The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 27, 1927, Page 20, Image 20

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. . i . .
To 'encourage earlfiihopplnf
-Wednesday we will give absolutely
free to the first 100 costcmers purchasing-
$2.00 - worth f or ' more, a
handsome ; i . .
Daytime Frock
until 100 Frocks hare been siren
away. - t I .
j if
'A Store for Women
: budgetj
Buying Plan
Details of which win be explained in
page advertisement appearing I n
Monday's Capital Journal, and Tues
day's Statesman. We're after in
creased volume and we're going to
get U. - "
In Order To Mark Down
for the Introduction of a Policy
Many Depart
of Lower Prices '
m aBmB T 1 v. - j - - - v a ... - - m m - . ...
nllSSSSS 11' - V - - -s X B 1 . I a -a X WnmT i li ' II 11 K" 11 .
s r t a a a . a, a a ' a - mmmm e '
- - November 28th and ZVtn
, jj SEE OUR VVUNUUW DISPLAYS j '--V r-e- 0. : " -
We Want Greater Voluihe and ? Wffl?SSE-. ItKy- j Wtoii" Of tower Prices
A; Brief History of
Kafouryl Bros.
Way back in June, 1915, a email store
was started on liberty Street by, Ka
foury Bros. From this modest . begin
ning has come an institution that nas
'grown .to be a part! and parcel' of this
trreat communlr, with ambitions and
plans that wiD make! the name known
and revered at One of the dominant fae
tors in Salem's mercantile hfitory.
The little store on Liberty Street was
occupied a bare six months, its instan-'
taneous success demanding larger Quar
ters so the business was removed to
416 ; State Street i Kafoury Bros., had
secured a ten year lease on a building
there -but after being there four years
they had to look t Br a still larger store ,
to accomodate their fast-growing busl,
ness, so, in 1919 they moved to-466
State Street; wbere it developed into"
'one of Salem's leading ? department
stores. ; :
In 1921 the store was completely des
troyed by fire, but even this disastrous
catastrophe could nQt stop their march
ot progress and out of . the ashes there
arose a still larger; store, : with new. .
modern equipment, u new . stocks, ; and
also a complete Downstairs Store; -
Continuing their rapid progress, a silk
shop was opened in Portland in 1922,
one of the brothers going to that city
to operate the new venture. . -
A feature of importance started in 1929
was the introduction of the Budget
Buying: plan an eai7 and convenient
credit plan enabling purchase to be'
-paid for out Df income. -'
rolloirtas tWi period ei rtpld txrvuAen ep
tn erowniss aobi?emtat ia XS37, vnsa
tvsxj Brcj, purchase the feuU4iPS sits wnt
occupied fes Veily Mctef Cj, locstsd
Ciiemeketa and iDth etrctu, with a frmt&f
ot 13 teei on Uizh ad 1M twt oo CbemefcetA.
TW allocation Ja iesttetd "ii fee the future
hove cf RWouiy Eros, The rwUation of their
creams Cf a m9dsm ! Deptrtmant Btorc on
Calunli BuslMt Corn. ; : .
Iff a simple problem in economic. Our overhead is
fixed, but vre are equipped to do two or three times as
much business without adding to cotts Greater yolume
will mean we can offer better values and lower prices.
So that our customers, may learn of and profit by these
lower pricer we bezjn our carapaiglt for volume with
sensational reductions and without deviating from our
established principles upon which the business is built.
The idea of greater volume and lower prices is not new.
it has been adopted and has proved successful in many
of our largest cities and it is not ' surprising that
Kafoury Bro&T cae cf Salem's most pfoaessivo De
partment Stores, should embrace this opportunity to
further .widen tho scope of their service to the com
munity at large.
This change in cur business i policy was Kia4a after
hours of oxUbcrtttioh end only .. whext we thought w6
had eccthing bntcr and blffffcr to offer in cur field
of service. We epsiider it our duty as a public serving
institution to adept new policies and now ideas when
they are for the benefit of the general public. i -
We are after crrcater volume of business volume
without increase of our "overhead expense. Volume
without lo:s cf dignity and selling inferior merchan
dise. Ai tn institution of prominence in Salem, cher
ishing only high Ideals, ours is not a store to resort to
any selling scheme, lacldng the foundation of an honest
and sincere purpose.
5 I
i i-
;, i
i': i
We say tremendous advisedly, and we feel justified In
T43ing such a strong word, because it will be an event
without precedent in the community. We want new
customers to learn of the great savings this store can
provide for now and at alffuture times: We want our
$14 customers and friends also to profit by the gener
Ous redactions and thus cement the friendships now
existing. In short, we want all Salem to Iook to
Kafoury Bros, as a store dedicated to their ecmcc
0 personal entity with a mission to faithfully serve
and fulfill their daily wants at the lowest prices pos
sible xbrmerchandise of dependable worth.
The downstalrf store, as heretofore wUl play an im
portant part in maintaining a policy of lower prices.
The whole ijorejs filled with standard cuallty mcf:
chandise especially chosen with regard to personal
needs for women and children, in addition, a tro
tnendous array of new and suitable things for the
Christmas trade. Never were we. enter prcparca ior
Supplying holiday and gift merchsndso than now. to
commence tne gut During scsscn wiyi sucn cn ciicv
Ive and varied cssorfincnt of gift find holiday novel
Iies, coincident with the introduction of n newphn for,
ower prices, should turn all cyea toward Kafoury
Jrcs. on Wednesday and every day during December.
The Budjget Buying Plan
This new cKarsro convenience has been In existence "some time at Kafoury Bros, but we wish
at this time to emphasize the importance of making the most of the privilege. It is a plan
whereby responsible people can make their purchases, taking full advantage the: big
savings provided by the vol ume'eampaign and pay for their purchases out oi income inj.0
weeldy.payments of equal amount Cash, regular charge or budget buying prices are ex
actly: the same. r ! '
Tuesday 9 a paper will broadcast the sensational: savings offered for this great campai
for volumes Watch for itand be ready to come early on Wednesday
tTIie Volume
atgri Begins i Wednesday, November 30 th at 9: A. M.
J i
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