses bring the children from the rural districts so they may take part la the affair. The parade Is six-annual af fair sponsored .bjpkrl Fentoa Post of the Amert-cwi Lesion. Ar rangements for the parade are In the hauls of a committee ap pointed for this purpose consisting of R. S. Kreason, Jack Eakln, Ivan Warner, 8. E. Whltworth, and Burton C. BelL W. R, C. Will Hold Monthly Social at Homes of Members WOODBTJRN, Oct. 15. The lo cal W. R. C, which has been meeting at the homes of mem bers since the Odd Fellows hall burned, expects to meet in the new I. O. O. T. hall soon. An in teresting meeting was held Thurs day at the home of Mrs. J. H. Livesay when plans for the win ter's work were discussed. Social meetings will be held the second Thursday of each month; the next to be October J 7 at the home of Mrs. Frank Wright. T Directory ilUSIC TEACHERS Piano lnstroetlon SSe. One free rn. I enroll Ow, 1776 Front St. MEDICINE Hours Tuta m-nA Rut t tn K n m 141 N. C mrtnerrlaL PLUMBING and HEATING PLUM Bt NO and eeneral ranalr work. Oraber Bros. 16 8a. Uhart Tl S4 PRINTING FOR STATION ERT. cards, parapn leta program a books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Print ing Department. 318 & Commercial STOVES WTO VTT1 SaftrfJ M Ml f4 S OftA-aaa- for sal , rebuilt and repaired. All K-aus i worm wire lence. rancy ana Halam lTan-a mnA Cfn. nriwh. . , --nafwanaTtt -ri TT4 K B Flamlne. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 336 ncare sc. xeL TiTX.- Distributing, for warding and stocana. . anr analal-. Get ear ratea FOB local or distant transfer stor age, can nil LArnter Transfer Co fmcke to Pert lend dull?. WASHING MACHINES AH Makes Rented.' antd mnA Muiwl vmm -L.B.CX. Maytag. Con Ion. Meadows on umwi-i sis ana np. noaa bros. " W. C MANQUM. Manager S3 M. High TaL 6033 Real Estate , Directory Brmrw a bxmdbickm Itt N. High TV. 694T & IL EARLE 184 If. Btgk SC TeL 178 (JOOOLOFS1CT A BON SS4-4 rirst Nat Bt Bldg. TeL T80t J. F. ULRICH Itt tuts Street TeL I8T8 HOMER a FOSTER REALTY. CO. 870 State St. TaL T63S W. H. ORABENHORST CO. 184 SL Liberty SL TeL 6466 By CLIFF STERRETT 3 I ' e-a-- COfflWI Hewitt Main Speaker on Aft ernoon Program; Pub-, lie is Invited SILVERTON HILLS- nt IK Ror Hewitt of Salem sii taa principal speaker Saturday after noon at the one-day district com munity rair xteid at the Sllverton Hills Community Hall. Ralph Beck. Polk county agent, was the mala Judge of the farm nrodncta. Tha firm am. ducts, flowers, csnned goods, and j avenue ana textile exhibits were shown In booths about the hall. E BIIEUm SUITED DALLAS. Oct- II U Mi-Kara of the Buell grange are sponsor ing a temDeranee rali-r and can didates night at the Buell hall oa Thursday, October 10,' at t O'clock. All locaL state, and dla. trict candidates are invited to auena. The candidates attandin-p win be Introduced and allowwi minute talks. The main feature oi me evening will be a JO-mln- nie aaoress oa prohibition by Ren Roy W. Nelson at M,M(nn. rfile. His remarks will be aimed ai ine move to repeal the Ore gon enforcement act. . In addition to these talks there will be a ineeeh hr nw cult Judge Arlie O. Walker and xwo-minute talks by Otto W. Hol der. 8heridsn: 8. M. Johnson. cur oi me sneriann Sun; Rev. R. A. Feenstra. Sheridan- F.aria Richardson, editor of the -Polk county itemlzer- Observer; and others. There will also he. singing led by C. Adrian Slaaof ouerman ana rally songs by the Sheridan male anartat This meeting Is 'to be strictly non-partisan and all candidates wno aesire are invited to attend Lett 8. Finseth. mamr nf rial. las, will act as toastmaster and iom iair or Buell is in charge vi me arrangements. BILL. OCTOBER 2 DALLAS. Oct. IK A dahatanf real Interest to the voters will be neid in toe Polk county circuit court room tha n'rht nr iviii, October 21. Renreae-itatlToa nt the proponents of the Zorn-Isc- rnerson bill and opponents of the measure will debate on th mar. its of the nronoat-d hill Jn k the dabsters will be hss not been disclosed at the present time. A. D. weir of Corvsllls. whn hss been workinr in this vicinity In the interest of the bill, sought to interest the rrann th Farm. ers union, and the chamber of commerce In siranelntr for tha de bate. He was informed that there nis is WIS! 1 1 TEONM FFIRFF! Cross -Word Puzzle 1 By EUGENE SHEFFER FT'" 22 23 2H 25 30 31 32 . ttWs 111 !ll UOUZOMTAX ' l'-aoctJons 9 atcrneTed 11 tropical American -bird lS-rroaaed li eloth 15 stoTehoose for rraia -ITyrabol for nickel 1 doctrine to enterprise H msm , branous . pooch 22 short round coat 21 eventually 25 rasp 2S-pike 23 imperfeo- . tka 3d sow M legendary - king - tl steamboat ' inventor 23 fall la drops T spikenard SS-born : 4 dip ' 42 one spot ii-Jackets 45 tarn to the right 45 musical note 47 barbed - missile weapon 49 civil engineer (abbr.) W heads of a family 52 one who captures, as ele Herewith is the eolation to Satur day's Punic. swi. im,theMtaA-.fea was bo objection to such 'de betetas- lonr as -the headquarters AT hs barapkLsra acainst Us bill " would receive sufficient notice to -Jran;a for a speaker, aa an nouncemeat of tha meetlna was mailed to Axoodee 1C Smith. caalrmsa of the committae wmh U tlxhtlng the bill, on 8atardar. ; -Accordinx to latest reports It seems, that Polk cecal? win vote - soutuy nzaiasc me measure la the 1 November election. FflOSH RECEPTIDB sue ey lis ea-tMa--BS INTJEPENTlEVrw it The first social event la the Girl's Leacue program Is to be a recep tion for all freshman and new rlrla. Friday, October II. The social committee consists off Joan Anderson, chairman; ,mm oTcrson, jjorom-r uttle, aad If one Tout TV a fnii-. committees were chosen by the so cUl committee to take care of the) reception: Refreshment Margar et Foster, chairman; Polly Sloper. and Marine Carey. Games Beryl "7, coairmsm; -loan Dickson, Francis Haley aad Gertrude Gen temann. Decoration Elisabeth Baker, chairman; Dorrls Mattlsoa and Myrtle Swerlngen. Clean Cp -orurgia jones, enairman; Lllllo Cotten and Vurla Becken. Hostess Vera Ramsy, chairman; Fran cis Cuthbert an Vflaa--a ti...i. cutt. The aeniora wim ,niuiiiti . . - - -.A-w&Uh---u, - see that the freshman and new giria get to tae party and are made to feel at home. Each sen ior is to sccompsay a tlrl to ttt SOClal. A rrontl af nn.n mA sophomores are to give a program or me reception. NOTICE FOR BIDS Bids Will ha rwairf undersigned Clerk trict No. It, Marion County. Ore gon, up co o'clock p.m. October 25. 19S2. for the fnrnlshlnr nr wood for the several schools of me district for the year 1133-34, the Same tO be deliTAravf lit an- proximate quantities as listed be- 1 a a . e uw no raier maa September 1, 1933. Bidder to submit bids for wood to be delivered at tha -r. eral schools- and to designate the sma ana quality of wood he will furnish. Bids are to be enclnaod In a sealed envelope and marked ooa bio.- a bond or certified check for ten per cent of th amount of the contract will be required from the successful bid der guaranteeing the faithful per formance of his contract. Bids are To be opened at the meeting of the Board. Tuesday evening, October 25, 132. Right Is re served to accept or reject any or all bids. Approximate amount of wood needed: ta Highland 55 cords Grant .65 cords Englewood .-. C5 cords Richmond 55 cord Park CO cord McKlnley (0 cords Lincoln 45 cords Washington 45 cords Garfield 55 corda Senior 240 cords Parrish 1 cords Grand Stand 5 cords Total .'...740 corda W. H. Burghardt, Clerk. O. 16-19-22. phants, by means of - noose 14 loved ones 65 curl VERTICAL 1 step) 2 ascended 8 behold 4 instigate 8 irritating- civil- wrong to) T beam " S Vithia 19 proclama tion of command 12- . fleet of shrpa 12 facing about a fireplace le require - 1 apportion 21 act of eon-. secratioa ZS pasture 2 fruita 27-aIlow ' 29 gave food 21 givere 23 pliant 24 low tide 25 i-agraente 27 titled 2) Engiisk. ' school : 41 noblemen 4 vehicles -44 a black "----Tife ,47 pronoun 48 negative -21 eymbol for davynm ' W symbol for ecleniunt i 'i '".S ' f