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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1923)
SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1923 PORT Srlere, There amid Everywhere.. Fisher" Raising .the Family- It sounded fair enougn at the start f in SALEM TODAY Senators and Woodmen of Portland Will Battle for ' State Title . THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON BALL C1E Tha baseball season for tba Sa. lem Senators will close today with a game at Oxford field to de termine the semi-professional in dependent championship of the state between the Senators and the Woodman tam of Portia Id. Salem made a claim of the championship a week ago when it defeated the Arleta club of Port land, but the Portland Woodmen protested and said that Salem bad no right to such a claim nnless the. Senators could win over the "Woodmen. - Manager Harry Wen deroth told them to come on, and they will .be; here today. : Ashby "will pitch again for Salem today. It Is believed the game will draw the biggest crowd of the sea son. '. - Coast League : i ' ' At Eanr Francisco R. H. E- TorUand 4 11 2 San Francisco 10 17 1 ; rCrumpler.C MIddleton, . Bench and Daly, Geary and Telle. - . At Los' Angeles" R. H. Seattle Loa Angeles '.;- . . . .... 9 14 -0 Gardner, rDennlson and Yaryan; Hughes and Rego. :, " Second game R. H. F. Seattle -.. -i;-. .' ...... . 8 10 ? 2 loa Angeles ... ...... ... 5 11 : 2 Blake' and Tobln; Douglas and Byler.; . v , At Sacramento R-'H; E. Vernon . . . '. . . . , i . .0 9 1 Sacramento . irt.'tW i 5 9 f 1 Christian and Whitney; Fittery and Koehler. ; : - At Salt Lake R. H. E. Oakland ....... .. . . j 9 15 3 Salt Lake 8 11 0 . Mills' and Baker; McCabe and Peters. ' r" ' . ' - : - : - -' OUR FALL : FABRICS ii Axe unquestionably the finest-that we have ever had in stock. ! . " '. ' There is not a conceivable shade or weave that we are not able to fjurnish you. If you appreciate good tailoring you should call and ion plates. w f ORMoshea- 474 Court FIRST PRACTICE1 AT 1 WILLAMETTE BRINGS ; '26 MEN UPON: FIELD Twenty-eix of.the Bearcat grid men answered the call, pt Coach Guy L. Rathbun and appeared for practice in the initial workout yesterday. Patton, Sherwood and Stolzhelse were back .from, the squad of last year .and more vet erans are expected to arrive dur ing the first f next week. Fans Are Confident Fans who watched the . two hour workout given the men yes terday are confident of a splendid showing for: the Bearcat squad during the coming eeason. The turnout was the largest that has ever -, appeared j lor a lirst-oay practice, and iff Is probable that the number will: be increased to between 40 and . 50-' Within the next few days.l4The spirit with which the men are entering their NEW see our new fash Phone 260 The Pride of Possession There's an instinct common to us all the desire to accumulate something;, u ... . In the small takes the form of collecting marbles, stamps, pieces of string, knives and the many other things you 'find in a boy's pockets. But in their elders it becomes stocks, bonds, money and other valuables." . . i - You'll find a wonderful gratification in satisfying-that instinct with an account at the United States National. - ' work is the stuff victors are made of. The. Bearcats see the chance of a brilliant season ahead under a coach in whom they have 'every confidence and they . are turning their ambitions into bard practice. It will take lots of hard prac tice in the next two weeks to beat Oregon, on Sept." 29. Generally speaking, . the material which turned out yesterday is raw and unscarred.i Oregon expects to have 13 'regulars from last yeas back, Willamette, has but a few Oregon's . line will a probably f be heavy, whereas thet Bearcat line will be unusually light, the heav lest man so far tipping the scales at about 180. .: More Men Coming Willamette's chances, however. have not all been told about, and will not be until the latter part of next week when all of its men have reported. "Rumor has it that new men are coming to fill sev eral gaps where Willamette needs new strength most. : Stolzhelse is in excellent shape. having spent the summer In the harvest fields. Patton and Sher wood are In- equally 'good condi tion and the three alone would be first class material ' around which to build a fighting machine. There are a few men, - though light, who give promise of devel oping unusual speed and this may eventually be a Bearcat strong hold. x - : - V' ' ;v::.. j. Coach Impresses Onlookers . Observers yesterday were more than pleased at the way in which Coach Rathbun handled his men He got hard work out of them, work which It continued, may hand Oregon a big surprise.- "X can't tell yet," la the only comment the, coach , has to make on the season's outlook, "the men are new to me and I'll have to see them work first. I will say though that they are showing a fine spirit." . " ' ' These Were Out ' Those who turned out for yea terday's practice are Patton, Stolzhelse, Sherwood, Caughlan, Hiday, Wilkerson, Oliver. Find, ley, Logan, f Briggs, Fasnacht, Hanson, Atkinson, Erikson, Bond, United States National Bank .' Salem. Oregon I PACIFIC COA8T LEAGUE W. ' Pet. .610 .582 .533 .485 .468 .452 ' .453 .415 San Francisco Sacramento ... Portland 8attU , Los Ant-eles Salt Lake Oakland . Vernon .. ...105 ... 99 ... 90 ... 81 . SO 76 ... 78 ... 71 67 71 79 88 91 2 94 100 NATIONAL LEAGUE W. Prt .614 .587 .586 .536 .514 .489 .833 .381 New York .:. 86 Pittsburgh .., 81 Cincinnati ... 82 ' Chicago .. . . 74 St. Ixrals .U... 71 Brooklyn .. 67 Philadelphia 45 Boston ...a ... 45 54 57 58 64 67 70 90 91 AMERICAN LEAOUB W. U New York 'I; ... 90 ' 46 Cleveland . 71 60 Detroit .. .. 67 62 St. Loa is 66 63 Washington 64 69 Chicago . 59 73 Philadelphia i 55 74 Boston 53 78 P-t .662 .541 Ztl o a .447 .426 .405 Pleteher. KInley. Bolsiger, XThap in, Rhodes. Phillips, White, Nunn. Hisey, White and Pierce. National League ... - . ,, . , At Chicago R. II. E. New .York ........... 2 11 1 Chicago . ..... .. ..... 3 8 0 " Watson, Barnes, McQuillan and Gowdy, Snyder; Kaufmann, Alex ander and O'Farrell. i At Cincinnati Boston .'. .......... Cincinnati . . ........ : Benton, Genewlch, R. H E. 5 14 0 7 16 2 Filllngim and Gibson; R. Benton. Keck and Hargrave. , At St. Louis First game R. II. E. Philadelphia ......... 2 7 2 St. Louis 0 3 0 : Glazner and Henline; Stuart and "McCurdy. . Second game'- , , R. H. E. Philadelphia 0 3 1 St. Louis ,. 6 11 0 Mitchell, Couch, Head and Wil son, Obrien; Doak and NIebergall. At Pittsburgh First game . R. H. E. Brooklyn . .......... . 1 10 . 1 Pittsburgh , 4 7 0 X Ruether and Taylor; Meadows and Schmidt. Second game R. H. E. Brooklyn ..... . . . . . . .13 19 0 Pittsburgh ; . .... i ... 2 8 0 Grimes and Taylor; Morrison, Stelneder and Gooch. ' : American League M At New York R. H. E. Chicago . . 4 9 4 New York i .......... 10 13 ' '2 Robertson, 1 Blankenship and Crouse ; Jones and Scbang. I At Washington-- R. H. E. Detroit ....... fc.J... ..8 11 0 Washington ........ . 9 8 3 Johnalon, WHItehlll, tfJalloway and Bassler; Zahniser, Marberry and Ruel. At. Boston R. H. E. Cleveland 6 g 0 Boston ......... ..11 12 2 Morton, Sullivan. Drake, Boone, Metevier, Bedgood and O'Neill, Myatt, Sewell; Ehmke and Pici- nich. . : i LEAGUE STANDINGS OREGON PULP & PAPER CO. Salem, Ore gov e . I t ' ' ' ' - MANUFACTURERS Sulphite," and Manila Wrappings, also Butchers Wrap pings, Adding Machine Paper, Greaseproof, Glassine, Drug Bond, Tissue, Screenings and Specialties. Phone 1249. UNION ABSTRACT COMPANY Before parting with your money for a deed " ' or mortgage, be assured that the title is O. K. by ' securing a reliable abstract. U. S. Page, Pretident V. E. Hasten, Secretary ' At Philadelphia - R. IL E. St. Louis ..i. ........ 1 5 2 Philadelphia ; 8 12 1 Kolp, Root and Collins; Rom mel and Perkins.- Second game R. II. E. St. Louis ............ 3 6 0 Philadelphia ........'.290 Vangilder and Collins; Hasty, Harris and Perkins. L 1 CONFERENCE Stanford's! PrfnnSfid Rllh n bo "?lvQairf Nnt Fnfnrrihlo - w ws vav Arbitrator Voted Down PORTLAND, Sept. 15; The Pacific coast! inter-collegiate ath letic conference, before 1 conclud ing its two-day session here to day adopted a rule prohibiting the practice of ''scouting" for pros pective athletes. . . The rule provides "that scout ing by anyone acting for a mem ber of the conference, or by any one representing student organ! zatlons, be prohibited." This was a substitute I for a much more drastic rule proposed by Dr. W. H. Barrow of Stanford, which the conference side-tracked as being "unenforcible." t. The proposal by the University of Southern; California that , an arbitrator be appointed to pass on all questions of eligibility, was voted down.-. The conference slightly amended the rule on sum mer baseball, but playing of Bern! professional baseball will still be permitted where the athletes re ceive money for playing only as a side Issue of another Job. " ' Paul Strand Beats His World Record as Hitter "SALT LAKE CTTY, Utah. Sept. 15. -Paul Strand, outfielder of the Salt Lake Pacific Coast league club, made his 290th safe hit of the 1923 season today and this broke his world's record of 2 8 9 safe hits established last year. The hit today which broke his re cord was made in the Oakland Salt Lake first game of a double header. ' Truth, between a man and wife, is stranger than friction! . Willamette Valley Transfer Co. Fast Through Freight to All VaUey PoinU Dqy. 8pl- Efficiency-Service SaJera-Portland-Woodburn Corvallis - Eugene - Jefferson Dallas Albany-Monmouth 1 Independence - Monroe ; ' S p r 1 k f I 1 df SHIP BY TRUCK 345 State SL CHAMP DHSHP NOT SETTLED FOB EOOD Firpo Determined to Stage Come Back -W ills Turns Deaf Ear to Rickard NEW YORK, Sept. 15. (By Associated "Press.)- Jack Demp sey and Luis Angel Firpo have not settled their title feud despite the world's , champion's smashing vic- tory over his Argentine rival last !night at the Polo Grounds In a swirling, cyclonic , drams un paralelled In ring annals. Firpo, in defeat, was acclaimed by critics as a more dangerous challenger than ever and tonight Tex Rickard announced be already bad plans under way for a sec ond chmpionship . fight between these two mighty gladiators. It cannot take .place before next summer, the promoter declared. but if it materializes, he hopes to stage the match about July 1, 1924, probably in New York. Meanwhile, Rickard added, he is ready to match Firpo and Harry Wills, New Orleans' negro, who has been clamoring for a title matcn with Dempsey for more than a year. - The promoter, who has already signed Firpo to a contrct to fight Wills here pre ferably next April in the Argen tine, said he would seek Wills' IT PAYS TO HAVE Your Suits Mads to Measure . YOU HAVE a greater veriety of materials from which T toi choose. ? You get better fabrics, better tailoring and better fit ting clothes. They hold their shape to the last day day they ; are worn. Our selection of fine worsteds is the largest shown in the state and our prices are extremely low. 7 i .' ; $29.50 to $49 j . ' - SCOTCH WOOLEN mil LLS 426 State Street signature to a contract guarantee ing the victor a bout with Demp sey. Wills', so far, however, has turned - a deaf ear to Rickard 'a proposal, preferring to press his claims for a fight with the champion. WILLIAM USUI HEADS IK Indications are that the major ity of the Sunday pleasure seek ers will avail -themselves of the last auto race of the season and motor to Independence today.- In dependence is but twelve miles AND MOTORCYCLE RAGES INDEPENDENCE ADMISSION 75c We neexl a few more entries for the stock car race. Bring on the old bus anci see if she can still step. Liberal prizes. LET VH BR William Christ iance Artistic Stage Terminal Bldg. Try Our Service Department distant from Salem and as the track is undeniably the fastest In this section of the country the races should be very good. ' The races are being managed h Wm niAnn nf Salem ' & man mihn taa tins! will a eTTMr!ann on the Canadian circuit and la well equipped to put over a real racing event.-' : ' The grounds are to be well policed so that there will be no danger of accidents and adequate provisions are being made for the parking of cars at a safe distance from the tracks' so that one can witness the race from the comfort of their' car. There will be no charge for parking. ' Classified Ads in The Statesman Bring Results v YOUR TAILOI1 Tailoring Phone C?3 for Cleaning and Presdcj