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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1920)
THE OREGON STATESMAN ; FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1020. A ' t I ''';' ' i. 'A , NEW TODAY SHORTY HAMILTON "DENNY from; t IRELAND" FATTY ARBUCKLE HOWARD FOSTER PLAYERS SIX HATS are in the presidential ring: so far and there are ,plenty of indications of many more to come. Acceptances rf tat reference of snnrjorters or formal personal an- L jr , X" - . A nonncements have been made by the half dozen. i 1 t CENSUS ENUMERATORS - START AT 9. M. TODAY i ; j (Continued from page 1) , during the winter months, For the first time women have been'employed i' supervisors. : Maximum pay allot ted is 4 cents a person, with a" higher rate tor farm hands. Congress ap propriated $22,0i)0,000 for the work-j . The first census, taken in l i v v daring the administration of i George Washington .showed a population of 3,000,000. - 1 r NOV SHOWING Aiv qIwv IOHNSOM Sn MILLS f v-- CXrRlC , "g GAME FOR U. S. "PREP" SCHOOL TITLE TIE 7-7 Everett, Wash, and Scott High of Toledo, 0., Play to ; Huge Crowd FIELD IS SEA OF MUD Home Team Rushes First Quarter Match Ends With Ball 6 Inches From Goal o'clock and more than 20 newt- frellkUn 19 i-CHe Mil T PTTTiITtTir di.lared tbat ther! e state Irtdmni ScAoolHULIi ilUU V YA had a "great time Labor Commissioner C. H. Gram; made a special trip from Portland ! be present at the banquet after which he gave a snort aaaress upon topics of interest to the newsboys. Other guests of the day lirere: Max Clark. V. A. Hutler. Murray Wade and T O. Bligh who are connected with business and newspaper enterprises of Salem. After -the banquet the party ac cepted the invitation of Mr. Hligh to attend the Bligh theatre. .'"-lately nilkn being commit. tne uW1 iur i CANDIDATES ASKED STAND ON COVENANT ' (Continued from page t) are upon this problem and what it will be your-purpose to do should vo be honored y an election as pres ident." RuftsUn Caxe Citel Senator llorah 'said American op erations in Russia were in violation of the constitution and .against the wishes of the American people, but in furtherance of a secret agreement made in Versailles. ' "This is but an intimation." Mr Corah concluded, "of what is to hap pen phould we conclude to abandon 6ur traditional policy and enter into understandings and 1 combinations which would embroil us1 in all Eu ropean conflicts and turmoils. Our young men would be asked to sacri fice their lives in just such secret and unscionabte affairs as this in Russia. And Mr. Taft. I understand from his public statement, is in fa vor, if necessary of conscripting our young, men for that kind of service. "Are you In favor of any such pol icy or of any allegiance, league or partnership which may lead to such program? What is to be your, policy with regard to such affairs. Tn rf r.unn ted to in. -7 r; , . , -. - w AJMJ UUTUJU , -viin wh WJ arrested Sunday i f , , irSSaUla, was riven leave of atZ j County and Cityjchool Offi- . "i ana rap us : to Aid Work 4 LmYF M: Srnlth. county school su nide?U J W. Todd, city school ?d tbe of the local schools have been wked to cooperate in makinr a milk inr. t . n. roatb was accominled to the school! Mf children are getting no 1 his mother. $s. U J. Franklin miAl tbelr diet. The work la aim- U M. Cll. llatjon Ihat he re f week. The re- nature of a pa- Wort WIUI - by letter ev lease Is not in l f Franklin Is a lnor. and accom naarlBC ln' ofnnmtmcnt from f....t Judge Bihey wa an Infor- extendea v uiif'wi uuoeri Tr tastifiable In fcis opinion The EVEREET. Wash.. Jan. 1. Ever ett high school and Scott high school. Toledo, football elevens', played a 7 to i tie game here today, contesting for the national preparatory school championship. The field was hard and firm when tbe game began but a warm sun melting the frost, devel oped slippery going, and the third and fourth quarters wereplayed In a sea of mud. The largest crowd ever gathered at a football game tn this section, estimated at over 8009 persons, witnessed the contest.' Kvenett Rushes Fin Qnarttr The Eerett team played the east erners off their feet in the first quarter, rushing the ball down .the linn wttn Toledo's line railing to hold. Hickey carried the ball over for a touchdown. A try for a goal failed, but Toledo was offside, and a second attempt by Sherman sent the -ball between the posts. Score Everett 7, Toledo 0.- x Toledo retaliated In the second quarter. After a series of eriss cross and; line plays down the .field, An drews scdred on a modification of the bid criss cross, , and Scharer kicked goal, tieing the score 7 to 7. Whistle Karen Game Exchanges of kicks and line bucks featured the third and fourth quar ters. the muddy field making open football almost impossible. Toledo brought the spectators to their feet a few minutes before the game end- . , .... . inchee of the.Everett goal. The Et- hUw" .-tntV iXt tiixvZX: . i i - . and has not been seen since. It is of Polk county. jd by bis brother. FranKJin wuj, u - muiomooue from L- " ' " oieia oeaier. aivlng in paymeri a check te which was attached thelinature of a man named Eggleston of , Brownsville. This prqvea io Kery. PRESIDENT HAS QUIET HEW YEAR Washington tas Day Much Like Ordinp Sunday . Recepticis Lacking Freddie Ward, 15, Reported to Have Gone With Friend, 23 Freddie Ward, son of Mrs. W. L. Ward. Fourth- and Shipping streets. is believed .by his parents to have been lured away by a man amed Brown, according to information turned into the police station. Brown i3 about 23 years old ESTH0NIA RECOGNIZED BY RUSSIAN SOVIET (Continued from page 1) N rjf LOUIS f jr. 'jr HICH KCKtTJ Perfection in Photoplay Projection YE LIBERTY the former connections of Esthonla with Russia. Armies to Remain. The agreement stipulated that dur-j ing. the cessation or hostilities the respective armies shall remain on tbe territory held by each and that the land between them shall be consider ed a neutral zone, i The frontier isf fixed at ten kilo meters eastward j of Lake Piepus, crossing Lake Peipus and Lake Pskov an drunning thence southward to the east of lsbOrsk. i The present Es thonian military tine is left approxi mately intact. The . frontier settle ment Is regarded as an important Es thonian victory. 200 CHICAGO REDS ARE TAKEN IN RAID (Continued from page 1) j Only one man among those arrest ed here wore insignia of war service. He was released when it was learned he. had been found wandering on the street and taken into a meeting place of radicals.' Several men alleged "by the state's attorney tor have been active among agitators at Gary, Ind., in connection with the steel strike, were arrested. A half dozen women were taken in later, raids tonight. Among them were Mrs. B. Dobrow and the Misses Vera and L. Dobrow, who the state's attorney charged were brought from Russia to work among women. Come Through Mexico Assistant State's Attorney Henry A. Berger asserted it had been learned that Russian radicals reach this country by'way of Sweden and Mexico. He declared they obtained passports through the Swedish con sul at. Mexico City to the . United States. - . Warrant out for Haywood. Among 163 individuals for whom warrants were issued were William D. "Big Bill" Haywood, the general secretary of the I.W.W., who was con victed before Judge Landis in tbe I. WAV. trial, and many others of the original 100 I.W.W. who were in dicted. Haywood, however, was hot found, although .a number of those convicted with him were arrested. erett team held solidly twice, the sig nal whistle quashing the hopes of the eastern team of winning the Lineup: Everett (7) Torgeson B. Mohler G. Wilson Walter A. Wilson Dixo? Carlson ' Hickey Michel Sherman Posv le It lg : c . . r rt re n'ii rh rlu fb Toledo (7) Edwards Andrews Meyers Shuey" Coombu . Faber Robb Scharer "? Skinner t , VIck Hunt thought he and Brown are traveling on the boy's earnings and that they may have gone to Hood River where Brown's relatives 'are said to reside. -7. Read the Classified Ads. HiTURE AUG! ... i 0 KM M SATURDAY, JAI 3; 1:30 P.ffl wo.odirys Auction House 270 NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. Consisting of Dressers, davenports, organs, sewing machine extension tables, diners, beds, springs, mat tresses, rugs, ranges, clocks, heaters, home earned frnit, silverware, baby beds, wicker baby carriage, gas ranges, magazine racks, buffets, e'ectric fixtures, kitchen chairs,- tables, stand tables, comodes, rockers in oak and tapestry, white enamel dresser and chiffoneer pictures, lounges and many other articles, including d shes, kitchen utensils, etc. Public Attention I, the undersigned, auctioneer and owner, wish to draw to your attention that my new store is filled to capacity with good used furniture a id- everything inside the four walls offered for sale, will;be sold without reserve to the highest bidder. This is an opportunity where you can furnish your home at your own price. K!ndly 4ell your neighbors and friends of this big sale on Saturday, January 3rd, 1:30 p. m. Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. - " T . F. N. WOdDRY ;j THE AUCTIONEER "CTE: I want your used furniture. . z Phone 510 or 511 SALEM WATCHES GAME AT ARMORY Crowd Yells u and Jokes as Plays Are Announced and Shown on Stage : : I Salem football fans at the armory yesterday to ''watch 'the big game at Pasadena, manifested almost as much noise and enthusiasm as if the game were actually: In progress be fore them. There was all the shout ing and joking back and forth' among the three , hundred present that at tends a real game and when Oregon scores were announced the crowd came to its feet and yelled lustily. -. The Oregon students in charge of tbe special service bad details care fully worked out. A special western n r . 0 f i (Union wire was Tua to the armory a lugium cu 4& p. flu 1 vauy and - Score by periods: Everett 7. 0, 0, 0- Toledo, 0, 7. A, 0-7. Summary: , Everett-Scoring: Touchdown, Hickey; goal from touchdown, Sherman. Toledo Scoring: Touchdown. An- arews; goal from touchdown, Schar- Kereree. Strong, Oberlin; umpire. uoyie. Wisconsin; field judge. Alli son, Carleton; head linesman., Coyle. Washington. Time of periods' 15 minutes each. pie-but is rerardl imL,u.i i. W U .ca,U "ntion to the great rood value of milk and dairy prod acts. The plan Is that of the Oregon uairy council, an educational organl- . xauon that has the ooperanon or . the sute agrlcnltnral eohege and the Indorsement of the bureau of health. ;? vS.Ut "Perlntendent of schools the Oregon Parent-Teachers aBd the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs, the SUte Chamber of Commerce and other organizations and persons of prominence. In Portland it was found that when the survey was made there 5701 children nnder 14 : if l e ettlnr no milk In their uM-u rouow.up work teaching the food value of dairy products, lec tures at meeting and talks by -the teachers, all voluntarily done. in creased the use and raised tne health standards wonderfully. The returns tin U mm (i Oregon Dairy Council's educational HH1. 1006 land, who pile and publish them. WASHlXGTO.f Jan. L New Year's day was oerved so Quietly in UiirectAr smiU -!-.. Washington thatJt was much like an Broadway building. Portland ordinary Sundai There were no Will compile and nublish th public receptions ana cnurcn ser vices were noi m ienni irom inose in hundreds of fmertcan cities. Pmldeat WilHBa's Illness forced abandonment of e customary White House celebrati. surrounded by members of his miiy, tu president spent two hoursjn a wheel chair in the sunshfne oa the south portico. away from the wind and later re ceived greetings prom neaos or many fofigu nations. Congestion doses Delay In Issmii Auto Licenses Because of tie delay .until the eleventh hour If many, persons in applying. for tbfr 1920 automobile licenses a congeiuon nas occurred in the registrationidepartment of the secretary of stab's office, and Sam A. Koxer. deputs secretary of sute. FATHER KIDNAPS CHILD, BELIEVED Marvel Hill, 14, Said to Have Been Lured From School on Pretext Ttat Marvel Hill. 14 years old.' ni kidnapped by her father. E. L HI1I. is believed from informailoa which -has been given to Salem po lice. It is believed that the girl was enticed away from school on the story that her grandfather was 111 and wanted to see her. According to the police E. L. Hill. says it will be alout 10 days before! fa,te,lfof h? S1""1- h been staying the congestion mn be overcome to th extent that license tags can be mailed out on Ike day applications! are received. About 33.000 applica tions have been? received and tags have been mail J out ts 25,000. NEW DEFENSE CLOSES TODAY Case Not Liktly to Go to Jury Before Wednesday Believe "I : Attorneys . - LOS. ANGELES, 'Jan. 1 High' School Homecoming with his father. Lyman Hill, at the home or S. Armstrong who lives at High and Judson streets. Mrs. Hill, mother of the girl, who lives at Che- mawa. reported to the police that at about 9 a. m. Wednesday -her hus band came to her home and .while he waa away got the girl's clothes. He then vrent to the Adventlst's . school. North Fifth and Gaines ave nue, according to tlie story and told . the girl that her grandfather was 111 and wanted to see her. Mr. and Mrs. Hill have been living apart tor some time, it is said. Investigation by Officer Morelock showed that the girl was not at the -home of her grandfather., the offi cer being told that she had been tak-: en back to the school by her father. The girl was not returned to the school, however. No word of her1 Tfnk I "uticauvuuj ua uwa received dt ' v ifs ' , . . T-7-JZ hr mother and it is thought she may testimony by five alienists the de- ha. been uk s.ttu ' ' tense will close tomorrow in the trial Salem high school students will give a program today at the high school auditorium at 2:45 o'clock in observance of the school's homecom ing day. The public is extended an invitation to attend. ine commtitee selected that are In charge of the day's activities are: Catherine Gibbard, Margaret Grif- fith. Earl Shaffer. Richard Kreisel. a megaphone man announced the plays as. fast as' they came.. The spectators sat in the balcony and on the floor of the armory was. a stage chalked In replica of a football field. A cardboard . football on strings op erated by students at the ends of the stage showed at all times the loca tion of tbe ball, A score board show ed lineups, weights, yardage and oth er data. i $80 for Building. The students cleared $80 on ad and Will Ashby. The program consists of the fol-1 missions which will be turned in the lowing numbers: soeech, Ralph E. Wilson; vocal solo. Edna Ackerman: reading. Leona Estes; violin solo. Viola 'Ash; reading. Hazel Lone: trio. Rein Jackson, Archie Holt and Floyd White; address. Dr. F. L. Ut ter. Newsboys of Salem Guests at Banquet and Theater - L l , All the! newsboys of Salem were invited to share in a banquet and theatre party, which was provided by F, W. Jobelman, night clerk of the Bligh hotel, on New Year's day Mr. Jobelman is especially interest ed Jn the newsies." having passed that experience himself once. The big "feed was prepared and served at the Royal Cafeteria yesterday at fund for the women s building at university of Oregon. In addition the group of students has secured about $100 in personal contributions. BLACK POWDER STORE EXPLODES Roar Heard for Miles and Shakes San Francisco Bay Towns of Harry New, alleged murderer of freda Lesser. It was announced oy New's attorneys tonight.. The arguments will' require ai least a day for. each side, defense and prosecution attorneys were agreed tonight. Consequently they thought It unlikely the case -would go to the jury before Wednesday oi next week. Both sides passed today In active preparations for resumption of the tiial. all counsel putting In full time m ineir orrices. New was Tisuea oy his mother, Mrs. Llllle M. Burger, and his half sister. Miss Edna Clancy in the county Jail.- He showed no sign or emotion and to all appear ances, the strain of the trial has had Uttle effect on him. N FRANCISCO, Cal., Jan. 1. With a roar that was heard for many miles, two tons of . black powder stored in a magazine 'of the Hercu les Powder company's plant explod ed shorUv after 4 n. m. today. No r .a mi m one was injured. ine iorce ul iur Klae ehAAb o n rrAII nrl in IT tnwnt ifl liENUlNK ASPIRIN the bay region. ' .1 Official of the company after an investigation advanced the theory that the powder was exploded. by stray bullet from a hunters rifle. The plant was shut down for Use New Year holiday. A crew of half a doi en men ordinarily is employed at tbe magazine.. NAME "BAYER" ON Ge( Relief Without Fear as Told in "Bayer Package" The "Bayer Cross" on Aspirin tabn ieis nas the same meaning as i Kar at on gold. Both means Genuine! "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" should be taken according to the safe and proper directions in each "Bayer" package. Be sure the "Bayer. Cross" is on package and on tablets. Then you are getting the genuine Aspirin prescribed ; by physicians ror over eighteen years for the relief of Colds, Pain. Headache, Toothache, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis ' For a few cents you can set a ban dy tin box containing twelve tablets. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin is the trade mark BRITONS SEND DAY'S GREETING Lord Mayors and Other Mu nicipal Officers Cable Goodwill - Perfect Order Marks Nets WASHINGTON. Jan, 1 The state department announced today It had , received, through the American em, bassy at London, an address, to the ' people of the United States signed by the lord mayors, lord provosts and mayors of cities and towns of -Great Britain and Ireland, express- m, . f m ts ' 1 ,n appreciation i ine cooperation I COT Observance Ot tnSOniot the American army and navr in s . bringing' the war to a victorious end. A SDecLil midnieht entertainment and the regret at departure of the and n ovlnp picture shew as given American rorces rrom the British fjr ibe benefit of tho lumates of the Isles. ate penitentiary VeJuesday nigh:. ' Acknowledging the address. . the . . . & - tana m Am tr 9-A A 4a vnistis of the nr'son were dib . .... iui, as th v.w v.1-,.. ..,red in at expressions of appreciation from Sec- 12 nvwv -r Trk.i .v w9. om reUries Baker and Daniels. hilarity ftminv tiA nrimnr the ri- oting that occur, each New. Year RM j Classified Ads. 'ui in maicy prisons oi ids was entirely absent. - , TEAM PRAISED BY CHERRIANS Telegram Sent Coach Hani ing ton Congratulating for Good Showing . . , Clancey. King Bing. last night sent sraxlng permits on public lands; fed a telegram to Coach "Shy" Hunting-. arbitration of wage and ton of the University of Oregon foot-l Hsrputes; segregation of horses and ball team In which the work of. Ore- cattle on grail ng areas. ' " gon In the bl; game against Harvard " J! r .- - ' " uSSSISi, ; (TOO LATE tO CLASSIFY "ConK-ratnlAtfonk' on mnr .nlondld ' . n Showing1. The old firht of Orecon LOST A 6TRINO OF PEARLS. ON was annarent In vrv nia The! 19th mttu-t K.n ."fhpmeketa . . . a. .. I ' " -T. V'wMf . ... VM w.w,w. ui Bayer aianuiaciure oi jouoaceu- game was Watehed with intense In- Street asd S. P. &. S. deDOt. cacldester of Sallcyllcacld. I terest here . - is. v Bo60y McLean Skates 50 J yard hi 3 4-5 Seconds CHICAGO, Jaa. ' 1. Bobbie Mc Lean, who leaves soon to meet Os car Mathisen. in Norway for the pro fessional skating championship of the world, negotiated an exhibition ny yard dash in 3 4-5 seconds today. He PPeared at the twenty-sixth annual skating derby of the Slepner Athletic Club whose class a event of one mile was won by William S. Steimetx of the Norwegian-American A. A. In. S minutes and 18 seconds. V " i .Idaho Wool Men Approve Attorney Generals Act BOISE. Ida.. Jan. 1. Idaho wool growers today gave approval to the action of Attorney General A. Mitch ell Palmer in the direction of a di vorce of .meat packers from other In dustries and Unes of business. Other resolutions adopted favor ten-year GRAND OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY, JANUARY 2 A. L. Erlanger. Presents .-. CHAUNCEY OLCOTT "MACUSHLA" ABE.IUT1FUL IRISH C03IEDY IN FOUR ACTS -"' niDA, JOHNSOX ypUNQ ; HEAE OLCOTT SINO tThat's Un the Shannon Flows' "Machushla Asthore" Pulse of My Heart) "Tls An Irish Girl I Love and She's Just4 Like You"-, ' ; , . . and . . "lTl Mfas Toff Old' Ireland.' God Bless Ton Good Bye" ' SEAT SiALE TODAY OPKTL HOUSE PH.R3LCT - PRICES 50c to S2.0O li i 7 :A r w m v! 1