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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1920)
ROTARY'S BIRTHDAY One Club with 4 Members in 1905 jjChibs -with 50,000 Members in 19 Community of Interests Begun in Chicago Fifteen Years Ago now World Famous as i TA if I II IIVX II An Organization which in 600 Cities of the United States and Canada and elsewhere has come to be known in each locality as a power for good, an example of high standards of ethics and personal character, and a cross section of the substantial business element of each community. The -remarkablegFowthof Rotary has been spontaneous, entirelyithout the aid of paid organiza tion work, and stands today A Monument to A Big Idea which has "soldi itself to the alert, wide-awake, progressive business element of America and of the World Wherever you find a Rotary community, that commu nity is led by the Creed of Living Right To the Rotarian, Community Prosperity is greater than personal profit His city is the "best in the country", and his country the "best in the world" The Rotarian is an all-wool, yard-wide he-man, who works hard, plays square, and gives with a smile. He has an eye for a neighbor's need, a hand trained to help, and a heart for true men, good women and little children. ' - Urtgt n : -V,: -t ' " Rotary was born February 23, 1905. Four Chicago men, one a lawyer, one a mining operator, the third a coal dealer, and the fourth a tailor, decided on that day to organize a club. These men, drawn together through mutual acquaintance, proposed a series of meetings at their respective places of business. The circle soon was enlarged by representatives from other liner of business so that within a year a membership of fifty was reached. . As the time came for each to act the host, he gave a dis course on his own business so that his guests might learn ' something worth while regarding it, and thus broaden their own knowledge concerning various businesses outside their own. Growth In 1908, San Francisco, having learned of the Chicago Rotary Club, patterned one after it. This was in turn rapidly followed by others. Eventually, the National Board of Commissioners, a delegate body representing fourteen clubs, arranged the first National Convention. This was held in August, 1910, at Chicago. At that time the term "National Association of Rotary Clubs" was adopted, but a few years later was changed to " International ' in recognition of a Canadian club represented and ah application for membership from a club which had been organized in London. Rotary is now established in the British Isles, in South America, Cuba, Hawaii, the Philippines, China and India. AlJ clubs seeking membership are carefully surveyed to insure proper caliber of personnel and adequate repre sentation of sufficient lines of business to justify member ship in the International Association. The name "Rotary" was selected early in the life of the Cr4cagOfClub and was suggested by the early meetings which were held in "rotation" at the various members places of business. The Rotary Platform 1H)EC0GNIZING the commercial basis of Ire' modern life as a necessary incident in iL human evolution, the Rotary Club is or ganized to express that proper relation between private interests and the fusion of private in-, teres ts which constitutes society. To accomplish this purpose more effectively the principle of limited membership has been adopted, the Rotary Club consisting" of one representative from each distinct line of busi ness or profession. Each member is benefited by contact with representative men engaged in different occupations and is enabled thereby to meet more intelligently the responsibilities of civic and business life. The basis of club membership insures the representation of all interests and the dom ination of none in the consideration of public questions relating to business: On account of its limited membership the Rotary Club does not constitute itself the voice of the entire community on questions of general impor tance, but its action on such questions is of great influence in advancing the civic and busi ness welfare of the community. The Rotary Club demands fair dealings, honest methods, and high standards in business. No obligation, actual or implied, to. influence business exists in Rotary. Election to mem bership therein is an expression of confidence of the club in the member elected, and of its good will towards him. As his business is an expression of himself, he is expected actively to represent it. Membership in the Rotary Club is a privilege and an opportunity and its responsibility de mands honest and efficient service and thought fulness for one's fellows. Service is the basis of all business. He profits most who serves best Objects The "objects" of the Rotary Club are to encourage and foster' ' ' High ethical standards in business and professions; The ideal of Service as the basis of all worthy entcrpiue; The active interest of every Rotarian in the civic, com mercial, social and moral welfare of his community; The development of a broad acquaintanceship1 as ao opportunity for Service, as well as an aid to success; The interchange of ideas and business methods as a means of increasing the usefulness of Rotarians; The recognition of the worthiness of all legitimate occupa tions and the dignifying of the occupation of each Rotarian as affording him an opportunity to serve society. Membership The Rotary Club is restricted to one member from each distinct line of business or profession. Such a plan makes for thorough representation by all branches of business, yet prevents an unwieldy number or the domina tion of any club by any one business or profession. Such a membership becomes an ideal forum for the considera tion of, public or civic questions. It prevents lagging interest, for if a lagger develops he is dropped for a new and alert member. Contact and exchange of ideas with diversified business interests is broadening in every sense and tends to intro duce fresh thought and new viewpoints into every business and profession represented. L up, Rotary is Man's Humanitv to Man at its "RrnaHf TOo-oc -r xtu see a Rotarian, there you see a Good Citizen, an Asset to his Community and a Leader in his Craft This Advertisement Placed by the TARYCLUB OE SALEM, OREGON RO i ! i t