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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1921)
grate TWO SECTIONS 16 Pages Pag? j 1 to 8 m ! 1 SEVENTY-FIRST YEAR , SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 241921 PRICE: FIVE CENTS t i ILL STREET BOMBS USPECT former Lieutenant of New . York Policej Department . Picks Tito Ligi From Six "Prisoners. " t i : QUARREL BETWEEN 3 I MEN IS RECALLED Suicide's Diary Has Confes sion of Crime and Names Of Accomplices SCRANTON. Pa.. April 23. Positive - Identification of Tito LlgC-arreted nere last Tuesday on fusplcion of complicity in the Wair Street explosion last Sep . teraber. waa made here today by . Thomas J. Smith of Brooklyn, employed In the legal department of an Insurance company, having offices In the New York financial district Smith picked out Ligl . from a line of . aix prison era as the man ' he had seen arguing with the driver- of the death wagon short ly, before the explosion, He later told newspapermen that a few . moments after the blast he saw Ligl rnshlng . along Cedar street near Nassau street and Broadway, urging, two companions to harry put of the neighborhood, f Smith, who formerly was i a lieutenant in the New. York police department, assigned to Investi gate Incendiary fires, said be was -walking tin Wall street toward Broadway ; a few minutes before the explosion. ; : t 1 : At about 11:55 a. m. he said, fee waa approaching the banking ; louse of J.. P. Morgan and cora : pany when be saw a dilapidated i wtgoit with red and black striped wheels in front of ' the United I States assay office. Inside the I wagonpartly cor? red with -news-. papers, were two barrels and two j ' boxes - about two or three feet . .. square. ,;, ". .J, '','' Thought wagon Held Jonk j "l thought-it wai a Junk' wag ', on." he said.; "My attention, wa first called -to It whett I noticed r two men standing near, the horse's ) head;., arguing..; I crossed the street expecting to see a fight. I Ob of the men was about fire faaf etlv a1i 11 kU n-vvt via suvuea ' vmijp itsus dressed, and of stocky build." (Continued en page 5.) CAN YOU WRITE . A GOOD AD? If yon think yon know now to write a good classi ; tied advertisement, here's -your chance to win one of the three cash awards the Statesman wilt give each j wJt for the best story en titled "How. to Write a ; Classified Ad." - The first awards will be announced In Tuesday' is sue of each week, the first 'jnnoBncement Tuesday. April 2. Contestants must see that 1 their "stories" reacii the Statesman office before Monday morning of each week In order to be considered. The awards will be as fol lows: first award. 2.50 second award. $1.60; third lrd $1.00. ; : The Statesman wants your Meat as to how these ads aotild be written to get the test results. Tell as what yea would say In your ad sad why yea would say it. Uoa't forget the why. For "ample, do yon think it ,Boald; contain price of the article offered for sale, or tta price you are willing to l"7 for an article you want to buy? If you think the ad bould contain the price, tell why. if you think it bet ter to leave the price out of the ad. tell us why. Should it contain descrip tion? why? Should it contain location? War?.,, '. Should It describe quality? WSy? ..Tell as about ads for nelp wanted" and "work ated". etc., etc. Also ibant any and all other V: ), 0f classified ads. , Wrlt vnnr atnrlea nlain- ly on one eido ot paper only 3d mall tn. C!laKlflil Ad T ?a,f. Oregtn Statesman, : oaiem, Oregon, j This Week's Award, i A number of yery Inter esting "atories" about the le of gutesman classified ads, were received last week the Judges have decided up ; on the following as winners: 1st . award, $2.50, Elva Landwlng. Scotts MIUs, Or. l Second. award, Gertrude pally. Salem,. ... f Third award. Rose Hus ton Newport, Or. i-1 r-' -', - M'CARRENWINS OVERDEICH IN SHARP BATTLE FOR HEAD OF FOREIGN WAR VETERANS Seattle Endorsed at Meeting Place of National Encampment in 192.1, Bonus Hill Endorsed and Campaign Will lie Made Prior to June Election Salem Man Given Office At a convention of Veterans of Foreign warn held here yesterday resolutions were adopted favoring Seattle as the seat of the national encampment In 1923. The mat ing was' an assembly of the dele gates of the several Oregon posts who have been elected to attend the state encampment In Portland May 9 and 10. and at the session here a preliminary state organi zation was affected. . James Mct'arren. of Over-the-Top post. Portland, was elected department commander, and other state ot fleers were elected as tol fows: Senior vice commander. Bolton H amble, Salem; junior vice commander, G. P. Wallace, Lebanon: Judge advocate. James S.'Cay, Portland; Burgeon general, J. C. Booth. Lebanon; chaplain, Wlllard A. Elklns. Eu gene; coun cil of administration. II. A. Swaf ford. Lebanon; F. W.'Cllnp. Cor vallls: J. C. Walsh. Portland; George A. White. Portland; Henry Miller. Salem. Some other offi cers are to be appointed by the state commander. The officers PEACE PUS Knox and Porter Resolutions : Will Come Up This Week WASHINGTON. Aprtl 23. - Plans of republican congressional leaders for effecting peace by con gressional resolution were com pleted at an informal conference. The Knox resolution to that end. probably will be reported to the senate Monday by the foreign relations committee as revised, in technical, legal details, by Sen ator, Knox of Pennsylvania. De bate in the senate then will bezin Tuesday or Wednesday and will. It la believed, be comparatively short. There is a possibility of a slight hitch, according to dem ocratic senators, in delay by the foreign relations committee. . As a matter of general party policy, most of the senate demo crats are expected to oppose the Knot resolution, but republican leaders expect a number ot dem ocratic YOes. A ' peace resolution similar to the Knox measure is to be intro duced in the house Monday by Chairman Porter of the foreign affairs committee. Republican leaders, however, were said today to have agreed that the senate resolution would be awaited be fore any action should be taken In the bouse. The Knox and Porter resolu tions, it waa indicated.' will ie considered concurrently in the house. POLICE BARRACKS Irish Insurgents Burn Train; Workmen Are Pris oners DUBLIN, April 23. The police and military barracks In Kllrush, county Claire, were attacked last midnight by a large group of armed men and a fight ensued which lasted three hours, in which one police sergeant was killed and two soldiers wounded. The attackers withdrew without cap turing either barracks. Two hundred raiders held up a train today neiween uiastougn and Monagban, made prisoners of the trainmen, and s?t fire to the train. The fireman was then forced to set the train In motion and jump. The train, with no one on it, ran half an hour be fore stoprlng. ARE COM MOB n Man Who Had Money to Burn Found at Last, and His Wife Burns It, $125 in Perfectly Good Currency Lano Morley, who operates a grocery store at Seventeenth and Center streets, has money to burn did have. And he burned it or rather. his wife did. One hundred and twenty-five dollars in perfectly good green backs. As Morley tells it, this Is the way it happened: Before leaving his store Friday night Morley put the .bills Into a box and threw waste paper and onion skins over them. That would be the last place burglars at the Portland encampment. Committee Nameil. Pots represented at the Salem met ting were: Over-t he-Top, No. 81. Portland; Mar. on post. No. 661, Salem; Whiz Hang post No. 584. Ibanon; Corvallls post No. 640. Corvallis. The following committee were appointed: Resolution Carle Abrams. Salem; H. H. Kern. Lebanon; J. Chamberlain. Corvallls; James Walsh. Portland: Orvllle Fraxier, Kugene; the adjntant of Astoria post, Astoria. Hy-Law Itichard ivick. Portland: L. J. Page. Salem; F. L. Shortridge. Ibanon; J. S. Proctor, Corvallis; John B. Pat terson. Eugene. Campaign Authorised. The department endorsed the state bonus measure and Instruct ed th council of administration to plan a comprehensive cam paign In behalf of the measure at the June flection, and to levy on (Continned on pare 5.1 y STAFF IS National Guard and Organ ized Reserves Discussed By Pershing WASHINGTON, April 23. Or ganization ot the new war staff of the army was discussed at a conference today between Secre tary Weeks and General Persh ing. The conference was the first since the announcement this week that General Pershing was to be assigned to the important duty of building up a general headquarters designed to take over In time of war the direction of the nation's military forces in the field. In addition to discussing the proposed war staff, the war sec retary and General Pershing were (understood, to have taken t up problems relating to the future administration and training of the national guard and organized reserves. General Pershing is known to favor standardization of training fer these reserves and th promotion of the utmost har mony possible between them and the regular establishment. AIH BILL Appeal From Sentences Im posed by Court Martial Now Possible .. PARIS. April 23. (Dy the Ass'd Presa) After the chamber of deputies adopted unanimously today an amendment to the- am nesty bill, under which an appeal may be taken "from any and all sentences imposed by court mar tjals during the war upon the request of the soldier affected, if living or his heirs if dead," the general amnesty bill was passed this afternoon. The vote on the measure, which embraces virtual ly all offenses against the military laws, with the exception of high treason and desertion in the face of the enemy, was 52S for to 14 axainst it. Mutineers In the Black Sea fleet are not included and must serve their sentence. DAYLIGHT ItOHUKlt CATGUT OAKLAND, Cal., April 23. Thomas Foley, last of the four bandits sought in connection with the daylight robbery of the Bank of Alvarado. here last October, was arrested today in St. Paul. Minn., according to word received by county officials. ejected here 'will be installed H 1 CONSIDERED OS DEPUTES would look for the money, he thought. But, Morley hadn't figured that his wife was to open the store next morning. The weather was cold yesterday morning and the fifst thing Mrs. Morley did upon entering the store was to build a fire. The nearest kindling at hand was the waste paper and the dry onion skins and Into, the stove they went, and. the $125 In per fectly good greenbacks went with them. Morley's moral Never let your wife build the fires. A FRUIT INJURY IS GREAT STATES EAST Information Received b Oregon Growers Tells of Tremendous Damage td Horticultural Crops. FORTUNE SMILES ON WILLAMETTE VALLEY New York, Michigan, Mis souri, Maryland and Other States Losers I " th project of a fine crop o fruits and berries in the Willam-S ette valle. conditions appear td he iuxt the opposite in the, middle western -states, and the east, in eluding the New England states, accord ins to special wire advices received by the Oregon Growers' Co-operative association. A telegram was received yester day from New York from an au thority on fruit as follows: "Damage to blossoms; Cherries 80 per cent r sour cherries; 50 per cent; peaches 10 per cent; plums 20 per cent; early apples 20 to 401 per cent; late apples 10 to 20 per cent; pears 30' to 40 per cent. Ex pect 60 per cent crop of ap ples. 70. per cent of pears,' 5-0 per cent of cherries, and a normal peach crop. Too early for accu rate estimate of damage to crop in Pennsylvania and Ohio, but thought to be 50 per cent. Dam-a oge to crop in New England states, Fame as New York." Michigan Hard Hit. From Michigan the association received the following special wire: "Reports from frui sections in dicate probable losses of fruits as lOllows: Southwestern Michigan suffered most severe losses, grape loss there being $0 per cent- er more. Peach loss is 8 5 per cent, cherry loss 25 per cent, pears 25 Eer cent. Early varieties of plums 11 gone in Michigan. Early ap ples severely injured, late varie t es slightly. Little left of small fruit. In northern Michigan slight injury to apples and cherries." The Atlantic states have also been hit hard by the cold weather. From New Jersey the association rereived the following 6peclal re port: "Frost damage? in New Jersey varies from 10 to 100 per cent on apples. Greatest damage on early varieties. Estimate ."0 per cent reduction In total apple crop, 90 per cent reduction in peach crop. 95 per cent loss on cherries and 85 per cent loss on pears. Reports from other Atlantic seaboard states Indicate even more serious damage south of New Jersey and less damage north." MiHHouri Sends Report. From Missouri the Oregon Growers' Co-operative association received the following night etter: "Commercially speaking, peach and pear crop of Missouri destroy ed by freeze. Plums and cherries injured. Damage to apples varies greatly with locality. Injury more serious in southern Missouri. Some orchards in southern part of state damage total loss. Dutches. Mis souri Pippin and Ben Ifcivis show greatest loss." From another authoritative source In Michigan, the associa tion received the following tele gram: , . "We had four inches of snow on Apr;! 17. Telegraph wires were half inch thick with ice. Trees all out in bloom except apples. This cleans up everything Except apples in this state. All peaches, cherries and small fruit in New York gone." From Hagarstown. Md.. the as sociation has received word there was hardly enough apple crop in that state to justify the expense of spraying and that the disaster to fruit of all kinds due to the freeze was the worst In years. Apple OO Per Cent. The great apple district of northwestern Arkansas suffered more than other apple centers. From Bentonville. Ark., the center of this apple district comes word that there was a loss of 90 per cent of the apple crop. Late va rieties of apples are all soneln that section. So severe was the damage to fruits In Arkansas,. that very few apple growers will con tinue the spray this season. In cantrast to these unfortunate fruit condition in the midlle west ern and far eastern states is the fact that injthe Willamette valley fruit prospects at present are bet ter than they have bf en for years, dre largely to the invigorated con dition of trees on account of the excessive moisture of the past win ter and the recovery from the win ter injury of December, 1919. l'. OP W. WIXS BASElJALTi SEATTLE, Wash., April 23. The University of Washington won the second game of its conference series from the University of Oregon 17 to 5 here today. LUMBER MILL WILL RESUME BOTH SHIFTS Manager Woodard of Silver Falls Says Night and Day Work Starts Tomorrow SILVERTON, Ore.. April 23. (Special to The Statesman I In f recent interview M. C. Wood ward, manager or the Silver Kails Timber company, ail that the mill will begin operations Mon day, April 25. with both a day and n I gil t crew. Men have already gone to the Ahijua camps to prepare for log ging operations which will begin bext week. The Silverton Lumber company will becln work around May 10. The S. L. C. mill has been com pletely overhauled during the win ter and much new equipment and machinery have been Installed. N. H. Cowden, president of Hie Silverton Lumler company, has given out that CO tracer men will go to work on the M eh a ma log g ng road May 1. The Four-L order is still strong at .Mlverton and its schedule will be maintained in the Silverton mills. VOTERS FAIL TO More Than 4000 Names Removed For Failure to Comply With Law The work , of registering voters Is very quiet In view of the near ness to the coming election, ac cording to information from U. G. Briyer, -county clerk. Very few registrations are being made, in dicating a lack of interest. In the past new residents of the state have taken an active inter est in Btate matters and were reg istered as soon as they had lived here the required length of time to become a legal voter which is siv months. The law requires the county clerk to remove every biennium from t ho rprialmlinn fllon nil Tthose who' failed to vote once fri the two year period. This re quired the removal ot over 4000 registration cards, the names on which will not appear onfithe poll books at the coming election June T, unless they register with the county clerk or with the different registrars throughout the county on or before May 7. The apparent tardiness In regis tration might possibly be due to people not moving around as much as usual. To date there have been only 250 registrations. The law requires persons who have moved into a new precinct or failed to vote In a two-year period or a wo man who marries to register again. The registration closes on May 7 or 30 days before the special election to he held on June 7. Senate Military Committee Approves Nominations Of Officers WASHINGTON'. April 23. De spite some democratic objection to Urigadier General Clarence R, Edwards, the senate military committee today voted to recom mend confirmation of the 12 maj or and 14 brigadier generals le cently nominated by President Harding for promotion. General Edwards, who com manded the Twenty-Sixth, New England division, overseas until relieved by General Pershing and returned home, was the only nominee on the list under fire. The committee vote on his name today was reported to have been 12 to 3. Those said to have op posed General Edwards include I Senators Hitchcock. Nebraska and McKcllar, Tennessee. Senators Robinson of Ankansas and Myers of Montana, democrats, were re ported to have Joined the repub lican committee members in tup porting him. Democratic opponents of Gen eral Edwards whose name leaded the list for major general, inti mated they would carry tlu-ir fight to the senate floor. Ko filibuster sit was said. vouM be waged. Bat a record vote-at ka.t. it was declared-, would be deman ded. Republicans predicted that the entire list of general officers would be ratified, thereby paving the way for many other promo tions down through the whole service and for selection of a chif of staff. Members of the senate express ed the belief that General Ed wards would not be chosen chief of staff, after today's meeting at which Secretary Weeks was called in again for further discussion of General Edward's record. Major General Harbord, according to op inion of prominent republicans senators, will be selected chief of staff to succeed Major General Peyton C. March. REGISTER HERE EDWARDS OPPOSED FDR MM STUFF n CAUSES BATTLE Judje Bushey Defends Action of County Officials Against Attack pi Newspaper Which Attempts to Discredit Program of Law Enforcement No Apologits Are Made for Expenditures of Money for Welfare of Commanity-:ourt De clares People Must Act If They Would Prevent Illicit Booze Traders From Overrunning Country Forty Organizations Rise in' Repudiation of 'Policy Adopted by Capital Journal and Throw Down Gauntlet tn Invitation to Fight EVENING NEWSPAPER ACCUSED OF ATTEMPT DISCREDIT WORK OF IM ENFORCEMENT AGTO To The Editor: The undersigned has vicinity to discredit the excellent work of the law enforcement officers of the federal government, of the state of Oregon, of the Anti-Saloon league of Oregon, and other good citizens in breaking up the rxot legging clique that has teen operating in Mar ion county. and vicinity with impunity and unhindefed for some months. 4 And I am not the only person watching these efforts, and myself' and .others have a very strong suspicion of what interests are inspiring such efforts. , - And I desire to say rfeht here that if the bootlegger and' his ilk and defender wan! a fight-to the finish along, this line, they want just what they are going to get, .for the better element in this community is thoroughly Organized and proposes to! go to the limit of the law in securing more wholesome ; conditions and in writing the doom of illicit use of liquors, gambling and the selling of cigarettes to minors. We have more than 40 organizations banded together for this purpose and repre sent thousands of persons in our county and propose to back, ouf county court and faithful and courageous officials of our government, state, county and city to the full est extent in the execution of their sworn duty to enforce the laws; and we commend most unreservedly the very satisfactory work already accomplished. Truly yours, . . . RONALD C. GLOVER, Chairman Steering Committee. The foul murder of Simon J. Yoder, Woodburn garage operator, a few weeks ago, was the climax that caused the Marion county court to enter into a contract with law enforcement officers of the Anti-Saloon league to assist local officers in the enforce ment of the prohibition laws. In the opinion of the people of the Gervais and Woodburn vicinities there is no doubt that Yoder was boldly slain by moonshiners or other deal ers in the illicit liquor traffic whose bidding he refused to do when lured away from Woodburn at midnight- by a pretext. This is the assertion of County Judge W. M. Bushey, who says that much more is known about the Yoder mur der than has ever reached the , newspapers. Judge Bushey spoke yester day in justification of the court's action and in defense against an attack on the court and the operatives by the Cap ital Journal in an effort to dis credit the law enforcement program which has as its pur pose the defeat of "wide open" prostitution of the laws which the booze dealers and their friends hope to thrust upon the community. Judge Bush ey concedes, as do most citi zens, that it is better to leave enforcement of the laws in the hands of the regular local of ficers, but the judge explains that the time came when it was necessary to bring in helo and the court acted accord ingly. "It costs some money," said Judge Bushey, "but the court is willing to spend the public funds for law enforce ment if It is necessary. It will cost more of the public money if the law is not en forced. The county is out a lot of money in the Yoder case in sendine officers over Ore gon and Washington, and the county will be out a lot more monev if this illicit liquor traffic is not stopped. Sortie of the citizens of this commu nity are spending their good monev now in sanitariums outside the state where they have gone with ruined health from drinking moonshine. Some, I understand, have al most lost their eyesight as a of sin COURT 1 i ; ' been notirtx the. numerous effnrta result I don't think the av erage citizen will censure the court for the money paid out to the agents of the law." ; Judge Bushey deplores the light penalties imposed on the offenders. "Some of them have been fined $125 each," he said. "If a man kills a deer out of sea son he is fined $250 or $500, and a violation of the prohibi tion law as we have it here is an offense three times as bad. "Many people had been im ploring the court to get help to enforce the law. We, held off. Then came the Oder mur der and we decided it was time to act. Unless the people of the community take thi3 matter up the liquor traffic will be come general all over the country. I don't believe , in bringing in outside officers unless there is an absolute ne cessity for it. I believe the local officers have to act for ioon MESSAGE TELLS OF SERIOUS ACCIDENT NEAR CITY. GIRL HURT A radio message received last night by Clive Scott of Salem from Herb Welch of Keizer bot tom, told of the collision of an automobile with a farm wagon in which Miss Rita Austin was severely injured, others less seri ously hurt, the wagon and auto mobile demolished and a team of horses knocked down in the road. Inquiry by telephone broufiht fur ther details. Miss Austin is in the Deaconess hospital with injuries about the face and chest and other bruises. A heavy automobile owned by Lafo Townsend of Mission bot torn, 12 miles north of Saleni, was traveling to Salem. In the car were Paul -Townwnd, Glenn Townsend, Frank Coulter. Harry Hockee and Miss Austin. Vehicle Are HnnclKvl. Going to his home, also travel inp toward Salem, Walter Pear mine was driving a team of horses auacueu iu a wuruii un wmcn was i a hayrack loaded with farm im- piements and wood. In the opposite direction came C. K. Hannagan of Gervais. in an automobile, and with him were. W. H. Mills. Ralph South wick, Martha Swart and Mrs. Earl Headrick. All are mi'ficlans who were going to a dance at Fair field. At a point near the Kurtz fruit farm, about three miles north of the Salem city limits, the auto mobiles were about to meet. Both drivers claim they had dimmed nf a r nin nanav In.lhla the best results. Ifr morfr fo calofficers are needed all the people have to do is ask for them.- If the people want the law enforced it is up to them."11 Explaining why the con tract entered into with the Anti-Saloon league operatives was not placed on the public record, J udge Bushey said the utmost secrecy was necessary. It seems there is a spy in the community. r , - ' , ; . "Someone on the inside " said he judge, "has been tip -ping off the moonshiners td all information he could get; I don't know who he Is, but he is not an official. And I do not refer to the Journal's allegation that officers of the ; law tipped newspapers prior to the recent raid." h I Rain; THE WEATHER moderate northwesterly winds. their lights. Apparently each driver was watching the other's liphts and the Townsend youth who was driving, apparently did not see the wagon ahead ot him; Also the windshield was wet and Townsend is said to have - been driving rapidly. According to at witness, Townsend said he waa going about 40 miles an hour. Pearmine said that when he saw he was going to be hh by the tar behind him, he Jumped. Ho did not clear the wagon entirely, however, and received an injured arm and leg and a badly cot head. Girl Unconscious. The impact, which larided the front wheels of the automobile cn top of the rear wheels of the wagon, crushed the windshield rnd front parts of thfl automobile back against the front seat In which AIIss Austin rode with the driver. Miss Austin was uncon scious when nicked tin and waa piacea into tne Hannagan auto mobile and brought to Salem where medical attention was given her, and later she was tak en to th hospital where reports last night were favorable. Coul ter was cut abont the face and V Bockes slightly Injured. The s Townsend boys were not hurt. " Both horses were knocked down . and one lay stunned for several minutes. The other skidded on his side In the road for about 73 ' feet, according to a witness. ' Pearmfne's wagon was badly;; wrecked. i V