The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 14, 1924, Page 19, Image 19

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tvJw-jMt. L!,'I kJi iC'L S.uhiJi r Vi: a ;.
SIT & Willi
,1 THE SllOPPtf!
Accessory , Firm Installs Spe
cial. Window Display to 1
; 1 Simplify Selection
During past few days there has
been many original and beautiful
window displays appearing i to
gladden the ! heart of the Christ
mas shopper. Among the neatest
It takes; It; good tire to make
the record the
McClaren Cord
"Jim" "Bill"
Smith" rfi Watkins
Snappy Service.
.. PHONE 44
lias made
We invite all Hupmobile owners to call
and tee ui5i We iitehere to give ydti good
Service on the Hupmobile car ahd would
appreciate your visit
taken out thfe HUPMOBILE
aii ; M ARMON agency and expect to
build oUr btisine&s by giving good service
to our patroris.
of those Is the display window of
Smith and Watkins.
! Featuring an open hearth, with
andirons and charred wood .Il
luminated by. a realistic electric
light "fire" the display is cleverly
arranged upon the window seats
at - the side of the fireplace and
upon the mantle.
I Commenting upon the- growing
popularity of auto gifts, Jim Smith
told a representative of the
Statesman that .last Christmas
there had been; more than three
times the sale of that class ' of
article than any 'year since he had
been in business, also that from
sales so far this, year. Indications
were that last years record would
be beaten badly.
. A. genuine. desire to aid the
Christmas shopper was the tim
ulus for this window as it is only
through an actual inspection of
the goods that the shopper Is en
abled ' to choose to 'the best "ad-
vantage. A large table inside the
s1;ore is also devoted to the, dis
play of gifts. j
I Many favorable comments have
been received upon this display
perhaps the most complimentary
coming from a prominent member
of the automotive profession
whose duties require wide travel.
This man in commenting upon the
window assured Mr. Smith that
it. was, the best window tha he
has seen on the entire coast.
The totals of motor fatalities
and ' their causes as reported by
285 newspapers; States of Wash
ington Massachusetts, Connecticut
Vermont, Virginia and Delaware;
the Petroit Automobile Club, The
Detroit Police department; Auto
mobile Club of , Southern Califor
nia; the Milwaukee Safety com
mission; Atlanta, Baltimore, Mem
phis, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Syr
acuse, Wilmington, Del., Spring
field, Mass., Toledo, Providence,
and other Bafety councils; Cali
fornia State Automobile associa
tion: the New York Police depart
ment; city health commissioners;
and all states which collect data
of this nature, are given herewith.
Better Street Lighting
Cleveland as a result of traffic
studies has . recently installed an
Improved lighting system on Sup
erior avenue. I Many night time
accidents are due to inadequate
street lighting, j
Education in Schools
The training of children in why
traffic rules "exist. In respect for
the policement, : will create habit
ual abedien'ce on the 'part of the
children In traffic regulations.
We WicK to Announce the
Opening of a
Call and see m at
new location
Maker of Cars to Make All
of its Own Bodies :
Local exhibition of the new
Studebaker models is bringing
home to motorists with ,new force
the fact that Studebaker manu
factures its bodies and cars com
plete, 1q its ownplaats,
"Well-informed 'car-owners have
long recognized the fact, in which
Studebaker is unique among thei
large builders of fine cars, but itj
is more strikingly apparent this
year than ever before to the car
buying public at large. .1
; Developed New Duplex :
Development of "the new. Stude
baker Duplex bodies which for
the first time in automobile his
tory combine the advantages of
the open car with the comfort and
protection of the enclosed car
was made possible, authorities de
clare,, by the fact that all Stude
baker bodies are designed by
Studebaker experts, working land
thinking for Studebaker alone,' and
that' the actual -building is done
in Studebaker's own modern,
completely equipped $10,000,000
body plants.
" A parallel situation is noted in
the detailed perfection of Stude
baker's new, all-enclosed body
models. '
Distinct New-type Beauty
The new Studebaker models pre
sent striking beauty of appear
ance and finish, in which there is
an instantly-apparent note of orig
inality. This is notable not alone
in the longer lines, new lamps and
fenders, higher radiators and Bides
on lower-hung bodies, but even In
the finish and color schemes.
Enthusiastic comment upon
their beauty is heard everywhere
almost invariably concluded
with the remark: "But what is It
that makes them bo differentjfrom
the other cars I see!" j?
This question is answered by
the fact that Studebaker body de
signers design for Studebaker
alone; that Studebaker bodies are
built to be a fitting and harmoni
ous part of Studebaker cars as a
whole. . Naturally, experts ; de
clare, in Studebaker cars th0 very
lines and proportions must
distinction and originality
other cars' cannot possess.
The same principle applies, they
point out, to every detail of the
enclosed-body models; the special
ly designed seats and ' their ar
rangement, the genuine mohaif
used for upholstery, the instru
ments, hardware and fittings.
Every item is specifically design
ed or carefully selected for Stude
baker cars alone.
New $10,000,000 Plant
For production of the new
closed models, Studebaker's ' new
110,006,000 foody plant given
over solely to the building of Stud
ebaker bodies is in operation at
South Uend. Indiana. The entire
automobile Industry knows no
body plant more modern in meth
ods and equipment, in the opinion
of prominent engineers.
. In the organization; building
and equipping of its body plants,
Studebaker has accomplished
something matched by no- other
large maker of fine cars, it is au
thoritatively stated. For in a fine
car body only the , most accurate
of craftsmanship can be accepted
-or else it ceases to be a fine car.'
Too, only the highest quality of
materials from frame to uphol
stery and the varnishes, paints,
enamels and lacquer with which
the body Is finished may be used-
Men high In the lumber indus
try declare that no automobile
builder uses better grades of wood
than Studebaker, because there
are no better grades. Similarly
with ,its genuine mohair for- up
holstery In closed models, genuine
Spanish grain leather in Duplex
models, and all details of 1 finish
and fittings, Studebaker insists
upon highest quality.
Value, Second Advantage
By this complete manufacture
from raw materials to finished
cars and bodies, Studebaker Is
able to effect manufacturing sav
ings in a number of ways. For in
stance, it is pointed out, there is
no wasteful Under-buying or over
buying of raw materials, , because
Studebaker knows in advance ex
actly the" number of bodies that
must be produced in a year, or
other given period of time.
And, judging from the record
sale of new Studebakers the mo
toring public has emphatically
discovered that the second great
advantage of Studebaker's com
plete manufacturing is value.
Downtown Location Will
j Greatly Aid in Servicing
L Cars for Local Owners
Temporary sales and service
quarters for the Hupmobile. car
has been secured at 256 State
street by MacDonald and Forrsell
who now have the Hupmobile
agency for Salem and vicinity.
furtherance of the aggressive
policy of service which has been
followed in the past by these men
while handling the Packard and
Hupmobile car Mr. MacDonald
will devote his personal attention
to the servicing of the cars while
Mr. Forrsell will handle sales.
In order that the Hupmobile
owners of the valley may come to
know the men who In the future
will be 1rt a position to offer them
service they are requested to call
and become acquainted.
In addition to the Hupmobile
me Alarmon car will be handled
"We hope more people' will
tatke care of their cooling systems
on their . automobiles this winter
than last," says Byron Wright,
manager of the Certified Public
Motor Car Market.
"Car after car came in for ap
praisal with leaky radiators, brok
en cylinder heads and occasionally
broken blocks, which could have
been easily prevented by use of
anti-freeze .solutions.
I. maintain it is almost crim
inal negligence to treat machin
ery as too many people treat their
automobiles. A stitch in time saves
nine, is certainly true - when it
comes to preparing an automobile
for the freeze which Is coming so
soon." -
The number of new firms cater
ing to the auto driver which are
being opened in Salem goes to,
prove that there are being more
and more cars purchased in Salem
irrespective of . the supposed
"closeness of money." j
Among the latest firms to be
established is the Texas Garage
which opened lor business at 1999
North Commercial - street about
one weeks ago, Mr. C. W. Buch
anan and Mr. E. H. BItterman are
the owners. Mr. BItterman came
here recently from Montana where
he has had wide experience in the
repairing of ears. Mr. Buchanan
has been a Salem . resident for
seveHl years, a majority of which,
time the spent in charge of the
used car department of the Valley
Motor company, previous to this
he was employed by the Fields
Motor company, Chevrolet dealers
of Portland.
The , new firm will engage in
general auto ' repairing, - towing,
and storage
Oldsmobile Zone Manager
Looks for Good Business
;Jin Coming Year
Continued business improve
ment is noted during November
and December in , reports from
Oldsmobile : zone, managers and
territory travelers, according to
Guy H. Peasley, general sales
manager of Olds Motor : Works.
Lansing, Mich. Indications , also
point to the ' fact that generally
throughout the country the auto
mobile business will be far better
In the spring of 1925 than it was
the year previous. , i
"Employment in the cotton ;
mills of the Carolinas and Georgia
is now about 70 per cent of maxi
mum,"- said Mr. Peasley. "Cotton
and tobacco crops are bringing
fair prices. ;
"The Florida citrons crop Is
bringing a good price with a fair
yield. In southern Florida con
siderable building is under way.
Industrial conditions in the coal
and steel, districts of Alabama,
centering in Birmingham, are
good, with ! other sections fair.
The lumber industry of Mississip
pi shows signs of improvement and
the planters have had a good cot
ton crop. . j - .
"In Texas the appearance of the
hoof and mouth disease has af
fected business and stringent
measures are being taken to stamp
It out. About 90 per cent of
Texas cotton bas been picked, but
k good quantity of this is 'being
held for ja higher price. In West
Texas and New Mexico cattle pric
es are low but sheep and wool are
both finding a ready market at
good prices. In the New England
states the cotton mills are run
ning on full time but the main
difficulty of the .textile manufac
turers is that cotton goods prices
are mucn lower relatively man
raw cotton prices and labor costs
have been high. The shoe Indus
try is gradually Improving and
cutlery and hardware lines in
Connecticut show a gain.
"In New York state the fruit
cron was eooa wnn iair prices,
but the dairy farmer is not receiv
ing what he considers a profitable
price for his product. The clothing
manufacturing Industry is running
at. about' 70 per cent and while
there is considerable unemploy
ment in all industries, an improve
ment is looked for now that elec
tion is over. In Pennsylvania ana
Ohio, the iron and steel industry
is showing a continued improve
ment and there la an increase in
the employment of labor. Glass,
coke and textile plants show in
creased activity. Farm conditions
are good and the financial situa
tion is easier with loans freely
made on good security. . l,
; "In the central states district
excellent agricultural conditions,
fair crops with good prices and
the optimistic sentiment, allows
farmers to make substantial pay
ments to creditors ' and to get in
a more independent position. In
the northwest there is an excellent
grain crop that has brought good
prices and bank deposits are great
er than for many years. lumDer
is about normal in the western
states. Mining in Colorado and
Utah 1s reported better than for a
number of years and prices en
couraging enough to guarantee in
creased activity.
"California motor car dealers
report a fair winter trade especial
ly in closed body types, Oenerai
business conditions fair. They
have had good rains, fruit prices
favorable, lumber business quiet.
In Washington and Oregon reports
show an Improvement in lumber
trade but only fair general busi
ness. All over the country the
sale of closed car body types show
a big- increase. ;
"Olds Motor Works is keeping
in close touch -with the situation
as regards unsold ears in dealers
stocks, and these stocks are much
below the number usually carried
at this season of the year. Fac
tory production Is being kept more
than ever in line with retail sales
and this manufacturing plan will
mean bigger production in the
early spring, as the number ot
unsold cars in dealers stocks will
be low." , ,
The first ten. days of December
business has been better than any
other like period of the year, ac
cording to .Vern Anderson, ot the
Used Car Corner. "We have sold
more car during the; first ten
days of -this month than during
any other like period." ; . .
"We believe that the reason for
this is because our cars are bet
ter buys than we have ever be
fore been able to offer." '
"In making our last buying
trip we purchased enough ; cars
that we thought would last us
until spring. But do to the in
crease in business our buyer will
have to , make another trip right
after the holidays." Said Mr. An
The Whitney Chevrolet com
pany, Willard dealers in Monte
sano, Washington, are. getting
good advertising from, the special
built miniature "Cher' The car
is not only run by Willard bat-'
teries, but carries a complete ra
dio receiving set and advertises
The Gift that will bring more Joy, Health arid Happiness for youi
Boy or Girl than anything you can buy
Terms if Desired
Juvenile Models
Gifls and Boys
. All Sizes
Priced as Low as
, $24.50
Scooter Special
This fine ball bearing extra
heavy scooter, only
A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Article Till Xmas
147 So. Com,l St.
Price f. e. h. Flint, AfcAM
Superior Roadster - , - , -Superior
TourinJ " - -Superior
Touring DeLnxe
Superior Utility Coupe
Superior 4-Pusener Coupe
Superior Sedan - - - 1 795
Superior Commercial Chsa .410
Utility Express Truck Chassis 550
Fisher Bodies on all Closed Model
l M:
the Whitney amateur transmitting
station. 7HC, as well.
Publicity of this sort has helped
I :' r -, ; '
Everything in wheel
Kiddie Kars
Pedal, Kars
Harry W. ScoiH
The Cycle Man
What is the man in
the picture doing?
Watching others go hy him, just like thousands of other
men, who let the procession of live ones pass them by.
Perhaps he is wondering why these other men of no greater
physical strength or mental ability can own automobiles and
ride toward succfess while he plods along; year after year,
not only not making progress, but actually falling behind.
All of the men whom this by-stander typifies are very like
a dormant gasoline engine.
A little cranking of INITIATIVE and a spark cf
AMBITION would wake them into ACTION, and con- V
vert potential power into a reality.
How. much you accomplish kv the few years when your;
physical and mental powers can function at highest effici
ency depends very largely on the means you employ to
If you can move your person twice as fast and apply your
personality in twice as many places as seme other chap,
your chances for success are twice as good as his.
That is whare the Chevrolet comes in. r - A
It is more than a time saver; it is a personality, multiplier, -.
,a time doubler. .
If you are one man on your feet you become as two men
in a Chevrolet. - r
" Speed up Success! Get . there! . Keep up with the pro- ,
cession! Enter the great race against lime!
You can do if. There is no intelligent worker so peer he
cannot arrange to buy a Chevrolet. There is none so weL
off to feel above the grade of this quality car.
Let us prove its low operating cost and explain how easy
it is to get cne and pay for it as you rids. v ' !
Opposite City Hall v
Corner High and Chemeketa Street
to make this dealer one of the
most ; progressive, in southern
Motorbyke Models
Equiped With
Morrow Brake i Motor
bike Saddle; Drop Side
i Guards.
Special at
Extra Special
Disc steel wheels, rubber tires,
roller bearings, 36-in. bed.
$5.95 .
Phone 8
t Jti : v '