The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 03, 1924, Page 15, Image 15

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Eatest Patents of Interest to Motorists
Recently Granted by U. S. Patent Office
Combed by CLARENCE A. O'BRIEN, Registered Patent Attorney, Washington, D. C
- 'J f
Bmoi VYardman, Southport, Enf -land.
l. In a body for a motor vehicle.
the combination of a non-collapsible
rear quarter pivoted to the sides of
said body and i adapted to be swung
into a recess 'in the back thereof.
windscreen puiars at tne front of said
body, canopy rails formed in sections
conapsibly connected together and ex
tending forwardly to said windscreen
pillars, a transverse rail uniting the
forward parts of said canopy rails, a
roll-up canopy also carried by said
rear quarter, a detachably mounted
Dow supporting said canopy when ex
tended, telescopically jointed bow
sticks carried by said body to support
said bow, and windows fitting between
said canopy rails and the sides of said
body, substantially as set forth.
Job r. Kaatak, MuKw, N. Y.
able in an opening in the instrument
ooara ana connections between said
hand piece and the rear end of said
kver for operating' the latter to de
press the switch operating pedal as
tne nana piece i moved in one di-
Stephen B. Nowak, Buffalo, N. Y.
The ornamental design for a direc
tion signal, as shown.
TOR. Cromwell A. B. Halvorsoa,
-Jr., Lynn, Mam, aaaifnor to Gra
oral Eloctric Company, a Corpor
ation of Now York.
The combination with a foot board,
aa instrument board, and an elwrtrk
twitch operating . pedal reciprocally
movable in an opening in the floor
board of a forwardly and rearwardly
extending lever of the first kind pivot
afly mounted upon the floor board
and having its rear end engaging the
tipper face of the switch operating
.ardal, a hand piece reciprocally mov-
I. A lighting unit comprising
number of groups of spaced, nested
paraboloidal reflecting f rustra. the re
flectors of each group having a com
mon axis and different focal dis
tances, the axes of the groups extend
ing in different directions and til re
flectors having a comr-on focus.
casting connecting And supporting the
groups of reflectors, a concentrated
slament incandescent electric lamp re
movably seated in the casting with the
filament in the focus, and openings in
the lower faces of the reflectors for
insertion and removal of the lamp
and for the downward projection o
1,480.8-44. CREASE CUP. Vorlo
V. Van Nattaa and William W.
Davis, Saa Francisco, CaL, said
Van Nattaa aaaif nor to aaul Davia,
i. A grease cup comprising a cup
open at one end and having a dis
charge opening formed in the opposite
end, a cover for the cup, a floating
ring vertically movable and turn-
ably mounted on the exterior of the
cup, said ring having a movement
substantially from end to end of the
cup, a Dan rigidly connected to tne
cover and pivotaliy connected to the
floating ring, said bail permitting tilt
ing of the cover with relation to the
cup and the ring, and means for se
curing the cover to the cup.
1,480,976. PATCH FOR INNER
TUBES. Charia. C. Wight, Saa
Antonio, Tex.
2. A cementiess patch tor inner
tubes comprising an outer layer of
cured rubber, an adjacent layer of
raw gum or rubber, a layer of adhe
sive or cushioning rubber adjacent
said layer of raw or gum rubber, and
a protecting layer of glazed canvas,
the la vers of cured rubber and raw
gum or rubber being vulcanized to
Howard H. Brookor, Now York,
N. Y.
I. The combination with a gas tank
of a cap suitably secured to said
tank, said cap having a cover com
prising a lower portion and a cover
therefor, said cover being hinged to
the lower portion, a lock mounted in
said cover, a lock bolt operated by a
key in said lock, there being a Ut
formed in said lower portion tvaicn
permits the cover to be raised when
the key is turned and a cros tongue
on said bolt which prevents ;ue with
drawal of the key except when' the
lock bolt is in locking position.
Maxwell Chrysler Cos. Get
Largest Orders in His
tory of Industry
63,776. RADIATOR CAP. Frank
E. ChrUtaaaoa, Nocodak, WU.
The ornamental design tor a radia
tor cap, as shown.
1,479,829. DEVICE FOR REMOV.
GROOVES. Carl H. Ol.on aad
Walter F. Pago, Boston, Mass.,'
aaairaors to The Morgan Manu
facturing Compear, Incorporated,
Koobo, N. H., a Corp or a tie a of
Now Hampshire.
6. A device for. removing carbon
from piston ring grooves, comprising,
in combination, a holder, means
mounted thereon for disintegrating the
carbon in a piston groove and mean.
mounted on the holder for following
the disintegrating means to clear t!ie
carbon from the groove.
DETROIT, Mich., Feb. 3. Two
or me largest orders lor motor
cars were recorded In the history
of the industry have been placed
in the past two weeks--and both
of them have ; coorae to the same
coir pa ny.
The Maxwell Motor Corporation
of Detroit is the manufacturer.
The John H. Thompson company.
Maxwell-Chrysler-Chalmers dealer
in Detroit and the DeCoten Motor
company, dealers for the same cars
in Newark, N. J., placed the ord
The Thompson organization pur
chased two million dollara worth
of Maxwell cars, alone. The com
pany states that it expects to dis
tribute these; cars in Detroit and
vicinity before July 1. In ad
dition to tne Maxwell, tne com
pany expects to sell every Chrysler
car which the factory can possibly
deliver to them in that period.
The order entered by the DeCo-
zen company calls for something
more than a million dollars worth
of motor cars, all of which are to
be sold in a comparatively small
section of Xjw Jersey a com
paratively small state. , These ord
ers represent approximately ten
full train loads of Maxwell and
Chrysler cars.
The Chrysler. It will be remem
bered, was first introduced to the
public at the New York automobile
how. It is the latest product of
Walter P. Chrysler, and was easily
the outstanding attraction at the
New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo,
Cleveland and Detroit shows. This
past week It ; has held the lime
light at Chicago. Automotive ex
perts predict for the car a remark
able degree of success because of
its fine adaptability to modern
needs and to condition of traffic
and parking.
Mr." Chrysler is of the opinion
that the two immensely large ord
ers which the Chrysler-Maxwell
i organization,, has received from
two of its prominent city dealers
is an accurate indication of the
continuance of excellent business
; for motor car manufacturers
throughout 1924.
A Long Time- Investment
Every Dodge Brothers Sedan body is steel
built throughout sills, pillars, panels,
frames and all.
This all-steel design exclusively a Dodge
Brothers feature possesses certain prac
tical advantages which recommend it most .
emphatically to the closed car buyer.
It reduces cost, assures a structural preci
sion which is particularly evident in the,
snug fit of doors and windows, and results,
in a staunchness of construction which
guarantees to the owner a long time invest
ment and a long time satisfaction.
474 S. Commercial. Phone 423
Eleven Favored Counties 1
Enrich Their Cultivators
BERKELEY. CaL, Feb." 2.
Eleven counties in the United University of California.
States produce vegetables with a
yearly sale value for each exceed
ing $2,000,000, it is announced by
the Division of Olericulture at the
Four of the 1 1 are in California,
They are the counties of Sacra
mento and San Joaquin, in the cen
tral part of the state, and the coun
ties of Los Angeles and Imperial,
out increas-
v '
iking Valueat $295
In the south. New Jersey, with
Gloucester and Cumberland, has
two of the bumper vegetable crop
counties, and so has Florida In the
counties of Seminole and Manatee.
The others are Cook .county, 1111-
Bois; Middlesex county, Maseach--
uuessts, and Copiah county, Miss
. J 1 A - . T- ! J4
According 10 me uuneroiij ui- i , i i 'l
the four California counties Unairman At A. A.. LeglSId-
in a single year sold vegetables for (
some $13,500,000. The ten lead
ing vegetables raised in this state,
some of them shipped as far away
as Atlantic seaboard, are musk-
mellons, tomatoes, onions (dry),
cabbages, green peppers, cauliflow
ers and watermelons.
The University of California, in
addition to its regular classes in
farming subjects, is offering a
correspondence course in truck
tive Board Before Ways
and Means Committee
Considering the improved ing its cost to the purchaser,
appearance of the new Ford Acomparisonextendingover
Touring Car, one would
naturally expect a propor
tionate advance in price.
a long period of years will
reveal thefactthatthepresent
price is actually the lowest
, V t. at which the five-passenger
lrgerscaiecuuuw been soR
ever, has made it possible to .
incorporate in this new type TheFordTouringCar stands
tourine car a number of de- today, as it always has, a most
n ... ;
cided improve
ments with-
and having paid over $580,000,000
in five years, the motorist feels
that he is entitled -in 1924 to be
relieved in part at least .from taxes
levied in 1918 for a purpose which
has long since been accomplished."
. Major Britton stated that he felt
satisfied that Congress would nev
er have imposed the war excise tax
on repair parts had Congress fully
realized that such a tax is a tax on
misfortune. There is no precedent
A smashing frontal attack on toe stated, for Congress snowing a
the retention in 1924 of the war disposition to tax the misfortune
excise tax of five per cent on mot- of its citizens. Under the provi
or vehicles, ' tires, accessories and sions of the present law, an auto
repair parts imposed in 1918 was mobile owner must pay five per
made before the Ways and Means cent tax on a repair part of bis
Committee of the House of Repre- autamobile required to replace
sentatives on Thursday by Major one which he had the misfortune
Roy F. Britton of St. Louis, chair- to break. He paid the tax on the
man of the Legislative Board of part when he purchased his car
"has shown a disposition ta re- out by J. S. Marvin, general traf
move war taxes on transportation, flc manager, National Automobile
There now remains the tax on teU Chamber of Commerce. - The rail'.
ephone, telegraph and leased wires
and the tax on the motor vehicle
in this classification." The mo
torists of the country, he stated,
are asking that a beginning be
made at this Congress toward tho
ultimate elimination of the 'ar
excise tax on individual transportation.
Parts and Tire Used Additional
210,000 Rail Cant in 1022
the American Automobile Associa
After presenting his argument
that this tax is discriminatory, a
nuisance tax a far as accessories
are concerned, and a tax on mis-
"Congress," said Major Britton,
More than 540,000 carloads of
assembled automobiles and 210,
000 carloads-of parts and tires
were handled by the railroads last
road revenue from ; these huga
shipments Is estimated at $200,-
000,000. n; , , .
More than a million machines
were driven over the highways to
destination by dealers and 80,00(1
shipped by boat.
Notwithstanding the great in
crease in this traffic, reports in
dicate that railroads maintained
a more adequate supply of freight -cars
at the factories than ever be
fore. ' ' ' '
' The missing HnV between tho
sublime and the ridiculous Is found
in the fellow who tries to get
thrills by building a home-made
year, according to figures given racing body for his fllrter.''
Approximately $6000 worth of
reconditioned used cars were sold
out of the Certified Public Motor
Car Market during the three weeks
in January when the place was f0rtUDe in the case of the tax paid
open for business. Considering alr Dart. Major Britton
the season it is seen that the pub-'
lie is taking favorably to the new
method of merchandising used au
tomobiles. This Salem market is in close
touch with the used car values in
Portland and other Pacific Coast
cities. Because of the information
thus at hand and because of the
service rendered the public will
be able to buy used cars for a fair
price and get real value, for their
( Continued from page 6)
T1ucmrcsbt0bUind 'through tht
value in the
motor car field.
Valley Motor Co.
9fi4 North Hieh Phone 1995
whlchup to May 23, 1923 provid
ed for an additional rate of 1 cent
per gallon on all kinds of motor
vehicle fuels, the additional tax
after that date being 2 cents per
According to Mr. Kozers
statement, gasoline sales during cense
1923 represent an increase of
more than 27 per cent over those
of 1922, distillate sales having ad
vanced approximately 47 per cent.
Of the amount collected under
the law of 1921 there has been re
turned un to January 26, 1924, the
pointed out that the automobile
owner is the most taxed individual
both as to the number and variety
of special and general taxes im
posedupon him by the Federal,
state, county and municipal taxing
nnits. The automobile owner re
siding in the city often pays as
many as seven' kinds of taxes in
addition to; the four levied on
him by the Federal Government
whenever he purchases a car, tfre,
accessory or repair part accord
ing to Major Britton. The follow
ing classes bf taxes were listed aa
an example of the extent to which
the motorist is made to pay by tne
various taxing units.
1. State license fees.
2. City license fees.
3. . State gasoline tax (in 38
4. " State personal property tax.
5. City personal property tax.
6.. State or city driver's li-
7. State title registration lees.
In some instances the counties
add three Biore taxes by duplicat
ing teh license, gasoline and per
sonal property tax.
In calling the excise war tax on
motor vehicles, tires, accessories
sun of $119,562.19 to operators of and repair parts discriminatory.
Major Hritton staiea inai au utuci
class of citizen pays so many tax
farm tractors, motor boats, com-
mtriHil rlAnnine establishments.
rmr..nt tn that nrovUion cs on one article of use as the mo
" ' " - - a I . 1 -
authorizing refunds of taxes on tonsU "Tne auiomou,, .
such motor vehicle fuels as are sential instrument of commerce,
used for purposes other than in furnishing, transportation ior u
the operation of motor vehicles msn beings and commodities and
upon the public highways. oiyiwiim.ii-"
Motor vehicle fuels taxes are economy, voiniC.v..l. ----
credited to the State Highway line or a majoruy oi .
Fund, becoming available for ex- tion. sam Major nruum.
penditure in the construction and only does it meet the present day
f .tilo Vilirfewavn" I DeceSSllV IOT inomuui iiu.K.
tatton but it orings 10 me owuci.
r AnnvKrn,. onlthet I hla familv and friends, services.
-Affia' win tah the con! coiiveniences i and pleasures not
science of a Boston drinking man, I possible prior to the advent of this
t ... tnfanrfad (n hnt drink-1 form of transDortation.
era elsewhere show a scurrilous 4 "Having willingly met the war
tendency to scoff at the epithet, 'taxes levied for a specific purpose J
The Willys-Knight sleevevalve engine gives you
quiet, silky action. Closed bodies remarkably free
from power rumbles and vibration. No noisy
cams. No bother with carbon. No valves to,
grind. This engine improves with use! Touring
$1175; Sedan $1795, 1 o. b. Toledo.
1 J"'