The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 13, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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CallOa i
Wei: Brothers
Mere B&rgains
for -
The New Store
I76rffi cS Gray
Dedicated to Stimulating Our Present Industries
And to the Establishment of New Ones
Paire r-
i f
Mason Tires
Vick Brothers
Quality Cars' ;
BuccMsori to W. W- If oore ,
The Way to Build Up Your Home Town
Is to Patronize Your Home People
The Surest Way to Get More and Larger Indus
k tries Is to Support Those You Have
; !
177 N. Liberty 8L Salem, Or.
' 1 ! ; ; : : z 1 ".' . i
f. t
h t
:r j Eat a plate a day
Sold everywhere
P. M. Gregory, Mgr.
240 South Commercial Street.
; wbriiEfVs. i
4(1 gUU 8t Plione 877
Eyes Tested
Glasses Fitted
Hartman Bros.
Jewelers and Opticians
. Salem, Oreson
Your Clothes
. ' tm Wrk an Wrf
ary work AoM ky k
Salentj Laundry
136 liberty St Phone 25
-nrwim Handles. Mop nan-
dies, Paper Pings, Tent
Tnwlea. all kinds of Hard
wood " Iianoiea wmiuim-
.. . tared by ine
Oregon Wood
West Salem .
Capital City
Quality and Service
rbone 15
Monuments and
Made In Salem ,
nil it th , only ooinM worki
Big Stock on Display
Capital Mbnomental
' ' Works -
931t a Ooa'l Otittt OtatUry
, . .ram est
- Made In Salern j -
by experienced Bwlss , Cheese
maker ."
Swiss Cheese
-) Cream Brick Cheese '
. Limberger Cheese '
Order . from the factory , or
from your grocer i
Salem Cbeese Factory
- Phone liril
On reform scwol roeC
sot.ea, 4 SaJem
This Is the Natural Home of
Country, and the Climate Is Similar to That of tne
District in Southwestern France of Which Roquefort
Is the Center and the Headquarters of the Roquefort
Cheese Industry of the World. . ,
The Salem district should Yro
duce Roquefort cheese in large
quantities; In; a big commercial
way. Why? j
' The original Roquefort cheese
is made from the milk of sheep.
DHydrators jtnd Canners
Oregon Fruits and Vegetables
Salem Portland The Dalles
Wiring Fixtures
" , : Mazda? - r
Electrical Appliances
Salem Electric
, Company
If f ft electric, come to us.1
MasonlcTemple. Phono 1200
Our efforts will be to assist in every possible way Uie
deyelopment of Uie fruit and berry industries of this
, ' yalley
'J- ' " : -v - - '
A Licensed lady Embalm'er
to care : far , women and
children is a necessity In
all funeral homes. We are
the only ones furnishing
inch service;
770 Chemeketa BL Phone 724
We car? the following lines
of PA1ST8, Sherwin Wllllamt
Co. and Bass Hueter Co.
, Also -. ; .
Ercrythlng In Banding
"X. .llaterUl :
Falk City-SalemLumber
- Company
A. B. Keltiy Mcr.
349 S. 12th St. Phone 813
Wt AM Oat AAar Twt MOUoat "
Wi art mi piyiat ttw tkrtt
to tfe atirraaa f tkia Mctioa fan
Ilk. -i ".'-:,. ., , ....
. "Marion Butter" '
'-z U tit Sm Bottw .
' litre ttvs n4 etttte mwi is tht
-. trying atta
This campaign of publicity for community upbuilding has been made
possible by the advertisements placed on these pages by our public
spirited business men men whose untiring efforts have builded our
present recognized prosperity and who are ever striving for greater
and yet greater progress as the years go by.
the Goat, an Ideal Goat
It is the highest priced cheese on
the American market; used in the
best hotels, at swell banquets and
In the homes of the well to do and
of those who like to live well
But this cheese, and the Neuf-
On Farm Land
Yqar Buildings
305 State St.
Dixie Health Bread
Ask Your Grocer
Phones: Residence, 1211
Office, 1177
It Satisfies
Made By
lttk and Chemeketa
Order roxn your grocer
A string of Saanan kids belonging to E. fi. Woods, 700 North
High street, Salem.; Two of them are pure breds, of Sibyl,
1 i
chatel cheese, and other cheeses
of this type, can be as well made
from the milk of goats; and only
Roqueforf experts can tell "the
sheep milk cheese and the Koat
milk cheese apart If indeed even
experts can distinguish the differ
ence. Roquefort cheese does not need
to be advertised. It is one of the
eldest cheeses known. It was the
favorite dish of the Gauls in their
ceremonial feast. In the early cen
turies of our era. After the con
quest of Caesar, who wrote that
"all Gaul Is divided into three
parts." It was Introduced in Rome,
where it found great favor. Pliny,
the Elder, refers to Jt In his book
on Natural History.
The genuine article is' made
mostly in the department of Avey.
ron. France, and within a radius
of 100' miles .of the town of
Roquefort, where there are caves
of a peculiar limestone forma
tion, in which the cheese is cured.
Some of Ihem have been used
since the dawn of history, and
others of the caves have been
formed artificially in later and
In recent times.
The climatic conditions here in
the Salem district are about like
those of the southwestern part
of P'rance, and the formation of
the caves for the curing of the
cheese could be easily accomplish
ed here; perhaps improved upon.
In time.
Roquefort is the headquarters
of the industry, and controls the
world Fupply. Ewes have been
bred there for centuries for milk
TrodutYon. TWey average lf0
to 200 pounds of milk in a period
of lactation, enough to make 40
to 50 pounds of cheese. Before
the war nearly a million sheep
produced more than 25.001). 000
pounds of Roquefort cheese,
float Milk Equally lioort
Goat milk makes a Roquefort
cheese equally as good as the
sheep milk; and in "act it is belna.
mixed with the sheep milk in the
SIBYL, 7819
Pure bred Saanen doe belong
ing to E. E. Woods, 700 North
High street, Salem, Ore.
Seamless Hot Water
Bottles and
Combination Syringes
Guaranteed Not To Leak
Prices from $1 up
Brewer Drug Co.
4QS Conrt Et Phone 184 .
( I
Roquefort district itself, to give'
a better qualit.
Roquefort cheese' is easy to
make; and the great thing 13 the
proper curing, the knowledne and
facilities for which could be ac
quired here, where the natural
conditions are favorable.
With fho milk of coats it can
be produce here and sold at
great profit, at much smaller
rrices than (he imported article.
The tariff duty will be in favor
of this district, too. ;
Goats Great Producers
Goatg are the greate! produc
ers of milk of all animals, in pro
portion to Ihelr size and the
amount of feed consumed.
Gretel. a Tosgehburg (or Tog
gen berg) doe, bred by Winthrop
Howland and owned by the Cali
fornia. Experiment Station, has a
record of 2941.5 pounds of milk
in 365 days, or 24 times her body
But Gretel has since been much
exceeded in milk production by
"Polly-Mac," owned by J. B. Mc
Laughlin of California. She has
produced 4350 pounds of milk in
one year, and her owner has re
fused $5000 Tor her, made by
George F. Etiel of Highland Mills,
New York. And bo it goes. As
with pure bred cows, the record
of today is exceeded by another
Joybcll. owned by R. R. Glahn
of Los Angeles, has a record of
over seven quarts a day.
Martha Washington, a regis
tered Toggenburg owned by Mich
ael Montchalin of Multnomah
county, Oregon, gave seven quarts
of milk daily In a certified test in
June. 1919, and Mr. Montchalin
has since exceeded that record
with a young Toggenburg doe
He is from France, and he makes
Roquefort cheese from the milk
of his goats.
Leading goat breeders of Ore
-on and California are dreaming
of a goat that will give 10 and
U quarts of milk daily; Jnst as
Oregon Jersey breeders are look
ing forward to the 1200-pound
butt erf at cow.
So quantity production of
Roquefort cheere ia a possibility
in the Salem district. " The pio
neers in the industry will confer
?reat favors upon their fellow
men. and especially on their
neighbors and. with intelligent
and good jnanagement, will make
themselves wealthy.
Feeding th Goats anything wnw-n a
cow or sheep will eat. and in ad
dition feed upon many things
which they reject. 1L has been
said that a cow will, live where
si norse cannot, a sneep wnere a
cow cannot, and a goat where all
the others would fail to exist-
But the goat's food must be
clean. They will not eat an ap
pie to which human lips have
been touched. They will reject
middlings over which a rat has
merely walked. But they exce
all other animals in requiring less
expensive and concentrated feed
and in converting into nutritious
milk and mutton even worthless
and obnoxious weeds and brush
They like all kinds of vegetables
and green stuff that grow in the
garden, and parings , and trim
minga of vegetables and fruits
They are naturally more brows
ers than grazers, but wiLl do very
well on grass pasture alone, es
pecially if clover, alfalfa or weeds
constitute a part. They will eat
most weeds and are very fond of
many. The hills and mountains
of Oregon are natural goat pas
ture. They will do well even
on a variety of grain and dry
feeds exclusively, though better
with some green feed. They are
natural pets and delight to be
with men and women and child
ren. The Milking Time
Most goat keepers milk in a
milking stand a little frame
raised about two feet from the
ground for convenience. The
goat soon learns, and jumps eag
erly into plate vhen her turn
comes to be milked. Even the
children can milk them.. They
are easily milked. Most milkers
milk a goat from the side. Like
a cow. "
Milk goat breeding opens a
new field tor women; and In Cal
ifornia there are many women
engaged and engaging In the in
dustry. Some in Oregon already,
too. , '
Hh.h a Long History:
There is probably no animal
that has been : kept longer or
more continuously in domesticity
than the goat, and none that has
administered more faithfully to
the wants, to the health, to the
comfort, and to the happiness and
pleasure of man.
The goats of Jacob and Laban
are referred to in the book oi
Genesis. The goat is referred, to
many times throughout the Bible.
The milk with which the land of
the Judean hills flowed must
have been chiefly the product of
In -the Old Testament days the
goat ministered not only to the
physical needs of man in the
form of meat, milk and clothing,
but to his spiritual wants as well.
The kids and goats from the
flocks contributed toward the
burnt offerings and sacrifices.
The goat is classified in the Bible
as one - of the clean beasts and
fit- for food. "These are the beasts
which ye shall eat: the ox. the
sheep, and the goat, the hart. and.
the roebuck. snd the fallow deer,
and the wild goat," etc. Deuter
onomy. 14.
Who Will be Pioneers.
There are thousands of farm
ers in the Salem district, any one
whom, having the vision, may
be a great pioneer in commencing
the manufacturing on a commer
cial scale of Roquefort cheese.
Practically all he needs Is a
man rrom. r ranee, or a tamuy
from France, to show' him how
And ' perhaps the help of the
United Stales department of ag
riculture. Large, capital would
not be needed. Practically no
capital, to start with. But once
established, the industry could
sustain the investment of large
capital, though it could be made
to grow from securing the-cooper-
atlon of neighbors in an ever
widening circle.
See the vision?
It is a vision of Salem as the
Roquefort of the United States,
reaping rich rewards annually for
all the years of the future. Na
ture has done her part, in providing-
the hills and the valleys
and the climate in perfection for
every branch of the industry.
Pure bred Saanen billy belong
ing to B. E. Woods, 700 North
High street, Salem, Ore. lite
sire wa3 a $1000 goat. -
n if
Way I aft at Wttft Iwbm Tmbla
- j."
This District Is the Natural Home of the Goat, and Our
People Should Takej Advantage of the Present Milk
Goat Boom, and Then Should Go Into the Making
of Roquefort Cheese and Other Cheese of That Type.
When The Statesman Salem
Slogan ,and Pep and Progress ed
itor takes up the question of goats
he Is embarrassed by the: bigness
of the subject, and of the field
and prospective field;. Many whole
newspapers could-be devoted :j to
goats; many whole books, anl
still there would be more to say
something new every day T
And the fact is that there are
two branches of the goat Industry
two main branches, and .many
subsidiary divisions. The two
main branches comprise the An
goras of high and low degree, and
the milk goats of a number j of
different breeds. ; ! ...
Most of the readers of.,, The
Statesman know that Salem Is the
center of the largest purebred An-
goragoat industry in -this or any
other country; that this is the pi
oneer mohair market from first
hands in the Northwest; that
practically all tho Jong haired
goat skins going into the chaps
(chaparajos: chapaharos) of all
North America ate. tanned and
prepared in $aleni; that this ' Is
the natural home of the Angora
goat more so than even Asi
Minor, the original home of the
Angora; that there are perhaps
50,060- Angora goats of the purest
strains In the 'world for such a
number within a radius of 50 to
100 miles of Salem, and that there
is vast room here for -the expan
sion of the Angora goat Industry.
Especially Milk-Goats
But the writer has in hand for
the present Issue! principally the
exploitation of the milk goat in
dustry for Oregon,: and more es
pecially for western Oregon, and
for the Salem district where there
should be one hundred milk goats
for every one now found here
Though Oregon I now has per
haps more than 3000 milk goats
and is further advanced in their
breeding than any other state in
this country, with the exception
of California. Portland has a
large number of milk goat dairies.
and Salem has several, besides
many individuals about the homes
in the city, in the suburbi, and
thouguout the country dis
tricts and there are probably as
many goats in Polk county as
there are in Marion; especially
around Fall3 City and in the Dal
las district.
Room for Many More i
If the reader will study the ar
ticle published in this issue copied
from the Portland Jounral he will
set a vision of what is happening
and going to happen, in this coun
try; all over this country. In the
growth of the milk goat' industry,
It has been discovered that tlae
milk from goats is the only' food
14,- . -
f : " - .
Success Orpheus
Oktttprtcttt WD tom Cum
Your Health Begins When Yen
i . ... . . : i. ,
.Phone 87-
for an appointment -
; P. S, C Chiropractor , ,
JUT Ukwatory 414 U 41 V. B. Jfafl Bk. Bid.
Hoursi 10 to 12 tu mi and 2 to 6 p. m.
that fwilpj keep certain children
alive and make them grow.. -
Chicago mllionalre, the life off
whose little-, granddaughter was
saved by goat milk, has gotten be
hind the.; milk goat propaganda
and he has enlisted many of bis ,
millionaire friends, and the beads
of great industries, railroads, etc.,'
In the "work of spreading-the new
aVl over the countrythe newa of
the fact that many babies "are bora
every' year In the United States'
that are condemned to die in their
infancy, without goat milk
Hence milk: goats.' 1 , . :
.They must" be supplied bo that .
they may be at .hand to turnlsV
milk f for ' these babies, la city,
town and country In all this broad
land - '.'. a .;:V: p ' k
So "no one could now . atop the
milk goat boom In this country:
and surely no one would want to
stop it.. . K .
Ho the' Salem district, the nat
ural home of the, goat, must Jump
in and take advantage of the boom
in milk goats. It will not dimin
ish. It will grow. This part ot
the United States can reap great
rewards from, the industry.'. ' '
i .Salem Lives Saved '
There are a number of the most
prominent physisians" in Salem
who knew the valtie of goat milk
for certain babies before this Chi
cage niilllonalre had heard about
It; - A number" of SaJem babies
have been, kept allre-'-kept from
passing out by" the uae of tha
milk goats, and have been brought
into complete1 health "And sev
eral are being so kept alive now.
Milk doal Dairy T-'H'
E. E. Woods, the painter, be
came interested in-nillk goats a
few years ago. He was then Ilv."
Ing in West Salem. Ills home' is
now at 700 North High Btreeb
where he has his milk goat dairy
But be baa purchased and b im
proving a tract on the west side
or the river, on .the edge of Weat
Salem, and he will soon remove
his milk goat dairy to that loca
tion. Mr. Woods has Saanen goats,
only. He prefers them. They rs 1
a bwiss goat, There is another
Swiss 'goat, the Toggenburg, that
may be found In many parts of
Ore-son. Thc33 two breeds ate.
named after valleys in Switzer
land from whence, tiif.y ame
(Continued On page 3.)
Sea vy, Bell : Insurance
. Agency.
J. WV Seavey 412 Oregon
Wm. Bell Bid.
Shelan Sackett i-ji Phone 457
when he was a kid