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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1923)
I, Hi X 'I - TOE OREGON STATESMAN. SAtEM. OREGON ' ' ' FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 10, 1923 ' & J, CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Theaters To CI : i Both the Oregon and Liberty playhouees will be closed this af ternoon, , for President Harding memorial.,' There will be no 2 o'clock opening:, ' the houses re maining dark until 5 o'clock; then : they will run . continuously until the last-show hour of the day. ; , v : ' Special Offering ! Mens suits 119.50. Good pat terns. , Conservative styles. See our windows. A. A. Clothing Co., Masonic Temple. Adv. V-V terdaj- when' a carload of wood j according to the weekly report of being transported on the Com mercial street track ran Info an open switch at State street. The switch 1;came open Just after the front truck of the car had passed over and the result was that rear trucks followed the siding while the front trucks went on the main line. ! It wa necessary to bring Picture on Exhibit "; "The Great Blue Heron." paint ed by R. Bruce Horsfal, an Ore gon artist specializing in bird life, Is to be on exhibit ait Miller's store for a few days. .'Jt has been pur chased by the Salem library through contributions of Salem residents. Monroe Gilbert of th Gilbert Art Studio donated the frame which has just been com pleted. The picture has not been entirely paid for and interested friends are being requested to leave j contributions toward the purchase price at the library. Mr. Horsfal deducted' 50 from the original purchase price when the another' work car up in order to get the car back on the track. IV'"- -7-T """" : r -Rowland Receive Divorce Glenn Rowland was awarded a divorce decree yesterday by Judge Percy R. Kelly on the ground of alleged infidelity. S The counple were! married in Salem on Octo ber 12, i922. the accident commission. They were: George W. Otey, Boyd, Or4 elevator manager; Elton E. Hen- ingen,- Clatskanle, laborer; 'Henry Johnson, Clatskanle, brakeman; Fred ; Daniels. Wendllng, logger. Of the total number of accidents reported, 735 were subject to the provisions of the workmen's com pensation act, 49 were from firms and corporations that have not elected to come under the act. and six were from public utllity corDorations not subject to the act. ' Lost! A Boston Terrier bull dog Reward lur return, zier Small. Phone 290. Bra- Summons Filed i Summons in the following cases has been filed with the county clerk: On N. Schmaltz by M. W Millar. $15,000 suit; on J. A. Ap- perle, S. A. i Pease and the State Bank of Portland et al by Georgia C. McCoy; i Annal L. White by Harold L. White, divorce, and on Louis and Kate Enners by Sam library expressed a desire for the! Hoffman, judgment for $400. . nlcture. Lent Files Appeal notice rnmntnv Desirable , Benjamin inw nonce oi y- Tyu.n nf JAffrson I Peal i lO ine supreme cuuii. uvum ... c.i.m vaei Wa Tina l tne judgment awwoea w " "-- I - 7 r, fn.f returned from California. Ron urowera p""'" having driven down . with Mrs. i Looney and their small daughter. ! Mrs. "Looney and her daughter re- : malned in California and Mr. Looney made the return trip ,' alone. He says the trip is far ' from desirable If taken alone. Mrs. 1 Looney is visiting in. Long Beach and will be there until the first J of the year. tidn In the lower court on June 19 was filed Thursday. : , -, y h Soecial Midsummer rree v. Dancing at Dreamland paturuay night, featuring M. C. Donald xf 'La An .teles on saxophone. Don't miss this. Everybody welcome. City and Farm Loans Lowest rates. J. C. Selgmund. Adv. Petitions For Guardian That either Cr Q. Schram or soma other suitable person should be appointed guardian . of M"rs. Jennie Howard was set forth n. a cetitlon filed In the county clerk's office yesterday by G. P. Mnrd. O- T! Snencer 'and C. C. Morris, -appraisers of the estate. which has a probable valuation of $1200 In real property In Salem. Two Connies Licensed n -Marriage I licenses were issuea yesterday to J. P. Stirniman, Pull man. Wash., and Hallie Gibson Salem; Lauren Herschel Volga mnr and Leta Louise Evans both of Silverton. S . Will Suspend Activity Activity at all the state insti tutions will be suspended today between the hours of 11 and 2, home, 1973 Mill street. Mr. Eyre was one of the pioneers in tn boys' and girls' club projects in Marlon county. He is a pioneer and leader in the revival and de- j velopment of the flax industry. and he has-always led in the cause of better farming and more busi- ness-llko farming methods. ' Flowers Contributed i The Mothers' Class of the First Methodist church has been mak ing weekly contributions of flow ers to the Salem hospitals during the present summer. Thursday is the regular flower day, and the flowers for this week numbered more than a scores of offerings, all the way from a single corsage bouquet to a huge basketful of beautiful blossoms. The flowers were distributed to the hospitals. with the best wishes of the busy but thoughtful donors memory of President .Warren Harding. State offices In the capltol will be closed throughout the day. E HAPPY OUTFIT Youths Enjoying Outing on Trask River Report -Multi-F plied Good Time A Classif led Ad- Will bring you a buyer Adv. Oregon Act Endorsed An act of the Oregon legisla ture at the 1923 session standard izing fire hose couplings has been endorsed by the Pacific Coast Fire Chiefs' association, now in session at Wallace. Idaho, accord ing to a telegram receivgd-by Will H. Moore, etate fire marshal, from G. W. Stokes, investigator for the department, who is attending tne convention. ? I Dance " Armory , 9 p. m. Saturday August 11, 1923, Given by STROLLER'3 Seven piece ORCHTSTRA Featuring Joe Pardee. $1.10. Ladies free. Adv. Brotherhood to Meet The regular August session of the Baptist Brotherhood is to be held at the First Baptist church parlors next Thursday evening. August 14. A fuller announce ment of the program is. to be is sued later. The sessions are usu ally well attended, the dining If ever there was a happy and busy outfit, it is the YMCA boys' camp out on Trask river in Tilla mook county. .The 55 boys who went over from Marion county un der the command of Bob" Board man and his able lieutenants, are too busy to be homesick,, to write letters to the home folks, to do anything at all but Just be busy and enjoy themselves. . Two of the Salem lads, however, have been detailed to report to the home people through the Statesman, and they have jotted down some of their random thoughts in this rather pungent fashion: "Dear Mr. Lisle: The sun la shining brightly today. We Just came from the swimming ' hole. and we have a dandy diving board and tower. The kids coyer them selves over with' sand, and lie on the beach. ' Some of the kids are so tanned that they look like real cannibals. "We had a big dog fight last night; all the tents go against each other. Ours ie in the lead so far. I guess we are the big gest dogs.. , ,Ed Soco and Whitehouse went Hawkins- & Roberts- City loans i lowest rates. Adv. LT E. '.Bean; Eugener attorney. has ; applied' to the , public service commission. In behalf at the SIus- law Boom company for an exten slon of two years on the franchise of that company on the s-lusiaw river. The franchise already has been held for two years, but the application states that there Is a considerable amount of improve ment work yet to bt done. taKlnn ttAlfio? tfimwrftAt bti4 fha 'nt'fw gram being very much worth on a trip yesterday and did not get while. Dinner Is served at 6:30 o'clock. Lions Postpone Meeting - The Friday luncheon of the Sa lem Lions club will not be held Portland Man Pays Fin Clarence Cohen of Portland was fined $5 by Judge Poulsen Thurs (lav on a charee of having im proper lights. The arrest made by Officer Shelton. S -y f- ; Trade Your Old Piano For a new Victrola or Bruns wick, ti. Im, aun r uriv-u" Adr. f ' Virm Denartment Called Ail defective wiring :i at . uou today, having been postponed out J Maple avenue called out the fire of respect to President Harding. department about o ciock isjji TVia itwiiimi n reached at a I niebt. Other than a burned cora meeting yesterday of the board of I no damage; was done directors. Hiidlo Broadcast TOnignr Broadcasting : from , the saiem Fire Loss Show Fire losses in Oregon for the month of July totaled $352,835, exclusive of losses in Portland, according to , the monthly state ment of Will H Moore, state fire was 1 marshal. The losses of $10,000 or more were: Arlington, wheat, $12,000: Arlington, one block in the business district, S7S,uou; Chiloquin. public garage. $22,000; Klamath Falls, mill. $25,000; Or egon City. Moose hall and garage. $10.00; St. Helens, mill. $100, 000: Wasco county, wheat, $21,- 250,- , v . . ..- Tuel Makes Escape- John Tuel, former Salem boy, has escaped from Kelly Butte, near Portland, where he was serv ing a sentence for implication in a store robbery. Tuel has a pris on record extending nacK seven years when be was sentenced for a trivial offence. He escaped sev eral times, was out on parole in Salem one year, forged a' check during that time and was return ed to the penitentiary. He was released just before his time ex pired only to get in bad again near "Portland. back until today. They looKea for a place for an over-night hike and we thonght they were lost, but they were Just having a good time.- - s "Cecil NIst Is going to ,have charce of the campfire, and fell us all about West Point, tonight Ha cradnated from there this Visit intr at lloseburg Mason Bishop and wife will mo tor to Roseburg 'today for a week end visit with Mrs. Bishop's broth er, R. R. Davidson, a' former Sa lem boy, but who now; lives on a farm south of the Douglas county shire town. They will be accom panied by Mrs. A. V. Davidson of Salem. Accidents Are Reported i , Accidents were reported to the At Portland Hospital- Carl W Emmons, who gradu- year. Sunday bod uoaraman tea memorial service in memory oi President Harding. Bob knew him for years back in Ohio. Yesterday we took a hike to the source of Trask river. We had a 'swell time, and caught a lot or fish. 1 ' "Our baseball team, the "Yes, We Have No Bananas." defeated the "Cat' Ankles" for the cham pionship today. I knocked , th ball into a big tree in the left field and it stayed there, but Chuck Hagemann shinnied up it so fast that he robbed me of a home run. Dumbell" Hulbert te a good baji player .until Bob starts to ran him and Hulbert starts to talk back and promptly misses the ball and strikes out. "We may hike over to the coast before we leave. Some of tne kids have never seen the ocean. and they want to go there if they can. One of the boys has a pet rab bit; and called it Charlie Chaplin; but it was a lady rabbit, so he changed and called It Agnes, after girl in one of the towns near Salem. Some girl, eh? 1 11 say so yes no! "Excuse me for writing so sel dom, but we have so much to do; I don't have much spare time. ' "Yours truly, IVAN WHITE." "Dear Mr. Editor: It's pretty hard for me to write, as I ate 10 warm pancakes for breakfast and I feel tired. But Mr. Yount says I've got to write or he'll make me help cut some wood, so here goes. "Bob Eyre Is getting to be tne champion wrestler among - the small kids in camp. I'll bet he'll be like, his uncle, Dave Eyre, who Is some "handball player. "Ed Soco leads the singing, out of the Klwanls song book. , I guess it makes Bob Boardman jealous, as he Is a Rotarian and kids Ed about the songs. ."Ralph Sipperell is the cham pion fish-catcher, and he caught a whopper last night. The kids say he talks to the fish and usee mentholatum to' grease the hook. Ed Cross is a funny kid; he don't eat any meat, and his dad is a meat man, too. Chuck Hagemann is the star baseball catcher on all the teams. He hit a long one out into the field the other day and hit a cow. : ; "We have classes In photogra phy and first aid. Harvey Brock and Cecil NIst have charge of the bin were out see Ed Cross the oth er day, and they asked him how he liked It. He said, "I'd rather go campln' than be at home; the only thing is that I gotta make up my own bunk." We are going on a big overnight hike, soon. Must close. "JACK HARBISON." LEFT 67 MILLION- NEW YORK. Aug. 9. William Kocxeieiier lert an estate with a gross value of $102,584,438.36. it was shown today In the report of the state tax commission The report showed a net value of $67,- 649,660.30 after deductions for administration expenses, debts, funeral expenses and commissions to executors. j PICNIC SPECIALS We Cater to the Wants cf ' . . " Picnickers UTILE LADY STORE Center at 12th. Phone l:V7 a r SPECIAL FRIDAY ;' , OFFERINGS j We, make It a point to al ways offer something very special in sea foods for Fri day meals. Phone us on 'Thursday and let ns t-ell yo'' what we expect to have the followingday and we will thus accomplish your Friday shoppings. Market 21C N. Coml. Phone 21 1 KEEP -KQ.OL.I. With an electric fan. .The first cost is little. ju ' and the operating expense negligible. : , s . Fleener Electric Go. ; .. 471 Cpurt St. ,, : " siaiea ne was a riving ruuw' 1-Hfc J ' " . Wo11ai. n.ittu. he makes ns toe the mark. Mor- who . m a wn a - MM A J . . " r I . rnit con..ritfln ho-lior leaaer wanace uriiina, uu irucK norm on ine riirirauiiuiuui; Leeal Blanks - Get them at The Statesman or- fice. Catalog on application Adv. road when he hit the car belong ing to Dr. H. C. Epley as the lat ter turned into a service station on Highland. Slight damage was done. R. O. Lacy, ,1890 State street, collided, with J. E. Shave land,' 2105 North Front street, at the intersection of Front and Com mercial streets. . A front wheef on the Lacy machine was broken pital In Portland. He is a son of W. W. Emmons of the Salem I Woolen Mills store. Store WW Close , , - As a mark of respect to the memory of President Harding and I he has, to eat. gan Woodruff is the champion gum-chewer of ? camp; he chews gum and the fat all the time. "Our cook Is the best one I ever ate after. You ought to see what I'm afraid I'll get Will Inspect Projects To inspect the Snow creek re- Execntbr 'Makes Reply T.. K. Ford, executor of the es- complying with the request pi our Mayor, thiststore will be clos ed todayl during the hours 12 to 2: The Ji.ce, Masonic Temple. Adv. V I the gout like Ikey White. .' "Frank Durbin and Mrs. Dur- o. , ... Mffi wm fiAM no I Kier.tric company Between t ana o ' . 1 . . . ii K th. m. .i.-.ii.. ... anil . - - .. ... . . . 'IfSilhMtuui Hreltrrin for more than half an hour yes-1 o ciock lonum wm " uuiuu ujv 1 taie oi James xseu, inea nis re-i ture of a memorial program w.m loiner projects in aisru "'6"-ipiy to the objection to his final 1 1 annronriate sacred numbers to be the state Irrigation and drainage 1 1 sung by Albert Gllle, Miss msia i securities commission win leavn llweneer. Miss'Namoi Whalen and! here tonight. On August 29 the ! I . . t D.Jfn,l r A - mftlft flMNIanmrnlillnii will anln lmTA Sa A1IBB XkULli wcuni M I " o tet consisting of H. B. Glaisyer, 1 iem for Medford. On the jway N M. Finkhiner, Albert ume anaj south the Eagle roint irrigauon t? n. Myers will also sing.two se- district will be Inspected. on lections. . I August 3 a the officials will go to ! L I Klamath Falls. -and on the .day c.i AmlmlsnM KrwiCB . 1 1 imM Fatal I followlne will look over a num- LAIEHIS - - Ill m ' Wa I For Gifts That Last HARTMAN.BRQS. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and Silverware v Phone 1255. Salem, Oregon accounting of tfle state' 'made by Michael O'Neill. I I Day and Night PHnTIF" BEB " its a. Libert T.St. ., , . I BbViw i ; Oregon I Out of 790 accidents that werejber of districts around that place, renorted to the state industrial i including the Maun, worse iy, accident commission for the week I Shasta View and Pine Groye dls- I ending August 9. four were fatal. r t CAPITAL JUNK CO. I .WANTS j. I 60S XT. S. Vatlonal Bask BuUdln i DR. B.H.WHITE Osteopathic Pbralclaa aad SnrgMB Ictronie Dlanols and Treatment Salem . , t ;- .-sritfiSW tricts. and on the return, trip tne talent district will be Inspected. 1 i All kinds of jonk -and second-hand goods) jWe. pay fall valae. II DR. C. H. SCHENK lias Moved to His New ! Location 249 So. Cottage Street . Phone 1182 ; . T ' if fit - Qird -of Thanks We wish to thank our friends for the kind sympathy and help during the illness- and death of cur beloved" Tiusband'and"" rather. Also.-for ,thebeanttfiirtJCJoraiiof-. ferings. Mrs. Chas. Kreft and family. Adv. Does This Interest You? If you are looking for a Job, or if you need to employ help, use the city free employment bureau at the YMCA. Adv. 3 215 Center Street Phcne 338 DR. C. L. MARSHALL Osteopathic Physician ami l Surgeon I 228 Oregon Building : i Phone 25S 1 1 I Ptcae 338 1 ' 1 . : jBankera ! h '. CstabBsied 1868 j I ! Gessr&l B&cldsz Baxxsew j Office nonn from 10 a- m. to 3 p. m. I I Jilt Federation May Protest A protest to the city council against the erection of! a one- story building at Court and erty streets will likely be made to night at the meeting of the Salem Federation of clubs. The protest If made will ba sent to the com mittee on public buildings, r The building ; under consideration , is the one which George Waters and Joseph Adolph plan to erect j. on the spot recently cleared or sev- crot smaller buildinrs. It .was planned to build a two story bund Ine at first but these plans were changed because of the excessive cost, it was said. . i fi. W. Etto 111 . George W. Eyre, president- oi the. Willamette Valley Flax asso ciation, is reported quite ill at his the Peaches Coming . In , . y r .- s What are believed to be first Crawford peaches to be grown and delivered in Salem this sea son .will be here today from -the Beaver Island orchards north of J: S. 1 Culbertson, deputy state nrohibition enforcement of fleer has tendered his resignation to George Cleaver, state officer: Crit icism of alleged conduct In mak ine and arrest at St. Paul, pre ceded the resignation. Camo Grounds Arrivals- Arrivals last nignt at tne sa- Salem. They are said to be large J" retonleiJ-' nrt nA th min rrt hnw- Flint, Mich.;,H. J. Singleton. Seat- in v I tie: U. . Siprague, w .v . v. I Fred Lin ne. Seattle; P. W. Mc ... .. . .ITWna1if PlndmonL Ca.I li. oi tnese line peacnes ripe enugn i z " ... . n. n.lrln an1 Mfinltir A nrifi I JOUUSOn, V. ;r. of about $2 a bushel for good Beach. Cal.; i L, G. Leaggo Seat- . a , i i I ti- Np11I M. Corrlgan. Kansas yVttCUCB. UCIlTCICUi A3 DA1U UJ i." I . .Kn IU nrnhahln CUV: UnarieS jaCOUBUeus, AOlu..a, , aa.. TfialA. Bernth. Seattle; Herbert Hub, "v - - . ; - . . w mjviln v.. rrnwtro rennrt tif thin VMr'l MUIOn. &. U.r A. eron la not above normal: it will Carnelle, Cal.; C.J. tell, nnr- nrihsMr ka utMa if anv baavler I bank. " Cal. : iW. H. Lynn, Long than last year's yield, and they Beach: J. TX Hill, noise; i. xi Wilbur Milton. George A. wuiey, Nampa; CCooley, Oakland; C. V. MnrB-an. ?Walnell. Cal.; B. w - O 9 i tt.A,ti.n win ev Uinsoerg. uaigary, . ah., v. ... . . r . m Vir.ll... Ex-Congressman C. N. McArth- K.enog. seauie; v,. . ii f wnr in inmil nr thn weeir on I roriisna, . ; jmui., " hia farm at Ridrmall will aneak BeachriF. EL Davla. Oakland; F. Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses Garden Tools Rubber Hose at a great saving; Steinbock Junk Co. 402 N. Com'L Phone 523 House of Half Million and- One Bargains-. We Buy all Kinds of Junk, Tho Great ' Citron gift at MILESTONE HOLLOU TILE IS YOUR SILENT, SERVANT t,In the deslsn of a home or building yon must provide , for a combination of dead, live, snow, and wind load. t with a. protecting factor of safety. . - : , ; - . J j - ' . ; , " ; . "F ' t MILESTONE masonry assures you of the protect- Ing strength necessary to meet these forces with the lowest .maintenance by a -greater masonry efficiency vk 1 than other materials.- . ... . f . . The structural arch in each tile supplies a sturdy -wall which successfully resists the crashing forces of . Impact and bearing, reducing' wear and tear to an la significant figure. - ' A smaller factor of safety than offered by MILE-,,i STONE masonry Is not the safest and most economical " " construction. ; ,'-. For permanent safety and economy, build with y,jj MILESTONE Concrete Producta OREGON GRAVEL CO WPAHV 1405 N. FrtDtat. Phone ISO. Father 'Time Says: Strength." . 'Years of Service add to their first grent say tnat xz a ousnei is oniy fair living for the grower. kt the Harding memorial exercises W. Page, Inglewood, Cal.; Thos. at the Isls theater at Independ ence at 10:30 a. m. today and at 3 p. m. - will be the principal speaker on the Monmouth normal school memorial program. Borden. Everett; H. A. Marcy, Los Angeles; E. Yahr, Portland. I PERSONAL I Five-Room Flat- Modern, fully furnished, at 666 Ferrr St. Ground floor. 845 a month. Call at Statesman business ftn-. U. O. Boyer, county clerk, left for Portland yesterday. He ex pects to return to Salem this eve office or phone 23. Adv, Hearing Date Set ' 'Monday, September 17. will be the time for final hearing to the final accounting of the estate of Laura Woodhouse, to be made by W. S. Woodhouse, administrator Woodhouse filed his accounting Thursday and the date was set by Judge Bushey. . ! Earl Pearcy of the Oregon Growers was in , Sheridan yester day. 1 - J. E. Law of the UO. Shipley company returned last night from a two- week "vacation trip to Sea- view. Wash. 1 Allan H. Hofchkln, a real estate dealer from Pallas, was In Salem yesterday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Glover are spending several weeks at Casca- ho.ld becom. .cwalnted wlti our compl.t. .MOrtment of cooklnc oten.II. and .lomlnum worf n - mtm afki 253 N. Com'L Webb&Clough Leading Funeral Directors Expert Embalmers ' Rigdon& Son's MORTUARY TJneqinlsd Scrrka t C.aVAVf Mr. and Mrs. Harry Singleton a,1; of Seattle arrived last night for I ( l,t. A - t Oat. "yf P Sina-leton formerly lived in Salem day returning late in the after ia.Viii) of tha atnta hntlSe. I hOOn. S i Oscar Steelhammer. county as- sessor. went! to Mt. Angel yester- They are camped auto park. at the Salem Vew Piano for Rent H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Adr Murray Estate Appraised ' The estate of Leo Murray has an approximate valuation of $7, 480.50. according to the estimate filed Thursday by Perry Mosier, J. N. Van Arman and T. M. Dnn- nagan. appraisers4 iaa reyreo Miss Flora Case, city librarian. is spending her vacation In Alaska haying taken the trip to Anchor age. Miss Helen Robe is in charge of the library daring her absence, Sam A. Koer, secretary, of state, has returned from a trrp to the coast. ; . -if . .-;'.: E. C. Clanton. former master fish warden of Oregon, was In Balem yesterday. -Porter J. Kef f.. attorney of Med I ford, was a Salem visitor greater- 2L LET YOUR NEXT PAIR BE IMA THAOC MARK MCft US. AT. Crr. ' QUALITY SHOES ' See the early i all arrivals in both men and wo men footwear creations , We know you'll like the satisfaction derived only in the famous li J TRAOC MARK tttUS-PAXOFf.'' make. Prices $7.00 to $10.00 167 N. Commercisd Street SALEM OREGON Expert Fitters at your service administratrix ;ot;tha estate, t v day