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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1929)
s 2 T AMUTUIM Bm SSe i Ha minlmnoi eaarg.) AdrerUM-K. -M use. 10 lines uiv-ri-i-g, per as liw --, SO Classified A-vertUg. par line . S UMI . if i i i , ,, SO ftee Math. dally ul SandsT per Us - . 91. Copy tor this page accepted tm ttt :IO the evening before publl tetloit for elooe-fteatlon. Copy re solved after this time will be ma aoder the beng Toe J to classify. FOR S ALEJIlsceCancous rott ratj!U - service ctil ainnitul II mum .ti1.l ISO. 'American 1 10, Miroeotrraph, 25. Uj Oerwood No. 8. $12. Too- Bom, 421 Court . GOOD apples 54e box and P- Bam fnlt home, koike 4. Box 36A. ml cast ox wery FRESH Concord -crap frit. Bpe rial price. 75a- per gtf vWlt snppty PURITAN CTDERORKS WEST SALEM. OREGON. FOR S AL A square Grand Web tt piano, excellent for pieUclf. i:.. - n... tee - - - Z93V Pi. vapilOt riwei r a A T T !?' F - I-S-4J3 tn W-tTi-- iSi I' tiever been connected up. 786 court Bt GOOD cooking apples 50c box. we liave the leading varieties to Select frbm, Brlnr boxes. . PURITAN CIDER WORKS nr.. fl-..- rvawfnnl ranare for Soto 's trade. 333 N. Com 1. HCBICIII -- . " - ' Will self second tend pianos $35 f.s Bt, 170, 190, suv eacuV V and IS per mo. No payment until af ter January 1st. New pianos reduced la proportion, liberal discounts for cash. Investigate these snaps. They will aoi-Iast lowr at these terms and prices. Tollman Hano Store Inc. '"The i-lom f the Baldwin." 38S-$95 S. 12th atreet, Salem, Oregon. I,nr,ril. CULL prunes for bos; feed. 2c lb. Good apples. 60c box. Bring box. Sum uft homo, R. 4, Box 28 A. V mL east UDerty. 1009 TON'S sheep guana, ground and irked 11 u Mr ton F. ft. B. the Txr r truck. Shaaiho, Ore., forjrcula--l write Box ei, snaniKo, Oregon. FOR SALE All electric combina tion radio and phonograph. Exception ally low price U taken at once.. Also two saxophones.' Tel. 3381. - ' WANTED 'MisceDaneoxa WANTED Ceed pianos, in ex thange on Radios, phonographs; or tor. stlruro. H. L. Stiff Furnitur Company. WANTED Good team of mares, 4 to 4 years old. H. F. Guthrie. R. 7, . l mmtmmaummmmm MISCELLANEOUS C A. "WITCRAFT, well flriHer, Dal las, Oregon. 1113 Pbono TS. WE repair -vacuum cleaners, wash tng machines and etc Work called for and deHered.. Phone 344 1-J. FOR RENTROOMS WARlt room, close In. Phone 685W. CLEAN, ftrrnlshed apts. and sleep ing rooms, close in. very reasonable. t3 Po, Cottage. Phone K81U. ROOM and BOARD MODERN rooms, three meals, 335. r UC1T C km. XK Sn Crt- tago Pbono lt3J. Roornrs and boarders. 1041 P. 13th. sFOR RENT APARTMENTS HEATE Dapta and sleeping rooms, t35 N. Com'L Pbone 2054J. TWO room I apt. Priced right. 430 , IVortb. Liberty; 2 ROOMS a&d kitchenette. Close in. B-gbt water, phono 6U Mill afreet. COZT Well tarnished S R. apt. Closo In. i N. High. Pbono 104IM. WE' have -on two room and one tare foam, furnished apartment and one three. Toom unfurnished for rent. Every coaQfort for the winter months. Bleats' reasonable. - - AMBASSADOR APTS. Phone 172. FOR RENT HOUSES FOB RICNTHausS furnished aad wtfurnlshed. r. Zm wooo 141 Stat Street 5 R. modern furnished house for rent. Melvln Johnson 6r A. . Dark. S20 U. S. Bank bldg, TL 637. , , FOR R-NT ll HOUSES HOUSES HOUSES . I 15-$lS-$20-$2S-$35 ; Rpnt Tour IIouso of Bechtol 1 4 1ST your vacant house with til State Street Room 4. HOUSE FOR RENT Because we phalt shortly remove to another home In Salera It Is our desire to rent the , house we now occupy, at 13st Marion atreet to someone desiring a comiort able, modern dwelling. The home has large, living room and dining room, ah reo ' bed rooms, kitchen and bath. Is iwell arranged and well -located. Pos session on or aooui jjecemoer x, ptease tflfpnon 1988J or see Mra Sheldon F. Saekett at 13SS Marion street ewi rnTi f" rr i- COZT cottage for rent Furnished. jsTo cwwren. i mate. TO" FOR BENT by owner A house one tnile from bridge. Oak Grove road, .phono 19. 435 FOR RENT 335 NEW strictly modern S room bun galow its to right party. LOUIS B EC I IT EL ' i 341 State Street FURNISHED anartment. two rooms nd kitchenette, close in. 941 Mill St Light water, phone, $18. FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES HOUSES FROM $1$ to 35 -furnished $27,60 to 160. Liat -your vacant houses with BECHTEL 341 State Street tt you want good teoantw. FOR RENT , ; --FOR RSNT - 1360 A, ranch, good bldg. 129 A. tn tult. watt fenced, well watered, 2-4 miles from Pacific highway, about -20 mile from Salem. Rent $600 per year. GOOD 7 room bungalow, 925 mo. NICE 6 room bungalow $20. NICE 9 room furnished bungalow, D?cetnber L 915. See us for rentals. PE3UUNB MARSTERS . .. - ' 813 Gray Building . ' I OR SALE REAL ESTATE : - HOME at J$le, pr mo. income. Value $19,909. Phone I394J, Vmr. 40 A. Of Jaad. good bOding! ' fully stocked and equipped, 10 milch cows, 200 chickens, 30 turkeys, feed .and seed. For sale cheap on account f owner's illness, easy terms. ' IVi ACRES, new 4 room boose, 79 ' bearing fruit trees, close in. will trade . tor beuee in town. " .-. 4 ROOM modern house," furnace. . ' fin lot 9279s. Your own terras, . Rich L, Reimann f lit NY High St ? ? - Phono SCS. READ THIS TWICE A rare bargain in 8. ComT. atreet ' horn of rooms, closets,- bath and built tna tare front Porch.' woodshed V and garage. Needs painting and yard iimu vi. ixmjm m evaiev iw wiia beau tiful ahade trees. Worth 9300 but pricea at szect ror ciuick aaie. $oo cash, balaao 2 per month Interest ' - . K..LEO If. CBXUDS CO, Realtors 9J29 fiut Street Phone 1TJ7 FOR RENT HOUSES TOR Bel K To min as estate, a 4 room home, furnished, good location, prieed o tell quick. So L. E. SUff Ict. at Ststceroas office or 1T1I.8. 17 fit -' v.- i GREATEST Traams; orranixatlon om fe. v: iiaM mm seas prooerttM listed for exchange. Every exactly. If yon fo property .today. Uko to trade la M3 - . & M. bTARLE. ueaitor 224 N. High St TeL 3143. v s RM. house with full cement base ment and furnace, well furnished, t Jarre lots with variety of bearing trait garage. In good rental district 93W0, easy terms. STORE Darin r good dividends, fine location on Pacific highway 4 Batexs, accident forces owner to sell Stock and fixtures, good tease, a sacrifice at 32- WXKNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 South High Street i i A REAL. BUT PRACTICALLY new five roost stuc co house, corner Myrtle and Highland K ring both aides ana paia, n replace, th. garage, all for 82(50. Terms. TRIANGLE RKALTT COMPANY 421 Oourt Street 11850. 4 room bunRalow with nook. Jiving room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, ' oak floors la S rooms, . garace. - S150. down. . 2100. 3 room house furnished, garage, woodshed. Jhw rested for 122.50 per month. $200 down. 82000. S room bungalow on largo lot, fine fruit trees. 3I&0 dowit 32250. 4 room English type house with nook, fireplace, garage, oak floors, 3150 down. 93250. S room English type house. basement furnace, fireplace, oak floors. 200 down, $1250. S room new bungalow with large 'breakfast room, modern In every way. except fireplace. Will fake lot as first payment Ai L. DARK 330 V. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 437. BEST BUYS IN HOMES . S5500 STRICTLY modern double constructed I room bungalow, nook ex tra large, living room,- hdw. -floors, beautiful fireplace, two bedrooms, full cement basement best of plumbing large attic room for two rooms, pav? lag patd,: garage, full bearing fruit trees, lawn, shrubbery. A real home worth SS000. Owner In California rea son for sell in . Give terms. No cost to you . ee. it Pheee 75S for aa ap- pwujpnenr or anas OUIS BECHTEli 341 State street r" HOUSE BARGAINS I t ROOMS. South Salem. 8100, 5S cash, balance $15 monthly. 4 ROOMS, bath and nook, NEW. hardwood floors, fireplace, garage, paved atreet $1850. $100 cash, balance 25 monthly. , 5 ROOMS, Wh "and nook. Strictly modern with hardwood floors through out Garage, paved street North Sa lem. $300, Term a 7 ROOM stricUy modem house, 3 Mocks from supreme court building, la first class location. $4500. $1600. cash. 8OCOLOF8KT ft SON First National Bank - Building ANOTHER WONDER FUT, HOME JUST 'COMPLETED IN on of leea'a choicest residen tial districts. 4 rooms and nook, hard- paved and walks la, Price $4000- with $350 cash, bat 930 per month- with interest LEO NV CHILDS CO., Realtors $20 StateTfcroet .- Phone 171T. EXCEPTIONAL .REAL ESTATE BUTS $2400. Bays modern S room house with 3 bedrooms, furnace, basement east front garage, beautiful lot located close -in, lavement paid, .This is an exceptional buy. $5750. Buys close In house, 9 apart meats, on fc'orth Winter street. Owner Mves put of- town -and asks a to, sacrifice, . ' z See L. a; McAllister. wHh . . W. H. GRAB-NHORIT s CO. , Realtors 134 South Liberty Street Ofice Phone 611 Res. Phone IM. - r tt k in -i"faoi- ii ii 1 n r n ijsriSLsj GREEN HOUSE AND NURSERY 10 ACRES oa Pacific highway, dark loam soil, $ room plastered house, wat er system, two large green-houses an equipped, two acres filberts. This is a money maker. Price only $9300. Will take about one half value in rentable property. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street EXCHANGE Real Estate T" "mtii-"' rii isvin rsfsii n n n m mm i , A beaallful 19 acre farm 2 miles feast pt Salem, modern house.- splendid barn; ood weighberhood, near school prtcetMSO aad want 8arm borne. WS hare a splendid homo on Fair mount hlU worth $I9$ to trad for smaller home or for Jmproted acreaxtf close. A Splendid CO acre farm for Sa lem bona. - A OOOO S reoot bouse with base ment good location: and will take car aa first payment pric $2500, . MoGILCHRIST PENNINGTON 209-10 U. & Bank Bldg. Phone 140. 8 TtrtftM' HOtTHE! -T AC 1 XT 111 S. 14th st, Salem, Oregon. " 7 TWO acre tracts, NQ buildings, close in. Would consider 6 or 10 acres ON Paeif ieetigbway. Improved or some business property in 8a lem. UWfltiK, fHOAB 1775M. WANT iuleu vrrkuni FOR my home near Oregon City. S large rooms, fireplace, built 1ns and breakfast nook, 2 nice lots with oak trees and Shrubbery. Well located for a rental proposition. Price $5200 no encumbrance. - SEE Mra rSnis with LEO N. CHJLDo CO.. Realtors 320 State Street , Phone 1737. EXCHANGE IMPROVJUJ 5 acre tract Joining email town for good home in Salem. Will assume or pay some difference. Consider suburban property. Prica $3. SOO. WiMt bare yvi? SEE Mrs. Ellis with ' ...LKO N CHILD3 CO, Realtors 339 atste Street Phone 1721 ff Rfmir Vinil. itnar. I- 1 for from 1 to 6 acres, with buildings or wis rent reasonable. 771 N. Com'L .. LOOK LOOK LOOK i OWNER WRITES ME To Setl Cozy 4 B. Bungalow Its all furnished too. It did rent Si. ?,.?onth Price reduced from $3, 00 to $3250. Good terms. Now vacant immediate possession. To see it SEE .LOUIS BECHTEL - S41 State Street " StTJfiTI.V ofLl0 t?!??11? ?r. .to ! A. near w i a it ounatngs, Thts trade mast be made within the next few days. Phone 1734. ; . H. C SHIELDS OKEOOn BUILDING FOR SALEFARMS RIYER bottom land worth 4269 per era, tut through foreclosure of first nVt-trA Mluwl in u.. u R'jrit near Monitor. CaU Battle- 294 ACRE firm fan be taught at GitTHTTuE J. M73PAGJi - . 43 Worm bonaee ACREAGE wAsWSkjjnasMieBk ' FOR SALE IS ACRES. 4 A. clearftd- li-Hmd ueeuca water rtguts. equipped MbW), 20 mi. west., iniru ire cecter atreet t ACRES-tH ml. from Salem, close to i Stiverton road, eU in cultivation. iinr iretn ior auiramg piace, sn wv icu., mjmj '1SjU MUlf, - 15 ACP.B9 1 -tot -from Salem, close to Rllv.r4Mi All l -iil,!..,. .1 1 - - - --" - u uiiuiuiauvu, AAV i filbert trees S years old in fine con- uinuu. nil. worn ox tne oest Duua lng place near elalem. S ACRES 1H mt from Salem, fine land, 100 4 year old R. A. Cherry , rinii wenit creea. 918.75. Terms. . - :- -- I AfTRRS - ml .M . cuhiviMMon. This is the Iest buynear oiiivuv a crura. s r t w - . 929 U. B. Bank Bldg. Tkoa lit. ACREAGES v ANOTHER GOOD BUY GOOD S taoin house. X nioe bed. Tboma, built In kitchen and dining room, box ana coia water, pain, tone, modern and almost sew. On on of our best saved streets close to grade and high school. This place Is worth mora. Price for miics sale 92959. This la surely a good buy. Call SEARS TUCKER 1S4 Souta Commercial street - - I your lxfea full insured against fir loss? If not SEE SEARS dc TTTCTCKR arut let tKun .rnliln all about fire insarance. IX lATTRia nu with K n ki.. low, near Pacific highway north. On horse, 2. cows, 250 Leghorn hens, and farm equipment also household furni ture, jui goes ror i ima-oau cash. BaL easy terms. ixr n tttt 1 1 prim Phone 7 ? ; 341 N. Com'l. Street BARGAIN WEEK SMALL TRACTS 3ZV0.V9 uown buys e-ac-res th house, barn, only 2 ft miles of Sa- lem. Price reduced to 32au.0t. $500.00 Down buys an excellent S-A , tract good 4-R. house, barn, poul - try house. Karare. X-A In fruit and berries. This plae is cheap at thoi price ot tsuuv.uu. setter over. Only S miles north of 8alm. 9300.00 Down buys this dandy sub urban home, on pared highway. North Salem, dandy, R. house, city water, bath, toilet, electricity, ft acre set to strawberries and fruit fast thlnk-2M.e0 ileom. Price $3950.00. - ' e " $500.00 Down. Price $1500.00. 3 1-2 acres, small house, barn. aailaa ot Salem, baa young iamlly orchard, springs, a mighty good buy. 8 EE . .- . , SEARS A TUCKER 184 S. Com'i. Street Salem, Oregon. Business Opportunities - -- -- -- -- - - - "yn. ii-i-inoAAM SHIXE parlor for sale, flea Roy Slm- rnons, eecona iioor rst Rational Bank building. . . , . rw3asssoaasj esisjsskssaasafSaejsBjgejs el0CERY store and confectionery In goad location, doinr good bo, tnesa. Invoice about $2300. WIS trad for small home la Salem. - STOCK of new groceries and fix tures. Owner doing good business, but baa good reason for .-selling. Invoice about $2750. . ' . A. L. DARK 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone S37. VERY desirnhle url etof an house adjoining for rent or lease very reasonable. Located, in Salem. Write ISO, eta teaman ec k phone 683 after S a. m. SIDNEY TO LOAN RESIDENT LOAN: $13.35 per month retires a loan of $1,000 la lift months. Pay faster If you wish. No membership fee. See Delano. 290 N. Church. Phone 3830, V.,0. to 'so" to tov- Gertrude . face Tate, lowest interest rates. . bert t. ford first national bank bldg. tr awn nri im.t Reasonable Rates No Delay STATE -AA VINOS AND LOAM ... . ASSOCIATION 73- FTfat National Bank Bldg. Pbon4S7 - , . Salem. Oregon -,- - -y--i-M-irii-iri.rxruirui TO men and women steadily employ ed. Oa your plain note, lowest rates, easiest payments, quickest service, fairest dealings and newest methods. Loans also mad on indorsed notes, furniture, pfaao and other - personal property. All transactions strictly con fidential. STATE LOAN CO. 212 Oregon- Bonding Second floor, corner State and High. Office hours 10 a.- m. to 9:30 p. m. Telephone S3 3. OTl AND FARM' loans .at lowest rates. Best terms ebtaonaMa, . -Our lasurance depart ucnt of fete yon ex pert advice and service la all lines. HAWKINS A ROBERTS 4 Inc. J . Tet i43T : 80S Oregon BldKj MONEY TO LOAN ..i-:v ft?- ...i auum on lurmiure, cars, salaries or other .food, security. . RepayablO monthly. When in financial need see us before closing, a loan. First . National Bank Bldg. Phone 1209 XONlbY LOANSYt Ol AUTOS Contracts Refinanced . Arrange to reduce yeur paysaontn, -You keep the car. . P. A. EIKKA OlOberty t, at $rry $21 . SbUeca. Or MMMWWMMMMWIMSMIMWWMMWie Private Wcney to LbaQ FARM IXIANS Plemrr as? snene J loan on goad farai curity.- City LoaosWt are toaoing rradentttl In- -araaca company money en eity rest- Mootj at ev per eeat Jiuaa eommiaslen. Rwklns A Roberts, S06 Oregon DaildUig,- I HAVE THE MONEY TO loan on your home to build, improve or reCtaaaaee. Piano ore so varied, some one of them will meet your requirements. Low rates. Long terms. Pay off any tints- also loans on apt, houses and business property. F. O. DELANO 28$ N. Church Phone 2839. w0owhysh TllMa n vonl a -, Tss nta m wu svm vavoLo aet aaa c" plain our loans to you. P. H. BeU, 319 uTr Bank Bldg. . LOANS WANTED WANTGDPrinl. mmn tnan on real estate. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. . lit zwnta unerry utreet - -n - vri-i-irtrfinriwiriniVIAAAw WANTED -Private mon-v for farm loaaa V bar several applicatioas on hand. . Hawkins A Roberta, Ino 205 -Oregon Bids. s WANT a loan of 95000. on 349 acres gooa iana. . VALLEY LAND CO. 104 North Liberty Street LIVE STOCK and POULTRY W. J. Patterson. 14L D. V. Veterinary surgeon. Res. 468 21st N. Phono 14(U. mm mmfmwmmm POULTRY wanted Balem Poultry Co. 899 & II!fh st Phone 2410. Res. 2415M. ' -f . COWS for sale, or trade Fresh and ni.l..... . . nin.i . S la - Out ... at Columbia and N. Com'L fit Nelson Bros. Market- $85 N. High at Phot) - HORSES for sale S head. 1100 to 1400 lbs, 1 Shetland pony, 602 Broad way St, corner ot Brown. Woodbura, jreron. - ' . FOR SALE WOOD DRY fir and oak wood, coal and fuel oil Call on, as for prices. -We give good rneasnre, good Qaallty and good service. LARHER TRANSFER STORAGE Telephone S3. - QUA RAN TEKO DRY Tel. 1L S-lam raeJ Ca. 153 Trs4 DRY lt-ln old fir. 4 ft oak. ash and fir knotts. Cord measure. Reductions oa bugr rders. C U. Harbaagb. 93$ Highland ava-pnona 1910, nt THE beat wood ia the cttar for be money at Trmcy'e Fuef Yard. -Prompt aeuvery. mone zs. : , . , GOOD WOOD at a reasonable Brio. Well seasoned second growth Or aad old fir slab and inside wood. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wells. Phoae 1642. zsv eoutn cnurcn street - OAK -wood 4 toot 97.90. ' ' Second growth fir SS.O aad sah .S dear- ereo. -vu eiaon at nva.. i mmnmmm mmmmmmmmm PRY 19 In. old fir 4 ftflr. oak, 01a rir xaots saweav c. u. aS HWimwI. Phon 1990, LOSTtmd FOUND .- LOST Between S. P. track and penitentiary, aaitcase, containing la die's aad infants clothing. Leave at eiaiwmu. f- ... IJWk mtm ill 1 1 m f-Mi T ptab hospital. Pacifi Protecttv -oMi rmuax yj EajRn aoner coch.eT: w "f? LOST ftiKl FOUND MrMMgsajsjsYAatkssaaasaaaaai 40$ Ore, bldg, Saleni. Reward, e LO Black Irrsiairat from 1(53 tt Finder pieaee return or csdl FOR SALE 1 1 H i i in 1. 1. ... i USED CARS iBity Used 4ars Where Your Dollars Have More Cents 2f Hudson- Std. sedaa. Ut ser ies reflniarted A 1 mechan . car guarantse 10II 22 Whippet six convertible- coune -Only nm a few thousand .mile SS5 3S Kesex In T , ssi .a- and less than 10.0M mfles. A-l ia 975 'SdA4 fmi. An - new paint ana tires r jnotorerhau1ed -,S x 9. thoroughly over. $7$ 49S mmtm ox trajMporta- 4 Hudson 2 pass sedaa tew - paint aad A I mechanically 24 sex Coach Bsotor thor- , llsTDlea . 875 2SS 979 "lff!d.9w--walBt and iiuuwn j pass .t .touring, new tires . an around a ana '29 Font Touring 100 99 Trades gnd Tnxu State Motors, Inc. wL.1IS&n'EMWt Jietribtore . rhone 1000 Hia-h A Cht nVt nmmmm 1 m .... ,- -,- -Mrifl Jl.l L. JUUI Pettyjohn's Better Used Car Values 13 Overland 8 -dr. sedan i9i9 ssex uoacb. baraaiai' IU Wash STfcsedSn Hudson Coach, reconditioned v-ucrruiet ufupe, pica up body Dodg Roadster, . good shape, cheap F. W.Pettyjohn Co. MN.ComT.8t ., Tel. 1340. -Alter we sell we serve." 75 Cars-to Choose , From fill TIhIaV CTaa s.jet- - ,v- AvveAyver l2t Buick Standard Coop IStT ttntote Ota .r Buick Standard Coup i::t "UJ.C? rsass. Beaaa till sylKK ttx enclosure J!!f pberrolet Touring I26 Chevrolet Tonring isrr Kesex Cetrpe - . "'I tJOVP 1984 Ford Coube l2 Ford Roadster, ruxtell - - -w JJ WW -fora aoor sedan 19SS ViJ -niuiri f 123 M TTUtnr 1934 Ford Roadster xzs jrora KoadsUr 1924 Ford Tooring 1SS1 Mirm T.Vlr, 1934 Jewett Couoe iev rwMt - vi . inn 193S PAnHixTMi 1 7 Tnntla, ri xmii eiar eaan .it mxm Krai. . n-iwri.. 1923 Star 4 Touring Used Car Center CONSOLIDATED BY VALET MO TOR CO., W. U ANDERSON. INC. OTTO J. WILSON. Marion A Liberty Pbone 1027. Valley Motor Company Reconditioned Ce4 Cars -Reduced prices oa new Frds tiav Increased our used car stock at lower Iwillng ' .llAWBIlM W. a a -. deced price th following eV XAVAVaJ1 Model A Phaeton - bs a ww w 425.99 436.00 400.00 285.00 225.00 , 219,00 186.00 lis.oe -176.00 150.00 100.00 11 SOO SSodel A Roadster Model AA truck dual hth I92S Fordor.. . 192S Tudor t$24 Coupe 12( Roadsters, $19 92S Tudor Ruckstell 195 Coupe Balloons 1924 Coupe Balloons . 1125 Touring Balloons 1924 Touring , 75.04 iz -louring . S0.00 74.00 45.44 86.00 46.00 45.00 1934 Roadster 1124 Roadster nickua 1923 Roadster Pickup isst cecum lizl Gniini -835. OTHER MAKES 1927 Chevrolet Coach Runer 4 Rntt rnank 265.00 276.90 J4 Stude Special Brougham 46o!oo t fi?7 riAiiD,. i.... 375.00 Dodge Roadster Hup Touring Star Tourin 75.00 125.00 90.00 $8.00 Buick 6 Touring 75 Cars to Choose Front Valley Motor Company Salem Phone 1995, Reo Sales & Service Three Days Only Nov. 21, 22, $& 23 Our business has been so good lately 8bat we have no room for the new service and norta 4umimi k x xj mauniiii, " For Three Days Only Ws. 4.1-db A4M. an V a . JVl? HS. cari at ROCK BOTTOM i: -f-. uuowmg re some or our 1928. Oakland 3 -door Sedan. Was $825.00, Now ....$ 695.00 " Tnnac i -aoor sedan. W llrA nl , fv,v, now .. lJ Studebaker Victoria, Was c fan a a . 575.00 . fv.vv, now mi. ,. "wasoofw 450.00 450.00 saaxwen Touring ear. lilP?rld Sedan. 43UB now 100.04 was fi.w, now 175.09 1923 Rickenbacker brouxkaxn. ..Was 3760.00. now 1984 Light Six Studebaker 421.00 1928 Chevrolet 1H yd. gravel .CJ5' wa." $6500, now 915.99 in tteo epeea wagon, lit tonaws $1000. now . ?. 1928 Chevrolet 1H yd. aravel $39.4 was i od.vw. now -t" Speed Wagon 1H ' 429.94 iuii 4vu wneei Daae. was iseaa nn , 3928 Ira 'jorgensen 1800.00 471.00 ; v ton--auai tires, was iso.oi;, now 1922 Ford Truck, was $2 00.0 if now ,, i 67 Cadillac Tow Car steel r bed on back, was $460.00. 100.00 A V TT oeo epeea wagon 1 1-4 Jon, was-$350.40, now . 175.00 - We have also three Reo Flying Cloud ANTES 1 All cars guaranteed as rep- i.r iwiei mecnanicai Kvywuvil, 1 ' Trm. A IV-M Jlt These cars and trucks must move nnot let them sit In the street. reo .trucks and passenger j - t Cars." - - Reo Sales & Service 389-$ft Worth HIga Street. Baiam, oragon. 1 - i-i-w-innjirLixrui 1985 Model Nash Coach excellent eondlUon. 9359.90. WTil Uke good Ford coupe up to 9204.44. 2194 N. Liberty. 9875 875 jawaa 715 SAW A 225 i 3(5 - 145 , 160 435 400 - 850 38$ 250 100 . 17 sewes)ssnsjsaBBS) ea i w . wsssaewewnaa S SB -- 1 ISO ,. - 76 , i i 45 . " 160 , , 13$ . tsa - .. 446 i n ; 425 iit ' ' , . w . 365 90 40 FOR SALE USED CARS McKay's UsedTCars WithAn OKTThat Counts . ... - , TODAY- BARGAINS 39 C&ev. Coupe - Urea aad fin ish tan't be told from new. Mechanical condition, positively guaranteed. Total cash price includes license fs 1933 W.3J Knight tr, new tires and paint 9195 1927 Chev. Out reonnditinnut 483 iz v-nev. atoa, nrst ctasa thr out us 182$ Chev. Cabriolet beauty 959 $50 LOTS of good' running cheap cars! Coupes, sedans, tourings. loadstars. ; TRUCKS ' WE faav several very fine buys In trucks. Ton to two ton capacity and priced from 912$ to $450; Wo accept trade mad quote low G. M. A. C terms. - .. JrlCKay Chevrolet Co. 130 N Com'L seas1ssaTtanij Capital Motors Used Car Market , .. Where you can-exchange ars at tbeNorthweet Manual prices. 1MI Oldsmobno t-door Sedan ' 1927 Oldsmobile Landeau 1947 Oldsmobile Standard 4-door Sedan Itir Kesex t-door Sedan "". 1935 Oldsmobile 9-dodr Sedan 1927 Essex $ Coupe ' U2T Dodge Coupe 1917 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan 193$ Ford 4-door Sedan 1928 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan 1939 For . Toarmg 1 speeds J24 Willys-Knight 4-deor Sedan 1923. Oakland $ Tourtnr IMS- Ford Commercial Delivery 192 Whippet S 4-deor Sedan 1933 Naeh Coupe 192$ Nash Cabriolet 1925 Reo -Speed Wagon, Commercial W7 .- 1829 Oldsmobile Coupe $934 Ford Touring (three) $25.00 each Capital Motors Co. Inc. 950 North High Street USED CARS Always the Best Always Phone 1125 SAVE - 9200.00 ON THE PRICE OF A NEW BUICK lj9 Model 4-door sedan, cost new, $1580. Only run 1804 miles. Guaran- ecut (a A VW7 aiat . - . ot vv uaa. www miimvcerp uioei -rcat vu axc: VeaVAT e eUB9. -Open Eyenlnge JLoder Bros. 44$ Center 6treet Phone 459. Giaham-Paig Sale and Serrio for nw ana jrmit wounues. XII' 1 1 kfiDr M. AW I. . . . TUch L. Reimann, 219 N. High at Tel tWAAAAAAAA)!) 1 LODEB Joaiacthelr ftnrt sal of .rood . - v-en wcu CWSI 4sVtWeyS e63itl tarifVatl tlTMf e Kea nerlM vMt tion considered and bar been real vames. On acoount of doing a heavy new n7 down of used car purchases, wa. mw m. soea usea ears on hand. rrilUrSlV ELL THESE fcSli-VS eWS 19 XUUK Ot- va-A jtiis 5KI-BJ ffXlt Afl Ttlsb -m Wf see Klss II Mid get th benefit of the savings. Mir 1 war oeaan. was 3776. nun t- .. rial Buick 4 pass. Coupe. Was 3395. Now . , , ISO. Chrysler -Coach, Was $460. Now 400. Dodge Couna. Was 3S75 Nn. t Je-pe, Was $62$. Now 96$! nayiwmH-up. Was $314. Maxwell. 1.4 door "Sedan. Wa iv. now Falge 4-74 Pbaettm, Was 4375. 11VW 1 t isert 1 ...... ) ,, , n XlA 8tn(fcbakr Coupe, Was 9264: Jewert 35 Tear, ww . . ZIB Wa 9894. XMOW mint mra. A aa r , -" " 495. 1SS, Studebaker Tour.. Wa $225. now 19$ Ten Ford, r n o-tn 0- In l. a - t $185. All Fords reduced 16 per cent jAll cari from 185 op are covered by our 30 day guarantee, JSinw on all cart. Trades ae- - -"- V Q ww AXAB J93J X aHltCsai CAR NOW THAN ANY TIME THIS I .ft Ifc, ttroP ta today and Inspect our ... . LODER BROS. Ciraham-Palge Sales and Service for A.!l!y" . exwrvi roit VKrUnLlea WANTED USED CARS CAST paid" roe Ford- Baker Ant. BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS F.N.Woodry II Trr.' Salem's leading Auctioneer mm ruranure IMOter Reetdence and Stor 1410 N. Summer St .. Pbone 411 . J COL. A, U STEVENSON anc tlnneAr .. -Q-. Awnn-t . ... Willamette valley, tor dates r ar rangemeotj see F A Doerfler. farm vallie Oree-on. BAITER r lECnUCIAN R. R Janrtoti National Batteries r-Starter aad enerator work. 203 S ith Hlrh . HICIXLE REPAIRING LIOYD B. RAMSDEN Columbia BJclejjBdewarhTSTCirt CHIROPRACTORS Dr. a L. SOTTT. lSC, Clilropractor. 25S N. High, TeL 67. Res. 3104-J. DRS. SCOFIELD, Palmer Chiro practors. X-Ray and N. C M. Now Bank Bldg. CLEANING SERVICE CenSw 8t VaJeteris, est. 3837. SUITS cleaned and nrassed 81 Tin. LET CLEANEE3, 11$ N. ComX over COSTOMES FOR costumes call Salem Co- S3SS N. 6th. TeL 1947J. -- EIJ2CTIUCJANS HAXJK ELECTRIC CO. 461 North p-ront st, i-ei. wo. 1, FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR " ALL r fxrcaslotu Olsen a Court A High St, TeL 40L . CUT Flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wreaths, decorations, a V. Brelthaupt, florist 412 State Street Tel e -". INSURANCE . RICH I REIMANN General Insurance. Loan -lit ft Hierb ntT'rmt. ss INSURANCE WILLAMETTE IN'SURANCB 111 Uasonie Bldg. Fhn K. 992. INSURANCE West Coast Lif Inaaranoft Co ''Insured Savings.' 90S Ftrxt National Bank Bultdlng TeL 934. H. J. Harder. Disc Max. . WARREN F. POWERS . lit And . tJscantf . Insqrano sL 44f. . .. .. - ,. 819 tt & Bank Bldg. BECKS A HENDRICKS JnB222-iAiAA-Al IS1 SUNDRIES THE NEW BAMS M LAUNDRY TUB WKmSR IATTMBR-r Tetephon 29 113 a QlgtT "r'iprrir.irwr t.ammww - fTh Laundry f Par MatertabT ' Telephone 1 tt(4 Brbsdwey aAlalllSSSaSii MATTRESSES RKXOVATED by the Capital C1tyBed!Mnc Co 3o30 North Capita. -Called for aad delivered. All work snmmnteed..' Tet i 1IUS1C STOREa ltKNT--NW onuMA a. L Stift FS ' Has cL -1 W SWA lllS eg ewitjsajij, . CL- -WlLAA-Plminia. Pkmo. gtapa. oswlng snaychlnea, sheet muefe and piano atudws. Repairing pbrao. rtaphs aad sewing njsaneaTlJLStatt fAFEU HANGING PHONE GUN Adatns for bouse ooeora una. Daoerhanctna tintina. eta In HfcA wen icmen FLUUiJiNG PLUMB rSTtf ud a-earal rMair Weeptaaor Proa,' 164 So Lfbertr T-4 S3 PORTRAITS and FRAMES LET US "copy that old phot. CAM ERA SHOP, 180 Sooth Uberty. - rRlNTINiT FOR STATTOIirRRr. mhI nAm. fhlets. progrs-s, book or Any kind i uiinunm csu at uie atareamao rnwint a partDMSU. lie s. fywunei- rial Tel RADIO CALL 3S47 for H. B. ChurchlU. the. FOR erery purpose, tor 'every paras All standard sums f Radio Tube EOFF ELECTRICAL- SHOP. 331 Court St Tet 4SB BEPAJRING Alvln B. Btewart, umbrella, cutlery and key store sharpening and light repairing. 251 Court. Tel. 2876J. ; ROOFING SOLVE your roofing " difficulties With Pioneer Yosemlt rock surfaced shingles. Carlton Pioneer Roofing Co, 170 N. Front TeL 487. STOVES STOVES aad stove repairing, Stores for Sale, rebuilt and leaiMi All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets and hooka, logan hooka Salem Fence- aad Stov Work ChMneketestreet TAILORS D H. MOSHKR Tailor for men and women. 474. Court St TRANSFERS CjJPTTAL City Transfer Co. 331 Stare 8. TeL 432. Distributing, fer wardlng aad storage our specialty. Get or rate WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIR fNO or money-back. TH JEWEL BOX. 17$ N. Liberty. Salem. Salem fMets (WkoUtalo (setasfenM) BsekleVrrries. Ik. -,14 .4.5 Crsnbarri.1, hex O round Caerries, lb. . Apple, leeaut Bansaat, lb. , , as OS .$.04 -8.00 resm Limes, -cartas 4 dot. a Iti Dromedary, 88, 10-ox, pkce.-, Cee's Pitted, esse -S.50 .4.75 .6.60 -5.50 Texas -Grapefruit Orapefrait Arisoaa Comb Honey, aiw crop -5.005.25 Lemoni, Celil. .15.00 Catabas ..0 Oranges. Valencia! ISS'S -0.00 -8,75 -7.75 -S.7S -0.2S -5.75 -4.7 -8.50 -1.50 20 1.0 .1.50 -3.50 .80 150' 174' 300'a . Sie'e 252's 283's . 844'i Grapes, Seediest - Emperor. . Uornisnoa , Tokay Lady Fingeri - Concords, baskets Vegetables Wholesale Quotation!) Bnuiels . Spremts, lb. Cauliflower, local . Pets, coast lb. ,14 .1.00 12 Greta Beast, leeal Celery, XabUh, doi. .00 -60 1.00 , 80 - 90 ueiery Uearts fpinaeh, local oranre box arinipf, lb. -03 ..OS BuUbexas. lb. Btsche vecetables, per doi. bunches uarrota Beeta , , 40 Tnrnips . no adiaaee a Panley ,60 Onions . 40 Garlic, lb. - - - 15 Tomatoes, locaL log 7a CaUfornla. lag -2.50 -2.7S 09 Onionsr Yakima, Glebe ' Pickliag onions, lb. . Local onions, lb. Lettne. leeal ' Callierma, Iced Oaeawbers, kotaesie -.03 .1.50 1.75 .8.50 -90 1.50 cabbage, lb. 03 07 0.50 1.60 08 08 Gresa 7ner lb. Oalarae, caa. Egg Plant crate HaVVsrl SqaatK lb. Marbleheid squala Pumpkin t, lb. Daaisk Squash White torn, 8 dox. . Sweet potatoet, lb, ArUehokei, dozen Potatoes, local Yakima, per ewt . Persimmons - .1.50 -OS .1.54 03 -8.00 -1.74 3.34 Pomegranates Feeds (Retail Quotations) Cslf meal, 25 lbs. - 1.24 -58.00 -49.09 -50.0 -88.0 -83.00 - -50.04 -58.09 scratea, tea Cera, whole, tea Orseked sad ground Mill ma, ten Bran, ten , Egg mash Witt -milk an (Bvyiag Price) Krtras Medium. .49 .99 Poultry (Burinc Price) Stars . -1S-' Roosters, old Heatiei -tedium Lights Sprinters -11 .I5i8e -15Q18e to; 'BntterfaS Wboletale tjuotatioai) Priots . .47? .48 ,471 Cartons , Batterfak Sutter (ReUH QueUtioni) Prlatf .59 .58 Certeas . Graia aad Hey (Bayiag Pries) i Wheat watterared, ba. -eft, wMte, ; Osts. gray, be, - , , n White, ba. -Bsrisy. tea, . , Hay - v,-,.. -5 .!(,, . Otta aai vetch ' - Clever Alfalfa - -.1.08 K J9L0914 -50 -S3.0 -20.04 -so.oo ; -36-)4 "(Buying Pries) Yeel. top Hew First National Bank Building Directory . BASEMENT Ian KhlnmA? (rtr Experts for Ladles and Gentlesnea Foorth Floor Bnrat. optometrist. vv. jt uk iiuL mis a.Kis ci. us. TENTH FLOOR Dr. w. a; 101 REAL ESTATE 'DIRECTORY 1 'f-Wan-if s urMimtf ItS HL-Kk v . TL 1SI mrrosiRABfiB REALTY Ctt 204 Grer-BWg. ' Phon T90 S n mn.AwA 29 N. Cbareh TmL Stse b bihtm 224 N. High St Tel 2241 Homer n rnsTt-n bcutt r 870 Stat St t 148 .Vtf II llD4Di?VllAUtM a Ill S, Ulfrty.St- . m9mVlu It L Bx Banf da Tst SSI OEftTHII!)K J ' II Pinn 482 N. Cottage Tel? 1128. RICH L. RMIR LANK Bealla. 319 N, High Lt TeL 48$ socniiiPSfrT a cnM 344-8 First Nat Bk. Bldg. TeL 974 23$slML- 4muWcial. Tel 1354 J HV ITI.BtnU ill.Coart t "v. Tel 461 41 fttnte- Sit Tet 7 Hofi,' top ..L. , 14 , wool jgd Mohair Fine, wool n Media . 1 sa Oearse S7 -85 -45 Old Ifa&su- General Markets HAT PORTLAND. Orav Nov. 20. (AP) Baring prices: Esnem Oregee timothy, S20.521; do. valley. $1 19.50; al UU $1819; clover $16; eat hsy $16; ttraw, $7 8 ton; selling prices $2 more. POKTLAH9 OBVAIH JPORTLAKD. 0,; NaT, , 20. AP)r- ve uvai iUIUivB Open Hit 131 5-4 127 Close 130 124 reeeniber 213 6-4 March 137 t May 130 14 130 128 5-8 Cask markets: Bir Bead bln- stem, bard whH. S182H: aof whits, western white $1.31 tt; hard winter, northers tpring, western red $1.80. Oati Vs. S, 38 lb. vite $34. Barley No. 2, 45 lb.. B. W. 333. Corn, Ko. 8. eastern yel- 10, aarpsMBt f3. Jlillran, standard, $38.00 LIVESTOCK PORTLAND Or.. Nov. 20. fAP Cattle and eelves. talking steady: re ceipts, calves 10. Steers, 1100 to 1300 lbs., $10.25 11; do. good $10.25ll; do. medium, $8.50tJ, t?,I0I n-bbsle's Dally Chat, e 10.25: Aa. eominnti Tf2.-,n TT.i. I 1 tO 11 :46 a. m. NBC 10.25; do. common 37 (S 8.50 Heifers. good 99 0.50; eemobn to medium 90 418; eews, good $8850; d eoaunea to meiiam $5.50 ;8; da. low cutter $3 9 -. una, gooa to c&etce S7 a 7.50: cut ter t medmoi 86 7. .Calves, medium to ekolee 43-910.50: call te aommoa S6e 8. Vealers, milk-f-d, good te ekolee $11.50 013.50; -tedium f 9 11: 'roll te com saen, $8.5000. -logs, steady to lOe lower; receipts 535. t-eavyweiCBt. SB fi 03 1U eudm-i lrht 90.a510.36: lltht weiekt 81012510.25: neat lirhU 80.25(310.25. Packinr tan. reuga ana aswotn, g7.s.t) Slaughter pigs 98.509.50. Feeder sad ttocker pigs, $8.50 9.40. (Soft or oily beg aad roasting pigs, excluded la above quota tloaa) Saturn a-' iambs, trucked la Iambs leek 60s te 81.00 lower: v-arliars ou.s- ably EOe losrsr ia syorpathy-f receipt- 860. BeeelpU 429. tM. S4 Iba aewn. ceed to ekolee. 91.S0(fll msdi n $9.50t0.5e: aU Weights. eaU te corn on, 974$S. Year ling wethers, 110 lbs, down, mediant to choice 99.5008,50. Ewes, 120 lbs- down, medium te wie 98.75 5. 180 to 135 BtSmeahu te choice 93Q450. PBOBVOX - Mn.-pr.A-nv n-. r.. m 1 ipi Milk: Bew milk. 4 oer seat 82.50 wt d-Utarsd Porti-l, leu 1 per esot But teritL (tstlos. 44e. trtek 45. delivered at Portland 7e. Pealtry (buying prices) ATiv.,Nh.avy bea ever 4 lea, 37a; mediam kens. 3 fa U-4H lbt. 2Se; light, sndir Vk lbs, lie; broiler-, under IVt lbs, SSe sprints, evAr 3 lbs- See;' sprihg Pekia' deeha . 4 Ike, end ever, SlOSSoA eht rekia eacKa, igfejiee; colored dbeba, 18e; turkeys, Ko. 1, 82?.84e; live, 18 Potatoes, gems. Ko. 1 grade. $2.50 (3 8.25 er ewt. CHICAGO GBAIV CHICAGO. Nov.. 20. (AP) Corn. rather than wheat appeared -to inspire the greater confidence ea a purchase to day among the -rank aad. file of graia traders. In particular, the December de livery ot Tor attracted attention, total stocks of the contract trade of corn ia pnblis elevator, here .having beea ra- duceu almost to aero, aaa reports oeiag current (bat little or no eora was moving to Chicago tram either Illinois br Iowa. Under sack- c -reams tanct aad with widespread notice being takes that the wheat market alter a rise of 18 seats a bua-el of late appeared over-ought, spread trading, between wheal aad .eera bet-us. sa eatstte-ing feature, aesaing wheat sharply dewaward waerees eera dis- plajod .relaiiTa strength. . . .. Closing qootationa on wheat wars shaky, 3 8-6e te 4-1-4 cants per bushel, lower than yesterday's finish. Cora closed st exactly the-Mus ss 4 beers previous te 1 cent off sad oats 7-8 to 1 cent do a. Ballston BALLSTONV NoTemBet Balletott gav an excellent -xh-MttOBwf good dtlaensaip an4-fub-lic spirit last Friday ntght.-Arth community club meeting. The"clUb voted to bay a Milwaukee electric pump, automatic water . fountain and wash bowl to ba placed in the school basement, Mr. C. D. Narln very kindly promised to install these -rtieles. These Improvements will con tribute materially to the rood health and welfare ot the pupils and were much heeded. 1 . Miss Alice Iaadir, treaeher of MUwankI high, was visiting. Miss lone Imbler who was a friend of hers while at the nnlversltr. DeVer Penhollow accompan ied by Mr. and Mr. p. n, mbier of Dallas came to the cotdtdunlty club Friday evening. Mr. Pen hollow favored tba club by elag-ng sererai selection which wu ea Joyed Terr much by everyone. . - Misses Ruth Hlggius' and Vir ginia Fudge were Portland visit ors over the week endTand Armis tice. - - - - - - . ; Howard Riebarda sued Miss Wil ms, Trullinger, ot Woodburs. at tended the tio-nmunity .meeting here Friday erenlnr.' Ther took Miss Agnes Rlch-Ud4 home.' for the week ssd. Fred Ottinger was a guest at the HN. Sharer home Sunday. llr. Boy Gregg returned to her home la Portland after spend ing week with her htisbasd on the farm. , , .Miss Lucille Bowmu who has beea helping her uncle. Joe David son lo the prtmes has returned Current tlidJET grams From-'v Portland KGW 483 ( Meters. S20 Keys. PORTLAND, OREGON 7:15 to 7:4 a. m. X. M. C A, bealta exercisea 7:45 to 8 a. ,m. Devotional aerriccA s to 9 a m. NBC. 9 to 9:16' a. m. Cooking School. ' 9:15 to 9 :46 a m. Town Crier. 9 :45 to H A m. 'Betty Crocker.' 10 to 11:45 a m.-NBC. 11:45 to 12:15 p. m. Studio records. 12:15 tdM2:30 p. m. Barbara Gould,,. 13 :3S to 1 :30 p. m. Hollywood organ. 1:30 to 1 .'46 d. sa. Market news, . 1:45 to 3 p. m. Business talk. 2 to $ B. m. -Musical entertain men t 3 to 4 p. nv NBC latwi p.;ni.-r-ervice Hour. Stnt-Itn m VRf to t:55 p. m.S radio procrsjn.r ... w 1 . bl vpiomftrr auc. 7 to 939 p. m. NBC. 3:30 to 9:45 p. m. Flower Ghis. 9 :45 to 19 p. tn. Sport talk. 14 to 11 p. m. AsBocUted Brass Band. 11 to 13 midnight Organ recItaL KOIN 31 Meters. 940 Keys.' PORTI.ANTI C,KRdnt 8 to 9 a. in. Household Twlna ' - 9 to 9:34 A m. Organ recitaL . 9 :30 to 9 :50 a m. Home Economics. 9:50 to 11.-45 a. ra. Shoppers Guid and town tonics. 11 :45 to 13 noon Vocal program. -12 to 1 p. m. Luncheon concert 1 to 1 :39 p. m. Organ recitaL 1 :30 to 8 p. m. Orchestra, 2 to 2:15 p. tn. Inspirational speakeK mo to s p. m. urcnestra ana string ensemble. ' - w. 3 to 6 p. m. News Items and. must A 6 to 6 :30 P. m. Strina- ensemble. 5:30 to S p. m. Orchestra. to 7 p. mv Dinner concert 7 to 7:30 p. m The Benson Hotel orchestra. 30 to 8:30 D. m. Studio Droarar 8 :30 to 9 p. m. "Peppy Pam and thf Englishman." 9 to 10 p, m. Popular orchestra. ivioiv:3p. m. studio programs 10:30 to 11 p. m. Orchestra, 11 to is midnight Warner Stone s or chestra. , KGO 879.5 Metera. 790 Keys. OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 9:45 to 10 a m. Betty Crocker Gold Medal Home Service talk. 10 to 11 a. m. Woman's Magazine of the Air. 11 to 11:45. a m. Standard School broadcast. - , 11:45 to 12 noon Philharmonic or gan. . 12 to 1 p. m. Luncheon concert 8 to 4 p.- m. House of Myths. 4 to 4 p. m. Edward J. Fttzpatrictt and his Hotel St Francis Salon or chestra, .8. F- . 6 to i . m. Sunshine Hour. 6 to -9:30 p. m. Singers. 4:3 to 7 p. m. Stanislas Bern's Lit tle Symphony. Hotel Whltcomb, 8. F, 7 :30 to 8:30 p. m. Symphony Hour. 8:30 to 9 p. m. The Cosmopolitans, to 9 :30 p. m. Memory Lane. . 9 :30- to 10 p. ra. piano Pictures. 10 to 10:20 p. m. PlanUtlon Echoes. 10 :30 to 11 p. m. NBC. 11 to .12 midnight Musical Musket eers. KPO 440.9 Meters, ill) Kcra SAN FRANCISCO 7 to $ a m. Health exercises. e to 9 a. m. Happy Time. 11:45 to 12:05 p. m. Time. Scrip, ture; weatlipr: announcements. 12 :05 to 12:30 p. m. Elbert Bellows, tenor, and Emllie McCormick. pi anist. 1!l 1 :I m- Shrine hmcheoa 1:30 to 2 n. m Tpi-t ' ? :?.P- m. Helpful HinU; Aeo- iiemn A 3:30 to 2 :4$ p. m, Federal Business association talk. 2:45 to 3 p. m. Stock market quota tiona 3 to 4 n. ra NBC. 4 to 6 p. m. Children's Hour. 9 to p. m. fluu. I .7, m KpO Salon orchestra, tsod P' Bl--Cawu Musical EpT 8:3 to 9 p. m. Aeolian Trio. tO 9:30 n. m. -narnlirn Cm. Tt-t-U wm, pianist. :-e to 10 p. nu Nathan A has. oiln recitaL -w P. m. Tommy Monroe and 10:80 t 11 p. m. Theodore Str organist with Elmer Herilng, Jar 11 to 12 midnight NBC. KOMO 885.9 Meters, YS9 Keys, ; SATTL-;.WAgIIINGTdN . A m. -Happy Time. ' ? m- Y- M- C A, health exercise-. !sUlorhhW!L-i V" f:45 to II a. m. NBC. 11:48 sl .en. Btrtwr. rx,ii a,i. . braadca-t. 18 noon farm talk. 1 4 i1 1 . ittn. a , rMenSi- " 1 10 "Pr for 12:30 p. iru Orchestra with soloiets. and Greenwood Mitchell. P. m. NBC, P. m.Mining stock quotatioM. IS n n - tri.---t. - - - - - .-Ki-ic. program. i6-.1': "J Ctock. bond and grain -i-VMIIVIUS. 6 to 7 :80 p. m. NBC. 8:30 p. rn studio ptogram. 9 p. in. Old Time Band. - i. . r-wtoaii Hour. 11 m- So-A-Tone broadcast 11 . iiasnea 12 to 12:.0 a. m. Organ recital. home. Rha tntanA. a.' id. 7 w bio . lie winter with her grandmother, Mrs. 17; I lee ttnaus rrt on lmter, Agnes -j oo'u. auu air. a. D. Nate, teachers of the all- Ston School, aifandaif IV. -.., at Dallas last Thursday and Frt- A 41 w The Md Fellows held their as sociation meet at the I. O. L F.- nan rfeuaesaay eveninr. uux ju-nms oi a creek was a business caller here Friday. . "-.Bi UOU i-ome Sunday after sereral days IaII l-V w . -w a wna strs. eartBoionew and Mrs. Amos Henton. . Mr., iwna Mrs. Howard Shafer and small an fThrtAV a.a.-j - . -.- -Bbai ;u serious accident Tuesday who the steering rod broke on their car. Mr. Shafer was swt going at - -y uiga vat oi, speed so no one was hurt. Tba r.. 4. . mm u.ui- i ased very little. ' Tne Bauston school is haring Its annaal carnival Friday. Nor. KOTTCK OF Frar.iL 8riTLEiErp NoUcs is hereby given that .the undersigned has tiled Ib tt Coun ty Court of th State ot Oregon, for the County ot Marion, bis du- ly yerlflea Final Account, as Ad ministrator of the estate of Ellen C Hkbsen. Deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 26th day of KoTember, 1929, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day as the time, and the County -Court Room In th Coun ty Court House, at Salem, in Ma tioa County, Oregon, as the place' for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. - Dated at Salera, Oregon, this 24th day of October. 1929. PAUL a -HANSEN. : , .' , Administrator of the , w - ELt of Ellen O. Hansen, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, -Attorney for Administrator. Salem, Oregon. 024. f I, NT. 14, H,