The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 11, 1928, Page 12, Image 12

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The tfett Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning,
November 11, 1928
- Manufacturer - Determines
Requirement of Car by.
Many -Tests
' One of .the problems which de
manded most careful stuCy and
exhaustive . experimenting In the
building and equipping of the new
Model A Ford ear was that of
The new Ford, was an entirely
new car in its class, with power.
' speed and acceleration that were
also new to the field of light,
moderate ; priced cars. The vey
first test models of the car proved
that tires which could be counted
upoir urstand the gaff with the
Model ,A J"ord must, be larger,
tougher and better able in every
way to withstand wear, heat from
. road friction and ordinarily dam
aging action of Tmmps, ruts and
: other uneven road surfaces upon
the tread and the sidewall of the
.Give Bigger Effect
To begin with, these tires with
whlch all Model A Fords are
.equipped, while designated as 10
4.S0 In slse, actually give an
'effect equal to that of tires meas
uring 10 x 4.7 S, when fitted to the
special drop center steel spok
wheels of the car.
The designers . of the Model A
- Ford realised that this car would
go into many parts of the world
- and find many varied road condi
' tions. So the tires with "which the
V first few test models of the new
car were equipped were subjected
. to every possible type of service
and,, from these tests Ford engi
- ' neers were able to- determine spec
locations that would produce a
; truly modern balloon tire with
: " al the excellence of design, work
manship ana material to insure us
. - giving a service on a par with that
of. the Model A car itself.
I Severe Tests Given
Tires for the model A Ford are
- made by several of the best man
ufacturers of the country, but ev
ery tire must meet those speci
' fications.- The rubber which goes
into "each of these tires must be
of .'the finest grade, new, live rub
betr that has been properly cured.
'Just so much of this rubber, to
within a fraction of an ounce
and no less must be used. The
cotton from which the cord Is
manufactured must be of the fine,
long-fibre variety, tough and dur
able. And .each lot of tires re
ceived at the Ford assembly lines
most. first be carefully inspected
and. tested to see that they meet
. these specifications and that there
are no flaws or defects in tread,
' sidewall or shoulder.
" In testing sample tires from
lota delivered to the assembly
lines, the Ford Motor company
subjects them in many instances
to. treatment they will never re-
Senior Class Surprises Varsity
w-.if , ;rw,yr " r, -tt,' v'4r x;. -"sk ,rr , 6xwJ"fer--?r&' Z"
A- ' I " MM III ll lfct. -
axe fromrour winter driving and
vour eaee-of-mlnd An ounce tI
prevention will saw n gallon or
anU-freexe, and. perhaps, costly
damages as-well as tlm and pa-
Oenet.'1 : 4 - -'C ' ' i- ': " 1 '
With a clean, tight cooling sys-i
tern, the right antl-freese for yourf
car win insure penect irtcuum
from the coldest weather.
Where Fractions of an Ounce Count
mm help
rp RAFPlC stops wkem th, gridiron signal isTLet Gon in hundreds of f oet ball com ps
J ever tki country. H el meted warriors fight on while the sideline visitor, m Dodge
Brothers Senior Six sport coupe, rolls up as a counter attraction, to the, thrilling
spectacle of end runs and off tackle smashes.
celve at the hands of the average
owner. One of the testing de
vices -drops the tire down
from a height of several feet, un
der a weight equivalent to that of
a fully loaded car, "upon a section
of steel rail similar to those at
a railroad crossing. Tires are al
so placed on test cars and oper
ated over rough roads at below
normal pressures, over gravel,
crushed stone and through sand
and mud. For Ford engineers
there shall be no qrfifci troubles
In the tires of the Model A Ford.
Radiators To Get
30 Million Gallons
Of Wood Alcohol
Thirty million gallons of alco
hol or more than one-third the
entire output of the United States
will be used by water-cooled auto
mobiles during the coming win
ter, it was declared this week at
the annual meeting of the Indus
trial Alcohol Institute at Chica
go. The report of the- Institute
did nov take into consideration
that glycerine and other com
pounds used by water-cooled cars
during cold weather reach an ad
ditional volume from 25 per cent
to 50 per cent of the alcohol
-With alcohol averaging' one
dollar a gallon, it is readily seen
that owner of water-cooled mo
tor car will spend $30,000.00.
Assuming that users of other
antifreezing compounds spend an
equal amount, the total expendi
ture for radiator solutions will
totaL approximately $60,000,000.
Cleansing Cooling System
Protects Against Freezes
Rust, scale and ' leaks are the
triple-threat against which every
car owner in a cold climate must
guard. If be - would adequately
protect his radiator and engine
block from the eipanslon stresses
and bursting which a "freeze-up"
may engender.
That an anti-freeze Is an eco
nomic necessitatis, pow admitted.
Comparatively ? fw) 'however, of
the many million of car owners
have yet come to realize that even
khe best of the modern anti-freez-
es can do little to protect their
cars against freezing if the car
cooling system has not been prop
erly cared for previous to pouring
in the anti-freeze.
To coin a phrase, "an anti
freeze is effective only to the de
gree that the cooling system is
clean and tight."
Washing Soda Helps
Proper servicing. of the cooling
system requires that before using
make sure that the entire cooling
system of his car is free from rust,
scale and leaks. Any well-ordercd
garage or service station can at
tend to this, or it can be done by
the car owner at home.
Rust and scale are best removed
by pouring washing soda solution
into the' radiator, and then run
ning the motor for ten minutes,
idling it as the solution is dis
tributed thoroughly. Then flush
out the entire system with clear
water in order to remove the last
vestige of . washing soda. To facil
itate drainage, remove the hose
connection while flushing.
After flushing, all parts of the
all pronounce
The Silver Anniversary JBuick
unrivaled in performance
All are buying more Butch than any other fine car. l
Fleet and powerful as well as
- fashionable un equaled In per
formance as well as in appearance
the Silrer Annirersaxy Bulck is
arousing an enthusiasm never
before, accorded any automobile!
And no wonder!
No car erer revealed outstanding
superiority in so. many elements of
performance getaway -power-
swiftness smoothness such
remarkable ability ttrmeet ever
test and task with ease and bril
liancy! Increased bore and stroke
improved carburedon and other
advancements in the worid-famous
Buick Valre-in-Head engine
impart performance utterly new
and unequal ed! '
; TTVi
388 N. Commercial
Telephone 220
cooling system should be tight
ened up, as the loosening and ejec
tion of rust and scale may have
tended to loosen them up also, or
to have revealed small, hitherto
obstructed apertures through
which the non-freese liquid can
penetrate. . Parts to be tightened
irclude naturally hose and pump
connections, - gaskets." expansion
plates, drain Cocks which a sur
prisingly large number of owners
neglect to turn off' after- draining
pump glands and grease cups
on the water pump, -
Fall Is Time for Fixing
' Periodic examination of the
cooling- system thereafter, even
after the introduction of the anti
freeze, is recommended.
To be fore-handed in this mat
ter is really a vital matter for the
car owner. Either he or his ser
vice man must remove the rust
and scale, or if they are present in
the cooling system, the freeze
proof new antl-freezes will remove
them later for hm. That, of
course, means leakages of the anti-freeze
through small openings
which might easily have been
tightened up previously, after a
washing soda solution had peeled
off the rust or scale, barnacles
from apparently tight connections.
Now is the time to obliterate
the threat of rust, scale and leak-
creased appro4riaJons for f edex1
al aid are necessary ltx highway
construction is to keep abreast of
automobile registrations, in ' the
opinion of 35 of . the 48 'States,
according to an analysis of ques
tionnaires sent to state highway
commissioners by the legislative
department of the American" Mo
torists' association.
An affirmative answer was re
ceived to the following question
from 35 states: "Do you favor an
Increase in the present amount of
federal aid appropriation, the an
nual appropriation at-the pres
ent time being $75,000,000?" Re
plies from' 13 states indicated
that the state highway officials
of those states do not 'favor In
creased federal aid. ; !
In the opinion of those- favor
ing additional federal aid. the
consensus was that $100,000,000
annually should be appropri
ated for this purpose. Replies
from five states, however, placed
the minimum at $150,000,000 an
nually of twice the present auth
orization for 1929, 1930 and 1931
of $75,000,000 annually. '
But seven states were of the
opinion that the federal govern
ment should contribute funds to-J
wards Improvement of the sec
ondary highway systems Of the
states, although practically all of
the western states voiced their
favor of the Oddie-Colton bill
which provides special funds for
certain states having large tracts
of public domain., j
A total of $733,200,000 has
been appropriated to date by the
federaf government, under tihe
federal aid program Inaugurated
in 1916. The following tabula
tion shows the amounts for each
year, extpressed in terms of
1917, 5; -1918, 10;
1920, 95; 1921. 100;
1923, 60; 1924. 65;
1926, 75; 1927, 75; 1928. 75.:
Support of increased appropri
ations for federal aid wag voted
by the legislative committee j of
the association at its November
meeting. . : j
I ' Y t "s "
1 "r .yy L?
j IL -i
exhanse valves f are of silcbrcmr
steel. '.-Cf
"The DeSoto Six crankshaft i
very short, heavy and , rigid fo
the size of the engine.; It 1s pro
vided with counterweij whirl
neutralize centrifugal frrcv
thus reducing bearing pressure
The; strength of this crankshaf
is hut one explanation for t hi
smooth flow of power at all sp?ed
which the driver of the DeSot.
Six experiences.
"Camshaft, crankshaft an
connecting rod bearings are hitr
feed. Crank case ventilation, o
fed. Crajnkcase ventilation, o
filter, alr-clAner and extraordir
arily large valves are addition?
reasons why tfte EV'Soto drive
finds his car responsive to hi
slightest touch. All these fea
SfMOOTH engine performance results from rigid stand
ards in assembling parts for a motor car. Here are
pistons used, in the Dodge Brothers Victory Six engine
being weighed on highly sensitive scales. Pistons, assembled
in sets of six, must weigh within one-third of an ounce of
each other, or they are rejected.
be sail mm
1919, 65;
1922, 75;
1925. 76;
If the art of conversation has
been lost we would hate to play
bridge with a survivor of the day
when it flourished Lynchburg
The spirited and instant re
sponse of the new -Chrysler-built
DeSoto Six to both throttle and
brake has brought an entirely
new driving sensation into the
field of moderate priced sixes,
it Is asserted by Mr. Fitzgerald,
locaUDeSotp Six dealer.
"This new 'ease of driving in
the DeSoto Six has found imme
diate favor with motorists," Mr.
Fitzgerald continues. "With
traffic congestion and high speed
the rule rather than the excep
tion, driversare demanding cars
which leap smoothly into action
and which can be stopped immedi
ately without shock or vibration.
"The secret of DeSoto Six per
formance lies in the design and
engineering of the car. Chrysler
built cars have always been noted
for their spirited performance and
Chrysler engineers have provided
the DeSoto Six with a responsive
ness fully in keeping with this
"For example the DeSoto Six
is equipped with the Chrysler-de
signed "Silver Dome,' higa com
pression cylinder head, which
utilizes any gradoof gasoline and
extracts efficiently the maximum
in speed and power from each
tvDe of fuel. The famous 'Red
Head' obtains even greater speed!
and power from high compression
"The motor has the new type
Iso-Therm, Invar-strut aluminum
alloy pistons. They are extreme
ly light in weight and are fitted
with rings of the new tongue and
groove construction. Inlet valves
are of chrome nickel .steel, while
Motor Co.
Chemeketa and Liberty Streets
Telephone 1183
Reliable! Economical! A
fraction of the first cost.
Transportation for you and
yours. Come for a ride.
1927 Buick Coupe .... $1250
1926 Ford 200
1927 Oakland 625
J928 Essex Sedan .... 750 :
1926 H. D. Motorcycle
and Sidecar 225
Fainnrns "
aire Record. Farmiis
"I never made a cent on my farm until 1
got a 'Caterpillar9 Tractor," j
says an otvner. j
FARMS that were formerly good grow
better. . . . Farms that did not pay jump
into the profit column . new records
constantly result.
Power for deeper tillage, for wider
sets ofplows,disfa,planters,harvesters;v
more acres, covered daily; time saved
when conditions are just right .work
when work is needed, whether soil is
wet or dry... those things which aCat
erpillar" accomplishes make the rec-
ord farms. 1 ,
Loggers & Contractors
Machinery Company.
Let us Demonstrate
why Goodyear
; i-
Superiwislt Cord
"laughs off" fierce flexing
On the little machine illustrated we are demonstrating why regular
cord gets lifeless and girts out many miles too soon. See this demon
stration before you buy balloon tire. It ia important to the pleasure
and economy of your motoring this summer.
On the same machine we also demonstrate why the wonderful new
Goodyear SUPERTWIST Con! which stretches and cornea back like
RUBBER -defies fierce flexing for maximum mileage. Tbia one dem
onstration will settle the proposition for you.
The World' Mileage Champion
Correctly applied and sincerely serriced by
U HXMii. . 1
Frank DdMe
Successor to G. W. Day
294 N. Commercial
Telephone 66
S 4
"iA i '
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