The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 11, 1928, Page 13, Image 13

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"Show Me" Hills Climbed by
Victory Sixes to Show
Ability of Car
Automobile hill climbing feats,
heretofore confined to certain
mountains, have been national
ized by Dodge Brothers in a ser
ies of tests to obtain a composite
pJeture of Victory Six perform
ance. Paved and umpaved in
cllnes'- throughout the country,
known to native" motorists as
"Show Me" grades, were picked
to test the Victory's, ability. All
record's were made by different
cars and drivers, under varied
conditions. Some of them folow :
In Pennsylvania, the Victory
Six started at Che foot of tbe fa-
ouso Uniontown hin tn high gear
with speed of IS miles an hear.
The three-mile climb to the sum
mit around sharp.' curres and up
grade of more thaa nine per
cent was finished In high gear
at At miles an hour.
Lookout mountain near Chat
tanooga, Tenn., was the scene of
another test in which the Victory
carried the driver and four pas
sengers up the 4 -mile climb in
eixht .minutes. The winding
highway to the top leads to an
altitude of 2,300 feet, and the
entire trip was made in high gear,
the speed at some points reaching
46 miles an hour.
Cheyenne Mountain 1st High
In the Kocmes, ' Cheyenne
mountain- towering 9.200 Itet
above sea level, was easily con
duced with a car load of pas
singers without the use ot low
gear. The rdao to the top is six
miiM ion, and reverse turns
make the climb unusually uiin-
Coreyhill. known to every Bos
ton motorist ana many lounauj
wu negotiated In High gear alt
the way. The hill rises 187 feet
in 2.000 feet of high-way,- and at
one point the grade is more th&4.
15 per cent.
New York reported a test run
up 'ort George hill, which is 4-10
oi a mile 'long with a ihk de
gree grade at the bottom and 11
degrees at the top. The atari
was made at five miles an hour
in high gear at the bottom, and
the car speed reached 25 miles
an hour at the summit.
Stone Mountain Topped
It required Just tout minutes
for the Victory to negotiate the
two-mile winding highway up Ml.
McGregor in New York state.
The speed at the top was, 2 5 miles
an hour. Steep grades and hair
pin turns make the climb one olj
the hardest east of the' JRoekles.l
Ascending Stone ounttrharj
Atlanta, Ga., proved a novel but
successful venture. There, is no
road to the summit, and at one
-point it was necesasry to go up
a rock incline with a 2 5. per cent
Various drivers making tbe
tests cited the car's roadability
and low center of gravity permit
ting safe speed on turns, as rank
ing next to engine performance In
establishing the records.
Driving Expenses
For Average Car
m $229 Each Year
Ten cents per mile pays all costs
of nneraticn of the averaca auto
mobile, including every item of
expense, according to Frank K.
Reusswlg, engineer of the Oregon
State Motor association,. which is
affiliated with the American Au
tomobile association.
Mr. Reusswig nointed out that
while the range f operation costs
Is from 7.05 cents per mile for
iirht four-cylinder touring ear to
11.73 centa per mile for a light
six-cylinder coach, the average is
ten cents per mile.
imnravement in car design.
development of good roads and
.t.nirdlxatlon of motoring serv-
ices have done much to lower the
operating costs, he continued.
Mr. Reusswig said that the av
erage motorist spent I22S in 1SX7
for thl operation and maintenance.
excluding depreciation ana garag
ing charges. This was divided Into
-,.... nrinrtnal items as follows:
Replacement parts and supplies.
$41; tires for replacement..
fuel' and lubricants, $101 and
labor. $47.
ua riMlu-cd that the average
cost of operation for 19 2 1 was
considerably lower u,
when the average cost. wm
for 'other years were:
1921. 221: 123. $222: 1925.
and 192, $219.
The rolling speed, the speed at
which a car gets the best mileage
on gasoline, changes as each con
dition that may effect, an. antp.
Head or tail winds are the great
est influences- of rolling :.Ped.
Much depends npon tlre pressure,
motor condition and "weatherr
several minor' influences, l it is a
case of "feeling- tttte.tor
al running best : -V : '
.. r ;
The lost motion W the dutch
pedal is an allowance for wear
on the. face of the clutch discs.
rAa they wear, the play ta reduced
until finally It reaches, the -vanishing
point An adjustment should
be mndt pefore .clutch, "becomes
tight. - .l-i.v"- .
Ain't It a
i-7 t r'V "73?'
4 I V ' "Lm i f '
I S r: - -
CLARE BRIGGS, celebrated cartoonist, creator of world famous comic! stripe, cays It really U a
"grand and glorious feeling" to leave one's home In a Silver Anniversary Buick.
Northern California Valleys
Present Good
Since the California quail sea
son opened on November 1 in Dis
trict 1V4. points on the Pacific
highway north of Red Bluff have
become popular objectives of
hunters wise and willing enough
to drive two or three hundred
miles form San Francisco and
Oakland to find regions where
real sport Is assured, reports E. A.
Crowley, general manager of the
Pacific Highway" association.
Tehama, Trinity, Shasta and
Siskiyou counties are sufficiently
remote from the central Califor
nia metropolitan area to permit
multiplication of game and fish
to make up for their decimation
each season. As the Sacramento
valley narrows to the northward,
quail buneh together in the foot
hills in a semicircle radius about
Hlghec up, Mt. Shasta City and
Yreka offer the added attractions
of hunting mountain quail. They
are unusually .plentiful there
abouts this fall and afford the rar
est sport of all, according to a re
gional recreation report issued
this week by the Pacific Highway
Maps and ' travelogues are
mailed free from the association's
headquarters, 525 Market street,
San Francisco.
When the quail season opcn3
elsewhere in California on Decem
ber 1, Tiunters are advised by the
association to put at least 100
miles between them and the me-
tropoli. Some of the hlghpolnts
recommended are the Cuyamaca
mountains of San Diego county.
the courses -oj . the Ventura, Santa
Maria and upper Salinas rivers., ar
well as a side trip from San Juan
up the San Benito river to the vi
cinity of - Vancouver's Pinnacle
a national monument and eame
Tires Give Most
Trouble To Cars,
Ignition Second
The Importance of attention to
tbe tires and ignition system of
the car is demonstrated beyond a
peradventure in an analysis of
emergency road calls made pub-
lie today by A. M. Work, director
of the Oregon State Motor asso
ciation, which is affiliated with
the American Automobile associa
"Out of hundreds of thousands
of such calls from member of A.
A. A. clubs throughout the coun
try said Mr. Work, "an analy
sis of 120,000 typical calls, based
group of clubs. It was clearly
shown that tire and ignition
troubles were responsible for more
than SO per cent of the calls for
emergency road service.
"At the same time It was re
vealed that car owners have not
yet yearned to check their gaso
line, tanks, as more than four. per
cent of the calls resulted from
carftf A. A. A. members running
out of gss." j
The motor club executive point
out that of the 120,000 call se
lected for analysis, more than S0,
000 were In connection with tire
troubles and over 26.000 resulted
from ignition systems.
Mr. Work declared that brake
troubles, batteries, starters, car
buretors and other motor ills
were also represented in the analysis.
Is a necessity for most people. Com
paratively few families can be left fi
nancially comfortable without it. Most
people carry too little, considering; that
the income it will produce- is about one
dollar per thousand per week. .
You -may double or triple your estate
by additional life insurancej
A. N. Bash, Pres.
Wm. 8. Wanton, V.-Prea.
The New Okegon
Grand and Glorions
Bird Hunting
refuge, also reached from Sole
dad. Quail frequent watercourses.
Ascend any Sacramento river
feeder and you will find in the foot
hills the valley quail everywhere
in evidence. 'Westward from
Woodland and Davis, and north
ward from Vallejo and Vacavilie,
the coast range becomes wilder
as the motorist heads towards the
highlands of Lake county. There
the tufted teasers of trigger fin
gers are far more numerous this
falL Motor to Marysville, Oro
ville or Chiee, and head towards
the Sierran foothills. There you
will discover as mc resistance you
cover, increasing flocks of quail
less decimated this coming Decem
ber, advises the Pacific highway
Reports received from the Wil
lows Chamber of Commerce, ad
vise the Pacific Highway associa
tion that geese are beginning- to
congregate in the ricelands of the
mid-Sacramento valley. Far In
tbe night the honkers mimic auto
horns as they herald their south
ern migration. Ducks that have
dallied long in the Klamath Lake
region, delayed by an unusually
protracted Indian summer, aie
now sojourning along the marshy
margin of California's inland sea.
Between Antioch and Rio Vista,
their number seems to indicate an
illusion of Instinct that the delta
a game refuge, states E. A. Crov-
Uey, manager of the association.
A fine spirit of cooperation
has been developed by the press of
our. Pacific coast in giving 'recip
rocal publicity to community
events and varied recreational in
ducements to travel between Brit
ish Columbia and Southern Cal
ifornia Each region tells what
other regions have 'to offer, with
resultant arousing of interest on
the part of motorists to 'tour the
enire Pacific coast. This 'coast
long publicity causes wider circu
lation of the tourist's dollar along
the Pacific highway."
An excellent Illustration of the
use of frictionless bearings at
points of hard wear Is to be found
in the new Model A Ford car. Ball
and roller bearings aer found at
every-contact point in the new
chassis where friction, caused by
hard ajid constant wear, could be
reduced and where they contribute
to easier operation and longer life
of the ear.
Through the use of taper roller
bearings on the rear axle and dif
ferential, held to inch close limits
that pinion and ring g&r axe al
ways In proper mesh, the rear axle
haa been freed from the necessity
of additional adjustment and con-
has been assured. The rear wheels
of an automobile bear its heaviest
load and are subjected to the se
verest strain. On account of the
large wearing surface of spiral
roller bearings,- these have been
used in the rear hubs reducing the
friction at this point to a mini
mum. A spiral roller bearing is
also used on the drive shaft at the
universal Joint end, assuring per
feet alignment at all. times.
While the rear wheels of a car
L. P. Aldrich, BeeY.
Jos. .H." Albert, Trust, Officer
Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, Noventyer 11, 192S
Feeling ,
A v - t
1 ' 1
bear the heaviest load, the front
wheels must withstand tbe sharp
bumps, Jerks and quick turns o
which they are subjected and an
adjustment or tne ironi wneei
bearings must be occasionally
made. The front hubs have been
equipped with taper roller bear
ings making them easily accessible
and lessening the number of ad
just ments necessary.
In the steering mechanism, two
roller thrust bearings, one above
and one below, take up the
thrust of the steering worm. A
roller thrust bearing on the spin
dle bolts also adds to the ease of
Through the use of oversizod
ball bearings inside the armature
the efficiency and life of the gen
erator have been. increased. These
armature bearings are immersed
in oil, being encased in a reservoir
holding a sufficient' quantity of
oil to last a year. Because of this
construction the possibility of any
oil working into the commutator
and Impairing the operation of the
generator is entirely eliminated.
In the transmission, roller bear
ings are used to carry the counter
shaft becaus of their adaptability
to the carrying of radial loads
such as those to which this shaft
is subjected. For the same reason
a roller bearing is used in the con
nection between spline and drive
shafts, and these shafts in turn
revolve on bail bearings. A ball
thrust bearing is used for disen
gaging the clutch and the front
end of the clutch shaft is carried
in a radial ball bearing in the fly
The liberal and skillful appli
cation of frictionless bearings
throughout, strikingly demon
strates the high degree of engin
eering skill applied in the design
ing and building of the new Model
A Ford car.
A bright copper color in the
ccfm mutator indicates abrasion
and rapid war. Good condition
is shown by a dark brown or blue
color. Wear of abrasion may be
caused by a 'collection of dirt and
rust or too heavy spring pressure.
Soap and water Is the best
cleaner for motor car upholstery.
Gasoline is harmful to most of the
fabrics used In the motor car fin.
lahlng. This non-use of gasoline
in autos is frequently "emphasized
by , manufacturers and almost as
frequently disregarded by owners.
Herbert J. Oslind
Just Phone
2186 or 1017-J
I A Shipment of
AIRWAY Firestone Built Tires
Which we will sell at
the following low prices
264 N. High.
? Day or night for Tire repairing, vulcaniz
: Wing; Car Washingy Storage Grcauirii -
; Automobile men ' from many
lands are expected to take part In
activities of i International. Day.
Monday. January 7, of the 29 th
Annual Natonal : Automoble show,
to be held in Grand Central Pal
ace, New York; January 5-12.
1929, In response to i invitations
which .have been sent to over 7,
000 automobile dealers. In 107
countries by President: Alvin Mac-
auley and the board of directors
of the National Automobile
Chamber of Commerce.;
Opportunity for discussion of
automobile merchandising prob
lems will be afforded at a pe
dal meeting of visitors from
abroad and factory executives ar
ranged for Monday morning. Jan
uary 7 at 10:00 a. m. Selling
and servicing motor vehicles i
well as wholesale and 'retail trade
financing will be discussed.
On Monday afternoon a eon
ducted visit!. 1q the 'automobile
show is being arranged. Over-
seag visitors : will be furnished
guides and interpreters. Exten
sive displays of automotive pro
ducts by forty firms making mo
tor vehicles and three hundred
and fifty manufacturers of auto
mobile accessories and service
equipment will be viewed there.
In addition to these activities
arranged for; Monday,; guests from
abroad will attend the annual
show banquet at 6:30 p. m.
Tuesday evening, January 8. Ev
ery leading figure in the automo
biel industry attends! this event,
which is looked forward to asan
opportunity to renew old ac
quaintances and to ! make new
ones Arrangemetns will be made
to permit guests fromi other coun
tries to meet with factory execu
tives here. ; .
Following this event, groups
of overseas visitors will inspect
automobile plants in Detroit, To
ledo. Cleveland and other car
manufacturing centers.
The Foreign Trade committee
of the National Automobile cham
ber of commerce is co-operating
with S. A. Miles, manager of the
show, in completing1 these an-
rangepnents. This committee is
headed by John N Willys, and In
cludes B. C. Budd, Rufus S. Cole,
3. S. Drape-P, J. E. Fields, R. G.
Hudson, J. D. Mooney, Jay Roth
bun, Donald T. Stanton, Howard
S. Welch, and George F. Bauer,
Shipping Record ,
Set By Graham
DETROIT, Nov. 10 New pro
duction and shipping, records for
October were set by the Graham
Paige Motors corporation last
month, raising the total output for
ten months of 1928 to 70.408
cars, as compared with 18,800 for
the same period of 1927. or a
gain of 274 per cent. ; "
Production last month was 52
per cent more than the best pre
vious record for October, estab
lished in 1926, and was 3.6 times
the total for October of last year.
For ten months of 1928, under
the Graham management, the fac
tory haa ' averaged 7040 cars
monthly production, ! higher by
1200- cars htan the tptal for the
best single month of the predeces
sor company.
The oflce , cynic's ! wife has
found a book on child psychology
very helpful. She uses it as a pad-
i: ; f
Telephone 114
i ii
Prevent Skidding
Put on Seibterlings Today!
Tune in Thursday Evening for Seiberling Singers, 6 to 6:30
198 S. Commercial Telephone 471
Its what's
Inside of
$tomge BatterierC
-that Makes
OTUDY the 8 points of
O -superiority listed on the right . . . go to
your nearest "Western Auto" store and have our
salesman explain them . . then install a Wiz
ard or Western Giant in your car . . . and let
months years of trouble-free satisfactory serv
ice prove to you that this inbuilt quality makes
'Western Auto" batteries superior values . i
that are appreciated by thousands of Western mo
torists, who are replacing their present batteries
with Wizards and Western Giants.
It is only because we know that every Wizard or Western Giant
Batterj is fault to last that we are able to guarantee them so fully
and for such long periods . . . and to back them with our popular
and Lm
Wizard and Western Giant Batteries ere now offered1 at New Low
Prices . . . posihWy the lowest in all our history of better oolite firing
and with new Longer guarantees, that are hated on superior quality
. . . Compart them with any other standard make batteries and you Will
find that pood for point and dollar for dollar they offer you far greater,
value, I
Wizard Storage Batteriett WtemQt Super-
CaarmntoeJ 2 Yomre
Miet Ttm I nwn tmm .
Tfcaa Mw Law TtUml
-ll StaUrd $ 8.45
6-13 Spia ........... 8.45
6-13 Standard ......... 9.95
15 Special 10.95
f-15 SUmJarJ ....... 115
6-17 Standard 13.95
6-17 Z ................ 16.50
12-7 Standard 115
' .
Here Arm SHU Greater
It t mo td mo om tm port pap.
kw ror m ia, putji f navawnaa
Tiomrm or Waaan Oimnt ttoraeo
Mmttty mt emw of "Waafarn Amto"
flaOvPJ 9o9 J9v 99te9099e99atf
?rVoUra Auto"
.1. at , fomowto to9
AKaaaa nnnnnanavT
9W9W wW wwwwnrjy
1 nHw ahar mo hove
avaraa, m tXmt mde
puresaaae - from -
MV 99 froborh on
frfmoiU, foatoSed mt
vro torn fimt rata...
. WtfttfMf fvwllJ9 a a
rnmm or tiii ddir
Protected for One Year against
al road hazards
ale ani zing and Repeat Service
''Western Auto" battery
RIGHT policy I
Strength Batteries
rs b 'in!'!!' i.- ns
Vi C naafaaaf 2H Tomrm 1
IMatl Trada-Ia llliwmi fraaa
Thaaa Maw Law Priaaat
H 6-11 Waatarm Giajat. Gwaraa-
tewd 2H fears $1135
H 6-13 Western Glaat. Guaran
teed IH ytar.... ..I1JX5
H 127 (J2-valt) Westorn Giant.
GfMralewd 2 H yers. . $.16.95
- Vizard Batteries
are sunrnrjted 2 yenre
Western Giant Batteries
re gmnrmiiteexi 2H years
CtVWaf S'rcimt. t ymr)
If aaa "Wart am Amto- Sottmy 4o
! Sronala da a daaova im, mo
terUUo er oorkmmnim. sawi the
mwmrmntoo aaiiad. wa ta4S raaaar
T i apiava m w a aarwaaa aa
6w wwWwlVTara . V-
&UUpjpjtf N4VUs CL j
Sadsm Store 201" R CoxtxLX
Telephone 796
'-..(! J
-rtw '
1 1
Here's Why
qfve long, trouMe-fteeJ
U CASH of ml. hard rwb
bar eld rof. atroBS aaA
a. cash waixs hh . u
muMUd la wim
S. PLATS tr thWk sad
Im Iit4. Bat matortala
hlck-rrad ozld crlda aad
Uad UtM I centala rret
unauat at ! aatlaaaay far
craataat durabUltr.
4. SnPAJRATOIta af hh-rraJa
whit cadar Uoroacil7 traat
ad ta laaara craatar eapaaltr,
aliaw enrtnt ta flaw fraalr
aa tlra eamctlata laaulatloa.
s. irnnwiNAL. post lower
SUCTION, ta which atataa
ara aaetiralr anch.rad. la
raaar all. T ta luura aaay
aarraat (tawi
e. nniriNAi. I post Tjppmi
BBCTION earraat alaa far
aMa eoaaaetioa. HaTf rate
kar waahar. I Jaat aadar tar
mlaal paat utt, pravaala aold
CSIX COHHSCTOne aolldlr '
faitnil ta earrr aarraat
S. TMT PT.COS af hard rh
ar. haaa haarr aarraa-aUaaa
Ohis Service
is WKEE f
et oar more than ISO stores.
Wizard Special 1
Piece Rubber Case
Battery for Small'
aw X.
X speolaJ" batt (or
Ufbt oars and wiU aive
very eeonomloal aervlee.
iOuarantewd for 1 year,
and backed by the same
"laO-Store Barvlea and
poUey aa other Wmmt
m Xnto batteries..
, Wtooderfal valtt at our
tVtm trada-t aa yaar old