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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1918)
THE OREGON 6TATES3IAXJ WEDXE8DAY, JAXTJARY 2, 1018 " env n ' ' C3 . taf" fl T""rJw "l y : i m The Wants and Needs of the Capital City Arc Noted Under Proper Heaking So Y i r J fl l II .it n rfi . y n n xr a rr w l.ii w " v. Cell and Exchange all Kinds t COIfl) HAND GOODS ! CIXJTHWfO, SHOES, BICY 8 ciXS, TOOLS, ETC ; CAPITAL EXCHANGE -V-- 5j 337 Court St rE INSURANCE. SOCIETT -V. II. Burghardt, Jr., K rR:j Agent 883 BUte St Lloney to Loan v rnTROVEl FARM AND CITY S J?IwrX AT LOWEST RATES T1.03.K.FUKD Over Ladd A Bash Bsak, Salem. Or. -T,vrr TO LOAN I HAVE MADE PTuTmT very loV rate of mojr. whJ h, improved farm. Inter '..P unm a vloPurmrk I CXASSIFIED ADJERTIIEllKiTi Tfrst Insertion .. , M ,r" "- arttona ....... l&e TSIV (six insertions) . . . i ic V u w - . w " V month' contract per mo, Vw So te il months' contract. pr mo... ? ie "a account opened for less than ;36c 7e A eeat card given free with an the Ut oftte announcing "-for Bale, iror Rent." "Rooms" or -Board." i e o XEW TODAT -"-. jriaastfled advertise- under- "NeW T Tiay" ror first jnsertlon. . nteu otherwise oruwwv - " , 'gbseo.uent Inwrtloa of the ad -' will appear under Its proper class- ifieatioa. 1 . ..f. ... will tlA wn . under "Naw Today" for roor thani d iiu uoaer any tirtuiuii JEW TODAY EOT OF II WANTS WORK DURING January, and before second semes ter of hlfrh scbooL Inexperienced on rrm. City preferred. Address J f 2 J. care Biaieiman. v OR SALE ACRES RIVER BOT- torn lud-improTea "' IS lores near Salem $2500. Exchanr $ acres for iars;er. iarra. a acres r . aa (n. Iimiu. Unllu and one acre and cash for farm.! Have aeveral cash buyers for farms. Money tt loan. Shetland pony f or t-sale. ant to buy late model Fordf F. 1 U T LARGE AGATE BROOCH PIN )i antique settinff. stonaay eveninaj, v please phone 17H-J. Reward, ELIPLOYMHT HALU -"WLNDOW CLEANER. PHONE ; 1 TEARS OF AGE DESIRES . rlc Frefers cieravins;. Aaoreaa .;. dueother., Dallas. Oreffon. ; V.'ILL. PREPARE YOU FOR THE r hanical departments of the Unit t, v i.a vmornmnt Wrlla for lit- t".tori.. Hempbllls Trade Schools. t Hnwrnorne Ave., mnunn, itb. FOR SALE UVERTOCK . . i.LLIKSON V, MILE NORTH OF tuunty turn for Poland China sows e l Bifi or phone 4jr. . . ' I C a SALE FOUR COWS FRESH AND fmin7 fresh Durham' ana jerseys. I 554 Frry street or phone ' WICELl7AWKOTJ V v.,J FOR SALE. PHONE 264 or . I. II GOAT MEAT EVERY DAY, 1 bona (t. ' i ; ' 1 01 SALE GASOLINE WOOD SAW. 1 qob 166F21 evening-s. . , i . ItjTATOES FOR BALE. 9 CENTS A buaL mono zz. vvr team, harness) and wfon for sals. Phone f (4, or tit iitf office hours. ' r4 Dayton in s;ood runninc order. .r.eap. call . -. - roii SALE COMPLETE THRASHING outfit in first class condition. Cheap. L-ouis p. Ksbow, rout t. Salem. FOR SALE BEAN POWER FRUIT rriytr. almost new. Will sell cheap. a i j i ah. . r t- Aauress jobs . LumaTy, woaaa vrtion. rnona Trii, H0K REPAIRING OUTFIT SEWING macninfc some supplies for saie or trade. C. O. Thomas; rout r bo IF TOO WANT TO GET THE BEST iarm. paper, sena IPC to tne jracine Homeatead. Salem. Orea-on. for. a trial subarjptioo.. Mention this ad.' CAPTIVITT OF THE O ATM AN OIRLS i . ma true story or western immi- aM,AM . u w ..ul. urn. urn tKreiuuj . - tnaklnic a handsome little book. It tells in rraphlo terms of the mas acre of the Oatman family, of the escape of Lorenso. and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of tarwatUn and Olive was purchased me . Indians fir years inter dress Oreson Teachers Monthly. 8a- POlLTHf I OH. SALE WHITE LEGHORN PUL- sooa laying- strain. Phone f3. rels March birds, Corvallis strain. OR SALE TitnnniiriH HRE bUe Plymouth rock chicken Phone 712-R. - i - i T 2LY?U WANT TO GET THE BEST eents to the Northwest Poultry! .mk"1.1, Salem- Oregon, for a trial . jyimn. Mention tnis so. : ; 8ALE-.THOROUOHBRED PLY moth Kock cockerels, also spring . - w""w very cheap. Itione 11F12. REAL ESTATE- A 9t BUY 25x0 FEET ON EAST '"L Commercial street, one . door h, ?f State -street.' Salem, togeth fJT w,th Perpetual right of. way over 14x50 Vs feet tract extending from V" Property to State street. Tjrms CfWy Scott Boxorth. 701-3 Spaaldlng K"ie.. Portland. Orea-on FOR RENT APARTMETTf UP.VT I J TtT ATTT WPt t. -n7TTX Ihfl .i. nouacKeeptng appartments, t4s trry $ ueet, phone 180$-W. ; , j 7" s-a"n a a s-a v v as-aavs' u a FARMS OR RENT 79 ACRES LOCATED U mue wear oi wapato station. Yamhill county. 12 acra bops. 7S bear in s frult trees, la acres farm land, bal ance pasture. Address W. H, Enn, Oervals. route t. phone 1F11. FOR RENT ROOM MODERN FLAT. inquire s North Liberty, phone mi. UOI7SMS FOR RENT S ROOM FURNIE8HED nouse, moo era. call 317 State street. FOR RENT MODERN BUNGALOW one diock irom paved street, , in South Salem. S10 per month. E. A. Rhoten 4t Rural Avenue. Phone 114 1-J. i h'OH RENT ONE SEVEN ROOM house, paved street new Karaite $15. One six room, house no aa- ; rase $7. Call Hire South Liberty ' street. FOR RENT THE FOLLOWINf : iwrr,T,"poom modern cottage at 1157 8. Church St. " I1S.60 Six-room modern bouse on saved street: at If la South Hia-h n Call at Statesman business office or pnone six. FOR RENT THE FOLLOWINfl Partly modern: five-room cot ' taa-e. lesa Saa-lnaw. Call at 1S4Z Saginaw, or Statesman business of fice. Phone 23. 20- Modern five-room flat, at Mi erry street. A ,iy at Btates- nan vilice. f none u, : FOR RENT SIX ROOM 8TRICTLT S. -H. Snyder, 141 .State St. Phone ROOMS FOR RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM with use of bath. In modern borne. t Address A. Xi. care Statesman. OR RENT NICE FURNISHED ROOMS with house privileges In central lo cation. . 354 North , Winter street. rnone C34-M. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. NICELY furnished, at : CSS Ferry 6L Come ana see mem. ROOMS FOR RENT WITH HOT WA ter, heat and modern conveniences, at the Alexadrla, 1030 Chemeketa street. Phone 1220.:! FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms.- reasonable. 065 North commercial. - " - LOST and F0UUD LOST 4ST A SMALL PIN. SET WITH OLD ivory in Aiasxan nuarget. rtewaru ii ., returned to Mrs. uorsy, at Aiuooara huiidinsr. - - WMiTED MISCELLANEOUS i WANTED SECOND HAND STUMP ' puller. Hercules preferred. Cash O. D. Miles, Sublimity, Oregon. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR good clean rags. Pressroom. States- TEAM WANTED OOODtTARM TEAM for keep during winter with option . to - buying, good care light work, phone S04.Y " HORSES WANTED WB BUT AND sell, all kinds of work horses. If you have any for sale call on us. Clearwater Broa, Salem Horse Ex change. S4 Ferry St. Phones 1031 or 43. ' ' AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY "TIRES REPAIRED VULCANISING ERACKETT Sc. GRAY TUBES VUL eanlsed. 25c - Retreading; our special .ty. 'Free service ear. Phone 1400. 273 North CammerelaL WATT SHIPP CO. RETREADS AND sections tubes 25c up. Service car. Phone 33. 123 South ' Commercial street. ' f - - - " ' AUTO tSKHVICM SHIPP-8 AUTO SERVICE CITY AND country trips. Phone Day, t3; nirht. 3 St. - - .--- - - STORAGE BATTERIES BELMONT SERVICE STATION" STOR , age battery repahrlnr. recharging and auto electrle accessories. , Cor ner Stste snd Fronts Sts. Phone 707. PROFESSIONAL DENTISTS DR. F. U UTTER. DENTIST, BOOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce Bids;. Phone 304. MUSIC TKACHE1U R. HARR, TEACHER ; . OF ; PIANO. Phone 1332. ' ' . - LODGE DIRECTORY MODERN WOODMEN. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp, No. 624. meets every Thursday evening at 9 o clock In Derby buildings corner Court and High streets. St F. Day. Y. C; J. A Wright, eirek. f . ' BOTHERHOOD OP YOKMAN MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY EVEN ing In Masonic Temple, fifth floor, at t o'clock. All visiting- members wel come. W. H. Prunk. Foreman. Dr. M. E. Pomeroy. Correspondent. BUSINESS CARDS AUTO DELIVER T BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIVER , ed any place, city ercoun try. Phone 4 or 20S1-R. W. W FUber. "tHlBOWlACTlC CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS RE store normal function. If you wl results -consult Dr. May, 0i-e- Hubbard Bldg. phone 127. .:- DR. O. L SCOTT. D4C GRADUATE OB P. S. C. Chiropractics fountain bead, Davenport, Iowa.k .Chiropractic. cor rects the cause of , disease. Office 40 7-8. U. 8. N. i Bank Building. Phone 37. Residence 823-R. "BARBER SHOPS INDULUE YOUR SECOND SENSE AND observe the character and uncommon service rendred at Ingreys Barber Shop. 311-Btate street. t "CHIWESB PHYSICIAN.' p iCTTMTlfVT irCU K KS ANY KNOWN disease. 153 S. Htrh St. 1-hon "283. DRESSMAKER DRESSMAKING OOWN3 REMODEL, ed. (26 North Capitol street. .Phone 14TT. - You Should Worry Let the CUiiificd Adi Wcrk icr Yea DRAYS AND RXPRHSS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 033. Salem's largest and best equipped transfer company. Uet our reduced freia-ht rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage as ws have three warehouses in connection with business. ' Furniture moving, packing, shipping and storing our specialty. Office 11 South Commer cial irtreet. DRY CLEANING AND FR3CSSINO JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. B. Wataaabe, Prop., 434 N. Commer cial SI Ladles and gentlemen's suits cleaned and pressed. $1 and I1.I0. Work celled for and delivered free. TeL Mala lit. jrmvK JUNK JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST price for lunlc of every kind. Let us make you a price on your household goods. The "Square Deal' Hon Capital Junk Co, S71 Chemeketa Bireei. rnona s. FULL VALUE PAID FOR SECOND hand goods. Highest market prices for Junk and hides. The People's Junk and Secondhand Store. 371 No. . ComraerclaL . Phone 734. HAIR REMOVED "CLEAN WHITE" HAS PROVEN Suc cessful. Applied here or sold for home use. Sanitary Bauty Par lor a, 333 Hubbard Bldg. LAUNDRIES' SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and, careful work. Dry wash be per pound. , lit SonUt Lib erty St. Phone te. i HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO ular washing dene at a rate everv- ' body can afford. For only sixty-five cents we wjll collect, wash and de liver your 'washing; within twenty four hours. Phone 2471. HurTerTrIT FRVITLAND NURSERY SALES YARD at High and Ferry. Call and see stock and get prices before purchas ing elawhere. Everbearing straw berry plants. OPTICIANS WHY PAY BIO PRIC- es for glasses? I can ft your eyes with first: quality lenses in gold filled frames as low as 32.50. Satisfaction gruaranteea. win J. Tnompson, graa uate optometrist 341 North Liberty street. Examinations by appointment only. Phone 1103-J. OSTEOPATHY DR. t W. U MERCER. GRADUATE 'American School Osteopathy, Klrks : viUe. Mo.; treats acute and chronic disease. urnce 4P4-40S u. S. Na tional Bank Bldg. Phone fl. Resi- dence 41 North Summer. .Phone 414. DR& WHITE A WALTON. ! OSTEO patbio physicians and surgeons. i (Graduates of the American Schools of . Osteopathy, Klrksvllle. Mo. Post graduate and specialized la nervous diseases at Los Angeles i College. Treat acute and chronic diseases. ' Offices BOa-8-7-8. U. 8. Nat'l Bank . Bldg. Phone 350. Residence, 1C30 Court St. Phone 2215. ' pi AJro" vmnmr G. E. MAST. EXPERT TUNING, cleaning, repairing- and regulating. All work guaranteed. 1C45 Hall street or care of Sherman Clay dfc Co Court street, phone 31S3-J. PLfJMBIKO FOR TOUR HOT WATER HEATING system see T. M. Barr, plumber 1(4 South Commercial St, Salem, Oregon. IBCOVD HAND GOODS WE BUY AND BELL SECOND HAND rood of all kinds, pipe fittings, bar. ness. collars, collar pads, tools, chains, -Fred Schladler, s Center Street. TRA1HFER HAUL.I7TO AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANY KIND of hauling. Housenoia moving Jobs done prompt er. Trr me once. Tim me. 478 State SC Phone MS. Residence phone 1122-J. -.- -. - YTNDERTXklERr WEBB CLOUGH C. B. WEBB, A. M. Clough. funeral .' directors. Latest modern methods known to the pro fession. 437 Court street.. "WXTI5R7 SALEM WATER CO. OFKICE. 361 8. Commercial street. For water service apply at office. Make all complaints - at the office. No deductions in bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless water is cut off from premises.. Hereafter water for Irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers using water for domestic purposes. ..Con tractors for sidewalks, brick work, or plastering, will please read "for building purposes" under schedule of rates. Apply at office for copy. WALL PAPER, PAINT TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for cnoice w au npw i Buren's Furniture Store, . 173 Com mercial St. GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC- cor at in g. painting, unung, paper, hanging, etc. Work done by contract or day; rood workman. Location 1020 Center 8L Phone 888-W. 8EE 'PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL paper and Picture Framing. Good workmen. 4S Cowrt St. Phone 41. WOVEN WIRE FENCING Depot National Jk Asserteaa Feats, all. alsee. It la. t St lav higaw Palata. Olla aaal Varatlaaw Steves Hebailt .and Repaired Lea-aaberry a ad Hep Maoka, ? Sslesa Fence at Steve Werks. - tM Court St. Pbene 124 . H. B. FEMING. PUBLIC NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING T H E annual meeting of the stockholders of the Gold Creek Minlna- t MilMna . Co . is hereby called for Monday. January 7. 1918. at 8:00 o'clock p. m to meet in the office of the Capital Business College. Salem, Oregon, for ... .iitlnff . twiard of directors and transacting such other business as may come upiui. iu mjj order of the, President. Otto Hansen. Attest W. I.! Staley. secretary. JOHN CLAYTON GRIFFITH ESTATE Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been aopnted execu trix of the estate of -John Clayton -- W hv thm Pnil ntv Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon county, -i ana bm quatmeu. .... . h.wlnir .l.lmi arftlmt said . estate are hereby notified to ' present the same to me at 1347 Court Street. Salem. Oregon, with proper VOUCners inu uui; ..atu.M six months from) the date thereof. Dated end firlt published Decem ber 2, 1317. . nrtrnttt l ' Executrix, PUBLIC NOTICES. 8TATK OF OREGO.Y. Will require five hundred acres of land, within eight miles or Peniten tiary, for the growing of flax straw. Will pay. 2 5 per ton for straw 36 inches or longer; $17.00 per ton for S2 to 38 inches; $15.00 for 24 to 32 Inches. Straw will be pulled by the State, but mast be-delivered by grower to the flax warehouse, Ore gon State Penitentiary. Seed will be sold to the grower at- $2.40 . per bushel. Apply to Chas. A- Murphy, Warden, Oregon State Penitentiary. R. B. Goodin, Secretary, , Oregon State Board of Control. PRODUCE SPOT CASH PAID FOR EGOS. POULT ry. veal, dressed hogs. etc We want your products, and will pay - hlgheet market price. Salem Fruit to, 1ST BO. commercial street. r SALEM MARKETS 1 BUYING PRICES. Eggs suul Ponltry. Eggs, 43 to 45c. Hens, live, 15 17c. Springs, 16 to 17c Turkey, live. 19 to 21c Turkeys, dressed, 25 026c . Pork, Mutton suul Beef. Ewes, S 0 7c. Pork on foot 14 He Veal, dressed, 12 to 16c. -Spring lambs, 12 He Beef steers, 6H to 7 He; cows, 4 to 6c Bulls, 2 H to 5c. . Har. Cheat, per ton, $22. . , ' . Clover, per ton, $21. Vetch, per ton, $23. Groin. Wheat. $1.85 to 1.87. Oats, 0c to 85c Beans.- 8 to 9c Mill Feeds. Retail. ' Bran, per ton, $39. Shorts, per ton, $43. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. Batter. ' Country batter, 45c Creamery prints, 53 to 54c Butterfat, f.o.b. Salem, 56c VeeTeCnblea. Lettuce (crate) $2.00. Cauliflower. $1.25. ; Celery, 90c Nebr. .rice corn, 10c Tomatoes, California. $2.00. Onions. $2.00 to $2.75. Cabbage, c String garlic, 8c. Potatoes. $1.25. Turnips, sack. $1.50. Sweet potatoes. 4 He. Nnts : ' Almonds, 23c ' . WalnuU I No.. 1) 25c ' Walnuts (No. 2) 20c ' Peanuts (raw) : 12c Cocoanuts, dozen. $1.40. Fralts. ! Grapefruit. $5.50 to $6. Pears. $1.50. y 'Oranges, $4 to $5. Bananas, 6c. Cranberries, barrel, $17.00.1 Apples. $151.50. , i Fard dates. $2.50. ! Dromedary dates, $4.65.' Honey (Idaho) $4 to $4.50. Grapes, per keg, $5.50. Lemons, $7 OS. r RetaMl Prices. ; Cranberries, 20c 1 Creamery butter, 0c ' Flour, hard wheat. $2.80 to $1. V Flour, valley, $2.60 to $2.75. h Eggs, 50c' ' " .;- ' , Sugar, cane and beet. 11 lb, $1. Potatoes, sack Tots. 81.50. PORTLAIiD IIARKETS PORTLAND. Jan.- 1. Cattle, steady; receipts, 164. Medium to choice fteers, $9.75 010. GO; good to medium steers, $8.7509.65; com mon to. good steers. $7.2508.40; choice cows and. heifers. $707.85; common to good .cows and heifers, $5.7507.35; cannera, $305.&o; bulls, $4.5007: calves. $7010; stocker and feeder steers. $6 0 8. Hogs steady; receipts, 240. Prime light. $15.35015.50; prime heavy, $15.45015.60; pigs. $13.60014.- 50; bulk. $15.35015.50. Sheep, steady; receipts, none. Western lambs. $13 013.50; valley lambs, $12.50013; yearlings, $12 012.50; wethers, $11.75012.25; ewes. $8 010. Portland market on shorn sheep 2H'03 under quotations. .( coriiraSiiON of INCOME TAXES IS comcED 7.000,000 Persons to be Sub ject to New Fede Regulation TAX RATES ARE GIVEN Government Expects to Real- ize Orer Billion Dollars From New Levy Washington, Dec Jl The great task of rsthering income ta and ex cess profits returns begun with the new year period. a Every j unmarried person earning more than $1000 during the last year, and erery married person or head of a family who made more pian $2000, must lie with the Internal REAL ESTATE COAST ACKEAME WANTED I TO trade for fine: 10 acre tract. Nle meyer. 844,' State street. 80 ACRES ALL ! SOWED I.N WHEAT and oats. 38000. y C. W. NJemeyer. 644 State street. x FULLY MODERN HOUSE. CORNER lot. 1 1400. I A genuine bargin. Niemeyer, 844 State street. FOR HALE A LAUNDRY IN LIVE town; doing a i good business. - John H. Scott. 404 Hubbard building. i ACRE TRACT! WITH TEAM, HAR ness, feed. 80 I head chickens, hack, i Implements, dandy house, garage. 1 barn, two blocks from car line. 82460 the lot. Niemeyer, 644, State St.. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS A SAW : mill fully equipped; 20,000 daily capacity. Located lo a thickly set ' tied community. Also 2.000.000 feet i saw timber. John H, Scott. 404 Hub ; bard building. I . FOR SALE FIVE ROOM COTTAGE. Price 8450. hair its real value. Room 3. Bayne building-. A GOOD LITTLE STOCK RANCH, with buildings, settlement of an ! estate produces a bargin at 325 an acre, and It can be had on a good portion at low rate. It will be worth while, to see Fleming. S41 State St. ISO ACRES OF FIRST CLASS FARM land. 120 acres cultivated, price 880 per acre. 15 acres of first class prune orchard price J 4 500. 6 room aood location, or ire modern house, us, w . ru uraoennorst at jo 375 Stata street, it ONE OF THE CHOICEST WALNUT groves In the Willamette valley with prune and cherry fillers. Close In on good rock road, for a quick sale at a sacrifice. 17 acres all bearing, will produce Interest on the invest ment from the beginning. For fur ther Information, see Perrlne Marsters, 402 Hubbard Bldg.. phone 307. ; WANT TO SECURE 31.003 LOAN AT - iwr crni. nui io seii sf.usv rirst mortgage at 7 per cent on 8S.00S farm, reliable owner. 2 acres nicely improved, close in. $1100.t 3300 will handle it. 7 room strictly modern house, paved street 32500. For rent 6 - room strictly modern house with srarage for la period .of years, would be pleased to. write your fire Insurance. Socclofsky. Phone 070. A HXD LITTLE FARM OF ABOUT 75 acres., close to half In full culti vation, good buildings, (ample), well watered in pasture, good soil, and a mile and a quarter only from good railroad town on the Southern Pa cific Will, take rood town property as part pay or a smaller place around Salem. What i have you. See Wm. Fleming, 341 State street, (owner here Monday only). f LOOK AT THIS A REAL OPPORTUinTY About 400 acres of choice Polk coua- t V lanrfi a Kic . u a I - . . . w . . . - t hmi, ,wai WW free la, stamp . pasture: balance la viv. ifuii! ummr u wa KrnM. Timber aleae worth 87600. New four- . wu. ,v,n, new aairy nam, proviaiag for 20 cows and four horses; new pig pen and new milk house. Water piped front fine spring, to all buildings. Will seir-the wnole at a great bargain. V,r Ml. term, S a . i . ' . , ww hot. cava -an Ptaiaa revenue collector of his district a re port any time between tomorrow and March 1. He will be notified before will be due by June 15. The government expects to receive 81.Z01.000.000 from income taxes before July 1, including $666,000,000 from individuals and 8535.000.000 from corporations. This is more than one-third of the $3,400,000,000 estl mated receipts under the war revenue act ' passed . by congress at the last session. . From excess profits taxes, the gov ernment expects to realize about $1,- zzo,ooo,oo9 before July 1. Tax Rates Are Given. . The rate of tax for a married man or the head of a family la 2 per cent on the amount of his net income ex ceeding $2000. but lesa than $4000. and .4 per cent on the amount of his net Income above $4000 but less than $5000. An unmarried person not the head of a family will pay 2 per cent on the amount of net income above $1000 but leas than $3000, and 4 per cent on the net Income above $3000 but less than $5000. ! An extra levy, or surtax, in add! tlon to the normal tax. Is Imposed on Incomes above ($5009, so ' that the amount of Income between $5000 and $7500 is subject to a total Income tax, including both normal and- ex tra, of 6 per cent; and between $7500 and $10,000 8 per cent. The surtax further increases with higher in comes, so that amounts of $1,000,000 are taxable at 65 per cent with; one per cent additional for each half mil lion up to two million dollars. All Incomes over the latter amount are taxable at 67 per cent. ; . t A Typical Income tax levies on heads of families are as follows: Income of $2500, tax is $10;, income of $30 OX), tax is $20; income of $3500, tax is $30; income of $4000, tax is $40; income of $4500, tax is $60; Income of $6000, tax is $80. Unmarried persons would - pay In this way: Income of $1500, tax is $10; income of $2000, tax is $20; in come of $2500, tax is $30; income of $3000, tax is $40; income of $3500, tax is $60; income of $4000,' tax is aaa. - m nap a A a a as AA. sou; income oi ouu, tax is saw; income of $5000. tax is $120. Poiar -Installmenta . Provided. Taxes may be paid in four install ments between now and June 15, If this arrangement is preferred, but the treasury will open a determined campaign soon to encourage persons to pay their tax in full immediately, and receive Interest on the advance payment, hi '-. v c-'. A small army of accountants, epe- cially trained for the work in schools conducted by district collectors for the oast two weeks, will go into the field beginning Wednesday to assist persons in filing their returns, and will travel" onj pre-arranged itiner aries for a month or more, In addi tion, federal agricultural agents, and representatives1 of state and county councils of national defense, have en listed v in the campaign of education. By this extensive campaign of educa tlon. Internal Revenue Commissioner Roper hopes to eliminate the chances THINGS THAT Br GENE .a - -at j. 1 j r a X f: A' . Cyricht. of failure to file a return through ignorance of the requirements. , - In fact, officials In charge of the tax gathering machine expect to eliminate the usual grudging spirit . .. . . . a "LiDerty Tax," oecause us proceeas of taxpayers. They have called .this go to the same war cause as the Liberty Bond issues, and every effort- will be made to encourage the spirit of willing giving among those on whom the tax falls. - 7,000,000 Will- Pay. -About 7.000,000 persons will pay income taxes, it is estimated, and most will be subject to a direct fed eral tax for the first time, for leas than 500,000 paid Income taxes last year under the old law. Tax re turn forms have been made as sim ple as possible, those for Incomes of less than $3000 being especially free from technical -features or inquisit orial Items. ' - . Corporations will pay income taxes also, but on a different basis. Their net Income is subject to a tax of e per cent under the new war revenue act, and certain technical deductions are allowed. Corporation returns are due between January 1 and Marcn 1. for the calendar year 1817, and companies operating on a fiscal year basis must report. -within sixty days after the end of th cal year. Beainnlne tomor-ow. also, excess profita returns fOT the year 1817 will be received from corporations, part nerships and individuals. The last date for the filing of-these is March 1. the same as on Income returns, and payment must be made also be fore June 15, except under the fiscal year arrangement. . Individuals making more tnan 86.000 during the year also are sub let t to an 8 per cent tax on their in come above that amount, independ ent of the regular Income I taxes. This 8 per cent levy Is Imposed on Individuals with no capital, or wtta only nominal capital, such as profes sional men with money invested in books, dentist and physlclansf instru ments, or other equipment. , Invested Capital Distinguishes. Another kind of tax is laid on ex cess profits of businesses having in vested capital, on this oasis, taxes pn net incomes or profits in excess of certain deductions are at the rate of 20 rr cent of the amount of net Income In excess of the deduction and not in excess of 1 5 per cent on the Invested capital; 25 per cent on the amount in excess of 16 ber cent and not In excess of 20 per cent; 35 per cent on the amount in excess of 20 per cent and not in excess or z per cent; 40 per cent on the amount In excess of 25 per cent and not in excess of 33 per cent; and! 60 per cent on the amount in excess of, 33 per cent. - ! ' -I Before a tax is levied on excess profits, for 1917, a business is per mitted to make the same percentage of profit oh its invested capital that it maae on us invested capital, uur lnr mi. 181? and 181 f, the so- called "pre-war period. : providing this is not more than 8 per cent, and 83000 additional for a corporation. or $6000 for a partnership or indi vidual. These are the deductions which are. not taxable, j 'i " Definitions of terms, f particularly the items making un "invested capi tal," have been made in a number of recent regulations Issued by . Com missioner Roper. Excess prof Us taxes and Income taxes may be : imposed on the same earnings, if they are sufficiently high. The law 'specifies, however, that the amount of tax payable un der the excess profits provisions may be deducted from gross Income, be fore, determining the net income on which Income taxes are paid. ; . , Detroit evening high schools have arranged special courses to train women for governmental positions. ' CHICHESTER 8 PILLS i uiiuaia nBa a rnila ta fS-aaa .aM nuiUtV MU ami, IMua IuUm V aw ataa-a. Hay afrar Tahe a Pvarr-. A.e4'il- rft "-TTW S VlAMUAfft IIU4UU PIUA.ii S raMkanwail t-.att. Alf AauaMa CHEAPE.ST RTt TMB HOTEL . BCCAOSC. NOBoOX KMOW5 OS SO ,.L vtt VwE'Re HOT PARTiCiJly n 5 WSVER HAPPEri BYRNES -f,YRSff?i T CLOVERDALE CLOVERDALE. Or.. Jan.. 1. Luther Chapln will hold a m'eetln 2 ; at Cloverdale school house Saturday, night, January 5. All grown people are. Invited. Mr. Chapln has some thing for farmers and fruit men. M rs. Elizabeth Morris of Spokane, I spending the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morris. In the absence of Dr. Massey, Dr. Mary Staples; was called Sunday to the bedside of Herman WIpper, who was ill with heart trouble. At last reports he is improving. L. E. Hennis and Arthur Ann!s were among the Salem visitors Sat urady. 1 Mrs. Levi nflet returned home re cently from Pullapup where she ta3 been visiting relatives. Ray Farrls and Victor Fllflet were among the boys from Vancouver who spent Chiistmae with their parent., and since their return word has reached here that Victor Fllflet is among those who were moved fror.i Vancouver to somewhere In the east. . W. J. Hadley was in Salem Thurs day. 1 ' Grant Farris went to Portlats i Tuesday evening, returning homQ Wednesday. COM PIJ3TEN TIIK CARD IXIIF.X. . With a declaration of war on Aus tria the number of enemy aliens is increased. r Lowell Courier-Citizen. It is not a declaration of "war oa Austria," but a declaration of recog nition of Austria's war on the Un!t-1 States, and it doesn't increase t!. number of enemy aliens. It merely labels s many more of them. Al bany Journal. - - i - TinETALESt souninRir pacikic co. NaiihkaaM Ko. ! Oregon Kspress . .... :01a.m. No. 54 Orea-onlan ..... ..... :la.r'i. No.- 83 Willamette Limited.. 8:J0a.m. No. 18 Portland Passenger., lilSpri. No. 84 Coos Bay , 8:44 p i . No. 13 Shasta Limited ..... 7: p . No. 14 Portland Express ... :10pi. No. 8t Local Way Freight. . :00 a m. No. 333 Portland Fast Freight 11:33 pt. Seefhbeuad No. 88 Oregonlsn ........A. 8:23 a.rn. No. 33 Coos Bay ....10:01 a.r . No. 15 California Express ..10:&t a. i t. Ko. 17 Rosebure: Passenger. 4:tp.r. No. It Bhaata Limited ..... 5:42 No. ' 37 Willamette Llrhtted.. :l9ptu No. 13eHn Francisco Pass.. ,18.87 p.u. No. 831 Sn Fran. Fast FrU. .12:01 a.m. No. 327 Local Way Freight. .12:01 a.m. IALEH-GF.EH LIHE - . . No. 73 Arrive at Solera 3:18 a.m. No. 74 Leave Salem. 8:05 p.m.. SAI.kM. FALLS CITT at WEnrns 161 Leaves. Salem, motor .... 7:0Sa.m. US Leaves Kalem. motor.... :2Sa.ii. 145 Leaves Salem, motor.... 1:40 p ' . Through car to Monmouth and Arise 1C7 Leaves Salem, motor .... S:4tp.m. 140 leaves Salem, motor .... . 5:57 p.m. 239 Way Freight leaves Salem 5.00 a.m. ICS Arrivea at Salem 8:30 a.m. 164 Arrives at Salem ....... .11:00 a,m, ICC Arrives st Salem U8 Arrives at Salem 170 Arrives at Salem 240 Way Freight Ar. 8:00 p.m. ........ 5:3Sp,ti. , 7:20 p.m. Salem. . 3:20 p.m. OREOOX F.LECTHlO aaiaaaaa Arrive Arrive 10:f... s t 12:25 pm .'" 4:35 pri S:5dt i Falem er.-ly Salem vnl t No. Portlaid 1 ..... :30 am 6 Ltd.. .1:30 am 7 .....10:45am 0 ......2:05 pm 13 Ltd. ..4:40 pm 17 ......:05 pm 18 ,3:30 pm Salem ; 8:15 am ' 10:11 am 12:56 pm 4:13 pm :40 pm 6:10 pm "11:80 pm 21 .....u:4pm .....u:a pm i . am a . . t n i North Bank Station (leave Jeffer . r r :15 son Street 15 and ZS minutes later.) Nenhbosjad Train . Leave . Arrive ArrSv xPori i j - 4:J : ? $ 6 - 11:SS 1 : 3 i 4:; ) i t: 7:40i! No. Eugene Salem 2 .....12:0iam ; 4:36am ...... ; 7:15 am 10 Ltd. ..7:45 am ! 9:46 am 18 ..... 11:10 am 14 1l:l!im i 1:50 Dm 14 Ltd... 1:55pm 4:00pm :0 .....4:10pm i 5:10 pm .... ... as ......a: fm t ;a m i:u"t (.North Bank Station (Arrive J-rf . son Street IS minutes earlier). L. n Corvallis. - 10:0 t CORVALLIS COMWF.CTIOXS NsrthbeasO Leave Corvallis Arrive r' 0:45 am l:S0am 4 :00 pm 8:J0 pm 7:55 pm S:Z5am 13:13 pm 8:41 pm ' 4:10 pm :is pm leajlhWaad Leave Salem Arrive Corvt 0:25 am 10:1Sam ' 11.85 pm . 4:15 pm . a :40 pm 9:57 am 11:31ari I:ru - 3:14 pm ft:(e(,ia T RrSTC" 10TCL v HE-RE. I f os &o i '. f. aC y- : H-r ,'V xi. r r- I f M A .;. r 1 t.J