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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1925)
0 - the o r. . FRIDAY MORNING,. 'JANUARY 23t192af 7T ' f i , 7 AUDHED BUNCH VIZ A WJB DDINQ Interesting to i. ' raariy saleiif peojJls wa tiat solemnized at 4 o'clock Wednes day afternoon at the FtTrsf PfeaUy terlan , church manse when ,Miss Mary PolIHch" became toe bride of Mr. Robert Crawford. Rererend Ward Will I Long waV tHe of H- elating clergyman, reading the i m press tre ring- aeryice in the p res one of only a few immediate rel attres. ;j The bride .wore a lorely ensemble costnTiw or garner snir; with a "becoming-hat in-harmony. There wera , no, attendants, ,-. , ' Mrs. Crawford,. v former asalsl ant of Madame Buffe at the French shop has many Salem friends. Mr. Crawford whowJt ia wldelyknown as one of the lead" t Ing promoters of the, flax t loddg- try'frt: the"valley ls head of the in dustry at the statfe penitentiary. f Mr. and M!T Cnrwf ord: ;eft lm medWttery-after llrtrefeirttfny- for battle for a short wedding trip, after, which they will beat home to, their friends at street. : .. t; . : ' ? 1C20 . Court 11 Cascarets" 10c, i ;; - . i t Dizzy; Siftoas, . Constipated To c 1 e a n your jfcowela r T t h- o 'u t cramping or " overacting. take "Cascar- eta." - Sick head ache, dizzi ness, bilious- ;: , pe ss, gases. adigestKm, t soup -upset tomaeh ind aU such distress ardne by raornin&. Nitest laxatiVd and rathafifc on earth for grown-ups nd children. , 10c, 25c and 50c boxes any drugstore.- Adr. . - i x ' -: . r - - "- h . - : r-sY i Speehxr droops ;'. H- Coats . ' ' :-;iSiflE Presses .... t - , AUClal-rt-shcuIdsce JamegtawnIIistprical Filrnsat J". .-.-...Lii(y,TIViTodaaid'Tc;TOw: - . ' t Ct '- j . ii C :..' : a ; -,'.-. t " 4 '-A ' r f -'" ; ''-'"-:: ? ' r PHONE 10 Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner after1 ari1 extended4 sojourn to the Philippine island and the brient expect to arriTe' In' Sale.m on Tues- day.t f I ! The International i Relations 'committee will ; meet at 7 o'clbck thl sevenlag at ihe city library for an interesting- hour of discussion. The members, of. the committee bare secured as speakers" for the "evening" both Miss Mary BTf Eyre, who .spent last summer In- in in teresUng tour abroad, and. Prp feasor s, B. Laughlin,-head pf ibe sociological department at 'Wil lamette university. The "Fellow ship of Reconciliation! will be toe .topic which. , Professor! Xaugb,lin will use; while1! Miss Eyre, will speak on- "International" f Rela tions" along - ttuf lines ttiat ner Journey rpuld jpolnti, fA,,ffatkre of the? meeting of' this ommittee is the open discussion ' which fol lows. i i The West Side, circle of toa Ja son Lee Aid society will 'meet, at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lena HockettF 1603 N. Commercial street; "Jamestownr shown for . (he first time yesterday ai the Liberty theater, where ' it remains until Sunday; is the second of Pat he's series of Chronicles of Ameripa nroauced hy rale university -press, to be, presented under the auspices of the Americani Associatlprf pf Unive'rsity Women, and is a in teresting . revelation of a drasiat .ic and romantic incident in can history; it shows Jamestown as It 'stood in the : fall of 1612, pluckily withstanding starvation and dis ease and Indian attacks. Sir Thom as Dale ruled them with anf rbn hand and was hated land feared, but,; he , had ,to be.hard because iron endures., and; without ;it .no new settlement can. -t ', ; . Then comes the abduction, ;pf Pocahontas,- daughter of mighty Powhatan, Algonquin" chief. i jier if''.' Final GliifttS .8? captlylty In Uie, stockade is made 4 pleasant by John! Rolfe, who ia in terested Id the Indian weed called tobacco. Governor Dale J watches Hotfb' interest ifi thfe lad tan-maid and; believing" that tne English man's marriage id' Pocahontas would -' make' -Powhatan's- tHBe friends of the Virginians, Dale suggests' marriage': ' J, 1 No Btdry ever told of the; mar riage of Pocahontas has been as colorful, Tirid. sympathetic and dramatic xmm the unvarnished his torical facts s' they sro; so beau tifully depicted in Jamestown;" a Pathe- release' or intense inter est to every real or potential Am erican. Miss Alice Skinner, a violin pu-piT-of Miss Elisabeth &evy, ; ap peared last evenirig in the artist pupils--recital of the- Portland CiviO' Music, club at the -Woman's club . Violin.- voice, and piano numbers were heard. ," ! . r ' ; . t ' v - The tadies Aid society pfjbe First Presbyterian . church . will nieet at 2:30 o'clock this after noon' In the' church parlors. . , ! , .Mr.andrg. Ed Jeene and,Mn and. Mrs. fl. C. Couey wereosts Wednesday evening for the idem bers of the Jolly Sixteen club,: eni tertainlng at the home, of Mr.,atfd Mrs. Keen e. Baskets of artlflciall pink' add white' carn"atlons were attractive abou t the., rooms.. , In Jhe serving,, the hqstesseswere as steteilt by, thejr aughiers,, fips Wima Coursey and! Miss' LaVelle Keeneu i i j j i' - ; f : f i t I .Special guests of the club were Mr. ahd Mrs: Arthur Keelte, Mrs G. H. Taylor, lis$;wllma ,Cour Sey5, and Miss La Velle Keene. , .Th members., of th-. club Jn elude: Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Bn- ejf, Mr. and Mrs John Spong.iMr and Mrs. Et Keene,. Mr, .ana Mrs Lewis Bechtell Mr. and Mrs. V, Pavles, and Mr. and Mrs. Charted Kinzer. ' . ; I (tThe b&h t scores, of t,bTe; evening went to. Mrs, cnaries KiBter-ana Mr i John Spong. ' For the next meeting os tne ciuo mt ana mis. T. W: Davier will be hosts; , .The Mothers'. clasa.Pf the First Methodist church- jthls afternoon at the home of. Mrs Fred I Miller. 1209' North Fifth ' street. 1 li ilH 111, 1(41 Al Ml , Both Chapter attA' Chapter C of tne PEO r Siaterbood will ? call specials meetings far todays oc casioned ty tbei official visit ht Misa-jMarthine Crtmsby, state" in Tector. Chapter G Iwill meet. in the afternoon at the home of Mis P. J.Kuatz, 197 iNorthWinter, and Chapter A'B in the evening at the- home of Miss Grace Elisabeth Smith, 1765. Ceiiter' street. K At 6 o'clock a no-host dinner .will be held at the Gray Belle-at' which all . visiting PEO'S In the city are invited. ( ., . ; .Anthony Euwer will open a ten day. art exhibit at the Marlon ho tel on Monday, February 2, when he comes hera under the sponsor ship- pf ..the Salem- Arts' league, Tha council of the league met last evening at the city library to com plete the detailed plana fort the exhibit.! - - , An., interesting house guest . at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Har- ;Wood Hall is Mrs. Virginia Bron son of Salem, N. J. r Mrs. Bronson. a graduate of Mount Jllolyoke col lege, is a woman of considerable prominence. She 5 and Mr. Hall .spent their, school, days- together in the city- that, fs still Mrs . Brpn- Bon s nome. sne pians to m nere for a week's visit, having' come last evening f iiomv McMinnville wnere sne was a guest or irienas, Mrs. Bronson, j who 14 touring the west, spent some time . in Calif or nia- at differen points, i : A complete change has-been made in- the- personnel4 of the so cial committee-which will' act at Aha January ; tea meeting of the Sal&nx". Woman's club jtomorrow af: lernoon at 2:30 o'clock at the club house; .i - A -1 . ' " f ; : The committee a it noW stands includes-Mrs. John Ii. Rand, Mrs. W. E.. Crews, . Mrs.W. ; B.' Bhrti Mrs. Frederic Lamport, Mrs. E. E. Elliott, .Mrs. T. C: Smith, Mrs: T, Roberts, Mrs: E. El BraggMrsi Barl ' Pearcy;-5 Mrs; Walter 5 Page; Mrs., Paul Hendricks and Mrs: Carey WMhrtln . . . i .According: to Uhis change the February eommltteej instead- of the January committee;, will' be in charge of tomorrow's! social hour.' The'iheetlhg, with' Seymour Jones scheduled as speaker promises to Uo ; an interesting -one', with all women of the legislature invited to'be'guests. , j - ; A. branch "of the National league of Women Voters was - organized yesterday afternooilT in! Salem un der the direction1 of Miss Hester Hoilingkheaa, regional" secretary; A - constitution- was adopted - and officers elected' as follows: Presi dent, Mrs. J. A.f Chirthill; vice president, Mrs.-Rex- Sanford; sec retary, Mrsi Jahies Humphrey,; and treasurer, Mrs. E. FJ Slade. . The directors will Mb Miss-Cornell Marvin,, .Mrs. Seymour .Jones' and Mrs. Isaac. Lee Patterson. - - , It- Is the plan of the organlzaT tlon to meet as a group once each month,, with special ptndy classes conducted at the homes- of. dif ferent ones of the- members. Praetleally every woman Jn iBa- lem will be Interested in tbd larjCe silver tea- which is being4 sponsor ed by the- Salem Woman's club for the benefit of the scholarship loan fund.' While Red Letter; or scholarship loan dayj as far as the Oregon1; Federation Is concerned, falls' on .Wednesday,! January 28 the tea will be held on Thursday, the day following. Every woman in Salem Is invited to he at the club house' for this occasions 1 Lucile Moore,; Junior In' home economics, has cancelled her reg istration, and r home In Salem. Because' q an in jury to her foot. Miss Moore will not be able to 'return ! until" the spring term. She isa jnember of Alpha. ,CbI Omega sorority. OAC Barometer. ; . ... ! The music section of the Salem Arts, league met on' Wednesday evening at the home of-Mrs, J. F. La it for a- dIvertIngstudjrrot the works At-eh'ube-C A- biographlr cal sketch' of ther composer, wap given- by- Mrs. Miles McKey. A thoroughly artistic rendition of Moment Muslcale" was given hy Miss Ruth Bedford. . Other com- I SOCIAL, CAX-EOTAIll TOPAH i . w Inspection of chapters AB and Q of the: PEO Sisterhood, i ?' Cecllian Music i club. Reception. Prof essorT. S, Rbbefta home 05 N. Summer atreet, 8 o'clock: Jamestown," .second C of "The Chronicles of America." Liberty theater. Under sponsorship of Mothers class 3 of First Metho dist church." Mrs. Fred I MUlerL 1209-N. Cth street; hostess. 2 street o'clock. .- b , a , , ..... . : . r i West Side' circle" mt the""' Jason Lee Abj, society. . Mrs. Lena Hock ettw 1603 N. Commercial street, hostess. 2:30 o'clock. f First Presbyterian church La- dlesAId" society. Church' parlors 2:30oloek,.',V-i -: I '-vi International- .Relations , com- mitloe Rband Table discussion: City library, 7 o'clock. Salem Woman's club- Club hbuset .2:30" o'clock.- t "The; Woni- an In Politics," by Seymour Jones Jamestown," .second of The Chronicles of America," f ;Llberty theater. , Under sponsorship of aauw.. . .r -! ... ; Laaies pt the Grand Army, All day meeting at the home ot Mnu 3. "E.. Oliver, 334 ; South Winter! sttreu- ;.. ! positions Jor-the.pIano were given by! Mrs; M.FeTeshetianwho play ed '3.Uch Mllitalra.' A daet serenade- wasgung'tojr Mrs. Lau-aad Mrs.- Monroe jGIIbe:rtpdij;!rl :i jr :- : The vocal' numbers1 of the eve ning were given by 'Mrs, La u who sang, fSyIvia" Mrs. M: Fjaresbe tian, who gave "Hark. Hark, the Lark, "The Irl Klpg," and "Ave Maria": -and' Myrtle' Gilbert who sang "The Secret.' . ,, , f S Tbe stdrytell insr sectIon of the Arts leagtw met Wednesday eve ning" for a" congenlaV Kour and' a half about the -. fireplace at - the home of Reverend; and Mrs Mar tlrf Fereshetlan.! Groups of, short r stories and anecdotes made up the evening's program. ' Especial ly fullof. the stor s yteUer's are were the two chosen by MrJ-S- II. Van Trump, ."The Shipwreck" and "The Saving of France who told them standing. ;H;' j M For, the February : meeting of th4 club,' the fourth of next! month 'patriotic stories will' be told. And all who know a story In this at mosphere which they will tell are Invited1 to' be guests. 1 1 ' jThe eve , of. the sanniveraary of the birth of Robert Burns will be Hhe occasion on Saturday jof the Hcoicn Danquec tomorrow ac 6:ju o'cjlock at. the Marion ; hotels Wil liam 4 McGilchrlst; j Sr.. president of the Salem Burns', society. Is in charge of the arrangements, and by, calling him reservations should be made at the earliest time pos sible;' . I .:.L; ijj .TTie "Burns oration of the eve- mug ,wm pe.e'vea. uy ieeuu Ward ,. Willis Long, . Governor Walter 3S. Pierce,, will alsoj be on the. program. , ; 1 vll.i fiV WWu U , The menu will include exclusive ly dishes of the Scottish j home land, ,,i : 'J'-l ill -:Mi U -rl'ifl ;Tbe.. club, organized, over. L 30 .years ago, is presided, over, by f the following .officers:: William Met Gilchrist, . Sr.', president; j JohQ Bayne, seeretary.-treasureri and members of. the- executive; comA mittee as-, follows,. George 'Ar buckle, John. Marr,. Dan r Wilsonj George Shand, .Robert Huttheona and William McGilchrlst, Jjr. M ; ..... j;,, ... i ' i -"I:1 ! Mrs. Sadie- Orru Dunbar,, presi dent of- the Oregon Federation of Women's; clubs and tjate director in the general federation; has just attended a- meeting of; state presi-idents- lit Washington Di C. She writes.- that" at the calnference of presidents, at which 29 women from' various' parts of (the country were: presertt, . an? efforjt was made to carry-out the general, federation program in state and' individual club work,' andl to ptotect these organizations-from being" used' to exploit, outside -Interests. I At the biennial' Bess ion of the general 3 federation' held in Los 'Angeles a resolution' ifwaa passed that the federation "shall not use its machinery fot actual soliciting tor funds for purpose! other than Its own, although Jt may giv ade quate publicity to. needs in which1 it has confidence;' ' - i SXAPPY! TmNKIXG NO. 270 Cross Word Puzzle r 3 W Ifc I 17 J It 19 i iO H r -. f, -j??, f !.jt.- Tri.,.. i ''. " -i "-Hf !j! , i rmm TT " tx 71TTT 7 T "T" 7 , T " 7TT ' rT" .- --! r .. , i i .;4; ! m. im m c - tmtm- i "," ) --n n i H lrt'""- t i' -' - ' . ' j ' ' ' : 1 A9 .. . if . U . ; r-y. . J ; 1 ' -1 'is -.' : 1 .i ThT" TT7" ;- " . . J. - "' ' ' 7 .. ,mmmm 4i; , lit " . - yi I Mr is mmmm "7T". .... . . J? j j 4$ k i . -y- i i ,tt .n ' :" J " ' ' -'-i Af - . ' 1 X : "I j 7T" I ' 7" " T"H t7 "mT ' 1 1 j -v T;- - . - ' '1 - " '" ' ' . j "77 "T" "T" " f I " - c ,4 . .I ; i.' II! j: I 1. i:i - . .- . ju ' 'f ' ' i - T" - - ' ; ! "I ' ! f . , : . .t, -' ' i1 i' i i .. MMH a mm MMMMwLMitM (Answer ' ; - ACROSS i 1 Convincing' ? " T A Balkan country 13 Odiously sinful - 15-A -"wind instrnmentf ";- 16 Balaam's buddy : - i 17 Girl's name' ? 19 Out-of-door game ?6 To place - . ' ' V . ?jl Plunders , ' 22 Behold s. J . 23 Spanish-article ,J 25 Fish eggs " ' ; .' , 26 Absent without' leave' (USA) 28 To resf j ' 30 Deception ; t . . i ? 32 Forcibly 33 Decay , 3 j Limbs- - 36 A short sleep 38 Note .ot tba scale ' 39 TiUe (ab). -i 40 Train making 1 all stops 43 Ever i?reen. tree 42-Rubricates I 4C Extremely. 47'skiiif , ; J J " -iv 4 To dart 'm :T 5(L,Mbbammedan .mendicant friar Skin- decoration ; : j CLASSIFIED SECTION s !' ; s Phone 2a-AdvertIslng Jept. 'V ' ' " v'-' CLASSIFIED APVERTISEMENTS I On tk' (six Inrtionk) . i i t-o - 1-1 On mtfnth ?Oc ; Rate pr word: ' '' I Six month1 onrart, per moth 15e Per intertioH .1 ..... ! 2e I 12 month' eontrmct, per moath 12e Trt- inkeniohi ;.. i '. 5c' Minimum for any dTerlieme.nt ,25e Money to Loan )n lieal Ktat S T. K. FOKU ! (Oter'LaJa & Bush Batik) BEFORE T6U tE.VVK YOUtt HOME UK CAR HAVE IT Insured Properly! Phone 1C1. Beck b Bendrtcka, TtA B: Bank Bldff. - j - a-J!8tf AUTOMOBILES N O T I C K I : j Salem Auto WreckinK" Co. ' Is )vvw open for business andvwa aro" in; the urarket for old ; cars at higliest rash i prices. ' . . jst-e Tin oeiore seninr or inijing. SALKM AUTO WRKOK1SO CO. I ... -Henry KlORsen 40a So.1 ChorcU St. ! I 1-J25 SCHEELAR AUTO WKllCKlN'O CO. "Will paid. 1085 N. Oomtnereial St. 1 Jl3tf IStorage i . Fir, proof -bttiMitHTr fb ervieex 9 V monuw . iyas, n. yp- Uol. - Texas parage.- l'j9tf ACTO ItEPAlRIN'G . j f WE WILC COMPW2TBLY' RENEW Tour ear,, truckr tractor,-and- fwve you ef jr terina, H." II. Shocker, 349 Ferry St. . i! i: I'.' ' If "i ' t . , i. i2-f6 YOUJt TIME WIIJ! Btl WELU SPENT if you get4 estimate: on-yoinT anlo re pair work at too imrocj graici, ojj Miller. Phone 1142-M: B-f6 AUTO TOlS "STATIONARY. TOPS ' ' ! ; Tlie very latest in -auto topt j . , Rensodable Price ' O. Ji. HULL 'r 819 State St. 'I ' - S-dk7tt ii iThe state ' presidents " adopted utianimously the following resolu tion: 'fThit. the , state presidents recommend that no funds, be solic ited from individual clulis without the indorsement of the state ex- eejitive IVIi-s. bodrd; Dunbar also attended the federation! board meeting which began January 14 and rontlnued for three days.'; During that time a dinner and ! reception. jwas hld and; it was a- b'rflliant event, with representation! 1 of thouaands ; of women by j executive heads, who have earned national, reputations in I women's activities.H-Portland Telegram. j ;4j I 1 ferTfiL .. J .1 Tomorrow) i i Down . 1 Sometimes taken after a' drink ! 2 . Island In tbe Gulf of Riga i 3 Pith ; , ; Half - an' eni , ! . ' j t - Christmas i ; ! . j. i,.j-:r Swelling or morbid . growth t :S Proposed universal, language sp Dyne-centimeter 4 i I lo self . 3 , -"n,;i.--4--.4M-.!'r-it-- il'a- lt. Unfeeling." f h t flhl;'I; 12. Enclose-- j 1 ' . 14 Beardless ,i . i r ' - ' . 1 18 Consumed -. ' , :-24 :Type of evergreen shrub- ; : 2-6 Malicious burning; i. : w .27 Delay : i . 28 ! Jagged" 'or stumpy pro tube r- ' ' J ance. j i ' 29? A'metal 1 30 Distant- ' ' ' 3 1 The New World : I ! . 32 Nearly ,f. ' ' V 34 Like eartM 36' A' month (ab)' 1 " ! 5 37" One who peels r " ' f 3'8;eieri.;f JitS K"'; : ? -41 -.Strlnsed ' Instrument1 .. , , 41 Not succeed - - - ., 44 X sbare' - ' . 4 5 'Scoff law ,-...' 49 Preposition'1; Cl State (ab) Oil lit: I:; II L i I i " I; Ulii i - FOIl RENT - - FOR' KKNT - DERIRABLT-; Sl-EEPrVQ rooms, hloeks from, post office. - 25U B. Cottage.- f ' i ? . 14-j3atl OARAOR-76S NORTH 21t. 1477-Jd: ... . ....... .. PHONE 4-j25 OARAGE FOR RENT PHONE 1253-W. . - ' ! - -. 4-J2S UOUSK1 AND APARTMENTS PHONE Z0o0-Ji 4-nl5tf I i r ' I 1 11 1 POtt RENT IIOQSES AND APART ments. IV L. Wood. 341 State atreet, - ' 4F3 PRINTFM CARDS.- SIZR 14 BY 74 .- wording ''for .Rnt,, price 10 cenU ' each. ' Statesman Busiueis Office, on tiround floor. ' : FOft RENT -Apart nienta 5 ATTR'ACTtVK APARTMENT 210 Nbrth 14tb.- PIM cDquir. at- 1335 btate. --4- FURNISHED APARTMENT 110 DI VI- aioa atreet. . ' v.- -. t - . s 5-J25 FTTRNISHED APARTMENTS-1173 N, Fourth. Phone 2080-M, 5-J25 FURN'ISHEP" Al?AOTiENT i TTWO thre room; Heater, . caa ranes. 160 . UDio. . :':,' . 5-j25 TWO ROOM FURNISHET APARTMENT yery reasonable, MilL .-.,! 6-jas." WELL FURNISHED' TWO ROOMi Aiwrt ment, close in .541,, Mill. . - 5-j25 FOR RENT APARTMENTS . 891 N. i Commercial. " 5 ' v APARTMENTS 28 N. COTTAGE.- 5ntf FOR RENT Rooms TWO WARM- ROOMS RATH REASON- able. ; Phone . 591' W, ; 6 j25 ROOM NEAR STATE THOIJSB- FOR rent during' Legislature. Phone 083. 6-J--UU FOR RENT -GOOD : ROOM; FOR Celt- tleman. rU-len-nces. Addresi Uox - care Statenan. . 4 v 6-j20tf SfcEEPIXO ROOMS CLOSE TN . home, ; Phone 87-W. -, -PrWatt -; 6-j25 FpR RENT VVA RM ROOIF WITH board for laUy; 332 H. Churrh.-. ' 6-j'J5 F0RX1SIIKD IIOUSEKEEPINO. ROOMS. On block from bua line, -Call t 2111 Maple Ave. .! s 6 i25 THREE LA RGB FliBN i KM KD ALL Out side roums. -Private entrance. 21(S4 State St. T. C. .Sanborn. - 6-j25 STEAM HEATED- KOOMW WITH OR without Ixjard. The Alpxauriria, one Llork from canltal. l'liona 2069-J A LARGE SLEEPING- - ROOM.- DOWJf- atairs. heat, private bath, board if de- . sired. ' Suitable ' for .two. - One block front poiaolfiee, 034 Ferry St Phone 1708 J. . . ' . . i v.! . 6-J18 LAUREL HOTEL -UNDEK1 NEW MAN- -axemen t.. Rooms furnished clean, 12th and Oak.' ,.;-!" - -r i. 6fl0 PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14' BY, '74'" wording, "Kooma to. Retrt,'.'- price 10 cents each:- Statesman Bufinesa- office, .Ground floor. .:.:;-. .( -. , BOOM. FOR RENT MODERN HOME, three blocks from state house, for gen tleman. Mast givo references. Pleae address-A. B..-care -Statesman.-S-ol7tt FOR' RENT Houses ' 7 GOOD MODERN EIGHT. ROOM HOME at 1031 Union. Phone 1607-M. 7-j25 SIX ROOM HOUSE , f 15 RT. 4, Salem Heights Are. Neat Jefferson Highway. Inquire of George-W. Cotton, or phone 86F6. I .' - ... .. i ' . 7-J25 FOR : RENT., SALE. OR, EXCHANGE 8 room house and garage. Furnished or unfurnished; Call at 2545 State St. or Phopw 14T6-J- after 6 p. m. 7-)25 WANTED To Rent 7a PARTLY FURNISHED 3 - ROOM Heated apartment. Address 4589 care States man; : ' -; -.- .' J 7A-j23 MODERN 5l OR 8 ROOM FURNISHED house, close in. i . Ray J elker. Phone 941. r ' r 7A-i25 FOR SALE -IlsccUaneons 8 ONION. SEED . YELLOW DANNER. Hlf-gob No: 1, 81 pound. C. E. McElwaiu. ; Oervais;. Oregon, Router 1, 8 j25 HAY 110 DIVISION STREET. ' 8-125 FOR SALE ONB PET ALUM A INCC- bator, 232' egg, 810. One X-Ray in cubator, 150 egg, 83 ' Both in good condition. Care - Statetman.: . 8-j27 MIXED" AD - -Two- ereaas- apsra44M-s ia- fin, condi tion. Take yotrr rbotee' for-825; - Horses and' farm machinery for sale cheap.; .. . : ' ' .- -.- 1 can get" yon a loan, on' aoy good real or personal . tecurity. 20 acres, splendid soil. House, barn and a acres orchard. Aboel rlSOO cords of. nice . timber,! 10 , miles . out on good road. $i0O cash, remainder in wood delivered ' Sn Salem, i - -' JOHN H. SCOTT i -305 Oregon Bldg. - , ; 8-123 PETITE; PRUNES -8e PER POUND DeiiTered. Phone 81D7F14. i O. II, Taylor. ' --. f ; .'.- ',8-l35' FOR SALE 60 BUSHELS EAR CORN. ' 12 miles south of Salem, M. Tinsel . ,stad, Jefferson. 8 i'25 CHOICE BALED CLOVER HAY FOR ale. Phone 44F13. 8-J25 FOR SALE . 120-EGO INCUBATOR i complete. A snap at $6 if taken, at : once. ''Also'- good shearing outfit. '-2 : machines.' , Lots e( combat Mttdt cut1 terS. If interested call-Phone C5F15. Or write JU C.mDTi fit, 4, Bos 81-B-SaUm. ,'.,'. . - y C ' 8 J25 BALED.; CHEATJ AND GRAIN' ' HAT Phono, 1204-M. . - 8 j25 0009 APPLES FOR SATJi 0 A. BOX J reo vdeU-ferjt.,., Calk 494.; 4 . 8-j25 FOR SALB DRIED BEAtf 8 -ALSO on hairy fence. rail 4F5. 8-125 a g .si o : a p. trWm c . " 'A Jgu)RiO PES! jl M o uj-r srHm7 'njIq t o r -nJ 1 WQG t l- IE s .. isj le r n e sf 'c H SjH A. j E j ' P- A- i iz. Ff :"-"jsjT E HN1pa L 1 ir. A Jl r H N ' ftj A, C-' (Answer to jc?tcr4ij'8 rnzzle) mart FOR SAIiR Mlscellaneou,, r NEARLY , KEWt COVSOUR VlrTk.177 fop f lei cheap. yhant, GO(SEBKRRY PL.NTS KiJTsa! 4TP2 ... - - - -? ; jii SOUR clad KOCSKHOI.Ii JIIRXtiibl. rlnding amntl electric ranea and b't." Call &i SS A fc" "uu Call at 585 S. Con: PINK CLOVER HAY TOR $14 PRVa farm. T. r. Walker. rtZ, - : 32x4 CORD TIRES RIMS, TUBKsTi each. 2370 Myrtle Ave: ' i2?; THRKK SiaUU CHICKEN HOUSk"s1 (can be moved on truck) 1 barn l"h, 19 feet at bargain. Box Hu, Suti.;. man. i . . . . M j.,.'. WHEAT STRAW -40c. A BALE (UT traw cut green, one-third trun rOo . oaie. at. o, xsox tii. Sa m. k! Andrews. 8 j2i" 124- DRYKIV-- LOQANBKRRIKS, Eir. . fancy. Price ait 1 pound, Kt 3 Hoi .124. Phone 21 Fl 2. 300 LAROK CEDAB POST 8 1800 Lbs No. IS wire, 13,000 loganbvrrr tl,rV 75 picking crates. S. C. Nel'son. Su erton road, near Fairgrounds. n jj;, BARGAIN NEW WESTINGHOUSK . tomatie Electric Range for sal $iso cash; used only 3 mouths. Cost 1187 on . Mrs. Martin, 1605 a: Church Sirt' WHITE LKOHORN HATCHING K(.;Gi 84.&0 per hundred. Phone 2K2. 8 j.'3 10,000 LARGE OREGON IMPROVED . gooseberry bushes. Inspected aud f i from disease. 1 year old, 820 aud fij per M. 100,000 Ettebnrg "lSl" Strawberrr plants. New bed, large plants, i per M. A. C. Parr,, Box 7, Port lan4 riMtd. , .I 8j5 . Fruit Trees - Walnuts- and shrubbery. High sc( Ferry. . Fruitland Nursery. A. J. MstU. is. Prop, Phone II 40-M eveuiDg'g. -V V---- -4 N .;'. ' . ,V a jUtl FOR , SALE 12 SHARES ($50 KAt'H t unitea urui v. .nexau; Jsl prrr. red stock, 7 per cent guaranteed, i.:iv able quarterly. ! Wm. ' Neiuryrr, if '. N. .Commercial. ; S j4tf Beautiful Oregon Roso And eleven ether Oregon souks to gether with a fine collection of patriot. aenga, sacred songs and many old liu favorites. j AI L TOR 25c (Special prlcer in' quantity lots) especially aaapiaDie iot scimii, nmt mnnity or home singinic. Send for Wesferii Songster 70 pages now in its third edition ... . Published By OREGON TRACtlERS MONTHLY 815 S. Cobunercial St. Salem. Or. WE R:NTSKLTj OH Rt-IPAIR SRWINti machmes. ; Ola maebinea $5 and uj. Big adverusiiis. discount oa new tu. chines. - WHITR SEWING-MACHINE CO. 1 Mi block! sooth OK depot. 221 Hmt High SU Pboue 208. 8 fl .Trespass Notices For Sale ; - - j- - t- Treupasr Notlcet. tlie 14 inrbe by 9 inches, ' printed. -oa good 10 ounce canvass blaring the words, "Notice Is Hereby- . Given That- Tresspassing It Strictly - Forbidden J Tbse Premisct Under. Penalty Of Prosecution." Pries 15c each or two fo 25c. Statesmsa Publishing Company, Salem, Oregon, 8-atl FOR SALE OLD -NEWSPAPERS, 1 cents a bundle. .Circulation, department Oregon Statesman. DRAO- SAW FOR -SALE A NEW ONE man power drag saw, all metal con struction; two wheels nnder framt permits- machine t- bo moved like t wheelbarrow. Several special features. This -has never been used. Will sal at' a' substantial redaction and giv terms to - responsible party. Wm M. Meier, Salem. Or, R. 3, Box 211. 8-j2tl Willamette Valley Nursery -: Has a' Salesyard at 26 1: Court street, at Kennedy'a paiirt shopw opposite Bu sick, store. .All kinds of fruit and nut trees. Dr. Bean's Big French prune a specialty. .Office phona 1315. Res. 105F5. Jens- Mathis. Pror. 8-dl4tf FOR SALE Livestock 9 BULL PUPS FOR' SALE 7 MONTHS Phone 493-J. - 8 j24 JERSEY COWS-i-GENTLE,. TESTING Shi. 753 S. 13th. . 9-i2i BBACTIFUL ; INTELLIGENT MALE Spita dog. j Cheap. 1415- S. Liberty. Salem. - 8-j2j P'etland: . ;-..' Sells ? Baby Chicks j25 VETERINARIAN DR. PATTERSO! 9d30t( Phono 202 8-W. PRRD W. LANOB.- VFTKBIVARI AN Office 430 S. Commercial. Phone 11 Res. Phone 1666. S-m23tf Bargains - Milk goats, white Leghorn pullets. Fo. Terrier pops. - Peiland, 273 ritau-. - - gjgs WOOD FOR SALE 11 DRY SLAB WOOD FOR SALE -Al-o Second growth. -Phone 1756. 11F2S DRY" WOOD FOR 8ALE- -PHONE 25 11 j25 or 622. DRY WOOD, FOUR FOOT AND 16 Is-h. lry- milt wood, S4.76 per load, i-noee 187-W. 11 fU WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR - WOOD AT reasonable prices. Call 147. Jndd. the Woodsaw Man. 11 Ml 19. INCH AND 4 TOOT' WOOD OF AV kinds. Prices -reasonable- and prontpi lHTery Fhoxs 1958-W. XI sl3'f BEST GRADE OP WOOD 4 ft. and 16 inch. Dry mill -wood. Dry second growth fir. Dry old fir. Dry ft as. - FRED E. WELLS Prompt delivery tod TeMonibla pn' 380 Soath Church.. Phone 1342, 11 s6tf WOODSAWlNO JUDD AND 6CIIMIIT- Phono 142.' n-ji 8EST SECOND GROWTH FIR H OAK- 89. Call 1181. , ii-oj." WOOD SHORT LENGTHS OR 4 ri- COAL, best quality from 812.75 per w trp. Oreicen, Utah, or Rock pPr,rf . Prompt delirery. Phono 1S55. ll-nOtf 18-INCH OLD FIR, 4 FOOT OLD FIB. second frowth oaV and ash. 1F3. D. MsrfieVL iL WATlErEmplormeit 13. PLUMBING AND REPAIRING WORKi- IL . EgatT, Phono 1310-W. 12 jS5 WANTED PRACTICAL NURSE Wsin maternity, eases, Phono 16 9i'M;l2 J2S FOd'IXCOM?' TA"r REPOBTS--B0OK- keeping and auditing see y. prell, AB, 25 Cnemeketa. FhBJjjS - 1 ' : f '