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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1920)
THE OREGON STATESMAN: WEUXESPAV, Al'IUL 7, 1920. The Oregon Statesman ,r,?Jl!fif?i! Iwued Dally Except Monday by THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CX)MPANT 2 1 S 8. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon Chemically Treated and Antiseptic . for Cleaning and Polishing Glasses When the Cleaner is Soiled Call and Get Another With Our Compliments HENRY L MORRIS & CO. Eyesight Specialist 303 State Street SALEM Phone 239 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclnsiTely entitled to the use tor republication of all newt dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news published herein. TL J. Hendricks. , . , i , . , , . .Manager Stephen A. Stone. . . .Managing Editor Ralph Glover. .Cashier Frank Jaskoski Manager Job Dept. DAILY STATESMAN, serred by carrier in Salem and suburbs, 15 cents a week, SO cents a month. DAILY STATESMAN, by mall, S6 a year; $3 tor six months; SO cents a month. For threa months or nan. nM In arivanre. nt nl nt IS. wir. (THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, will counselor and mend of all the local t be sent a year to any one paying a year In advance to the Dally I officials. The letter, being entirely - r ' ' inexperienced in the procedure of Teth?' - W; " CWXU l0 m0uXhai " ent t0T i-sulng and marketing bonds, are WEEKLY STATESMAN. Issued In two etx-rare aectlona Tueadavs and exceedingly grateful for the guidance Fridays, $1 a year (if not paid In advance, $1.25); SO cenU tor six afforded by the expert. monins;.z centa for three months. , ment a bond house learns from one of its scouts that a bond issue is being discussed, it dispatches one of its high-priced experts to the spot. This expert bond buyer knows ex actly how to become the guide. TELEPHONES: Business Office, 23. Circulation Department. SIS. . Job Department. SSI. Entered at the Postofllce In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. THE CAPITAL PUNISHMENT AMENDMENT This expert bond 1 negotiator is armed with full copies of procedure prepared by learned counsel, well compensated tor their skill In pre paring papers which after being signed and attested will stand the test of the courts. At each stage of the forward steps in the; bond ad venture he provides the proper docu ments which are signed. Also, he provides the bonds themselves, beau tifnllv engraved as bonds' are all 'The penalty for murder in the first degree shall be death, ex- 0f which costs money to the bond a t tA i H . " I cepi wnen me-inai jury snail in its veruici recommend uie lraprw-Uouie. . k.-. A, a.ll A. A. 1 . 1 - aT - - a V umnrni, in wnicn case me penalty snau De me imprisonment. These bonds are oblirinrly signed me writer isvureu me auumiou oi capital punisament in ure i,v the nmiwr inni n'fieiata and h gon, in the campaign preceding the 1914 election, when it was abol-Lreat pink ,eai o lne town or dit UCU. - ' I ,rtn, .rrt-aA Than lh.f, tie nas not cnangea nis opinion. - . taken over by the bond house, which And the voting of the above quoted words into the state con-1 o,,. t knv ih.m anin .:..: ... oi . -.1 1 a i . I - -J - - aumwuii uii iua i uum not scrTe 10 restore capital punisnment, tney arc validated by being voted. excepting. in some mosi extreme case, use mat oi jonnson, wiio m ih .wi tvhii. Mil l.l i i v: v.- -ar n i: i j . i . r vwiu. www icw iiis ucuciacurw, Jim. freeman, wihj iiau procureu I v0te that all this is done before ms parole irom prison, in ai other cases, the fundamental law the bonda are voted. 1.1 Vv . Jl m Jm 1 i AM . ... .11 M a. .11.. a I I .r.t.. . , , . . T ' - 7 . v" I Then comes the election, and as o,u.i.jr v wuiscntsui a uuuiau uciiig ui. um inc. i, tne fhion nowadaTS. a few Deo- a i i a. x z i. ii m i l i . . . i m in case ine ciause is voiea into me iunaamemai law next raonin. Oregon will be in much the same case as was Kansas for so long; where the death warrant -and the time of its execution were placed with the governor and all first degree, murderers remained in the penitentiary, lor no Uovernor would sign any such warrant. FIRST, RAISE THE FLAX pie turn out at the special bond elec tion and those few vote the bonds. In Bend recently, something like a dozen electors went to the polls at the school bond election, and all but one voted for the bonds. It Is not Henry Clews, the Wall Street authority, in his current weekly! unusual lor the bond election to be financial letter, is still optimistic. Following are some excerpts : I carried by the attendance of only "Crop prospects are of an unusually favorable description for 'this three or four taxpayers and the of- scason oi ttie year . .. . some $iu,uw,uuu (gold) was received at the I ticials themselves. So quietly have opening of the week, while probably double that amount is' under-1 the preliminaries been conducted and stood to be on its way, and an even larger sum likely in the near! so little attention has fceen crested a a. t. 2 f ml ij 1 l? 'ii . - .. T .. . luiure 10 oe saippcu. ; . . . me new goia nas gone uirecny into tne l The people generally know that a vaults of the federal liescrve Bank of New lork .... Earnings of I bond Issue is contemplated, and that not a few of the standard railroads have shown decided improve-1 a new schoolhouse or a new dock ment. ... VThe pre-convention campaign of the various presidential lis needed, and they pay little atten candidates nas Deen singularly tree irom attacks on capital. . . . yiiion to the transaction beyond dimly industrial earnings have held their own remarkably well in spite of I anticipating that the schoolhouse the heavy burden ol taxation to which they have been subjected, and I wilt be erected, the dock constructed in Kpite also of the high prices of labor and materials with which Lnd that everybody will live happily they nave to contend. I thereafter. With the voting of the bonds over. In a manner that attracts as little attention as possible, it is necessary ------- v bdltor statesman: I to conform with the law or charter Considerable has been said about the raising and manufacturing! requirements for "public advertls- of flax fibre in the Willamette valley, but, so far I fail to see any I ing" or "public sale. Some or these serious suggestion in regard to increasing the business and proving I reaniremeuts are that "notices shall to the capitalists that we are going to raise the stock, and that it is I be vosted in three public places. tip to them to start a company t5 erect a small spinning mill at Sa- so the three notices are printed on lem. 1 suggest that the proper way to increase the production of l three sheets of naoer and stuck ud flax is this: , I mia on the schoolhouse door where Any farmer interested in growing flax get the seed from the! the children mar read it if they are Oregon Flax Fibre Company at Turner, or the state flax plant at j tall enough, one on the plowed field Balcm, and get from their superintendent instructions on how toLide of a telephone pole where the grow tire best flax, and When the crop shall be harvested. Lntil I wooa peckers could peck at it, and we nave some pulling machine, we are going to Harvest with a sen the third on the side of a bridge binder, and, by, getting the ground smooth and level, the only dif-faclne the river. Thus the charter ference will. .be the loosing of 2 or 3 inches of the straw. I knowl... Kn conformed with vy expenence tnat tnc quality oi tne nax is just as goou ny cuiuug Gr if th charter requires adver as the pulled flax. I tUlnr In nuhltcatlon of reneral eir- After the farmer has his flax thrashed, he mav do the rettin? on) .v. - j i , iruuiion, me auvtrruiHruicub tn uui his land or use bur water retting system. inserted in the local paper by the a lie ucjli, uuci auuii, auu mc main uur, is iu nau uur ui uifrcMnci v--j .TD..t whn mtm th 1orl governor and our warden, Mr. Compton, let all the idle inmates of the! nmriu n tmnhio and Tnnomn. pcnueniiary scutcn tne straw, ine parties owning tne iiax would nei . . . tvmiuK iu pay lair wainrs lor iuc wurK, me siaie iiax. inaiii kuikt- .Inteudent to have charge of the scutching mill. The inmates would not have to go outside. This work would not interfere with outside labor. The state to quit raising flax, and then the farmers will certainly get an enviable return, especially if the fibre is pooled and sold for the benefit of the growers. ; E. J. HANSETT. Turner, Or., April 5, 1920. transaction and then the bond expert buys up all the extra copies ot tne local paper as FUTURE DATES. IXSIDti OF BOXl BUYING. , Silent, noiseless, thoroughly hid den ''public notice,' "public adver tising," and "public sale" appears to be the secret of how municapat bonds have been bought in Oregon . for many years la defiance of every con sideration of public right and public Interest. Full technical compliance witb the provisions of state law or local 'municipal charters has been observed scrupulously, thanks to procedure carefully devised by. able bond attorneys and t!w : pussyfoot publicity methods practiced within the. law by experts in raanlpulating ' guileless I'jcal cbnhcilmen," school district trustees and directors of ports. '' That tt)e public has lost what In the aggregate may run to many, tu any thousands of dollars la a pos- . slbility representinsr the difference In price, between that paid to the . public for. the bonds and what they were worth on the market as soon as they were In the possession of the bond hduses which bought them. An Indication of the extent of theso losses to f he public is furnished by the recent exposure of the difference in prices paid to the municipalities and districts for bonds which later were acquired by the state treasury hy purchase from bond houses, It has not been by any easy or In expensive methods that these pub requirements as to publicity have been circumvented. One big bond firm maintains a force of field men who visit every city, town, school district, port district or other muni cipality on the Pacific coast that has power to issue- bonds. This field force is a large one a corps by it self of gentlemanly sdouts who seek out the country. Other bond houses also maintain smaller forces of exj pert seekers. j These gentlemanly scouts visit the town clerks, district clerks, mayors. councllmen, recorders and other pub lic, officials in eaeh city, -district or municipality, ineir coming is -not heralded by circus posters. No ad vance puoucuy nonces, with por- Aprll ?, Wednesday Library Wture recital "American Music." by Wtllam ett unireralty school of mualc. Public library. April t and IS. Friday and Saturday aiariou . nuniy sunaay scnool con vent ion. Palm. . April 9. Friday Annual plar by sniupon uramaitc aociety or blah Knuoi. April IS. Sunday (Tentative) Bloa aoni day in Salem. April it. Sunday Baseball. Salatn Sen a tors t. iooaejaw. April 17. Saturday Debate between illamette university and College of tua;et Bound. April 20. Tuenday Realatratlon for voters close . Anril 21. Wednesday Willamette ii club concert at Grand Opera UVUK. April 23. Friday Howard Evarta weed. landscape architect of Portland to addresa Salem Art league at public library. April 2J. Friday Debate between Willamette university and Pacific unl verslty. .April 26. Monday Boy Semit enter tainment at armory under auspirea of aaiem L.IKS. -April S. Friday Debate between Willamette univeraity and McMinnvllle college. May 14. Friday Debate between traits, are sent to the lo.-al papers. I Willamette university and Oregon Ag- Tney are quiet, modest scouts, who lc move without ostentation Their purpose is to get the scent of possible bond Issues, contemplat ed In the various towns or districts for the various public purposes for which It is customary to i.sue bonds. Having noses that are keen and well trained, these bond bouses smell out the information early in fthe incep tion of a bonding project. And then they report. Another smaller but much abler and' higher-paid corps of experts Is employed If the big bond house, tnd the smaller bond houses also have relatively large corps of these same ' hfgo rank r experts.- --'The-lho- ricultural roll ere. Aprir J and May 1 "Awaken In c of fprin pageant upera House, hospital s,r 11-Tuesday Intercollegiate de bate. Willamette vs. O. A. C. atay i and II Nineteenth annual convention of Oreron State Association w Mmai.r nuranfri. in Xa lem. ilay 2. Saturday William Howard afi speaks at armory. June it to 17 Officers' schools for Oregon National Guard at Vancouver nra rori olevens. tan is ana is national gypsy tour motorcycle events In Salem. July C to 2S Annual encampment of vrriron national ouard. Infantry and engineers at vamp Lwis, artillery Fort Stevens. June 21. it and Jt Imperial conclave oi siyatir bnrine In Tortland. T . . i a ... n rvnesaay imperial con ciave or Mystic Shrine to visit Salem june si, z and Zf Portland tlom IHII1IL July 22. 21 and I State ventlon In Salem. September 21 te October state fair, - soon as It Is off the press, including such copies as ordinarily are mailed to the clipping bureaus, which main tain a clipping service for the ben efit of all bond houses. Thus by this well-planned secrecy. ably fortified by the skill of experi enced men who have been through thomlll many times, every formal ity has been conformed with. Bo when the sale tomes, the successful bond house puts in its sealed bid. there is no competition tor the bonds, the bid opened and accepted wnn me gentlemanly nona ouyer on the job and at once he pays what- . a astaa. a J l - rl ever oaiance is aue. jne last aciau of the transaction has been closed. and meanwhile the bonds have been In the possession of the bond house all the time, or at least are all ready signed and sealed, ready for Immedi ate delivery to him. Olten they have been sold by the bond house on option and at a handsome profit pending completion ot the final for malities of validation. Thus each bond house endeavors to outwit the other bond houset, from openly competing, and thus when successful, each bond bous through its resourcefulness In buy ing pften secures bond issues at enough less than the market value of the bonds to cover not only its immense overhead expense for scouts, buyers, legal advisers, advance bond printing, etc., but also to yield a profit above that immense over head expense. Close readers of The Voter will re call that prior to the 1919 legisla ture we recommended enactment of state law re-miring genuine publicity for bond sales. A year prior to start ing a campaign for this measure in the public interest, we interviewed all the bond houses in Portland to get their views. With the exception of Morris Bros, and two very small houses, all the bond dealer were strongly opposed to the legislation. Morris Bros, and the other two houses (both of whom bought for eastern buyer instead ot buying tor their own ownership as did Morris Bros.), strongly supported the pro posed legislation, as being la the pub lic Interest. When the legislature met, two Portland attorney lobbied against the bill, but in spite of their lobby ing it passed the bouse. It would have passed the senate, only (as re ported in The Voter at the time). one senator rose in hi piace .ana announced that "Morris Bros, were opposed to the Mil and if they were opposed to It, it must be a bad bill and he was against it," So the bill was defeated. . What wa the reason for this change of front by Morris Bros? Simply that they had learned by contact with the local field that In order to compete with the other ag gressive bond houses it was neces sary for them to abandon their policy of relying on open bidding or they would be able to get no bonds ex cept from their competitors, who had bought them secret elf and made the big profit. So they decided to get the bonds at private sale them selves and reap the long- profit. Then they put In the field a big force ot scouts and a big force of bond buyer. They went in on altlg scale, and built up an organization of bond buyers that beat the other bond houses at their own game, thus virtually acquiring a monopoly ot Oregon municipal bonds and acquir ing the bonds at prices which yielded enough to pay the heavy expense ot the high-priced organization and handsome profit besides. Naturally when they saw they conld beat their competitors at their own game, they were willing to join with their com pet! tors in seeing that such a profit able game was not interfered with But the legislature meets in 192 again. We feel certain that after the disclosures ot this year as to the methods ot purchase, the next legislature will enact the laws necessary to make such manlpula tion Impossible, Doubtless large corps of gentlemanly scouts and ex pert bond buyers will find them selves In other employment, as the long profit will have been squeezed out of the bond business a now con ducted In Oregon. But we cannot tee but what the public Interest will have been protected immeasurably There will be no excuse whatever for the next legislature not enacting mis protective legislation wnicn was before it in 1919 and which It en acted at that time would have saved thousands and thousands of dollars to the taxpayers of Oregon during tne year that has passed. Voter. April 3. l "V V follow as Mootiitqlvt Elks COB- 5 Oregon regon ine uregon Voter has performed good ser-.lcn in bringing this mat ter to the public attention. Ana it win not be allowed to tx dropped or overlooked at the proper time. The Statesman will under Uke to see to that.. .very Oregon municipality hav tnr IiaiiiI. , a i . . . mi aic uuKui to oe re quired to advertise the fact In a Sa JAINTY and original is the Monogram package in gold and white! It will give delight as will also the super-quality can dies which it contains. Other Vegan packages you will like are the Brown and White.Tiger Lily, and Blue Bells. At your dealer s. t Portland. Seattle. Spokane. Tacoma. X land dally newspaper, as well as In the home paper. The advertisement should be in a Salem .newspaper, in order that the state treasurer may have notice, and may have a chance to bid. The state of Oregon Is the largest purchaser ot . bonds for Investment In this state. The statu treasurer bought a million and a half of bonds last year, and will have to buy at least' as largely in the future.-to keep the funds working, and to take up the maturing bonds. The state owns now over f 3.700.- 000 worth ot bonds, on the accounts of the state industrial accident com mission and the segregated accident fund. . . : . Oregon bonds ought to be preferr ed by the tate. and the state ought to buy them so as to eliminate the excessive profits of bond houses. "Pitiless publicity will accom plish this, and the legislature must pee to It that such pubflrlty Is pro vided. f BITS FOR BREAKFAST 1 Wanted, sunshine. The farmers are cryiag tor It. S m Johnson did not get even a look- la in New York. m The sheathing Is going onto the roor or the rain machinery building ot the big paper mill In a hurry. It the weather would favor them, the big force down there would soon have that structure nnder roof. The price ot loganberries is bound to be, in the course ot time, what the juice and jam and jelly factor ies can afford to pay and pass on ts the consumers, at price they will py. b The consumer will finally dictate. If he thinks It Is too high, he will use something else. II Is free moral agent. Nothing can stop him. So. for the good of all concerned, a "runaway market on loganber ries would be a bad thing for the In dustry. V y The consumer would get away from the loganberry habit, and It might be too expensive or Impossible to get him hack. That .would rata the Industry. -' Team-work, and loyalty to home packers, la what is needej new. Cas it be had? Will the producers look a little beyond a present advantage Missouri will be 100 years old at a state this year. It date back K most to the time when Champ CUik began to run for coagrea la the' Math district.. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's root-Case, the an Uaeptle pow der to bo shaken Into tne shoes and sprlakted la the foot-bath. The Platts burg Camp Manual . adrUet men In training to Foot-Caao in Ifeetr shoes sch morning. It prevents Misters and ore spots and relieves painful, swollen, smarting feet and taken tb sting el of corns and boakma. Alwara n AI ln's Koot-Kae to beean In , f 1 lEWtl Republic Truck art attracting the attention of a fTe,t num ber of people. Priendg aj well u enemie. Last night some one destroyed a bill board reading Republic Trucks on the river road, with malidoui intent. .We will pay in fold coin $100 for the arrest and conviction of the person or person doing this. W. H. HILDEBRANDT & CO. 279 North Commercial Street SALEM, OREGON 111 M - - ,-T ; 1 !! I'. I, H''l, MEET MEATMILLER'S NO CE Owing to the change in owncrihip the Main room of "MILLERS" Will Be Closed Today For the purpose of loToicing .0 OPEN FOR BUSINESS TOMORROW The MILLINERY and READY-TO-WEAR Section WILL REMAIN OPEN and all customers will please use the Court Street Entrance MILLER XV Ji GOOD GOODS Open For Business Thuri day' Morning lem dally newspaper, and In a Port Vl