The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 29, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    , WEATHEU. 1 ,
Rain; strong westerly wind.
Housekeepers to Get Instruc
tions for Government's 1918
; Flan for Conservation dl
) Wheat and Meat " 1
Feed Supply to Be Adequate ;
Campaign Is Rigid Against
' - Waste
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. The
rfew borne card of the food adminis
tration baa' been Issued and, shortly
will be distributed throughout the
United States to aid housekeepers in
observing the 1 8 1 8 food conserva
.tlon program of two wheatless, one
meatless and two' porkleea days a
week as announced in President Wil
son's1 proclamation.
The card, carrying an explanation
of the weekly plan. wnt Into effect
today when the bakers bean the
-manufacture of the victory loaf, a
'war bread containing a & per cent
substitute for 4 wheat flour. Bakers
are to Increase the substitutes for
wheat flour until a 20 per cent sub
'stitution Is reaped February 24. At
the 'same tWns, grocers will sell
householders wheat flour only when
the purchaser buys an equal'amount
f some other cereal. The food ad
ministration card -asks "every loyal
.American to help win the war by
maintaining rigidly as a minimum of
saving; the following program:
"Hare two Wheatless days (Mon
day and Wednesday) In every week
and'one wheatless meal In every day.
Crackers Are Taboo,
"Explanation In 'wheatless days
and In .'wheatless meals of other
days, use no crackers.' pastry.' maca
roni, breakfast food or. other cereal
'food contalnfortwheat, and use no
wheat floor 'In any form except the
vmall amount that may be needed
for. thickening soups or gravies, or
for a binder In corn brerri and other
cereal treads. As to bread. If you
bake It at home, use other cereals
tiatt wheat, and if ou buy It, buy
.only war bread. Our objecfla that
ws should buy and consume one
third less wheat products than we
"did last year.. " - I ! 1
Hat one meatless day1 (Tues
day) In every week and one-meatless
meal in every day. Have two
porklets days (Tuesday and Satur
.day) In every week. , i
; "Explanation 'Meatless means
without any cattle, hog or sheep
products. .. On bther days use mutton
and lamb la preference to beef or
pork. porkless means without
pork, bacon, bam, lard or pork prod
ucts fresh 'dr preserved. Use flab;
poultry and eggs. As a nation we
est and waste nearly twice as much
meat as we need. -
! "Make every day a fat saving day
(butter, lard, lard substitutes, tc.)
"Explanation Fry less, bake,
.broil, boil. or stew food Instead. Save
meat drippings, use these and vege
table oils for cooking instead of but
ter. Butter has food values vital to
children;, therefore give it to them.
Use it only on the table. Waste no
soap; it is made from fat. We careful
of all fats. We use and waste two
and a half times as much fat as we
"Make every day a sugar saving
day. ,
Explanation Use less" sugar, less
sweet drinks and andy containing
sugar should not be used in war
times. As a nation f we have used
twice as much sugar as we need."
The fr.rd also cautions household
ers against hoarding food and gives
renewed assurance that the govern
ment, "by its control of exports, will
'retain for our people a sufficient
" "PPly of every essential foodstuff."
Warning agafast limiting the food Ot
Crowing children is given., .
, Lcfaticn to Be Sent Out of
Petrograd, Commission
ers Announce
PRTnnnnAn tan The rov-
. rament ' commlsslorfersV announce
nai the Rumanian legation ami an
the Rumanian representatives here
ill be sent out of the country by the
shortest route.
. Untenant General Dmitri Grlgor
,.. mtch Stcherbatchcff, commander of
Russian forces la Tttjtnanla,i has
oulawed as an enemy of the
' people.
; General tcherbatcbeff for some
tim nM beft ont of tne good graces
of the Bolshevjkl. Rrecent dispatch
es said that the attempt by the Bol-
, "-"'i io arrest the Kumanian royai
"niiiy.vai fmitratcd by bfm.
i i -
Important Changes Made at
Annual Meeting of Bank
! '., of Commerce
Perry and . Vick Added to Di-
rectorate Elliott Vice
i President
Dr. B. L. Stteves was elected pres
ident of the Saiem Bank of Com
merce, and other Important change
were made In the officiary of that
institution when the annual meetins
Uit 'officers and directors was held
last night.
Bldner It Elliott ( oai.A tr ih
vino presidency from the position of
cashier, and a new citizen comes to
Salem to fill the latter position. lie
Is J. H. Miner who cefnea directly
rrom the Idd &. Tilton bank, Port
land. Another change made . at tho
meeting was an increase in the num
ber of directors from five to seven
by the election of J. C. Perry and
George F. VIck to positions on the
directorate. 8. 8. East retires from
the presidency, but tam.ilns on the
board. ?-.
j Ht?eve lias Active Career.
Dr. B. It. fiteeves, the newly elect
ed president, came to Falem when a
young man in-188S for tljo purpose
or; attending Willamette university.
He graduated from that institution
In 11891 and In the fall of that year
took up the study xf medicine, grad-J
'Rtlng In 194. He began tbo prac
tice of medicine In Sllverton. remain
ing there three years, and still num
bers his friends by the score in that
enterprising community. From RM
verton Dr. Steeves moved to Idaho
and practiced ' his profession it
Huntington and Welser for eleven
years, when be moved to Salem and
limited his practice to diseases of
the ieye, ear. nose and throat. In
a 91 4 h formed an association with
Doctor M.C.Findley who had already
acquired a large reputation In south
ern Oregon and the firm baa now a
practice extending over four statos.
. Doctor Steeves has been active in
the civle life of every community
in which he has resided. He was
mayor of Huntington, was a member
Of i the city council of Welser, was
elected lieutenant governor of Idaho,
and since coming to Salem has serv
ed oqe term as mayor of Sal-m. He
is president of the board of trustee
ef Willamette university,' the school
from which he graduated.
iln 189 he was married to Sarah
int. a daughter of one of the pion
eer families of Oregon.
s ' Elliott Here Five Years. ' i
Sidney B. Elliott has been In Sa
lem five years, during which time h
has been cashier. , He came from
Pasadena, Calif., where he was con
nected with the Citizens Saving bank
Before coming to the .Pacific . coast
he held the position for eight years
aa cashier of the Mechanics Savings
bank, at Moberly, Mo.
Mr. Eljiotf is recognized as a
banker of more than ordinary abil
ity, who's honesty, and integrity are
unquestioned, and, those wtio know
him best appreciate him most
! Miner Ktadent of Hanking.
J. H. Miner, the new cashier, came
to the coast from Kansas seven years
ago, In Kansas Mr. Miner was con
nected with the First National bank
of Hutchinson. lie gained his first
business experience with this bank,
after finishing his studies in the
Kansas educational institutions. Lat
er Mr. Miner completed the courses
on commerce and finance with the
American Institute of 'Banking and
the Alexander Hamilton Institute ol
New Tork City. Since his arrival In
Oregon he has been associated In
various capacities with the Iadd tt
Tilton bank of Portland. Ills con
nection with this leading, efficiently
managed financial institution has
given him an excellent training and
insight into successful modern bank
ing practice. He has also been ac
tive in the management of the Ore
gon Agency, Inc. Financial Agents.
I During his residence In Portland.
Mr. Miner has taken an active Inter
est In various civic and social club
of the city. He has been a member
of the Portland Chamber of Com
merce, the Multnomah Amateur Ath
letic club, the Invington Tennis club,
and the Portland Height's and Rose
City Social clubs. -He baa been ac
tive in the Young Men's Christian
association and was secretary and
treasurer of the First PresbyterJan
church Sunday school with an enroll
ment of seventeen hundred pupils. .
i Shortly after coming to Portland,
Mr. Miner married Miss Janet No
ble, the daughter .of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry E. Noble, a prominent fan"
of many jrears residence In Portland.
j s ComptonMs. Tleelccted.
Henry V. Compton was reelected
assistant cashier. Mr. Compton has
been five year with the bank and
before coming to Salem was foor
years with the Boise City National
bank of Boise, Idaho. .
i 3. C Perry, one of the additional
(Continued on vac 5)
Economic Condition Is Stir
ring Populace of Anstria,
Hungary and Germany;
War Fronts Are Quiet
Troops Are Called Dut to
Suppress Outbreaks in
Rhenish Prussia
While the military operations on
the various fronts Continue at low
ebb the political pot ,tiil boils furi
ously In Austria-Hungary artJ Ger
many, in both or which countries
there have been' outbreaks- among
the populace because of economic
and food conditions resitting from
the war, ;
Announcement is made thaf Count
von Hertling. the imperial German
chancellor, shortly will make a fur
ther statement regarding the Bel
gian question offering positive sug
gestions and proposals.
Nowhere on any or the fronts have
the infantry operations risen above
patrol encounters and trench raid
ing maneuvers.
The artillery duels between the
British and Germans on the French
northern front are severe on several
sectors and in the hill region of the
Italian front the big guns of the bel
ligerents are again engaged.
In both the French and Italian
theaters the cllied and enemy avia
tors daily indulge in extensive fight
ing in the air. There also has Iteen
considerable bombing by aided air
men of German positions bchltd the
fighting lino and also over Germany.
Four American- aviators aided a
French flying squadron In a day
light raid over Grmdny. all the
fliers returning safely to their bas
es. . - j ,
In addition the, eastern provinces
of Finland are witnessing a ravnln.
tion, according to unofficial dls-
patcnes, with the Rnsslan red guard
in battle with the Finnish army.
Dispatches from Switzerland are
to the effect that thorW ) hn
serious rioting in Bohemia owing to
a snortage or flour rations, strpng
measures by the police being requir
ed to dlsoerse the- tnnha thlh
smashed shop windows and plunder
ed -stores. ; likewise severe out
breaks are reported In the Industrial
regions In Kbenish Prussia, where
troops had to be called out to
with the dissatisfied populace.
Attacks by the pan-Germanists
against any and all persons who are
opposing their war alms, coatlnuc
unabated In Germany. A sraatkable
utterance is that made by the pan
German Deutsche Tages Zeltunt?
which calls for a revolt against the
present regime In Germany.
OTTAWA, Ont.. Jan. '28. The
name of S fW. - Dugdale, Hubbard,
Or., appears In today's Canadian
casualty list as : having vdied . Of
wounds. ;
' :-- ' - '' : ;'
Steusloff, Says He Will En
force Regulations in Strict
Manner .
F. W. Steusloff shows advance
notices of the federal revised food
cards, a supply of which will be :n
Salem as fast as they can, be sent
from the government printing of
fices, Vhere the electrptypes are bs
ing assembled.
America is now on a war diet, and
30.000,009 homes in the United
States are affected.
There will 'be sold by millers to
wholesalers and wholesalers to re
tailers only 70 -per cent or the
amount of wheat sold last year, and
that Is only the beginning.
Mondays' as well as Wednesdays of
each week wllr be strictly observed
as wheatless days, and there will be
in addition, one wheatle- meal each
day. Tuesdays ' and Saturdays will
be' porkless days, and there will be
added to these rules one . meatless
meal each day. f
As the executive ofricer of the
government1 for Marlon county, Mr.
Steusloff says he will make it Ml
business to see that these new rules
are strictly enforced even to invok
ing the aid of the law.
Red Guards Occupy Station
and Sharp Fighting Is in
Progress '
Troops Sent a to Battle With
Proletariat Against
STOCKHOLM, Jan. 28. -The long
threatened revolution in Finland has
begun in the eastern provinces, ac
cording to sparse reports reaching
Haparanda. . The reg guard is re
ported to have occupied the railway
station at llelsingrors, according to
the Information consuls who have
left the capital. Sharp fighting Is
in progress around and in Viborg.
The red guard is, holding Rikl
maki and other important junctions.'
Russians soldiers are aiding the reds
and reinforcements are coming from
The Finnish minister in Petro
grad has protested the workmen's
and soldiers' delegates against Rus
sian interference In Finnish affairs.
He received a reply that "Russia's
government through its principles. Is
in duty bound to support the prole
tariat in Finland in its battle against
the Finnish Bourgeosisle." The Bol
shevik! committee further declared
that help had been sent to the reds
and that still more troops would be
sent to them.
London Attacked for
Five Howr$ by Airmen
LONDON, Jan. 29. Attacks by
enemy airmen on London last night
and early today lasted intermittent
ly for nearly five hours and for two
hours there was a heavy and almost
continuous gunfire. 0
The members of the Royal Geo
graphical society with many ladies In
the large audience were assembled
to hear a speech by Lieutenant Gan
eral J. O. Smuts. Sir Thomas Hoi
rich, the president, announced that
notice had Just been received of an
air raid and that the police informed
him the audience would be safer if
tLey went to tbfe basement of the
building. . .
Handling of Coal for Homes
Worries Officials ; Mon
. day Is Heatless
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. In the
face of blizzards which completely
stopped traffic on many eastern rail
roads, today, the handling of suffic
ient coal for homes and Important
war industries in the eastern half of
the country became a more serious
problem than at any time thlswlnter.
Officials of the fuel and railroad
administrations were frankly Wor
ried, but explained that they did not
believe It necessary to declare an
other five-day Industrial shutdown,
in view of the general observance of
today as the second "heatless Mon-'l
"Simple Workers" and "Lone
ly Widows" Helping His
tory, He Adds
LONDON, Jan. 29. Emperor Wil
liam. In a telegram responsing to
birthday congratulations from Pres
ident Kaempf of the relchstag. says:
) "Receive my warmest thanks for
the loyal wishes with which you
have again gladdened me on the
refchstags behalf.
"I begin a serious decisive year
with proud thankfulness for the Im
mense successes which have been
gained by our indefatigable warriors
and their brilliant leaders. I know
to what extent the loyal work of the
Speople at home has contributed to
.these successes and bow much dis
tress and anxiety had to be borne by
every one. Those are Imperishable
pages of glory which last year were
added to German history and 4n
which the great army leaders, the
simple workers and the lonely wid
ows Inscribed their names!
"My ardent daily wish Is that my
beloveed people without arrogance,
but with a deep consciousness of
their right and power, may exter
nally and Internally in the wish of
self-discipline, preserve their union
until the final victory of oar agree
ments lays the foundation for the
glad news of the unfolding of their
mental and economic power.
McAdoo Recommends to Con
gress New Government
Body -With, Capitalization
of Half Billion Dollars
Reserve Board's Capital Is
sues Committee Would
Be Replaced '.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 23. Creation
of what would tx virtually a govern
ment pool of all corporate financing
for the period of the war, was rec
ommended to congress today .by Sec
retary McAdoo, who asked the for
mation of a half billion dollar gov
ernment corporation.
In effect the plan would .give
broad powers to the corporation, to
dictate Into what channels the na-
tipn's available credit should be di
rected. ' '
The system would be similar to.
that maintained by Germany, and
much more centralized than the Brit
ish system which relies more on vol
untary cooperation of financiers In
aiding the enterprises approved by
the treasury. ?
Railroad financing would not be
Included as .this is to be managed
by the railroad administration.
lO-Yearw IJfe Planned.
Most loans would be for a period
of five years or less, .and would bo
made only to the corporations or
enterprises which could not get new
capital through regular channels. In
terest, rates would be determinled by
the corporation. Advances to savings
banks would be for ninety days, and
loans direct to war Industries would
be made only in exceptional manu
facturers, most financial transactions
being sent through banking chan
nels. The corporation would have
a life of 10 years, but would be
competed to start liquidating Its af
fairs within six months after the end
r the war. .
-If the legislation is enacted, the
machinery created would replaeo the
federal reserve board's newly creat
ed capital Issues' committee, which Is
about to start a system of passing
on proposed capital issues, based on
voluntary cooperation of banks and
business enterprises. Since Secre
tary McAdoo 's draft of the legisla
tion speciflces that members of the
federal reserve board or directors
of federal reserve banks could be
appointed directors of the corpora
tion, it is understood the plan con
templates enlisting the board in the
administration of the' corporation.
Headquarters would be maintained
In .Washington, but branches might
be established in other cities. Two
of the four directors would be, named
to serve two "years each, and the
other two four years, which there
after would be the .regular, term. of
officers. The salaries would be de
terminled by the secretary of the
, Power To Ixian Glrea,
In. addition to -the .usual ordinary
commercial powers of a corporation,
the government body,-under the bill.
would have certain defined powers
to make loans and advances.
The government advances in such
cases could not be more than 25
per cent of the face or market value
of the Industrial obligations or 10O
per cent if 25 per cent additional
roUaterlal acceptable to the corpora
tion were offered..
For the ninety day loans to sav
ings banks, securities amounting to
125 per cent of the loan would be
The notes or "bonds to be 'issued
(Continued on page 6)
Acting Adjutant General Williams Is Witness of Ceremony
Which Is Conducted by Major Walch Prominent Men
Are Enrolled Burnett One of Them -
"One of the most Important events
of the winter occurred last night at
the armory when Major Walch of the
adjutant general's office in Portland
mustered In the old Salem home
guard boys as Company D, Oregon
state guard. One hundred and ten
priv;f es and three officers compose
the company.. '
The officers are Captain Andrew
T. Wool port: first lieutenant. Allan
A- Hall, and second lieutenant, Ar
thur n. Wilson."
Acting Adjutant General John M.
Williams was himself present at the
mustering In ceremony, and person
ally comslimented the men on their
fine appearance and enthusiasm, and
the company is now subject to call-
Von Rintelen Suggested Fee
for Supreme Court Jus
tice, Testimony
Broker Testifies German
Sought Men Who Would
Blow Up Bridges
NEW YOR, Jan. 28.-Evidcnce tcnd;
ing to show that Frans von Rintelen.
German naval officers, was the pay
master of an organized force of plot
ters working In this covntry In the
Interests of Germany, was Introduc
ed today by the gavernmena in his
trial with fifteen others charged
with conspiring to place bombs In
muni tions ships. , .
One witness testified Von Rintelen
had suggested that a tee be l aid to
a justice of tbo United States' su
preme court to pass on the legality
of a suit lie proposed bringing
against a firm engaged in shipping
munitions to the entente allies.
Fred Henjes a shipping broker of
this city, testified that he had been
Introduced to Von Rintelen, then
known as llanso. as' a representa
tive of the German government late
ly arrived In this country. -
"Von Rintelen- asked me during
our first convrston If I could put
him In touch with any one who
would take a job to bfow up bridges
and factories," I lenjc testified.
Testimony that Von Rintelen bad
opened Accounts totaling $508,000
with the Trans-Atlantic Trust com
pany, one In his name and the other
In that of the K. R. Gibbons company
was given by George Piochman, an
ofricer or the trust company. '
John C Hammond, an advertising
agent, testifwi thaj. after being in
troduced to the defendant. Von Hint
len iuul told him he had como from
Germany to' the United States to
bring about better commercial rela
tions between the two countries.
Von Rintelen, the wltces declared,
tasked him if he tihought a plan
could be worked out tcupay a fee to
a justice of the United States 'su
preme court to pass on. the, legality
of a test suit to stop tbo practice of
shipping munitions to Germany' en
emies. Hammond told hint he would
be playing with dynamite.
"Durig this conversation." Ham
mond added, "Von Rintelen spoke of
having spent a large amount of mon
ey in blowing up munitions plants
and said that his trump card would
be played when strikes were declar
ed in various parts of the country.''
Richardson Resigns and
Gebhardt Is Appointed
Announcement was made yester
day of the resignation of 'Joe Rich
ardson as'examlner in the office, of
State Corporation. Commissioner II,
J. Schulderman -and the appointment
or A. K. Gebhardt. a Portland attor
ney, to take Mr. Richardson' place.
Mr. Richardson becomes vice presi
dent of a paper, box company In Port
land. .
Knight of Columbus Have
Successful Campaign Here
With the exception of some finish
ing strokes, the campaign of the
Knights of Columbus war fund work
ers has been oom pitted in Marlon
county. The committees "that hate
been working for the last two weeks
have been successful and. have col
lected or received in pledges more
than was expected to result from
their efforts. As soon - as 'all the
money Is collected it will be for
warded to KriUhts of Columbus
headquarters at New Haven, Conn.
maybe to Portland for special guard
duty. ; ... V
Governor Ja'mes WIthycombe, by
executive order No. 2. signed last
nJght, offically called the men to
the colors, and Judge W. M. Bushey,
by executive order No. 1, Issued, by
Captain. Woolport, authorized ; the
muster and attached his letter to the
muster roll. . . -
The new Company D is composed
of many of the leading citizens, of
Salem, in all walks . of life, mer
chants lawyers,! doctors, Spanish war
veterans and many others, including
most conspicuously on the roll the
name of Justice George II. Uurhett
of the tat supreme eotfrt. himself
adXtant of the state militia years
ago. Major Diech, commanding the
Oregon battalion, was also present.
il El a L
America to Have Army c f
) Half Million in France Ear
ly .This Year With Million
More Ready to Follow,
Says Secretary.
Big Question Before Country
Is to Get Ships to Carry
Forces Abroad; llzr.y
Facts Are Discloied
WASHINGTON. Jan. 28.Amer-
ica will have an army of-half a mil
lion in France early this year, with
a million more trained and equipped
ready to' follow as quickly as ship
can be provided to carry them and
the outlook for ships is not unprom
ising. Secretary Baker gave this informa
tion to .the world today In a state
ment before the senate military com
mittee bearing much that until now
has been carefully guarded with thn
army's military secrets, in answering
charges that the .government . has
broken down preparing for war.
jProm early morning until latf nf-1
ternoon the secretary addressed thn
committee and a crowd including
many members of both houses of
congress, gathered In a big hearing
room of the senate office- bulldln ;.
He spoke extemporaneously, begin
ning with "details of the mammoth
flask of, building an army of a mil
lion and a half, answering such com
plaints lof Inefficiency as were eit-l
by Sentftor Chamberlain in his recent
speech !and declaring that such instances-were
isolated and not gen-,
eral. ' Some questions were askcl
and Mr. Baker from time to time
had assistants' go to. the telephone
for reports-on specific questions.
U. H. War Plan Told.
Then, toward the close of the day
the secretary delivered a dramatic
general statement of the American ;
war plan,. telling, of the coming of
the allied missions, of the day and
night conferences with men from the
scene ofvbattle in which the plans .
now being executed were adopted,
and of success beyond the most san
guine expectations In building the
army, and its Industrial supports at
home, transporting men across the
ocean, constructing railroads in
France and preparing to' strike the
enemy with every resource at the
country's command. -
When Mr. Baker closed It was ap
parent he bad created a profound
impression. - Chairman Chamberlain
said, so before he, left the stand.
There was no attempt at cross-examination.
The chairman proposed that the
.secretary be given a rest and it ylrtu
ally tfas agreed to recall him for
further examination later after the
committee has completed its hearings '
of officers of. the medical corps, avia
tion section and other branches of
the service.
While many things disclosed Im
pressed the committee was frankly
amazed when told that the-men. of
thirty-two national guard- and na
tional, army divisional camps are
ready lo go today. When mem
bers wanted to know why such things
had. not been given publicity before,
Mr. Baker spoke of the reluctance
of military men? to reveal their war
plans and quoted German remarks
about America's Advertisement of her
' Keif Derente Xot rurpo,!
I Emphasizing that he was not there
to defend himself or anybody ele,
the secretary urged the comnilttee
again and again to lay banj imy
shortcoming or failure of the depart
ment, that It might be corrected.
Frequently he paused to seek strong
or Inn vim pa In rieRrrih the devotion
of his associates In the department.
military and civil.
"For one reason or another," be
said, "the impression has gone out
into the country to some ettent at
least, that the war department nas
fallen down. - ' . r
"It would be a tragical thing if
this tremendous effort, this wholly
unprecedented sacrifice made by
men, were in fact to turn out to do
serve the comment that it had fallen
down." , .
, Mr. Baker took personal responsi
bility for getting men under training
beforo their equipment was ready "to
the last shoe button." Such'off leers
as Major General Leonard Wood, he
said, bad urged this policy.: He de
scribed conference that evolved the
ordnance program and its fulfillment,
(Continued on page 2