The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, March 31, 1871, Image 1

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P'E.CKL X iy-fl TtliMEBcKj3StGd
NO. 21.
feljc Ukciiln (enterprise.
r Fok tiiis
us5ih6sMart, the Parmer
' J nd the FA MIL Y CI It CLE.
CFICEla Dr. Thesfling's Brick IiuUdiri.
Single Copy one'jtar, in adVancc-, $2 CO
Transient advertisement, including all
i lenl notices, y sj. of 12 lins, 1 v.$ 2 50
For ench subsequent ihrieitioS 100
fine Column, one year $120 00
SUlt " " 60"
tQ.ia.rter " " 40
Business Card, 1 square one year. .... 12
. tT Remittances to be made at tfierisko
Itubicribers, And tt the cspents of Agents.
I a The Enterprise office is supplied with
'.beautiful, approved style of type, and mod
ern MACHINE L'KEriUES. which will enable
Ihe Proprietor to do Jcb IMnting at all ticnes
Stat, Quirk and Cheep !
r Work solicited.
iktt Iliies transactions upon a Specie ha-.-
Attorney at Law,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Importer and Dealer in
tATi0NEllV, PERFUMERY, &c, Ac,
Oregon Cily, Oregon.
'kt Charmanfy Warner o'n stand, Intshj vc
tapied by S. Ackermnn, Main strcei.
10 tf
'..OFr'l-CK In Odd Fellows' Temple, corner
,, of First aud Alder Streets, Portland.
,TJie patronage of those desiring superh.;r
Operations is in special request. NitrousoX
ide for the painless extraction of teeth.
Artificial teeth "better than the best,"
.mj " cheap at tha cheapest.
Dr. J, H. HATCH,
, The patronage of ttio?e desiring rust Class
t? 'ration, is respectfully solicited.
V-t t i a fin-1 inn in :L II cass triiaranteed.
K It Xitrous Ox'le administered for the,u. V. vtrnrtfiori of Teeth.
iiriipv In Weisrant's new bnildins, west
side of First street, between Alder ai.d Mor
Viaon atreets, Portland, Oregou.
"Live and Let Live."
JpiKLDs X- stIuckleij,
t-sT"At the old stand of Wortuian & Fields
Oiegon Cit , Oregon. 13tf
SURGEON, Portland, Orko n.
; OFFICE Odd Fellows' Temple, comer
f'irst and Vlder streets Residence corner of
Mjin and Seventh streets.
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Practices in State and U. S. Ccurts.
tfjice Xo. 108 Front Street, Portland, Oregon,
Opposite McCormick's Book Klodr
fe?tablished since 1849. at the old stand,
Main Street, Oregon. City, Oregon.
in Assortment of Watches. Jew
elry. and Seth Thomas' weight
Clocks, all of which are warranted
tn l 3d rpnrpspntptl.
Uepainniis uone on sunn nonce,
ind thanKtui ior pasi mn-is.
c5. . Jity urayman,
i 3 All orders for the delivery of merchan
dise or packages and freight of whatever des
fcription. to any part of the city, nv ill be exe
c ueu promptly auu wim care.
(Dentfches Gafthatl?.:")
No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam
ship landing, Portland, Oregon.
per Week Jo 00
witn Lodging u oo
1 00
Notary public, exterp se ffice
C f'gon City, Jan. 13:tf .
Tbe violets blossomed where she trod
Last Spring-time by my side
The lilies rose and talked to herr
She shamed the roses' pride.
Iler eyes were blue, fcef step was light,
Her sthile was bright as day ;
I loVed but ber. I prayed for her,
I thought of her alway.
Now vl'cJlcts blossom at her head,
And lilies grow about her ;
And winds are soft around her grave,
As though they, too, did love her.
The Beast PlsyiiiiV Out.
Corlespnidcnce of the Xew York Cun.J
AVasiiiSgton", February T. The
Butlel'-Asylum inyestigation -will
end in a lew days time, and
the committee will make a re
port, with the accompanying tes
timony of General Negley, of
Pennsylvania, who is chairman of
the sub-committee will no doubt
endeavor to whitewash General
Uhtler, as he thinks it will do the
Republican party much harm to
make a truthful report of the facts
as they exist. He Uok one of the
witnesses to task a few days ago
for giving his testimony against
Butler, saying : " It is a fight be
tween FransWorth and liutier, and
only hurts the party, ami you
should not have testitied as you i
did to which the witness replied:
' Why, General Xegley, what do
you mean ? Did you not yourself
swear me to fell the truth ? What
do you take me for V" Xegley saw
his mistake, and vanished on sud
den business in the House- This
is a positive fact. Xegley refused
to sign the eertilict'te of this wit
ness lor mileage and per diem,
which the clerk of the committee
hait made Out for him, amounting
to 882 (this clerk, lA the way, is a
Aln. Smalley, who is the cones
pondent of the ! alse-Keportntg-
Tribnno), and after a consultation
with Butler, gnve ft certificate lor
only &25, winch did not pay the
witness lor the Tvctnal outlay lor
railroad fare, and which certificate
he accepted under protest, and
when presented by him lor pay
ment to Air. AlcPherson, clerk of
the House of Representatives, was
refused payment, because
these witnesses not to be paid, as
lie wanted the matter to come up
in the House, and had something
to say in reference thereto." This
was enough to stop payment, as
" Butler" is the House.
The testimony taken was rather
severe on the doughty General;
and a the same clerk of the com
mittee, Mr. Smalley, had falsely re
ported some statements to his
I'X'lt-e lit-porting Tribune, General
Butler asked that in future the pro
ceedings of the committee be
secret, which was so ordered ; in
fact, the whole ot the action ot this
committee is taken by the sugges
tions of Butler. Anv and all ob
jections made by him are sustained
by Xegley, General locum, sitting
quietly by, saying nothing. Only
once has lie interfered, and that
was when " Butler," in his impu
dent and overbearing manner, en
deavored to get a witness to swear
positively to the writing of two
words with lead pencil on half
sheet of paper, and which paper he
would not allow the witness to see,
but kept passing it rapidly by his
eyes, refusing mm permission 10
examine it.
It was really an amusing sight
to see the determination of the
witness not to answer, the capers
round the taole. too leering.
pleased, and cunning smile of But
ler, as though lie thought he had
everything his own way, until the
i .... 7
clear voice ot General JSiocum
broke the. silence with the sound,
practical and determined decision,
"Ihat paper is no evidence; when
the time comes that General But
ler sho.ll as evidence-, it must
be ruled out." Butler came hear
fainting. Meantime General Frans
worth, who is prosecuting, got hold
of the paper and handed it to the
witness, and told him to examine
the paper and answer whether or
no it was his writing. (Tins paper
was half sheet of note paper, on
one side of which were two ex
tracts from Pomcroy's Democrat,
IVatfally truthful and abusive of
Butler, on the other were written
two words, "The commencement,"
in pencil, and much blurred by use,
which writing Butler desired de
nied. The witness held the paper
in his hands, examined the writing
and said : ' I do not think this is
my writing it is blurred so much
that I am not positive; but if
General Butler's point is to know
who sent it, if he will allow me to
look at the front of it I will tell
him whether I sent it or not as
or any one else, except God
After reading the notices he smiled,
and handing" it back to Butler with
a quick movement that made him
jump, the witness replied, " Yes I
sent that to you 1" 'I his Created
an excitement among the commit
tee ; they saw they had a man to
deal with, and one ot the com
mittee asked? " What was your
object in sending this to General
Butler?" to which witness coolly
replied, " MrsBut ler keeps a scrap
book for such articles at the Gen
erals request, and I thought I
Would send my share to help fill it."
bit his cigai in half, and spit one
piece out and nearly swallowed
the other half in his rage, while
the most of the committed Smiled
audibly-. This was the witness who,
to another insulting question, gave
the answer that " he had been
drunk, the same as Butler had;
got drunk now occasionally, the
same as Butler did ; and at such
times was not responsible lor any
more than Butler was, for his
thoughts or actions." Ami at
Butler's appeal for protection re
ceived no attention from the com
mittee, but himself a very
be said he had enough of the wit
ness, who then left, but Butler ran
around to the clerk's otlicc ahead
of him5 and stopped his pay.
What amount of latitude has a
Congressman to insult by irrele
vant questions and by personal
questions a poor sinning witness ?
Has a witness any rights at alb in
a Congressional investigation ?
These questions are asked in view
of a point made by this witness.
He was informed by a member
that Butler had taken letters of his
former correspondence, and had
shown extracts of these letters to
members outside of the comtnittet
room, for the purpose of injuring
the testimony of the witness. On
the examination of the witness he
produced the whole of the corres
pondence, stated the facts, and in
ftttj.KTi's, DIRTY' ACTION,
demanded that the whole corres
pondence should be read, to which
Butler quickly objected, and. Xeg
ley as quickly decided against. '
This is a spicy correspondence.
The witness, in one of the letters,
charges upon Butler an unmen
tionable crime, committed while he
was confidential aid-de-camp to
Butler, and which would ruin him
socially ? should the letters have
been read openly in the committee
room, as the witness desired and
demanded. I am promised a copy
of this correspondence for publica
tion in the iSun, and I can assure
you it is rich. I expect to get it in
a few days.
When the point was decided
against the witness, he again made
the point and demanded it as his
right, but was ruled out ; when
General Fransworth took the let
ters and said he would have them
read, if at any time General But
ler should attempt to oiler any
letter-; and in his hands they now
are. ,
Tiiis case may end in a white
wash for Butler; but mark nie-j
There will be other charges against
him, and cut of this investigation
will grow much good. lie has
started a man who does not fear
him or his influences; who would
have doiie. him kindness, notwith
standing the bitter prosecution of
Butler. Let him now look to him
self, especially when there is no
Congress to protect him, as it did
" Virginia Porter." I will in a
few days give you for publication
a lew pages ot the secret history
of the Treasury Department;
being the history of (1,102,150)
one million one hundred and sixty
two thousand one hundred and
fifty dollars in Treasury notes and
bonds which did not go down on
the Steamer Golden Rule.
. r
A few days ago, in order to in
sult the people, the Postmaster
General placed a negro route-agent
upon the mad line between Louis
ville and Frankfort, Kentucky.
This gratuitous insult aroused the
ire of a drunken lellow (as was
doubtless intended), who whipped
the Fifteenth Amendment. Imme
diately the mail was stopped over
that route on account of the terri
ble Ku-Kluxes! Just think of it!
One drunken mrm exercising such
terrorism over the United States
Government as to cause it to stop
its mails through fear !
A Michigan woman found alive
lizard in the heart of a potato, with
no visible means of ingress, and
has become insane in an attempt
to decide whether the potato hatch
ed the lizard from the seed, or the
lizard grew the potato as a sort of
'Reconstructed" Georgia-
Jlu'eh has been iterated and re
iterated by the Kadical press con
cerning the anarchic state of soci
ety in feveral of the Southern
States Caused as they allege,
solely by the lawless acts of bands
of Ku-Klux ; and the Federal
Government has reteatctly been
invoked to restore order by the
strong arm of military force.
That our readers may .bulge
Where lies the true root and source
of all the troubles referred to, we
call their attention to the follow
ing extracts from the Southern
correspondence of the XVorUVs
Cr'!?r$; a Boston weekly, edited by
Klder Miles Grant, contained in
the issue of the 15th of this month.
The correspondent is Kev. Wil
liam. Sheldon, ft devoted Second
Ad venlist minister, and an old orig
inal Abolitionist. He writes under
-date of the 20th and 27th of last
month, from Irviugton, a village
situated near" Macon, Georgia, as
follows : ; ;
The entire community is kept ir.
a foam by the operations of the
freed negroes, and the retaliation
of the K. K. K. Xearly every dav
since I have been in this place,
some new case has been reported
to me, generally transpiring within:
a mile. One Baptist minister h&d
i - i
ins corn-crio and corn uurnt a
night Or two go, it is thought by
a negro. Last night two negroes
entered the house of a widow and
after violating her person, and that
of her daughter, beat them and
left them for dead. These scenes
are so frequent that they seldom
find their way into the press.
Theft is the order of the day
among the blacks.
Something occurs nearly every
night to keep the people excited.
Several buildings have been burned
since I have been in this neighbor
hood. Last night a widow woman
near by had four fat hogs killed
ind carried olf. The most relig-
ions niggers do not scruple to
to do Elicit deeds, claiming that the
properly rightfully belongs to
them, because, though thev did
not earn it themselves, sonic of the
'Colored people .did earn it. Ue-
cently, a short distance from here,
a large meeting of the colored peo
ple was held, and they had a happy
time of it; but the white folks on
every side lost their chickens-, hogs,
bees, potatoes and other eatables.
Their preachers are usually as bad
a class of men as the rest of them,
'except while in the pulpit, being
not only licentious but malicious.
One who had lived for years at
this place, lecently, after having
dressed himself to go and preach a
sermon, murdered his wife in a fit
of anger, having often before
threatened to do it, and trequently
whipped her severely.
Map-Stone. The faith in the
virtue of mad-stones, or poison
stones, says the X. Y. Timc? for
neutralizing the effect ot snake
bites, dates back for centuries, com
ing from the East. The Monks of
Manilla carry on quite a lucrative
trade in their manufacture, supply
ing the merchants of India. The
snake charmers of the Malabar and
Caromandel coasts likewise pre
pare them, but only for themselves,
preserving their composition as a
secret. In Mexico, similar stones
have been mentioned by travelers.
Aii experience during a four years'
residence iii India gives the writer
but little faith in the efficacy of
the stones. The method of apply
ing the snake-stones is as follows:
A bandage is. tightly placed above
the wound; the stones are then ap
plied; they attach themselves close
ly, imbibing, by their porous tex
ture, the blood that oozes from the
bite. The stone will adhere from
two to ten minutes, the length of
time depending on the amount of
blood that issues from the wound
and their capacity for absorption.
A bandage is not at all times ap
plied ; compression with the hand,
or rubbing the affected part down
ward is said to answer. Before
again using the stones, they have
to be Washed and well dried, per
haps subjected to great heat. Sci
entific J'rcss.
A good deal of merriment was
occasioned on Sunday week, in one
of the Xew Orleans churches, nt
the expense of a deaf deacon, who
had been very industrious in sell
ing a new church publication; Just
before dismissing the congrega
tion the minister announced that
mothers who had children to be
baptized should present them on
the following Sunday. The deacon,
supposing that his pastor was ad
vertising the book, jumped up
hastily, and cried out, "All you
who have got none can get as many
as you want from me, at 75 cents
A man advertises for a compe
tent person to undertake the sale
of a new medicine, and adds that
"it will prove profitable to the undertaker."
Bowen, the Bigamist.
Another trial awaits the great
connueiAl reporter his last
victim pleads for him.
(LcJuisviMS Courier-Journal of Feb. 2Gth,)
The chickens of Mn Bewen's
early indiscretions are coming
home to roost in a manner which
is truly distressing. The long Ibi
gotten "girls he left behind hinV'
-like unrrtertifiil disaster.
Following fast, and following faster."
Till it is said the very sight of &
piece of calico throws him into a
state of freuy not unlike hydro
phobia. For a man who
--Hath no music in h nisei f,
And is not pleased with concord of sweet
to have something less than half a
dozen "furies like a woman scorned"
at his heels, must be, to say the
least of it, "far, far from gay."
He had had hardly a breathing
spell since the escape from the pern
itentiary the other day in Wash
ington, through the complaisance
ot a juror, before
is on his track. He seems to be
the most numerous! v married man
outside of Utah. The. A VgrJsta (Ga)
Chronicle says that a party from
Charleston arrived in that city the
other day lor the purpose ot pro
curing testimony against C. C.
Bowem in the second bigamy case
that has been brought against him.
Bo wen lived iii Augusta some 20
years ago, and wa-s known. there as
a journeyman bricklayer by day
and a jack-leg gambler by night,
with a rather shady character.
In October, 1832, he married Miss
Frances Hicks, a highly respectable
lady of that city, but afterwards
abandoned her, and since that time
He lias just been tried for biga
may and a mistrial ordered. Since
that he lias been arrested on a
new charge, that of marry ing Miss
Hicks, and then that of marrying
Mrs. King. The party in question
found the marriage license and cer
tificate duly recorded in the Ordi
nary's office at Augusta, and got a
certified copy of the documents
He was married on the 31st of
October by W. G. Connor. The
following witnesses were sum
moned by the United States Dep
uty Marshal to attend the prelimin-'
ary examination, which will take
place in Washington on the 2Sth :
E. J. I licks, Mrs. Frances Bo wen,
D. Porter, Miss Mary Seago, and
Miss Louisa Dixon. From all ac
counts, Bowen must be a pretty
hard case. It is charged that he
attempted to have Mr. T. J. Mae
key, at Charleston, assassinated in
Washington about a week ago,
and in Charleston about three
weeks ago, and that a witness who
was summoned to Washington to
testify against him has
He is also charged with having
procured the murder of Col. White
in 18G1, and With having bribed
the deputy jailor of Charleston-
a negro to permit the escape of
Eli Grimes, the only witness against
him. He will probably go up
next March, when his trial comes
His present, or rather his last,
wife, Mrs. S. Pctigru Bowen, ac
complished, proud, and sensitive
as she is, according to the Wash
ington Chronicle, has suffered in
describable anguish at the turn
events have taken, and writes a let
ter to that journal in which she
s-iys, touchihgiy, of Mr. C. C. Bow
em "He has not concealed his ante
cedents from me. I knew thai he
had been an orphan boy without
relations or friends, had drifted
into the company of gamblers and
prostitutes, and had lived their
life until it pleased the good God
to lift him from the mire and stir
within hini the spirit of reformation
and purification.
"This persecution takes every
shape murder, arson, forgery,
burglary are added to the charges
of bigamy! The most ridiculously
ghastly stories are gravely inserted
in newspapers by order of one per
son, warrants are issued oh his sole
testimony again and again ; we
shall be reduced to abject poverty
by legal requisitions; my life is
harrrtssed, my health undermined,
my reason totters, and I lie at the
mercy of a villian whose very
countenance should inspire disbelief
and mistrust.
I appeal to the public in every
State. I implore the press to ven
tilate this foul business. I ask
protection at the hands of honest
men and women everywhere.
By the memory of my great
father, whose life was a lesson of
nobleness and duty; whose time
belonged to the oppressed of every
sex ami race, I ask relief from this
vile persecution. Shall I ask in
vain ?
S. Petigp.u Bowen.
A Divorce Hunt.
tFrorh the N. Y. Herald of February .
Another Of .those Singular ex
hibits of the manner in which gen
tlemen manoeuvre to rid themselves
of their wives wras made before
Judge Hogan yesterday at the
Toombs. v . - . - , i .,
This, however, is not a case that
WAS brought out in the regular and
business-like vVay in which many
are shadowed forth to the public
.gaze. It Wtts reached in the. most
roundabout and indirect manner:
On the 30th of January la.stj Al
bert J. Swift, the proprietor of the
.Washington llotelj 876 fourth
nveuuej caused the arrest cf a
young man named.
of 234; Bleeker streeti charging him
with drawing and uttering a draft
for seventy-five dolkus on Samuel
Crump, of 70 Fulton street payable
to the order of Swift tfc Son. Swift
took the draft and paid A. C. Sher
man's messenger twenty-five dol
lars for it, but when it was pre
sented to Crump he denied having
any account with Sherman ; also
denied. that Sherman had even the
least Authority from him to draw
I for the amount as stated. Sher
j man's counsel, evidently anxious
to conceal real relationship of
the defendant with Crump, did not
even hint that he undertood their
previous connections, but .found
bail for the appearaTlee cf Sherman
to-day at the Court, for the pur
pose of a full investigation.
On being placed upon the stand
this morning the defendant, Sher
man, said that lie had known
Crump for ten years'; that he was
employed by him for four years,
and lelt his employment two years
ttnd a half ago. Since that "time
he has been employed as
in Yvhich capacity lie had been
brought into contact with Crump,
"I met him about four months ago,
and lie told ine he had a friend
who was anxious to obtain a di
voiee from his wife, and wanted
me to take the case and work it.
I told him I would call and see
him again, and subsequently I call
ed at his office and told him I
Yvould take the case, and lie invit
ed me to call at his house, 596
Carlton avenue," . said Sherman.
According to the further testimony
Sherman saw Crump, and the lat
ter said he would be responsible
for the case, and gave the defend
ant a letter of introduction to Dan
iel Biker, who was employed .in
Crump's office, lie being the gentle
man who was so desirous of be
coming loosened, from the bonds
ot" Lis matrimonial alliance'. , Sher
man made arrangements as to the
"ways and means," and at once
started upon Mrs. Biker's track,
lie dodged her about from place
to place, to Xew Haven and other
parts of the State,
Watched hEr EVEity move,
and so far succeeded in getting in
to her good , graces as to get her to
accept a new dress at hisexpenses
But with all the artifice and re
sources of the detective, notwith
standing he had been told to spare
no expense in the prosecution of
the object in view, Mrs. Biker
appears to. have I.d too cautious
-if not too virtitous also-for them,
and Sherman had .to give up the
chase on the 1st. of the present
month. During the time he was
engaged in this hunt after Mrs.
Biker, he ran up a bill amounting
to $200, Si 05 of which Biker hail
paid in various installments', leav
ing a balance of thirty-eight dol
lars in his defendant's favor. The
draft of $27 for .which he was ar
rested Was intended to form part
of the balance, and. as Crump had
paid a previous draft, drawn al
most exac tly like the present one,
he claimed that Ins arrest was an
attempt to cover the proceedings.
The examination will probably be
concluded next week, when it is
expected that more details con
cerning this extraordinary case
Will be brought to light,
' -
An eminent scientific man gi'e3
tiiis illustrtion of the power of india-rubber
to deaden sound: "We
once visited a factory where some
40 or 50 copersmiths were at work
in a shop above our heads; but
what was remarkable; scarcely- a
sound of their noisy hammering
could be heard: , On going up stairs
we saw the explanation. Each leg
of every bench rested on a cushion
made of india-rubber cuttings. This
completely deadened the sound.
Bobert Bonner,the Ledger man
and "Dexter" driver, says that he
does not know how to play cards
does not even know a knave
from a oilp'eri, or a king from the
" curse of Scotland." On reading
this confession of ignorance on the
part of Bonner, a ten-year-old
- boy of the period" was heard to
remark : " Why, old Bonner is no
great shakes, after all ! There's
nary a boy'n in our school that
don't know more'n he does !"
. ... " ii " . "
- ' 1 . ' - - . v
i General -William O. Butler, the
candidate for Vice President on
the ticket, with General Cass in
1 S48, is still hale .and hearty, and
frequently visits Louisville on bus
iness; Congress has raised .the salary
of 'Judges of the Supreme Court of
the United States to 88,500 per
annum for the Chief Justice, uud
8,000 tor the Associate Justices.
'. J udge r'lerrepoint, ot Xew York,
who spent $20,000 to secure
Grant's election, lias no office.
. !. '''. , '
Tlid attention of the police is
respectfully called to that part of
Olive Logan's lecture where she
says "women carry a concealed
weapon, which can, . if properly
used, sway the destinies of man
kind." .
Instead of answering Senator
Blair, the Bad reals point at him a3
'dangerous.' lie is that.
A pious lyceum lecture commit
tee in Indiana have their tickets
printed : "Blessed are the pure in
heart,; for they shall see God. Ad
mit cne." ......
A Galesburg farmer, whose pew
rent was raised to twenty-five dol
lars, exclaimed .; . "Great Caesar,
here's a nice state of aflairs the
gospel going up and pork going
down. What's to become oftis? "
An Iowa family named Dodd
have a crop cf sixteen children iu
ten years.
A new Territory, to be called Q
Chippewa, is proposed to be laid
off from the present Territory ot
Dakota. , It will comprise all that
portion of .Dakota lying between
the northern boundary the 45th
parallel of latitude and the 45th
patallel, :being .: bounded on the G
east by the State of Minnesota,
and on the west by Montana
Kissing a pretty girl down gouthp
a fellow asked her "what made her
so sweet ?" "Oh," she replied, "my
father is a sugar planter."
The scripture says, "The glory
of woman is in her hair, "but it no
where says that the glory of wo
man is in any other woman's hair.
A newspaper is the only instru
ment which can drop the same
thought into thousands of minds
at the same moment.
An irritable man who was dis
appointed in his boots, threatened
to .eMl rip tile shoemaker, but com-""
promised by drinking a cobbler. '
f A doctor told his Ethiopian ser-
yant to grease his buggy. lie did ,
so all over. The doctor's wife took ..
a rule and her dress was ruined.
Horace Greeley wrote of a" will
"admitted to probate." The com-
positor made it administered in
A lady's dressmaker horrified
her the other day by telling her
she would cut her body out
the course of the afternoon.
Xashville lias a citizen asjed
ninety, who cats nine sandwiches
and drinks nine cups of coffee for
lunch. O
A man, need not be afraid . of
sleeping when he is only haunted
by ghost of a chance. It won't
hurt turn much.
The ladies of Bushton. Kansas.
have organized a vigilance com
mittee and hung three men.
A Bhode Island girl Yvore the
skins of ninety-seven, geese to a
masquerade. That madejust ninety-eight
geese in the pile.
. A Syracuse court has assessed the
value of two young bears, lost ori
a railway, at $450 apiece, and the
price of an infant, killed by a
Street car, at $200.
"Have you 'Blasted Hopes f "
asked a lady of a green librarian
whose face much swollen by
toothache", . "Xo,
he re-:
plied," "but I have a blasted tooth
Absurd sticklers for the letter
of the law in Vermont insist on the
arrest of a man who felt the ne
cessity of reducing his family ex
penses, and shot his mother-in-law
with that view;
The Albany Argus says "420
nominations have been sent to the :
present Congress by the President.'
And the strangest part of it is;
two or three of the nominees were
little or no kiri to General Grant.
An appreciative man says thai
instead of putting the word " God"
in the letter of the Constitution
we had better take the "devil'
out of the Government. This is
just wdiat Democrats propose to do
Fight hard against a hasty tem
per. Anger will come, but resist
it stoutly. A spark may set a
house on fire. A fit" of passion may
give you cause to mourn all the
days of your life.