The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 16, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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! It
ii;i..i-n.v; Sd.ts
kome, v Protest to ' : Prices
Charged but Demand for 1
?rr Tickets Continues
i .. J ' V ""
WASHINGTON. Nov. 15. i
(APiate prices, fortlie annual
Army-Navy football classic are
causng ROrae -complaint, lint the
unprecedented xleniarul for seats
coatlauf a.Jnst thaune.
f the protests - registered
With -officials here -came from ;a
member of congress, who objected
to Secretary Wilbftr thatAhe $10
tmA-t Ik-scale- fixed' by local, auth
orities In Qhieago, where the game
is to be playe, ?.Js. beyond the
mearrtofthe ordinary football fan.
The war department alaobas re
ceived in? few scatterincKppla'iKtB.
The sale of the nToid.' block. of
Mekets. allotted to Chicago auth
orities la-regarded ty the war and
navy departments as none of their
affair, v however and no objection
' Uxhigh prices is seen here, so long
as the public Is eager to pay. Some
CblcagoanVhave telegraphed here,
saylngthey saw no prospect to get
tLug Inttfi Soldiers- Field.; even j at
fTuor $15-aplece,? and "were will
Irrfj, to' go much higher.
Neither department has any
tickets to sell. The governmental
quota has been allotted as usual
to graduates of the two academies
and- to; public .officials, .who get
limited o.aota at $2.50 and $3.50.
The T pressure t exercised ,by the
friends of ,tha fortunate has been
unusually. heaVy this year, and the
seats available 'from that ? source
have been snapped up long ago..
Drawing tin his Pacific coast fx
lsWience, "Secretary Wilbur" said
b,gjSLW nothing wrqhgin charging
$10vtos seer an - Army-Navy- game
w.hen "they charge asJn'uch as' $ 5
to see a 8 t i n f b'r tt - California
"High School Orchestra
Practices for Concerts
"vSILVERTON, f Ore., Nov. 15.
fSpectal.) The SHverton high
school -orchestra t has again began
it practices- for Its winter . con
certs. This year it is under, the.
direction- of Edwin Einglestad,
principal Of; the high school ;It;ia
composed or lune, members, two or
wHenY'plajt. the first violin, three
the second, ose a cornet, oneJa
trombone, tne a clarinet,, and the
panat. r The orchestra hopes to
aSd a saxaphone and a horn play
er before' long.
I Take without Fear as Told
-in "Bayer'' Package
Ooesnot affect
the Heart
Unless you see j the "Bayer
Cross" on package or on- tablets
i yo are . npt7 getting the genuine
t Bayer Aspirin proved sate by mil-
lions and prescribed by physicians
over twenty-five years -for
. .Colds Headache
l .Neuritis Lumbago
. . Toothache , Rheumatism
, tNeuralgla Pain, Pain.
t . Each- unbroken f Bayer" pack-
age contains ; proven directions.
I Handy boxes of twelve (ablets cost
few cents. 1 Dragglsts also sell bot
ties of 24 and 100. Adr.
Blanks : tifoat : are : Legal ,
We carry in stock over 115 legal blanks suited to most any business
transactions. We may have just the form you are looking for at a bis
.saving as compared to made to order forms.
Some of the forms: Contract of Sale, ftoad Notice, Win forms, Assign
- "ment of Mortgage, Mortgage forms, Quit Claim Decs, Abstract forms,
; Bill of Sale, Building Contract, Promissory Notes, Installment Notes,
"General Lease, Power of Attorney, Prune Books and Pads, Scale Re
. ceipts, Etc These forms are carefully prepared for the courts and
private use. Price on forms ranges from 4 cents to 16 cents apiece,
-. 'and on note books from 25 to 50 cents.
- . h.. " i '
The Statesman Publishing Go.
0. AC. $.tu,dents Spend v -.
I Week-errdtTheir Homes
f SIllVERTON, Or.t -KoV, 15.
'SpeclaI.)-Rueben TJensen "and
Nana Cramer are among those
who spent the week-end wJth-sll-
verton relatives. Mr. Jensen Is a
junior at the Oregon: Agricultural
college and came on to Silverton
after the OAC-USC game at Port
land Thursday. Miss Cramer iaa
freshman at the college and came
to Silvprton Wednesday evening to
spend the short vacation at the
home ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. K. Cramer. '
Tests Began When Cow 11
Years Old Shows t)ccel- '
lent Milk Production
On her fifth - production test
started .at, 1 1 years of age, - Octa-4-via's
Duchess, a veteran Jersey
producer, owned by 'Beals" &
Riches, of 'Turner, Ore., produced
71 O S 4 pounds of at and 10;435
pbuhds of .milk' In 365 days. ' Her
milk averaged 6.81 per cent but
terfat for the year. Her four, pre
vious tests were all completed in
the 3 C 5-day division. As a ryear
ling she produced 479.33 pounds
of fat, and-as.a junior three-year-old
she produced 4 7 7.01 pounds of
fat. Three years later she made a
record , of, Jsfil.:.8 pounds of fat.
and when eight -years and- six
months of age he made a 'record
of 573.11 pounds of fat..
'if.-1. StfTf Garniture Co. lead?'
era in cbmptete horneftfrnishlngs;
priced to make ywu the owner.
The store, that -studies your, every
need .and is ready to. .meet- it, ab
solutely. iX
V :V. Shffr'a Hftrnpsa and
Leather Goods Store. 170 S. Com'I.
Suit cases, valises, portfolios, brief,
cases, gloves and mittens. Large
stock. The pioneer store. t "
LOUISVILLE. Ky., Nov. 15.;
(AP) Sammy Mandell," 'world's
lightweight champion, knocked
out Ray Moore, Chicago, in the
sixth round of their 12 round bout
here tonight. . Mandell completely
outclassed .Moore, knocking him
down, once .for the
count of eight. In the first round.
r NEW YORK, KTav: 15. ( AP)
Mike McTigue, former light heavy-t
weight champion, knocked out
Billy Vidabeck,.of BayonnetN
a former sparring pftrtner of Gene
Tnnney, in the third round p't
ten round match here tonight. A
sharp left to the head, followed by
a crashing right smash to the chin,
dropped Vidabeck for the full
The weights, McTigue 171; Vi
dabeck 174. . .. -
Abd-El Kebir, Moroccan middle
weight won the decision over Ju
lius Weiss, of Germany after ten
rounds of hard milling. Keblr
weighed 161; "Weiss 164.
The ' Maas Old Style ' Sausage
company . with headquarters in
Portland and capital stock of $25
000, has been incorporated by
Robert II. Maas and Louise Maas.
Other articles filed in the state
corporation department yesterday
follow :
Coulter Motor company. Hood
River, $25,000; N. C. Coulter. R.
C frisbie . and E. L. Coulter."
- National Lead company ef Call-'
fornia, (California corporation,
$250,000; permit :to operate - la
Oregon. ,.
Director's-Department Store is
building up a reputation for- guar
anteed merchandise; conducting
a real department store; making
steady progress, to. ()
naltkA "EOff Electric Shop. 337
Court -St. - Everything electric.
from motors and fixtures and sup
plies toi wiring. Get prices and
look at complete stock.
At Busiufe?3 Of fice, Ground Floor
mm pcie
John MJug" Brown, Consist
ent Ground Gainer, Faces
LINCOLN, Neb., -Nov. 15.
(AP) :Tbe University of Nebras
ka football team, free rom an in
jury jinx for almost the first time
this season, now fapes the danger
of. losing John "Jug'Bfown; half
back and one of the most consist
ent ground gainers in the west,
via the suspension route.
Brown and Roy Mandery, sub-
stitute end . on the . Cornhusker
eleven, were arrested with five
other students and two other men
on charges of gambling, early to
day JVhile university authorities
have' 'hot "yet tkken any action
against them. Dean, George it.
Chatham said, all students would
be suspended from school It con
victed at their . hearing, next Sat
urday. Police Lieutenant Joe Rymer.
who raided the alleged poker
game, said he first looked
through the transom of the room
and saw all of the men playing.
He also said that $271 was taken
from the students When they were
After the arrests Mandery was
dteehargetl'as'a special police offi
cer, in whfeh capacUy be was to
enforce the city's' cu'rfew law.
The Corrihuskers face two hard
games in the. next two weeks. Uni
versity of New York. here. Satur
day and the University of -Washington
at Seattle Thanksgiving
day. . '. , '.' .
Capital .'Bargain House, Capital
Tire .Mfg. Co.; Mike Auto Wreck
ing. Three in one. Bargain center
of Salem. Thousands of bargains.
H. Steinbock, 215 Center. ( )
ViTvhort Sr TndH F!tAtrl Stnre.
Hirh at Ferrv Sts. Aeents foh the
Easy Washer. Good service and
low prices are bringing-an increas
ing trade to this store. ()
Amateur Athletic Union Of
ficials Approve Sprint
BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 15.
(AP) .The 'Amateur Athletic
Uniem, in animal convention- today
ratified the -world's record-smashing
sprint performances of Char
lie Paddock for 100 yards and of
Roland Locke, University of Ne
braska star, for 220 yards but
elosed the 'door to acceptance of
further records timed by tenth
second watches.
The expected fight over accep
tance of the records themselves
9 5-10 seconds for the century by
Paddock and 20 5-10 seconds for
the furlong by Locke failed to
materialize. Both were ratified
without-objection but it was only
after spirited debate that the con
vention voted to taboo, after next
Jan. 1, the type of watches that
registered these performances and
to re-adopt, as official, the fifth
second time pieces.
.There are international compli
cations to this battle of split sec
onds. The International Amateur
Athletic Federation has gone on
record after making tests, as hold
ing, the tenth-second watch to be
inaccurate. (lt was this attitude
that prompted the decision of the
A. -JL. U: as a'tesult, the marks of
Locke and Paddock, while they go
on the books Officially as Ameri
can standards, face likely disap
proval when submitted
to the'I.'A. A. 'P. for recognition
as world's records.
All told, the convention today
ratified an array of 159 American
record performances, 35 in track
and field and 124 in swimming
out of an original list ot 217 ?
plicatibns. The most conspicuous
? Ai u m.mTUm y " :?$
I I ? ' I V lii i 5 world wwws -X -2 f 'Jjl frt ! ' f 7
Pi irj l - "fii ! llrTls kw - ----5 A.
mum Mh- iJmfsi
r-ifc b yr V
WZZZ J home I MAM y
witer- s?i$5 I rite CI .
: : 1 3H'Tr. ft)
Ty Cobb, no longer. a Tiger, Jiaay or may-not become interested in baseball as a club owner.
But the future doesn't worry, baseball's grealent playf r. Cobb,. as a result of thft huge salary he
"tlrew in recent years and wise investments made during his career, can irtevote his timeto watch
ing his investments,- hunting (his favorite sport and hobnobbing: with' the folks at home (maybe
.pitching horseshoes).
records failing ot approval were
the pole vault marks of the "Nor
wegian star, Charley Hoff, who
ha3-turned professional and sued
officials of the A. A. U. on charges
of conspiracy growing but of can
cellation of his American tour
while he was in Los Angeles.
Paddock, who has bids for. two
other records, at 125 and 150
yards rejected because -better
marks already are on the books to
his own credit, also had his ama
teur status tender some question
during the day. This resulted
from the use of his name and
photographs of hinum connection
with an advertisement for gasoline
in a Sacramento. Cal., newspaper.
The registration comiriittee put
the matter in the hands of Robert
S. Weaver of Los Angeles for in
vestigation. The Dixie Bakery leads on high
class breads, pies cookies and
fancy baked supplies of every
kind. Best by test. "Ask old 'cus
tomers. 439 Court St."- ()
Buster Brown Shoe Store. High!
class, stylish looking, comfort
giving, long wearing shoes for the
least money. Come and be con
vinced. 125 N. Com'I. ()
Acclimated ornamental nursery
stock, evergreens, rose bushes.
fruit and shade trees at Pearcy
Bros, in season. We have our own
nurseries. 178 S. Com'I.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15. (By
AP) Published reports that a
cardinal naval aviation base was
to be established at Crescent City,
Cal., and that intensive naval air
plane mapping operations -were to
begin on the Pacific Coast were de
nied today by the naVy depart
CL P. Breithaupt, florist . and
decorator, 512 State. Phone 3X0.
Ilowers. 'bulbs, floral designs for
occasions. 1'ioneer ana leaner
InfSalem. ()
De Molays Win Opening
Hoop Contest 231 to 11
The DeMolay boys defeated the
Salem Navigation company bas-t
ketball team 23 to 11 in the first
game, of the city commerciar
teague at the YMCA. gymnasium
last night. Frank Schaeffer and
WTebb starred for ;the DeMolay
team. Lleske played a good game
for the navigation 'men.
The DeMolay team had the- edge
throughout, leading at the half
12 to 6.
The linenp:
DeMolay (23)
Schaeffer (C) .
Webb (7)
Beechler (2) .
Kafoury (6) .
Gamble (2) . .
Salem Nav!(ll)
.P.. (3) S.Larson
P. . . . , .C. Bacon
.C... (4) Ueke
, .G. . , . (4) Mason1
, :g. . ... . RandaU
year's .Bayreoth Festtra!
11 feature "Tristan and Isolde."
fSlternating -with
fth Mnt, ,
Parsifal" and
The Festival will
run froBj Jcly 19 to -Aagusf20
The vOrera House 'Drug iStprei
Service, quality, low prices, friend
ship give Increasing patronage
Old customers advise rieudslo
trade here. High' aird ;Gonrt1''(fy
H. 'T. Love, . the; Je;eler 335
State St. u-. High quality.. Jewelry.
suverware 'and diamonds. ,The-
cold standard of values. tnce "a
buyer always a customer. ( )
-Mrs. H. Stiih. millfnerv."
Most beautiful hats ia-alemf alt
shapes and colors; foil atoclf fipotnj
which to make .-tineVjeelectto
Best quality. 333 State 'St. '.
New sweaters! A . large ship
meni ins: in. ev jm terns, new
shades :fn the ; popular pnllovw
and coat styles. Stotch Wboleik
. . o
9:45 11:0 KOW f49t). Women's
health exercises. The Town Criri,
music, weather reports, non-sehohl hrt.
10:00-11:00 KKWV (21J). lloiu.-
Vrife's lionr.
JU.:0J-12 :O0 KOIN' (31?). lomrstie
. science and hme economics talk. !iiusi-.
1.2:0O. 1:00 KFF.C (24rt). Weather re
ports and musicnl program; 4, musical
- program.
12:fM-4:00 KOIX. Noon concert;
muicnl program aBd news items.
1 :5JO-2 :30 KTIiR. Miiial program.
4;J0-.". ::i0 KKWV. Twilite and classi
fied business hour.
8:00 KOIN. 6, dinner concert ly
Geqige Olsene. conceit organist: 7.
Vhat to ila and where to ft', utigges
tioni and music; 8. Eicbeniaub en
semble; !):1.", blow by blow desenp
'tfoia oi the main tight at the Armory.
6:00-12:00 KUVV. t. dinner orchestra
concert; 7. children s program rum
KFiA; :'M, utility nervier: K, educa
fioaal program, bo fc chat by Kichard
G. Montgomery, auction bridge lesson,
aeed talk, music by Alicia McKlruy
String Quartet : 10. Herman Renin's
orchestra, intermission solos by Curt
Bi00:10:00 KFWY. 6. dinner concert
by .Misha l'elz orchestra; (, amuse
ment guide: 8. Pat Allen, pianist; Ike
nd "Mike, guitars: Silver String quar
tet nnd Aker's orchestra.
7:19;ltn45 KFJH (263). Journal Jun-
.rs program; 8:1a, radio code class
conducted by Ashley C Di:on ; ,-1.1,
Music of the Masters, courtesy of the
Ralph Schneeloch company.
3:30 KPI, l.os Angeles, (47). Matinee
program: n, nigntiy doing, travel
ffutdc; 6. '45, talk, "lluman Nature
".Around the World''; 7, Paul Howard's
Quality Serenaders; 8, Screen Artist,
Vusrtet, Robert Hnrd, tenor; 9, Popu
lar f rograin ; 10, -Artire muKic club,
.Clarice Kus.-ell, blues, the Honeywell
twins. Betty Arden. KFI girl.
3!80 KNX, Hollywood a:!7). fleorgs
; Hedmana orchestra ; 6, the town Tat
tler: e':l.", travelog: 6;U0, Atwater
Kent orchestra; 7. studio program; 10,
-Abe Lyman's .rchestra.
S-.Sfi KPO. San Francisco (423). Chit
tfren's 'program; V:15.,Ye Town Cryer;
tl:U'l, Waldeniar l.inds orchestra; 7,
Kudy Seiger's orchestra; H, I 'da Wal .
: drop. KPO official organim in 1 hur
recital; fl, (iypsy and Marts, harmony
team, KPo trio; 10, Gene .fame's or
610-r-KIU, Los. Asgelts 1403. White
Kis quartet; ti:a0. Children's hour;
7 .''34. scripture reading ; 7:4o, talk on
'Uogs; H. news items, Jse Arias and hiK
Mexican orchestra, Harry .J.imts iieard
sley, liaritone, Mrfna 'ontent, piano
sreom'panist ;, 10, I.. A. Ii. orchestra.
f: KtiO. Oakland (.161). Bem'a Lit
. Jle Symphony otcheitra; T:5.", rmws
rtete. market report: 8, Kvercady
hour: 9, kurpriae broadcast.
6:05 KJK. Seattle (.t4. Weather r
portr. box of fits doinf; 6:10, news
items; 6:30, dinner couc'srt ; f:D0,
stndio program.
rtravel in comfort
-and at lowrost
' Gocomfortably by train. 'Relax ana
rest enrbu te plan your activity at
journey's end. SaVe ti meiTitandyahd
nervous energy.Convenient depar
ture and arrival -times. . " -
Note Th i s
Lv. Salem
6:4l5utn. No.
33 a: to. No.
-V2S p. vsu N6.
'535 p. in. No.
Delimits meal? in Southern Pacific
' dining tars m tra ins 1 6 And 24.
Save money, too,$UCO n5u nd trip wee kfcnd fare.
rourultrip ticket for use any 'day. - .
- 15-day limit. Stopovers cm this ticket -
City TicktO'ffice--184N. Libertyt
Telephone 5 80 ' t ;:. .., : -:
t : I
-KyW, Sau Jos (333). Program;
0, tarni flashes; 7:2j, special unisie.
the mail l3K and farm topics: : l ,.
editoriak X, health llk.
? !.- KOMO, Peattle (:!0). l.evienne's
eoucert Orchestra: 7:4-, Ye Trwt
Topics; J, luteruatioiial Bible Sni'
den!" prograiil. so'los; U, lUt song
and piano hits.
f:HO KllQ, Spokane, t3U4. Airs.
Colin b little boy, I5eu: t, bluilio pio-
gram ; n:.:o, organ concert; stu
dio prograiu.
7:1" KTP.I. Los Angeles (284). Cltil
drenia program ; X, prograiu arranged
by Susan Frances White.
7;30 GNIiV. Vancouver 1291). Chil
dren's period ; 8, address; !, Hart
House Siring quartet (.this concert will
murk the centenary of the death of
Ludwig van !!'! hovcti and will be
connnemor.ite.I through the musical
8:00 KFWM. Oakland (323. Stndio 2-'
- hour program.
12:OU midnight to I a. m. KFWH,
Kurtka 2j4. Progrora.
The Coinmrcial Book Store baa
everything you need In books and
stationery and supplies for1 the
school, office or home at the low
est possible prices. ()
call for Bros
Sealed bids will be received at
the office of W. H. Bnrghardt,
clerk of School District No. 24,
317 State Street. Salem, Oregon,
until 5 p. m. November 23, 1926;
for electrical work of the Leslie
Junior High School, Salem, Ore-i
Ron. Bids will be opened at a
meeting -of the Board to be 'held
at the high school building at 8
p. m. on the same day.
Plans -and specifications may be
obtained at the office of the archi
tects, 814 Couch building. Port
land. Oregon, upon a deposit of
Bidder's bond or certified check
for ten per "cent (10) of the
amount of the proposal made
payable to W. H. Bttfghardt,
School Clerk of School District:
No. 24, Marion County, must ac
company each bid.- The board re-t
serves the right to Teject any or
all bids.
School Clerk
Dated November 5. 1926.
Date of first publication, No-
remher 9. 19 26.
Date of last, publication. No
vember 20. 1926. n9-16-20
h e d ill c
Ar. Portland
330 p.m.
G eneral Llarkets
. UVBSTPCK . , ,
PORTLAND, Sot. 15. (aP)-t?ttl
nd mlM tady o 2-"c higher; tattle
2 0j; calres 3fB. - 8ler, coed $!
medium U.TZ&H; romiuon
6.75; canner and cmier ler $3(jS;
riirr, iro6d -f?6i7.5; wbibbii mvit
oivdinm i4.Shs J; . cw, - commoM .and
lumlium 4.a0HtBC1;" ew rmtern 'ad
rtr '24.5t:- bulla (rood 4.S0: t
Imtnil wdium, ranwra atid bolctna
$4v4.jt): ralws, mediHiu to rboice, milk
fd pxrtiiJIt'd 7(i: bI1s and ?omon
i7; v-r. Medtuu and choice f lOi
2; full and HnMin :( I
ilogs oc. lowr; wijit a,30; (375
Uiromh.) ll-aywight 'l:H-2lM jKunls.
medium, ffTKM a d rtne flO.aOfct 1 1. it;
nfdittm werahtK JlWiW -pounds, com-
mvu, wedtum ifOQd and elm ire 11.2j"
"Irpht weights, lwi--'OU ioiinls.
romnioii, Hlina, goot aira ritoice 7' ?
1 . '!.. ; ItglK -Hgt pounds, com-
nMin. utetitutn, goon anti-.-enoice (up.
12.;t.; parkin;; IkU-v, ron;li and yinooi n
f''! 10 ."; l.-MSliler pigs o lStl
pound, atedinm, good and clioiee fl'ibg
.:!: r.Fder ainl to-ker pics ju-iao
pi:nd, infdMin:, good and ouoire Jl'jyi
io(t ir oHy . hops and roasting piga
excluded in alKve quotations.
Slioep and lamhs nimiinallv steanv: rp-
niMium to cknir 10(il-: lamhs. colls
and common (falO: yearluii wetlter,
mediiiui to ,c)ioi-e rt(jlu.75; ers, com
mon to choice $(: culls, $24i"-t-
n t Mile nnutationx ha seel on best
Mount Adams, eastern Oregon and sim
ilar typo, lambs, few valfe-jr Iamla "ell
ing aUove ?H.
PORTLAND. -Not. 1 j. ( AP) Milk
ataady ; het liuniiiie cream 44 ( 46c pr
lonml net shippers track in zone 1.
Cream delivered Tort land .'46(g 4H i-enta
per pound, Kw milk 4 per pent) f'J-.2i
cwt. i. o. l. rortland.
i'oiiltry quiet: heaTv hens 2;ff2f;
light Itic; "jtprings "CKirrsr.e; pekin while
ducks 24c: eolored l"&7e; turkeys -lira
a-a:l4c; drewed i;(j'4 ponnd.
i'otatoes unsettled; '$ 1.5II- 1.7j rack.
Onions slaw; local TaeMSt:' Walla
Walla 90Sfl.
POHT1.AND. Not. 1 3. (At')-rllayiBg
baying priees: K stern Oregon -timothy
f '.Ml ;.' 2 : dittii valley $17di 17. "0 ; cheat
till: alfalfa 1 7. r0ri: oat My fi::,
eat and vetch $1 4.50 15 ; straw ,77.50
per ton. Helling prices Jf 2 a tou more.
ttbFs Steady
KKW "YOKK. Vov. 15 (AP) KVap
orated apples steady; choice 1 ' 1 'fee
tancy 1 1 ',t I c ; prunes steauy;
Califurnians. 6ft 1 1 U ; Oresons "i lit l'Jc ;
apricots fiftn standard U0fri 21c; choir
V2 ftyj-tc ; extra choice 24fti'.,.r.
Peaches steady; standard 131Ail4e;
Clioire 1 4 di 1 4 Vj c ; extra Choice l t(J)
l"i:t; hops steady: state, 19'Jti,
0.1c : .state
I92j nominal : taeific coast.
l.2ii, 2 7p;
; raoine coast IU-j. Sjf
Nov. 1.1
-(AP) Dair
Excuange, net prices:
Butter extras 4 I Vj : "standards
prime firsts .:: firsts atic. ;
Kggs extras 4.r; firsts 44c; pullets
3Se; enrrent receipts 41c; undersized 27:,
POTlTf.AXI, Nov. 1 5. -(AP) 'Wheat
bid: liliB hard white, hard white. US,
Baart, soft white, western white, hard
winter Nov., Dec, 91-34; northern
spring, Nov.. Dec, '91.33; western red
Nov.. Dec,
OaU No. 2, 30 pound white feed and
gray Nov., Dec, ?3J.
Usrley. No. 2. 4. pound BV. Tov..
Iecv 92M..10. i
torn, . 2. K shipment Nov. 34.2a I
Dee. .I4: No. .1 KY shipment Dec. $32.
Willrun, standard, Iov., Ic. f24.50.
OniCAOf), Nov. 1.1. f AP) Despite
1,195.(100 bushels increase of the I nited
States visible supply, wheat values showed
an upward trend most of the time today.
Argentina advices pointed to likelihood
of smaller yields of wheat than had
been looked, for thronghent a large area:
Closing quotations on wheat were firm.
to c net higher; corn Ie to 1 3-8c.
up, and oats at ie to c advance. '
BOSTON. Nov. Lii (AIM Wool con-
throes quiet, with values 'airly stead v.
Asking -prices on Ohio wools are a shade
aster. -ine delaines Bold at sliehtly
tinder 46c in the case of a heavy offer
ing that had not been moving readily
Most concerns, however, are firm at 46c,
specially where stocks have been re
duced by steady sales. Texas fleece me
dium mohair is offered here at 65c and
the unsorted kind at lie.
The Cherry City Baking Co.'
bread, pies and cake are of high
est quality. One of Oregon's moot,
sanitary bakeries. Visit it. Worth;
wnne. a saiem snow place. ()
"Notice Is hereby eifen that the
final account 'of Ladd & Bush
Trast Corn pany as' executor of the
estate of M. -It. Moore, deceased
has been filed rn the County Court,
of Maridn County, State of Ore
gon,, and that the 8th day of De
cember, 1"92, at the hoar of ten
o'clock A. M-, has been duly ap-?
pointed "by uch Court for the
hearing 6f objections to uch. final
account and the ' settlement there
of, 'at which time any person in
terested In such estate tnay appear:
antl rfile objections thereto In
writing and ' contest -the same.
Dated this Sth VJay of Notem
ber, 192G.
Ladd 'Sc. Bush Trust Company,
executor of the estate of M. R.
Moore, deceased.
Jan. 'G. "Helttel, attorney for
estate, Salem, Oregon,
Date ttf first pnblfcation: No
vember 9. 1926.
Date of last publication: De
cember '7r 19J6. .n-9-i6-23-i3Dd7
Notice 6f 'Intentron ro Improve
I Street 'From the Kjtst 'Uhe
of Twcnf yifmirth "Street to tle
West Uncof Twenty-fifth Street
Notice is hereby siren that the
Common Council -of the City of
Salem, Oregrrm, deents it oeoessary
and expedlelit and berby declares
Its J purpose and intention 'to 1m
prove'Iiee Street from the east lfne
of Twenty-fourth Street to the
west line' bf Twenty-fifth Street,
in the City f atem, Oregdn, rat
the expense of the abutting and
adjacent -property. " except the
street alley' in tersecttoBS, the
exnB8'f which will be assumed
by 'the City or Salem. Oregon, by
bringing 'itald portion of ; said
atreetHt Hhe established grade,
constrrictlBg Portlaml cement con
crete curbs, and paving said por
tion of said street with a ftix Inch
t-oriiafta cement 7 concrete -pare-
tnent, 2 4 feet In. width, in accord
ance -with the plans -and - specify
cations tnereior which were adopt
ed by, tbe Common Council on 1st
dayof Not ember. '1928. unw - m
file- in the office of the City Re
corder, and which are b.ereby re-
lerrea to ana made a part hereof.
The Common -Council hereby de
clares its purpose and intention to
make the ' above described . Jan
prorement by and through the
Street. Improvement Department
of the City of Salem, Oregon.' .
By order of the Common Conn
cil this 1st day of November,
M. POULSBN, Clty Recorder;
.. uati oi iirsi paoncauon hereof
Is November -10, -19 2. . ' t
. Date of final publication hereof
Union Roster
Ixtrsva. Liocal N. "4.41, ataat Wsd.
p. aa. Call 179 for anaa.
N. SlfKr-Praaidaat, O. KTaa; aa-
'and Satnnlay, 80 -p. .
.Meets Ttmrs. evening. Aria Or Tuetr,
: president; - Wm. Pettit. , seeretary.
Skilled mechanics f ttrmifcbed. Phone 17.
ployeea local' 458, every third Monday, I
457 Court llaael PMrrw, -aeeretsry. 1
Meets at Labor Uall on call trfjsrsti- r
. dant. ' F. W. v Bears, AeraWYy, Bui J
. 44. Baian, Ura.
-Lodge Roster
jvexjr Wednesday, -Pratemrty HaJl, i.
M. Willett. See 7. Tel. 869-Rl
Vreternal Hall every Tuesday avealag.
Visitor invited. N. Park Stnrgaa, C C:
Walter I.enon, K. of R. S.
tXtje Oregon ttatcfiman
Published every moroiag (except Mob
day) at Salem, the capital of Oregea.
LoCal Rates
For 'Classified
-Dairy or Eenday
On time
.2 cents per word
Three time
.5 cents per word
.Sis tinea .. , . 8 rents per word
' 1 mo.' daily and Run. .to cents per word
'In order to earn U more tban one
time rate, advertisement vsast- rsa in
consecutive issues,
. .No Ad taken for 'teas than 25c.
Ads ran Sundsy ONLY charted at
ooe-time rate.
Advertisements (axfcept 'Personals
and Situation Wanted) will be taken
over the telephone -if tba advertiser fs
a anbserihr to phone.
The Scstesmsn vi1l receive adver
tisements at any time nt the day or
"night. To insure proper classifica
tions ads should be in before 7 p. m.
TFXKPnOVE.2-f.bR 583
noifESTADVEUTISlNQ -These col
tnns mast be kept -fre frotn-anything
of a Qoettionabla nature. Misreprtiea
tationa will not be tolerated. Infor
mation showing any questionable in
tent on tho -part of -the advertiser
' saould ' be reported to this news-
paper or the Kalem Ad club.
Money to Loan
T. JC. . 1'OBU
(Over' tAdd Bush Barfk)
O. J. Htill Anto lVip and Paint Shop.
207 S. Commercial. Kat6tf
WANTED Cmproyinetit 19
digging and team work. Phone 72K'i
.. 19ml4tf
. jgtocerv store building. Thanes 97i
snents. F L. Wood, S41 BtaU St.
- flat with rangea, fnrnace, etcAW
$30 Lease $35. See 6eeWe.'f
street. ; 'Becks h -Hamdrieka 1S9 n.
High street. .
Capital Citv Coonefatrvn'fTt'Barn.
ery. Milk, cream, buttermilk. The
Buttercup 'butter Iras no eqrral.
Gold standard of 'perfection. '137
"S. Cbtn'I. Phone 299. ()
Sutherltn Cew tie rriiil south
east bf camp t. Will have payroll
of 1 30,000 a year.
Kotlee -of Intention to 'Tmprojtt
"Wl rroh a Cou rt' orrj Seventeen th
Street to "the Terminds of "Said
Winona Court.
Notice -is ; hereby etven that'thA
Common Council of the Ct of
Salem.'Oreerm. deemn it
and -expedient and hereby declares
us purpose and intention -to im
prove Winona Court from Seven
teenth Street to thn tnrmlnn nf
said Winona Court, In the City of
aiem, uregon. at the expense. of
the abutting and adjacent prop
erty, 'except 'the Street and n1lv
intersections, the expense of which
win do assumed by the City bf Sa
lem.' Oregon, by brmgiflg'said por
tfon of said street to tbn t9hiuh.
ed grade, constructing Portland
.Hivufc uuncic curuB, ana iraving
said portion of said street with a
six-inch Portland cement -concrete
pavement 16 -feet' te "width, in
cordance -with the plans and speci-
iicauons tnereror- which were
adopted by'the Oommon Council on.
wovemner l, 1926, nowron-file in
the offfcA t tho fttv Tro-A
rvnd -which -are herebyr referred to
ana maae a part hereof.
-The Comrnori-CoTrnell irereby d
clares its-purpose and intention to
make the above, described Im
provement by ! and thrttngn. the
Street 'ImproTetnent 'Department
of the Ctty of Salem, Oregon.
By -order of tbe Common Coun
cil the 1st day of November; 192G.
M. POULSEN. City Recorder.
!Dafe,of first' publication hereof
is. NoTenjber -in, ltM. - -
Date of final -publication hereof
will be November 20.1926. n2
Salexa XTjlfkets
N. 1. wheat, white
Red. Wheat, sacked
at, per bo. anfflinc
11 y, oaU, vetch, per ton
Tcrsx. Idtrtroy Aim feszr
Top hoga
, - 9H
Top aters . , , .5
'rws n
' Balls -- 3
. Pprinir Iambs, under 0 lha. 1
4 JO
- "P lit Teal
- Dreaaed "eal
Dressed son
. :-- -J
. Light heaa
- Heavy hens .
. Bprinr
. .6
: Roosters -
it. 20
-Heavy-colored f ryc
Standard . .43
Per pound -',, ,30
Bntterfat -- - 44
'-Oroana oatter
i 4647
Teretablea ta, sacked .rt
'Onions, doa. bonrhea . .40SO
Ceierr. do. benches 60(a$sai,l
.few. cabbagn .- . - .03
Old potatoes t "ggt nn
Local lettnc. erat . 1.50
Local etdoat ; . . ,IS
Ul pe NOTember 20,' 1926. nJO