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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1921)
f C T r '2 ( r I 1 4 4 J f 4 ( 4 1 . ' : i a A 4 1 ; 4 4 j ' i ' t 1 i t i 1 c 3 - X 'H. t 4 i i i 'I ' it i if I t i - i- 1 i i r OREGON APPLE PLEASES 7' Light Yield of Potatoes Is Reported in Latest Crop Bulletin OCTOBER BANNER MONTH .Weather Conditions Held as Ideal for Heavy Produc tion of Fall Grains PORTLAND Or., Heavy mar Vetlng; of a 1 comparatively light crop of potatoes is an outstanding feature of the November crop re port of toe United States bureau of markets and crop estimates' Issued by, P: L. Kent, Oregon sta tistician. . , , , , The Oregon potato crop esti mate declined during th emonth of October, and the 1821 produc tion is now placed at an everage yield of . 90 bushels per acre on 4 3,000 acres or a total Of 3,870. 000 bushels. The final state es timate for the 1920 crop was about, 6,000,000 bushels. The United States; potato prospect im proved somewhat during October, and November r Indications are for a crop of 356,000,000 baBhels compared with 428,000,000 busb U In 1920. While the prospective United States potato production for 1921 Is only about 83 per cent of that of 1920, carload shipments re ported from July'l' fo October 29, 1921, are 126 per cent of the shipments for the same period in 1920. Shipmeffttfrom all sec tions of the United States, up to October 29, 192ft amounted to about 48 per centjbf the total for the season. The f shipments lor present season '.already 'equal about 73.5 per cent of the tl rrated total. In. other, words. CROP AUCTION SALE Saturday, 1 O'clock at SATTERLEE'S AUCTION HOUSE j 404 Ferry Street ....... ....... . ... ..Phone 1177' Farm Machinery, Harness, one 5 Passenger Auto and Lots of 1 .. 1 ..... . ... r , ' . '...''''' '' ' " '!..''. ' . - , ,ijfil , '-L . i . .. . .. .... ... r j.. 1 1 i i 1 1' i 'i ". " i" " " ' "' j, ' J'" l 4 ' m ' ' V'" t jh- ' . :' . - '-",' ; ; ; ; . j . ; . : v . ; . " "' ! ; We are now closing out thousands of pairs of our most popular shoes at prices that can not he duplicated anywhere in the city. New shoes arriving each day and are placed on sale. We have just received new black and brown Oxfords and Pumps for ladies, new Oxfords for young men, full, new line of Florsheim shoes for men and a new line of brown and black Cuban heel shoes for ladiesV These are com plete' lines but arrived late so must be thrown out at broken lot prices. Thousands of our customers have all ready taken advantage of these new low prices, so do not hesitate, but come in. Meri's and Boys' press and WdrkShoes Men's New. Florsheim or. black. .The latest $10 to $12 grades, Men's Brown English pick from. $10 to grades to close out Meiv'a High Top Boots brown; regular $10 grades; just ' , arrived, A new line. dy QC Go on sale at vl eJD Men's 16-inch Black Kip High Top Boots, the best $15 boot in the market. CIA To close out J)1 ") ' i '.; ...... '. - x ' - Men's 1 10 and 12-inch Loggers, double soles. The best $12 and $15 boots . . tlAQC' ' to be had ; go at $8.95 to j. v l)VD JHE PRICE, SHOE COL If Mi fk.t ' VtjV t , unui Minn j fa piunpj 326 8tateSL-r1cxttoLiiM0um'Jt 1 x':x.,: , shipment of the 1920 crop to Oc tober z, 1920, amounted to prac tically one-half of the total ship ments of the 1920 crop. But the shipments of th 1921 crop up to October 29, 1921, equal about three-fourths of the probable to tal shipments of the 1921 crop. Oregon shipments, while much larger to-date this year than last, do not constitute a very large part of the total crop. Ship ments this year (1921 crop) to October 29 are reported at 212 carloads. Last year the shipments to October 29 were only 30 car loads. Total carlot shipments of the 1920 crop are reported at 1873. Digging was considerably earlier this year than laat ; and this fact together with a favor able price induced an earlier movement of the crop. This matter of a favorable price i considered to be the main factor in the heavy movement over the! country as a while. i ! Apples: Present indications are that the Octobo estimates of 3.-; 900,000 boxes of commercial ap pies this year in the state is con servative. The ' United States commercial crop prospect as a whole declined about 3,000,000 bushels during: October, and! U now estimated at about 56.000, 000 bushels (18.600,000 barrels) compared with a final 1920 esti mate of 111,717.000 bushels, 37, 239.000 barrels). t Total carlot shipments from July lBt to Octo'oer 29th, 1921. from Oregon as -well as I other "boxed apple"' states have been nearly double the shipments for; the corresponding period lart year. The figures are. 28,593 caloads in 1921, and 15.702 in 1920. Of this numbre Oregon is Credited with 2,319 cars in 192i: and 936 cars in I9?ft ""'' shipments fjom the sight bored apple states of the 1920 crop am ounted to 36(237 carloads, ct which Oregon is credited with 3,-i 173 cars. The 1921 boxed -ship-i raenta are expected to exceed those of 1120 by about 30 per; cent. ..... L Grains: Weight per measured bushel for Oregon Is reported as' follows: "Winter wheat, 59; spring wheat, 59; oats, 35.5; barley, 44.4. Corn of the.1920 crop still on1 farm In the United States Is esti mated 8.7 per' cent of the crop,; or 281,472,000 bushels. The 1921 corn crop prospect declined Small Tools it Dress Shoes, just arrived; brown Boys' High Top Boots, brown or black, with two buckles, styles, $8.95 go at . Dress Shoes, a number of styles $12 C7 Pf iUU DdBaadSoots rootAfflBSES 326 State Street somewhat during October and la cow estimated at 3,151,698,000 bushels. t Weather conditions: October; weather was very favorable for farm operations. Rather heavy rainfall occurred on the 25th of the month, prior to which time the soil had been rather too dry for plowing. Total precipitation tor the month was somewhat be low normal, and temperatures were somewhat above normal. Much seeding was done during the month and is now completed in most of the wheat belt. In the western part of the state fall seeding operations are well ad vanced and another week or tea days of favorable weather should enable the farmers to practically complete their Tall Beeding. The early frosts (September) mater ially reduced the potato yield but allowed early digging w'alch largely accounts for the much larger movement of potatoes to date this year, as compared with last year. These early frosts alao made an early corn harvest, ahU potato and corn fields were thus made available for early needius to grain. ADVICE FOR WOSIEX WHO SUFFER- "I advise every woman who suf fers with kidney trouble to try Foley Kidney Pills." writes Mrs. Bessie Brawner, 2522 Scofieid Ave., Cleveland, O. "I could not do my housework, but since tak ing Foley Kidney Pills I feel ike a new woman and am able to do my work." Rheumatism, swollen ankles and backache, stiff joints, sore muHcles and sleep disturbing bladder ailments indicate disord ered kidneys. Foley Kidney Pills act promptly. Sold everywhere. Adv. PREFERRED HARD WORK V Peabody Willoughby, the Bos ton philanthropist, was making an appeal for the Children's Country Week association of Massachu setts. "There is a funny side, too." he said, "about the poor slum child's Ignorance of the country's beauties and Joys. I said one Au gust day to a ragged urchin of seven or eight: " 'You've got a rare treat com ing. We're; going to send you to the country for a week. "Nlx said the urchin, as he took a cigarette stub out of his pocket and examined it carefull. Nix on that, gran'pop.' " 'Why,' I said, 'what's your ob jection: to the country?' , "They got thrashin machines there, ain't they. said the boy. Well, it's bad enough here, where H's done by hand, begosh And he lit his cigarette stub and lounged off." Exchange. i Boarder Here's a nickel .1 found In the hash. Landlady Yes, I put It there. You've been complaining, I un derstand, about the lack of change In yonr meals - - - - THE PRICES THAT ARE MOVING a regular $7 boot, all To close out at. to OC Boys' $4.50 and $5 Black entire line. See them Bargain Basement at Men's Black Calf Work limited number of pairs to go at Little Boys' $6 High Top grade quality; go at STORE OPEN EVERY SATURDAY UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK High Grade Repair Work at Low Prices. Rubber Heels Put Wednesday Only at HALF PRICE COUGARS HOLD OREGON SQUAD Washington State Wins in Hard Fought Battle, Score 7 to 3 LONG KICK IS FEATURE Victors Increase Chances of Winning Northwest Championship CORVALLIS, Or., Nov. 11 The battling Cougars from Pull man came here today and annex ed a victory which will help ma terially in the race for the north western conference championship. The score: Washington State col lege 7; Oregon Agricultural col lege 3. As the figures indicate it was a hard battle, the victors getting one touchdown and the vanquish ed a field goal. Sax made the touchdown after a forward pass from Mclvor. Hickey kicked goal Se'nsational line plunges by -Koran, who came into the game as a substitute for Sandberg, led up to the Cougars' score and only by a desperate rally by the home team were the Washington men kept from adding to their figure. Sandberg, early in the game also did some haYd bucking. Jenne was the star of the Cou gar aggregation until Moran came in and eclipsed him. In the first half Jenne's punting and running featured the Cougars' playing. Miller, halfback of the Aggies, rivalled Jenne in puntins. Crowell mads the kick which brought tho Aggies their score- summary: o. s. c. Bohannon . . . Hamilton . . . Durrwachter. DuHlap (c) . McKay Dunton Hickey Mclvor Sax Jenne Sandberg. . . O. A. C. , McFadden . . Locey Christensen . . . Stewart . . . Heyden . . . Crowell . . . Richert . Kasberger . Summers Miller Powell (c) 0 0 7 0 7 0 3 0 03 . .le .It Jg . -c rg . .rt . .re . - Q. . .lh . .rh f Score by periods Washington State. Oregon Aeeies . . . Washington State College scor ings. Touchdown, Sax; goal from touchdown, Hickey. O. A. C. scoring: Field goal, Crowell t. substitutions:.. rvvashLnEton sizes. $4.95 Lace Shoes, to close out the in the d0 QC HyLfUD Shoe, a good $6 value, only a rfQ QC PvfD Boots in a very high :L $4.95 i f . .-J', ivL- v f 4 ft Iff; ' lfrt- A 1 Vj I Br .iV-2-' JV ' ll Li ? ii I hi 'ffit Y $ f ll I .f -; ' v if Copyright by Underwood A Underwood. Mile. Henr!..: 3&va-GjIu Is making her first trip to America. She Is dramatizing Queen Marie of Rumania's ''The Voice oC the Mountains," which Is to be pub lished in the United States. State Winans for Jenne; Zaepfel for Mclvor; SkaGan for Sax. Oregon Agricultural college Loughrey for Richert; Gill for Miller,; Tousey for Powell; Har old McKenna for Crowell; Clark for Heyden; Hughie McKenna for Kasberger; Kasberger for Lough rey. Referee: , Varnell, Spokane; umpire, Hinderman, Spokane; head linesman, Louttit, Portland. Time of periods 15 minutes each. CUT THIS OUT IT IS WORTH (OXEY Cut, out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in re turn a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup; Fo ley Kidney Pills for pains in side and back; rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley's Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleans ing cathartic for constipation, bil iousness, headache, and sluggish bowels. Sold evervwhere. Adv, Ladies' Ladies' New Brown Sport Oxfords, all sizes; just arrived. A high grade $J) Oxford. Q To go in this sale at ... tPUD Ladies' new Black Two-Strap Pump, just arrived. The newest thing on the market. A QC A good value at $9. This sale goes at.... PvD Women's Brown Cafe Lace grade $7 dress shoe. Sale While they last go at Ladies' Comfort Shoes, the a t 1 IT ' J guaranteed. With and without tips. Low and medium heels. While they last, go at Next to Ladd 8t Bush Bank LOCAL ELKS TAKE LARGE CLASS Many Candidates Are Initia ted Into Mysteries Of Social Order ! At the initiations held Thurs day evenlBg of Salem lodge No. 336. H. P. O. E.j the following were initiated and are now! entit led to give the hailing eigh to a brother: j G. C. Moir, R, E, Davis, Paulus. II E. RylfT, H. O W. H. Fred- rickson, A. A. Burton, Flyd A. Kester. A. X. IMincan. C. II. FLAVOR is to coffee what siirtshine is to a winter's day; Like the sunshine it's the flavor you enjoy. HilfeBrds. MRed CarvXofffee is flavory coffee. THE SHOES Dress and Sport Cuban neel Shoes, a high in black calf. f4 flf 4... P4tu best $6 grades every pair . 1 ... $3.95 fi1 Crewer and '.Walter j R. McGregor. The Salem lodgejs the largest lk& lodge In the state outs Ida of Portland. The- membership is now approaching Accord ing to the official report of Elks lodges, issued by, the grand lodgj Jiily 1, the memberjihlp of-the Sa lem lodge on Aprrt v. 1320, was 1121, wbIe for April 1 of this fwr, it was llt'.f. The Portland lodge according to the 120 i-eport. 321 S members, while for April 1, 1921 it was 34k t. La Grande is running a close fecond to Salem in membership, and proportion to the size of the city, may b said to be a stronger Klks stronshold than Salem. L.a Grande had last April, a member ship of 1123. Eugene also has a strong Elks lodgp, with a membership at -the at the last o'fial report of 103 Astoria goes btrone for the Elk"? vrit'a a membership of 1030 last April. ! : Albany has membership of Zjr?-, '- - . '- v-..v t4-! v -. j, i i . ......... ai Tmmti, "n wi jmnrM m m"n-r m Odd lot, all styles Ladies' Dress Shoes, brown and. black. To close out, up to $10 AC grades, go at . . NW. vTt vD Ladies' neavy Service Shoes, a good value at $G; both in brown elk and black gun metal. CQ QC While they last, go at : JUwD : ' - .. . - . . t. . , v i Women's Brown Calf Dress Shoes, both with straight tip and wing tip. Cuban or military heel. QP An extra good value at $9. To go at vv.JD Ladies' Witch Elk Boots; the made; regular $15 quality. go at j.... Ladies' Black Kid Cuban Heel widths; just arrived. $10 grade gofs at On ffjaiiffwej Walla? Walla, 979, Medfont, ,3qt' Jiaker 717; S r Albany SJ9, Roseburgr 918; Bend 374, Pendle ton S :: " w ' - n New Orleans has the , largest Elk inemfccrship of anyrcitrrin the coantry, with IUSS Brook lyn is second with $,tJ58.r $3.00 Round Trip to Portland Every Day 1 Oregon Electric Railway "On and after October Jlst the Oregon Electric P.aljway: will sell round trip UckeU to Portland, for 53. including war lax. feood tor returu, to aod . Including; the sec ond day from date of sale. . x J. W. RITCHIE. Adv. Agent. O." E. Ry. . Toledo Blade Yankee troops on the Rhine don't want to come back. Their dollar looks os big over there as a German helmet. Shds highest grade sport boot 'Cl f QC Olv.50 Dress Shoes; all sizes and $7.95 . ' - . . 326 StateStrHcxtttLiaC'CsstSil mmh 7 THEPRICE WW V