The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 20, 1927, Page 22, Image 22

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itions of High ways
1 : voughout All Owgon
Pacific Highway
-Portland, Onweiro. Oregon City,
Balem, Altai., HrrUfcwrg, June
tlon City. Eugene, Cottage Qrove.
Roseburg, Grants Paaa. Medford,
Ashland, Casern's, state line. .
West Si-3 r . n Highway
Portland, r.wlerf, McMlnn
rlile. Corral , J ctloa City, Eu
gene: Pare :.
Old Ci
Colombia Hirer Highway
The DUe . i:2od Rlrer, Port
land, Jlalnit Astoria, Seaside:
Paved. T'i .
014. Orejrvxi rrraU
East of The Dalle
Ontario,1 ; Huntington, ; Baker.
Union. La '.Grande, Pendleton,
Oiled jnacadam. entire distance In
good condition. -
jiooaereu coast Highway
Clatsop, Tillamook and Lincoln
counties. :-"
Astoria Seaside, Mohler: Pared
to Seaside,-balance macadam.
Mohler-lSlaml: Highway roots
Tia Brighton nnder conatrnetion
ua cioa miwmb utmer ana
Garibaldi; open and passable, rom
Mohler i Barview. . Trnffle for
Garibaldi and points' south take
connty road rla Foley Creek which
is graveled throngboat.
' Miami. Tillamook. Hebo. Nea-4
kowln. Derlls Lake. Sileta River?
Part pared, part oiled macadam.
balance macadam. -,
SiJata JUrer, Otter Rock. New
port: Macadam surface..,
.. Itooserelt Coast Ulchway
j Coos and Curry counties."
1 Lakeside-North Bend: Macadam.
ferry across Coos Bay.
North. Bend. Marshfleld, Coh
qallle: Pared.
.CoquHle, Bandon. Port Orford,
Gold Beach. Brookings, California
Etate Line: Macadam.
New ferry at Rogue River In
operation." ."wV--.
' Cooe Bay-Roeebetrs Highway
Pacific Highway.' Camas Valley,1
Myrtle Point, Coqullle: Macadam.
Ashland-Klamath Palls: , Ma
cadam. 7 J
i - - " -i - '''' '' - i
Willamette VaUey-Floreace
; - Highway
Junction City,' Cheshire, Gold-
eon.. Blachly, RalnroekV Mapleion
Macadam.' ' ' ; ; . .V
Mapleton-Florenee: " Dirt road;
tmpasaable after rains.
.-. CorraXIls-Kewport Highway
Corvallla. Philomath. Wreni Ed
dyrille,'' . Toledo.''. " Newport: - Ma
cadam. ;.'---...vfc--,-;
lIcMlnnrllle-TQIaaiook Highway
McMinjnrlller" Sheridan: Pared
Sheridan. Wlllamlna,. Grand
1 ouuui, iieuv, . niiiniwi,. rmri
pare a; 1 -lance ouea. macaaam. .
Y IT- -tla-Valley ITJsJnray-'
."Porti-ad. t Hills bo ro. t- Forest
Ccpre.' Carlton, McMlnnrlUe:
Paved.. r r ' ' . ' . ' ;
. 1ft. Mood Highway
Portland, " Government ' Camp,
; Hood Rlrer: : Pared to Orient:
balance oiled macadam. Conheet-
; ins; road between Government
Camp and Waplnltia -closed ' to
- travel. . ' - -. i-
Tho Dalles-California Highway
The Dalles, Dufur. Maupln.
Wasco connty line: Macadam.
Wasco County . Line. " Madras.
Redmond, Bend, Lapine, . Crescent,
Vnr TTIa m mtYi Vlamath ITalla
Oiled macadam. '
Oregoo-WaahingtoM High way
Pendleton-Washington j State
i Line: Pared.
' Pendleton, Pilot Rock, Vinson,
Ileppner, Heppner Junetlon: 'Ma
cadamised ezeept between Vinson
and Lena which la nnder construc
tion. "
Klamath Falle-Lekerlew Highway
, Klamath Falls-Bonanaa: Ma
cadam.. -,
. Bonansa-Commoa .Point Old
Road, rough.
Common -Polnt-Beatty: Ma
cadam. J; - ... ..- .- v
Beatty-Blyx , Graded roadbed.
rough. -
Drews Valley-Lake view t. J5
Mllee Macadam.
Fremont Highway -
Bend, Lapine, Silver Lake. Sum
mer Lakejf Partly Macadamised:
balance nnlmprored dirt road.
Summer Lake-Paisley: t miles
macadam; balanca fair dirt road,
- Paisley-Lake view: Macadam.
LakTlw. New Plaa Creek. Cal
ifornia 8 tale Line: Partly macad-
amlzed;-balance fair dirt road. -Central
Orecon Ulihway
Bend-Burns: First IS miles ma
cadam; balance fair dirt road.
Burns-Crane: , Macadamised.
Crane-Vale: Rongh bat passa
ble. . -
Sherman Highway
Biggs, Wasco, Moro. Grass Val
ley: Oiled macadam.
Grass Valley, Kent, Shanlko,
Junction The Dalles, California
Highway: Good macadam.
John Day Highway
Arlington, Condon, . Fossil,1
Spray, Dayrille, ML Vernon. John
Day. Prairie City,-Austin, Unity:
Unity-Ironside 1 New grade, nr-
faclng operations nnder way.
Ironside, Cow Valley. Brogan,
Jamieson. Vale. Ontario: Ma-
cadam. :
.Ochooo Highway
- Redmond, Prtnerlile. Mitchell
Macadamised and In good condi
Mltcbell, Antone. Dayrille: Dirt
road, rossh but passable. Chains
r":" !re 3 after . rains. -
Crater Lee XHhway ;.
:r?iford. Trail. Prospect, Union
C: :. Arri Creek. rcrt.Klam-
s r, : 2. 2ia.- Road to Crater
I,-"- 3 c.j, tat U&tla to te closed
t r'r tlzae ca account 'cf snow.
r L&ie Lode closed for sea-
La C .-.--.J 3-1: :r. I Cl.r: rave l.
niiz 1 c: :y, " .-" Wal-.
Iowa. Lostlne, Enterprise, Joseph,
Wallowa Lake i Macadamised and
in good condition. Resurfacing
operations nnder way between El
gin and Enterprise.
BakcT'CorucopiA Highway
Baker-Halfway: SO miles ma
cadam aad SO miles graded road
bed. . i . y; Q.ri?, ,v, ;....y:y,
-'i'-'i1-;. Redwood HigtHray
Connection with road to Oreron
Cares. . r ' -
Grants Pass" Ker by. Crescent
City: Grareled road. Oiled ma
cadam from Grants Pass 4 miles
west, aad Selma to state line. Coa-
atructlon operations nnder way be
tween Grants Pass and Wilder-
rllle; 10 miles.: : Road open to
Oregon Cares. ; Good xoacadam..
McKeaaltt r Hlabwar
Eugene,. Belknap Sorinm. Uls
ters, Redmond. Bend: Macadam,
Alseav Highway r '':-v
CorvallU. Philomath. ' Alaea.
Tidewater; Waldport: Macadam.
naarr unity Ulznway
Baker-Unity; 10 miles macad
am; SB miles gxaded roadbed.
PesfcdleteaKJohn Dar Hizbwav
Pendleton. Pilot' Rock. Lazlnka
Ranck:--: Macadam.' J:ir'"
Laslaka Raaeh-Albee: 11 miles
unimproved mountain road. Steep
grades, and somewhat rough but
passable. ' s v
Albee-Uklah: ' Surfaced.
Uklah-Rltter: Rongh mountain
road. Steep grades. .
RItter-Mt. .Vernon : : FartUIlr
graaea and surfaced; fair condl
tlon. - . ..v.
Knterprlse-Plom Highway ', '
To Lewiston. Idaho. v
Enterprise-Flora: 27 miles Im
proved road; remaininsr section
rougn country road:
::: Santlsm Highway
Albany-Lebanon: - Ailed ma
cadam. t -;.-.v..
Lbanon-Sheaa : Hill: Gravel
Shea's Hlll-CascadU: Macadam.
Stabilisers To Be Offered To
- Auto Unvers For Ten
:V " Day free Trial
An offer that will annealf ft
cautious Vbarer ' of antamaMU
eantpmenris being made this weak
Dyth Western Auto Snnnlr com
paay stores."
AGconung to local manager.
wauace Tiarav. Hassler sUbUlsers
aiU be offered to ear owners nn
ten days free trial at all Western
Auto stores. ;
We do not hMtiu ,v.
this offer." j sars Ifr. Clarfc-
"Knowlng how wonderfully they
increase riding comfort and pleas
ure, we are certain that every trial
wiu oecome a. purchase. 5 That
why wa lnvfte the prospective
ouyer to try before he buys, j1
The new Haulers are a lubri
cated spring control. Each sta
biliser la cantoned with a r
lubrication fitting. ' The result Is
an action unlike that of ordinary
braky friction.' The function r-
actly as do the sprlngs-the greater
tne pressure, the greater the r
atstance. - i - j -. ; - r? : s-
Ther Is no Initial aria at th
beginning of rebound to reduce
the resiliency; of the springs for
eren a" fraction of a second. Tbra
is no stopping or slowing np for
rncuon polnta on the wsy to
bring the car np in a aeries of
little Jerks.- ;
"Sealed and lubricated . the new
Hasslers Insure unlnterrustad Mr-
vice for the life of the car, free
dom under all conditions from, an
noying noises and permanent nm.'
tectloa of that precise adjustment
absolutely necessary ' for , perfect
spring action and control.
: - ;wa want tour f customers to1
know what the new Hasslers win
do for their cars. We do not ask
that thev mere It accent - the evi
dence of tremendous Hassler pop-
alarlty but Inrtta ; them to" try
Hasslers for 10 days at our ex
pense.-; - r--'c" :'J:-- :
So Predicts, ilalph .Budd jf
, Great .Northerni W
u- roads Foilow-Trend 7;
Beauty and amartnaat In ap
pearance are as important in coav
mercial cars as ia fine passenger
automobiles, engineers and body
designers of Graham Brothers, the
track division of Dodge Brothers,
say, for the commercial ' ear
reflects the character 4 of : its
owner'i btuiaess. So. la the sew
" ya-ton delivery can given its first
public showing by Graham
Brothers lodiy. these qnaltUcs are
demonstrated la their latest idap
ta tloa. This new addition to the
Graham Brothers Baa is fitted
with' handsomely finished; low
panel body with the ttltra-tmart
cadet front and rieor. The extra
tire la carried at the side in the
recessed. fender.. Note the single
drirer'a seat in rear riew at lower
left . This can be augmented by
a folding seat if an errand bov Is
carried, Jha antra space provided
at the right of the driver, by t&'
ehmiaatioa of the fuu, front seat
allows carrying space for extra
long bundles. - The quick getaway
and high, speed for which Dodga.
Brothers sew four-cylinder csrta
is noted gire the new deliTery car
ability to-do its work quickly and
economically. -The same depend
ability which', characterises the
Graham Brothers tracks of larger
capacities up to two tons is said
to be inherent la the new, cars, j
checkup: EXGaurm
4 .,
Sick Automobiles GannolGp
To Doctor of Their Own
Accord; Help Needed
Sick people' do not work prop
erly. ,i .
- Neither can 'sick automobiles.
The only difference being, a per
son can sense an ill-feeling and go
to a doctor, while the automobile
carries , on " until cojd weather
comes and 1 forces a visable ; pro-!
teat then. a. repair job la needed
This Is the observation of R. A.
Armstrong, director of. service 'of
the Oakland Mqtor Cat Compkfly,
w ho .urgea owners. ta ha a their
cars glren a pre-iriiiter inBpectlcm
and ' adjustments necessary to' In
sure maxlmom cold, weather performance.
"This pre-winter ' automobile
check-up la similar la its purpose
to the' growing practice of rlsiting
a . physician every ajutumn ."Just
for Inspection,' said : Mr, i Arm
strong." -. The physician checks
over the rlsitora physical condi
tion, altera hi diet, possibly gires
him . a hypodermic of Anti-cold
serum; direct him to change to
heavier , clothing and in ? general
serrlces him for the winter. It
Is - a wise - precautionary measure
that undoubtedly prevents much
winter Illness, t...- -
- "The few essential attentions
which : are necessary before any
automobile can maintain ; lta I best
service under : lower "temperature
conditions, require very little more
time than the physician consumes
In - preparing the human machine
for the rigors of winter, f But that
hour or two will pay large diri-J
denda later: In uninterrupted drlr
lng satisfaction. Many of the Oak
land-Pontlae service stations hare
grouped' these cold weather pre-i
cautions under a flat rata which
compares f arorably with ! tha tee
which a . competent Z-i physician
charges: for physical examination.
"Highly Important among these
details la a change to lighter lubrl-
caata la- crank-case, transmission
and rear end.. A lighter grade Is
neoeeaary to give the moving parte".
the aame ' protection -that ' they
hay racelred daring, warm wea
ther with heerfer lubricants.
"Gasoline tank, gasoline lines
and carburetor should be cleaned.'
The carburetor should be adjust
ed; to gire a slightly richer mix
ture, which la nothing mora! than
placing the car on a cold weather
diet. Spark plugs' should be
cleaned or It they hare been In
service for more than - 10,000
miles, they should be replaced
Distributor points - should bei
cleaned' and adjusted. Radiator
hose' connection should 'be tight-!
ened. It compression has been re
duced by long eervlce, it should
be brought back to normal. Hard
starting In winter often - may be!
traced to low compression.
' Whlle many motorists now un
derstand cars so thoroughly that,
they are able to do practically all
of -these operations in their. home
garages. w advise our owners to
place the ear In an Oakland-Pon-
tiac garage where trained service
specialists are arallable.
.'The flat:: rata plan is spread-j
ing steadily through the Oakland'
service organisation; It la meet-!
lng with universal approval from
motorists. They like the Idea of
buying their service r 'over
ST. PAU1- Transition of pasa-
nger but In eta from railroads to
motor ; btuea la onlr started, ia
the opinion of Ralph Bndd, pres
ident of. the Great Northern rail
way company, which owns "the
Northland ' Transportation. Com
pany, the largest operator of mo
tor buses in the Northwest, v
People prefer to ride on . the
high warp, .he said, and the motor
bus business will continue to ex
pand for years to come.- He said
railroad records in 1911 showed
that mora than halt of the abort
haul .passenger business' had been
lost by the railroads in . Minneso
ta bnt that the roads at the time
were operating per cent as
many trains as prerlosnly. - r :
Since then, howeref, there has
been a 'large redaction in the
I number of passenger trains oper
ated la the-Northwest and a great
many of ' these trains hare been
replaced by gas-electric cars. Both
the Oreat Northern and Northern
Pacific roads hare built ' up com
Iparatirely large fleets of the gas-
electric coaches and ; the North
land Transportation buses are
I supplemented In large measure to
the passenger train service of the
counter-at a known price Just aa Great Northern., moat of the bna
tWwanM . ther ommoditv.- ea paralleUng ratMinea..
Paige Factory Adds
. i : :
I will be of brick and steel indus
trial saw tooth, construction, with
Fine fleW StrUCtUre wlndowa and skyUghU affording
daylight working conditions.
DETROIT, Mich., (Special) This is but one step in an ex-
Construction of the latest addl-l pension program contemplated by;
tlon . to the . Paige-Detrolt Mptor M1 I three Graham brothers when
Car Company's plant, a 1,1)00 tooijthey acquired control of Paige.
eorered loading platform la now
Trrz''Mm ; -fjj
Ubt ua ( suggest a cw. neeaca ,cxcp:5m
vnicn are neeaea ror comrozx ana-iy 1.
fcrcliivingl J ". ; .'. .
5 V FLOOIllUl "R.;.
17, , tPOT.UGHT
mparts For All Cars
C; ;& L. Parts Store, Jiic
Owiwr Ferry a liberty. , " Tdtjlca CSff
v W
& - awa - " " - - i
well, under way. Tne cost Is ap-l
proximately S100.000 and Is a
part of the expansion program
outlined for Paige several months
ago by the three Graham brothers.
Complete shelter In all : kinds
of. weather" for the unloading, of
ail materials used in the manufac
ture of Paige cars, as well as for
the loading of finished automo
biles, will be supplied by the new
This new unit is to contain
more than 66,000 square feet oft
floor apace and will bring the to
tal' area at the main 'plant to ap
proximately one - million square
feet. This does not Include the
body plant ' at Wayne, covering
more than 200,000 square - feet.
the which was recently acquired. ' It I
Read the Classified Ads
Read the 'Classified Ads
Uore precioGS than money
a cannot vm
bought 4a Tom yoofiil
Preserre and cherLh li.
Hard and iatfysing work
for which 70a were nana?
fitted will destroy U.
Above all avoid the tlrin-f
droirry cf waabicjt and
1st aa expert laundry take
T8 ci your thingi. y
jAPAiJisr: riAiT
T7e Call snd Deliver
Batteries Tested and Recharged
; Auto Electrical Service
Light Adjusting Station
We C&ii 'Adjust Your lights and Give '
-,: You, Better Lights for Night Driving
Cattery Department A&rents for U. S. L. Batteries
Trait & UJsh St. , Phone 1841
to expert auto repair work we
consider ourselves fully com
petent to -undertake the most
Intricate job. There Is no part
of your car, regardless of make,
that we cannot replace' or re
pair efficiently and promptly.
Our ' plant Is equipped with
modern machinery and our me
chanics are , competent and
quick. We are glad to give
estimates on any kind of a job.
207 N. Church Tel. 48
I 7W1
a '
' A
k t:
' t
Everything that 70a want or need ia ti
modern motor car
Speed swiftlr attained, and maintained tot
. hoots with effortless smoothness. ' ,
Loxnrj that make a ride a rest, chiefly be
cause this Four has the longest sprinbata
of any caronder $1000.
Style that draws admiring glances, Streap
, line contours. Smart lacquered colors.
Economy at the curb and on the road. 17)$
feet are plenty for parking. One gallon of
' gasoiino yicxma 7 anuca
- at 25 miles per hoar.
Low price, and Dodge
.Brothers special pur-
- chase plan, make
America's Finest Four
today's greatest ?buy.m
474,8. Commercial Telephone 423
E332J E S :fSU QETTC 3 SClSo 0 C J E.
Local end Lcn
You Gan Now Own A
iFor Less Than A Thousand Dollars
For the first time, you can own a fine Pai3
six for less than a thousand dollars.
See this attractive car soon. Drive it. Con
sider the substantial value it .represents.
Lilee all Paige sixes, it has the exclusive
new type manifold that materially increases
acceleration, speed, power and economy. It
is thoroughly modern mechanically. It
is roomy, comfortable and appointed in
excellent taste.
OtW Paige sixes and eightsall substan
tially improved since the three Graham
brothers assumed control of Paige range
in price to $2665, o. b. Detroit. Before
you select your next car, we urgs you to
inspect and drive a Paige.
; t:
- y
S m - o' m ar
t ?
. 413 Center " Tclicr.3 CD