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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1923)
t. ARLETfl OflMES FOB TOO Baseball , Both Today and . iiumorrow to begin at 3 t O'clock Afternoon . Today and Monday the Senators and the Arleta cluh team will xneei Oxford field j two game series. Speck. JCeene, who is back-from a honeymoon, will be to a Senator suit Sunday and Monday. Bill Relnhart, one of the J8t vbaU .Jayer,rod6ed..Jn Salem, and having a college repu tation, will also be her and may rlay) second base. y7 w .-1 4 1 meeting- the Arleta team the Senators iwill nee av strong1 line up. as the Portlanders were? the victors in a gam played with Xhe Senators several 'months ago by a score Of 2 to.?-" t if the Sunday game Keene will plaj , first taets With Adblph hold ing i the bench and ready to play In easer Keene shanjd go; in for Ashby i at s ; pitching, .la hard? pressed: moment." Humphries will be away for the two games.- . The game Monday will be play ed n the afternoon, beginning at 3f o'clock." Considerable investi gation on theVpart .f Manager Harry Wenderoth ; revealed , the fac that few fans would. attend . both the game and the auto races, providing the game was played in the morning. A majority of the players were in favor of playing in the, afternoon and the matter waft settled The game will begin it j3 o'clock on toth Sunday and Monday ..-',' '- : I ij. CQUGILS DISTURB i , f - -1 v : r SCHOOI WORK School teachers should give the s&xne advice to children who, have coughs as did this Florida teach er, "I recommend FOLEY'S HONEY9 AND TAR to the1 child ren in my school who . had the 'flu and good results came when ever it was used," writes. Mrs. L, Armstrong. Okeechobee, : Florid. Foley's Honey and Tar contains - no opiates. Ingredients printed on the wrapper. Quickly relieves colds, coughs and croup. -Sold everywhere.; -Adv. CLOVERDALE CLOVERDALE, Ori, Sept. 1. I E. Hennis and F. Schamplerre are shingling a barn for George Staples. On f Wednesday evening a fine big boy, arrived k at the j Kipper home."," 1 .J : L. EHennis has given his resi dence a new coat of paint. I Mrs. Lydia Schif f erer . has had hf r sister? visiting her, the past reekv ' . i Ernest ;Kunke and his children ; of Portland have been spending their vacation here wKh his moth er,! MraC. Junfce.., .... ,.; ,,, Boyd . Wilson of Portland who has been spending Ws vacation here, returned to Portland last Monday. I Mrs.: Delia Blaco returned last week from Newport where she Epent. the summer. , t'.. I The: women of Surprise Grange T7ork,;.club, were, entertained by Mrs W. .F, Wright last Tuesday, j Mrs. Helen Butzky accompanied Mrs. Day :to ,t Oregon City , last Thursday returning home Sunday evening. . . . ,7':. . . '. '. . t John Thomas expects his family home- from. Newport, Sunday. . " Fred Schifferer and family mo tcred tb Silrerton Sunday ' and spent the day. , ! nJ SHOCKS " 'FELT 3 i SAN JOSE, Cal., r Sept. ,1. Earth ahocks ' Of severe propor tions with the epicenter approxl riately".' 6,000 miles jeast or-west ct this city were recorded last evening, by Lick, Observatory on llount Hamilton and by the obser vatory of the University of Santa . Clara. ' .r.u-H- ' TO FILM KIPLING'S "KIM.- . 1' 1 "aude Adams will go to India - to direct the making of a mo. i lion, picture of "Kim." Rod-. ' Kipling, wno never before , - I as permitted anyjf his copy-. j:!.ted work to be filmef.-)e- . ns Jed with Miss,' Adams that 1 boy pLy "Kim and that tha ;;;;:re be mad? fejsiis, . ; GflMFS HERE fi u THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON r . . . -. .... . .. ' " Four Acts Vaudeville ? HOOT GIBSON -In ' "The Gentleman from America." i - :i-'J ' CSRAND - !m j ,., ! ."Out of the Dust"; ' LIBERTY' : I , ; Trailing African Wild Anl-:. imala. . , . ; . .f . - j ; . . by -: -' OREGON j ; "Bluebeards 8th Wife" .Setting about to choose the 300 moat ! beautiful girls , tn motion pictures sounds like staggering task. But members of the com mittee who chose that number of beauties for "Poor Men's Wives," at Preferred Picture which opens at the Liberty Theatre j starting Thursday, were not in the least alarmed. l ji -i.-.v For weeks before the --actual staging of the contest, the Indus try was combed - thoroughly for all the available beauties not un der contract. Then came the con test, and for days the entire staff of Schulberg cameramen ground ceaselessly on contestant after contestant, while the studio lot overflowed with anxious .beauties. - The committee, composed of B. P. Schulberg f the ' producer of "Poor Men's Wives," Gasnier, the director of (the feature, Barbara LaMarr, Betty Francisco. David Butler, members of the cast, and Eve Unoel.l, scenario chief of the Schulberg forces, watched tests for an entire daf, jind after care ful conference, announced the lucky, winners. , ; . . . The winners were awarded an opportunity to appear in the great ball-room scenes - of ''Poor Men's Wives," which are said to be among the most elaborate and beautiful ever filmed. ; 'Youth to Youth," the first of Metro's . special stories series in which Miss Billie Dove appears at the head of a distinguished cast of players. Is booked to appear Tuesday at the Liberty theatre. Those who have seen early show ings of the picture had , it as one of the most satisfying- screen plays of the season. A - famous author, a capable director, ah ex traordinary cast in a story of rare excellence should certainly pro vide a photoplay of wide appeal. Hor&srt Footner . wrote the story on which -Youth to Youth" Is based. ' The action was direct ed by Emile Chautard, who is widely known as a director of un usual ability.- The players cho-l sen to enact the roles of the pic ture include many who nave been themselves starred and featured in photoplays. Among them are Billie Dove, who makes, her de but as a .Metro player; Cullen Landls, one at the moat .promising leading -men of -the screen ;- Edy the.'Xhapman, . Zizu., Pitts, Noah Beery, Sylvia Ashton. Mabel Van Buren, Paul Jeffley, Hardee Kirk land, LouIse Macintosh, Lincoln Steadman, Jack Gardner, Carl Gerard and others. - J GiR AND e p.? LAST TIMES TODAY Don't miss this It's trig as they make 'em! A tre mendous spectacle of . pioneer day based on- Reming ton's famous paintings. See the covered wagons, the Indian fighting, share the thrills of 'civilization's ad- , vance guard that fought its way to Oregon. PRICES-Lower , Floor 50c Balcony 35c r ' J TOMORROW ONLY Ji onminniy' : (In AND FIVE OTHER BIG ACTS The story of "Youth to Youth deals with the theatre In all its phases. ' ' :r ; Edith Kennedy adapted the etory to the screen. Arthur Mar tiaelli -photographed the film. FOX SM ALLEY, a lovier pair of vaudeville's finest who present a decided musical, i singing - nd whistline offering that will un- o uestionabl v Dlease. - They are both young and full of pep which Duts their numbers over with a bang, This is a refreshing num ber and always registers a hitt. At the. Blight today. , i FRANKLIN &. LEE will offer a singing and dancing act which ranks with the best of specialties on this order. Their routine con tains different styles of dancing with grace tht Is bound to win approval. Miss Lee is a daughter of the famous Silbor Family of dancers and has followed the pro fession of the stage since she was four years old. .. Mis Lee -was born on the stage of the Wigwam theatre, San Franeisco, California and is now the. mother of baby girl of four who can dance as well as she could at the same age. At the Bligh todap. VICTORIA' & FRANK, a lady nd gent who present a-gymnastic novelty different from what you have seen, in this theatre late ly. . You cannot afford to f miss this sensational novelty. It Is an act' while it only runs nine min utes contains world of. novel ties that are bound to appeal to the enthusiasm and. entertainment of the audience, and: will repay any one to witness it. At the Bligh today. . .r.:, .. MAHONEY JbTALBERT, two clever chaps who deliver a - new line of comedy and songs in a manner that will please the most fastidious. These, boys are excel lent showmen and put their ma terial over in a business like man ner. - When . it -comes ' to- voices these boys are second to none and when you hear them you -will ad mit that their equal re hard to find. The act is clean, classy and up to the minute and will furnish plenty of laughs and entertain ment: At the Bligh today. ENTRY LIST LARGE r4 FOR MONDAY flACES (Continued from page 1.) hia assistant. Judges will be F. C. 'Delano and Ralph Thompson. Timekeepers ; are Laurence Sim mons, Eugene; P. A. Eiker, W. Moon and T. G. Bligh, Salem. WUliam McGUchrlBt, Jr., la man ager for the dance while tickets are In charge of Beatrice Crawford Newcomb- BuaseUe brothers will have charge' of the floor.""" The following - vaudeville pro gram, announced today for the first time, will he offered; begin ning at 7:30 o'clock In the evon- Ing: 1 I .1 Songs You'll Love to Hear Ly- : t .w -1 Person) & : i' T? man McDonald. ' ' : Cartoons and Chalk Talks, .T, E, McCaroskey. . ' J " ' Nonsensical Nonsense, Clarence Porter, -Portland. 1 ' I wouldn't Fool You For the World, Victor Trask. OAC. Pleasing solos, Oscar Gingrich. Community singing, led by Os car Gingrich and Clarence Porter. The Salem Hospital. Address by Governor Walter M. Pierce. ' "Dance.; Lott, who is prominent as a race driver and promoter; was asked to take charge of entries for the big event and was busy all last week signing up some of the fastest cars in Portland, southern Oregon and the Puget sound region. t ... Line-np of Racers Up to j last night 19 cars ' had been! signed up, every one of which is known as a fast mount. The line-up includes the follow ing: f '' - I .-.-- ; r ';-"j - Fronty Ford, entered by George1 Smith, Portland. . j Stuts special. Dodge special and Ford special, all entered by Walter Blume of North Bend. Stephens' special, entered by Pat Reed of Portland-. Spark i Plug, entered by Ira Cook, Silv'erton. u ' ") Walker " special, entered' by Glenn Walker, Portland. f Maxwell special, entered by Bert Donovan , Med ford. " : . : :-1 ; H. C.i S. special, entered by Glenn Walker, Portland, i H Dassenberg straight , eight, , en tered by, George. Lptt. Portland, Dodge special, J. V.' Butters, Seattle, is" Dodge special, Jean Romana, Seattle, j' :i f : Hispanola special, Dov Mc- Kinnon, Tacoraa. i ; j Ford special, Bob Grumm, special, . Ira Hayes, Seattle. ; Dodge Seattle. J A Mercer special, Dan Voss, Port land. . j y ' ' '' ' ' Maxwell special, Bill Dozier, Portland. ! Ford .special. Bill Alexander, Portland.1 1 ' Dodge ' special, Paul Young, Medford. i Salem List to Come ' ' The above entry list does not Include any of the Salem boys, and it is expected the total num ber of entries will be swelled by half a doxen more when the Sal em list is received. ' ' Included on the list of those to Compete Monday are at least two who ' are" new to the track this year and are expects to give good ' accounts of themselves. These are Jean Romana of Seat tie and 5 Bill Alexander' 'of : ' this city. Bothhave bad years of ex perience on the dirt track !and have held' some : of the fastest northwest records. Romana' will be remembered' by Portland fam as the man who - drove the Rose City speedway track with Bob Burman in the record time of 47 seconds, while Bill Alexander will be remembered as the pilot bf the old Snyder special, whlch In Its day was about the fastest thing on four wheels In these parts. Big Crowd Expected -r The fact that the races will oc- cur on Labor day, and that the r 1) icls dazzling best in this picturi- 4 zation of the tremendous stage s saccees. r The story of a - modem Bine beard and the girl who put a happy nd to his matrlmoaial marathon. ' & . iX-Xr-XX X:XnrXmX COUXG FRIDAY 11 t'7 '. ; Good 7 - ys Whom .jSS You fe&" Will BBElikfc See hand i v6v 1 At - i p?SD6lk. g ine aotocps .: k" : : Salem ' : y Auto - ; - ' fSy. ; Races ; ( eights IsyA, 3 T.6.BU6M WHO hold A 5tof vvyvrrcH- At T4AE AUTO RACES LABOR. C event is in the nature of a benefit for the Salem hospital association, are expected to bring out one of the largest crowds which has ever filled the Salem stands. Gover nor Pierce, Mayor Baker of Port land and Tommy Gibbons, heavy weight fighter who is now in Portland, have been Issued spe cial Invitations to attend the races and are expected to be present. f The program ie scheduled to be gin at 2:30 o'clock ' and will be as' follows: ' ' Ope mile against time, car making fastest time being award ed ''eilver loving cup. Attempt Whl be made to lower track re cord of 31 2-5 seconds, held by Gui Daray of Portland. i ;'"Six-mIle dash for cars of 230 coble Inches piston displacement or under. - M Ten-mile dash for cars of 230 cubic inches piston displacement or under, non-stock. . j . : , , ''Fhre-mile race for cars valued ifnot more than f 50, owner be ing" obliged to sell any car en tered In the race for that sum to OREGON TODAY AND TOMORROW Mr. Chas W. Hawley, Jr. Has returned after a . month's -absence and -will preside at the 1 BIG WURLITZER SUNDAY MORNING, vviLU any purchaser during the race or immediately afterwards. Thirty-five mile race, free to all non-stock cars. J President Coolidge Sends , Sympathy to Yoshithito WASHINGTON, Sept. 1. Pres ident Coolidge tonigbt addressed the' Emperor Yoshihito of Japan a message of sympathy on the part of himself and the American peo ple for the sufferers from tho earthquake in Japan. "At the momentt.wb.enjthe news of the great disaster ) which has befallen the people of Japan s being i received," the presidents message said, "I am moved to of fer yon in-my-own name and that of the American people the most heartfelt sympathy and to express to your majesty my sincere desire to be of any possible assistance in alleviating the terrible suffering to your people." f Read the Classified Ads. ONLY Irces Matinee Adults. - - 35c Children - - 10c Loges - - 60c I Evening Adultd - - 50c Children - - 20c Loges - - 75c COMING FRIDAY ;Hbll3rwood T J 1 SEPTEMBER 2,1023 TODAY I I 1 rprfinnf at as I ilflUIIOjjii HOOT GIBSON ... - X IN . " "THE GENTLEMAN FROM : r AMERICA" A Whirlwind in Action I - t : . HARRY CAREY ; in HAIR TRIGGER BURKE' Brownie the Dog Comedy GRAM TOMORROW THREE PERFORMANCES Matinee 2:30 Evening 7-9 P. JVI.' 7 Pi M. Show only Reserved Sale opens tomorrow. Prices iMatinee, . Lower Floor $1.10; Balcony 85c; Gallery 55c; Evening. Lower Floor $1'.65: Balcony $1.10: Gallery 85c. j J l f,e. tvTAi ft II II f (T J 1 Tlie World's ' ., SsO?rx ,'-.;., Host Popular ' V: dnd ' I A , ) EL C OTAf : 3 r LIBERTY TODAY TOMORROW in U UB1A1U First Time Shown in Salem No Advance in Prices . fin The Finest Big Game Picture ocreen m i .-is jt e ' ' A'LiyECOMEDYi";p''lV:-"' 'p.')-. "BRINGING UP BUDIW! ( ' S ''' ' Ana----- v-.- ..,-:Vv; "FELIX ON THE TRAlt- ONLY Shows 2:30. 7,9p.m. No Advance In Prices Every-Shown on the Also COU c: in i - : f 'a i ; ' e: - , 1 4 " j ei : j o' " M 3tt y 1 II ti b y p tl 4