The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 07, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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oo 192B noon
. 4 .J- ...
More Thanr $5000 in Prem
iums and. Awards to Be
.?. Given Best Horses
Entries for the six-night horse
show. feature of the annual state
fair, September 21 to October 2,
will close this; year on September
20, says an announcement issued
today by Jay ' M." Reynolds, ; In
charge of the eyent," and early
registrations and Inquires Indicate
larger -showing. of show animals
this year tban'erer before.-
Tb make the competition partic
ularly attraetire' to. owners the fair
board .at. its .last meeting, doubled
the premiums for the show, bring
ing? the total to more than 15000,
with 'Six . separate stakes of ItSO
eacht whiten are "expected to ' bring
iVIEe "greatest .aggregation' of
California, Oregon and Wasting
ton' hbrse that haVe eirer : been
seehE Id state falrandwv V-
One of ,the-bennerrtents..this
yeah and one Which has proten its
pbiJMlaf ,wltn the tft0Uh'di who
flock to the eight shows, .will be
the co'mpfeiltloii between Sit Horse
teami. a ifuli class'- of which '.has
. already been, assured by: the. en
tries to date.' This "competition
wilt continue though fbir. nights
to defermlne 'thef awafds- .jn ;two
classes for -the most snlUble teams
for. draft .purposes apdjor the best
Pir4 obampioBshfp veirenTaie
included .tn-the classification; ' as
announced.-; They ate- thamjion
roadster lnUgUi.-liaxa4:-ctuim-pion
'heavy, harness " horses," cham
pion ;f IteV'tf lttf'stfdfflif- ifjes,
Champion fixe galted saddle hors
es, .and champion--hunteri, 'each
rent carrying banllpti and-re-serre'cnanipidn-
ribbons. T
- njotr' tfie . special exhibition
and .feature-events 4hat are" being
arranged still be' aUhtfy .drilUby
Che Oregon " ArlcUltuf t college
mflUry. department and tn Port
land Hunt club, . if negotiations
now , being conducted' by; the fair
management are-successful. Other
features, mre also planned to fill
eat the full week,' the night horse
shows haying been; extended .to
corer six instead of fife . nights
this year. ? - ,r ..
The full list of, events Ha ar
ranged in" the revised claislffca
tlon' fflclndes . the following : I .
.-i. . Roadsters A ' J.', '
telis's 'Ti 2 5 0:kV 5 f ari'f tne
hira'6is'6eter:Bini:i:--First ptUe
- plaasSnSS tO stake ?f Or ;,fioe
roadsters', ..light . 'harness. ? ?frst
urb 41 00. secpnd. 6S, third -945,
foefcth s 6; fifth 15.U
: Class 8 Ladles roadster, ' ;slri-
le. . FlrsMfrlxe second $26,
third t6, fourth, -ribbon.;
Clans' '4 enllemans roadster,
single.? i First priie 50i second
j:5; third IIS,' fourth ribbon.
: Class 5 Roadster, pairs. First
prise Jtov second $26, third $18.
fourth ribbon.': ' '
; . ;Crrii4re. Horses .
Heavy harness .horses, single.
First prize $50. second $6, third
SI 5. fourth ribhonr ' 7 7
Heaty harness horses. . single
('l 5. 2 and over). First prize $60,
second $ 2 third $ 1 5 , fourth rlb-
Class 8 LadiesV singles. First
S50; second :$2, third $15, fourth
i Glass Or-r-Ladies. pairs. First
secohd 425,-third $15, fourth
. ribbooi r t i-s .-'..' , ;
. Ojaa llMljlW), stake for heavy
harness horses, pairs. First too,
Kecoad S 66; third 945; fourth f 26,
; fiftb.i$s.t.H; r. zxpp.-t,-
: ' Class: l i--Gig horses; - First
950, second 9?6 third 91$. fourth
. Class ,2-r-Tandemsif First $50,
second. '925," third $15. fottrth
ribbon. I r:, ;.vy.r ffis?:' '
: v vf 8a44le JIomm ?t t '-V: '
Class 12 Ladles three' gaited
Middle herses-(walk,-trot and can-
i Boneateele. Jtfotor Co. 474-S.
Com'l.. has the-Dodge automobile
for.yQu. All steol body.. VLasts.a
lifetime, Ask.Dodge owners. iThey
frm tell you. .. . t)
Satisfy your . sweet , tooth with
those 'rood whiiman's candles.' We
brave the exclusive right of. sale' to
this line in Saiem. - Crown ' Drug
Blofe, 3X2 SUte. 4 t v - ; 5 ()
:. Aectimated ornamental nursery
stock, evergreens i rose ; bashes,
fruit v and . ahade 4 trees ft Pearey
Bros. In season. We hare oar own
nurseries. 178 srcoml., , r )
- ' . . . t'V ; i I
W. O. Krneger, realtor, progTes
kire, fair, equitable.. 'Crowing city
and ' country Inake possible1 bays
that wtll make yon- good' money.
Complete listings. 147 N. Com'l.
For health and-nourtshmsnt try
our pies, cakes, 'pastries, dough-nula-aad
"bread. Better Tet Bak
ing Co... 28 4 NComU home of
Better Yet Bread..- ()
0' V;.1
. Buster Brown Snoa Store.. HIrTi
class, stfllsih,ookiag. coojtqrt fir.
dngl Ioor. Veering, shoes for the
I . leat money Conie and be convinced.-
125N) Com'f. - ' f '()
New llfleof' satin' and vengellne
hats f or better"; Wear. ' ?Tha very
latAat -fop tha amartl V -dreBasd
woman The Canity Hat: Shop.
187 Court street; . 4 , ()
ter) for horses 15.2 and - over.
First S6. second f 25, third 815,
fourth ribbon:
vr Class 1 4---Ladles three , gaited
saddle horses (walk, trot canter)
for horses under tl 5.2. First $50.
second $25, third $15. fourth rib
bon., -' i ; ' ii--: - '- :.
Class . 1 5 Gentlemen's three
gaited saddle horses. First $100,
second 965. third 845, fourth, 925.
fifth 915. ' tS:-.3" J ; ;":
Class 18 Ladies and gentle
men's three gaitea pairs; First
950, second 925. third 915, fourth
rfboon. : " V
Class -It -Nevice" -saddlers.
First 950. second. 8 J 5, third 815,
fourth ribbon.- . , . t
Five Gaits - -.
Class 208250 stake . for .five
gaited saddle horses.- First 9100,
second 986, third 946, fourth $26,
fifth 915. f : ' -.-
Class tl Ladies' five gaited
saddle horses: First $50. second
998, third $15, fourtlr ribbon. -Class
22 Centleman's five
gaited saddle horses. First $50,
second $26. third $15. fourth rlb-
Class ' 24 Combination five
gaited. First 4$$0,: second $25,
third tlt fohrth ribbon. .
f Class 2 4 Five gaited saddle
horses (amateur owners). First
950. second $25. third 816. fourth
ribbeh. . '; , ,
,; Hnaters "-ajid Vtaitipers , I ; '
Class, 25 Lighttreigbt hunters
First 950. -second $15, third 916,
fourth ribbodK 4 ;? ; . ;
CIAM'. 28 lleary weight hun
ters. vFirst.$60, Second $26, third
$15, fourth ribbon. i? :;
..Class 27 -Ladles. fajunters. First
S S ft second 9 2 5,' third 9 15 ; fourth
ribbon. .' ; , . r.:' ' ..; ' ; .
Class 28 Kovie hunters. First
860. second 92$. Ihird $15, foarth
rfbbn.'' ' . '',i,v;xjr' ' ' ' ".
Class 29 5250.stake for hunt
ing pklrl, lady or gentleman. First
tlOd. fecond. .865. third $45,
fourth -925, flfthllS; -:
Class 30 Corinthian. First
9So, second 928, thtfd $16, fourth
ribbon. ! - " ' . . ' : ' ;
' Class 31- Grafton broad Jump.
First $60, second $25, third $15,
fourth ribbon.- -----5 v
. Class 32 Handy hunter jump
ing class. First- 950. second 926,
;thifd $i5, fourth ribbon. r -
'Class 33 Free-fbr-an high
jump. First $50, ' second $25,
third $15. foarth ribbon; '-
' -'"tjiass 84The rladiee-cup .for
best lady Hdder.' First prize, ctap;
second "ribbon,. thirdlbbon. '
class 35 The gentlemen's .cup
fpr; het ;tentemaa rider. First
prlier -second -ribbon, . third
rib boh. t j . i ' .
. ; Class. .SGCow horsW- with
equipment: First' $ 25, second $15,
third 910, "fourth ribbon,
s-r r fonJes ....; .
. : Class -.37. -..Heavy v harness
ponies, single.' First 925,. second
$16. third tio; foarth ribbon. "
" Class' 38 feingl Itt ' "harness.
First 916. eecoha 910,third 95,
foarth - ribbon. ; . - . -
Class 39 Pairs in harness.
First. 915. second 810. third 95,
fourth ribbon.-
Class 40 lender saddle. First
915, second $10, third 95, fourth
Class .41 Tandems. First 925,
second 915. third 910, fourth rib
bon. -
Class 4 2 Combination . pony
(walk, trot and canter). First 925.
.second 9i5. third $10, fourth rib
bon. .... '.. .1.'. ' " - '.
' ' Draft' Horses' in Harness '
; ' Class 43VBest p'airt. First $75,
second $156. third $25, fourth $15,
fifth $10: f, '. ' ' ; : ' ;
'Class 4 4 Fdur-ln-hand. First
8150. second 'flo.1 third $50.
fourth" 9 4 0; , fifth 9 25:
' Clis 45 TSixln-hand. First
4200,- second 9160.' third 9100.
jfouHh 950. fifth $ 40 -
CTass 4 6 Driving Usompetltron
(8lx-lh-Kand h4ayidraft); First
9200. second 9160.4 ;third 9lo.
foarth $60. fifth 925. ! n "
i Two special classes ' have ' also
peen 'arranged as 'follows , ; '
Class 47 Polo-pdnles. First
926. second $15.' third 8 10, foarth
ribbon.. . " , -4
1 . Class 8 Mueical chairs. -First
prize of $1.0.." '."' ..;', .;
i ' ' V
. : , i- . 1 1 1 -
' For students, going away to
School we are showing-a -large -selection
of traveling, bags, trunks.
hat boxes and .fitted cases. . Dis
count prices to students this
month. Hamtltoft'si - . ()
. ' - - f V
' 5 ' : ; ') :- 't . t'l ; . V! "
' Mr..TJsed Car.Bnyer; Have yoa
seen the real buys at tha Capitol
Motors. Incorporation t Sea Biddy
Bishop; 350 N.vHigh .St. . Tele
phones 1 1 2 5 and-1 2 6. . ( )
Pare Japan silk, plated over iisle
hose for mes;- JtegoTar" price 81
special this -weekcr8c.- Scotch
Woolen .Mills . Store, 4 2 8 SUle
'street . u ..; - Ah ?().
' ' The Commercial Bdok $tore has
bverythlng you need in books and
Jtatlonery and eupplieav for the
chool. office or-home nt the low
est toalibler prices:? a I f ?4 f.TJt ' )
.C,".FBreIth"a4apCt florist, and
decorators 12S"n: Liberty. 7 Phone
wers trtiibs, . foral- de
signs for 'all occasions, 'Pioneer
and leaOer to ' Salem r' '. ' ( )
t- . .t jt f -i i(. '.-.r
H;-T.!Love,Ue idwsler, 835
SUte . St. . High : quality- jewelry,
silverware -and diamonds. The
gold -standard of values. Once -a
buyer always a customer. " . ()
Nine Out of Eleven Eligible
Lettermen rromise Coach
. to Return
ETICENE. Ore,, Sept. 6.4(AP)
Less than two weeks remain
before foot ball practice will start
at the -Pacific' Coast Conference
college. 'On September 15, Cap
tain John J. McEwan, new Oregon ,
footnall coach and a staff of
seven, assistants. , will greet the
University of Oregon candidates.
Eleven lettermen are eligible,
but so far only nine have; prom
ised to be On hand. ; I ;
Al Sinclair, captbin . and . sUr
tackle and Otto Vitus, plunging
half back, are undecided, Should
neither turn up. it will.' handicap
the. team greatly, as Captain Mc-
LEwan banked on them to occupy
their old places. , :
The nine lettermen who have
assured Coach McEwan they will
be on deck are: Nick Carter and
Carl Johnson. centers;' Beryl Hod
gen and : Bert .Kerns, guards;
Homer "Dixon, tackle; Sherman
Smith, end; George Mlmnaugh,
Quarter: Vic Wetzel, half , and
Lynn 'Jones, full back. Hod gen
played half back last year, but
has been moved to guard. Kerns
was a tackle his first year, bat
later; wa made a guard..
Oregon's schedule follows:
Sept. 25, Willamette at Eugene.
Oct. 2, .Pacific at Eugene. V
Oct. 9, Washington at Portland.
Oct. IS. Open. !
Oct. 23, Stanford at Eugene.
Oct. 30, California at Berkeley.
Nov. 6. Open. i
Nov. 13. Washington State at
Nov. 20, O. A. C. at Corvallls.
Mrs. : H. P. Stith, millinery.
Most, beautiful hats in Salem; all
shapes and colors; full stock from
which to make fine selections.
Best quality. 333 State St. ()
Real leather brief cases now on
sale at 92.69. Other big bargains
In real values. Max O. Buren, 179
North Commercial. See the win
dow display, t; ()
Hartmaa Bros. Jewelry Store.
Watches, clocks, rings, pins, dia
monds, charms.' cut glass,1 silver
ware. ".-Standard goods. . State at
Liberty St. i! ()
"; wry ; ui'
Patton's Book Store is showing
a wonderful - contrivance called
"Memlndex' It's made up for real
personal efficiency. Automatic re
minder of individual matters. ()
Quality painting both varnish
and laquer work, in our modern
equipped paint ' shop.. Washing,
greasing and night service; tire
repairs. Wood's Auto Service Co.
Smith Watktns for tire serv
ice at a lower cost. . Vulcanizing
and retreading, tube repairing. .If
you hare tire trouble Just call 44.
Corner Court and High Sta. ()
At Kafoury's
Just Itcceired a Shipment of
Satiti Dresses
Priced at
$39 75
Lovely supple crepe back satin is used in
; these charming dresses. East, west, north,
: and south, all want the Bolero styles. We
5 invite you to inspect-them. You will ad-
. mire particularly their odd yet smartly embroidered
4 in gay colored. silk," antique gold -and silver threads.
so much persuasive charm of the feminine mode. !
styles for you to see and select at this priccV'
' .Your Mail Orders
' Receive careful atten
tion. Wc 'pay express
'or posUge .within rad
ius of a Hundred miles.'
.... , . . for the
O Acit4 Press O
Sketch No. .1 . .
James J. Jefferles defended hta
title against Tom Sharkey in 25
rounds at Coney Island November
3, 1899 in a bout' that was not
satisfactory to either principals
Both criticized Referee George
SHer, Jefferles saying the chal
lenger should have been disquali
fied, and the loser picturing him
sc'f as the winner on points.
" " So much speed was developed
when Sharkey pulled the glove
from Jefferles left hand that .the
referee could not call a halt-until
several blows had been exchanged
with the champion sans one glove.
'No more picture machines for
ttiCWas a pronouncement from
Jetferics after he had protested
the-beat caused by the high pow
ered Klieg lights throughout the
bont. - - - - 1
Sharkey was in superb- physical
shape. So intpresaed was a writer
ot the period with the challenger'R
condition that he penned: ' "Had
a king's ransom or his own life'
been at stake, Mr. Sharkey could
not nave asked to be better fitted
tor the battle."
Rlker Auto Co., Ferry at Lib
erty St. Autoa stored, and bought
and sold. Cars washed day and
night. Low prices and service will
make long friends. ()
Nash leads the world in motor
car values. Beautiful display of
new models at the F. W. Petty
John Co., 365 N. Com'l. ()
A. H. Moore, 236 N. High St.
apartments, and store where you
can get high quality furniture and
furnishings for every room ; in
your house. ()
All phases of stream pollution
in this state will be discussed at
the meeting to be held In the local
chamber of commerce rooms Fri
day, according to word given 4y
health department officials. The
meeting was called some time ago
by Dr. . Frederick D. Strieker,
state health officer, and 600 invi
tations -were sent out to repre
sentatives from all the towns in
the state.
- Complete elimination of ell
stream pollution, no matter., how
mauyj years it may take, is the
object, of the meeting. If present
conditions are allowed to go on
unchecked, the Oregon rivers will
soon become running sewers like
those of the east. Ten years is
the time estimated by Dr. Strieker
for stopping pollution.
Among the delegates expected
are engineers, city officials, mem
bers of the game commission,
health board, and members of the
Salmon Protective association.
Rarh will w nrpnarpH In ihAV
I - - - - " - .v.
' how: pollution affects industrial,
sanitary and fishing conditions'.
Salem Store
466 State St.
X American League
o : o
-Crowder held Boston to three
hits today, the Senators taking
the first of a double header, 2 to
1. and thereby won their tenth
straight game. The second game
ws, called in the third Inning on
acconnt of rain.
First game R. H. E.
Boston 13 0
Washington 2 8 1
Harriss, Welzer and Gaston,
Bischoll: Crowder and Tate.
Second game (called rain).
Heimach and Bischoff; Murray
and Ruel.
NEW YORK. Sept.. 6. New
York defeated Philadelphia in the
second half of a double header to
day, 2 to 1. after losing the first
game 5 to 2. Hoyt and Pennock
let the Athletics down with four
First game
New York
Rommel, Grove,
Perkins, Cochrane;
Shawkey. Braxton,
Second Ramp
New York
R. H. E.
. . . 5 10 0
. . . 2 5 0
Ehmke and
Thomas and
Walherg. Ehnike-and Cochrane;
Hoyt, Pennock and Sevcrid.
CHICAGO, Sept. 6. Chicago
made it two straight from Detroit'
today when the visitors' defense
broke down in the eighth inning
and enabled them to take the sec-,
ond game of the holiday bill 7 o
5 after having won the morning
game .5 to 4.
First game R. H. E.
Detroit . 4 10 1
Chicago 5 11 0
Stoner and Basslcr; Connally
and Schalk.
Second game R. H. E.
Detroit'. 5 8 3
Chicago' 7 9 2
Collins and Woodall: Thurston
and .McCurdy.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 6. St. Louis
and Cleveland divided a twin bill
this afternoon, the Indians win
ning the first game 7 to 6 and the
Browns gaining a 3 to 1 victory
in the second.
First, game R. H. E
Cleveland 7 8 0
St. Louis 6 7 4
Lcvsen, Miller and L. Scwell;
Girard, Davis, Vangildcr and
Second Game R. H. E.
Cleveland 1 7 0
St. Louis 3 5 0
Hudlin and L. Sewell; Wingard
and Hargrave.
The Peerless Bakery, 170 N
Commercial. Sanitary, up to date
Prompt delivery. Bakers for those
who appreciate the best. Increas
ing patrons tell the tale. ()
Cobbs & Mitchell Co.. lumber
and building materials for every
purpose. Get estimates, look at
quality of material, then you will
order. 349 S. 12th St. ()
, ;
vests and cuffs, done
. Every dress reflects
There are also other
- .
Portland Silk Store
V .362 Alder St.
National League
(AP) Brooklyn and Philadel
phia split a double header today.
The Robins won the first game.
8 to but lost the second S to 2,
in seven innings. The Phillies fell
on Vance for five runs In the
final Innage opener, two short of
tying the score.
First game R. H. E.
Brooklyn 811 0
Philadelphia 6 11 0
Vance and DeBerry; Willough
by. Kelly, and Wilson.
Second game 7 In. . .R. H. E.
Brooklyn 2 8 1
Philadelphia . 8 13 1
McWeeney. Ehrhardt. L. Wil
liams and Hargraves; Uhlrich,
and Henlinc.
CINCINNATI. Sept. 6. ( AP)
Chicago and Cincinnati divided
the Labor day bill, the Cubs win
ning the morning game by 2 to 0
and Cincinnati taking the after
noon contest, 7 to 4.
Morning game R. H. E.
Chicago 2 2 0
Cincinnati 04 5
Roote and Gonzales; May,
Meeker, Donahue and Picinicb.
Afternoon amc
Blake, Pierecy, and
Rlxcy and Hargrave.
II. E.
7 0
7 14 0
llartnctt ;
The world champion Pitts
burgh Pirates returned home from
its disasterous western trip today
and divided the double holiday
bill with the St. Louis Cardinals.
The visitors won the morning
game 8 to 1 and in the afternoon
the Buccanneers took the contest
4 to 2. Neither team made any
advance in the flag race.
Morning game R. H. E.
St. Louis 8 12 1
Pittsburgh 1 4 1
Rhem and O'Farrell; Morrison,
Songer, Yde and Smith, Gooch.
Afternoon game R. H. E.
St. Louis 2 11 0
Pittsburgh 4 9 0
Sotboron, Reinhart. und O'Far
rell; Kremer and Smith, Gooch.
BOSTON. Scpr. 6. (AP)
Both games between the Braves
and Giants were postponed this
afternoon on account of rain. The
tcaniM will play double headers to
morrow and Wednesday.
Nothing will add to the attractiveness
of that spare room like new
Draperies and Curtains
We have a number of close out pat
terns in cretonne that are very special
values at a f
(JlfC a yard
Also Sunfast Drapery
Don't fail
r : )
I Your
Silverton Fire Started
wnen iron is uverneateq
SILVERTON. Ore., Sept. 6. ,
(Special). The Silverton fire de
partment was called out Sunday
in response to a call from Mrs.
Olga Miller whose home is on
Mill street. Mrs. Miller had left
the electric Iron attached. The
dining room table was destroyed.
Picture time Is here. For your
films and kodaks and kodak sup
plies see Nelson & Hunt, Drug
gists, corner Court and Liberty
streets. Telephone 7. ()
Telephone 165. Capital City
Laundry. The laundry of pure
materials. We give special atten
tion to all home laundry work.
Telephone and we will call. ()
We have toe hat you want at
the price you want to pay. Many
new patterns and felt liats come in
daily. The Vanity Hat Shop, the
place to buy the Beth Hat. ()
The Bake-Rite Bakery. Busy
every day supplying best homes
with bakery goods of all kinds;
baked in a kitchen clean as your
own. 345 State St. ()
Tyler's Corn Remedy takes the
soreness out of those corns you've
been trying to rid yourself of for
months. Sold only by Tyler's
Drug Store. ()
Parker & Co.. 444 S. Commer
cial. Don't fail to see Parker
about repairing your car. Expert
mechanics at your service. All
work guaranteed. ()
F. E. Shafer's Harness and
Leather Goods Store. 170 S. Com'l.
Suit cases, valises, portfolios, brief
cases, gloves ana mittens. Large
stock. The pioneer store. ()
H. L. Stiff Furniture Co., lead
ers in complete home furnishings,
priced to make you the owner. The
store that studies your every need
and Is ready to meet it. absolutely.
and $1.00 per yard
to get your book on Distinctive
Drapery. 'It is free.
I tUk lll
- Pacific Coast League
W. L.
Los Angeles ..... 95
Oakland . . i . . . . . 85
Missions ...... .V 81
4 7r.
Sacramento 80
Portland 75
Hollywood 74
Seattle 73
San Francisco .... 67
National league
W. L.
St. Louis 78 55
Cincinnati 79 58
Pittsburgh 73 57
Chicago 73 62
New York 61 66
Brooklyn 63 71
Boston 50 79
Philadelphia 49 78
Pet J
American league .
W. L. PotJ
New York 83 51 .62(1
Cleveland 77 57 -.575
Philadelphia 73 61 .544
Washington 72 60 .541
Detroit 69 65 .515
Chicago 67 67 .500
St. Louis 54 80 .40.'
Boston 42 95 .307
Halik & Eoff Electric Shop. 337
Court St. Everything electric,
from motors and fixtures and sup
plies to wiring. Get prices and
look at complete stock. ()
A F-iect Non-W-tnrfan Mint
iMaring School for Boya
MIMIar? Training Mnm
iw.mimfMi for Kvrrr boy
We Charge
IR lis a.
Iral j