The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 08, 1931, Page 16, Image 16

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r Th? OREGON STATESMAN, SsJeiay Oregon. Sunday Morning, November
'offered at h: s
" '. i " .ewnaaaB -
Mr. .v
Hundreds Take; Courses m
Department of -Voca---'
tional!Training y
i By Tv T. ' MacKENZIB
. Head f Vocational EdncatlnB
. i . Department
Mora than (90 Junior high
: school pnpll. 175 v senior high
-: school atudenU. 38 ad nits and 4fi
. special part time pupils of various
ftgss ara now receitlng useful and
practical training nnder the var
lous branches of the department
ot vocational training in the Sa
lem puhlle schools. Much of this
training Is . intended to flt the
learner for participation In' specific-
occupations. Other units
. teach habiu and skills that will
help every child to adju-t himself
to conditions In our modern In
dustrial civilization.
Shop work is offered first in
the seventh grade, to boys in the
. two Junior high schools, as "gen
eral mechanics work." In this
- course, each boy obtains a limited
experience, In mechanical draw
ing, woodwork, simple electrical
and sheet metal work, finishing
and refinlshlng, and similar activ
ities. Fromj this, each gains much
. that will be useful to him either
at home or oil a Job, and at the
same tlmel he- Is helped to deter
mine the field toward which his
future will lead.
Choice' of Trades Offered
A choice! of auto mechanics, vo
cational machine shop, mechani
cal drawing, or a supervised ap
prenticeship in some trade with a
local employer, Is open to the boy
In the senior high school. If he
does become an apprentice under
the plan Initiated this year, he re-
mains nnder the supervision of
the high school and is aidefln his
advancement by special class work
In the school.
Boys and girls who are forced
by. circumstance to drop out of
School to work may attend part
time classes at the opportunity
LchooL This department is design
" el principally to meet the needs
of .those who have not completed
the work of the first eight grades,
but worthy cases of any typo have
1een accepted with a view to do
ing the . maximum of real good,
i Part time classes in typing; spe
I elallxed training for. house maids;
i and the teaching of our language
to: foreign born children are ex
amples of specialised activities of
the opportunity, school.
' 0 Part Time Classes
Part time. and evening classes
for adults are organized by
the department of vocational
training; and may offer training
in almost any field of endeavor.
. 'At' present more than 30 women
are receiving instruction in house
hold sewing in three night classes.
Units in auto mechanics, cooking,
. child care, welding, and sales-
manshlp 'have . been proposed as
, part of this year's work. l
Since a productive citizen' Is a
good citizen and as more than 90
percent of us must earn our living
either wholly or in part working
with our hands, such training
, needs no further justification in
our schools. Patrons visiting Sa
lem schools will find the shops to
be among the most Interesting de
partments, and should not miss
seeing this interesting and valu
able work in progress.
Schools Will Hold
Open House This Week
Thft rTonra or 9 nf the 12 Salem oublic schools will be
thrown open to the public on one of the evening this week
for National Education week programs.' All of the schools
except the senior high school will receive visitors on at least
one dav of the week to see how classes are operated and get
acquainted with the instructors. 'During the week special
stress will be placed in the classes on educational objectives
and school betterment. - ' -
The plans for the observance of the week in the various
scnoots are annuuiiccu ujr juisb nuu ci. oueuue. .inM ni.v.iiaKi& t.
ior high school teacher and vice-president of the Salem in the last few years in the Salem
Teachers association, who has charge of the week's activi-1 schools, a visit in the grade
Children Taught Reading by
Phrases Rather Than
Words -
Reading', famous partner in
Three R's Co., has undergone
PareiitkRide Fiee
Thursday Night
For tQperi Housed
Parents desiring to attend the
Education week open house pro
gram at the senior - high school
next Thursday night will be of
fered a taxi serrice- with their ears
for parents residing, within the
city, and - school ' buses will pro
vide the transportation for par
ents of rural students.
The same service will be given
to parents or rural siuaents wno
attend Leslie Junior high school.
The Lies lie open . house program
date has been changed to Thurs
day night, ' -
ties, as follows:
Senior Higb School - OpenO
house program on Thursday
night: inspection of classes, vis
iting with teachers, auditorium
entertainment by the band, boys'
quartet, boys' and girls' physical
education classes. Arrangements
in charge of four teachers: Mrs.
Ellen Fisher. Miss Mildred
Christenson,- Miss Ola Clark and
Merritt Davis.
, Leslie Jnnlor High Open
house on-Thursday instead of
Tuesday night, as previously an
nounced. Classes open daily to
parents. Armistice day program
Tuesday morning at 10:30
o'clock with Douglas McKay of
the American Legion and Miss
Elizabeth Freeman, supervisor of
nurses for the county health de
partment, who served overseas,
as speakers.
HighlandOpen house Mon
day night from 7:30 to 9 o'clock,
series of talks: J. Lyman Steed,
representing the home; Rev.
Hugh B. Fouke, Jr.. representing
the church; Frank E. Neer, rep
resenting the school board; Miss
Carlotta Crowley, representing
the administration; Miss Grace
Allen, representing the faculty,
and Elisabeth Steed and Clayton
Anderson, representing the pu
pils. School open daily to the
Parrish Junior High Parents
and friends invited to visit class
es on Tuesday.
Park Open house throughout
the week.' Greater school spirit
to be ; fastered through assem
blies each morning for ' fourth,
fifth and sixth grades, with sing
ing, talks by upper grade t each-
schools during the Education week
open house periods will reveal to
the person whose first grade days
are long past, a study atmosphere
which - baa no comparison with
that which s ho experienced.
Nd longer Is the schoolroom a
drab, stuffy place over which a
stern teacher rules with com
ers and by a sehool patron Friday.
Garfield Open house on Tnes-1 mandlng voice and sometimes an
daySpecial emphasis during the! equally commanding switch, pad-
week on pronunciation and enun
ciation. v
En gle wood Open house daily
and on Monday evening from
7:30 to 9:00 o'clock.
Lincoln Open house Thurs
day evening from 7:30 to 9:00
Washington Open house on
Friday. Tea at the close of the
day given by the teachers for the
patrons and other guests, with
musical selections given by pu
pMs. Visitors welcome at any
Richmond Open house daily
and on Thursday evening from
7:30 to 9:00 o'clock.
die or ruler. The scene has
A visitor .to the first and sec
ond grade classes at Lincoln
school last week noted the chil
dren studying away in an atmos
phere that makes play or work.
Instead of being a drab brown, the
room was finished in a pleasing
gray tone. In place of being con
fined to closely Quartered desks,
the children were gatherer! around
brightly colored little tables, sev
eral groups In the room. Around
the room were delightful pictures'
of boys, girls, babies, dogs, birds,
trees, all bearing simple reading
Grant A Ra Am hi nn Mnnov lessons, printed by tne teacner.
day, with music by pupils, speak- Pretty curtains nung on me wm
ers on health Improvement aows
through the schools; Open house1
Tuesday evening from 7:30 to
9:00 o'clock, short program in
room. Visiting day on Thursday.
Assembly program Friday.
McKinley Friends and pa
trons invited to visit regular
school work at any time Thurs-
When recitation time came, the
becinnins; ounlls gathered in a
semi-circle around their teacher.
"Johnny do this, do that.
"Why didn't you learn your les
sons. Mary?" and . other harsh
commands and Inquiries are of the
past. Now the teacher asks John-
day and Friday. Open on Monday ny if he would like to do this or
night, from 7 to 9 o'clock.
that, explains to Mary In kindly
fashion the meaning of the phrase
she does not know. It like a game
on the play field, in which Johnny
is asked if he would like to throw
the ball. Mary is asked if she
wonld like to learn how to skip
The teaching of reading in 1931
By H. F. DURHAM dertakenthe task of savin r time I Is by phrases rather than by
Parrish Jr. High Principal but U discuss this noint would I words. The pupils are not made to
The functions of the junior make this article too lona- for nub-1 a host of single, lsoiatea
hleh school reasons for this new I llratlnn words, which they cannot use in
institution: last of these four demand, of . sentences. They are taught the
First among these reasons was clety. meanings of Pnr"ewn" "e
VAl UUro, W Uul V au7 nev Y
Outlines Three Reasons
For Junior High Schools
the demands made upon the
sehool system by society which
could not be realized under the
8-4 plan of organization.
There are four of these de
mands which deserve special mention.
The first demand made by so-
To discuss this demand at
length would require too much
newspaper space hence we shall
attempt lis brief discussion.
The education of adoleseent 1
boys is based upon their psychical
and physical needs. The boy's ten
dency to grow and be active is
how the fire looks
When the pupils have reached
the second grade, they are able to
make their own reading lessons
from items they have read or
heard about. This class at the Lin
coln school last week had posters
of an elenhant. with sentences
clety was that the enormous leak- encouraged. The school and play- about Tusko; of' Hallowe'en, with
age from school in the seventh.
eighth and ninth grades cease.
The second demand was that a
positive effort be made to guide
young men and young women In
to occupations that were worthy
and suitable for them and for
which they were adapted. Third
that the period of preparation for
skilled vocations be not lengthen
ed but a way found to shorten
this period so that men will ear
lier become self supporting and
) Salem High School
: In the high school are groups
of students Interested in many extra-curricular
activities connected
with - dramatics, art, languages,
science, commerce, debate, home
economics, etc. besides the regu
lar; class organizations, thi girls
league and the associated student
Each of , these groups elects its
own officers, plans its activities
and conducts its meetings in a
' manner which would do credit to
. a group - of older people. With
each-. organization Is a faculty
member who serves as advisor.
' Besides gaining the benefits for
w-hich the group is organized, the
memo ers gain a seir-confidence
and assurance which is useful in
later years.
In order, however, that stu
, dents may not specialize in extra
curricular activities and in order
' to encourage all students to enter
; into a reasonable amount of sdth
work a "point system has been
worked oat and followed for the
last two years.
The main points of this system
, are an A student may : carry a
maximum of IV points, a B Stu
dent, a maximum of 10 points, a
v student, a maximum of 18
points, a D student a maximum of
. 10 points, a U student a maximum
of 0 points. ; - - '
Points are given for the vnr
- Ions activities according to their
Importance and the time required
- for their performance. For exam
. plea: student body president, II
points; athletic manager, 10
points: Clarion editor; II points;
.. annual, IS points; football cap
. tain, S points; members of team,
4 'points; class presidents, 10
points; club presidents, points;
club members, 1 point. .
? (AP) B. B. Baydea. super
intendent of . reclamation service,
moral that accompany and grow
out of adolescence be checked by
the school system
Let us now discuss briefly each
of these demands.
Take the first, that of dropping
out of school
There are several reasons why
pupils drop out of sehool in sev
enth and eighth grades of which
dislike for school under the old
plan of organization is the princi
pal one.
Then larger boys and girls ob
ject to being housed with the
smaller children. They also can
see no sense in going over again
ana again, the same subjects.
In junior high schools we pro
mote by "subjects and not by
grace or class
Opportunities are also offered
whereby a pupil may go ahead in
some subjects.'
We also believe teaching to be
better and more interesting be
cause each teacher teaches the
subject for which she Is best pre
Stops Leak In Fpoer Grades
This leaklnc In the old seventh.
eighth and ninth grades, the Jun
ior nign scnoois were organized
to cneck.
Classes in Gymnasium
Reach Pupils not In
ground provide plenty of physical sentences about what was done to
culture, athletics, games, and! the sehoolgrounds on that nigni;
manual and physical labor. of the bear cub which last week
The feeling of rrown una and scamnered through the Marlon
the desire to be considered grown hotel lobby.
uds are not snnnreased. hut are I Annreciatlon of and joy in read
used for character building. Ing now are tne oDjecuves in me
Wider Opportunities Allowed grade schools. Tne ennaren enjoj
The widen in? of tha renanntn? I their lessons.
faculties is allowed expression in This change In teaching metn-
debate. argumentation anri math, ods has made the work of teacn
amatical studies. ers much more laborious. They
The inninr h!?h sMimi Imnat work after school and in the
society supporting. Finally that . mtle moTf. ,Pon -n1 t ' M. evenings preparing the simple les-
the evils physical, mental Md hnto itg baling with boy delln- ons about events with which the
qnents. - pupils are zcqnumeu, yuw
Ambition of the nuDils for spirit Into their wor in tne ciass-
themselves Individually, expressed oom. v . m
in terms of liking school, deter- But teachers in the Salem
mlnatlon to secure an education chools are undertaking their
and willingness to endure petty ia8" W1A E 7 VT..
aiscomiorts; this and ambition ceBS i. . ""V s .-X-
for the school are indispensable to htu Crowley, elementary schoo.
a successful junior high school. "?em8"' villi Tf
fuu meir bad tendencies! rC'T, " i h
in nrrter tn hn!M ... . . I iiujBicai "t"'""'--
of the school.
Pupils must be willlntr to Hat n
to reason and to follow the best
judgment of principal and teach
ers. This does not mean a lowly
spirit, or blind obedience.
auch would ;not be desirable If
Tnstracto -Physical Education
Physical education in the higb
school plays a very Important part
in the activities of the students. It
affords an outlet tor surplus en
ergy as weU as developing the
bodies of the growing children
and alsov tends to break ,the mpn-
otoay of the class room woricjTne
program of the department is -var
ied enough to offer the numerous
students activities they will enjoy.
It allows theft to take part in the
sports In which they are most in
The general work of the year
consisting of calisthenics, drills,
marching, apparatus work and
tumbling. Every student Is given
this work. It is supplemented with
team games which are carried on
with the regular gymnasium pro
gram. The program this year con
sists of indoor soccer, basketball,
volleyball, foul throwing, bowl
ing, track, wrestling and swim
ming. Every class Is divided int' teams
and every- boy is placed on a
squad which gives him the oppor
tunity to play the games and
learn them as well. This encour
ages the students to engage-in all
lines of athletics until they find
some one sport desirable for their
own recreation.
The lntra-mural plan Is used in
the gym classes which makes the
competition more complete be
cause the winners from each class
meet In a play off series. The ob
jective is to have every boy in
some form of athletic competition.
Corrective Gymnastics
The two divisions of the physi
cal education program are regular
and corrective gymnastics. The
students are examined -by the
county health unit when they en
ter the high school. Those having
physical defects are placed in the
corrective classes where they are
given exercises to correct their
ailments. The students having no
defects are assigned to regular
gym classes.
The main defects found are flat
feet, curvature of the spine and
round shoulders. Other defects
are heart, conditions, paralytic
conditions rd old injuries which
have caused a slight deformity to
the part of the body affected.
All these are given special at
tention and exercises a prescrib
ed to enable the student tcThver
eoma hia defect.' There are 49
boya la tha corrective classes this
year. Last year 20 boys assigned
to the corrective 1 class were re
leased to the regular class before
the year ended., ; ; ;;V
Tha high, school athletics which
come under the supervision of the
physical education department are
in a great many ways beneficial to
the students engaged fa them. The
only drawback la that only a few
are benefitted by the interscholas
tie, competition and for that rea
son the lntra-mural plan has be
come a major part of the physical
education programs because every
student Is given an opportunity to
participate regardless of expert-
ence or ability. . 4
Major sports engaged in by the
nign scnooi are football, basket
bail, track and baseball, The
minor sports bein swimming,
tennis, golf and wrestling. The
high school has been very suc
cessful. In the major sports for
many years . and the f ntnre la
bright. The minor sports which
are new in . ost cases are making
rapid progress.
The swimming program which Is
conducted by the Y. M. C A. is
proving a success. The students
are dl Ided into groups according
to their ability. The divisions are
beginners, intermediate, advan
ced and llfesavers. Each group is
given separate Instruction. An In
terclass swimmlnz meet will ell
max the program for the semes
ter's work.
The divisions of competition for
amieucs are lnterccholastie and
inter-mural, includlne inter V Til
lass and interolass. U'basketball
t,bjO) school is represent by two
twins one in class A and the 6th
er in Class B.
spring W. O. Christenson had 10
acres of swamn land on his farm
it could be secured in a group of I near North Powder. With the
early adolescent boys and girls. nelP of Arthur King, extension
specialist in soils ai uregon
college, Mr. Christenson blasted a
drainage ditch a quarter of a
mile long through this field, and
now has 10 acres of profitable
pasture land.
Salem leadera
They plan to reduce the dron- tivlties this week lntmrt
. . . . ' - I , . . . .
ping oui ei scnooi ny keeping wi oi ine newly . organised Y
children Interested in school M. CY A. boys' rlflA einh .n,,
work. lag construction Of mm anit ill
That there is undoubtedly sreat requirements for entrant t th
neea ior carerui vocational and NaB"r orancn of the American
educational guidance, the second I Rifle association.
aemand made upon the schools bv I Donegan R. Williams or RxUm
society, no one can question. I nationally known revolver marks-
Tnere is no better time for this m" n trick shot told the boys
v"'- unring ue penoa uu u. a. stosner,
of adolescence lust befora th president of the Salem Rlfla dnh
child enters high schooL explained the nature of the na-
it is in this new institution, the uonai organisation. They brought
Junior high school, where the best ith them Captain Harris of Port-
opporiuniuee tor such a study are lBa usirucior zor the national
t be found. - I guard there. I. N. Bacon, secretary
It is here where the dot or tha I of the Salem club also attended.
girl comes in contact with those I local rifle club has taken
inmrs wnieh will mdu him , I e new group unaer its wlnr and
her to react favorably or unfay-1 n. PTOmlai to give the boys all
orably. tne instruction they want. At the
It is here that tha nnnfl is I meeting next Wednesday night.
for the high schooL lthT will be shown the nse and
It Is In th inniA hih I manner of handUnc guns. Each
wai me pupu awakens to the fact I ' r 91 ' "T. riLim'
uaz ne nimseit is of Importance
that -;rrJ- .""w cohvaujs-mraey growers
w,VV. W0T I of Benton county , have - been
iT.: ana mea- warned by County Agent C R.
iBriggs, to be on their guard
WUVUI UUIU1IM 1 . c m. '
Then la the high .hooT tha '", "n ."""f
pil ean and should ' with
5JfS5 tt c?" MeHtime) again, Ur. Brirks savs. and
wu uwi .hi nim ior MIS Service I It will hm ri. anrt
SWEGLE Frank McCarthy
found a JO-row ear of corn while
harvesting his corn and he states
that he has several with is rows
Don't Experiment
I They are too
NSV Vmi ran't win.
Better see an
May we examine
your eyes to-day?
i Kf iff
Did you select your Tappan jjasrange at
the Gas Salesrooms, 136 So. High St.
Never was there a chance to get a real
high-class article at so low a price.
It pays to bay the best. It is economy in
the end. Especially, when a temporary cut
is made. '
YouU be proud to show your friends into
onr kitchen your family will appreciate
tha wonderful cooking you can do when you
have a rea! range.
Do not T?ut It off. Get. real value pow
while this unusual sale is on at the
Sr. a A. EUHedgt
As a special advertising feature I
am offering anyone "who r-comes
into my -office during the week of
Nov. 9 to 13, Incv l931
Special rd actios , in all branches of T
dentistry lnclading plates, fillings,' par-.
tial plates, fixed and removable bridg
es, plate repairs and extractions. ; .
; Heckolite Plates
- The non-breakable plate
that is -flesh colored sad
looks. like natsral gwras
The kind plate spectalLfta
A. roofless plate permits yo
to taste your food, swallow
easily and feel sensatkms of
heat aad cold. It Is exactly
as I represent It a plate
without a roof.
To meet the present day cheap competition I am making
redectioas that are worth investigating. - My dental work
is gwaraateed and the most carefal consideration Is given
my patients at all times.
DR. C A.
Telephone 3858
llOVa No. Commercial St.
to society. The subieets la tha
nigh scnooi are to be , trenned
announcea ioaay oias ior leases i aooui we main purpose of his ed
f S5.000 acres oa Tale lake will
e opened here November It, .
;uCatIon.':f-,;V-. -r! r-'; r
The Junior high school has nn-
of swindling operation Isn't - at
tempted again this year in tur
key buying operations. Worthless
checks were used In such deals
here in the past. .
Drastic redaced prices oxt the well known Mon-:
arch Ranges electricx gas, or wood and ' coal j .
combination. The Monarch is the only all-malleable
range, and is built of superior materials
throughout. The Monarch ranges are quick Keat
ing, fuel saving and most dependable in every
'respect. ,
Liberal allowance Sor ITbar Old Rango
Any range in useable condition will be taken in
Sale Price
Full Automatic
$117.50 gray enamel Monarch Electric Ra nge with three speed top
burners and 15 inch speed over, Now ms..: -
$154.00 MONARCH
High speed burners. Large reomy
oven. Wilcolator heat control. You
may purchase this full enamel Range
in wite, tan, nile, with right or left
hand oven.
Every improved new feature in a gas
and wood range, 15x19 inch oven.
Wilcolator heat control. LargeV
roomy utensil drawer, large firebox
and gas Hndler. Malleable iron con
struction throughout. : Super heated
fresh air oven. Nile green enamel
with black satin finished top.
$140.00 1 MONARCH
A beautiful closed-top range .with 17
by 19 inch Insulated . enamel oven,
broiler, utility drawer and wilcolator
heat control. Right or left hand oven.
Ivory and nile green or gray and
white; ,
$198.00 MONARCH
cnGG0 ; -
.Three high speed ' burners. -large!
- aluminum lined speed oven, wilcola-1
. tor heat control. Either right or left
. oven, -nile green enamel, with large
utensil .cabinet below.
Nile green enamel only.
lyJ (Jf I I If