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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1925)
BUJMCI1 . '. ' 1 FHOITE 10 I MR. AND MRS. W. A. LISTON entertained members" of their family ovr the week-end to celebrate the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Listen. The guests were; ... nnA Mrs. Ralph Harris and ...t ur . ana Mn a. j. ton, iyiu - ' f 1 1 - i icrkn nil nr nd Miss tn-iM " Portland ; jaray- i , ino son, sm" ,v,v , i KAn, anv fiHtr i .fstnn liaS tinei i-oiw v.- Salem. Tbe only memner not fgent was A". . uo, . Mm Lester S. Day j; (Emma hanafelt) andr little daughter, of :it Francisco, California,; are undine a snort timi at, vne noma i - . . i - s r of Drs and Sirs. Benjamin Blatch- f(jrd. Mm. Day uas maoy-saiem friends who are extending ner their sincerest sympathies in the time of her bereavement, her mother. Alrsi, E. A. ShanafeU. hav ing passed 'away on Satnrday In Sheridan. M-' t-r.-A.y 5-;-:.'.r. F.jf in 1900 from Atlantic, Iowa; . w nd Iefl i I - - ' - I T, J- .... j 1 "V - DnucxrronE I-Trt nw r ft j WK CHERRY BARIC COUGH SYRUP i The most pleasant tasting. The most efltlvex The most satisfactory re lief for colds, we Jtnow of. Safe for ehUdren as well as adults. , . j t Contains no opiates.' . Larger ' site bottles "than most cough - remedies , at the price. ' 25c 50c 51.00 i, . '. PerrDkig Store 1 !." S;wh Commercial SALEM- OREGON A fielishtful 4 o'clock, tea o yesterday afternoon 'was that giv en by the teachers in the, EngUsk department ,at s the-, utor higH school. M1s Ada Kwa presided at the urn, while ilisa Peterson and Miss Fisher assisted In the serving. ; i 5 - ;"'' S , Mrs. J. N. Murray,' who has been the house-guest for tha past week of Mrs. K. Ford, will Tetnrn th day ta her home in Portland, j !.-;-r The Aid Society of the Women Relief Corps was 'pleasantly enter tained Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs.; Laura McAdatpaL This was We of the social ather ings of the organization and the pleasure of the occasion was en hanced by- the presence of several GAR, comrades. They were Newmyer, R. C, rHalley, J. V. LaBare and William Crum. ; " Those ,present;were Sarah Pet erson LouLse.Kaapp, Mary Acher man, Cordelia LaBare, CertrOde Remington, -Ida Newmyer, Delia Clearwater, Rose Voris, Antoinette Bennett, Hattie Paterson,. Lena Peebles, f Ef f ie Dunlap V Jem$ F. B., Jones, Jennie Martin,. Clara Adams, Louise Koon. Hattie cim evzkfl jBernice Booffleur, Mary Entres' JulU.Blodgett, Mary Iiai ley, Nettie fihramni, (Mary Watsbn, LaMtrihe" CTarkJ Emtni lThompsbn. Alice Miles. ' Frances Thompfibo, l Ida Loiiden Aja' Simpson,; Mafy Neyhart, jiertha Lovelaod. Flor ence Spencer," Hejiwig Moll, Eliza--beth Radcliff, Amanda Crum, Hannah Jliggins and Addie Day- won. - ': , '"':, ; ,'- f.- Visitors were Mrs. J. E. Walton, Ida McAdams, Mrs. A. B. Crissinjr. Pheobe Mc Adams, Mrs. McReyn olds. Pleasing; to 'everyone w&s the reading given by Sarah. Peter son. The rooms were attractively decorated, with cut j flowers and ferns. Assisting the hostess at the serving hour were Sarah Peter son, Louisa- Knapp, ; Cordelia La bare, Oertrude Remington, Ida Newmyer and Mary Achermanj? The next meeting, will be Mid at the home of Louisa Koon, 071 North. Winter, assisted by Bernice Bouffleur, Clara, Adams,. Mary Neyhart. Ada Simpson. Alice Miles, Ida Louden, on February 12. The women of the First Congre church of Salem will entertain -today those among their number who have passed their 80th year. There are eight. or. ten or. more who : are willing to : acknowledge this distinction, and. all who kre. known to be that far along If in life's journey have been officially invited. All others will be . wel come. . This reception jsto he held beginning at 2:39, at thhiine of Mrs. R. J. Rendricks, Summer and -Marion streets, ; AH Congre gational women are welcome., . ..' -i.; j , Silverton, Ore Jan. 2 C( Spec ial ),--A unique party which the set enjoyed Friday, evening was that at which Mr. and Mrs. E. Nel son were hosts tl their country home in the Sijverton hilla. The Invitations did. not say (wh.ere:'the party was to, ie hut aaked the young people to j meat on Second and A streets at a certain hour. From, here they were taken to the ! ! .ii T cocxax cAxxxroAxT W i ' i ii. i : ; Today,, ;- j r: First Congregational church women . entertain for I members over eighty years of age. Home of Mrs. R. J. Hendricks. 4 95 N. Summer 'street. 2:30 o'clock, ' Willamette Chapter of First Presbyterian church Westminster Guild. Dr. Angle McCalfcjch, 448 Marlon street, hostess. 7:45. . CoaoTer .Chapter br, Westmins ter Cuild. Mrs. H. C. Wyait, 1444 Center street, hostess. T-30- . Woman's Study class jot First Presbyterian church. Mrs. W. W. Emmons,' 82S N. , Commercial street. 2:30 o'clock. Sons of Veterans auxiliary. Ar mory. I o'clock. . 'r-:-.' .KedBeBday4 l .-' " Marlon County Christian En deavor sociaL , First. Presbyter ian church. 7: 30 occk t Red letter day for Oregon Fed eration of Women's clubs. . . Sweet Briar club. Mrs. James Imlah hostess. . . . ; j Adolynk club. Mrs. Jesse George hostess. -.,- ; .., r i ) . , B. E. club-. Mrs. Claude Town send hostess. , , , -; i ' . Jason Lee Women's Home and Women's Foreign Missiopary so cieties. Joint meeting a church, mory. S o'clock. J - Barbara Frietchie tent Daugh ters of Veterans. 8 o'clock. Ar mory. I , Thorttlay Scholarship loan teai Salem Women! club, club house.. Kensington club. : Mrs, Otto J. Wilson -hostess . ' ,! v.v -s : Friday MacDoweH - club . concert.' First Christian eh nrch, ; : 1 5 i o'clock. ; ' I '-" Saturday ,.' " Salem Floral society.1 Chamber of Commerce rooms. ! 1 f !; . '.Monday ;;3J , . Shlem Music Teach ersl Assbcla- tfohl Mr. and Mrs, Frank Churc hill, hosts. k Churchill Studio oh North. Conamereiar street j ' f S 0 . us Si starrjxg- BARBARA LA MARR AND ; - - : BERT LYTELL From tbe XoTel : ' 1 Pearl Doles Bell ' ST DA.T batirat wiX ccpting kn- ' tuCl humbl 1ot, hl liBKbl home, kit kam- ci piesaret. ;ii'n. .J! battrfly yrnin tC tut win cf life J tm .'1 ta til winds Nelson home? f bo party wa a suxprise on Paulina Kelson. The evening was spent j with? farina games .and ' - other ' anuiaeaients. Those attending; were Etbei Lar soii, flirty Larson, Jngeborg Gop ierudV Myrna Sather. ;JotdU kloa ter, ,Agnes Dahlen, father . Tt)we, Louise Uendrikaen, Dora Hendrlk sen, Grace Lyons, Glenn Parrlsh, William Thompson, Carl Thomp son, Merle Larson. Nellie Beugli. Grace ,,Yaunx, t Pauline. Nelson, Florence Holand, s Alma Snde, Joe Bonner. Earl Burbeck, Gard Setness,. Kenneth Setness, Vietor Sather, Amos .Benson,' Clayton Benson, Esther Larson. Alvln Leg ard, Selma Sunde, Sylvia Larson. . - . . v . Last night before a fireplace banked with Mies, daffodils and woodwaria ferns; and- with .heavy brass candelabra in which, .twink ling candles burned on the mantel. Rev. E. H. Pence read the service uniting Miss Helen West and Ellery Wheeler Stone In marriage at the home of the bride'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. . Oswald ( West on Overton street. I Tha bride, who was given away by her father, was handsome in a - gown of white satin with godets beaded in crystal and rhinestcmes, with long tight sleevea and a-long- reil of tulle which was caught with rosettes over each ear.; She carried a sheaf of calla lilies. -Mr?., James , Herbert Malarkey. who was. the bride's only attend ant, wore a gown of : pale prnk lace cut in straight lines with god ets of deeper tulle beaded in rhinestones. Her boquet was dark pink rosebuds, f reesiaa and violets. Edgar Stone attended his brother as best matt. :;V ; - ; Ai Following ' the ceremony1 a deUcfons sapper was served. The table, which stowed in, the light of eandlesln crystal - candelebra about a centerpiece of pink tulips and freesias, was presided pver by Mrs. George T.Willett Mrs. Hen ry Van . Duzer, Mrs. George T. Gerlfnger and Mre. A. C. Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Stone left Immed iately for a weddtnx Uip in Can ada. Theywill be away about two weeks, after which they wHl be at home, at The.Regiilus In Oakland. CaL, about February 14.- Sunday Oregonian. 4f The First Presbyterian '-church Willi be tbe scene of a much an ticipated Christian Endeavor soci ety party, tomorrow evening, Jan uary 26. Miss Alice Collard and Miss Miriam Lovell . who have charge of tbe party have planned it to be a trip; to Chicaeo. The "train" will leave promptly at 7:30 o'clock. . "Passengers" who will be members of Christian En deavor societies from the entire county have been asked to bring a few nicklea or a dime to pay for their, tickets and other . inci dental expenses of the trip. The social is planned as an ob servance ot National Christian En deavor i week, and ; the Marion county Christian Endeavor Is sponsoring the affair for all En deavors of the county. The Salem branch ot the Ore gon Music Teacher s , association will meet on Monday' .February 2, at tbe studio, on North Commer cial street, of Frank .Churchill. The program will be piano groups by Miss Frances Virginia Melton. The guests will be asked . to re spond to roll call with some cur rent musical facU. ; J I - Mrs. E. A. Brown of Neilsville, Wlsw. -is visiting at the homas of Mrs. H. P. Chase on North 17th street. : j University ot . Oregon. Eugene Jan.: 6. Special.) Chairman Roherjt fcCabe." pt ; Stho .Juniof week-end committee of the nniveri sity , of . Oregon has . appointed Edith. Piercj? and te RMi S lenu to Junior week-end commit tees. : llv., ;.f ' Junior week-rsVJs tho annual spring festival at the nnlyersty, to be held this -year ; Friday - and Saturday, May 2223. Tho pro gram v nsually iacludea , athletic events Friday morning and aftr noon. The-, colorful - canoo -iete will be held on the Millrace in the evenings Tho annual Junior pro gram i scheduled for Saturday night. The most popular girl in the Junior class iarto be chosen queen of Junior week-ed. Barbara Frietckie - tent. Daugh ters of Veterans, will ' meet at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening for the tegular meeting- at tlm armory. Mrs, E. I. Doan is . a ; Salem heeaa-guest for k few, days. ? Rex and Ray Rhoten, twin sons ot Mr. and Mrs. E A. Rhotert. el ebrated the occasion of their 12th. birthdav last week at their heme. 1595 South High street. ! Xn eve ning of games was followed by the birthday luncheon, with the table attractively decorated in pink. Two birthday cakes were served. Mis Mildred Miller and Miss Lneile Rhoten assisted daring - the eve ning. : '" : ' ' ' ' ' The guests were: Marjory Webb Kita HeheL,, Doris Shook, JlXna Dunn. Jane Harbisok, i Oatherine fihettoa. Rnsscil Scott, Claud Matthews. Paul FrankUm Norman Speck, and Bex and Ray Rhoten. Miss Wilma Brewer, a senior at the Oregon Agricultural college at Corvallls. waa-iha .week-end guest Of Sylvia .Woods. Miss , Brew la in Tacoma. Wash. tho rirst, Presbyterian ,; cbarca ; ; Sunday school will have- a party tt wr . at 7 o'clock Friday evening In the church parlor. The committee is planning a happy evening and every Intermediate Is i urged to come. The following s Willamette stu dents were dinner euests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J.j b. McCor-J mick on Sunday: Katherine Ross man, Betty SiddaU, Louise Garri son, Leland Chapin, Ha jold Fear ing, ; Parker Whitak'er J and ' Ken neth Mccormick. ll ' The color scheme . jn center piece and place cards featured the university colors of cardinal and Sold. The regular business meeting of the Sons of Veterans will be held at 8 o'clock this eve ning: in the armory. Mrs. C. W. -Nlemeyer who has been convalescing for r several weeks with her parents,; Mr. and C. A. Liston. left yesterday for Portland where she will spend a week with-relatives and friends before returning to her home In Seattle. Mrs. Niemeyer is accom panied by her young son, Stuart ( I'-" A- those for Miss Maurine Larson and Miss Nellie Putnam, .who have been home on a month's vacation, left on the Shasta Sunday morning for St. Helena, CaL, where they are taking tbe Curse's training course ; '. ; '. ' The following are whom covers were placed at the Bums banquet Saturday evening in the main din ins room of the Marion hotel: Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam McGUchrist, Sr., JbharBayne Miss Agnes Bayne, MrafJames Mc- Gilchrist,. Miss Ethel McGflchrist, Mr and Mrs. W.. H. ! Steusloff. Mrs. A. F. Marcus. Mrs. John Watt of Portland Mrpd, Mrfl4tC. 3- 1 1 Jpk i lu-umuiiin . FROM' GOLDS ' nysleiaas ' Wsra tgalatt aegletiag Msgkr d cold wl toll el U wrtons lung compllottom tkat mxy xnolt. ImI Ing phyatetans i mefik XALUKEA ta - paxa (tabla preparation . mada frank mmtT diaoarare vLaat. Zr.' Baa). T. Cratotraav antemc. mm wittaa: --"I naa it xcioalTely tor mi praetic and sty fmily. It is saick, sure - and in its actioa lika aotkiaa !." ' Toward lk a od. at the infhienfa eoi demie a ffoTernment physician noticed that tnba of Indiana in Iserada, by tba uaa of ail from -a nativa plant; wera immune fraaa the ravaaea of Iaflscaaa. ? Be used theta oita amenr bii wbafeo oatiaata aad tbca in, a ' borpital - oreeflowing- with. "deato." eaaaa. Kevi ot tba nnilt swap tha world and for soma time St was aat soKsibla' to fenpolr tba aaaataV ' BALSAJfRA baa aww bean atandtediae4 and fire umlomuf miraciMoai reaulra, ia four war : 1. it tootboa i tho inflate ad membpaoea and ralievea IrTiUUoo. 3. It Increaae aeerrtioa ot ra aeons and per mit a? e-KDeetoratten. &i it atknalatea jMM-ea of the akia ia tbrowinf off bodj poiton and . Jt atrawiit tno eaaao, bockiac arena attoa inuaediatelr. Do aot con (me HwHb ordmarr baliam coath ayrnpa tha ara only sooibiBK jr-. rapt aad do not . fa- to tfca baaavof the trouble. Ualiko other congh. ramadiem B ALSAXEA ia - free from! coal tar end Other harmful narcotic a. - Pleaaaai to take aad -abaolnteiY aafo to rie to children. is coxa you fet BAL-SA-ME-k with, tbe pictaoo of toe jbua a. teepeEife. ttaaraateed ta relieve ay onch, ao atat ter from Wbaf caate. er year taokey tack. An drasviat cell BAJUaJJdEA. la SaWat bay It froam J. C Perrr. tbe (rafSi Adv. H " IP: Bishop; ' Got ernor ""WaTter "JL Pierce... Dr. and Mrs. w:.C. Kant- ner Rev. and Mrs., Ward Willis Long, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin B, Stew art, L. M. Gilbert. Margery Gil bert, William Fleming; John II. Scott. C. E. Wilson. W. i A. Den- WORLDS LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMENT STORE ORGANIZATION Um.5Cf.teaiid M.fiohar RaberW. I Mildred Roberts, W4 R Blade. Mr. and !Mrs. A.H. Wratt. Mrs.L J. , L. LStockton, Mrs. Samuel Orr, Miss Julia Iv. Webster,: Judge P. II. O'Arcy. Delia Bayne, . Kenneth Bayne, : Edith C. Hazard, R.t W. Hatant Judge and:M,ra, -L, :H. Me Mahon, Mr.ind- Mr-j'W.j.' LIb foot. Miss Lucille. Ejmniona, ! Mrs. Robert J. Glllon. Winnie Moir. Mrst H. Clay Taylor, (Mrs. Arniand Sorenson, S. A, Parks, ! Etta ia ,if-ca 1 , !4 I - . ; . . : unuiua on oan M 1 j - -i t .' Ammaaaaaam - ..aaav. - . - 1 - i f - . I , 1 ; f , , A Lk -tv A NATION-WIDE I J L : M aV.""J f w. m I d I lii ' i i I I. - - - I . -f- Mmmm - t 571 DEFARTIrlENT STORES - ... I i- ; h ii-ki'-irli h-.- '. I S ,i ,- ,, . . !. . 160 North Liberty Street, Salem, oiiioncHrns ' I p At bedtime rub tba throat and tvy-t chest tborOBgbly with- lV VAMORUO RELIABLE QUALITY GOODS ALWAYS AT LOW PRICES Ore. i i I j I . l - - . ! . ' 1 i I - . j i ,-. j - Hie toHr leathers, ilia atraerior in the making, atyle thiit are new tind trntxt l&ete era 4Ujmporlant ftxtors tliat recoiiimeDd our footwear oyer "other makes.) j Add to thb the advantage which service at a law price hf :t A: .. -tt'-V. j, i ? 1 'M ' ! i Black Kid for: Men Oxfords ; Stacker tyle mth half. VnblMtr ' hee! t, tip, i single f ;lole welt. Fine quality at pur low price of i, $4.98- Dress Bluchers For Boys and Yooths Smart looking, black dress shoes. Tip. Hali rubber be els. ; i Half double soles for long 'ear. ; . : t'lr' i llUJ if TiVi to 2 .. 212 t &h .:.$2,98 Men's Shoes Smart Fall Styl - .'1N:R' v A good style j in ma ftbgany with fancy stitch 'ing and 'wett sole. Good " looking i i shoes I made to ive'good service. Low 'priced at j $4.50 Men's Socks t WcWixed Uale ; Purable Sacks of heavy qual ty. 3 pair.for. lt f Men's Lined Army Work Blacher t 'rf ' 4 1 v .r i Brown Elk work shoes. Soft tip. . i Half, rubber ' j,'heels.r Single 1 sole, welt. , : Kenjackable value at : $3.98. Biwvn - f VrthweItiole and hill rnh- 5 " d iri 1Com'l!'cli'FeetB ! . Which Will Appeal to Many Women! If your arches bother you or if your limbs ache, try a pair of these stylish combination archsupport welt . oxfords real, I corrective footwear for women. Oxfortls For Women ; AU-Time rf . j They have a "bttilt-in arch-supporting steel shank and a're scientifically made, conforming to the natural lines ' of the llade of enbmfean4eatherkidtkin in black and mahogany with military rubber tap heel. Leather counters and heels. Soft, flexible, comfortable md serviceable. . si . ; Brown Dress Oxford Good Welt Footwear for Men 3 Well made calfskin oxfords fwitK tip, . half , rubber heels, single welt soles. Remarkably jricedVisrt-ifJt n; t :v: x'o, s It. $5:90 i 1 1 Keeping Faith -With Customera s We are -glad to be a .part of' this community. We are happy in the 1 thought that our home is . 'here, that as citizens of '.this community, we share its joys and privileges and fielp bear its burdens. We strive to serve on . j the ? basis ; of the ? Golden Rule, the principle upon ' : whkh ail ' our stores , are founded. - :-" " - Our : highigrade lvalues ' and low prices encourage 1 thrift and ectSnomy. , This Is .'one - of - 571 ; Stores, W h i ch keeping faith with "customers," have ' created the eWorld's Lagv .est Chain' Department -' Store Organisation. . JSr?. .C2a. Osforda irt. :Wwr Wonten'L;," Black kid, imitation tip, mili tary heeL rubber, top lift. l Women's comfortable black kid Oxfords, with low heel and rubber tap. Fancy stitching. Welt sole. Excellent jstyle for Fall wear. Only $3.98 Stra For Foot Comfort :v-- k- , ; - ..Black kid sandals for women. Plain toe, fceeU rubber top lift,: Comfort and service at a low cost.' $1.98 Women's Pomps Good Values! .' ' i ' 0 Black kid Strap Pumps With cut-out front. Mili tary, heel with jrubber tap Priced remarkably low t $3.98 Wigv 2-Strap Tan Pumpo , For Early Spring 1 Tan calfskin and - patent leather with . 'Cuhan heels or patent leather with low heels. 5 Fibre counters. ?! $5.90 Mm - Button Shoe Blark-prina; Heel Two fall stltchdowO; soles Sizes Size 84-11 $1.98 $2.29 Patent ;latlir Slipper For Infants ' Patent Instep Strap Slippers 'with ,r plain toe and turn i so!e. spring heel. Good values! Sizes 2 to 5 ..... Sizes 5Vto8 .$L9 Oxford Ties For Girls and tliaaes A smart new style, popn lar this season Tan calf with fancy .stitching."' One inch heel with rubber, tap. 12 to 2 f it- i 3i i;