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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1925)
,.( . ..,'BlT5AV-iMORNIlC(JbVEM6ER-15;"iQ25.! 5 ' THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON i - FORD SETS NEW RECORD - DETROIT, Mich., Not. li. Two records for manufacture of motor cars, la the United , States Mere established 'by the Ford. Mo tor company with the close of Oc .tober. ; . Saturday, the last day of the month, the company's domestic as sembly plants produced a total of 9,109 Ford caTa.and tracks, ex 's ceeding Friday's output of 9,017. i and setting a new high mark for any one day. - . . , The ' total production for Oetc ber was 204,827 cars nd trucks, which tops any previous month. I New dally production records were established all thrcngh the month as the' domestic assembly plants came into production with the improved Ford cars following the change from the former types: Powers Revival of mfning'in- est all through this district. -Placer mines on" Johnson creek :em- Jploya dozen .nven.'' ? - MOISTS IBID 111 USE OF I'ClElEI Device Must Be Selected Ac rcordingio Needs of Par- : ticular Engine ' If Your Gar Starts vHard These Chilly Mornings -- Hofllw EnpiBs - T - WE have starter and- generator experts who can remedy your auto electrical trouble?. -Bring your C3r in or call 203 and our service car will call. Radio Batteries We have a complete line of Philco Wet "A" and "IT BATTERIES at surprisingly low prices. Auto Batteries A complete line of Philco Eatteries. The batteries you can de pend on. Ask about .their recent price reduction. Hd LAJd EMS mm Battery and, Electrical Service 2.16 North Ilish Street Phone 203 An effective air-r'eaner" I an excellent thing for an automobile, tut a word of caution eem to be c?cessary;ror individual oin- CW.1io rre having cleaners in- . - . stalled on pars n6t so equipped by the maker- The manufacturers of Paige and Jewt-tt cars are send- IJltfJ surh a warning to nil owners. advising incut Mtrooply not to use any ir cleaner that has not been approved, by the factory, and the same advic in grod Tor owners of other ma ken as well. ,A little thought will siow why this advice Is goo-1. yet there are indications that many c.vners ere purchasing: air-cleaners without ponslderlnjr thdr adaptability to their particular engines. A cleaner that will function ef ficiently '-on one engine may W either useless or actually detri mental when installed on an en gine of different ch iracteri.-tic. There are" two general types of air-cleanera. One" filters: foreign nnrtides from the air by means of fine-raeshed screens: the other sep arates the Kolid particles from the air by centrifugal action or by in ducing high air-velocity that caus es the solid particles to shoot past the inlet because of their momen tum. For any engine, the filter type must have sufficient area of screen to permit 'enough air to be readily drawn through it for all engine speeds, and this area jhnsf not be reduced by the collectiou of dust and dirt on the screens The problem with the centrifu gal or velocity type of cleaners is more complex. Their efficiency depends on the speed at which the air passes through the cleaner, and unless the cleaner is designed fori use with the particular engine on which it is Installed, there is dan ger that It either wi'.l fail to re move the dust particles, or else so restrict the air passages that it will act as a drag on the motor. Itather than incur the latter danger, it would be better to do without the cleaner. If the clean er drags, on the air intake, the. re sult is just the Fame as if you run the engine with the choke partly closed. That is, eKcess fuel will the drawn through the carburetor jet, and raw gasoline will enter the cylinders. This is not only i" wasteful of fnel. but causes crank case, oil dilution, faulty lubrica Uon. excess carbon formation, and other troubles. It will be readily seen, there fore, that' a cleaner must .bede-i eignedl to take into account" the displacement and the speed o$ the engine as these , are the, taitors that determine the quantity trt air drawnl through the carburetbr. Besides t!ie engine itself, the carburetor must be considered also. J A cleaner designed for a carburetor that draws in the' air from the rear cannot be attached t- to a carburetor whose intake faces the front, or vice versa; in eiiher case, the cleaner would be collect ing an excess of dust because Its intake would be facing the air coming through the radiator. Furthermore, some carburetors have several air inlets or ports, and ou these an air-cleaner at tached to the main outlet would clean: only a part of the air taken in. Defore buying an air-cleaner, consult the makers of your car. Every factory should willingly ad vise an owner who asks for recom mendations as to the proper type of cleaner to be used with any. par ticular model. In writing, give the engine number so that the fac tory may know just what type your engine is. BROADCASTING SET IS RELIC KEED-MAURUS MATCHED . PORTLAND, Ore., Iov. 13 (By Associated Press ) 1--Johnny Maur ns of . ' San . ranclseo has been matched with Robin Reed, Oregon "I'LL SAY CHEAP" " ' v.-. r"'i - I 1 I JM1;' i ; N ' Tires mSj I 'p" "- Lhifep Last 8.95 .Xftm Agricultural college wrestling in structor, for a return match here next Wednesday night. Reed won over Maurus in a mctch here this week. MARKED AIRWAYS TO GUIDE COAST FLIERS Standard Oil Company to Establish System for the , Pacific Coast Wheif Powel Croslev, Jr., bought the old Precision Equipment Company, he ecured possession of the little transmtttinj station equipment, which was fint used irTlVl and is said to be the pioneer equipment of broadcstm(. only 14 inches hih and may be held in the hands. AGGIE ROOKS WIX x CORVALLIS. Ore., Nov. 13. ' (AP.) The Oregon Aggie fresh man eleven defeated the Univer sity of Oregon freshmen, 9 to 7, here today. Tires 30x3'2 Oversize Fisk Casings, A-l Grade Also a Cleanup Price on 32-33-34x412 Casings Think of it! A price like this in time of high prices Jim' 'Kill Smith & Watlrins Northwest Corner Court and High St. Phone 41 This Demse ER5 RDTH s p e-diAL TYP Er - A -5& D A N If Dodge Brothers had deliberately built the Special Type-A Sedan for women, they could not more perfectly have met feminine requirements. That women recognize this fact is plentifully evidenced on every hand. The car's striking beauty, its ease of handling and world-famous dependa bility are features which every motor ist values but Which women value the most ' 1 Ask us about Dodge Brothers New Credit-Purchase Plan . BONESTEELE MOTOR COMPANY 471 South Commercial' To assist in the development of aviation, and ' to Increase safety nml rertaintv of air travel, the Standard Oil company (Californ ia), following a suggestion from the office of the "chief of air ser vice. War Department, will estab lish a widespread system of guide siens for aviators along the air ways of the Pacific Coast states, jrivins the Pacific coast its niarlced airways and the nrst 01 me khui in the country. These si?cns will taVe the form of names of towns painted on the roofs of the com pany's buildings. The army Air Service will designate points which should be marked. The oomf.'tny wjll also offer cooperation to the naval air service, the air mail and commercial .flyers. At first the effort will be clearly to mark the present airways and towns adjacent to flying and land ing fields. There are now estab lished airways from San Diego to Seattle and from San Francisco to Heno. Alone these routes the company has distributing plants, at frequent interval-. The towns on these airways which should be marked are now bcing.selceted and the signs will be painted at once. M other airways are being devel oped and necessity requires, addi tional signs will be set up. The company has, stations at most ports on the Pacific coast and at these will establish signs for the piudanct' and. jjSJistance of j soaplaaest j ! The Standard Oil company (Cal-j hifornia t has more than 650 distrib uting plants in California, Wash ington. Oregon. Xevada. Arizona. I'tah and Idaho. Kch of these plants has a warehouse and it is upon the rotfa of warehouses that the guide signs will be placed. In Addition, there are many other huildings suitable to the purpose In the oil fields of the San Joa quin valley and southern Califor nia, at pump stations on pipe lines, and at refineries. The roofs available for signs range from 53 0 squ3r'J feet in small towns to several thousand square feet in the large cities, giv ing in all cases ample room for appropriate signs. The signs, Con sisting of, the names of towas, or possibly, in some cases, abbrevia tions thereof, will be in large white block letters on a dark hack ground,, giving a high degree of visibility. Owing to the fact that the storage tanks are painted white, the company's distributing plants afford a conspicuous land mark from the air and are con sidered especially suitable for the purpose at hand. They are also located on railways, which present airways usually follow. WALTER P. CHRYSLER'S TRAFFIC TALKS i v.Sr ".' . .... , ' n'it:.'it k Pedentrians are waiting: at O to cross when signal is given for North and South traffic to stop and for East and West traffic to move. ' Pedestrians should be permitted to cross before Car, A. is permitted to make right hand turn or Car B. is permitted to make left hand turn. - . ' . . - When pcdtstrlsnt ar tifnaMtd to . so ear, makiof lttr rffht hied ttirai should fat rMuLrtd to wait (or ttdeitHant ot bltck their Uat of march. One-Profit Unit-Built aker tudeb offers you 3 major advantages in Quality, Price and Protected investment THE average man on the street today knows that through more efficient manufacture, standardiza tion of parts, etc., all makers offer him more for his money than ever before. All makers claim greater things for their product and can prove them. All makers rest their cae oft more economical manufacturing due to quantity production under mod ern efficiency methods. All cars-are ' fair value but there is a 7rst vah;e. Few motor car "manufacturers" have foundries, forges, etc.,' to make their own engines f-yet one-fourth ot the cost of an- automobile in the engine. Even fewer build their own bodies yet one-third of the cost of a car is in the body. Only two" makers have adequate . facilities for making all bodies', en gines, clutches, gear sets, springs, tlifferentials, steering gearsf axles, ray iron castings and drop forgings : Pord in the low-price field and bakcr in the fine-car field. One-ProIt Value Because of its unique 'manufacturing, facilities, Studcbaker eliminates prof . its which all other quality car- manu facturers must-pay to outside parts or body makers. Savings effected in this way run to hundreds of dollars on some models. Thus Studebaker is able to use finest steelsj finest woods, finest engineering and superlative workmanship in its cars : then to add costly extras . . . and still charge no more than competing cars. Unit'Built Construction t)ne-Prolit facilities result, "too, iri Unit-lhiilt construction. In cars de signed and built as units. .The hun dreds of parts used in a Studebaker car are Studebaker. They function together as a unit, resulting in longer life, greater riding comfort and. higher resale value for you. Scores ot thou sands of miles of excess transporta tion thus are built into Studebaker cars. Records of more than one . hundred thousand miles are not un-. common. And "No-YearlyModels" As a natural outgrowth of those two factors, a third great advantage to the buyer is attained . . "No-Yearly-Models." Decause all phases o manufacture are directly, under Studebaker control, Studebaker cars are constantly kept up-to-date. Im provements are continually made ' not savad up for spectacular annual , announcements which . make cars artificially obsolete. Resale .values are thus stabilized. As -an example of the value One-Profit manufacture!' makes possible, see the Studebaker Standard Six Sedan, , V - , " ' . '" ' - ' Studebaker Standard Six Sedan (Fonr Doors Ample Power Wool Trimmed) $ 1 395. freight and war tax extra Under Studebaker' fair and liberal Budget Payment Plan, this Sedan may , be purchased out of monthly income for an initial payment of only Studcbakcrs Lowest Priced Sedan but all quality THE fine Studebaker Standard Six Sedan illustrated below is a real four-door sedan. It is upholstered hi genuine wool cloth. Carpets are wool. .Windows are real plate glass. The equipment includes an 8-day clock, gasoline gauge, ash receiver, rear-vision mirror, stop light, dome light, safety lighting control on steering wheel, automatic windshield cleaner, coincidental lock to steering gear anl ignition controlled by same key operat ing door and spare-tire locks, and iuU size balloon tires. All instruments are grouped under glass on a silver-faced dial set in a beautiful walnut finished paneL But the most important superiorities of this Sedan are concealed within the framework of the body and in the chassis. Body pillars, for instance, arc of northern white ash, cross-members of hard maple. We pay a premium lor steels of extra toughness. , Run the engine the most powerful A in any car of its size and weigh., ac- cording to the rating of the N. A. C C. , and the Society of Automotive Engi . neers. The motor is not built for ex cessive speed, but rather for smooth, !t trouble-free service at 5 to 55 miles ait is built for a long, quiet life not for spectacular stunts. s We will gladly demonstrate this car and finance jts purchase on Studebaker'a fair and liberal Budget Payment Plan. $555.00 Down ("No-Tcarly-Models 9 'J MARION AUTO .COMPANY DAT AXD MGIIT SERVICE ' . Opposite Marlon Hotel . , Telephone 362 w