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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1925)
IflLOREGONi&A&ESMAH, SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY MORNING,. NOVEMBER 13. 1925;" SfktoEM 1 . v Social News By AUDREY BUNCH, Phone 106 With the Women of Today Jolly Sixteen dub Meets' A much enjoyed evening -was spent when, the Jolly Sixteen club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . T. W. Davies. . MUs LaTell Keene assisted in serving refreshments. Visiting Quests were Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Ackerman, Mr, and Mrs. It. R. Winchcomb. Mr. and Mrs Claud - Townend and Mfaa Iovell Keene: High scores. were woa -by Mr.uinl Mrs. Paul Hansen; ! low scores by Mrs. M. P. Dennis and Mr. C. H. Busey. , ....... . . . ' - : . The club members are Mr. an4 Mrs. John Spong, Mr. and Mrs. Ed 4 Keene, Mr. and Mrs.L. Bechtel, ?r. and Mrs. A. P. Basey, Mr! and jjTlfrs. M. F- Dennis Mr. and Mrs. fz Paul Hansen, Mr. and Mrs,. T. W. Sarner, Mr. and Mrs. C HTJttsey. The club will meet with Mr. and Mrs, Busey on their next regular meeting night In two weeks. Former Salem Girl Is Hostess - i ' Mrs. Nellie Rowland Greene and Miss Norma Wilson entertained !.-. Tuesday night with a shower for I MUs Freda Goodrich, bride-elect. Guests "were sorority sisters ot Miss Goodrich., who is a member ? of Alpha Chi Omega Oregonian. Attend Organ Concert Prof, and Mrs. ,T. ; S. Roberts 1 - had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Alfred Hollins, England's noted composer and master of the pipe k organ, who will appear here to .'y night at the First Methodist church, last night in Portland. Dr. Hollins completely, won the audi ence that gathered to hear him In the Portland auditorium. His Im promptu, improvisations performed before the audience proved, as al- v ways, a feature meeting with tre- mendous approval. fJSlebekahs Eniou' Program Jr,j The Bebekahs held an unusually J. Guy Startlne and Gladys Jean- nle Dearduff. both of Portland, Mrs. Bachel Reeder and Mrs. Paul Johns of Salem, Harry and Francis Sturgls and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sturgls. Dom idled in Salem Mrs. Fred Perrin (nee Effie Savage) and daughters .have re turned to 257 South Winter street for the school year, having spent the summer at Pedee and the coast. Departments to Meet The American citizenship de partment of the Salem Woman's club will hold a meeting from 2 to 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the. same hour of the board meeting, in the dining room of the club house, according to an an nouncement by the chairman of the. department, Mrs. A. M. Chap man. The augmented committee, making up this group, is divided Into two divisions that of Amer icanization and citizenship train ing and that of community service. The following club women imake up the personnel of this commit tee as it now stands: Mrs. A. M. Chapman, Miss Ethel Fletcher. Mrs., Winifred Pettyjohn. Mirs. U. G. Boyer. Mrs. Ronald Glover Mrs. I. O. Clement and Miss ieora Carver. Following the business meeting and program Mrs. F. A. Elliott's department will also meet on Sat urday. Five divisions are covered by this department: 1. Child wel fare; 2. Hospitals; 3. Education al service , and public health; 4. Indian welfare, and 5. anti-narcotics. This department, which will meet following the regular club meeting on Saturday, has the fol lowing members: Mrs. F. A. El liott, general chanrman; Mrs. E. E. Fisher, Mrs. W. H. Byrd, Mrs. G. R. Bonell, Mrs. A. I. Wallace, enjoyable social' meeting: on Mon-1 Mrs. F. H. Th&mpson. Mrs. J. A. Vday evening In their hall which wag decorated for : the occasion with autumn flowers. A pot-luck sapper followed a delightful '.pro- f. , gram of music and. readings. .The program was -opened with a piano solo by Lugene Brietzke, after which the Messrs. Burnside, Allen, and Marsters sang a tro. Mrs, Taylor and Mrs. I. G- Curtis both gave readings and Nellie Dolby and ; Mr. Meyers, vocal solos. Es , ther Dieffenhach gave a vocal solo with accompaniment by Miss Ritchie and violin obbligato by Mr. Dieffenbach. The program closed : with i a reading by Jean McReynolds and a vftcal solo by Elsie Slmeral. - On hundred and - fifty guests were entertained during the eve ning. The social committee in charge includes Mesdamea fehaw. McNeil, Dolbey and Eberhard. Carson, Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry, Mrs. Walter J. Pace. Mrs. Walter U Spaulding, Mrs. W. J. Buslck, Mrs. Lester F. Barr. Mrs. William McGilchrist, Jr., Mrs. Ralph H Cooley, Mrs. H. M. Chadwick, Mrs, P, A. Eiker, Mrs. Earlo M. Dane. Mrs. E. Hartley, Mrs. Harry Haw kins, Mrs. Otto J. Wilson and Mrs Alton D. Hurley. The immediate efforts 1 of this department will be devoted to ward the success "of the Christmas seal sale. A total of $1500 worth of stamps are to be handled this season At the club business meeting on Saturday Mrs. C. P. Bishop will tell of the work and of the needs of the Children's f farm home at Corvallls. Mrs. E. E. Bragg will present an interesting outline of the work covered by the state ac cident commission. At the pro gram hour Dr. Carl Gregg Doney will be the speaker. Guests at Sturgis Home Recent "enests at the home. of air. and Mrs. Ralph Sturgis were I Miss Garfield Out of Town Mrs. Rachel Reeder and Mfs. Paul Johns, both of Salem. On Tnars- 4ay,a birthday dinner was given a Mrs. neeuer s nonor. vuicra ?re laid for eight, including Dr. SOCIAX. CAXETTDAIt I . " . Today - Miss Edna Garfield is spending some time in McMinnville in a business way while court is in ses sion. Levy's Visit in Portland Mrs. 3. Levy and Miss Elizabeth Levy were guests In Portland dur ing the early part of the week On Monday evening they were In the audience for the Portland Symphony orchestra concert Alfred Hollins. Organ concert. First Methddlst church. 8 o'clock. Harvest Home banquet, honor ing old people of the ity. Jason JLee Epworth League in charge. Yr7'i - latic - initmi I varniiai A puonc social ana Denevoieni Public Invited to Presbyterian praise "service, church parlors, at 2:30 o'clock. Royal Neighbors' sewing club. Mrs. C. L. Parmenter, 809 North Commercial street, hostess Piety Hill club. Mri. E.sW, kav. Mrs T. B. Kay. and Mrs. C. H. -Robertson, hostesses, Mrs E. W .Kay's home, 1525 Fair mount . ; - Capital Auxiliary: club public carnival. Old W. O. W. hall, 240 N. Liberty street. Three Link club. I, hall. , Saturday Salem - Woman's club, house. 2:30 o'clock. , . Little Light Bearers of First Methodist church. SThanksgiv Ing party at church. . O. O. F. Club Thanksgiving carnival will be the opening get-together "festivity 6f Salem's newest organization. The Capital Auxiliary club is the name of the new society. It cordially invites the public to attend its carnival Saturday evening, Nov 14.. in the old WOW hall at 240 North Liberty. There will be no admission charge, and the festivi ties start at S o'clock, closing at midnight. Offocers for the coming year Will be elected in about two weeks when the membership will be com plete. Those who are at present directing the work and plans of the new club are Mrs. Lucille Ba ker, chairman; Mrs. Mary Gosser and Mrs. T. C. Bates, assistant chairmen. Although but two weeks old. the club already car ries the names of almost 50 prom inent local citizens on its mem bership. They are Messrs. R. E. Cartwright. , E. C. Crura, William .. Dalzeil. John J. Lane. M. J. Lindbal, Ross Xfoores, J. E. Shave land and W. G. Wilson. Also the Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crum, George IL Stoddard. T. C. Bates, H. M. Baker. H. G. Neikirk. M. E. Nev- hart. J. Vogetlin and Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Jackson. - Other members are the Mrs. O. L. Darlinr. Elsie B. Slmeral, M. G. Eld. Mary Gos ser, L. M. Hale, . Peter Hansen, Edna Hollingshead, E. E. Knox, Lucille M. Lane, Louise Loveland, P. McTiramons. E. L. Meyers. W. G. Prunk. I na Savage, L. D. Sim mons. William SDencer. Caroline Vest and Hattle Williams. Also Miss Pearl Savage. The Capital Auxiliary club has been organized for purely benevo lent, charitable and social pur poses. Piety Uill Club Th- Piety Hill club will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. W. Kay, 1525 Falrmount. Tor the opening meeting of the season. Assisting hostesses will 1'8 Mrs. C. H. Robertson and Mrs. T. B. Kay. Three Link Club The Three Link club will meet Friday afternoon in the club room In lOOF hall. Hostesses: Mrs. Ida Mc Adams, Myra Dotson. Han nah Beard. Belle Carlson and Sal- he Curtis. Little Light Bearers rne Little Light Bearers of the First Methodist church will hold an enjoyable Thanksgivihjr narty at 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the church. A Thanksgiving program will be given with the following participating: . Jack Ost- Imd, Junior Grant. Junior GriDO. Beverly McMillan, Kenneth Utter, Uiow Larsen, Elizabeth Grant. Mary Jo Geiser. Ruth Grant and Jimmy White, in an exercise, and with recitations by Betty Abrams, petty Utter, Josephine Evans, Bea trice Evans and Helen White. The children arc asked to brine their dues and Christmas offering at this time. . The committee in charge in cludes Mrs. "A. A. le, Mrs. C. A. Clark, Mrs. Lausch and Miss Irene Blackerby. Poets to Be Guests - Members of the Northwest Poe try society have been invited to be guests at Mrs. Claudius Thay er's home, Willamette lodge, on Saturday evening, November 21. The visitors will give the program numbers of the evening. Leslie Can Do's Meet The Leslie Can Do's, the young er married people's club of the Leslie Methodist church, met on Wednesday evening at the homej of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Green-; wood, 1285 S. Liberty street. Af ter an enjoyable social time dainty refreshments were served. This club meets regularly the second Wednesday of each month. Birthday Celebrated Mrs. C. W. Brant, whose birth day occurs on Armistice day, was delightfully surprised by a group of friends on the eve of the holi day when they gathered at the Brant home for an enjoyable eve ning of cards. Delicious refresh ments followed the playing. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson, Mrs. Percy Pugh, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Martin, Mr. and A : pioneer In business is Miss Ella Peterson of Omaha, Neb. She is a binder twine broker, and bo far as known, she is the only woman In. her line. Ten years ago Miss Peterson was' graduated from Nebraska university and faced the world with the query of how to earn a "living. "I was convinced i, didn't want to be a school teacher," she says. "And I have no especial bent for the kitchen, although I can and do cook for our home when it is necessary. But with the whole wide world before me I decided on a business career. 1 went to a business college, graduated, got a Job, and for nine years I've made , a study of binder twine. "My first Job was secretary to Frank Meyer of. the Farmers' Union. He had . installed a binder twine department in the company and 1 elected myself to run it for him. Business was good and he decided to go into the exclusive brokerage of hinder twine. I went along with him as his secre tary, and last May I bought my employer out." Miss Peterson employs four salesmen and her business nets $750,000 a year, which means that she has moved 5 Off carloads of binder twine. Binder twine has only a market to the farmer. "When I went to work for Mr. Meyers," she says, "I did not know just what binder twine was. But I put myself to it to learn. Now, every summer I visit some farm where my twine is used to bind up the corn and grain har vested. Of course I don't sell dl rect to the farmers, but to the jobbers. But I have to visit the farms to see just what the crick ets are doing to my twine, which is guaranteed to be cricket proof. Asked about her attiture to ward marriage Miss Peterson said: "I believe marriage means the same to all women compan ionship. someone to share your life, someone to care for. But perhaps the success of women in business will make them more dis cerning. They will demand more of men, which will raise the standard of accomplishment of men." While Mrs. Agnes Murray, of East Bridgewater, Mass., was dig ging 4nher garden she unearthed a gold wedding ring lost more than 30 years ago by Mrs. Michael Ahearn, who lived near Mrs. Mur ray at the time. The ring was in good condition and was returned to is owner. Now that women have the vote it is logical to suppose that girls like boys, will aspire to be presi dent when they grow up. But why should they wish to assume that position of Infinite cares and responsibilties when the salary that goes wth it Is not as large as that paid to a moving picture ex ecutive? Marion Fairfax Mrs. Tully . Marshall In private life is said to draw a larger salary as motion picture scenarst and edi tor than President Coxjlidge. Now Miss Fairfax declares that she la going to resign this salary said to. be the largest paid to a woman executive anywhere and produce motion pictures "on her own." Not from a woman's view point, however. Miss Fairfax de clares she doesn't believe there is snch a thing. 'That Is the only subject on which all men think differently from all women," she avers. "All men believe there is a feminine point of view and no woman does." Miss Fairfax was first an act ress, then a playwright and third ly an executive. She worked first with Lasky 'of Famous Players, and later with First Na tional, and has had a hand is more pictures than she can re member. And it is recorded of her that every one of them has paii its producer. Sex plays will be taboo in her productions, she says. "I want to differentiate between sex and ro mance. I am not nterested in producing sex drama, if it is only that. I am interested in prttduc Ing romance. Adventure, comedy and romance are what I hope to give to the people. And the great est of these is romance. I think it has been too much set aside for mere sex plays." And Miss Fairfax's pictures will have happy endings, for, she says, while "I like realistic drama at times, and when it is really great, I would never be willing to spoil it by changing a tragic end ing into a happy one. So I would not use" such stories. I would not care to produce a picture with a tragic ending. The pictures are forjthe great masses of people and Mrs. H. A. Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hewlett, and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brant. Mid-Week Bridge Club Members of the Midweek bridge club were dejightfully entertained Tuesday afternoon with a bridge luncheon at which Mrs. Charles Cone was the hostess at her home on Court street. Mrs. Park was a special guest for the afternoon The luncheon table was attractive with a centerpiece of roses. Mrs. J. B. Hosford won the prize of the afternoon. At the next meeting of the club, after ! Thanksgiving, Mrs. C. E. Cashatt will be the hostess. Guests Over Armistice Day Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop en tertained as their house guests over Armistice Day Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bishop and children, Eliza- ... . ' , ,,- t,, A mey need . some relief from the Miss Louise Houk, all of Portland. 1rtfl!I , The group motored down. Brocks in Olympia The many Salem friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Brock Jr., will be sorry to learn that they have gone to Olympia to make their home, Mr. Brock having accepted a position in a furniture store there. The Brocks remained inj Salem only-a week after their re turn from a trip east. daily grind? of life, some hopeful not Ho life their spirits.. I don't mnd 'tragedy In the middle of a picture, but t should lift a little at the last." ' Motion picture audiences are becoming more appreciative of good picture. Miss Fairfax thinks She and Mr. Marshall) (Tully Marshall Phillips is his real name) have been married for 22 years. He will have an interest ing part in her pictures. 2 v 5 GftWDlAN PACIFIC EMPRESS LIKEBS 4 r . V-.-cr-WfeaV' f 1 i - i J O FEIIX Wrica Ccaacba PteiS tb pniamtf awthod of trtvtl to tha OriraL i Every tv wak a jaagaiScaBtginPT luMr MO from ' couw foe tnaP leiBcportfc. - , Wrirta3iyomr toed 4&t or torn ; pltt MaraufMH, AttrsctiTMeowl : cabia latManaW vaOsUtK.. $3:10 to. Eugene.; and RETURN' Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Return Limit November. 17, 1923 . " - " ' " ' " Special Train 4 v . with Diiuner Car Service - f , Saturday, Nov. 14 Leave Salem 10:22 a. m. Arrive Eugene 12:20 p.m. Re4,torntafc Leave Eugene .5:30 p. nC Arrive Salem . 7 :20 p.m. . ; , . ' fose'tlie train-aToid traffic annoyances : , O. PARUXG ' Ticket Agent Y A. A. MJCKEL, D. P. & P. A, 184 N. Liberty Soutltern Pacific Liiies ROSTEIN &GREENBAUM 100 Ladies' New Satin Hats Right up to the minute in style Beautiful goods rich quality Prices $2.50, $3, $3.75 and $5 New Line of Slippers All Leather Colored Uppers Pretty Colors Children's, Ladies' and Men's SHppers- Get youfs while there is a big assortment 45x45 All Linen Table Covers Colored Borders $1.65 72 Inch All Linen Table Linen . A real bargain yard $2.25 48x48 All Linen Table Covers and Napkins Colored Borders set $3.85 50x50 All Linen Table Covers and Napkins Colored Borders set $3.85 72 Inch Linen Finish Table Cloth Stands all linen tests washable the linen finish will not come off yard $1.15' TOWELS REAL GOOD VALUES Hack Towels Large size Good quality each 15c Fancy Turk Towels Double texture Pretty colors 75c 59c 50c Huck Towels 18x36 Yellow, blue and pink Good qdality ech 38c Heavy. Linen Toweling. Yard 25c All Linen Hntfk Guest Towels jColored borders 8Sfc and 59c ,Ftn"e ,Linn Guest Towels S each 89c Turk Towels 18x36 Double texture each 25c Turk Towels 22x44 Double texture each 50c All Linen Glass Toweling Best quality Blue striped yard 35c , Heavy Linen 18 Inch Toweling yard 29c ' Linen Huck. Towels: Heavy Scotch. Linen 1 8x3 2 48c ; Fancy Turk , , Towels Beautiful goods $1.00l 240 .and 246 North "Cbercial Street V i ' . ti -- BXST BT TXST Proves die quality and economy or Ualumet troves its greater leavening strength. Bakings are more tempting and fully raised THE WOIHJd'S GREATEST. SALES 2V, TBS3 TCOS3 C7 AWT OTHEIl CSlAltD it Wr i i 121 SOUTH COMMERCIAL SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ALL 15c BREAD 12c ALL 10c BREAD 2 Loaves for 15 c Rye, Raisin, Whole Wheat and the Milk and Honey Bread MINCE AND PUMPKIN PIES 25c each GENUINE WHIP CREAM PUFFS 3 for 25c ENGLISH PLUM PUDDING 25c A full line of other Delicious Pastries to choose from. A trial will convince." ' Leave your order for your Fruit Cake early Watch Your Money Grow There is every reason why you should, consider favorably our 7.20 Cumulative First Preferred Stock as a desir able investment for your savings and surplus funds. This Company Is- One of the strongest institutions fn the state. Why You Should Buy This Stock 1 Our Business is firmly established, well managed and permanent. 2 Your savings will be safe. 3 Your income will be regular and de pendable. 4 Dividends paid by check first of each month or quarterly as you prefer. 5 Exempt from State Personal Property Tax. 6 Dividends exempt from Normal Fed eral Income Tax. 7 Price $100, to yield 7.20 per cent. One of the most rapidly-growing industrial establishments in the northwest. One of the most progressive public service utilities in the country. It is modern it is permanent rit is. stable, and its engaged, in an essen tial business. It is a Home Industry,' where you can watch your money grow as. it helps us build up still greater pros perity for the communities we serve. It is to your personal interest riht now to investigate this first-class investment opportunity, As this company develops and- ex pands, so will your investment in ' crease in "stability ; its safety ' is be yond question.- . 70 on your money in Oregon's Greatest Public Utffity ' INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT 237 North Liberty Street Salem ' Portland Electric Power Co. :: Oregon City. : : s Vancouver; Wash. Portland Salem 3