Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1870)
o o O o o o o O o o o o o O o THE CHINESE QUESTION. GREAT SPEECH OF HON. F. Kl. FSXLEY, OF SAX FRAFCISCO. o ,. : We present the following speech for Hie serious consideration of every white voter in this State. It wa.s made in San Fran cisco, by Hon. Frank M. Pixley, one of the oldest and most influential Republicans in California. He, with four oUier.-s.ignel the first call in that Slate for a Republican Convention, and has. until recently, been one of its most able and warm supporters, and has frequently held positions of honor and trust. The Radical party of Oregon is pledged in favor of the- further contin uance of this infamous importation. The Democracy are against it. Which will you support on next Monday? Read the speech and ponder well. The hall of the Mechanics' Institute was crowded to its utmost capacity last evening, to hear the? lecture of the Hon. F. M. l'ixley, on the Chinese problem. A tew ladies wers pro.; was introduced bv the tmt. I he lecturer President of the Institute. Mr. Ilaliide. Mr. l'ixley said : I do not believe in the universal brotherhood ot man and fatherhood of (iod.'; It takes a great, .tk'ft) of laith to believe that all who olaim - to be human were created by Cod for men. Some of them might have been intended for apes and monkeys. Many think it best to bring Chinese here, and " talk of the brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God. and that the Chinese O have the same right as ourselves to coiie hero and get a living. Those who talli of the necessity of cheap labor are not tne metiQwiio labor them.-elves ; they ate those who employ others, and want the cheairest. Others say it is a question between the Irish and Chinese, and they feel like 'he woman whose husband was fighting with the bear they don't care which whips. But I tcil you it is not a question between the Irish and the Chinese, noP between the Germans and the Chinese. It is a contest between the idolatry of the old world and t!u Chris tianityvbf the new ; between the symbol ism of Confucius and the religion of Christ. Q tiieiil itittueu importation' can ik .stopvli). As it required a great war to rid the country of slavery, so do I believe if this encouragement of Chinese emigration is continued, it will bring ruin to the coun try. They will come over here in pwartns: If, as Mr. Casserly said, they are skillful, industrious, etc.. then they are the more dangerous. But I am opposed to them w hellui,stiperior or inferior. They are a race and color. We do not wantuto "mix with them. The types of the different families are as distinct now as they were centuries ago. and they will be kept dis tinct. It is the same with the animals. Their instinct keeps the different races of animals distinct. The Chinese are so un like its in everything that they cannot come unless they absorb or drive us out, or we become a hybrid race. They num ber five hundred millions, and they will come in immense numbers and over whelm us. Bat the roi.iTic.vr. (rtesTio.v ls thk ciikat oxi:. One hundred thousand Chinese immi grants have come here in twenty years. There is to-dav 72,000 of them amomr us. 52,00;) of which are males who would be vot -rs if they had the right of suffrage. We have opposed them with hostile legis lation, and in various ways shwon out opposition to their coming, yet ifcey still continue to increa-e among us. Cease this opposition, subsidize the steamship line that brings them and encourage their coming, and they will pour in upon us i.iki: thi; i.ocrsrs of kgytt. This is no idle fear. Strike down the barrierrs a,fcd bring them here in compe tition, aad they will drive every white laborer Trom the country. Look at the 0 women in China. In infancy they ore destroyed if too numerous in the family. As they grow up they are sold into slave ry, and live a degraded life. Go through the lanes of this city, where they are con- gregated. if you "dare, and "see their degradation and infamy. We want no such creatures here to poison society. I Wits right the other night when I said if there was no legal way to prevent their being brought here to 'fiil our hospitals, and to communicate loathsome disease to others, I would be one to GJTAKE A TOUCH IN DAYLIGHT AND DURN The steamers at our wharves that brought them. Cheers. Mr. Pixley then read from a book a description of the Chinese O " tind their habits, customs, morals, relig ion, government, etc., which was not very flattering to them. He read it, he said, to show their social life. He then pro ceeded tooay: Under the inevitable striking out of the word "whiW' from the Naturalization laws and he believed it was inevitable, for the Republican q leaders were going to do it I cannot s,e why Chinamen may not vote and strike down our system of government, and our system of civilization and society, and introduce their own. I can see no rea son why Mongol and Tartars, might not sit in the President's chair, and in the halls of legislation, and rnSUo laws for us. The industrial question is an important one in considering this subject. We do not want cheap labor, we want CHEAP MONEY AND CHEAP I-AHOU. Cheftp labor i.- a heresy. Immense cheering. No Government ever flour ished under cheap labor. livery country paying high prices for labor is prosperous. For us to say we want immigration, and form immigration societies asking Euro peans to conie here, and tell them we pay Obigh prices for labor, and bid them leave their homes and come to the great Repub lic, where there are homes and farms for them all ; at the same time re are givin subsidies to steamship lines to bring men here who work for ten cents a day that o is not the way to induce the white "race to come and make their homes anions us. f you wast cheap labor, give increased sub sidies to the sieam lines, and send to Asia for it. The much talk of CONFLICT r.ETWEEN CAPITAL AND I.AP.OR, Jle said, was a good deal of a myth. Capi tal was useless without labor ; labar must starve without capital. If he had a mil lion ducats that very night, of what use would they be to him without the laborer: whereas, labor would at least support it self by the fruits of the earth, and in that respect occupied a higher position, and was more independent than capital. As to the characteristics of THELAI?OREr.S COMING IN UPON CSj. Tor 5.000 years" they have, been in the habit of living on rice. It had bee a and was now their staple food, and they could do a good day's work upon it alone. But tho white laborer must have his meat or he can't work. A Chinese laborer's food need not cost hha more than seven to ten cents day, while a wLite laborer could pot live on less than seventeen or twenty icents, at the lowest ett'iuate. Uvea the n 1 1 .'.ttw""'" JU-J.JIU.lll l.JL.. "" food of the convicts in the prisons, con sisting solely of bread and meat, costs twenty cents per day. It was useless to think of white laborers COMPETING WITH CHINESE. They could not do it. He had known men heartless enough to say : " Let them com pete ; let them live on rice, then, if they are not able to earn more.'' But they could not do it; they would starve and die. if they attempted it. The Chinese had been in the habit of living upon the water, crowded upon their river boats, and could live like rats in a hole. The white la borer, with his respectable wife and his girl of fourteen years of age. perhaps. and his boy, could not live and eat and sleep in one room. The girl must have her sep arate room, anil the boy must have his separate room, or they could not consider themselves or be considered moral and leligious. The American man must have his three or four rooms, or he does not feel respectable ; whereas, the Chinese would bank fifty together in an apartment with a brazier in the center, at which ali the cooking would be done all .this in a space would hardly be sutiieient for four of our citizens. There was a gentle man, a friend of his. a cigar manufacturer in this city, who had over fifty Chinese bunking together in a loft over a stable which was only hsrge enough for six horses, lie would put it TO I'lUH'EUTY HOLDER, How many houses would the 1.300 China men, who came iu on the previous day's steamer, occupy' How different it would have been hud l.oOO white laborers marched up our streets with, at least, their live hundred virtuous wives, beside them, and their two hundred, stalwart sous. They would have established themselves in offices in time, built or occupied houses, or taken farms ; while those 1.300 China men that had arrived, were at that very time reeking and iestering in their dirty dens, and it they were capable of any sense of thankfulness for the termination of their voyage, were even then worship ping their Josses. And, said he, Ameri cans meet all that comes, standing and seeing this plague of lice, or worse, come upon them, eating up their substance. and bringing thousands of men to the brink of slavery. WITHIN Till: LAST TWO YEAK3 Thirty thousand laboring people had left this State ; they had gone away, and were not coming back to compete with China men, which meant only death, starvation, ignominy and disgrace. No country could prosper unless its producers were consumers also. But those Chinese had brought enough rice and opium with IhenMo keen their bellies full and heads i drunk for a year to come. Thirteen hun- dred while men would produce something, ami would spend it m the country. here as all the Chinese population did not give employment to ten white men. Instead, they stole the bread of 1,300 white labor ers, whom they displaced from the labor market of this State. That steamer on Friday had brought 1.300 Chinese. There would" soon be two steamers a month that would be 2. G00 per month. 32,000 a year. even while being opposed by adverse legislation and by public sentiment ; but if this barrier were bioken down, there would be 80.000 next year, and MO.000 the year after that. urtil they felt strong enough to defy Christian civilization, and bring over the'r hordes to overrun this land like Timonr and his hosts. It ?-as absurd to talk of competing with them. AUK THE CHINESE STEALING THE LAISOU ? Now let them consider, said he, whether the Chinese vi re really stealing the labor. or, m otner words, tne broad trom white men. When he came to this country first, in 1819. . he and the others went to the eastern slope of the Sierras and dug for gold ; some got it, others didn't. Well, whenever they began to pay less than 31 or .? a day, they were abandoned, and the Chinese came and took thetn, and at this day the Chinese formed the real pop ulation of the mining counties of Cali fornia. In every county that he had known. po erty was staved off bv flu wash-tub. Was the husband helpless, or idle, or dissolute, the woman took in wash ing, and supported herself and family. The invasion of Chinamen had deprived many a table of the bread that mitrht have been earned at the wash-tub. How was it with cigars '! A few years ago Germ ins made all the cigars in San Francisco; to day there was not o German who roied a cigarette. Chinamen made them all. Matches, slippers all made by Chinamen. Woolen factories, with Chinese almost in entire control. Only a few days ago eight men had been discharged fiom one of these factories. One of tho men. with a wife and children wholly dependent on the 82 a dav which he got as wage i. of fered to take SI 50. : No;" SI ; No." for they had hired Chinamen at eighty cents a day. Rope-making was in the hands of the Chinese ; doors, sashes and frames they were beginning to make : tailoring the largest in this county, was filled up with Chinese workmen ; at boot and shoe making there were now 250 Chinese at work in this city. There were the do mestic servants ; they manufactured the fireworks; an 1 it would not be long be fore the sewing machine would be in their hands. There was no reason why they should not set type for 15 cents per 1000 ems. as they are now set for sixiv cents, and he did not know that some of thorn could not be found to edit papers as well as some were edited now. THE REMEDY. The speaker said that in the first place the idea of the l iboring classes at the present time was probably exaggerated. But yet hardly a day passed that he did not have some poor man or woman stand ing before him pleading for work ; not begging, bat only seeking for an oppor tunity to earn some bread. lie thought that Government peculiarly unfoitmiate that could not provide labor and pay bu tt. It was THE PVTY OF THE GOVERNMENT To make the most sweeping laws until every man and every woman was pro vided with work, and" he said were he Caius Gracchus and this Rome, he would leform the laws even up to the point, if it were necessary, of making every rich man divide and divide his propertv again and again, until labor sufficient Vorn!1 I had been provided. SOMETHING MI ST RE DONE. He said the rich and the well-off must ;ie!p the poor. It was easy for men ri mg from well-spread tables to pr ach patience to -tarving wives and children ; nt it was not so easy to submit patiently to see the bread which the little one 'nght to have carried off bv a horde of ablDn Tlio.fPakt.r referred to the abMirduy of telling penniless men to -o m o the country and farm ; (o tll s.ded operation of the tieatv with China wuich country held out no" inducements or us to go there, while ours held out every indmement for the Chinese to c.n e and live here a treaty which . rejected forthwith. In referring tr, th remarK of tho 1,.. - i-. ... -' that ut' iu:vuuru I i mi tor oiiie , -..... 1. .. U .. 1 . ' he said he :ui,i ut" "ueer demeaned himself to run k,s ofgee at all. and that he never would agata as long as he lived " -miiJlJ L AD & T S LTON, Established .1859. De-zo'sits received and Acccuus kub- ject to Check or Draft. INTEREST allowed on TIME Deposits of TRUST FUNDS in sums of ONE DOLLAR and UPWARDS, from Date of Heposit. Money Loaned on xVpproved Security. Bonds. Stocks and other valuables received on deposit for safe keeping. COLLECT NS, MADE, an PRCED S promptly remitted. Investments in real estate and other prop erty made for parties. Ants for the transaction of all kinds of FINANCIAL and TRUST BUSINESS. SIGHT AND TELEGRAPHIC EXCHANGE On San Francisco and the Atlantic States, FOR SALE. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT and said. JNSUKAXCE. THE MANHATTAN LIFE, ' AND 2Torth DrltUJi and Mercantile Fire Insurance Companies, II. D l & W tl H "v. y" m w W III OREGON CITY AGENT. Over 20,000 Peroons Testify to the Wonderful cares of Dir. J. VT. 3IU1KAY'S' Balsam for tlie Liver and Blood. NATURE'S OWN REMEDY. w: One of the CthWafed l'h;l.icia ns of Portland, say he is cured of the 1aii mid I.u-er eum pLtint, and that he oiccs hi lift to Dr.Mur , afs Lurid and Liver Ihtlsam . Read vhat hescni-i: I'oktlaxd, May 21. lsr.u. I have tried Dr. J. V. Murray's Lung and Liver Balsam. I used it in my fam iy with the best of success. I was siek for some months, and used every remedy. I culled several physicians, but thev did me no eood. I exhausted every remedy known to the medical profession, and received no ben efit. This Lung and Liver R,il.-am cured me, and I do not hesitate to recommend it to the public and my friends, as a good and safe rem dy. Those who know uie, as many do in this Stat;, know that I woe.ld not recom mend them to use a thing that has no merit, because I am opposed to quack remedies. C. W. BROWN, M. D. 3, For sale at BELL & PARKER'S, and at ail Drug Stores on the I'acirio Coast. Dtf Tlionias Oliarmaii ! Successor to CI 1 ARM AX BRO., T IE DEATH OF MY BROTHER II AS compelled me again to change the name of the firm of CHAUMAN & BRO. to that of THOMAS CHARM AN having purchased of the estate all the interest held by my broth er in the stock of good. owned by Charmau Si Brother, taking effect January 3d, lSG'J. Will Ie Carried on as Usual AND A FULL STOCK Will be kept up by me, and will consist, in part, of the following branches of : Dry Goods and Clothing, JZufss Caps, Boots and Shoes, Fancy JVotions. Perfumery And Patent Medicines. Paints, Oils, Colors, Dye Staffs and Varnish, Qaeensware, Crockery A Lamps Sash. Poors, and Window Blinds, JIardtcarc, Tools and Cutlery, Itojye, and jS'ails Of Every Description. I ash Especial Attention to ?ny FINE TEAS, COFFEE AND SUGAR. GROCERIES OF VARIETY. EVERY Farming mplementj OF ALL KINDS. "Attention will be paid to anv business left with me on Com.nisi.ion. Notick. My Business wi th all who favor me with their patronage, will be done on a oold basis but Legal Tender will be re ceived at the market quotations. Z'W I desire to say to all who favor me with their patronage that I shall use my best ability to please them, and all orders shall meet with prompt attention. My facilities for doing business are as good as any house in Oregon, and I pledge myself to sell as Cheap as any House in good standing in the State. I will not be undersold by any one I'lcfse give me a call and examine for 3-our-selves. Thanking you for past favors, I remain, Respectfully vours, THOMAS CHARM AN. D. SMITH. T" ?t. "2 T Geo. B. COOK. 1DENTAL, FORMKRLY ESTER X HOTEL. Cor. First and Morrison Streets. BOItTLAN I), OREGON. 5 Messrs. Smith A: Cook have tiiken this we!! known House, refitted and refurnished it throughout, bailt a large addition, making thirty more pleisant rooms, enlarged the dining and suung rooms, nuiKing it by far the best Hotel in Portland. A call froni the traveling pub'ic will satisfy them that the above statement? are true. SMITH & COOK, Proprietors. X. B. Hot and cold baths attached. 4o tf g HADES SALOOX. G. A. EAAS, Proprietor. MA IX ST11EET, Orcgen City. B st BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Hare been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention f the lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE B A B 1 S S UP PLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anj Cigars. Scotch. and fJourbon aire ad j famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE ALE! OX DltAUGHT. 7T Families supplied, COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITT OF CALIFORNIA, II. C. MYERS. UNDER THE COURT HOUSE, OR EC ON CITY, OREGON. RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, HOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, We also constantly keep on hand SALEM CASS IM ERE S, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which we will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. JTWe will also pay the highest price for Butter, Eggs, and all kinds of good country produce. Ve will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash o- its equivalent in good merchantable produce. JO" (Jive us a call and satisfy yourselves. 0LSDAY PRESENTS! GREAT REDUCTION! -V.-Ti--, -PRICES OF- Vatches! Hich Jewelry ! ! And Silverware ! Fine TL . S T O Ti 13 , Dealer in llUd 2 tl O W ?iA V SJ 107 Front Street. Portland, Oregon. o Would invite the attention of his friends and the public to his Large and Choice as sortment of FINE WATCHES, from the must celebrated makers tf E. Howard it Co. Boston; A pel: on Sc Tracey, P. S. Uaitiett, Wnlthain, Mass.; Elgin Watches; Jaeot's Self-winding Watches; English Watches and others. Als', a wi ll selected stock of ladies Watches, of all description and styles. winch he would be pleased to show to all who may favor him with a call. FINE JEIVFLRY arid SOLID SILVER ITA E, F A X OT A R 7 7 CL E S, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY J'RESEXTS ; Gold and Silver Watches, of different ma kers. Diamond Pins, Ear rings, and Finger rings. Gold P.racelets. Gold Chatelain Guard? nnd Watch Chains. Gold Necklaces Armlets, Crosses and Lockets. Gold brea-t-pins, Ear rings, and Finger-ring. Gold Charms and Keys. California Gold Rings an 1 Bohmes' Patent Ruckels. Moss Agate Setts. Rings end Cuff Buttons. Wedding rings made of pure gold, expressly f or that purpose. Gold and Silver Thimbles. Opera and Marine Glasses, Pebble Specta cles and Eye-glasses. Solid Silver Napkin Rings. Silver Fruit and butter Knives Solid Silver Table and Tea Spoons. Regula tors, Setli Thomas Clocks, Marine Clocks, (hit Galley Clocks, etc. IfAll the above articles sold Cheap for Cash, and warranted as represented. Particular attention given to repairing nnd adjusting of Chronometers, Duplex audAmt r ican Watches. B. L. STONE. i. t F 107 Front street, Portland, Oregon. piPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co., OREGON CITY. tnKeep constantly on baml foi sale, flour Midlings, Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties purching feed must furnish the sacks. JOIIX II. sen RAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in 5k SADDLES, HARNESS, is.' "c':; ;-. Main Street, Oregon City, BTS" YY isnes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as yie largest establishment in the State. He particularly requests that an examination of lus stock be made before buying elsewhere. J0HPJ F. MILLER, Successor tn J. F. MILLER Co., MAXl'FACTCKEH OF AND DKALKR IN Roots asa! ! At the Oregon City Boot and Shoe Store, Main- street. THE BEST SELECTION Of Ladies', Gents', Boys', and Children's Boots and Shoes, on hand or made to order. QJl AM, WILLIS & Co., LIVERY. FEED AND SALE rAd." CT OREGON CITY, OREGON. Having recently added to the Livery Stock new Carriages, Buggies and Horses, are now prepared ai all times to let the same, at reas onable rates. Horses bought and sold, or kept by the day or week. OREGON CITY BREWERY ! IIEXRY II UMBEL,' Haying purchased the above Brewerv wish es to inform the public that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a Xo. 1 quality of TAf?F!Tt Tthru As good as can be obtained anywhere in the oiaie. orders solicited and promptly filled JOIIX M. BACOX, Importer and Dealer in 1313 dE GJ& 5sS ey STATIONERY, PERFUMERY. &c, Ac, Orpgon City, Oregon. At Char-man TVurnei'm old stand, lately oc-cupU-d by S. Ackerman, Main street. I ) tf JOHN MYERS. I Mill HIII.J.UJJ.l jujuu ' jwj WHEN THE BELL RINGS LOOK OUT FOE THE LOCOMOTIVE. Mow is the Time "While thev are mm mm Having purchased the entire Stock of Goods, fixtures, etc. of Messrs. Jacob & Brother, and moved into the stand lately occupied by that firm, I am now better prepared than ever to, attend to the wants of my customers, and having a double amount of very desirable goods on hand, I have decided to vSeli ofl' at Cost for the next Sixty Days, in order to reduce the stock. In order that all may rest assured of this fact I ask you to call and satisfy yourself. Rly stock consists, in part of the following articles : LADIES DRESS GOODS. BALMORALS, HATS of various descriptions; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks; KID GLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY: BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLIN'S, all widths: BOOTS AND SHOES : HATS AND CAPi ; CLOTHING; FINE BLACK I) R 1CSS SUITS ; CASSIM ER E SU1 TS ; , SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS; BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and qualities. A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on tho most teas Also a lanro stock of Gents' Furnishing floods. GROCERIES A well selected assortment. DOORS AX I) WINDOWS. ACKERMAN, All kinds of Produce Bouprht."v. SfllAGS WANTED 112 FRONT STREET, Near Morrison Street. 31 FIRST STREET, Near Yamhill. KAST & CAHALIN. Hew Stock of Eoots and Shoes JUST RECEIVED! Best Selection in the City ! Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as lienkert's, Tirrtdl's, Fosrr'r, Houghton & Coolidce's, Reed's, Godfrey's and numerous others, of cents' and boys' wear. Also Mile's, Sieberlich's, Hurt's, San Francisco and custom-made ladies and children's wear. Our customers and the public in general are invited to call and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than ever. P. S. Boots made to order, and an assort ment of our make constantly on baud. jjTOTICK The People's Trars! .portaijon Company "WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGOM GUY AS FOLLOWS: F0XL PORTLAND : At 7 A. M., every d.iy, except Sunday. And 1 P. M., every d.iy. For Salem, Albany and Corvallis : ON MONDAY, TUESDAY. THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY, at 7 o'clock A. M., Ana for Dayton : ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, & FRIDAY. 1 each week. 0 A. A. McCCLLY, President. Nov. 27th. lSCt). Harvest ot 1869 ! ! Selling off to Close .Business, Aiik! iso HUMBUG ! OF DRY GOODS. READY-HADE CLOTHING, BC0TS AUD SHOES, Mens' Ladies, Misses' and Childrens' HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated vvare, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has ejoi to he sold Regard Jess cf Price! To convince ynnrsclf with reypect to this matter, call at the old corner. I. SELLING, South ef Tope Sy Co.'s Tin Store, Oregon Citu QLIFF HOUSE. MAIN St., OREGON CITY. j 5 : s: . 533 fe: Wm. Barlow h Co., Proprietors. Ilavinsr leased the above named celebrated Hotel, tor tne term of enn vpnr to the public, come on, we are readv for you and will accommodate you to the best of out ty? August 21. -tf. vajJB-HM-JL' to y your coeds ixoinc: CL eap a&onable term?. WA L.L A 31 ET RON WORKS COMPANY' ! STEAf! EPJCIlfyE And Hotter Guilders ! f? orth lr0iit andE sts. Portland, Oregon. rpiIESE WORKS ARE LOCATED OX the X bank of the river, one block north of , Couch s harf. and hare facilities for turu- i nig out machinery promptly and efficiently. e nave secured the services ot .Mr. John Nation, aa Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years ives him a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required for mining and niilling purposes. We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MIXING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOURING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! J MIXING PUMPS ! ! &c, etc., &C.. tfanv.tcture and Rerair Machinery of all En,i. IRON SHUTTER WORK at San Francisco cost an. I freight. Wheeler & Ran dan s Patent Oriiidtr an J Amal'iamator. Iinlhtrs and Steres Self Adjusting J'atent Pi.-ton. J-arl. it'ij, either applied U edd or n en xtetm c,i nders. Quartz- Stampers, Sioes and as,tr lue vest hara iroib Z:y LH1P.1XG, GAS & STEA5I Fitting EstaMisliment, So. 110 .First SsSreet. . .Portland 3 VST PvECEIYED, per S( hconer ADELINE ELWOOD, 17 From tlie celebrated Factory of Met!. Rum-ey & Co., Schencctedy New York, PUMPS OF ENTIRELY NEW PAT- TEUNS, in Doiun Style, Finish, nnd economy, SUPERIOR TO ANYoHeied IN THIS MARKET, Comprising : 1 CISTERN PUMPS, f AU sizes lor lead or iron pine ; W S PITCHER PUMPS 1 All sizes e DASE AND SIDE FORCE TUMPS, ) All sizes fir lead or iron pipe: ENGINE WELL PUMI S, ) For deep ve!ls ; ) YARD WELL PUMI'S, AMALGAM HELLS, for Steanjboats, l actories. Churches etc. POINTS, fir Drive wells: Hotels, public buildings, and private resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wants of this market. C. II. MYERS. 110 Front street, Portland, Oregon CDAS. HODGE. .CIIAS. E. CALEF. .GEO. W. SXELL. KGEGS, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IX DEUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW CLASS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PAIXTFRS Materials, ana, vrvgyUtf Sundries. 7 Front Street, J' Portland, Oregon. WILLAMETTE NURSERY. Season of 1SG9 70. G. W. WALLING & Co. would call he ,- -on of the public to their lar-Sl - ell a -orted stock of fine fruit trees and - robbery conSsting of choice varieties of CUE it .i, I'LL MS, PEARS APRICOTS, PEACHES. NUTS RASPliEKKIES, &e'&c. 1 ersons desirous of nnrdmsin-r t,.,, jiould call and examine our stock, which is he largest ard he&t in the State. Orders (with the cash) pent to the Nursery wil! be prompely filled and forwa ded. US' Ext i a care taken in packing Trees. "a. Addrts all orders to G. W. WALLING .t Co.. 43tf Oswego, Clackamas County Oregon. till J I IE 435 ( 3 ) n LAW PARTNERSHIP. JAS. K. KELLY, Hesidenee, Columbia st bet. 2d aud 3d sts. J. H. En j. Ef Sidenoe coyfj Columbia and J as. K. Kelly and J. Hc. Peed, uiidt. firm name of ' - KELLY & REED, Will practice law in. the Courts of r Oifice on First street, near Alder Jv new Postlb'ce room, Portland. ' f JyVXSIXG STOUT. Attorney and Counselor at ta PORTLAND, 01;,' Office Under the United States 1,' Court Room. Front street. pAGE & THAYER, -J ATTORNEYS AT LAW. i v - OFFICE In Cree's Huildim?. rr,f - 1-iont and btark streets s, Portland. ."S J. f. cvrtEs. j. c. xior.E' 5 CAPLES & MOP. ELAND, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Cor. FRONT and IV A SUING I oy , PORTLAND, OREGON. Logan, Ehattuck & Eiliiu ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ' Xo. ICO Front Street, Up S:airs PORTLAX D, 0 KEG GN.- JUGEXE A. CliOXIX, 1 TTOIIXEY- A T EA Vrr. x.ooins and S V arter's lil G 3 4H. PORTLAND, OliFOM- I 13 M. 3IcKEXXEJ, ATTORNEY AT LAW, a OREGON CITY, OREGi J. n. MITCHELL. J. Jf. nOLPE. BXitchell, Doiph k Smith, Attorneys an el Counsells at I Solicitors in Chancery, and Tu tors in Admiralty. JtT Office o-er the old PostOffice street, Portland, Oregoa a. c. GIBUS. c. w. r.u r- Notary Public and Com. GIEE5 & PAFvRISH, o Attorneys and Counselors at h- Portland, Op.egox. OFFICE-On Alder street, in (. brick block. VELVETS, SSUSSEll, TIIEEE -?LYf OIL - C L 0 T H S , WIND (PVT-S II A:D E S o PAPEEaE A H G I N G 0 LACE- CURT A HIS, c,: IFi? Would Call the attention t-f,-iies fitting vp houses, or leirsc need of anything in our Hue To our Stock, wlfh is ' ONE OF THE COMTLFT F.iSl On Ihc PsaclMe ca -o- Ow Goods leing specially selccU the Factories in England avdCt Eastern States, ue can sell , AT THE LOWEST O o WALT EH EUCS., No. 80 Front street, between Aldr -35.) and Washington, Portland 0u. O QOSMOPOLITAX IICEL. FORMERLY ARKIGONI'S. FRONT St., PORTLAN: J. B. SPHENGEB; Proprietor. The Proprietors of this well known I! having superior accommodations, guar:.. entire satisfaction to all guests. The Hotel Coach will be iPattent. to convey tiasserirers and ImfMcc to: Irom the Hotel, free ofxharge. uince uregon and California Stage Co Jacob Stitzel. u James Ui:' STITZEL & UPT0K, Real Estate Brokers and' Agents, Corner of OEronl aid1 11 ashing ton streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. o -O- Will attend to 4he salp ant run:': of Real Estate in nil parts oPthe Ciir. State. Special attention given to the Last Portland propertv. Auuress v. u. Jinx 402, PorthYnd. Oir: STITZEL A- UPTOW LO-tf ; Real Estate Brvlttt ' pCx. STEWART. . No. 109 (FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, OKEGO-NV O Watchmaker And Jeweler. And Dealer in CLOCKS. WATCHES. AJ jr.w JJ.LKS GOODS. Agent for WildU. (iibbs' Letter "G" Sewing Machiiies, wbid sale less than cost. Other goods at gr.s'.' reduced rates. (-l.'-ti ' ISAAC FARR. P. D. WORK JTARR &3IORRISS, BUTCHERS, FOR OREGON CITY AND VICINITY o (. i Xf" Will deliver to their patrons ali best oualitif S of Stall Vt A Reef, also Mi t'"' Pork, Poultry etc., as usual twice a wffk." Tuesdays and Sa'vrdnys ! Thankful tor past favors of the public wot. respectfully asks a continuance of the stf j TOl Pit TI(4 XEATLYEXF.flt O ' ed at th ENTERPRISE OFFICE I