The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 22, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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Kfy j-J Hi Ji
lsud Daily aloaday by '
. ;215 South Commercial St, Salom, Oretea j
.. J. Heodrteke ; . ... . . . . . . . i Miiupr
J.ka U Brmdy . . . . . . . . . Editor
ni JaafcoaM -, . - ... .... afamagw Joa Dept.
Tba AiiMlatad Praia la aseloaively oatitlwl to the for pablieatloa of oil Bw
SlrpalcbM orodttod to It or swt Iherwiso erditod ia thla paper k4 taa Ir
aewe pobllaaod aereia.
Thomas V. Clark Ca. Raw York. 141-145 West 36th 8t Cfciearo- Masxraetto Baild-
- inf. W. & Grothwafcl. Mrr.
Portland Ofice, 330 Woreeater Bid-., Phone 6637 15 Road war, Albert Byera, V tr.
Bnaiaaaa Offleo . . . . l er 581 Circs lation Off lea ;.:. . . . . 88S
Ni ' Doportmoat . , . . . SS-IOS Society Kditor . !. . ... . . 106
.. :. Jab Department . . , . ... .... 5SS
' Iaurod at the Peatofnea , la Salem, Orefon, at o-oadlaM mattar . .
; .
'. .. ; - ... BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRATKft j ;
! " : Froparad by Radio BIBLE SERVICE Bureau. CiaelaaaU, Ohio.
If perrata Will Save their ehlldrea mcmorita too daily Bible aaltctieaa. It will prove
prioaiaaa hiring fca i fter yeara. t
( " - MARCH 22. 1925 I
ALL.' NEEDS SUPPLIED: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall pot
-want. 1 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow ma all the days of my
life, and I will dwell In the house of the Lord for ever. Psalm 23 : 1-6.
PRAYER: O Lord, do Thou satisfy us early with Thy mercy,
that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. . i I?;
"The Willamette valley has an opportunity to become
the leading flax producing center of North America. ; .
I "The flax situation in Oregon is just where it might lead
to great things, and attract not only national, but world-wide
interest. '- ' - -l
"The soil, the climate and the' water in' the valley are
better adapted to flax production than any other section of
the world and all it needs is the proper development. .
"One of the principal problems in raising flax in the state
thus far has been lack of definite market for the fiber. If the
linen industry could be established in the state this difficulty
would be obviated. rjjT'''
The above quoted, paragraphs are some xf the state
ments of ,D, M. Sanson in a speech to the Eugene Chamber of
Commerce on Thursday, according to the report of the Morn
ing Register of that city. ".' -
' Those statements are familiar ones to the readers of The
Statesman, for this paper has for years been publishing simi
lar ones ; making the same claims j
But Mr. Sanson speaks "as one having authority, and not
as the scribes." ! i !
He is the leading figure in the flax and linen industries
in Canada, president of the Dominion Linens, and has also be
come, interested in this line of manufacturing in the TUnited
States, being vice president of the company owning and
operating the Donegal linen mills at Lockport,' New York. He
is high authorityJ He knows flax and linen.
. Hermade the statement at Eugene; according to the Reg
ister's report; that the demoralized conditions in the leading
flax producing countries of Europe had forced linen mill oper
ators to search for new fields for raw products; especially
since there is a growing world demand for linens
: And he said it was with the idea o.f establishing a linen
mill in Oregon that he was making his survey of this state ;
I TJNAWAY housas. pursued
and 'recaptured ' by swiit
motor boats: c h 1 1 d r e a
asleep on a mattress blown
high into a tree; a squawk
ing rooster jammed head first into
a water pitcher; herds of cattle
blown across a wide bay; a field of
.corn completely mowed by flying
Iron -
These 'are some of 5th authentic
, freaks of disasters. They wUl seem
incredible only to those who have
jnot been through the unforgettable
experience of a tornado, hurricane
or flood. Some of the strangest phe
nomena on record have resulted
from tornadoes, those gigantic
whirling dervishes of the sky whose
terrific force throws buUdings about
aa a boy throws pebbles. -
In the administration of the re
lief task following all sajor dis
asters in recent years, workers of
the American Red Cross have wit
nessed the strangest of happenings
as a result of the unleashing of na
ture's mixhty forces. Often these
workers are the first outside aid
to arrive on the scene and are per
sonal witnesses of events that
would seem rightfully to, belong
only In the realm of fiction.
Every one of the strange happen
ings recounted in this narrative
have either been directly witnessed
by Red Cross Relief Workers or
else bear the stamp of verity given
, by meticulous Investigation. Henry
M. Baker. National Director of Red
Cross, DiaaaUr Relief, has person
ally interviewed most of the per
sons Involved. I (
j One victim ot a tornado's wildest
j whims was an old Italian named
Tony, who ran a fruit stand in At
: laata. Texas. Tony had been picked
;iup In the giant arms ot the great
- fatorm. carried through the air a
(quarter of a mils and then dropped
if eet first Into a welL That would
lhave been- the end of the story had
not one of those' strange colncl-
Jdences happened that often attend
the passing of the twister., By the
came : tremendous rotary motion
(that causes such terrible damage
fto everything in its path, the tor-
nado sucked more than three feet
;of water out of the well, leaving
(Tony's head still above the surface
:The dual action saved the old Ital
ian and when be was rescued hours
'.later he apparently had suffered
'only a few cats and. bruises. The
aftermath of his terrifying experi
ence, however, was a nervous col-
; lapse which yielded only to long
Jand expert treatment. ?
! One of the inexplicable features
if tornadoes is their uncanny pen
.chant for sparing the most fragile
things. 'Recently the great tornado
Jn Northern Ohio picked up anouse
at Lorain and literally stood It on
iu roof. -JFYom an inverted chan
delier hung four electric globes, not
ene of which was even cracked,
r&nother and even more remark
aule instance of this tendency oc
currci fs'Jowtag the passage of a
frU'.zT C:::i tit tm ct !st-
' nil ill TtT Isfr S "
Ins, Ark. researching amidst the
ruins of a completely demolished
home, a Red Cross nurse heard the
frantic squawking of a rooster. The
most minute search failed to reveal
the bird until the nurse's eye fell
on a water pitcher that was shak
ing violently back and forth. At
tracted by this strange phenome
non, she found the trouble. It was
necessary tor her to crack the un
broken pitcher, with a stone to re
lease a very bedraggled Chanticleer,
who, completely de-feathered vby
the terrific wind, had-then been
jammed head first into the pitcher.
So far as la known, the. highest
wind velocity attained during. th
height of a cyclone or tornado is
212 miles an hour. Thjs terrific
speed 'must have been approached
when, on August 27. 1924. a violent
hurricane swept in from the Carib
bean Sea and ever parts of the Vir
gin Islands. Of a large herd of
cattle. 22 steers were blown across
Coral Bay and Into a pasture on the
opposite aide. I They were found ly
ing dead in a row some distance
inland from the water, j In a de
molished village on the-shores ot
the bay. a Red Cross field repre
sentative tells ot a native 'family
with eleven children .whose home
had been completely, destroyed.
When it became light' enough to
count the children two were found
to be missing and were later found,
still asleep, f on 1 their mattress,
which had been blown high Into a
tree.- : u V: v.- .
"Anything can happen during a
cyclone or tornado. is ; the ex
pressed belief of Red Cross Dis
aster Relief workers. Their years
of experience in the field sooner or
later make theca think nothing im
possible. During a series of cy
clonic storms that ravaged several
Southern states in the Fall of 1923
csa UsHj la a saaH town la Sosta
being accompanied by Col. W. B. Bartram'well known . here
and familiar with our conditions. i ; -K- y
, The concerns with which Mr. Sanson and Col.' Bartram
are connected have been engaged in every branch of the flax
industry, including the raising of the flax, the harvesting of
it, the threshing and retting of the straw, and breaking and
scutching it, producing fiber, and the spinning of yarn and
twine, and the weaving of all kinds of linens.
They have maintained a farm department, in order to
guarantee the right kind of raw material supplies. The con
struction of a linen plant here under such auspices would be
an excellent thing. There will have to be some,
and they are used to pioneering. They have been pioneers in
Canada. But they would , encounter wonderfully : improved
conditions here, which they realize, as witness the following
paragraph from the Eugene Register's report:
"The Oregon flax, Mr, Sanson said was the finest grade
and quality he had ever seen, and admirably adapted for use
in the production of high grade cloth. Furthermore, the con
ditions in this state, especially in the Willamette valley, are
ideal for the raising of flax and, provided the industry is con
ducted on a sound basis, it should be highly profitable to the
farmers. 'Figuring flax at $38 a ton, and allowing a minimum
of two tons to the acre I believe the farmer could jmake' an
average of $50 clear profit from each acre,' Mr. Sanson de
clared." - -;- I 1 f t , .;- --w .i-i.'..,
The flax and linen industries under the natural condi
tions prevailing in the Willamette valley are peculiar to them
selves; unique. They may be made profitable "from the
ground up." ; The growing, of the flax on the farms will be
profitable. The threshing and retting and breaking and scut
ching of the straw will be prof itable. The spinning of the yarn
and twine will be among the most profitable of the operations,
at least next to the weaving and bleaching and dyeing and
damasking, and the fashioning of garments and handker
chiefs and tapestries and laces and i airplane wings, and a
thousand and one other articles of commerce. The higher the
industry is carried, the more money will be kept at home. The
higher priced products will make the yield from an acre of
land mount up to as high as $24,000 or higher. Do you know
of any other thing that produces an annual crop on the land
of which this may be said? And it is a mine that will never
pinch out. It will last forever; as long as water runs and
grass grows. I v '
i The Statesman has a number of
times pointed to the report of I. N.
Day on taxes. Day Is not in any
sense a radical. He comes about
as near being a stand-patter as
any man you would find in this
country. The sum total of tthe
findings of the Olcutt committee
of which Air Day is chairman, is
that taxation Is unequally divided
in the state of Oregon, r
From start to finish this report
bristles with condemnation of the
direct property tax and with argu
ments for a new tax to help ad
just, the burden fairly. On page
63 we find the following:
' "The cardinal defect of the
property; tax is found In the fact
that so many incomes and so much
q fcfib$&dl OTsas tosH,
Carolina saw the ominous funnel-'
shaped, cloud coming. - Locking
arms, they threw themselves face
downward on the bed In their small
cabin. The tornado struck, with a
fearful roar. , A few moments later
the cowering figures felt a heavy
jar, followed by sUence.-Gathering
courage they stood up and looked
about them. The roof and sides ot
the house were gone. Nothing was
left but the floor upon which they
stood. : Investigating further, they
found that they were nearly a Quar
ter of a mile away from the site of
their home. The tornado had car
ried away the floor supporting them
and the bed, and dropped the whole
business in an apple orchard.- "
In the National Museum in Wash
ington is the trunk of a tree that
had been completely severed : by
rifle bullets fired during one of the
great .battles of the Civil War. Peo
ple are frequently amazed by the
peculiar way in which' tornadoes
destroy trees. which are not up
rooted, as one would Imagine, but
twisted off a few feet above the
ground. This undoubtedly is doe
to the rotary motion of the tunnel
shaped cloud, which, revolving; at
terrific speed, grinds up everything
in Its path and. then disgorges.' Au
thentic instances are on. record of
straws having been driven through
tree stumps; by tornadoes. The
Chamber of Commerce at Hope,
Ark., has as a relie the trunk: of a
large tree nearly severed by a piece
of flying tin as large as a telephone
book. .?. ; '
. Outside of a small town in Texas
a fine stand of corn, covering nearly
30 acres, was mowed down, not by
the tornado, itself, but by sheets of
galvanised Iron hurled l out ; of a
wrecked hardware store nearly half
a mile "away. , S; v
At Texarkana, Texas, a cyclone
CroTs a'rUcs ct Uzx isca water
taxpaying ability exists entirely
apart from property ownership.
Salaries, professional earnings,
etc., are not derived from proper
ty at all, or at any rate the amount
of property contributing to earn
ing power is insignificant. A phy
sician may earn $12,000 a year,
representing a fair return on
$200, 000 worth of property, but
a few thousands at the most would
cover the capital invested in office
furniture, medical books and sur
gical instruments. Something
like the same situation Is-found
in the case of a large and growing
number of financial middlemen
and brokers, who derive their in
come not from property owned but
from property bought and sold for
others. Without multiplying illus
trations further It will be seen
9 -.W ' .
pipe through the neck of a horse
making a clean cut hole through
which a person could look through
to the . other side. - Despite the in
jury: the horse lived for three days.
: Sometimes, though It ad
mitted, not often, a disaster Is not
an uiHaltigated tragedy. ; Occasion
ally, it replaces In kind what It has
taken away. - .Witness va-- flood, at
Burlington. Kansas, jwhich .'picked
up a Una ne w garage ahd carried it
far down stream, 'only to' hrlig an
other one from up the river and la)
It in the back; yard almost onthe
very site of Its lost companlenT A
similar occurrence; took place dur
ing the Lorain . tornado, which'
picked np and. threw into Lake Erie
a touring car parked by its owner
in an adjoining lot, and by way of
compensation presented blrrC with a
nearly-new sedan; During a Kansas
flood a dry goods dealer, had prac
tically his entire stock ruined by
flood waters 14 feet deep. -In an
Ironic gesture of reparation ? the
swirling waters washed a popcorn
itaaj tLxottxh the flate rlarur?
j i
. .. ... . .- ; if .. -: ?. -if - V i J ; . i. ' - . - V . -- - " -" J '.' j -. - ..
that a property tax, however, ener
getic Us administration, will fail
to' reach the tax paying ability
represented by these unfunded In
comes, i Statistics of the federal
income tax returns for-Oregon In
dicate that only 134,763,534 out
of a total of 20,79S,S75 is rep
resented by the "income from real
estate, dividends and Interest
from investments of all kinds. This
represents almost exactly one
sixth of the personal incomes en
joyed .by Oregon citizens. Assum
ing a property tax so general In
scope and so iron clad in adminis
trative1 provisions that property
of every description is reached and
taxed, only one-sixth of the tax
paying ability of the people could
be laid under contribution to the
public revenue. It is this failure
of the general property tax to
reach this mass of unfunded In
come that constitutes a compelling
argument for the adoption of a
state income tax .
In severarparts of the commis
sion's report it deals with the in
justice worked upon farmers" by
the present tax system. On page
75 the report says: : v
"It is, therefore, conservative to
say that the incomes- of Oregon
farmers represent less than 4 per
cent of the total tax paying abil
ity. Those who; represent one
twenty-fifth of taxpaying ability
are, under the general property
tax, compelled to pay one-third of
state and focal taxes. To secure
the tax burden it is evident that
we must find a broader basis of
a more equitable distribution of
taxation than that supplied by
property. J
. On page 78 of the commission's
report occurs very much the same
statement the Oregonian objected
to on page 77:
"It Is impossible to escape the
conclusion that nine-tenths of the
tax-paying ability In Oregon car
ries less than one-quarter of the
tax load. On the other band in
comes derived from real estate,
which, according to our estimate,
represent about 3.5 per cent of tax
paying ability, pay 80 per cent of
state and local taxes, or approxi
mately $32,000,000. This sum 6f
$32,000,000 i approximates four
sevenths of all direct taxes state,
national and local, collected in Or
egon. The extent to which real
estate is overburdened is shown
by the fact that one-thirtieth of
dows at the front of the store and
parked It on a balcony in the rear.
: Miraculous , escapes, ' 'with . death
surging all around, have spared the
Uvea ot many people caught in dis
asters. In the great flood at Pueblo,
Colou. two years ago, a desperate
mother, with her little two-year-old
girl la .her arms, climbed the foot
spikes of a telegraph pole.' As the
waters slowly mounted, -she climbed
higher. - For hours she hung on suc
cessfully." ' but -the raging waters
finally tore her child vfrom her dead
ened arms.' Rescuers in a akin who
saw her plight hours later: experi
enced the greatest difficulty in re
leasing the-nearly demented woman
from the pole. Her convulsive
grasp had to be pried loose.' . The
climax of the story was reached
when Red Cross workers found the
little daughter, alive and kicking,
where she had been washed up on
the top of aa overturned freight
car..- : .- " ' .v::, .-. - -h
Three xoembers of . a' family
escaped death during a tornado ta
OV? ei;1U tiact that the
.. - r-yr-
the taxable incomes" carry more
tban one-half of the tax load."
What shall we . do about this
condition?; Phe people , repealed!
the income tax law and , there is
a demand to lessen property taxes.
, California has been hailed as
the paradise of r the tax-dodgers,
and It was even proposed to pro
hibit certain taxes in Oregon for
the purpose of dividing some of
this patronage with California.
Te reasoning was that it was too
far to Florida and that some of
those people might come, up to
Oregon to live if we out-Heroed
Herod, which is of course not
likely to happen, but California
has hit the transient tax dodgers
a blow, those who are there tem
porarily, and pretending to be
permanent residents. ' r '
Last fall a constitutional amend
ment was adopted and the legis
lature .has just passed a law
putting that in effect. The new
law provides for the taxation of
foreign securities at 7 per cent of
their full cash value. The meas
ure requires that the- taxation of
these securities held by residents
of California shall be on the basis
of 7 per cent assessment, but they
also shall pay any local, county
and city tax rates.
If this is not a blow straight
between the eyes' of the men who
make their fortunes elsewhere and
then try to deprive those commun
ities from the "benefits of taxing
the property, it would be hard to
find what would-be. The fact of
the case is that "this dodging
around to prevent taxation is so
unfair that It is revolting even to
the recipients of It.
Of course no one would under
take to pity Charlie Chaplin, and
yet, according to the Inside dope
that filters to the 'public, Charlie
is an unhappy mortal. He is the
possessor of a great fortune and
an enormous income which he
made .by. a peculiarly sloppy walk
and throwing custard pies at his
adversaries. This was all well
enough for a" time, but Chaplin
tired of it, put on good clothes
and announced that he would be
thoroughly respectable from that
time on. T
The unfortunate part of it is
that the public . refuses to take
wi".v.,W? ,X-.
entire" npper part of the house fell
in on them. . Rescuers were aston
ished to hear their cries' emerging
from the hopeless ruins' of their
home. - But what was the' amaxe
ment of a Red Cross volunteer to
find that father, mother and son
were practically unscathed! When
the storm first struck, the three
had ' taken ! refuge under the baby
grand piano, bat this capsised. . In
falling, however, it was checked by
the piano stool, the whole making
a pyramid which successfully turn
ed aside the falling wreckage. Ex
cept tor being nearly, suffocated by
dust from broken plaster; the fam
ily was practically unhurt.
The "pgychologlcai moment" fig
ured in saving from a terrible death
a woman in the same tornado-swept
towji. When ber hous - began to
rock under the torce of the twister,
she said to her husband: I must
get Johnny to a safe place.!: Stoop
ing over to pick up the child, wha
was playing on Che floor with a toy.
saved her life. At the very moment
she etoepej a sactlca of trick chio-
Charlie seriously It continues to
laugh when be becomes disgusted
with his laagater creatins abili
ties. He wants to be known as a
serious actor and yet the .. public
positively refuses to. accept him
at his own valuation. It is not an
enviable ' position and will prob
ably have a lot to do with making
him disappointed In life.
Senator Courens has been max
ing a determined fight to dig up
income taxes: He started his fight
a few- months ago and, according
to the records In the treasury de
partment, he started it practically
at the same time that his own ua-
naid taxes were outlawed. ThU
may be a coincidence, but Couxena
plays safe by refusing to waive
the statute of limitations. Couaens
has been a disturber in the sen
ate." He has feirthat hft special
mission was to make trouble for
the other fellows; and he will get
mighty little sympathy In this
trouble that -comes to him. He
will talk louder than ever against
the other fellows -seeking -to take
the attention away from himself.
He will play the martyr but be
will .be. sane enough to refuse to
waive the statute of limitations.
Local Paper Boosts f
: Patterson for Governor
Hon. I. L. Patterson of Eola,
Polk county, will probably tf a
candidate for governor; on th3 Re
publican ticket in next year'a pri
irtaries. Whils ic is too-evrly to
make srnounc'montt, a sentiment
has been crystaliiiug for Patlersoa
and when the p.'Cjer time com3 it
ia exittted by-ho friends tha. be
will enter tho race. During the
past year he wa twice drafted by
his yai'ty . for impo? tant ; servp
First as a manager of the C jolidce
campaign in Oregon . wh.:b: he
handled in such a satisfactory
manner, and then .the burdens of
the state chairmanship were thrust
upon his broad shoulders. He ac
cepted both of these iresponsibili
ties with reluctance but gave them
vigorous, thorough attention, cul
minating in such gratifying results
for the party, that thero is in real
ity a considerable sentiment that
he be drafted! for the third time
and for governorship.'
Mr. Patterson served Bix years
a? state' senator from the Polk
Benton district and was regarded
as one of the most influential
members of the legislature, serv
ing on the ways and means com-
ney torn off the house next door
smashed through the wall of the
room and shot out through the win- '
dow, exactly as a shell from a can
non. Had she not bent over at that
second, she would bar been be
headed. ,
One. of the strangest situations
ever encountered by Red Cross Dis
aster Relief workers was met dur
ing the great Ohio floods. The town .
of Future City. nt. was literally
wiped off the map. Every house
and potbuUdlng was. torn from its
site and sent reeling down the Ohio "
River, like a great herd of bithing
Crowds lining the straining levees
were then spectators to a chase
that probably has no parallel la hla-tory.-
Red ; Cross relief Workers
manned a fleet of motor boats and
rushed- in 'aU directions after the
runaway houses. A boat would dash -alongside
a house, ber crew would
deftly attach a : hawser to It and
then, with racing motor, the "tug"
and her strange tow would go slow
ly back, bucking the flood waters,
to Future City, where the dweUiag
would be anchored to a projecting
tree or telegraph pole and the home
savers would dash off for nor
Lhouses. - .
la order that It may .be always
prepared to rush quick sad ade
quate relief in any emergency at
any time, the Red Cross within the
past year has established a: Mobile -Disaster
Unit. This corps of dis- J
aster relief experts is kept in readi
ness at an times to respond at "
moment's notice to the call for as
sistance rrom stricken com man; ties
anywhere in the United States. Re
cently , the Government placed at
the disposal of this unit the flying '
corps of the Army. "Navy and Poit
oHce Aviation services, iasur-
ing the quickest possible dispatch.' -of
Red Cross relief; experts to the
scene cf disaster. - - ..
Of eosrsa, yoa want t ret
your full money worth
wbea yea bay eoal bat ere
yoo aatiifled that yoa dot If
yoa are in doubt try an order
f our . hif h crada eoal that
costs leas in tho end. It Ss tho
perfect coal for homo use.
Also Best Grade of
- Sawed Any Length
Broadway at Hood
mittee, and has had numerous oth
er political recognitions.
- Mr. Patterson Is a real dirt far
mer and a good one at that. He
grows about the finest peaches ia
the Willamette valley; he has ex
tensive hop yards; -he probably i
grows more corn than any other
farmer In Oregon, manufactnriag
It into pork right on the ranch.
Mr! Patterson is .a keen, levnl
headed business man, who in mak
ing farming bis vocation and in
dulging in politics as his avocation.
Ha la a member of the Grance and
0 -
Is in close "touch with the far nW .
ana au prouiems, uuu jei ai uie
same time he is familiar with alii
the branches of the state govern-1
iLent.' " - ; i
Many peach trees are showing ;
dead buds scattered along the '
branches, and some times numer-; .
ous dead twigs. These effects
due to peach blight and peach dif '
back fungus. It is. too late tvf. v Nvj,
anything for this year's attack; but I
almost 100 per cent protection can V
be obtained in the future, if bor-
deaux 4-4-50 is applied thorough
ly before the ''. fall rainy season I
starts. July or August are the
best months for this spray. But
the diseases are 'usually held in
check where the" grower sprays
immediately after harvesting, says
the state college "experiment sta
tion With late varieties of crons
this generally too late for the teat
results. Woodburn Independent. !
God's style of complexion beats
the drug store's, but fashion fav
ors the latter because there is
more1- money- in it. V
If your family
is aoout
this size
AND your Income just about
fiu the family -
. And your inaurance Just about
. takes care of your wife
; Vow evw thought how your
daughter would get along if I
Every family that has a daughter
should own a Corona. For a
knowledge of typewriting is the
open sesame to woman's moat ' '
pleasant. and profitable line ot
work. A Corona in your home
will give your daughter a vocation
and a lot of fun besides. Our new
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