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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1931)
Si -J PAGE EIGHTEEN The OREGON STATESMAN; Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning January 11931' " 111 ' I ' 1 1 " ,111.1 . -I . I II . . 1 I. I I I . Significarit Kfews in Salem ' s: "-v vs ' t; ' ' 1 : ' v - m z rr " " I - -v r - ; - ; ;u : -vi. I 8 ! i !' ' ,' L7 ' f If V vl !- H - Wefer. fovernorUct of O' rVi i mit -'rY- A 7? I ' Jit ;f et pott in the etate in a year - t rV W r f i-i i i period tn tA Aw- : :: If?' -fr. .-. st " ' '.--r5l im annual Blossom vay eveiai it I and HUL ) f --.i-. , " .- . ' K . .' 1 I U . . -. . IFAo doesn't know on the instant that the orchard of blossoms and' white-suited men at the lef t spell the annual Blossom Day event t It is sponsored by the Salem Cher rians, some of whom are found under the trees. Blossom Day kos held on an April Sunday. The photo above shows Judge Percy Kelly administering the oath of M office to the biggest circuit judge in Oregon, Judge Gale S. Hill of . Albany, ch& in September became judge of Marion and Linn county circuit courts succeeding Judge Kelly. Judge Kelly had just oeen sworn in as member' of the state supreme bench before this picture" was taken Kelly held the position to which Hill succeeded.' In the picture art; leftto right,Mrs. Ruth Paulue and Acting Secretary Walter Norbladof the governor's office; Chief Justice O. P. Coshow, Kellv. Georae O. Brown, clerk of the land board: Governor Norblad ana mu. A' si. V ... - ------ - i.t en f tA t&re Zar wp-erinr (aton (Aat .went up on . street corners during the past year, t - N v t V, . ; , iwiy VJ,.. I These human sunflowers, brownies and what not recall the various May Day-Health Day events held in the schools of the city. The . children above are front the Highland school. Renewed effort to build a bigger y " and -better scouting organization . ' i Marion and Polk counties was seen in election in December of A Mari&mcounty loil tUler who knows his stiff when it comes to'mak - executivecmmtUeofLi fcount ig things grow. i , v A ; . eil, Boy Scouts of Amirica. 1 if - v. ... . ; ' - - v ' . : . 1 ' ; h' The kiddies above go to the one- , . X ;, - C' ' 1 room rural school at Fairview. X V - t TAey cay in this picture they. like, f; J i " ' : the new experiment in rural edu- ' - ;'. t cation being carried on there this . t' ; - v . . A J j! year. In the circle is the teacher 'if .Z' 'ti. t ' t .; and total enrollment at the Tay- j! ? V " , ' ' :lor school ' The children are If ' . It . 11 H from. k mh fTiw.'u .... ... If .'..l " !l til I I 11 l ; I I 19 SO saw election of the first wom an member ofjthe Salem school board, Mrs. Roy Keene, shown - above, y :.y i 4. - W--v r-i.y: 7 -i 'I i. 7" . , , jjpa'aaa..-.. . School days, school days - thafe what these two girls call to mind. Florence June and Frances Josephine Lilburn were getting ready ..- to enter school Septi'tt when the photographer came along. '.1' 'f : . S ' ' -c," Vv, - ,' " " " . ; v- ::.;. . V v - - - -j. ..: . ' ' - " it ' ? . . .. v. ; , - . - . . . ! " ' - - - i - I v ' - i r J , .; - ',' vA - v-.-,..y---"-,'v . j s.. .'.-, . ,,,,.V,. TV , - - i ;" f- M I t K 'V... J 'Judge L. H. McMahan of Salem who advanced to department one ; . of the circuit court in September. : t se0m " - ' . ?v i 1 1; aU these sung,ters with the scanty clothe are bundled U things "plenty van now. But Uut tumwuf when the run shone i t the sun bath were just the thing, ' 1 rt . x s i Mayor General George A. White of : the national guard who wot in strumental in aainina larae fed-. - oral appropriations for comple- Long about last January fifteenth the state house grounds, and the North MSI Creek looked ezaetbi lika vr j ? -i"