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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1920)
din Hf. ?. , . , . ..... : .1 . .: i ' :''- : ............... t . : - ' ' - - " ., . . ... . - eTTvnAV tTAPMTvr! vnvrxmrn 01 igoa 9 THE OREGON f STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. . : t . . . I TEACHERS OF MUSIC COMING Members of State Associa tion Here Friday for Two day Convention For a two-day session the mem ber! of the State Music Teachers' association will gather in Salem next Friday. In the main the program lor the event has been ' prepared, and will be a comblna tlon of professional and social as semblies. Most of the sessions will be in the First Congregational ehnrcb. Friday morning there will be a- 'discussion on high school musle ' and credits by Dr. J. J. Lands bury or the University of Oregon. followed by a discussion led by 1 Franklin Walsh of Franklin high school of Portland. At 12:1 & o'clock luncheon will be served by the women, of th First Congregational church Music for the luncheon hour will be piano solos by Gustav DunkJe berger and violin solos by Carl Grissen of the music faculty at Oregon Agricultural college. At 2 o'clock p. m. is scheduled an analytical operatic study by Dorothea ,Nash and Mrs. Henry W. Metzger, both of Portland. At 3:30 will be a vocal and piano re cital by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Petri of Portland. At 8:30 p. m. at the First Christian church a con cert will be given by the mem bers oT the Salem district, Oregon State Music Teachers' association Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock an organ recital will be given by Frederick W. Goodrich at a place to be selected. At 10:30 at the First Congregation al church a discussion of modern harmony will -, be jjjeseji.ted by Mrs. Jean , Parks McCracken of Portland, followed by a paper by Miss Fay Ruddock of Portland. At 12:15 o'clock the women of the, church will again serve lunch eon and music for the luncheon period will be furnished by Mrs- Jessie Corbett and Mrs. Mile Warren of McMinnville college!. At 5:30 o'clock a banquet will be served at the Marion hotel Justice George 11. Ilurnptt of the supreme court will be the toast master and J .A . Churchill, state superintendent' of schools, anJ Judge J. P. (Kavanauglt of the circuit court forjklultnomah coun ty will be speakers. . Music will bef mulshed by members of the music faculty at the University of Oregon. The public Is Invited to all of the convention sessions and din ners. V - THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN I PHONE 930 I " i j i ii Ml' r i " i . .-r r v When We Weigh Coal thercis no driver onthe seat of the cart or truck. We sell coal, not drivers, and when we sell you a ton or more we mean just that quantity of all coal. Wa guarantee the weight as well as the quality of our coal. If the combination of full weight and best quality inter ests you, give us an order. Larmer Transfer CHARGE BY SANDS ; IS BEACKMAIL (Continued from Page 1) either misplaced or destroyed. r.o that nothing was done at the time." After i receipt of a second un signed letter which "they believ ed emanated from the Sands fam ily' Mr. Thompson said. Mr. Boi ling had told him Tucker Sands had made "an urgent demand that he (Bolling)xeei the president and use his influence with the president to have activities of the department of justice stopped and the prosecution against Sands dropped." T Sands." the statement con tinued, "was underjj federal in dictment charged wth violation of the banking act. On advk-e of Mr. Thompson.' Mr. Boiling wrote a letter to Sands telling him Cash Breeds Carelessness YOU know how it is when you have a lot of ready cash in your pocket. Everything in a temptation to dig down and shell out. WITH a Checking Account here at the United States National Bank you will find it occasions time for second thought to go and draw , money out, or to write a check. ' ONE of our pocket checkbooks will your purpose. 4, ( rGVCT ' Ay .1 - - t-i State Owned Coal Mine is Now in Operation l.EMMON. S. !-. Not. 1. The Clareinunt coal mine, owned by the state of South lukota. U now hipping 200 tons dally. The pro duct Is of the quality known a blu llgni'e. The Claremont mine was pur chased last summer to Insure state institutions against roal shortages. Fuel la furnished to th stati normal school at Spar flsh. the penitentiary at Stoat Falls, the school for he blind at Admiral Kerr said at at Gary, the school for deaf at Sloii nta'i - wedding: "Worn Falls, the soldiers home at Tot j marry men to reform them aj Springs, and other state Inatlt n-'oftener than people tklak" ill t'ons. Individuals may purchase ! women succeed In this. Tkm roal at the mine. formed bubnd. however IZ ine nun is iocai.ii m n7 -., seldom grateful, 'ily wife m. ried me to reform me a mam aaii X. II.. iut over the I ne from Lemmon. The original owner began the giading for a spur rail road from the mine to Lemmon. The state of South Ifciiota Is now building this railroad. It Is esti mated that when the line is tlo Ished the mine's output ran tripled. bitterly on a sea voyre. -'Hid she succeed? aikej . other man. Yon bet she did! iald first one. 'Why. If I lived to t Le a old as MeihuM-Iah I vonldst ' marry again. " r1 Jr. . -Jr.- r 4. i i m M i. '. ml. , -w m.JM, mm m ...i 4, MATRE TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE. BARGAIN EXTRA ordinary 1 model 30-X Samp son three wheel, sive grip trac tor, pulls 3 plows. ' Is a four cylinder engine, storage battery, " unlimited power. Has been used , only as a demonstrator. Can be seen by calling at 165 North Liberty St., Salem.J Or. Will sell for less than wholesale ;. price, if. D. Trover. SMALL ROAST PIGS FOR Thanksgiving. Dressed, j Leave order at 170 S. Commercial st. F. E. Shafer. FOR RENT G ROOM PLASTER ed house. Phone 2069-R. SALEM OREGON Two of the most homelike ho tels in Portland, located in the heart of the shopping and thea ter district. All Oregon Elec tric trains stop at the, Seward Hotel, the House of Cheer. Ex cellent dinins room in connec tion. The Hotel Cornelias, the Hoa.s of Welcome, Is only two short blocks from the Seward. Our brown busses meet all trains. Rate flJSO and op. ' C. CULBERTSON. Prop. - lariTprinf t ilIulh h ii n r it 3! i - I 1 I 1 Its performance is so regular that the merchant has the satisfaction of knowing what his delivery will cost him month after month. -I - The haulage cost is unusually low. B0NESTEELE MOTOR CO. - Marion and Polk County Distributors Ferry end Commercial Sts. Salem, Oregon ivttKiATKyxAi. catoow cow x. $ I w r that while he regretted he had become involved with the govern ment, he could not and would not approach the president." All Check Disprove C barge Investigation by the depart ment of justice was then ordered Boiling's repeated request, Mr. Thompson said. Pre-war transactions between Mr. Boiling and Tucker Sands. hich "aggregated not more than 300" wer mentioned, and In this connection Mr. Burke's report said Mr. Boiling had produced bis check stubs and other docu ments, "which after investigation proved to be transactions outside of and prior to the date on which Sands charged Downey paid over a sum of money, part of which he charged was given to Mr. Boiling." "Bank accountants from the department of justice traced, out all checks, notes, drafts and other papers," the report said, "and failed to find anything that cor roborated the statement of Sands." adding "in the belief of Mr. Thompson, it was blackmail engineered by Sands to force Mr. Boiling to intercede with the pres ident to save Sands from further prosecution." ' district. There are now six dis tricts in the state. SCOUTS READY FOR WHISTLE Boys Ask Citizens to Co operate in Gathering of Paper This Week . se- ' . " During the first few days of this week the Salem Boy Scouts are going to give the people of Salem an opportunity to do as little as they possibly can for a mighty worthy cause. , At least that is what the paper drive will eventually amount to as lar as those who subscribe the paper are concerned. However, to the Scouts,' each little bundle of paper you put out on your front porch, providing it is all that is available, will add just that much toward the 200.- 000 pounds of paper necessary to help in raising the estimated bud get for the Salem council. Boy Scouts of America. The Boy Scouts are all ready for the drive. They are expecting every home and office in the city to contribute toward the success of this drive with large amounts or paper, which, of course, will mean lots of hard work, in col lecting for the Scouts, but Salem will find its boys willinc at all tines to do their share in putting the Scout program across. The ;alem council. Boy Scouts of America, is now in the midst of a 'gigantic financial eamnaien. in which it is attempting to raise an estimated budget of $7400. The money which will be derived from the paper drive, while ex pended under the direction of the baieni council., will not form v part of the annual budget, but win te expended for equipment necessary to establish branches of the scouting program in this city. The Scouts have long dohe with out equipment which is necessary io esiaousn permanently a work ing program in this community, end every Scout is willinit and anxious to do his very best to help KJiuer enou-u paper to assure the purchase of this IL B. Churchill, who has the Hri in charge, assures the people that me scouts win do their bout they always doi and his only re quest -is that Salem citizens equal me enori pui lortn by the Scouts ia putting mis campaign across Electrical Contractors and Dealers to Meet PUns are being forwarded for the Salem district meeting of the Oregon association of Electrical Contractors and Dealers, which will be held about December 7 at the Marion hotel. Men prominent ia electrical industry will be pres ent to address ne meeting and questions pertaining to contrac tus dea,ers tnoroughly dls- F. R. Whittlesey, state secre tary for the association, was in the city FriJay making arrange ments for the conference, as this is the headnrarter for the S-in district, which Includes Polk, Marion and Linn counties. It is thought Salem district should have a representative on the gov erning board or the state associ ation and there is considerable discussion as to whether the rep resentative will be a Salem man or some other townsman in ths Memorials for the adornment of the resting place of your loved one a very large as sortment here for your .in spection. Phone and . our solicitor will call t Capital Monumental Works J. C. Jones, Prop. 2210 S. Com. St. Phone CS0 Special Shipment for Holiday Trade Just Received at special price for 8 days only . iJ j $13.00, 45-lb. Mattress for... We are also giving special prices on all our line of Hardware and Furniture. We carry a complete line of the ORBON IDEAL STEEL RANGES. If you need one we will be glad to demonstrate and we will take your old range In exchange. Remember oar name and place. ARDWARE CAPITAL H AND FURNITURE CO. 285 North Commercial St Phone 947 )) Every Family and Every Individual Wants a Good Motor Car. A Good Motor Car Mast be Backed Up by the Right Kind of Service by the Local Dealer. . tu.debaker AM E2 Franklin Cars Are GOOD Cars and We Give the IB q a it So Ask The Owners We Invite You to Inspect Our Cars and Let Us Explain Our Service. Complete Line of Accessories Open Day and Night Expert Repair Work Marion Automobile Company 235 South Commercial Street SALEM ... n Li 4