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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1924)
Ik Telephone - your Want A'd for Sunday's Statesman early Your order will be given the same attention as though you had called. Groceries,- meats and food products which are advertised in the Statesman will be found of the best quality, J SEVENTYtTHIRD. year SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 29, 1924 2 TRICp TV,9NTS T . . . ' " i"- i .1 rl, ii. FIM1CT5 YETAT LftRGE. POSSE SEARCH One MemDer Ot UeSperaie GanO That ESCaDed" ICS- rroi Cniranrlaic Theft iu uaj viui i wiiuwi oy iiiwii of .Saw' Admitted" MOST SENSATIONAL1 BREAK SINCE 1902 Fuaitives Commandeer Au- tomobile Alter LeapFrom iii.ii -r . . Wdll ell lOWCr f Pursued! by guards within a f ew 1 minutes alter they naa maae a daring ' daylight escape from the state prison at 8:50 o'clock Friday I . 1 morning, six convicts eluded, cap tore by posses who searched the timber and ' brush about six miles sontheast of Salem In the vicinity of Turner, and. Aumsyllle during the day.-V-'';';::--' f" -''f -After forcing a lock on a door leading from the day room on the main floor of the penitentiary Into the basement," - the men sawed away the bars of a small window at the south end of " the main building:, Climbing through this and running across the lawn, they climbed the steps leading to No. 7 tower. Jumped over the wall, ran behind the guard's quarters and down Mill creek to the Turner Toad, where they commandeered a passing automobile and then drove south. - , - ? i All Serious Offenders Those f who made their escape were Ellsworth Kelly, Bert (Ore gon) Jones, William Johnson, Tom 'Murray, Joe Jackson ana vve. Weekly. . Johnwo. gave himseit op i at a ranch house owned by a man named Smith In the Aumsvtlle di- new cabinet to take the place of ' trict about 5 o'clock la the after- that which resigned last Wednes noon. He admitted ta prison of- day after vote of-lack of confl- fleers that he had stolen the hack saw which was used in sawing the : ban and that the escape had been Tilanned ? about a "week ago. - He confirmed general belief that the convlcts had separated. Johnson J waa tired upon twice by .' Deputy J Warden J. W. Llllle, one ouneiicnarge or ine snip or. sj$ie. grazing his leg and the other miss- ine his head by Inches ne.iom This served to influence his action. he admitted. - Familiar with routine, the eon- vlcts had cleverly timed their dar- lnz escape so that when a South ern Pacific switch engine pushed a rounla of nox can Into the pri son yard. Guard lohn Durham, on avLtr at tower o. , th "bull pen' waa out of the tow er and farther south on top of the west wall, v The guard on. duty at this tower must leave the tower in order to watca. we gau wno i engine Is passing m or out oi xn grounds. He failed to see the con vlcts drop" from the wall, however, Circumstance Aid Con vie, t Fortune smiled upon the con-1 victs. for" as they reached the ed highway, a Dodge automobile, driven by Charles SpurlinJ 'sales-1 man for the ; Gideon Stolz elder works,' was driving by. He was dazed by a blow and r the men, I "Thank God," exclaimed the de wlth Oregon Jones' at the wheel, Ifendant with upraised hands when drove east of the prison, turning to the south at the Intersection about a mile away, i Whether or not the convicts were armed was not known by Spurlin, who said one ot them kept something that felt like a gun pressed, against his ribs.' When the escape became known, Denutr Warden Ltllle,' without stopping to get any of the guards oh duty at night" whoVwere, asleep, in their quarters, or to arm him - self with a rltle; ran to me prison garage, obtained the fast prison automobile and. gave pursuit ' He was, alie to overtake the fleeing men, and when they. saw. he was gaining upon them, they turned eaBt on a dirt road, where,, they abandoned thed machine. Spurlin was taken Into the brush with tne men out reieasea aner aim cig arettes had .been appropriated. Deputy Warden Llllie was dose , ' (Continued on page ) THE WEATHER 1 1 . rktprrxT. Dai.. flat. urday; fresh westerly .winds. '.. LOCAL WEATHER .(Friday) Maximum temperature, 49. Minimum temperature,' 40. ' River, 1.8 feet; stationary. Rainfall, .IS Ineh. Atmosphere, eloudrl Vrlnd, Bouthwest, ' . ADVISES FOLK TO FORGET LIES TOLD ABOUT HIM Daugherty Expresses Hope That "Now I'll Be Let Alone for a While" ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., March 28. Besieged toy newspapermen ever since his arrival here at 5:40 torney General Harry M. Daugh erly decided to Issue a formal statement in connection , with his resignation. As he handed a sheet of hotel stationery upon which he had scrawled a few lines' to a group of insistent reporters he said: "Well, boys, I hope I'll toe let alone now." The statement follows: "I know nothing further to say at this time or while here, as1 far 1 know- except to take advant JTT lies told by irresponsible so-called : ' witnesses as to Immoral conduct, I HlafriAAfiil 3rln m onjl Imnrnna, nu sociation or. my part will ' not be believed 1.1! J j "They are Just plain lies pro cured to be told to create per jury. Considering that the com mittee is without legal authority to" make1 Inquiry into any' such subjects, prosecution for perjury would fail. My friends know full well the kind of lite I have al ways lived." Ten New Members With Two. From Former Group Form , , rremiers Advisers PARIS, March 28. -(By tha As- lsociate4 Press.) The French min- isfejlaj crisli came to an end this evening with the formation of a dence In the chamber of deputies, Raymond, Poincare, who headed the old. cabinet and who accepted the task ot forming a new one, called on President Millerand to- night and submitted to him the names ot the men who will take -i yt TV: Grandfather of Girl Chief Witness Against His Son During Murder Trial y BRIDGETON, N. J., March 28 Thompson Dickson, 63, tonight was acquitted on a charge of mar- derlng his 1 5-year-old daughter, FOB SELECTS FU'ACWTIED OF U CHILD pav-jEmma, last September in the year of their Bricksboro home. The jury-brought In the verdict for ac- 1 quittal after a two hour session Only one ballot was necessary. I he heard the Jury foreman mum I ble the. words, "Not guilty, cjiku iiktu iev I' DICKNSON, N. D.. March 29. I The girl who leaped through I Pullman car window of Northern I Pacific train No. 2 bound for Seat- tie to Minneapolis two daynago least of Gladstone, was identified today as Hattle. Merxitt, daughter lot Lonnie Merritt ot Falmouth, iny. Teachers for , the Salem city school system for the year. 1924- 25 were chosen last night by the school board at ' the adjourned meeting. The. resignations of 13 teachers were accepted and upon the recommendation ot Superinten dent Hug more than .140 teachers were . reelected for the coming year.. , ... - ' Miss Alms Polhe; mathmatlcs teacher at Washington junior, high school was granted a year's leave of absence. She has been a part of the school system for more than 10 years, and special note of her long service was.; taken " by -r the F 0 R BOYS IS ' lnon;n'nn A,J,W D iiiopiiiiiy nuuico axivcii oi PranK MOran On European Ynilth TnlPranro Plea fc- . I vivi Ml IVV I WV4 I Heard VOCATIONAL EXPERT jLl ADVISE LADS Convention Will Continue To day, and Sunday Riechel Is President Exactly 100 boys registered for the Salem-Marion County Older Boys' conference, which. : opened here yesterday afternoon, and 125 were present at the banquet last 'JS SL outside of Salem Is front Wood- burn. '' ' ' Tne ioiiowios orncers were elected: President, Darell RIech el, Woodburn; vice president, Al- son Bristol, SJlverton; secretary, Earl. Pemberton, Salem; sergeant- at-arms, Ben Molsan, Gervais. Purpose or Conference Told Ronnit M f!rblrfiv of th Salem hlh school presided as toastmas- ter at the banquet. The address of welcome waa riven bv Mark Waldespel and the response by Darrell Riechel of Woodburn-. The latter began his address by thank ing the Salem Hl-Y and the city for th a cordial receDtion riven the visitors, m outunea tnree main purposes ot the conlerence. He first, he said, was that the hoys nf .V MiKirnintt mlrl meftt eaph community might meet 1 become acquainted with the rs of ptber communities. The and boys second was to discuss common mo" I problems of the boys of schol age, so the delegates may be able to go .back to their own schools and cbmmuhltles and help those who are not attending the conference. The ; third purpose mentioned was to promote the pro- rrams of the HI-Y and the Pioneer clubs," which is designed to , lan character, clean speech, clean thought, clean athletics, clean scholarshin and clean living. He said no more appropriate theme for the conference could have been selected than "His New Day." He spoae oi ine uppnuaiun stblHtles every poy nas ana averr- ed that one purpose of the con- ference was to prepare the boys iq meet uieui. Another sneaker was John L. Brady, who gave one ot his char acterlstlc addresses. Moran Tells of Europe Frank G. Moran, headmaster of the Moran Boys school, ot Rolling Haw"' Wnah T)OVa ATI "Ulv, Visit to the Boys of Europe's War-Strick en Areas. -. ,- v.. ,5 ' Mr. Moran; was In Europe after the war studying boy. life In those countries. Last May he and Tracy Strong of Seattle were the- Pacific coast representatives ' in a worm conierence 01 Doys woraers Portlatch, Australia. Mr. Moran described, nis trip through tne various countries. First he and .his companions went to Italy. Before he. went to Italy. he saidv he had thought of the Italians W something of a deca- dent race and the Inferiors ot Am- ty to demonstrate different kinds ericans, but he declared that hlsjof work and the best methods of eyes were -opened, "when he saw the contribution that Italy has made to tne voria ana to civuiza- tlon. The next move vas intolsented resolutions, recommending France, and Mr. ' Moran described '(Continued on, page 2) wA In rrwa rytiry ir tVa lflBVA fit flh. sence. Resignation Accepted Resignations accepted by thelmous expression was that Salem board Included, Mable A. Bough- ey, senior high school; Hazel Bear, Homer Hulsey. Washington junior hich: W. D. Vinson, Grant Junior high: Myrtle Hintzie, and Mildred Hnlser. McKlnler Junior high; MarrS. Palmer. Englewood; Flor ence Retterath. Highland; Jewel nik. T.lnroln: Eva Mnstoe. Park: Rose Gibson and Grace . Zosel, motimond. ' 7 George Hug was reelected super- MMHMHMMMiMMiior wjtv bi meetings . neia a year (Continued on page 6). 'ago. . ;v.t - ... MASKED ROBBER5 ENTER WATERLOO GENERAL STORE ProprietoVs Wife Struck on Head When, Outcry Made. $35 Cash Taken LEBANON, Ore., March 28. I Three masked robbers entered!- the generaf atore of. W.' Hof-j 8e at. waieriop. ore., last nignt,i" tied Holeate atd his wife andl,ahoma and Texas late today. took 35 cash from the safe, ac- cording to word brought here to-l I day. i I Mr. Holeata wan xtrnrU on the hed bv one of the rohbera when she made an outcry and seriously hurt. Holgate released himself and then hIs wlfe a,ter the ro1- uem ubu gune Telephone wires leading to the town were found cut after the rbbery. Speaker on Various, Sub- jects are Heard at iSes- sion Last Night With an attendance of 75, rep resenting 33 of the leading clubs of the city, the Salem Federation of clubs, in session last night, at the Chamber of Commerce, discus- Bed a wide range of subjectsall Ending towards thfi betterment o conaiuons in baienv. Regarding the1 replacing of the Breyman statue at Wi'llson park, facing on Cottage street. Dr. Wil- tha Tlnu nnrt Drarmnn famlllea i . : x - - . " , . . "T: J a.. Atom, who was insiruciea . - ftnn ' Si!? wDi ; . , . ... . . v.- pile reposes sells a little more hay the junk will be removed. Mrs. John A. Carson reported that, the War Mothers had secured the cooperation of various civic bodies for securing a fund to be used in the erection of a suitable soldiers' monument. It will be de-l.. . M Kc ill imih vn nnnniunr i square, facing west towards High street. Dr. E. E. Fisher, reporting for the Cherrlans, said , his organiza tion was active in organizing into one federation all the boosting clubs ot the state. This Is to in clude the Cobblers, the baby or- ganization from Oakland. Dr. FlBner alsQ BaJd the Cherrlans would atteni the Rose festival In Portland and that during the sum- mer the Cherrlans, all dolled up In their best, would visit surround ing communities. Winnie Pettyjohn reported that the "Better Homes" week, to be observed in Salem, was meeting with unanimous approval. Better Homes week will begin May II Mrs. Lyda King, Marlon county health nurse. Bald that the work of a county health nurse was main ly in preventing diseases among children. She said a child is often I r egariea' aa I wasj jugt sn dull, when really it suffering from some cur- operation of all mothers in this work of such benefit to the child ren , Fred A. Erixon susreested that dUrng "Better Homes" week it would nei wonderfully if carnen- ers plumbers, bricklayers; and painters were given an onoortun- 1 building. . a. C. Bohrnstedt of the Marion roue Kealtors' association, pre- I that no general advertising be per mitted in the auto park Also that the Chamber of Commerce and other civic, bodies cooperate with the realtors in the building of a community house at the park. Mr, Bonrnstedts resolutions were adopted unanimously. U. S. Crowder told how he had looked all over the United States for a good place to live, and while he had found lots of them,' Salem was tne nest ot an, and that he had invested all his savings in Salem He commended.! the city i trw lit nnl.U . In a discussion of tha needs of la public auditorium, , the nnanl- needs such an auditorium, but that under present conditions ' it was advisable to postpone the matter I until early next . year. seiore closing last evening Dr. . E. Morris, president, called at - 1 tentlon to the fact that In the'at- tendance of 7 5, representatives were present from the 33. leading emus or tne. city, i tie compared the growth; of tho federation with e aiienaance- ot scarcely a, dozen STORM SWEEPS THREE STATES t MANY KILLED Kansas, Texas and Oklahoma in Path of Middle West " Tornado KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 28 Loss of life and heavy property damage were caused by tornadoes y m n-ansas. uk- Heavy rainfalls were general A r&nawnee. Okla., eight per- duu are &uuu iu uavts ueea .iiieu . . . , -, , an scores Injured. Relief m cas ure" there ar we ader way Five persons were reported in- M" '!n' th v,c,nity of Noble At Goffs. Kansas, a boy was P1""!; ,iuu vaiuagcB coiiuiaicu at thousands of dollars was done at Crisfield, ' Kansas, where nearly every house in the town was re ported destroyed by the wind. The Santa Fe station was wrecked and about 30 box cars lifted from the tracks. Several farm homes and barns were destroyed near Crisfield. . At Vernon, Texas, four persons were . injured and considerable property damage done by the wind storm. " -" "!, ' A sand storm swept the Pan handle section of Texas with heavy rain from ' Amarillo to Childress. Wire communication was disrupt ed tonight in many sections of the southwest. s Law Enforcement Exponents 0f Jnree States Will Meet M' lUI UallU Governors Hart of Washington and Moore of Idaho haye been in- vited bv Governor Pierce to have ,it . .v... representative clUzens of their states meet with Oregon citizens who are Interested in law enforce- Iment at a northwest citizens' law enforcement congress in Portland June 3, 4, and 5. 'Believing that the states , ot Washington, Idaho and Oregon should lead In a great crusade against law violation and dishon esty In every form," says the let ter, "I have decided to ask you to join me as governor of Oregon in a call for a northwest citizens' law enforcement congress to be held In the city of Portland June 3,. 4 and 5. I have assurance from many churches and antt-saioon leagues of these three northwest ern states that these organizations will do every thing in their power to make such a congress a success so that the citizenship of the north' west may be quickened and the conscience of the people aroused for the enforcement ot every law. including the prohibition statutes Dishonest officials and lax law en forcement today threatens tha life of our civilization, the most per fect man has ever developed. The people are demanding action and the time is now ripe for a mighty movement for vrgoroifs and ef fective enfprcement of all laws. "1 suggest you issue a can to all organizations in your state Ahat are especially . interesteo in jaw. enforcement, to send delegations JLo the proposed congress, lour at tendance in person would add. ma terially to the strength of the movement. It is possible for us to create such a sentiment in this great northwest that it will sweep the nation and drive from office every official who is not today doing his full duty." LE OH STREET i. s Wyoming ; Man Shoots , Gir After Quarrel I hen lakes Own Life CASPER, Wya, March 28. Lee Mortimer, aged 23, brother of William Mortimer, president of the Casper Business college here, shot and. almost Instantly killed Norma Ford, aged 20, his sweetheart. I while walking down a Casper busi ness street late tnis afternoon ana then shot himself in the right temple, dying of the wound about an hour later, - Mortimer, who was ar- instruc or at the - business college had met Miss Ford in one of his class es, for. she was a tudent at the choot A recent quarrel with her apparently had been patched up as far as1 Miss Ford knew. But 1 Mortimer, had become jealous of tome , other suitor for the orettv girl'a hand and had purchased IT"?""" mmmmmmmmT mm?Timmmmm ( (Contlaued on page five) e s hi en KILLS SW EH 1 3 CABINET HERS FACE SENATE FIRE Resolution Introduced to In. iiAnlinniii HRnllNrt'n Anoliti I vcoiiyaic ivicuuii o uuaiin- cations Hoover and Wal- lace Next CLOAKROOM CONFIDENCE OnP AIDCn flM CI flflD v al cuuesueo, mifwuceu reo DC MlnCU UM rLUUn olntion to InrMtlnta SArrotarv Sen. Reed, Traditional Ene my, to Lead Fight on Com merce Secretary WASHINGTON, March 28. Haying disposed of Attorney Gene ral Daugherty as well as Secretary Denby, the,. coalition '-'senate attack on the administration today turned on Secretary Mellon with indica tions that more cabinet officers might come under the bombard ment. No sooner had the attorney gen eral's resignation been submitted than Senator McKellar, democrat. Tennessee, today introduced a res olution directing the judiciary committee to investigate whether Secretary Mellon is holding office in violation of the law which for bids the treasury head to be en gaged in trade or commerce. Although Senator McKellar had asked immediate consideration for his resolution it was objected to by Senator Wadsworth, republl-1 can,- New York, and under the rule went over until Monday when it will be called up for debate and action. Plan Made In Cloakroom Republicans who have been pre dieting that President Coolidge 'would soon have no cabinet at all if he yielded to the pressure for the attorney snerar resignation; immeaiateiy cnaracterised tne Mc - Kellar resolution as another of the concrete developments In a plan which has been discussed in the cloakrooms for weeks and which. the regular republicans say, con templates going down the line in the cabinet in an attempt to pick off the secretaries one by one, The confidences exchanged in the sanctity of the cloakrooms. which often are more indicative of the real trend of things than the spoken word on the senate floor Itself, picture Secretary Wallace of the department of agriculture and Secretary Hoover of the depart ment of commerce as the next points of attack. (Secretary Wallace, senators were telling one another today, is to come in for a grilling because of his action in withholding federal aid for road building in Arkansas, where he. declined to permit large federaj 'payments until cetraln lo cal situations were straightened out. Senator Robinson, the demo- pratic leader, and Senator Caraway both of Arkansas, the Current story Is, are to lead tne attack. The at tack on Secretary Hoover, accord ing to the same story, is to be led by Senator Reed,' democrat, Mis souri, Mr. Hoover's traditional enemy. Mellon Attacked Before An -attack on Secretary Mellon somewhat similar to that by Sena tor McKellar was launched in the senate two years ago by the late Senator Watson, democrat, Geor gia, who called attention to the provisions of law applying to treas ury secretaries and demanded that Mr. Mellon retire. The demand received little support from any quarter, but It was apparent to night that Senator McKellar's pro posal, coming at a time when the senate is deeply immersed in the whirlpool ofvlnvestigation, probab ly would lead to a bitter fight. The resolution introduced to day which recapitulates the evi dence laid before the revenue bu reau committee was brought to the senate floor in the midst of another debate over the retire ment of Attorney General Daugh erty, one of the bitterest of Mr. erty. In this discussion Senator Caraway, democrat, Arkansas, one of the bitterest ot Mr. Daugherty's senate foes in the past, assumed the role of his "de fender" against what he declared was summary and unbecoming treatment at the hands of Presi dent Coolidge. The only extended reply to the Arkansas senator was delivered by Senator Pepper, republican, Penn sylvania', who said' the president had acted "none too soon" In re moving Mr. Daugherty from an office which shonld be filled by a -'man. capable. In every way of com manding public confidence. FRIDAY IN WASHINGTON Attorney General Daugherty re signed by request of the president. Harry F. Sinclair contempt case was presented to a federal grand Jury. John Walsh, brother of Senator VT. . SJT? vU ZTSSZ , . . . . ,. . ana aemea lnieresu m ou in wyo- m,ng or an other northwestern 8 . ... . The senate debated the resigna tion of Attorney General Daugher- ty. and Senator McKellar demo- Mellon's business connections. - . . . ; Representative Langley, republi can, Kentucky, indicted. by a grand Jury in connection, with liquor cases, made a bond, and appeared before the house investigating committee at an executive session The railroad labor board was defended before the senate inter- state coramerre commission by Hale Holden, chairman of the ex ecutive committee of the Associa- tion of Railway Executives, and I Daniel Wlllard, president of the Baltimore & Ohio. . ' ' . The Daugherty investigating committee delved into life In the Daugherty-Jess Smith apartments, questioning the former attorney general's former negro valet. A subpoena -was Issued f or W. J. Burns to testify about files relat ing to Mexican revolutionary en terprises.' , - Debate Team From Lansing Will Be in Salem for Con-. test Next Thursday Anticipating stiff '.competition when they meet Michigan Agricul tural college on the local ' nlat f6rm "here next Thursdayt ithe WTP jiamette university . 'varsity debet- erg are spending their week ' of spring vacation In careful prepar ation. Three men will represent the local Institution and will up hold the affirmative of the ques tion, "Resolved: That the United States should enter the ' World Court." Willamette will have one of the strongest teams, in its history . In the contest with the Michigan Ag gies. Robert Not son, leader ot the very successful team of last year, will again be -leading the trio. Ward Southworth, his colleague of last year, will give the first speech for the locals, and Ralph Emmons, will be the third speaker. The local orators are looking forward to the meet Thursday as the biggest debate ot the year The Michigan wranglers are ac credited as 'being among the best in the middle west and are bring ing three experienced speakers to represent them. The team will be composed of George J. Dobben, ot Newaygo, E..R. Briston of Almont, and H. F. Hollenpach of Saginaw, The MAC team will have X de bates en their trip before meeting the Willamette men. In these de bates they will argue on the World court and League of Nations ques tions in all of them upholding the negative side. Prior to their local appearance they will meet ' Mill! ken university, Decatur, 111.; Iowa State college, Ames, la.; Yankton college, Yankton, S. D.; North Da kota Agricultural college, Fargo, N. D.; Kansas State Agricultural college, Manhattan, Kan.; Univer sity of Denver, Denver, Colo.; Col orado Agricultural college, Fort Collins, Colo.; Utah Agricultural college, Logan, Utah; College of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Wash. Lat er they will meet the College of the Pacific, San Jose, Cal.; and Pasadena university, Pasadena, Cal. Last year the Michigan Aggie debaters made a trip east going as far as the New England states and lost but one ot their, contests, WILLAMETTE TEAM TO MEET MICHIGATJ NOTICE TO QUR READIES - The Statesman carriers will call -to make their monthly collections today. ; - .- . Your newspaper boy is just starting: in business for himself . This is his first effort to learn business and his success or, failure depends to a considerable extent on your good will and co-operation. A pleasant Bmile and a cheery word will encourage your boy and help him make a success of this, his first venture in business life. He will appreciate it and show his good will in any way hecan, ' -, - , . If your subscription is already paid,' ignore this no tice and accept our thanks. : ' ' . STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO REQUESTED oolidge - Demands Retire ment Expressing -doubt iThat Disinterested AMok Could Be Given LETTER TO PRESIDENT SAYS DOCTRINE UNSAFE Attacks on Cabinet Members Should - Not - Disqualify ' Them for Service WASHINGTON, , Mareh 28.- Harry M. Daugherty passed out of public life today in a tempest that terminated befittingly his three stormy ; years as ; attorney general, - - - " . , His appointment to the- cabinet by President Harding was the sub Ject of criticism and his resigna tion came at the virtual, demand of President Coolidge and in the. midst of a- sensation producing senate investigation of his official acts. " : - ' -'t . ' -". President Coolidge asked tor the resignation because ' be felt he could not depend on Mr.' Daugher ty for disinterested advice and be cause - he believed ' ' the 3 attorney general could not perform satis factorily the duties of his office under the conditions resulting from the senate inquiry. ' Attack Denounced ' ) 1 Mr.- Daugherty tendered, his res ignation solely out of deference to the president's request and asked that it be effective at once. Then as a private citizen he addressed an- open letter to ; the ' president. scathingly" denouncing those who had advocated his retirement and declaring Mr. Coolldge's atated" reasons tor' asking his resignation were t "hardly ' warranted .by the taets,L,'v ; t'--t:-v.-' The letter bristled 'with declara tions that the president's suggest ion that an attack upon a eabinet officer disqualifies him tor fur ther, service is a dangerous 1 doc trine,'? and "that "cowardice and surrender of principle are neve! expedient."- ':;.;;-' , Before this letter was received, at the White House, Mr. Daugher ty cleared his desk, left the de partment of Justice and soon wat aboard a train en. route to Atlanta City. He plans to return to Wash ington next week for thQ purpose only of closing up his private at-. fairs. . .... ; ; : . By reason of Mr. . Daugherty's, retirement President Coolidge, for the second time within si weeks Is ' faced with selection of a new cabinet officer. fV Snccessor In iponbt. ? Immediately! 'Mrl Jb'a'ugherty'a resignation became' known ' there arose a discussion of manj; items. Some were eliminated as mention-' ed for reason and bthers were dropped during the day,. with tha, result that the list ot those being mentioned tonight included Chief;' Justice Arthur; E. Rqgg'of the Massachusetts supreme Judicial court; Harlan F. ; Stone,';1 dean of the Columbia university . school ojt law;; Governor Alexander J. Oroes-t beck ot Michigan; Wflliam 3 Ken yon, former senator from Iowa andV now judge ot1 the .'.federal circuit court of ; appeals, eighth' district, and Secretary of State Hughes." ' ' The president has given no. con sideration as yet to' any particular person, but has decided that the man he selects as attorney general must have, a knowledge of law and must possess administrative capac- it. ol'vv:;1'" " : ELECTION 2OT CONCEDED ; SIOUX FALLS. S. D., Marcli 25. T. B. Roberta of Pierre, state man-' ager ot President Coolidge s cam paign in Tuesday's hta.te-wJde re publican presidential primary, to night refused to concede victory feJ Senator Hiram Johnson,