Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1869)
in l ; ? I' . f t c - J ; o i -O 4. I ('. TOW.V AM) COUXTY. TEW AX UEAUTirUI. ST VI.ES OF f TYPE ARE BEING CONSTANTLY AD DED TO THE MATEKIAI-S Ui- iul , Am U. their support. Job 1'rmtmg, in iw branches Neatly, Quickly and Cheaply executed. ?C"Poople that udveriise only once in three mouths torgot that most folks can not remember anything longer than about seven days. It is thought that Capt. Jos.Kellogg's P. T. Co.'s stock pays bitn well, if he can afford to buy steamers to run off opposi tions on the!ine of the 0. S. X. Company. The public generally will join with ri3 in hearty congratulations to .Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Bailey. The mother and the "daughter are doing as well as could be expected. Mr. A. J. A p person has purchased the residence of Mr J. II. Rulston. Two lots on Main and Seventh streets, with dwelling. Uarn, orchard. etc, paying there for bat At that rate property is very cheap in ibis city, and nothing can bjiostbv investments in real estate. It is asked how long the stockholders of the P. T. Company will stand 'it to Jiave money fooled away in lnv suits which, properly speaking, ought to be paid over as dividends? The stockhol der's may themselves answer, at the next election of officers. - Doddlewobble'' is in rehearsal for the benefit soon to be given Mr. J. A. Smith, by the Amateurs of this city. It will be recollected that three years ago this phi' drew large houses, on the occa sion of benefits for the Order of Oond Templars. Many of the characters will be represented by the .same parties who then personated (hem. Mr. C. O. Pellnn will soon leave this city for the Province of Ontario, perhaps to remain there. Mr. Lawrence Wolfe also contemplates leaving lie re soon, on a visit to his friends in Connecticut. Both are young men. who will leave many friends behind, to wish them health, hap piness and prosperity, wherever they n:av go. The Immigrant thought his product ion on the City Seminary, to the JRyulJ. was ?o Kute that he showed it around amongst the faithful here, before ii was committed the tender care of the blacks. as the Klu Klnxes of Bodge Xo VI. in this city, term the United Stales mails. Wh:.t a confirmed old egotist ! Q a We were glad to see a counter cur rout of stock cattle, mules, and horses ; pass through this city en von!'-, south on Thursday last. The bulk of such move ments for ten months past have been in the either direction. and should this exodus continue much longer there will not be beef enough at least, to supply the hatch ets. It is now a scarce article. A patent brick machine, which it is said will wholly revolutionize the business ol brick making, ar.d greatly cheapen the article, will be set up in this city soon, by the manufacturer. Mr. J. S. M r;Calliter of Albany. ..There .will in i'ature be a great demand for brick in Oregon, and this city is located in a position 10 demand h large per cent, of the gross amount Used. One of the steamers on lYn'dOrcilU which Messrs rs and E vans are going after, was "built below and taken above Rock Island. They are the prop erty of the Oregon and Montana Transpor tation Company. When the steamer of which we are speaking was taken up, she was on a rapid with her cylinders and shafts buried for four days in the water; low looking forward nearly in a perpen dicular line. Oregon City Hose Company were out for practice with a fine new two-wheeled hose carriage, of home manufacture, made lit Die shop of Mr. David Smith, and they prosented a very, line appearance. 1 his Jlose. Company is not only a liose com pany, but with hr- water works, c m do the work of seven or o'ght hand engines. ;tnd as many steam fire engines. There is not a city on the coast better protected no-ainst fires than Oreuon Citv will be. when another reservoir is made, and main; are laid through all the various streets. Capt. Aaron Yickers and Engineer Felix Evans will take their departure from this city on Monday morning, for a venture on PeiFd Oreille which will be worth recording. They go to bring th" steamers now lying above Rock Island down to IVn'd Oreille L ke. i hey will be obliged to navigate some swift water, and the trip will be one o! marked adven ture, more interesting perhaps than any similar event which has ever occurred. The Lcu-iston now called the Aai. as well jVs the Okanaqari, were brought, from the Snake river to these waters, and the Ann even has went up the Bong Tom. but it our understanding of the Pen'd Oreille "h correct the rapids of that stream are nearer being immrrnounted than any .'dreams hereabouts, and the mosquitoes are terrillic! We bid the Captain and Felix good live : and with then all the good luck imaginable. The double-docked fire engine for merly the pride of McLaughlin Company. .No. 1. of this city is now turned out to t grass, and some notice of her may not Se amiss, so we have decided to brief! v touch the principal points in her history. As above stated, she is what firemen de nominate a doubls decker with end stroke, and she throws two streams. The i;rst we hear of her is that sometime deal ing the 18;':)"s. she stood as No. 4. in Hie city of Baltimore. Md.: next, sometime hi the '-10 ,s she stood as Xo. 0, oi New Orieans. La.: then during tf.e 70 s she htood No. S. of San Fraticisco and about fheyear IS") 7 was introduced as No. 1. at Oregon City. Tiiis has been her home ever since, although she has been off op excursions frequently, and once wholly washed the Portland File Department. Her days of usefulness have passed, and she can only bo regarded in the future a 1 elic. but she did tier outy in nor uay. and no fireman can pass her bv without n sense of respect tor the good she has nc- complied. Good bye. venerable ; you night to be decked wim a jewe. and -I,. . . ... V.... , -v j,,.- . v r, .... ve wan i to see you in t Lie l:rsi l lor.eer ProcesMon, and would help to man the rope's on anv turn cut. occasion hen u mav J wc would have tlie menu.-, i . The new Council has taken its seat. The Ecenhifj Commercial is neutral, is it? Yes ; in a horn. J. Myers & Brother of this city, wish to purchase a large quantity of wool. See advertisement. Messrs. Hedges & Bingman. of Cane raah.bave been awarded the contract for building the Odd Fellow's brick buildir." in this city, at oT.bTO. Our friend Burton of Yamhill county, lost one of his aged horses recently. The animal was ol years of age. Its mate is but a year or two younger. Eight jdows were entered s.t the Al bany trial on the 24th. We observe that one of the plows was manufactured in Decatur. Illinois. Though it did not take a premium. The fountain in Squire Moore's door yard is now an aquarium. A live stur geon, perhaps fifteen inches in length, lives there. It was captured by Mr. Dil ler, in the Waliamet. Dr. Frank Ellsworth, as hale and so cial ;s ever, called upon us on the 3tbh ca route to Portland, where he contem plates soon opening a Life Insurance A gene v. On Sunday last several immigrant or emigrant" teams, we don't know which, passed through this city headed north. This thing of moving around in search of a home, in a country like this, where land is plenty ami cheap. does not pay,"' in our estimation. o- -o- o . Major Channan returned home on Sunday morning last, having been absent to San Francisco three days less than three weeks, during which time he laid in an exceedingly largo stock of goods several tons of which have already ar rived. Mr. ldller took a Salmon out of his net at this city a few mornings since, which weighed fifty-four pounds. It measured at least live feet in length. It was the largest salmon we h ive ever vet seen. The Clackamas Mill Company purchased it, we belicvt Benton county is out of debt; end her county orders are paid at par in gold. Ben I on roi'ti: House of In iy has a respectable Court r own and a decent, i'a;l. Wish we could say the same of Clackamas. The G-.udlt' says the farmers up there are tiirii'iy and forehanded, industry, enler prise arid morality are the leading char acteristics. -V private letter tana, informs "s of tf ir m Helena. Mon- ;'.nivil th.ero id Co!. Wm. Crooks, with, a party of Northern Paeilie Railroad Surveyors. We had ex- neetoo to see i n ( roolcs in ( ivoOon i.iii i but we learn that he is now oti lLo buck tracli to St. Paul. The Norihren Pacilic Railroad is a PA'd fool. ' ' ' ' . , The steamer Alb-inn struck a s:n?.g few miles below Eugene City on her last trip up. and was only savod from sinking By the coolness and itifivpidity of her of ficers. Mni-h credit is due the mate Capt. Aaron A ickers, without wlio.;e vigorous and intelligent (:-: rtnuis she would have gone to lie.' b ; Hon: the dry dock for rci has gone into k i r.- B. F. Nt wm an has exhibited his good judgment by giving up an occupation which roq iihed hi to viand over a hoi cooking sO'vo these warm days, and gone extensively into the Ice Cream business. Soda. Sarsao ilia, spruce beer etc. etc. lie has I Kk'oiv i;,"c, 1 ut idaeo. and id: it would be a pity B thy business does net, justify the in e-:'nnmt. Oil Bub. the wao;. horse to Exctdsior Marl-et. is of atre belonging but he did not vote on Mo;i He is as gay as a 1 ..''.. tins sea.-on. ;: iu enjoys company go he ueceeded it: sized i and ot horses finely. A few uavs getting a resiu'ctab'.c around him m the r-tre-ts. fos-t not content with having the common u perform in. or thinking perhaps that he ought to seek an enclosure for prud.-iu lie ad the caval- cade in to .Mr. Pope sdoor yard, and there had a nice time with his companions. Old Bob someiimes stays out late o". nights, but in such cr.-es he always opens the. door to his own apartments, when he wants to go to bed. .Indus never loses anv sh V looking after Old Dob. . The Albany 7,'.-'.v- speaks kindly of j Sub-nt. The good folks of the Capital and I those of Albany are on the very best of j terms, and Van hopes that no spirit cd j envy or jealousy may ever intervene to 1 mar th: kindly feelings. Oregon City and I Salem are on pretty good terms. (00 ; i unit, years ago. by tne liber ality of Salem she took the Waliamet Woolen Jills info her embrac from us; and has so o'iten generously donated to public improvements of that character that we haven't g.t more'n half a town vet and we're twice We li 10 Salem you bet. ! We admire the spirit which actuates m r people, and can only wish that we had more of the same sort here. At a of the Common Council, held on Tuesday evening last the Commit tee on finances made a final statement, j showing the amount of money collected 1 and disbursed during the year, and the j f ;.,.i...,..i,...J ei,r 'it,- r,-. ,,,-'! ill JiilO Wl.'-iULS.3 KJ L tiil-' Vll., II Lil. which we extract : KKcEirrs.- From Taxes. Fines Recorder's Court $r.2."5 00 . l.ODd 42 V'O 00 Total WSIU'CSKMKNTS. Collector's fees BSCS lsid) Treasurer's fees 1;A',V Vv aiclitiian's puv Marha!rsees;. Bonus to Water Works Attorney's fees Street i epuli s Seminary repairs 3,21-0 42 ! S2Co 07 i U4 215 : 2 on cn (i7 2o 7.")0 00 2o"i 00 77 02 I Co 75 j 40 00 i 2d5 -15 ! l it; 50 I eying. . I Incidental expenses. as j Recorder's fees I Total dijtirsemenff . $2 541 01 j n addition to the above.V mt'racts have j been let for Hook and Balder Truck and apparatus. ILe. ilose CaVria-: etc ...... JHOCI.iKing ill 1 . .)'!. S V iln;il'l'n.t n,l eighty-seven d-.d.iars have been applied to wards the payment ot the city indebted nessleaving, a balance vet" I'-uviid At il V1 - i. - - The city erection passed off all har monious on Monday last, resulting in the election ol the entire Republican ticket. The contest was an open one, based di rectly upon political grounds and the majorities show that the Republican party in this city, when united, can carrv the day with perfect ease. The following is the total vote for each candidate. Demo crat's names appear in italics: i or Mayor. Total Vote. Mnj. 2G Forbes Barclay . . . .107 . 81 .109 . 79 .10fi . 79 .10(1 . -fcfi .105 . 88 .10t . 81$ VS '. 87 .102 . 85 . 91 . 82 .103 . 85 TP. L. White '. For Recorder. James A. Smith.. 11. F. Cavjield Councilmen. A. J. Apperson Chas. Loijus Wm. Bronghton Geo. Lallocque Jno. M. Bacon duo Mijcrs J. W. Chase David Smith J- I). Miller Jiff ft finmehl J. W. Shattuck I. y. Bmdish R.Jacobs Geo. Haas SO 27 20 17 2i 12 17 9 Tr easurer. J. L. Bail oh- 103 IS II. C. Mir-rs. . Assessor and Collector. X. W. Randall 91 3 T. J. McGjrver 91 Citv Attorney. F. O. McCown. .". .. .101 Marshall and Street Commissioner. J. Vvr. Uyan 97 J. MnX'.tm'ira 01 Chas. Bold s (Independent). .. 27 3G Col. White is about the most popular man in the Democratic ranks of this city, but he says he has learned to his satisfac tion that he cannot be Mayor when he has Dr. Barclay to run against The Doctor's majority on .Monday was 20. Mr. J. A. Smith had a worthy competetor. in Mr. Robert F. Caufield. but he " waxed'' his opponent by a majority of o0 votes. There was a close race between Mr. X". W. Randall and Mr. T. J. McCarver for Assessor, but Me had to acknowledge that it was no difgrace to be beaten by as good a man as X. W. The strongest pull made by the opposition was to beat Mr. J. W. Ryar. for Maihali. Unscrupulous Democrats even voted against him in tin. ut.p(lblican Convention a thing they ought to oe ashamed of this interfering where they do not belong, in any sense, but he is elected by a handsome majority. More than anv other name on the ticket. The imly boats now running on the tinner Waliamet are the Bciiance, Fannie j radon and Be ho. The Active and Success having gone to the bone yard, and the A'bamj into the dry dock. There is but little freight np the liver, and these boats are amply sufficient to accomruodaie shippers. The Dayton continues on the Yamhill trade. On the 15th of 3Liv, C. C. ruaM,,:S 8 mniluseuie,,L ! our columns, as his time is then up and we never pi hit in 3 dead ud vert isenu nt--. llast- i in us will probably continue bis busi :e-s in , .-..! . : 1 ... ; 11 .t : t ) San Frui. cisco however, and s uiUKolui tV; t i-nel ot i'oit :uiu, wiio, lii Mign xuvy ti not p: i tend to t.ansart so extensive a trade, nevei thelcss deal on the square, and are in iking a name of equal churaet.-r to that of I la tui us, in a business point of view. C. C. HASTINGS cfc CO., C T-r iriiclesale and Bctail. -0 Superior Goods! Reduced Rates o C. C. HASTINGS &. CO., Succe-sors to lleuston, Hastings ct Co. San' Francisco and New York, Announce to the friends of the old firm, and the public at large that their present bu-iness arrangmeats are such that the" are enabled to otter the best ,.nid most stylish goods on the Pacific Coast at a greut reduc tion from former prices. AT WHOLESALE. .. . . The aiteniion of the merchant? throughout the Pacific Coast, is called to the fact that we are now pfep.ucd to till their orders for superior goods iu Strictly Cii.tim-3Iade Cloth in gi Suit-?, Glove, lo-rt( and Furnishing Good.'', Trunk-, 2 rattling Bags and I 'a Use s , In lots to suit, at regular Wholesale Bates. -o- CLOT1IIXG TO OE Made either in New York or San Francisco, ttiif'er fhe suj'ervision 6f the best cutters iu America. Directions for Measurement Sent to any address open application, nnd goods forwarded by Lxpress on receipt of orders. Satid'acti n guaranteed. G. C. HASTINGS & CO. ffUCCliSSOUS TO Jleuslon, Ha stings c Co., THE FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS, New York and San Francisco. Bbl3.C-tn OREGON CITY BUSINESS. Sucassor to JOHX FLE3IIXG, Court House Building. Main Street, I st. . i UrPgO.l -J, vityuu. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN 3S3 ED .13 s 9 mvI lOi'iig, etc, Y71LL KEEP CONSTANTLY ox II AND V a lanje and well selected tock of Books Stationery, and Drugs, comprising in part Standard and. M'nccllancovs Bodies, Medical, Mining, and Scientific Books, Theological and Relig ious Books. Juvcuih and Toy Books, Sahbath and Day School Books. IN GREAT VARIETY. Blank Books in Beery Style, Pass Books, Memorandum Books, and Time Books, liraicing. Track ing and Tissue Baper, Portfolios, and PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Arnolds', Maynard it' JVoyes,'' and .David's Inks. Mucilasc. Sheet Music, Music Paper, and SYotc Books. All of Which ho will Sell at the Lowest Prices. A General Variety of Drugs and Patent. Medicines, Constantly on hand, for sale. JO" School Teac hers, and parent5 of Schf.l nrs wdl find it to thtir advantage to inspect m v stock and prices, before purchasing else where. i" Books Imported to Order. Orders res pectfully solicited an 1 promptly filled ifiT Agent for the Sun I'rttaeiseo 'I'imex, and Eastern periodicals, and paper. JOHN M. IJACO.N. BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES. PIES, GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY. WewFirm! Biller & Miller Pro'pnetors of the long established L I N C 0 L N B A EC E R Y I "West Siilc 3Iitin ,Si t t, Oregon City Oreyron. Tale l ensure instating to the. pull ic that they have formed a copartner' thip or the purpose of letter Accommodating their Patrons! And th'tl they icill continue the Maim facture of Bread, J'ics, Cakes, Boston, JJater, Sugar and Soda Crackers, c-c. tyc. OUR STOCK OP GPwOnEBIES, lias lecn Boulhi Increased hy this change, and wilt be kept complete In PI very Department. Goods will be Delivered mtho City, Free of expense to purchasers, and or ders from a distance will he cnrcfaly filed and promptly dispatched. We Sell as Ciieap as tlie Cheapest ! Call. IJ.ramine, and PRTC E our slock Before Purchasing Ftscichcre. The. highest Cash prices p a id for coun try 'piodu ce. L. THLLBB, A P. MILLLIJ. Selling at Cost TO CLOSE BUSINESS ! And mo ISUMBUG ! OF DEY C00DS. RK-DY-MADE CLOTHING, 1,1013 AliD SHOES, Hens' Ladies, Misses' and Ch'ddrens' HATS A1ID CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Ckimrjeys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc; Has got to be sold Regardless of Price! To convince yourself with respect to this matter, call at the old corner. T. SKI.UXO, (scvt7i cf Pope r Co.'s 7 in fitort, Or gon City. W. F. EIGHFIELDj Estiblislied since l-:i,iit tho old stand, Main Strtet, Oregon City, Ore yon. An Assortment of Watches. Jew elry, a:-al Si th Thomas' weight Clock, all o which are warranted to be a-1 represented. Iler'SMimgs elone on short notice, and thankful for past favors. JOHN II. SCII HAM. M a n u fa c i u r e r a n d I ) e al c r i n f0 SADDLES, HARNESS, i!. etc., etc., Ma hi St '-ret, Oregon City, ltrTVidie to i -cprsc-i.t that be is now as well pr-pared to fot nisii any artic in his line : a t!:e larre-t esiahli-l.mctu in He particul.trly requests that an examination of j hii stock lc made lefvrt htsyins-ihc-'-hcrc 1 COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, OREGON CITY BUSINESS. JAMES A. SMITH, OREGON" CITY. JUSTICE OF TUB PR A CP, AND LICENCED CONVEYANCER. Bond-). Deeds, Mortgages. Agreements, Contracts, and oil other kinds of Legal Pa pers drawn v.n nt short notice. Records ex- j amiued, and eopyin-r done. Especial atr n- tl;)!1 of accounts to the a.Ju stiuent ana collection 5-r Can be found nt thp Store of S. D. Francis, E-q., or at the Court House. 2'itf (? M yimzttiL AT- TIIE STORE OF S D. FRAXCIS, FARMERS WILL ITD A BEADY AXD PERMANENT MAI.KEf. AXl "WILL RFC EI VP THE BEST PHH'ES CUr.KEXT FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. S. 1. F 11 A CIS, WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON 11 AND A SUPPLY OF FLOUR, SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, AND SYRUPS OF TiiE BEST BRVNnS, AND A OOOI) ASSORTMENT OF O KOCERIES, PKOVIS IONS AN!) STATIONERY, ALL OF Y B IC II WI LL BE SOLD AT LOW PROFITS. o Call and exaJtiiite for yourself lef ore Purchasing clscichcre I MOTTO Fo unto ethers as jcu irculd that v'it J-S ttiOuld do ai'f'i i;otl. Ou-gon City, March 2S, KCiK 22. tf CITY BAKEEY I If A IX STliZET, OH EG OX CITY. BARLOW & FULLER, (Successors to AVortman & She ppard,) Iveep constantly 0:1 hand C A K E S! PI E S! V. R E A D! And Cracker of all kinds ! Orders in this Line will meet with L if I A i VhA-i i i-V.n f 'TIT1: BAR LOW S, FOL L E Also keen on hand all kinds of FAMILY GUOCF-IUKd ! AND PROVISIONS ! fcTEA M liOAT STOKES! And all Atti -ies u-aA for Culiaary Purposes ! BARLOW & FULLER Sell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AM) TOBACCO! Bv the Case, or at retail ! Attention is also directed to the fact that nobody else bells the FAMOUS GLEASOX CHEESE ! In short. Farmers and t!e public gen era Sly, aie invited to call at the Cby Bakery, where the truth will he made apparent that our stock is coiiijd. te. and our prices reason ab'e. A il kinds uf ju-oibice 1 d;n in exchange lor goods. l)Ai;L()V Fl LLiiU' Sx - i JACO woar ma::. TiiOi' A" tl. fieli.'S Wortinaii t-i'-i i d , rr. o Ore Ci'A J OH Oregon. v r a i- l lis ir Xl. J y Provisions f all Kind I "Winrs and Bifjaors . Confectionery, Spices ! Canned Fruits and Meats ! And all the Favorite Brands of Flour raid Sua'ar tr-SF'Tke highest market prices paid for country produce. no a; 11 ii vi? 5 y. .N. s 3 . AXD "fM5VT."i !f "SI -"". "57 T (Irninina Cfdinri ' V, i , i- Liana dossing, Jmdations Of all kinds V QvdiCu. ciliaiCd. j.VJi..a.d fePllJ i Executed as mil ws ecu be done on, the Pacific C . Examine our troll and Judge j a- y -ui s'Avfs. rTTEverv order attended to with rare and j exp'.-uiticu.,' C E. MUItL'A V, West Door FaUton's M On a Oir-nii Pitv "7 A II U & DUO I IIEll. IirTCllEHS MEAT VENDERS. rr!,., ... i-f, i r,t f ,,...,.o ,.r 1 T.iii.i;, ii .I i. 1 1 ii i " ; . " i " " tesp et.u iy a-k a :o or me sam". We hall deaver to our prtrons ad tlie be-t rnatlitit f Stall Fetd Ikef. also Mutton, Pork, Poultry etc., as usual tw c . on Tuesdays and Saturdays ! A. II. DF.I.L. K. X. rAIlKEK ESLL &, PARKSH, Chemicals. Patent Medicines. Paints,'1 i r.u t ve . ' article kept i:: a Pr.;g Sto:e. !Iaia S'-iCC. CiiCrVi dy. i ill 0 I kji i y.r.i. You Lavo til -.1 every reui'.-uy i,m she o.s'ii ;r.-.-.:r: (..', i y its intr:i)?:o i.i.-tat. lo s-uivr.'...V.,) n. . .r !Tf?.ar.i-.:J..s. : .V(;.l iuu !i'.t;i!it v l:-y sai.K'tiiiii else nfur U.o li.air rii;i"iiS3 vo.i h ivo lii;.'.- -f tnu'.iy cj:;i;w u.i-u ca 11-' vui..'- i. a ccrt-.a cuivj i3 W UiJj-J 13 illinAjilcbJ. ,y K3VAU is j y :V 1 V rr?T r-'r. ! cvr C'-aiM-i;ivi ii.irbs, 'oil is. sore '1 !..r.';!t, Asdsi-.- Ji-i ilii-ilii i - 'it, ! t: e.r.s: ;!(.:!,( ,- )1 'i I;, or t!e; cer-- ; t. '' jv.ii.t ii'.i-l oiv'na luiva 1a: i by liiw- tar;.!. hi in VJ u ni J l t- i i ! ' H 3 i 3 " ' ! I M V-i- V 1 i-tfc." iTS'l wilh civ? ccnrtl pivo tl ).!ti'a. V' now -dress ei;rs ir.!'''i'!i'.e! Wi'.ii i,i,i.i. UiO Wi'.: -i !'j uU i ii-' :o c I: a er tiiO p.eiilil iAlli VV iliJLijj U L LlLllLxJUOil J LjJ U.JJ is curcJ ti-ousan3 ccl : wiil cura YOU if you tr? .nVir.Mc medicine U Vrt-nd tr, tli ...:! i.4 iir.d frtTdieui'ig in its v'.lv JV.Cil fail i:.ii0..otlS or a;:.'0-rn::s UfU-i .u l c ;!v ii y it:.: tvc.j 5n L i UJ V 1 I f ,1 . V.".T-lS::T(i-: CO. A :'., Saa rranciaco. A LAV A YS S A F E ! A 1 wa y b E So c t na ! , ii lver;uid Acri.e is Speedily and cf lectnaily enicd by Dr. E. COOi ER'b Univer sal tic Ualin. ''PRO BOriO PUBLICO!" 1 1IULY A VEGETABLE PRE PA HA 'I 'JON. N -ne getii.n.e without ignutule of W . ft. s-tronir. l'.LIiN;Tor. IiOSTLTTLR CO., 4iG and 4ls Front st.. ian Francisco Solo and c:adiiMve Agents. EEPIEGT0I-T, II03TETTEH & CO.'S ESSENCE OF Ii Tit rt i ( 4-: v y This valuable preparation, containing in a highly coiicMitiaUd loan all the properties of Jamaica Center, has become ore of the must popular don.e.-tie. w-nie'lies lor ail disatis s of the t-'onar.'n :ind d'j:es;ive oignr.-. Asa tmc. it win nc toouu iiivaaiao.e to an tx-rsons reciivei ingd'i on; deb.hty, v:tu thc-r -preaueeu j fy fever o: ot! a a .vise: l-.-r Li !e i' imparts to 1 he s-tem ti:t t;.e gtow and v.gor ttmt can ; ! nreUuct l.v v.-ir.e or m a: ov. it is tree rrom i ih6 r-actinary edects that f dhw the use o! o i d a:.v kind. It is also an e-tcelb nt remedy for females who snfior trc.u diflicult jtsen.-iru.-.tioii, giving "h.huost iniriiedi?.te relief to the sp:ims that so treiptently nce:.iiiany that criod. Jt give- immediate relief to Nausea, creased by riding ia a ra.lroad car, er by sea sickness or o' her can- It is also ;so valuable ns nn external appuca.ion t i - . for (I ut. ilheumat i-ni . Nc!ir.i!?!:i, -U j; ED IS G TQX, HOSTE'ITE'l Co., 4 Id and -US Front at, Sau Francisco. IVKIfctro Silicon, Or ?rutie Ixriiliant. REPiUGTGIT IICSTETTEE, & Co.'s For the Handkerchief. i ii is .a m i -,v;,b- vn-sMdw the mo-t. del-cr.te frag! a m e of F fume for the 11 oweis. i uncciual'td as a per !;ercn;e clib-t. FOR THE BATH.! . Used in bat'.i .g it ii pi'ris strentrih nrd en c r.:.y t the s3'.-teiii, i;t.d gives that softness H'-d delicacy to the skinso much desired by ., o IT- REMOVES S USD UK X, I B ECELES iy PIMPLES, Diluted with water it maks n.ti clr,rant den tifr'ce, imparting pearly whit.'i:fss to the teeth sweet ;ie.-s to tic. breath, and vuiders the gams hard aid oi a btaulind e(dir. I!, sin ed v.i a v:- us- d aftfr shaving dibit. water.-as it re! v- .A ifdlammat ien- HEDXGTOX, HOSTEL TEL Co. j .no us Front n , San Francisco. 1 ELEC TR O SILICON, - on Direct from Nature's Babraiory. The f'est article ovt di-covered for cleans ing and ld sh'tig lo!d. S lyer and Plated V"'u e and all sica t!i Metahe Surfaces d I whatever description, im-haling Kitchen uten- si;s (.j lm. Copper, Urass. tetl. tc. To .lev, ., let s ;ii:d W-n kers in Io!d and - . . . v. ........... j , . ' V . I. ! I I I il t,lC j value : the time saved. :!ed th.e vrv .tirm ,-. - . i .... i i .. , " . 1 I i ven.eii o us u-e, to- vereiaiear its name i ; to ai! who have had evid n. p. f its toerit 1 REJJ IS (iT) X. n(t.TV'r'rrn x. tC Agent, Pan I'eaiL isco j'lOIl FLAVORING, RE J) IXC TON, 1 1 OS TETTE R fy Cc EXTRACTS Ave the best. Eedinston, Ilcstcttcr & Go's riciida Water ! VSZ NO OTHER. , Uncxccuei for Telle: Lseana icr ta? uzzu XA vV- - 5 1 1 V ,C& few c; v -. v -i veto SJU rS VtV'rti,-u K' C'3 MISCELLANEOUS. OLl SALE. A Dwelling House and 8 Lots, In a desirable location in Oregon City, at a bargain. Time will bp iriveu for a part of the put chase money. TITLE PEiiFECT. 3" Inquire cf JAMES M. MOORE, Oregon City. - 3 IN SON'S Celebrated Kagic Soap Powders ! I'reparcd in C, 12, and 24 lb. Boxes, R E A D Y FOR W. I SUING ! o This n cheaper than Common Soap. It removes Paint, Tar, Pitch and dirt of every description; and which has given such gen eral satisfaction, by proving that your wash ing can be done with one-half the time and labor of the old raode.- Tims labor'saved is money made ; as wash-boards, trachines and bard rubbing to wear out clothes, is! entirely dispensed wi.b, and the. washing for a dozen persons can be done iu two houia. Thus th cost of your wahiag being three-fourths less than by any other process, as you use uo other soap. These Prepared Powders or Soap have not only proved t euiselvos s upcrior tor washing any and all kinds of icoods, bat proved after one year's use not to injure iu the slightest, degree any fabric of the finest texture ; and, also the finest -article, for the hands, as it makes them soft and white, as well as your clothes. ;, It also -keeps your bauds from chapping when exposed to the air. We defy the world to produce its superior for washing any and all kinds of goods. . Oar object - is to save your time, expense hard lano Vaiid especially the woman who has to wash. We take pleasure in announcing a few of the many ladies' names by their consent who have used our Prepared Magic tioap Powders, from six months to one year: TOKTLAND. SALEM. Mrs. C. S. s-ilvers, " A. C. G bhs, " Dr. Watkins, W. II. Bennett, " II. W. Davis, " B. Wdeox, " J. Knott, " Ludd. " Mrs. Sis W. Brown, " Dr. McCurdy, " I. B. Moores, " Mitj. Berry, " Delaney, " Graves, ' -! . Union IluUt. THE STATE AT I. A 7ME. 1 Amity Mis. Jos. Watt; Lafayette Mrs. A K Bui bank ; Dayton Messrs James & OU den ; Forest (Jrov i'Am ess r.-l, om bes t Boston Curcqltii Messrs Bn'ggs & Kizer ; A than y :r-. j. B. Sjriner( Mrs. Irwin ; Da I lasers Barger; Dtbauon Mrs. Halston ; Jijferton .. .Mrs Walters; Ortyon City A ust introduced, lor sale Ly uicrchaiits generally. , .... . Manufactory, Pine st., bc-t. Front and First. Portland, Oregon. K-.::iii S. ROBINSON & CO. MALTEB BROS. VELVETS, SEUSSELS, TIIRE E - PLY, OIL - CLOTHS,' WINDOW-SHADES PAPEE -H A N G I N G S," O LACE-CURTAINS, S:c., &c, " Vc IVonld Call the attention of par ties pitting v) houses, or being in need of anything in our line To our Stock, which is OXE OF THE COIIPLETEST On tlie FieMIc CoskstV Ow Goods Icing specially selected at the Factories in England, and the Fas tern Stales, zee can sell AT TIIE LOWEST riss Pi'siaico Prices." WALTER 15 RO., No. SO Front street, between Alder and Washington, Portland, Oregon. SJ5.) MAKE Y0UU PLEASANT AND mmmi HOW CAN WE DO IT? GO TO Co.'S' bnanauan One door south from the corner of "VrsJjinJ Horrison streets, near the Ytr'.:,' Portland Oregm... And buy a few of them Ldfy Pic tares, which will furnish v,dur Rooms CMiijpIclcl A I IMrOUTERS AND DEALKRS IN MXTS1CAB INSTRUMENTS, FINE ENGRA VINGS, PICTURE FRAMES . And MOLDINGS: rpiIE FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK X of Engravings, Croinos, Plain and coJ. ored Lithograj)hs, etc., ever before otlerQ-i j in this market, just recei red and fur sa'rj? at" GEEATLY PvEDUCED PEICJS'" - also : Viczcs cf Columbia Rise?? Scenery V Constantly du Land. JMPEIUAL MILLS. Savier, LaK.cqs & Co., ... OREGON CIT . Keen constantly on hand foi sale, fjour Midimgs, Dran and Chicken Feed. Parti I ' .. , , I ptireliunr feed miist famisli the sacK, ry. BuouGiiTOX. Contractor and ifailder, miK-f i:. OKECON CITT. f-g- Will, attctid" io all work in his line, con sisthig in part of Carpenter and Joiner woU, framing, building, etc. J obLiog promptly' attended t iHOM, manufacture; J. E. PATT0N, , j Successor to II I G GINS d- CO MP ANT, ' j No. fe Frot;t Street, Portland, Oregon, j Is nov irianid'o taring a superior article of" j Chem c.d. Olive. Pale and brown Family Soar "Tr"4 r-j 'Tr-'d " 0 0 O o