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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1925)
j1 " . . - ' "-"""-"j '' t -- - - j . V. . - j j: i j - " " -. - " s i -. J - i " : i"- ' r ' " 5 i ' ' : 5 "I r ; ' ' . ' ., - - . - 1 i- ' , : - . - ' i ' . ; , ,j . ----- ' ' " - - i j I ' . - . .. - v.- - ' "' - " "s' : , i v - ! ' M ' I i ' ';'-' v' : t-1' ' ;- " t - :i ; ' '"' , - ;;;:v'V'l ''r. V l'J V x : ; . .' ' s. i " " ; II'--I- T OREGON The modern way of dointhings, buying, selling, trading, renting houses, or rooms, finding, l?t articles or making loans in Salem is through tL, 3 CLASSIFIED colamns of Tne Statesman. Tele Pair, rxcept cloudy near the coast - no cnauge In temperature; moJeraturo Bouthweat winds. Max., 7K; Min.. 42; Rrer, 2.5 falling; Rainall. none;! Atmosphere, j clear; phone 23 or 583. Wind, North, - K:; I i ' SEVENTY-FOURTH YElAR SALiEM, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL, 10, 1925. PRICE FIVE cn: Weather I . - a .11 . . i - - 1 "v. xi-- i I - i 1 BI JAZZ 11 Dorothy Ellingson, $layer:of Mother, Declared Insane bv Jurv: Girl Taken to Asylum ATTORNEYS REVILED BY 17 YEAR OLD DEFENDANT . - - ! i - Murder Charge Shelved; Fur- ther Action in uase uraerea - - ! f - Dismissed SAN FRANCISCO. April 9. Feventeen year old Dorothy lljing- fon." the Dretty bronze haired igiri whose.'pursuit of jazz and joy ridee culminated last January in a quarrel in which she killed -iber mother in a bedroom of their home, was taken to the state asy lum for the insane at Nap",, Cal., tonight. Shortly before noon a jury In superior court adjudged her insane. ' . ." - ' j , j 3Iurdcr CharjlDrpppetl j ! Thus the murder charge against the young matricide Awas shelved. The Jury impaneled ' to try the 4aae excused Monday. will be formally dismised then and . the matter will be" placed on tho -"leferred" Calendar, perhaps for . all time. "Should she ever be pro nounced sane, the mnrder charge may be revived The girl had been bitterly op posed to the sanity proceedings launched by her attorneys. She had denounced them , in open court, once threatened to choke one of then for "telling lies" and another time threw water at - them. Yesterday she testified a a -witness- for the prosecution, calm,', clear, attired in her best determined to persuade tbe Jury that the assertion" of insanity was unfounded. Faints at Verdict Today when the verdict was an nounced after but 45 minutes of deliberation she fainted irlthout uttering a sound. When she was revived she cobbed convulsively in the arms of a jail matron and was not able to leave the room for half an hour. This afternoon she was brought into court, for the final formality of committment. She had re gained her composure and sat stolidly while Judge Lbuderback rronounced the few wordaj. The procedure Required Jess thaif three minutes. 'Within another! ( hour she was on her way to the state institution at Napa. j s Attorneys Make Statenient -The girl's attorneys, Alexander Mooslin, chief counsel; Silvester J. McAtee and Walter Mc0overn, issued a statement in whih they said: . : . "When , we first enterel updn the defense of Dorothy ElfUngeon we were immediately Impressed , ".-. 1 . (Centlanad on psfa 2) : f, U f. Presence of Earl Balfour Causes Riots in Streetsj Two Killed DAMASCUS, Syria, Apr (By The Associated Press persons were killed and 11 in a fight' today between I 9 -Two Injured a mob opposed to the Earl of B&lffmr and Syrian police and French! Alger ian troops. After prayers in connection with the Ramadan festival, a crowd of about 6,000 marched In the direc tion qf; Victoria! hotel where Lord Balfour is staying. " Because of the attack against this hotel, lak night extra precaution had been taken. Syrian police attempted t check the demonstrators but .were ston ed. Fierce fighting ensured ' and Algerian troops were summoned to aid of the police. " Thefe were disturbances also in the Jewish quarter. - I . ; l This is the most serious: disord er marking the visit of the Earl of Balfour to the Holy Land. He himself appeared to be surprised at the stoning of his hotel jand the disorders of last night a$d as a consequence he has remained most of the time within th hotel. The resentment against Lord Balfour, arises . through- his - work In-the establishment of a national Jewish home In Palestine.! SYRIAN CLASH IS CONTINUED n. randi Jury tb (Mes of Four Youths Involving Minor Girl Four of the young men impli cated in the vice; ring of 10 mem bers arrested for contributing to the delinquency of a X 4-year-old girl, were arraigned in the Justice court Thursday afternoon and bound over to the grand jury. The'i quartet were Dick Shackaman, bail set at S25o hn nnt furninheri lata Thursday; Perjcy Ditmar and Wal ter Gilchrist, who furnished $500 cash bail each, and Clifford Wll- lard, committed to the' county jail in lieu of $500 cash bail. A story that might well have been produced-in Hollywood was told to' a crowded court room by a girl Scarcely more than a mere child. jjWine flowed freely during a Joyride, she; said, and she an nounced that after a few. drinks she became "dead, drunk" and when, left at the Keizer school house, remembered ' nothing until morning. All of the four In court yesterda"y were not in attendance at this! party. J 'j :'.!; According to the story, the girl she ajnd'.four others left the skating rink with '-four boys, who d rove ' somewhere on ..Eigh teenth jstreet, jstopped and one of them procured., a; half-gallon,, of wine from an old bam. After con suming this they drove out bfeydnd IK PJEW STANDARD Differential f Education Dis cussed at Meeting; Clas- I sification Urged SPOKANE, April 9. Making the school fit the child instead of fitting; the child to the school is the problem ' that confronts edu cators of today, Dr. Lewis Terman, of Leland Stanford University, told teachers of the Pacific north west at today's session of the In land Empire ; Education associa "on.,; ' j'lhj.f. "The tendency In j educational circles; is' to cater to the upper standards," Dr. Terman declared. "This cannot be satisfactorily ac complished. It is necessary ; to meet both emergencies, dealing with the low and the high-scored children with no partiality." : i j Investigations have revealed 40 to 50 children in each school grade that should be taking dif ferent subjects, he stated. : "Some should be advanced as much , as two years and others are not in a position to compete with the child of normal intelligence." ; A method of "elastic promo tion, I individual instruction and differential education were pro posed as a solution to this prob !em. - f ' I .: j'i. ' j Greater cooperation between parents .and teachers was urged by fiss Frances Hays, field secre tary of the national, congress of parents , and .teachers, who de clared that while 'parents' are Ig norant of what their children j are taught in the schools and the teachers are ignorant of the home life and conditions of the child, both are ignorant of . the educa tion the child gets on the street, on j the play field, at the movie theater and elsewhere." ( Incidental visits to the school on the part of parents will do lit tle in establishing the cooperation between them that Is needed to bridge this gap. Miss Hayir de clared. She urged for parents a real understanding of school prob lems and methods. MILL WILL ARRIVE TODAY FOB IIS Concentration Plant for the I Lotz-.Larsen Mine Will Be Ready to Run Soon ifThere is joy In the Lotz-Larsen mining camp up on- the Little NorthjFork of the Santlam. ; The machiaery for the new con centration mill will arrive by rail today, and It will soon be hauled from the railroad to the mine, and put together, and put to work. The lumber to make the flota tion tanks for the mill la being hauled into the -mine ;now.-"i Before very long; there' willt be gin the shipping of concentrates to the Tacoma. smelter. jThen will begin the .develop ment of the real mine; the mine that will begin to he ready , before long .to pay dividends to , stock-. holders. TEACHERS Decide the Keizer school where the beys had another gallon cached. This was also consumed before coming back to the city about 1:30 o'clock in the morning. The party start ed from the skating rink. -.. Another girl on the stand posi tively said that Shackaman was not in the party though she heard several of the! others speak to "Dick." Prior to this time Shack aman admitted that he had been with the -party ! from the skating rink, but that he .left the machine near the Keizer j school, to go on home. The girl said that "Dick" left the car. She said no one of fered her a drink, and she did not take any. j This was affirmed by the first girl.;rjlj h;; v j .Shackaman did j' not ! take the stand, and while from the testi mony offered, it was evident that he did not actually contribute, to the delinquency of the girl I by deed, he was Under moral obliga tions, and as Brazier ,0. Small, justice of the peace, put it, was too old. fpr ; the company,' should .io have beeit'aiong, and fatted to protest against-he actions of the .others. !, :.Hi ": j . . ; ' , j No date has yet been set for the preliminary j hearing of the six other young men. J - SEEKS DlilGES 1 : Local Attorney and Politician Now Bringing Action ! ' 1 For Ten Thousand M Declaring that he has been dam aged "In peace and m;nl,"and in a pecuniary way. Will E. Purdy, well known Salem attorney and, politician, is instituting a suit for iu,uuo 1 against o. on. jchqiioli and Walter, C. Winslow, local at torneys, and Chris and Mary La- cheieJiHiiJ;! Ljji L I . Purdy declares that Winslow ac cused him of forgery; in a case In which Chris and Mary Lachele were !: defendant;. In an action brought, by the Oregon Realty; Ex change Investment company, Mr. Winslow is said to have accused him of altering a note so as to include interest on it.. Purdy states in I his complaint. Walter Wins low ; represented the Lachelea In the action. The complaint in which Purdy Is attempting to recover damages states that "Mr. Purdy was elected by one of the largest votes to the national convention of the democratic party in 1920 from the state at large. Mr. Purdy has been candidate for the nomination of. governor of Oregon. He has reared a'f imily of !10 children In Oregon and he has preached the gospel as' hun dreds of souls have professed con version, -and he was highly recom mended by both democrats and re publicans, to President Harding for appointment to the United States shipping board." l I!. PROWLERS VISIT I FOOD BUIL0I1S Three Schools and One Church Entered by Gang ; of Jimmy . Experts Three school houses and one church were entered by burglars during the night, it was discov ered Thursday, morning.) Little loot was netted the intruders. Pass keys, jimmies and bars were used by the burglars to enter the Leslie Methodist church on South Com mercial, and the Garfield," McKIn- ley and Lincoln schools, 'i ' Entrance was ; gained to ; the church by;the use of a pass key at the rear door, while a jimmy opened the door to the study, which was thoroughly ransacked. Entrance to the schools was made in a similar manner. At the Lin coin school 2 was taken from Principal Davenport's office, while 15 in. another drawer was over looked. '-.; -The four Jobs were evidently done by the same gang, as the Operations were -. Identically ; the same. ,tiungung extorts were made at the McKinley school when the" invaders damaged the casing and door by their attempts to get Into the office. . At the Garfield school Entrance WILL E- PURDY (Contiaatd & ptx x HERH10T PAR T ATTACK ........ I 1 I0PPOSITI0I Surprize Suddenly Sprung on ! Opponents During Three ! t Hour: Speech in Chamber ; of Deputies LEFT GROUPS RALLY TO GOVERNMENT SUPPORT Herriot Defies Chamber! to Overthrow Him Before Fi ; nance Plan is in PARIS, April 9. CBy the Asso ciated Press: The Herriot gov ernment;,! which has been . reeling under the attacks of the opposition for a week, .suddenly sprung a surprise off ensive.'agajnsj: its; op ponents when , the premier. In! the course of .a.'; three-hour speech in the chamber today, two-thirds ot which was tjevoted to'flayingj the government's, preceding his, put it squarely up to the chamber to assume ;the responsibility ot over throwing him before his financial measures relating- to increased currency come up for discussion. j Action Rcfusel , I No coalition was found desirous of( facing, the situation which currency and a forced loan could would have I been' created bv the departure of M. Herriot at this stage and became the sponsors for the ; inflation and capital levy themselves The Jeft groups, which have shown sjgns of disintegration, ral lied behind the premier and gave the cabinet a new lease on jlife. The vote was 291 to 242. I The ' government, although vic tor J lit - j this ! preliminary engage ment, saw its majority whittled down 46 votes for the. 'flrs'rifnte since it j assunied power failing to pass the 300 mak of adherents when there was a strict partyjline division! with a confidence clause attached. It will have to face a real battle when the finance! bill itself is debated the end of this week or the! beginning of jnext week in the chamber. Finances At Stake How lone the government's new leae of life' will be also depends on' the attitude of the senate to morrow when It is quite probable M. Herriott will attempt a similar operation there. 1 The premier charged the suc cessive governments since the ar mistice with! being responsible for the present precarious situation of the French treasury. ,. i ; "The guilty parties," he said, are those who since the end of the war, by floating both Internal and foreign loans at abnormal rates of interest have written enormous hills, which France must meet this year and In com ing years. The guilty parties are those who contracted debts, I not those who must pay them." i' " j; :..-r l-l Former Salem Boy Back ; r To! Practice Medicine I Dr.. Carl W. Emmons, an obste trician, has opened offices inj the United States bank building where he will continue his practice. Un til recently Dr. Emmons was-head of the public maternity clinics of the Oregon Medical school at Port land and instructor in obstetrics. Dr. Emmons is the son. of and Mrs. W. W. Emmons, Mr. 828 North Commercial, and is a grad uate of Salem high school. , He received his scientific training at the University; of .Washington 'and is a graduate of the Oregon Med cal school. ; He served as intjerne at the Good 'Samaritan hospital in Portland and later did extensive work' in the Chicago Laylng-in hospital under the direction of Dr. J. B. DeLee, an authority of na tional repute on . obstetrics," as a member of the resident staff.j Attend linen If you hayjp any stake in If your property is here If your business is here If your job is here If youri prospects for! the your childfen's,' you should attend the meeting at the jGrahd Opera house tonight and hear the linen mill, proposition dis cussed !'-! ;:- For there is bound up in this development the biggest in dustry in Oregon; the biggest industry" ort the Pacific Coast, and perhaps the biggest in the Quarters here in Salem. I ' Do you realize what this a little encouragement, even words now, may mean more than any thing iyou ever dreamed be .there-Any .way,. it is going, to be one; of the most interesting meetings ever H CUEIST SAYS 1 - 1 . -.. i 1 . POISON CAUSE OF TWO DEATHS . -J 1 ' I ! . Coroner's Aide Returns Re 1 port in WcClmtock,! Olson f Inquest; Mercury Poison is Found ANALYSIS OR ORGANS OF BODY FIN SHED 1 .1 William Shepherd Said to Have Visited Victime Before Death CHICAGO, April 9 Mrs. Emma McClintock, mother of jWilliam Nelson 5vfcCUnjtockr millionaire or phan,' for whose death William Darlin Shepherd, foater father of the. youth, has j been indicted prob ably, died of mercuric poispr ing, a statement issued by Coroner Oscar Wolff tonight jsaid. ; jf I ' Statement Authentic - The statement was pared after the coroner had perused a report given him . tonight by , Dr. Wlliam D. IMcNally, coroners chemist, who made an examina tion of the viial organs of young McClintock's mother, whose body was disinterred three weeks ago after having been buried, for 1C years. . ', - ' J 1 . .. j-f'. The analysis of the vital "organs of; Dr. Oscar -Olson, the McClin tock's family; physician,! Jwhose body was disinterred at the same time as that, cf Mrs; McClintock, has hot yet been completed! I Dr. Olson died three years ago only a few hours after Shepherd ; had visited him. 1 ! I -Deaths Investigated Judge Harry Olson; chief jus tice of the municipal court and a brother of Dit. Olson, who insti ga ted. the investigation In iofyont McClintock's death and later Into the deaths of Dr. Olson and Mrs. McClintock, has maintained that both Mrs. McClintock and . his brother died unnatural deaths. Shepherd, Judge Olson .has ' de clared, visited! his brother only a few hours before the latter died and lived . with Mrs. . McClintock and her, son at the time pf her death when she entrusted fhe rear ing of her son to Shepher'd and his wife.,. : -rj ; , j j' -I, Shepherd faces a charge of mur der, the indictment charging that he administered typhoid germs lo his young ward in order; to gain possession of jyoung McClintock's million dollar 'estate. i Report Given , Coroner Wolff's statement; fol lows: t 1 "A careful study of !Dr. i Mc- Nally's report; on the vital organs of Mrs. McClintock permits me, to say that the amount of (mercury found in the stomach, liver, : kid neys and bowels was of sufficient quantity to have caused ; death, commonly , known as 'death by mercuric poisoning.' : . I . 4"The analysis of the 'vital or gans of Dr. Olson has not yet been completed. The final report ! on the vital organs 6t. Dr.; Olson will be ready by ' Monday, morning at 10 o'clock." i a j! Detectives who have beeni check ing all the prescriptions for medi cine given, Mrs. McClintock iduring her last illnesij also announced to night that they had completed the list and that jnone of them show that -mercury or-any ofilts com pounds was prescribed. 1 FARM' COXDITldN'S 6oOD CALGARY, i Alta., April . 9.- Farming conditions in the iway of moisture ' are the - best In history this. year in southwestern Alberta, farmers who begun. operation : to-s day reported. Ordinarily this district is unusually dry. i The best lubricant either for domestic or business machinery is elbow grease. I t meeting tonight Salem , i .. v future are. here, your own or - '. United States, with its head '- il means? ,, Just a little help, just , your presence and . your igood held In balem. Alleged Payroll Thiief Is Gaptuiced Break Front Hay. Hill, who escaped from the city jail yesterday noon after his arrest for the alleged theft .of a payroll of more than, $700 from the Coos Bay Stevedoring company at North Bend, was r returned to his cell after enjoying five hours of'llberty." Hill was hiding in the basement of a building near the Rigdon undertaking parlors a Chemeketa and Cottage, a few hundred feet from the Jail, where he had fled after his hiding place between two garages had been, seen by two boys who were playingball. The discovery was made when the. ball was knocked close to the man, crouching In the narrow space, and the little boy had made a search for. his property.,! Seeing the hiding man. a quick trip to the, police station was made.' , Without 'hat and shoes. ;and evading the watch?of the. police, a the desk. Hill sneaked out the jail door, ""which I had been left open and out to victory. It is; alleged Big Mass. Meeting at Grand theatre Called -for 8 : O'clock by Committee Tonight at & o'clock at the Grand Theatre the biggest mass meeting of the year will be held to discuss the proposal of D. M. Sanson for the establishment of a linen mill in Salem. J-.. Never before has Salem"" been so fortunate in securing a man like Mr. Sanson to direct the new pro; ject. lie. is a successful business man In the eastern part; of the United States -. and Canada and bripgs .25 years of experience to the aid of the proposed Industry here. Not only will the people of Salem secure the . services of . an expert linen , manufacturer, but they will be placed in touch with a selling force that can take care of the product, j Gradually the enthusiasm for i . ..... the new linen mill has been grow ing and shaping itself. The real ization is being felt that never be fore has such anipportunity been of fered to . residents of the Will amette valley. - j The mass meeting is called for the epecial purpose of explaining ail; phases of the, proposed linen mill for the city.. ... ; ,'. ; Already the plans of presenting the proposition to the people of Salem has been worked out byjhe members of the Chamber of Com nrerce. j The committee headed by Theodore Roth, R. C. Snelling, T. B. Kay and many other prominent men of the city, have investigated the proposition from all angles. John H." McNary, who has made b personal Investigation of the pro moter, le satisfied that this Is the greatest proposition that has come to the , city during the 49 years that he has been here, ' I The fact that the linen jmill will benefit all classes of people in the Willamette valley Is to be brought cut and emphasized: Head .of Child Welfare De partment Addresses Spo kane Convention SPOKANE. ; April 11 Declar ing that America "must focu her attention upon race building as her next bigr task," Dr. Walter H. Brown; .director of . the American Child Health association brought the subject' of. health before teach ers of the Pacific northwest at the annual. Inland Empire Education association meeting here today.. Dr. Brown - who is conducting child health demonstration in Sa lem, . Ore..,. saldthat health, has come to be regarded as a matter of high importance on the school curriculum. "'.'The, .great annual loss of life from' preventable dis eases, the inefficiency due to acute sickness; and till health, land the mounting' numbers of. mental and physical defectives are finally, challenging- thinking' Americans to re-arrange - their scale of human lives," he declared. LIEN TALKS , SET TONIGHT Bl5 w- "IT' ' - Following City that the escaping prisoner made his way-from the jail doorafter it had been left open through the office by the- janitor, of. the city re- corder," up the side stairs to the second floor and down the front steps to the alley across the street between ihe Valley Motor com pany and the old undertaking par lor of Rigdon. William Bloch. a meatcutter; saw the man cross the street but did not realize the man waa an escaping prisoner. Officer Cutler was in charge at the police station at the time the man made bis escape. Due to the people - that were ijn the office at the time, he evaded the officer and made bis! way to-freedom. "Just what route the man took from the door .is pot. known- The mystery, of the escape was cleared up yesterjiay, afternoon, .whenjE. J. Tuckejv the janitor, admitted that he had left the door open while working - about the quarters. Hill had seized upon the opportunity and made his' way through the door. Hitting !King of Basebail is Rendered Unconscious . i- For Two Hours :- NEW YORK, APtil 9. (By The Associated Press.) George - Her man Ruth, baseball's- mighty Babe was resting comfortably in St. Vincent's' hospital ;tonight suffer ing from influenza, acute indiges tion and minor injuries suffered when hej fainted and fell "to the floor in the wash room of his pri vate car lust as the train., was ,en- tering Pennsylvania station short ly after"-'!' o'clock today. ' Early physicians' .reports; said Ruth.had a slight concussion- of the brain and a possible skullfracture but these were later denied by Dr. Ed ward King, the Nqw York. Amer ican league doctor, who gave the home run slugger a thorough ex amination. I-.'-'--1 "Ruth is resting as comfortably as can' be expected and is in no danger," said Dr. King. "He has a fever and a temperature of 101 but . there is no concussion, of the brain or evidence of a fracture of the skull." 1 . : : . -The. accident, which Tendered Ruth unconscious for nearly 'two hours, happened as he was wash ing preparatory-. to departing from the train, i la company with Paul Kitchell, the New York American league scout, and.a'party of news paper men, Ruth. .was returning from Asheville, N. C., where Tues- day j he had suffered a slight; at wci ot acpie- indigestion with a touch of influenza. Just as the ; train was entering (Contlnoad ,mtk pf- 2) M1V10M1 TIEfJOFFll Couple Giving Tacoma as Home Address Are In vestigated by Police ' A' man and a. woman. giving. the names of E. E. Bragg and Sylvia Bragg are held at the Salem police station for Investigation," following their , arrest at the Southern Pa cific station by officer Victor. , Conflicting stories told -. by the pairjwas the.reason given tor .their detention. According, to the story told; by the man,. the two left Ta- coma -recently rby-; beating ' theiH way along thei highway. U is al leged, they, madeh their -ay from, Portland to Salem 'by" the same route, and were ;" waiting at the railroad sUtion to take a -freight traiU oiit of.the city: , ; .The woman, flimsly dressed, showed the signs of travel by- her unkept and - tattered appearance. The; man was also Inj. need of bath ing land laundry, facilities, as evi denced by his appearance at the police station.--' j ; "' .... ' From the evidence -uncovered, it appears lhat, the woman is foot ing the bills in ' the four of the country. , H '-v"? When tha pais, lef Tacoma they were .headed.iforCaJifQcnla. C but after getting ,this far south. It. was decided, that they wanted td make their way to some place in Indl anas and it-was their plan to make BABE RUTH IS HURT! IN FALL fi. r :- . "'.j TELLER II UIEOIRE for umr; C. W. Thompson Placed in County, Jail Thursday Up on Complaint; Signed by District Attorney Carson : SPECIAL. GRAND JURY I CALLED THIS MOMING. Additional; Shortage bf Paroled Rlan Faces 'Another Sentence to'Penitentiary Clarence W. Thompson; former teller in the state treasurer's de partment, recently sentenced to serve- two, years in the peniten tiary for the embezzlement of $931 of state funds-but. whq was parojled from the bench' hy Judge Percy R... Kelly at a special night session oflhe' circuit court," was placed In the-county jail Thurs day j; and v will be brought before the Marion , county grand jury at a special session at 10 o'clock this morning. ... Thompson. was formally addest ed about 10:30 o'clock Thursday morning upon a complaint signed by District Attorney John H. Car son after 1 officials of the state treasurer's office, had taken no action, regarding an additional shortage of approximately $3,000 had been discovered in office re cords by Alexander Hamilton, bookkeeper. . Thompson was taken Into custody late Wednesday night and was held on an open charge when it became apparent that ha was about to leave the city. Tha special session of the grand jury was called by the district attorney. Checks Are Juggled Discovery of the discrepancy, came, while the records were be ing searched in checking up the records to determine the liability of the two surety companies whica had bonded Thojnpson during tht incumbency pi the" late O. P. Hoff and-Jefferson Myers, state treas urers. i , , - - According to Hamilton, the re cords show that on July 9, 1924, Thompson wrote a check in favor of the First National bank of Port land, for ,$8,000, showing the amount on the check stub, how ever, as $5,000, which was later corrected to read $8,000. In th daily balance of his active account on that date Thompson took the check .into , account for $5,000, balancing this discrepancy on July 29, with a'check in favor of "J. A. Elliott, state forester," -for $3,000. On the records this check 6tub Is shown to have been "can celed" and the check to Elliott, al so f.'cancled,"; had been . attachel to the,Etub. , $100 Item. Explained- IU addition to this' Item of $3. 000 and ;the-$931 'item on which Thompson-was indicted and later entered. a plea of guilty, there has been also. .uncovered an item of $r00, supposedly paid out to F. A. Elliott, state forester, on ,a salary assignment, on an earliir date. ' While" disclaiming respc--sibility for this latter discrepanc y, Thompson had repaid the state to the amount of $1031, which in cluded; both the $931 shorts -e covering his own salary assign ments and the $100 item covered by the Elliott assignment. - GALE SWEEPS COAST i .TOKio. April 10.-r-Many fish ing craft and one 600e-ton steam er floundered; n .a i gale wti:h swept.- the south, coast of t Jaj-- n yesterday. Over 50 . persons ere dead or mi&sing. - thursday Mwashhgtg: The - AmQurTMorris " meri. hearing continued ; before Sec: tary Jardine. ' tJohn Van McMurray, ass st secretary of state was aprlc. minister to Peking. . . .. . , - . . . . - . . t . i Former Representative Free": "ick Ci- Hicks of-New York v; appointed alien- property cast Ian. ' -' . .., .,--:'---: .'. .,. -'A. decrease from last year 116.00O,DCa- lusheli la .win wheat production, wa forecast the,department of agricult".:e. ' ; The state departrnpnt r- - ; IIa;tt3 tic rer,. morial relatlmr t tho T - ica award a;, a 1 : . C. reply.; their way there. !1:i i';::; I